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THOROUGHLY     REVISED     AND     BROUGHT     UP     TO     I  90! 

VOL.  II.   -HER  TO  Z 




1901  jijj;    S.A 

\  «T 


Entered  according  to  Act  of  Congress,  in  the  year  1870,  by 
J.   B.   LIPPINCOTT   &   CO., 

In  the  Clerk's  Office  of  the  District  Court  of  the  United  States  in  and  for  the 
Eastern  District  of  Pennsylvania. 

Copyright,  1885,  by  J.  B.  LIPPINCOTT  COMPANY. 

Copyright,  1901,  by  J.  B.  LIPPINCOTT  COMPANY 





Herve,  (AiME  MARIE.  EDOUARD,)  a  French  jour- 
nalist, born  in  the  island  of  Reunion  in  1835.  He 
engaged  in  editorial  labour,  in  1867  founded  the 
"  Journal  de  Paris,"  an  opponent  of  the  Napoleonic 
regime,  and  in  1873  the"  Soleil,"  alow-priced  political 
newspaper.  He  wrote  several  historical  works,  and 
was  made  a  member  of  the  Academy  in  1886.  Died 
January  4,  1899. 

Herv*-Fierabraa,  eR'vi'  fe'eh-ri'bRl',  a  French 
physician,  born  at  Rouen,  lived  about  1550.  He  pub- 
lished an  able  treatise  on  Surgery,  (1550.) 

Hervet,  //ea'vi',  (GENTIAN,)  a  learned  French  theo- 
logian, born  near  Orleans  in  1499,  distinguished  himself 
at  the  Council  of  Trent,  (1545,)  and  wrote  against  Cal- 
vinism. He  translated  some  works  of  the  Greek  Fathers 
into  Latin.  Died  in  1584. 

See  NlrfRON,  "  Memoires ;"  DsTHOU.  "  filogeV'wilh  addition, 

Her'vey,  (AUGUSTUS  JOHN,)  third  Earl  of  Bristol, 
son  of  Lord  John,  noticed  below,  was  born  in  1724.  He 
became  a  post-captain  in  1747,  and  displayed  courage  in 
geveral  battles  in  the  Mediterranean  and  in  the  West 
Indies.  In  1771  he  was  appointed  one  of  the  lords  of 
the  admiralty,  and  in  1775,  by  the  death  of  an  elder 
brother,  became  Earl  of  Bristol.  Soon  after  this  he  was 
created  an  admiral.  He  died  in  1779,  and  his  title  was 
inherited  by  his  brother  Frederick,  Bishop  of  Derry. 

Hervey,  (ELEONORA  LOUISA,)  an  authoress,  whose 
maiden  name  was  MONTAGUE,  born  at  Liverpool  in  1811. 
She  began  to  write  graceful  verses  for  the  periodicals  at 
»n  early  age,  and  published  in  1839  "The  Landgrave," 
a  dramatic  poem.  In  1843  she  was  married  to  Thomas 
K.  Hervey,  noticed  below.  Among  her  works  are  tales 
In  prose,  entitled  " Margaret  Russell,"  (1849,)  and  "The 
Pathway  of  the  Fawn,"  (1851.) 

Hervey,  (FREDERICK,)  fourth  Earl  of  Bristol,  born  in 
1730,  was  a  brother  of  Augustus  John,  noticed  above. 
He  became  Bishop  of  Derry  in  1768,  and  succeeded  to 
the  earldom  on  the  death  of  his  brother,  in  1779.  He 
was  eccentric  in  habits,  and  was  a  liberal  patron  of  the 
fine  arts.  Died  at  Albano,  Italy,  in  1803. 

Hervey,  (JAMES,)  an  English  divine  and  author,  born 
at  Hardingstone,  near  Northampton,  in  1714,  was  edu- 
cated at  Oxford  University,  and  was  a  good  classical 
scholar.  Having  taken  orders,  he  became  curate  of 
Dummer  in  1736,  and  of  Bideford  in  1738.  From  1743 
until  1750  he  was  curate  of  Weston  Favell,  of  which  his 
father  was  rector,  and  at  the  death  of  the  latter,  in  1752, 
the  son  obtained  that  living.  He  was  noted  for  piety  and 
benevolence.  His  "  Meditations  and  Contemplations," 
published  in  1746,  were  extensively  popular,  notwith- 
standing his  faulty  style,  which  is  too  flowery  and  subli- 
mated to  please  the  most  correct  taste.  It  is  or  was 
generally  found  on  the  shelves  of  English  cottages  by 
the  side  of  the  Bible  and  "  Pilgrim's  Progress." 
Hervey  also  wrote  "  Theron  and  Aspasia,  a  Series  of 
'  Dialogues  and  Letters,"  and  a  few  minor  works. 
i  Died  in  1758. 

Hervey,  (Lord  JOHN,)  an  English  writer,  born  in 
1696,  was  the  eldest  son  of  the  first  Earl  of  Bristol.  He 
obtained  a  seat  in  Parliament  soon  after  the  accession 
of  George  I.,  and  in  1730  became  a  privy  councillor.  In 
1733  he  was  raised  to  the  peerage,  as  Baron  Hervey  of 
Ickworth,  and  in  1740  was  appointed  lord  privy  seal  in 
the  cabinet  of  Walpole.  He  wrote  able  political  pam- 
phlets, verses,  and  an  "  Epistle  from  a  Nobleman  to  a 
Doctor  of  Divinity,"  the  last  of  which  was  an  answer  to 
Pope,  who  satirized  him,  in  the  character  of  Sporus,  as 
"the  mere  white  curd  of  asses'  milk."  He  also  wrote 
interesting  "Memoirs  of  the  Court  of  George  II."  Died 
in  1743. 

Hervey,  (THOMAS  KIBBLE,)  an  English  poet  and 
editor,  born  in  Manchester  in  1804.  He  studied  at  Cam- 
bridge and  Oxford.  In  1824  he  published  "Australia, 
aiid  other  Poems,"  which  was  received  with  favour.  His 
"Poetical  Sketch-Book"  appeared  in  1829.  He  after- 
wards produced  "Illustrations  of  Modern  Sculpture," 
(1832,)  a  work  of  merit,  and  "The  Book  of  Christmas," 
.  (1836.)  From  1846  to  1854  he  was  chief  editor  of  the 
"Athenaeum."  Died  in  February,  1859. 

Herwarth  von  Bittenfeld,  heVwaRt  fon  bit'ten. 
Sit',  (KARL  EBERHARD,)  a  Prussian  general,  born  at 
jrosswerther,  September  4,  1796,  commanded  a  corps 
of  the  army  which  under  the  crown-prince  contributed 
to  the  victory  of  Sadowa,  and  later  became  field-marshal- 
-jeneral.  Died  September  2,  1884. 

His  brothers,  HANS  (1800-81)  and  FRIEDRICH  ADRIAN, 
1802-84,)  were  prominent  as  general  officers. 

Herwart  von  Hohenburg,  heVwaRt  fon  ho'en- 
bcJoRG',  (JoHANN  GEORG,)  a  German  scholar,  born  at 
Augsburg  in  1554  ;  died  in  1622. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBHR,  "Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie." 

Herwegh,  hjR'wJo,  (GEORG,)  a  popular  German  lyric 
poet,  born  at  Stuttgart  in  1817.  He  published  at  Zurich, 
in  1841,  a  volume  of  republican  or  liberal  poems,  enti- 
tled "  Gedichte  eines  Lebendigen,"  ("  Poems  of  a  Living 
Man,")  which  had  great  success.  He  became  a  citizen 
of  Bale,  and  about  1845  joined  the  radicals  of  Paris.  In 
the  spring  of  1848  he  raised  a  legion  and  invaded  Baden 
with  a  design  to  revolutionize  it ;  but  he  failed,  and  took 
refuge  in  Switzerland.  Died  April  7,  1875. 

See  LONGFELLOW,  "  Poets  and  Poetry  of  Europe ;"  F.  LIPP,  "G. 
Herwegh's  viertagige  Irr-  und  Wanderfanrt  mit  der  Pariser  Deutsch- 
demokratischen  Legion,"  etc.,  1850;  "  Foreign  Quarterly  Review" 
for  April,  1843. 

Hery,  de,  d?h  Aa're',  (THIERRY,)  a  skilful  French 
surgeon,  born  in  Paris  about  1505.  Having  practised 
with  success  in  Paris,  he  was  employed  by  F'rancis  I.  in 
the  army  of  Italy,  and  acquired  a  great  reputation  by 
the  cure  of  syphilis,  on  which  he  wrote  an  original  and 
able  treatise, — the  first  ever  written  in  French  on  that 
subject.  Died  in  1599. 

See  E*LOI.  "  Dictionnaire  de  la  Me"decine." 

Herz,  hSRts,  (HEINRICH,)  a  celebrated  pianist  and 
composer,  born  at  Vienna  in  1806.  He  met  with  bril- 
liant success  in  London,  Edinburgh,  and  Paris,  and 
afterwards  resided  several  years  in  America.  As  a 
performer  he  was  very  popular,  and  his  pieces  for  the 
piano  were  at  one  time  general  favourites.  D.  in  1888. 

Herz,  (HENRIETTA,)  a  German  lady,  distinguished  for 
her  wit  and  beauty,  born  in  Berlin  in  1764.  She  married 
Marcus  Herz  in  1 779.  Her  house  in  Berlin  was  frequented 
by  many  eminent  men.  Died  in  1847. 

Herz,  (MARCUS,)  a  German  physician,  born  at  Berlin 
in  1747;  died  in  1803. 

Herzberg  or  Hertzberg,  von,  fon  heRts'bcRG, 
(EwALD  FRIEDRICH,)  a  celebrated  Prussian  statesman, 
born  near  Neustettin  in  1725.  He  filled  several  impoi- 
tant  posts  under  Frederick  the  Great,  and,  after  nego- 
tiating a  treaty  of  peace  with  Russia  and  Sweden  in  1762, 
was  appointed  second  minister  of  state.  He  was  made 
a  count  by  Frederick's  successor,  and  also  curator  of  the 
Academy  at  Berlin.  Died  in  1795.  He  was  a  zealous 
patron  of  learning,  particularly  of  German  literature. 

See  POSSBLT,  "  Ewald  Friedrich  Graf  von  Heruberg,"  1793  : 
WRDDIGBN,  "  Fragrnente  aus  dem  Leben  dea  Grafen  von  Hertzberg," 
1796;  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale," 

Herzen.     See  HERTZEN. 

Herzog,  heVtsSG,  (JoHANN  JAKOB,)  a  German  divine. 
born  at  Basel,  Switzerland,  September  12,  1805.  He 
studied  at  Basel  and  Berlin,  (1823-29,)  was  a  professor 
of  theology  at  Lausanne,  (1835-45,)  and  at  Erlangcn, 
(1854-77.)  Among  his  works  are  "De  Origine  Valden- 
sium,"  (1848,)  "Die  romanischen  Waldenser,"  (1853,) 
"Outline  of  General  Church  History,"  (3  vols.,  1876-82.) 
and  a  "Real-Encyklopadie  fur  protestantische  Theologie," 
(22  vols.,  1854-68  ;  revised  edition,  1877-84,  unfinished.) 
Died  at  Erlangen,  September  30,  1882. 

Heaeklel,  ha-za'ke-Sl,  (GEORG  LUDWIG,)  a  German 
novelist,  poet,  and  editor,  born  at  Halle,  August  12, 
1818,  was  educated  at  Halle,  Jena,  and  Berlin,  and  be- 
came editor  of  the  "Neue  preussische  Zeitung."  He 
published  several  volumes  of  popular  and  patriotic  songs, 
a  number  of  novels,  and  the  well-known  "  Buch  vom 
Fursten  Bismarck."  Died  at  Berlin,  February  26,  1874. 

Heselrige.    See  HAZLERIG. 

Hesham,  (Hescham,)  hJsh-im',  or  Hiaham,  hish- 
im',  (or,  more  fully,  Hesham-Ibn-Abd-el-Malek, 
hesh-lm'  Ib'n  abd-el  mSl'ek,  i.e.  "  Hesham  the  son  of 
Abd-el-Malek,")  the  tenth  caliph  of  the  house  of  Omey- 
yah,  succeeded  his  cousin,  Omar  II.,  in  724  A.D.  During 

eas/t,  y ass;  gharj;  gas  i;  G,  H,  H,guttural;  N,  nasal;  v.,trilled;  sast."  thasin/Au.     (B^'See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




the  reign  of  Heshdm,  Abd-er-Rahman,  one  of  his  gen- 
erals, invaded  France,  where  he  was  defeated  and  slain 
by  Charles  Martel,  October  25,  732.  Hesham  died  in 
743,  leaving  the  reputation  of  an  eminently  just  and 
virtuous  sovereign. 

See  WBIL,  "Gescbichte  der  Chalifen,"  vol.  i.  chap.  xiv. 

HeshSm  (or  Hisham)  L,  (or,  more  fully,  Hesham 
Abool  (-Aboul  or  -Abtil)  -Waleed,  (-Walid,) 
1'bool  wa-leed',)  second  Emir  or  King  of  Cdrdova  of  the 
Omeyyah  dynasty,  succeeded  his  father,  Abd-er-Rahman, 
in  788  A.D.  He  waged  a  successful  war  against  the 
Christians  of  Galicia,  Astorga,  etc.,  founded  schools, 
and  promoted  the  arts.  Died  in  796. 

Hesham  (or  Hisham)  H,  (El-  (or  A1-,  al)  Muyyed- 
Billah,  el  moo'e-yed  bil'lah,)  sometimes  corrupted  into 
ISSAM  or  ISSEM  by  the  Spanish  historians,  was  born  in 
965,  and  succeeded  his  father,  Hakem  II.,  on  the  throne 
of  C6rdova,  in  976  A.D.  In  his  minority  the  kingdom 
enjoyed  prosperity  under  the  ministry  of  the  famous  Al- 
Mansoor,  who  gained  victories  over  the  Kings  of  Leon 
and  Navarre.  After  the  death  of  Al-Mansoor  the  reign 
was  disturbed  by  rebellions  and  anarchy,  and  the  feeble 
king  became  a  prisoner  of  Soleimsln,  and  died,  or  was 
killed,  about  1012. 

See  AL-MAKKARI,  "  History  of  the  Mohammedan  Dynasties  in 

Hesham  (or  Hisham)  m,  (El-Mo'tad-Bil'lah, 
or  Al-Mutadd-  (al  moo'tad)  Billah,)  became  King 
of  C6rdova  in  1026,  and  was  the  last  of  the  Omeyyah 
dynasty.  Several  nobles  having  refused  allegiance  to 
him,  he  attempted,  without  success,  to  subdue  them  by 
arms.  In  1031  a  sedition  in  the  capital  forced  him  to 
abdicate.  Died  in  1036. 

Heshxisius,  hJs-hoo'ze-us,  (TlLLEMANNUS,)  a  Ger- 
man Lutheran  divine,  born  at  Wesel  in  1526,  was  an 
opponent  of  Calvinism.  Died  in  1588. 

Hesiod,  hee'she-od,  [Gr.  'HoioiJof ;  LaL  HK'SIODUS; 
Fr.  HESIODE,  i'ze'od';  Ger.  HESIOD,  ha'ze-ot;  It.  Esi- 
ODO,  a-see'o-do,]  an  eminent  Greek  poet,  bom  at  Ascra, 
in  Bceotia,  at  the  foot  of  Mount  Helicon,  lived  probably 
about  800  B.C.  According  to  most  modern  critics,  his 
period  was  posterior  to  that  of  Homer,  with  whom  some 
writers  have  conjectured  that  he  was  contemporary. 
From  his  own  writings  the  fact  is  derived  that  he  was  a 
competitor  in  a  poetical  contest  at  Chalcis  on  the  occa- 
sion of  the  funeral  of  Amphidamas,  and  that  he  gained 
the  prize.  It  appears  that  he  was  employed  in  pastoral 
and  rural  pursuits,  his  knowledge  of  which  is  evinced 
by  his  most  famous  poem,  entitled  "Epya  nal  'H/itpai, 
("  Works  and  Days.")  This  work  contains  reflections 
and  precepts  on  farming  and  rural  economy,  interspersed 
with  maxims  of  morality  and  mythical  fables.  Aristotle, 
Plato,  and  Cicero  eulogize  this  poem,  and  Virgil  derived 
from  it  the  idea  of  his  "  Georgics,"  in  which  he  has 
surpassed  his  model.  According  to  Pausanias,  the  Boeo- 
tians regarded  this  as  the  only  genuine  work  of  Hesiod. 
The  other  poems  commonly  ascribed  to  the  Ascrjean 
bard  are  entitled  "Theogony"  and  "The  Shield  of 
Hercules."  The  former  purports  to  be  an  account  of 
the  origin  of  the  world  and  the  birth  of  the  gods,  and  is 
the  most  ancient  composition  we  have  on  the  subject  of 
Greek  mythology.  It  is  characterized  by  a  rude  sim- 
plicity which  sometimes  rises  into  sublimity,  and  by  that 
speculative  tendency  which  was  afterwards  so  largely 
developed  in  the  Hellenic  philosophy.  "The  Shield 
of  Hercules"  is  a  fragment  or  collection  of  fragments, 
supposed  to  be  written  by  different  authors.  Quintilian 
says,  apparently  in  reference  to  the  "  Works  and  Days," 
"  He  is  distinguished  by  useful  sentences  of  morality  and 
a  sweetness  of  expression,  and  he  deserves  the  palm  in 
the  middle  style  of  writing."  According  to  Plutarch, 
Hesiod  was  murdered  at  Locris,  in  revenge  for  a  crime 
of  which  he  was  erroneously  suspected. 

See  PAUSANIAS,  ix.  and  x. ;  LUCIAN,  "Dialogue  on  Hesiod;" 
CRBUZBK  und  HERMANN,  "  Briefe  iiber  Homer  und  Hesiod,"  1817  ; 
HRYNB,  "  De  Theogonia  ab  Hesiodo  Condita,"  1779;  HERMANN, 
"  De  Hesiodi  Theogoniz  Forma  antiquis?ima,"  1844 ;  ERSCH  und 
GRUBER,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie :  GIOVANNI  LAMI,  "  Saggio 
delle  delizie  del  dotti  e  degh  eruditi,  risguardante  le  Vite  e  gli  Scntti 
dei  due  primi  grandi  Uomini  dell'  Antichita,  Esiodo  ed  Omero," 
i?75  •  "Quarterly  Review"  for  March,  1833. 

He-sl'o-ne,  [Gr.  'Haiovji,]  a  daughter  of  Laomedon, 

King  of  Troy.  The  poets  feigned  that  Hercules  deliv- 
ered her  from  a  sea-monster  aftej  hei  father  had  promised 
to  give  him  the  horses  he  had  received  from  Jupiter ; 
but  Laomedon  failed  to  keep  his  word.  She  became 
the  wife  of  Telamon  and  mother  of  Teucer. 

Hesiri,  the  old  Egyptian  name  of  OSIRIS. 

Hesnault  or  Heuault  /£a'n5',  QEAN,)  a  French  poet, 
born  in  Paris,  was  educated  by  Gassendi.  He  appears 
to  have  been  an  Epicurean  or  materialist  In  1670  he 
published  a  volume  of  sonnets,  letters,  etc.  He  trans- 
lated a  large  part  of  Lucretius.  Died  in  1682. 

See  BAYLB,  "  Historical  and  Critical  Dictionary." 

Hesperiden.     See  HESPERIDES. 

Hes-per1-de§,  [Gr.  'EairepWef ;  Fr.  HBsriRlDES,  Ss'. 
pa'red';  Ger.  HESPERIDEN,  hSs-pa-ree'den,]  the  "chil- 
dren of  Hesperus,"  (or  "of  the  evening,")  the  name  of 
three  or  four  celebrated  nymphs  of  classic  mythology, 
who  guarded  the  golden  apples  growing  in  an  enchanted 
garden  in  the  western  part  of  the  world.  According  to 
some  authors,  they  were  the  daughters  of  Atlas,  and 
hence  were  called  ATLAN'TIDES.  A  large  dragon  as- 
sisted them  to  guard  the  golden  apples  which  were  the 
subject  of  one  of  the  twelve  labours  of  Hercules. 

Hes-pe'rl-us,  a  Roman  civil  officer,  was  a  son  of  the 
poet  Ausonius.  He  was  proconsul  of  Africa  about  376 
A.D.,  and  afterwards  praetorian  prefect  of  Rome. 

Hes'pe-rus,  IGr.  'Eorrrpof  ;  Fr.  HESPER,  es'paiR',  or 
HESP£  ROS,  eVpi  ros',]  a  personage  of  classic  mythology, 
said  to  be  a  son  or  brother  of  Atlas.  According  to  one 
tradition,  he  ascended  Mount  Atlas  to  observe  the  stars, 
and  disappeared.  He  received  divine  honours,  and  was 
identified  with  the  evening  star.  One  account  says  he  came 
to  Italy,  which  received  from  him  the  name  of  Hesperia. 

H6ss,  (JOHANN  JAKOB,)  one  of  the  most  eminent  of 
the  Swiss  Protestant  theologians,  was  born  in  Zurich  in 
1741.  He  wrote,  in  German,  "The  Three  Last  Years  of 
the  Life  of  Jesus,"  (6  vols.,  1768-73  ;  8th  edition,  1828,) 
"On  the  Kingdom  of  God,"  (1774,)  a  "History  of  the 
Israelites  before  Jesus,"  (12  vols.,  1776-88,)  and  other 
works.  He  became  first  minister  of  Zurich  in  1795. 
Died  in  1828. 

See  GBORG  GESSNER,  "  J.  J.  Hess,  voorgesteld  in  eenege  Om- 
trekken  van  rijn  Leven  en  Werkzamheid,"  1830 ;  ERSCH  and  GRUBER, 
"AUgemeine  Encyklopaedie ;"  H.  ESCHBR,  "J.  J.  Hess,  Skizx* 
Mines  Lebens,"  etc.,  1837. 

Hess,  (KARL  ADOLF  HEINRICH,)  a  German  artist, 
born  at  Dresden  in  1769,  acquired  a  high  reputation 
as  a  painter  of  horses.  Among  his  master-pieces  we 
may  cite  "  The  March  of  the  Cossacks  through  Bohemia 
in  1799."  Died  in  1849. 

Hess,  (KARL  ERNST  CHRISTOPH,)  a  German  en- 
graver, born  at  Darmstadt  in  1755.  He  was  appointed 
in  1782  professor  in  the  Academy  of  Arts  at  Dusseldorfi 
where  he  was  afterwards  employed  to  engrave  the  pic- 
tures of  the  gallery.  Among  his  best  works  are  "  The 
Ascension  of  Mary,"  after  Guido,  and  a  "  Holy  Family," 
after  Raphael.  About  1806  he  settled  at  Munich,  where 
he  died  in  1828. 

See  FmtssLi.  "Schweizer  Kiinstler." 

Hess,  (LUDWIG,)  an  excellent  Swiss  landscape-painter, 
born  at  Zurich  in  1760.  He  painted  many  pictures  of 
Alpine  scenery.  "  His  works,"  says  the  "  Biographic 
Universelle,"  "  surpass  all  that  we  know  in  their  kind 
for  correctness  of  design,  for  the  taste  displayed  in  the 
composition,  for  truth  of  colouring,  and  for  the  trans- 
parency of  the  water."  He  engraved  some  of  his  own 
designs.  Died  in  1800. 

Hess,  (PETER,)  a  brother  of  the  painter  Heinrich  von 
Hess,  noticed  below,  was  born  at  Dusseldorf  in  1792. 
In  1839  he  was  invited  to  Russia,  where  he  painted  eight 
large  pictures  representing  the  battles  of  1812.  He  is 
regarded  as  one  of  the  first  battle-painters  of  recent 
times.  Died  April  4,  1871. 

See  NAGLBR,  "  Neues  Allgemeines  Kiinstler-Leiikon." 

Hess,  von,  fon  hess,  (HEINRICH,)  BARON,  an  Austrian 
general,  born  in  Vienna  in  1788.  He  fought  at  Wagram, 
(1809,)  and  became  colonel  in  1829.  In  1842  he  was 
made  a  lieutenant  field-marshal.  As  quartermaster- 
general,  he  rendered  important  services  in  Italy  in  1848. 
The  chief  merit  of  this  campaign  is  ascribed  to  him.  He 
was  appointed  chief  of  the  staff  of  the  Austrian  army, 

i,  e,  I,  5,  0,  y, long;  4,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  I,  o,  fl,  y,  short;  a,  e,  j,  o,  obscure;  fir,  fill,  fit;  1118 1;  i)6t;  eood:  moon; 




(Chef  dts  Gtneralstabs,)  and  master  of  the  ordnance, 
I  Feldzeugmeistfr ,)  in  1849.  He  succeeded  Gyulai  soon 
after  the  battle  of  Magenta,  formed  the  plan  of  the  battle 
of  Solferino,  July,  1859,  and,  after  the  emperor  left  the 
army,  was  the  commander-in-chief.  Died  April  13,  1870. 

Hess,  von,  (HEINRICH,)  a  distinguished  historical 
painter,  a  son  of  the  engraver  Karl  Ernst  Hess,  noticed 
above,  was  born  at  Dusseldorf  in  1798.  He  became  pro- 
fessor in  the  Academy  of  Munich  in  1826.  The  frescos 
in  the  Basilica  of  St.  Boniface  and  in  the  church  of  Ali 
Saints  in  Munich  are  among  his  best.  Died  in  1863. 

Hesse,  hgs'seh,  (ADOLPH  FRIEDRICH,)  a  German 
organist  and  composer,  born  at  Breslau,  August  30,  1809; 
died  August  5,  1863.  His  "  Practical  Organist,"  contain- 
ing twenty-nine  pieces,  was  published  posthumously. 

Hesse,  /5Sss,  (JEAN  BAPTISTE  ALEXANDRA)  a  French 
painter,  a  nephew  of  the  following,  was  born  in  Paris  m 
1806.  Among  his  best  works  is  "The  Funeral  Honours 
rendered  to  Titian,"  (1833.)  Died  August  7,  1879. 

Hesse,  (NICOLAS  AUGUSTE,)  a  French  painter  of  his- 
tory, born  in  Paris  in  1795,  won  a  medal  of  the  first  class 
in  1838.  Died  June  14,  1869. 

Hesse,  (PHILIPP,)  LANDGRAVE  OF.     See  PHILIP. 

Hesse,  (WILHELM  IV.,)  LANDGRAVE  OF,  surnamed 
THE  WISE,  a  son  of  Philip,  (1504-67,)  was  born  at  Cassel 
about  1545.  He  reigned  in  peace,  and  was  distinguished 
as  a  patron  of  sciences,  especially  astronomy,  which  he 
cultivated  himself  with  diligence.  He  founded  an  obser- 
vatory at  Cassel  in  1561,  and  made  observations  for  many 
years.  The  results  of  these  labours  were  published  by 
W.  Snellius,  (1628.)  Died  in  1597. 

Hesselink,  heVseh-link,  sometimes  written  Hesse- 
ling,  (GERARD,)  a  Dutch  writer  and  Anabaptist  preacher, 
born  at  Groningen  in  1755.  He  published  a  "Herme- 
iv.  utical  Dictionary  of  the  New  Testament,"  and  several 
other  works.  Died  in  1811. 

See  KOOPMANS,  "  Hulde  aan  G.  Hesselink,"  1812. 

Hes-seTI-us,  [Sw.  pron.  hes-sn'le-us,]  (ANDERS,)  a 
poet  of  Swedish  extraction,  born  in  North  America, 
became  a  teacher  of  English  at  Upsal.  He  wrote 
"Eric  IX.,"  (1739,)  "The  Twelve  Charleses,"  (of  Swe- 
den,) ("De  Tolf  Caroler,"  1748,)  and  other  works.  He 
was  living  in  1755. 

Hesselius,  hes-sa'le-us,  (FRANS,)  a  Dutch  philologist, 
born  at  Rotterdam  in  1680  ;  died  in  1746. 

Hesselius,  (JoHAN,)  a  Swedish  savant,  born  at  Fah- 
lun  in  1687;  died  in  1752. 

Hessels,  hes'sels,  or  Hesselius,  (JEAN,)  born  at 
Louvain  in  1522,  was  noted  as  a  theologian.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  Council  of  Trent,  and  author  of  many 
theological  works,  among  which  are  a  "Catechism,"  and 
"Commentaries  on  Scripture."  Died  in  1566. 

Hessius.    See  EOBAN. 

He'sus,  a  deity  of  the  ancient  Gauls,  corresponding 
to  the  Mars  of  the  Romans.  See  MARS. 

He-sjrehl-us,  (Gr.  'Hov^wf,]  the  author  of  a  valuable 
Greek  Lexicon,  (first  printed  by  Aldus  in  1514,)  which 
explains  technical  terms,  unusual  words  found  in  the 
works  of  poets,  orators,  and  physicians,  terms  used  in 
sacrifices,  divinations,  and  such  as  depart  from  ordinary 
usage.  It  is  supposed  that  the  existing  text  is  an  abridg- 
ment or  imperfect  copy  of  the  original.  The  time  in 
which  Hesychius  lived  is  not  known  ;  but  it  was  proba- 
bly since  the  Christian  era,  as  numerous  scriptural 
glosses  or  phrases  are  found  in  his  work. 

Hesychius  OF  MILETUS,  [Lat.  HESYCH'IUS  MILE'- 
sius,]  sumamed  THE  ILLUSTRIOUS,  lived  in  the  sixth 
century.  He  wrote  (in  Greek)  a  universal  history  from 
Belus  to  his  own  times,  (about  520  A.D.,)  of  which  some 
fragments  only  are  now  extant.  He  left  also  an  abridg- 
ment of  the  "  Lives  of  the  Philosophers,"  derived  chiefly 
from  Diogenes  Laertius.  This  was  published  by  J.  C. 
Orelli,  Leipsic,  1820. 

HSth,  (HENRY,)  an  American  soldier,  was  born  in 
Virginia  in  1825,  and  graduated  from  West  Point  in 
1847.  He  was  a  captain  in  the  army  at  the  outbreak 
of  the  civil  war,  when  he  resigned  and  joined  the 
Confederate  forces.  He  became  a  major-general  in 
1863.  In  his  later  years  he  wrote  a  history  of  the 
campaigns  in  which  he  took  part.  Died  in  1899. 

Hetherington,  heth'e-ring-tgn,  (WILLIAM  MAX- 
WELL,) D.  IX,  a  Scottish  divine,  born  at  Troqueer,  neat 
Dumfries,  June  4,  1803.  He  was  educated  at  Edinburgh 
University,  was  ordained  in  1836,  and  became  professor 
of  apologetics  in  the  Free  Church  College,  Glasgow,  in 
1857.  His  principal  works  are  a  "  History  of  the  Church 
of  Scotland,"  and  a  "  History  of  the  Westminster  Assem- 
bly." Died  May  23,  1865. 

Hetsch.,  hitsh,  (GusTAV  FRIEDRICH,)  a  German 
architect,  born  at  Stuttgart  in  1788,  lived  chiefly  in  Co- 
penhagen, where  he  died  September  7,  1864. 

Hetsch,  von,  fon  hStsh,  (PHILIPP  FRIEDRICH,)  a 
painter,  father  of  the  preceding,  was  born  at  Stuttgart 
in  1758.  Among  his  works  are  "Paris  and  Helen,"  and 
"Marius  among  the  Ruins  of  Carthage."  Died  in  1838. 

Hettner,  heVner,  (HERMANN  JULIUS  THEODOR,)  a 
German  archaeologist,  born  in  Silesia  in  1821,  wrote 
"The  Plastic  Arts  among  the  Ancients,"  (1848,)  and  an 
able  "  History  of  Literature  in  the  Eighteenth  Century," 
(6  vols.,  1856-70.)  Died  in  Dresden,  May  29,  1882. 

Hetzel  or  Hezel,  hSt'sel,  (JOHANN  WILHELM,)  a 
German  Orientalist,  born  at  Kbnigsberg,  in  Franconia, 
in  1754,  published  grammars  of  the  Hebrew,  Arabic,  and 
Syriac  languages,  and  "  The  Old  and  New  Testament, 
with  Notes,"  (10  vols.,  1780-91.)  Died  in  1829. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBER,  "Allgeraeine  Encyklopaedie." 

Hetzel,  /iSt'sel',  (PIERRE  JULES,)  a  French  littfratrur, 
whose  pseudonym  is  P.  J.  STAHL,  born  at  Chartres  in 
1814.  He  published  "  Scenes  from  Animal  Life,"  "The 
Devil  in  Paris,"  "  History  of  a  Man  with  a  Cold,"  "  Beasts 
and  People,"  and  other  attractive  works.  George  Sand 
compared  him  to  Sterne.  He  was  even  more  successful 
33  a  book-publisher  than  as  an  author.  Died  at  Monte 
Carlo,  March  16,  1886. 

Heuglin,  von,  fon  hoic'leen,  (THEODOR,)  a  Germar. 
traveller,  born  at  Hirschlanden,  Wiirtemberg,  March  20, 
1824.  He  travelled  in  the  northeast  of  Africa,  1851-65, 
in  Nova  Zembla  and  Spitsbergen,  1870-71,  and  again  in 
the  northeast  of  Africa  in  1875  and  1876.  Died  at  Stutt- 
gart, November  5,  1876.  He  published  several  volumes 
of  travels,  and  works  on  the  zoology  and  ornithology 
of  the  countries  he  visited, — the  latter  of  very  high  value. 

Heumann,  hoi'min,  (CHRISTOPH  AUGUST,)  a  Ger- 
man writer  on  various  subjects,  born  in  Saxe-Weimar  in 
1681.  He  became  professor  of  theology  at  Gottingen 
in  1734.  Among  his  works  are  "Acts  of  the  Philoso- 
phers," ("  Acta  Philosophorum,"  3  vols.,  1715-27,)  and 
an  "Exposition  of  the  New  Testament,"  (1750-63.) 
Died  in  1764. 

See  HBYNK,  "  Memoria.  Heumanni,"  1764;  CASSIUS, _ 

beschreibung  Heumanns,"  1768:  ERSCH  und  GRDBER,  "AUgememe 

Heumann  von  Teutschenbrunn,  hoi'mSn  fon 
toitsh'en-bR<5on',  (JoHANN,)  a  German  jurist  and  writer, 
born  in  Bavaria  in  1711  ;  died  in  1760. 

Heun,  hoin,  (KARL  GOTTLOB  SAMUEL,)  a  German 
novelist,  born  in  Lusatia  in  1771.  He  wrote  under  the 
pseudonym  of  H.  CLAUREN.  Died  in  1854. 

Heureauz,  (ULYSSES,)  President  of  San  Domingo, 
|  was  born  in  Porto  Plata,  on  that  island,  in  1846.     He 
!  engaged  in  the  war  against  Spain,  was  elected  presi- 
'  dent  in   1882,  and  was  three  times  re-elected.     Two 
!  unsuccessful  attempts  were  made  to  assassinate  him, 
but  a  third  attempt,  on  July  26,   1899,  was  success- 

Heures.     See  HORJE. 
Heurn.van.     See  HEURNIUS. 
Heurnius,  hUR'ne-us,  [in  Dutch,  VAN  HEURN,  vjn 
huRn,]  (JAN,)  an  eminent  physician,  born  at  Utrecht  in 
1543,  was  appointed  in  1581  professor  of  medicine  at 
Leyden,  and  physician  to  Maurice  of  Nassau.     He  wrote 
a  good  commentary  on  Hippocrates,  (1609,)  and  othei 
medical  works.     Died  in  1601. 

See  ERSCH  uod  GRUBER,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie," 
Heurteloup,  /iURt'loo',  (CHARLES  Louis,)  a  French 
surgeon,  born   in    Paris   in   1793,  made   improvements 
;  in  lithotrity,  which  were  generally  adopted,  and  wrote 
I  several  treatises  on  that  subject     Died  in  1864. 

Heurteloup,  (NICOLAS,)  an  eminent  French  surgeon, 
|  father  of  the  preceding,  born  at  Tours  in  1750.  About 

«  as  k;  5  as  s;  |  hard;  g  as/;  G,  H,  is., guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  tftilet;  §  as  t;  th  as  in  this. 


Explanations,  p.  23.) 




1800  he  was  appointed  nrst  surgeon  of  the  French  armies, 
and  received  the  title  of  baron.  Died  in  1812. 

Heus,  hus  or  hos,  or  Heusch,  van,  vin  hush,  (WiL- 
LEM,)  a  Dutch  landscape-painter,  born  at  Utrecht  about 
1630,  was  a  pupil  of  John  Both.  His  pictures  of  scenery 
on  the  Rhine  are  commended.  Died  at  Utrecht  about 
1700.  His  nephew  and  pupil,  JACOB,  born  at  Utrecht 
in  1657,  was  a  good  landscape-painter.  "  His  land- 
scapes," says  the  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  G^neVale,"  "  are 
full  of  nature,  his  touch  easy,  and  his  colour  true."  Died 
in  1701. 

See  DHSCAMPS,  "  Viesdes  Peintres  Flamands,  Hollandais,"  etc 

Heusch,  van,  vin  husK  or  hbsK,  (ABRAHAM,)  a  Dutch 
painter  of  plants,  insects,  etc.,  was  born  at  Utrecht  in 
1650;  died  in  1712. 

HeuBChling,  husK'ling  or  hush'laN',  (firiENNE,)  a 
Belgian  philologist,  born  at  Luxemburg  in  1762,  was 
professor  of  Hebrew  at  Louvain.  Died  in  1847. 

Heuschling,  (PHILIPPE  FRANCOIS  XAVIER,)  a  Bel- 
gian economist,  a  nephew  of  the  preceding,  born  at 
Luxemburg  in  1802,  published  an  "Essay  on  Universal 
Ethnographic  Statistics,"  (1847-49.)  Died  in  1883. 

Heusde,  hus'deh,  [Lat.  HEUS'WUS,]  (PHILIPPUS 
WILLEM,)  an  eminent  Dutch  writer,  born  at  Rotterdam 
in  1778,  became  professor  of  eloquence  and  history  at 
Utrecht,  where  he  lectured  with  great  success.  He 
published  several  works  on  philosophy,  history,  and 
education,  among  which  is  "The  Socratic  School,"  ("De 
Socratische  School,"  4  vols.,  1834-39.)  Died  in  1839. 

See  KIST,  "  Memoria  Heusdii,"  1839;  SrdcKpKLD,  "Aodenken 
an  den  grossen  Professor  P.  W.  van  Heusde,"  1840 ;  ROVERS,  "  Me- 
moria Heusdii,"  1841;  KOULKZ,  "Notice  biographique  sur  P.  G. 
van  Heusde,"  1841. 

Heusdius.     See  HEUSDE. 

Heuainger,  hoi'zing'er.  (JAKOB  FRIEDRICH,)  a  Ger- 
man philologist  and  scholar,  born  at  Useborn  in  1719, 
was  rector  of  the  College  of  Wolfenbiittel.  His  edition 
of  Cicero's  "  De  Officiis"  (1783)  is  called  a  master-piece 
in  respect  to  criticism.  Died  in  1778. 

Heuainger,  (JoHANN  MICHAEL,)  an  uncle  of  the  pre- 
ceding, was  born  near  Gotha  in  1690,  and  was  an  able 
philologist  He  taught  at  Gotha  and  Eisenach,  and 
published  editions  of  Julian's  "  Emperors"  and  jEsop's 
"Fables,"  (1741.)  Died  in  1751. 

See  ERSCH  und  GBUBSR,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie ;"  F.  A. 
TOEPFBR,  "Vita  J.  M.  Heusingeri,"  1751. 

Heusinger,  (KARL  FRIEDRICH,)  a  physician,  born 
near  Eisenach  in  1792,  published,  besides  other  works, 
"  Outlines  of  an  Encyclopaedia  and  Methodology  of  Natu- 
ral and  Medical  Sciences,"  (1844-53.)  Died  in  1883. 

Heusser,  hois'ser,  (META,)  a  distinguished  Swiss 
writer  of  songs  and  religious  lyrics,  was  born  at  Hirzel, 
April  6,  1797.  Her  maiden  name  was  SCHWEIZER.  She 
is  well  known  to  English  readers  by  her  "  Alpine  Lyrics," 
(1875,  translated  from  the  German  by  Jane  Borthwick.) 
Her  songs  are  the  fruit  of  a  rare  genius,  and  of  deep  and 
earnest  devotion. 

Heuzet,  /iuh'zj',  QEAN,)  a  French  classical  scholar, 
born  at  Saint-Quentin  about  1660 ;  died  in  1728. 
HeveL    See  HEVELIUS. 

He-veTI-UB,  [Ger.  pron.  hi-vale-us,]  (Joannes  01 
John  Hevel — ha'vel,  written  also  Hovel  and  He- 

welcke,)  an  eminent  astronomer,  born  at  Dantzic  in 

1611,  was  a  pupil  of  Kruger.     His  parents  were  noble 

and  wealthy.     After  studying  at  Leyden  and  making  the 

tour  of  Europe,  he  devoted  his  uninterrupted  attention 

to  astronomy  for  nearly  fifty  years.     In  1641  he  built  an 

observatory  at  his  own  residence,  which  he  furnished  with 

telescopes  and  other  instruments  made  by  his  own  hands. 

In  1647  he  published  "  Selenographia,"  a  description  of 

the  moon,  with  plates,  followed  by  letters  on  the  "  Libra- 

tion  of  the  Moon,"  and  on  Eclipses,  (1654.)     His  treatise 

on  the  phases  of  Saturn  appeared  in  1656,  and  his  "  Ob- 
servations on  the  Transit  of  Mercury"  in  1661.  He  wrote, 

also,  "  Cometographia,"  a  general  description  of  comets, 

(1668.)     Hevelius  was  chosen  a  Fellow  of  the   Royal 

Society  of  London  in  1664.     He  was  repeatedly  elected 

consul  and  judge  by  his  fellow-citizens,  by  whom  he  was 

highly  esteemed.     In   1673  he  published  the  first  part 

of  his  "Machina  Coelestis,"  a  description  of  his  obser- 
vatory, instruments,  and  modus  opcrandi,  the  second 

a, e, i, o,  u,  y, long;  4, e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a, e, 1, 6, li, y, short;  a,  e,  \,  q, obscure;  far,  fill,  fit;  met;  n&t;  good;  moon 

part  of  which  appeared  in  1679.  In  the  latter  year  a 
fire  consumed  his  observatory,  library,  and  nearly  all 
the  copies  of  the  book  just  named.  After  his  death  his 
widow  published  "  Harbinger  of  Astronomy,"  ("  Pro- 
dromus  Astronomis,")  and  "  Firmamentum  Sobieska- 
num,"  dedicated  to  John  Sobieski,  King  of  Poland. 
In  skill,  accuracy,  and  diligence  in  observation,  he  wag 
an  astronomer  of  a  very  high,  if  not  of  the  first,  order ; 
but  his  prejudice  against  the  use  of  fine  instruments  in 
observing  rendered  many  of  his  tables  worthless.  Died 
January  28,  1687. 

Hevin,  (PRUDENT,)  a  French  surgeon,  born  in  Paris 
in  1715.  Having  distinguished  himself  as  royal  professor 
of  therapeutics,  he  was  employed  by  Louis  XV.  to  attend 
the  dauphiness.  Some  years  later  he  became  first  sur- 
geon to  the  dauphin.  In  1780  he  published  a  "Course 
of  Pathology  and  Therapeutics."  Died  in  1789. 

Hewelcke.     See  HEVELIUS. 

Hewes,  huz,  (JOSEPH,)  an  American  patriot,  born  in 
New  Jersey  in  1730,  settled  at  Edenton,  North  Carolina, 
about  1760.  In  1774  he  represented  a  district  of  North 
Carolina  in  Congress,  and  signed  the  Declaration  of 
Independence  in  1776.  Having  been  re-elected  to  Con- 
gress, he  died  at  his  post,  in  Philadelphia,  in  1779. 

Hew'ett,  (WATERMAN  THOMAS,)  an  American  phi- 
lologist, born  at  Miami,  Missouri,  January  10,  1846.  He 
graduated  at  Amherst  College  in  1869,  and  studied  at 
Athens,  (Greece,)  Heidelberg,  Leipsic,  Jena,  Leyden,  elc. 
In  1870  he  was  made  an  assistant  professor  in  Cornell 
University,  and  in  1883  he  was  appointed  full  professor 
of  Germanic  languages.  His  writings  include  "The 
Frisian  Language  and  Literature"  and  "  Homes  of  the 
German  Poets  " 

Hew'it,  (AUGUSTINE  FRANCIS,)  D.D.,  an  American 
clergyman,  born  at  Fairfield,  Connecticut,  November  27, 
1820.  His  name  was  originally  NATHANIEL  AUGUSTUS 
HEWIT.  He  graduated  at  Amherst  College  in  1839, 
and  studied  Congregational  theology  at  East  Windsor 
Seminary.  He  became  an  Episcopalian  clergyman,  but 
in  1847  was  ordained  a  Roman  Catholic  priest.  He 
joined  the  order  of  Paulist  Fathers,  and  became  a  pro- 
fessor in  their  seminary  in  New  York.  He  published 

Reasons  for  Submitting  to  the  Holy  See,"  "  Problems 
of  the  Age,"  "The  King's  Highway,"  "Light  in  Dark- 
ness," "  Life  of  F.  D.  Baker,"  etc.  Died  July  3,  1897. 

Hew'itt,  (MARY  ELIZABETH,)  originally  Miss  MOORE, 
an  American  poetess,  born  in  Maiden,  Massachusetts. 
In  1829  she  removed  to  New  York.  Her  principal  works 
are  "Songs  of  Our  Land,  and  other  Poems,"  (1845.)  and 
'he  "  Heroines  of  History,"  (in  prose,  1856.)  She  after- 
wards married  a  Mr.  Stebbins. 

Hew'lett,  (JOSEPH  T.,)  an  English  novelist,  born 
about  1800.  He  was  educated  at  Oxford,  and  became  a 
clergyman.  Among  his  writings  are  "  Peter  Priggins," 
"JEsop  Illustrated,"  "The  Parish  Clerk,"  (1841.)  "' 
lege  Life,"  (1842,)  "Parsons  and  Widows,"  (1844,) 
Died  January  24,  1847. 

Hew'lett,  (MAURICE  HENRY,)  an  English  author, 
born  January  22,  1861.  Among  his  works  are  "The 
Masque  of  Dead  Florentines,"  (1895,)  "Songs  and 
Meditations,"  (1897,)  and  "The  Forest  Lovers," 
(1898,)  a  work  of  much  merit,  which  was  awarded  an 
Academy  prize  in  1899. 

Hew'spn,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  surgeon,  born  at 
Hexham  in  1739.  In  1759  he  attended  the  lectures  of 
John  and  William  Hunter  in  London,  with  whom  he  was 
afterwards  associated  as  a  lecturer  on  anatomy.  In  1771 
he  was  chosen  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society,  which 
awarded  him  the  Copley  medal  for  his  researches  in  the 
lymphatic  system  of  birds  and  fishes.  In  1772  he  pub- 
lished "  Experimental  Inquiries  into  the  Properties  of 
the  Blood."  He  was  an  eminent  anatomist,  and  made 
valuable  discoveries  in  the  nature  of  blood.  Died  in  1774. 

Hexham,  (RICHARD  OF.)   See  RICHARD  OF  HEXHAM. 

Hey,  ha,  (JOHN,)  a  learned  divine  of  the  Anglican 
Church,  born  in  England  in  1734.  From  1780  to  1795 
he  was  first  Norrisian  professor  of  divinity  at  Cambridge. 
He  wrote  an  "  Essay  on  Redemption,"  (a  prize  poem,) 
"Lectures  on  Divinity,"  and  other  esteemed  works. 
Died  in  1815. 





Hey,  (WILLIAM,)  F.R.S.,an  English  surgeon  of  Leeds, 
born  in  1736;  died  in  1819. 

See  his  Life,  by  JOHN  PEARSON. 

Heyden,  van  der,  v3n  der  hi'den,  or  Heyde,  hi'deh, 
an  eminent  Dutch  painter,  born  at  Gorcum  about  1637. 
He  exercised  his  talents  with  great  success  on  architec- 
tural subjects  and  landscapes.  He  excelled  in  chiaro- 
scuro. His  pictures  of  cities,  temples,  palaces,  and  ruins 
are  admired  for  their  general  effect,  mellow  tints,  and 
exquisite  finish.  The  figures  in  some  of  his  works  are 
painted  by  A.  van  der  Velde.  Died  at  Amsterdam  in  1712. 

See  J.  C.  WHYERMAN,  "De  Schilderkonst  der  Nederlanders ;" 
DESCAMPS,  "Vies  des  Peintres  Flamands,  Hotlandais,"  etc. 

Heyden,  von,  fon  hi'den,  COUNT,  born  in  1772,  en- 
tered the  Russian  service,  and  became  a  rear-admiral  in 
1817.  He  commanded  the  Russian  fleet  at  the  battle  of 
Navarino,  in  1827.  Died  in  1850. 

Heyden,  von,  fon  hi'den,  (FRIEDRICH  AUGUST,)  a 
German  poet,  born  near  Heilsberg,  in  East  Prussia,  in 
1789.  He  was  one  of  the  governors  of  the  prince-royal 
of  Rrussia,  and  in  1826  became  royal  councillor  at  Breslau. 
Among  his  chief  works  are  "  Conradin,"  and  other  suc- 
cessful dramas;  "Reginald,"  a  poem,  (1831,)  which  is 
admired ;  and  "  The  Shepherd  of  Ispahan,"  ("  Der 
Schafer  von  Ispahan,"  1850,)  an  excellent  romantic 
poem.  Died  in  1851. 

See  T.  MUNDT,  "  Das  Leben  Heydens,"  1852. 

Heydenreich,  hi'den-rlK',  (KARL  HEINRICH,)  an  in- 
genious philosophic  writer,  born  at  Stolpen,  in  Saxony, 
in  1764,  was  a  disciple  of  Kant.  He  became  professor 
of  philosophy  at  Leipsic  in  1789.  He  wrote  verses  on 
"  Solitude,"  and  other  short  poems,  of  some  merit,  which 
were  published  in  2  vols.,  1792.  Among  his  prose  works 
are  "Letters  on  Atheism,"  (1796,)  "Psychological  De- 
velopment of  Superstition,"  (1797,)  and  "Philosophy 
considered  with  Respect  to  the  Sufferings  of  Humanity, 
(2  vols.,  1798.)  Died  in  1801. 

See  SCHELLB,  "  Characteristik  C.  H.  Heydenreich *s,"  1802, 
WOHLFAHRT,  "  Die  letzten  Lebensjahre  C.  H.  Heidenreich's,"  1802 ; 
EICHHORN,  "  Geschichte  der  Literatur,"  voL  iv. 

Heydt,  von  der,  fon  d§R  hit,  (AUGUST,)  a  Prussian 
statesman,  born  in  Elberfeld  in  1801.  He  was  appointed 
minister  of  commerce,  industry,  and  public  works  in 
December,  1848.  Died  at  Berlin,  June  13,  1874. 

Heyking.von, fon  hT'king,(HEiNRicH  KARL,)  BARON, 
born  in  Koorland  (Courland)  in  1751,  was  appointed 
a  senator  by  Paul  I.  of  Russia.  Died  in  1809. 

Heylin,  ha'lTn,  ?  (PETER,)  an  English  writer,  born  al 
Burford  in  1600.  In  1621  he  wrote  his  "Microcosmos." 
In  1629  he  became  chaplain  to  Charles  I.,  and  obtained 
several  benefices,  from  which  in  the  civil  war  he  was 
ejected  as  a  partisan  of  Laud  and  the  High  Church. 
He  wrote  a  "  Life  of  Bishop  Laud,"  a  "  Defence  of  the 
Church  of  England,"  (1658,)  besides  theological  and 
other  works  more  than  fifty  in  number.  He  was  an  honest 
man,  but  full  of  theological  rancour.  Died  in  1662. 

See  GEORGE  VERNON,  "Life  of  P.  Heylin,"  1681 ;  Da.  BARNAUL 
"Life  of  P.  Heylin,"  1682. 

Heym.    See  HEIM. 

Heyn,  (PIETER.)    See  HEIN. 

Heyne,  hi'neh,  [Lat  HEY'NIUS,]  (CHRISTIAN  GOTT- 
LOB,)  an  illustrious  German  scholar  and  critic,  was  born 
at  Chemnitz,  in  Saxony,  in  1729.  Owing  to  the  poverty 
of  his  family,  he  enjoyed  few  advantages  of  education ; 
but,  having  by  nature  an  irrepressible  desire  for  know- 
ledge, he  improved  to  the  utmost  the  opportunities  which 
he  possessed,  so  that  in  1763  he  succeeded  Gesner  as 
professor  of  eloquence  at  Gbttingen.  He  was  soon 
after  made  chief  librarian  of  the  university.  His  lectures, 
illustrating  the  history  and  mythology  of  the  ancients  in 
the  most  attractive  manner,  gained  him  a  high  reputa- 
tion, which  was  increased  by  his  numerous  and  excellent 
writings.  Among  the  most  important  of  these  are  editions 
of  Tibullus,  (1755,)  Virgil,  Epictetus,  (1756,)  Pindar,  etc., 
with  commentaries,  and  "Opuscula  Academica,"  (6  vols., 
1785-1812.)  Died  at  Gottingen  in  July,  1812. 

" Nothing,"  says  Sir  William  Hamilton,  "  has  contrib- 
uted so  decisively  to  maintain  and  promote  the  study 
of  classical  literature,  as  the  combination  which  Heyne 
has  effected  of  philosophy  with  erudition,  both  in  his 
commentaries  on  the  ancient  authors  and  in  those  works 

in  which  he  has  illustrated  various  points  of  antiquity." 
("Encyclopaedia  Britannica.") 

See  HEKREN,  "C.  G.  Heyne,  biographisch  dargestellt,"  1812; 
I)  AC  IKK,  "filoge  de  Heyne;"  VAN  ASSEN,  "  Hulde  aan  C.  G. 
Heyne,"  Amsterdam,  1816;  BECKER,  "  Programma  ad  Memoriua 
C.  G.  Heynii,"  1812;  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge"nerale ;"  "Edin- 
burgh Review"  for  July,  1803. 

Heyne,  (CHRISTIAN  LEBRECHT,)  a  German  littira- 
tear,  whose  pseudonym  was  ANTON  WALL,  was  bora 
near  Meissen  in  1751 ;  died  in  1821. 

Heynius.    See  HEYNE,  (CHRISTIAN  GOTTLOB.) 

Heyrick,  ha'rlk,  (ELIZABETH,)  an  English  philan 
chropist,  born  about  1770,  was  originally  named  COLT- 
MAN.  She  became  a  member  of  the  Society  of  Friends, 
and  was  eminent  for  her  active  benevolence.  She 
published  in  1824  a  treatise  entitled  "Immediate,  not 
Gradual,  Emancipation,"  which  principle  she  was  the 
first  to  advocate.  Died  in  1831. 

Heyae,  hi'zeh,  (JoHANN  CHRISTIAN  AUGUST,)  a  Ger- 
man grammarian  and  writer,  born  at  Nordhausen  in 
1764  ;  died  in  1829. 

Heyse,  (JoHANN  LUDWIG  PAUL,)  an  eminent  German 
poet,  novelist,  and  dramatist,  born  at  Berlin,  March  15, 
1830,  a  son  of  K.  W.  L.  Heyse.  He  was  educated  at 
Berlin  and  Bonn  and  in  Italy.  Among  his  many  plays 
are  "  Francesca  von  Rimini,"  (1850,)  "  Urika,"  (1852,) 
"Meleager,"  (1854,)  "The  Sabine  Women,"  (1859,)  etc. 
Among  his  best  poems  are  "The  Brothers,"  (1852,) 
"Thekla,"  (1858,)  and  "Novellen  in  Versen,"  (1863.) 
He  published  a  "  Buch  der  Freundschaft,"  ("  Book  of 
Friendship,"  in  prose,  1883-84,)  which  includes  some  of 
his  finest  sketches.  Of  his  tales  "  Die  Kinder  der  Welt" 
("The  Children  of  the  World,"  1873)  is  one  of  the  best. 
He  has  also  written  on  aesthetics,  and  on  Spanish,  French, 
Provencal,  Italian,  and  Romance  literature. 

Heyae,  (KARL  WILHELM  LUDWIG,)  an  able  German 
philologist,  born  at  Oldenburg  in  1797,  was  a  son  of  J. 
C.  A.  Heyse.  He  was  chosen  professor  at  Berlin  in  1829. 
He  published,  besides  other  works,  an  excellent  "Dic- 
tionary of  the  German  Language,"  (3  vols.,  1833-49.) 
Died  in  1855. 

Heyward,  ha'ward,  (THOMAS,)  born  at  Saint  Luke's, 
South  Carolina,  in  1746,  studied  in  London,  returned 
home  and  became  a  lawyer.  In  1775  he  was  elected 
a  member  of  Congress,  and  next  year  signed  the  Declara- 
tion of  Independence.  In  1 778  he  was  appointed  a  judge. 
He  was  taken  prisoner  at  Charleston  by  the  British  in 
1780.  He  retired  from  the  bench  in  1798.  Died  in  1809. 

See  GOODRICH,  "  Lives  of  the  Signers  to  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 

Heywood,  ha'wood,  (ELIZA,)  an  English  novelist, 
born  in  London  about  1695.  I^er  maiden  name  was 
FOWLER.  She  resorted  to  authorship  to  gain  a  sub- 
sistence for  herself  and  her  children,  and  wrote  several 
novels,  which  procured  her  a  place  in  Pope's  "Dun- 
ciad."  She  offended  less  against  decorum  in  her  subse- 
quent works,  viz.,  "The  Female  Spectator,"  "  Husband 
and  Wife,"  etc.  Died  in  1756. 

Heywood,  (JASPER,)  an  English  poet  and  Jesuit, 
bom  in  London  in  1535,  wrote  "The  Paradise  of  Dainty 
Devices,"  (1573.)  Died  in  1598. 

Heywood,  (JoHN,)  one  of  the  earliest  English  drama- 
tists, lived  in  the  reign  of  Henry  VIII.,  at  whose  court 
he  was  received  with  favour  as  a  jester.  He  was  intimate 
with  Sir  Thomas  More.  He  wrote  numerous  epigram* 
and  indifferent  plays  or  interludes.  Died  about  1565. 

See  CAMPBELL,  "  Specimens  of  the  British  Poets." 

Heywood,  (OLIVER,)  an  English  nonconformist  di- 
vine, born  in  Lancashire  in  1629.  His  works,  in  5  vols., 
were  published  in  1827.  Died  in  1702. 

See  his  Life,  by  FAWCKTT,  1708,  and  by  JOSEPH  HUNTER,  1841. 

Heywood,  (THOMAS,)  an  English  actor  and  dramatic 
author,  who  lived  in  the  reigns  of  Elizabeth,  James  I., 
and  Charles  I.  He  produced  numerous  dramas,  in  verse 
and  prose,  which  were  once  popular  and  are  still  ad- 
mired. "  Heywood,"  says  Charles  Lamb,  "  is  a  sort  of 
prose  Shakspeare.  His  scenes  are  to  the  full  as  natural 
and  affecting."  Among  his  best  dramas  are  "  The  Eng- 
lish Traveller,"  "  A  Woman  Killed  with  Kindness,"  and 
"  A  Challenge  for  Beauty."  The  second  of  these  is  com- 
mended by  Hallam.  He  also  wrote  a  "  General  History 

cas/S;  9 as*;  ghard;  gas/';  G,  K,TH,  guttural;  a, nasal;  R,  trilled;  sasz;  thasin//iu.     iJ^="See  Explanations, p.  33.) 




of  Women,"  etc. 
not  known. 

The  dates  of  his  birth  and  death  are 

See  his  Life,  by  J.  P.  COLLIER,  1850;  "Retrospective  Review," 
irol.  xi.,  1825. 

Hez-e-ki'ah,  [Heb.  irrpm  or  rrpm ;  Fr.  EZECHIAS, 
i'za'ke'as',]  King  of  Judah,  a  son  of  Ahaz,  was  born  about 

rerely  censured  and  denounced  by  many  of  those  who 
were  anxious  to  maintain  unchanged  the  doctrines  of  the 
early  Quakers.  The  result  was  a  schism  in  the  Society 
The  elders  of  the  Philadelphia  Yearly  Meeting  had  taken 
a  leading  part  in  the  opposition  to  Elias  Hicks ;  and  it 
was  in  that  Yearly  Meeting  (in  April,  1827)  that  the  first 

750  B.C.,  and  began  to  reign  in  726.     He  took  prompt  I  separation  took  place,  which  was  followed,  in  1828,  by 



Rochelle,  New  York,  in  1811. 
works  on  theology. 
Hi9'e-tas    [Gr.   'Ixeraf  or 

had  burnt  incense."  He  rebelled  against  the  King  of  Philadelphia  and  Ohio  Yearly  Meetings  the  two  sections 

Assyria,  to  whom  his  father  had  paid  tribute.     In  the  !  were  nearly  equal ;  but  those  called  "  Hicksites"  were 

fourteenth  year  of  his  reign,  Sennacherib,  King  of  As-  greatly  in  the  majority  in  the  Yearly  Meetings  of  New 

syria,  invaded  Judah  and  besieged  the  capital.     In  this  York  and  Baltimore,  while  in  Indiana  the  "Orthodox" 

crisis  the  divine  favour  was  invoked  by  the  king  and  were  numerically  much  superior  to  the  other  party. 

Isaiah,  the  latter  of  whom  prophesied  the  safety  of  Zion  It  is  proper  to  observe  that  among  those  who  most 

and  the  defeat  of  her  proud  invader.     (Isaiah,  chap,  admired  the  bold  and  stirring  eloquence  of  Hicks  there 

xxxvii.)    The  angel  of  the  Lord  smote  the  Assyrians,  so  were  probably  but   few,  comparatively   speaking,  who 

that  185,000  died  in  one  night.     Hezekiah  died  after  a  fully  endorsed  his  extreme  views  ;  yet,  regarding  him  as 

reign  of  twenty-nine  years.  -he  representative  of  liberal  and  progressive  ideas,  they 

HezeL     See  IIFT7FI  warmly  espoused  his  cause.     On  the  other  hand,  many 

Hiaerne     See  HI^RNE.  made  common  cause  with   what  they  considered  the 

persecuted  party,  and  contributed  greatly  to  swell  the 
number  of  his  adherents.  It  may  be  proper  to  add  that 
the  anti-orthodox  division  of  the  Society  do  not  acknow- 
ledge the  name  of  "  Hicksites."  They  claim,  on  the 
contrary,  to  be  the  followers  of  no  man  ;  and  although 
they  accept  the  doctrine  of  the  inward  light,  and  many 
other  of  the  views  of  the  early  Friends,  it  is  not  be- 
cause of  the  authority  of  Fox,  Penn,  or  Barclay,  but 
simply  because  those  views  commend  themselves  to 
that  divinely  given  or  intuitive  perception  of  right 
which,  as  they  maintain,  has  been  bestowed  in  a 
measure  upon  every  human  being.  Elias  Hicks  died 
February  27,  1830,  having  maintained  through  life  an 
exemplary  moral  character. 

Hicks,  (FRANCIS,)  a  Greek  scholar,  born  in 
Worcestershire,  England,  in  1566.  Died  in  1630. 
His  translation  of  Lucian  was  published  in  1634. 

Hicks,  (HENRY,)  a  British  geologist,  born  at 
Carmarthen  in  1837.  He  studied  medicine,  and  be- 

He  published  several 


ancient  Pythagorean  philosopher,  is  noticed  by  Diogenes 
Laertius  and  Cicero.  The  latter  informs  us  that  he  taught 
that  the  earth  revolves  on  its  axis,  and  that  the  heavenly 
bodies  were  stationary. 

Hickes,  hiks,  (GEORGE,)  D.D.,  an  eminent  English 
divine  and  philologist,  born  at  Newsham  in  1642.  He 
took  orders  in  1666,  and  became  Dean  of  Worcester  in 
1683.  For  refusing  to  take  the  oath  to  William  III.  he 
was  deprived  of  his  deanery  in  1689,  and  in  1694  was 
consecrated  Bishop  of  Thetford  by  the  nonjuring  San- 
croft.  He  was  a  profound  scholar,  and  author  of  many 
polemical  and  other  works,  among  which  the  following 
are  now  most  prized,  viz.,  "Treasure  of  Ancient  North- 
ern languages,"  and  "  Institutes  of  Anglo-Saxon  and 

Mocso-Gothic  Grammar,"  (1689.)     Died  in  1715.  I  came  active  in  geological  research.     He  made  extensive 

'        LIAM')  a"  l™ .<?e.rg??oa-n  a,".d    explorations   of    Silurian   and   Cambrian    strata,   and 

rural  economist,  born  in  the  county  of  Cork  in  1787.    He 
published,  under  the  assumed  name  of  MARTIN  DOYLE, 
a  valuable  work  called  "  Hints  to  Small  Fanners,"  and 
other  works  on  farming.     Died  in  1875. 
Hick'man,  (HENRY,)  an  English  nonconformist  di- 

of  glacial  bone  caves,  and  announced  important  dis- 
coveries. Among  these  was  a  rich  fauna  in  the  Monte 
Slates,  which  were  supposed  to  be  unfossiliferous. 
Died  in  1899. 

*-»-*v-ik.  JJ-»au,   l  l  ic-.i  l\  I . l    dii    i^uuiiall    IIUI1UU1L1UI  III  M    UI-  ,      ,  -  '  _  _  x  T»    •    •    L_ 

vine,  born  in  Worcestershire  ;  died  at  Leyden  in  1692.  .  Hlcks'  O°HN  BRAXTON,)  a  British  anatomist, 
Hick'ok,  (LAURENS  PERSEUS,)  D.D.;  an  American  born  at  Rye'  Sussex'  m  :823-  He  made  numerous 
divine  and  metaphysician,  born  in  Danbury,  Connecticut,  important  anatomical  researches,  and  published  valu- 
in  1798.  He  graduated  in  1820  at  Union  College,  in  able  papers  on  his  discoveries  in  the  anatomy  and 
which  he  accepted  (1852)  the  professorship  of  mental  physiology  of  animals  and  plants, 
and  moral  science.  His  principal  works  are  " Rational  Hicks,  (THOMAS,)  an  American  painter,  born  at 
Psychology,"  (1848,)  "Empirical  Psychology,"  (1854,)  Newtown,  Bucks  county,  Pennsylvania,  in  1823.  He 
and  "Rational  Cosmology,"  (1858.)  Died  in  1888.  [went  to  Europe  in  1845,  and  passed  several  years  at 

public  as  a  minister  of  the  gospel  in  1775.  He  was  '  Hicks  or  Hickes,  (WILLIAM,)  was  an  English 
early  convinced  of  the  iniquity  of  slavery,  and  felt  it  to  c;lptain  ;n  the  time  of  Charles  I.,  and  author  of  the 
be  his  duty  to  abstain,  as  far  as  practicable,  from  all  partici-  first  Test-Book  in  the  English  language,  published  at 
pation  in  the  products  of  slave  labour, — a  duty  which  he  Oxford  (1660  ) 

appears  to  have  scrupulously  observed  throughout  the      'Hicks-Beach,  (Sir  MICHAEL  EDWARD,)  a  British 

statesman,  was  born  at  London  in  1837,  and  educated 
at    Eton    and   Oxford.     He    succeeded   his   father  as 

member;   but  early  in  the  present  century  he  began  to  c  , 

promulgate  religious  views  widely  different  from  those  |  baronet  m  :854-  and,  entrere,d  Parliament  in  '864- 

held  by  a  large  majority  of  the  Quakers.     He  advocated   was  chief-secretary  for  Ireland   1874-78  and  1886-8 

the  most  radical  Unitarian  doctrines,  and  asserted  that  i  colonlal  secretary  1878-80,  and  became  chancellor  oi 

Christ  came  as  a  Saviour  to  the  Israelites  only,  his  spe-  •  'he  exchequer  1885-86,  and  again  in  1895. 

rial  mission  being  limited  to  that  nation.     He  even  went  i      Hidalgo,  (  JOSE  GARCIA.)     See  GARZIA. 

so  far  as  to  express  the  opinion  that  the  Scriptures  had  '     Hiel,  heel,  (EMANUEL,)  a  Belgian  lyric  poet,  born  at 

been  "the  cause  of  fourfold  more  harm  than  good  to    Dendermonde,  May 30,  1834.     He  ranks  among  the  first 

Christendom  since  the  apostles'  days."     In  consequence   in  the  new  school  of  Flemish  authors.     Several  of  his 

of  the  expression  of  these  and  similar  views,  he  was  se- 1  nublished  works  are  translations  rrom  the  German. 

a,  e,  i,  5,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  T,  6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  o,  obscure;  fir,  fill,  fit;  mSt;  not;  good;  moon; 




Hi-emp'sal,  a  Numidian  prince,  a  son  of  Micipsa, 
was  murdered  by  Jugurtha,  according  to  Sallust. 

Hien-Pung,  he-Jn'  fung,  Emperor  of  China,  born 
about  1830,  was  a  younger  son  of  Taoo-Kooang.  He 
ascended  the  throne  in  1850,  and  appointed  ministers 
who  wished  to  maintain  an  exclusive  policy  towards 
foreigners.  In  the  same  year  began  a  great  insurrection, 
raised  and  directed  by  Tien-Te  or  Tai-Ping-Wang.  The 
insurgents  were  generally  victorious,  and  captured  Nan- 
kin in  1853.  (See  TAl-PiNG-WANG.)  A  war  broke  out 
between  the  Chinese  and  the  British,  who  entered  Pekin 
in  triumph  in  1860.  Died  in  1861. 

Hiero.     See  HIERON. 

Hi-6r'o-cle§,  [Gr.  'lepox).?/;,]  an  eminent  Platonic  phi- 
losopher, who  was  the  head  of  a  flourishing  school  in 
Alexandria  in  the  fifth  century.  He  is  the  author  of 
a  "  Commentary  on  the  Golden  Verses  of  Pythagoras," 
which  has  been  preserved  entire,  and  of  a  "Treatise  on 
Providence  (or  Foreknowledge)  and  Fate,"  of  which 
some  fragments  remain.  The  former  is  written  in  Greek, 
and  is  admired  for  the  beauty  of  the  thoughts  and  of 
the  style. 

See  ANDRit  DACIER,  "  Vie  de  HieVocles,"  1706. 

Hierocles,  the  author  of  a  work  on  veterinary  medi- 
cine, addressed  to  Cassianus  Bassus,  lived  in  the  third 
or  fourth  century  of  our  era. 

Hierocles,  a  grammarian,  who  is  supposed  to  have 
lived  in  the  sixth  century,  wrote,  in  Greek,  a  "  Hand- 
Book  for  Travellers,  "(2wenfai[u>f,)  which  contains  descrip- 
tions of  the  towns  and  provinces  of  the  Eastern  empire. 

There  was  also  a  Stoic  philosopher  named  HIEROCLES, 
of  whom  we  have  little  information.  He  is  supposed  to 
have  lived  in  the  second  century.  Another  HIEROCLES 
compiled  or  wrote  a  collection  of  anecdotes  and  ridicu- 
lous sayings  of  pedants,  students,  etc.,  with  the  Latin 
title  of  "  Facetiae  Hieroclis." 

Hierocles  OP  ALABANDA,  a  Greek  rhetorician,  lived 
about  100  B.C.  He  composed  orations  in  the  style  which 
Cicero  calls  the  "Asiatic." 

Hierocles  OF  BITHYNIA  was  the  principal  author  of 
the  persecution  of  the  Christians  in  the  reign  of  Diocle- 
tian, (about  300  A.D.)  He  wrote  two  books  against 
Christianity,  entitled  "  Sincere  Discourses  to  the  Chris- 
tians," (\6yot  <pdafci$£tft)  in  which  he  maintains  that 
the  Scripture  is  full  of  contradictions.  He  was  prefect 
of  Bithynia  and  of  Alexandria. 

Hi'e-rou  or  Hi'e-ro  [Gr.  'Upuv]  L,  King  of  Syra- 
cuse, succeeded  his  brother  Gelon  in  478  B.C.  The  first 
•part  of  his  reign  was  tyrannical.  He  expelled  the  citi- 
zens of  Naxos  and  Catana,  and  colonized  those  towns 
with  his  own  subjects.  He  is  applauded  for  his  pa- 
tronage of  literature  and  his  appreciation  of  genius.  His 
court  was  the  resort  of  the  most  eminent  poets  and  sages 
of  his  time,  among  whom  were  Pindar,  ^schylus,  Si- 
monides,  and  Epicharmus.  Pindar  wrote  several  odes 
on  the  occasion  of  Hieron's  victories  at  the  Olympic 
games,  and  Simonides  enjoyed  his  friendship  and  bounty. 
Died  in  467  B.C. 

See  XENOPHON,  "  Hieron." 

Hieron  (or  Hiero)  U.,  King  of  Syracuse,  was  the  son 
of  Hierocles,  a  private  citizen.  Having  served  in  the 
army  of  Pyrrhus,  who  left  Sicily  in  a  state  of  anarchy, 
Hieron  was  chosen  general  by  the  soldiers  in  275  B.C., 
and  recognised  as  king  about  270.  At  the  beginning  of 
the  first  Punic  war  he  took  side  with  the  Carthaginians, 
and  was  defeated  by  the  Romans  about  264  B.C.  He  then 
made  peace  with  the  victors  by  the  payment  of  tribute, 
and  was  ever  after  a  faithful  ally  of  Rome.  Under  his 
wise  rule  the  kingdom  for  many  years  enjoyed  peace 
and  prosperity.  Died  in  216  B.C.  Archimedes  lived  in 
Syracuse  in  this  reign,  and  exercised  his  mechanical 
genius  in  constructing  machines  and  ships  of  great  size. 

See  Livv,  "  History  of  Rome,"  books  xxi.-xjciv. ;  DJOOORUS 
SICULUS,  books  xjtii.-xxvi. ;  DROYSBN,  "  Hellenismus,"  vol.  iL 

ETJ'e-ron,  (SAMUEL,)  an  English  Puritan,  born  at 
Epping  in  1572,  was  rector  of  Modbury,  and  published 
sermons  and  other  works  on  theology.  Died  in  1617. 

Hieronyme.    See  HIERONYMUS. 

Hi-e-ron'jf-nius,  [Gr.  'lepuw/jot;  Fr.  HIERONYME, 
e'a'ro'nem',]  King  of  Syracuse,  was  the  grandson  of 
Hieron  II.,  whom  he  succeeded  in  216  B.C.,  at  the  age 

of  fifteen.  He  broke  the  alliance  with  the  Romans,  who 
had  recently  been  defeated  at  Cannae,  and  formed  a 
league  with  the  Carthaginians.  He  was  on  the  point  of 
taking  an  active  part  in  the  war,  when  he  was  killed  by 
his  own  subjects  about  a  year  after  his  accession.  He 
left  no  issue ;  and  the  Syracusans  thenceforth  dispensed 
with  royalty. 

Hieronymus  was  the  Latin  name  of  Saint  Jerome, 
one  of  the  Fathers  of  the  Church. 

Hieronymus  OF  CARDIA,  [Fr.  HIERONYME,  e'a'ro'- 
nem', (or  JEROME,  zha'rom',)  DE  CARDIE,  den  ktR'de',] 
a  Greek  historian,  who  flourished  about  300  B.C.  He 
entered  the  service  of  Eumenes,  who  employed  him  on 
a  mission  to  Antipater  in  320.  He  was  afterwards  an 
adherent  of  Demetrius,  who  appointed  him  Governor  of 
Boeotia  in  292  B.C.  He  wrote  historical  memoirs  of  the 
successors  of  Alexander  the  Great, — a  work  which  is  often 
cited  by  the  ancients,  but  has  not  come  down  to  us. 

Hieronymus  OF  RHODES,  a  Greek  philosopher,  and 
disciple  of  Aristotle,  lived  about  300  B.C. 

HIT fer-nan,  (PAUL,)  bom  in  the  county  of  Dublin, 
Ireland,  in  1719,  lived  many  years  in  London  as  a  lite- 
rary hack,  and  wrote  several  mediocre  dramas,  etc.  His 
habits  were  eccentric.  Died  in  1777. 

Hig'bee,  (ELNATHAN  ELISHA,)  D.D.,  an  American 
educator,  born  in  Saint  George,  Vermont,  March  27, 
1830.  He  graduated  at  the  University  of  Vermont  in 
1849.  Having  entered  the  ministry  of  the  German  Re- 
formed Church,  he  was  in  1864  appointed  professor  in 
the  theological  seminary  at  Mercersburg,  Pennsylvania. 
In  1871  he  was  made  president  of  Mercersburg  College, 
and  in  1881  superintendent  of  public  instruction  for 
Pennsylvania.  Died  December  13,  1889. 

Hig'dqn,  (RANULPH  or  RALPH.)  an  English  monk, 
connected  with  a  Benedictine  monastery  at  Chester 
wrote  "  Polychronicon,"  a  Latin  chronicle.  He  died,  at 
a  great  age,  about  1370. 

Hig'gins,  (GODFREY,)  an  English  antiquary,  born  in 
Yorkshire  in  1771,  wrote  "  The  Celtic  Druids,"  and  other 
works.  Died  in  1833. 

Higgins,  (MATTHEW  JAMES,)  an  English  journalist, 
born  about  1810,  wrote  under  the  assumed  name  of 
JACOB  OMNIUM.  He  contributed  many  articles  to  the 
London  "  Times,"  the  "  Pall  Mall  Gazette,"  and  other 
journals.  His  writings  were  mostly  devoted  to  the  ex- 
posure of  abuses  in  the  social  and  military  systems  of 
England.  Died  in  1868. 

Hig'giii-son,  (FRANCIS,)  a  distinguished  divine,  born 
in  England  in  1588.  He  was  educated  at  Cambridge 
University,  and  appointed  rector  of  a  church  i»  Leices- 
ter, in  which  position  he  laboured  with  great  zeal  and 
success  until  removed  for  nonconformity.  He  came  to 
Massachusetts  in  1629,  and  the  next  month  was  ordained 
with  Mr.  Skelton,  the  first  minister  of  Salem.  Died  in 
1630.  He  was  the  author  of  "New  England's  Planta- 
tion," (1630.) 

Higginson,  (FRANCIS  JOHN,)  an  American  ad- 
miral, was  born  at  Boston  in  1843.  He  graduated  at 
the  Naval  Academy  in  1861,  served  through  the  civil 
war,  was  captain  of  the  Massachusetts  during  the  war 
with  Spain,  and  was  promoted  commodore  August  IO, 
1898,  and  rear-admiral  March  5,  1899. 

Higginson,  (JoHN,)  born  in  England  in  1616,  ac- 
companied his  father  Francis  to  Massachusetts  in  1629. 
He  was  minister  of  the  church  at  Salem  from  1660  until 
his  death  in  1708,  and  published  sermons  and  other 
theological  works.  He  was  regarded  as  the  most  able 
and  eloquent  American  author  of  his  time.  Among 
his  works  is  his  "  Attestation  to  Cotton  Mather's  Mag- 

Higginson,  (THOMAS  WENTWORTH,)  an  American 
writer,  born  in  Cambridge,  Massachusetts,  December  22, 
1823.  He  graduated  at  Harvard  College  in  1841,  and 
at  the  Cambridge  Divinity  School,  and  was  minister  of 
Unitarian  churches  in  Newburyport  and  Worcester,  Mas- 
sachusetts. He  was  a  very  active  abolitionist.  In  1856 
he  went  to  Kansas  and  served  against  the  pro-slavery 
forces,  having  the  rank  of  a  brigadier-general  in  the  Free- 
State  troops.  He  served  in  the  civil  war,  1862-64,  at- 
taining the  rank  of  colonel  of  coloured  troops  in  South 

e  as*;  <;ass;  gAard;  g as ;';  G,  H,  K.,guttural;  N,  nasal;  R, trilled;  sasz;  thasin//<«.     (JJcj^See Explanations, p.  23.) 




Carolina,  and  leaving  the  service  only  when  disabled  by 
a  wound.  He  afterwards  gave  his  time  chiefly  to  litera- 
ture, and  to  educational  and  other  reforms.  Among  his 
principal  works  are  "Out-Door  Papers,"  (1863,)  "Mai- 
bone,"  a  romance,  (1869,)  "Army  Life  in  a  Black  Regi- 
ment," (1870,)  "Atlantic  Essays,"  (1871,)  "Oldport 
Days,"  (1873,)  "  Young  Folks'  History  of  the  United 
States,"  (1875,)  "Memoir  of  Margaret  Fuller  Ossoli," 
(1884,)  "Larger  History  of  the  United  States,"  (1884,) 
"Hints  on  Writing  and  Speech-Making,"  (1887,) 
"Concerning  All  of  Us,"  (1892,)  "  Tales  of  the  En- 
chanted Islands,"  etc.  He  also  edited  Epictetus,  etc. 

Hig'gons,  (Sir  THOMAS,)  was  born  in  Shropshire, 
England,  in  1624.  He  married  the  notorious  Countess 
of  Essex,  (see  CARR,  ROBERT,)  at  whose  funeral  in  1656 
he  pronounced  an  oration,  which  was  printed.  He  was 
sent  as  ambassador  to  Vienna  in  1673.  Died  in  1691. 
His  son,  BEVIL,  born  in  1670,  wrote,  besides  several 
poems,  a  "Short  View  of  English  History,"  (1723.)  He 
was  a  zealous  Jacobite,  and  went  into  exile  with  James 
II.  Died  in  France  in  1735. 

Hlgh'more,  (JOSEPH,)  an  English  portrait-painter, 
born  in  London  in  1692,  was  a  pupil  of  Kneller.  He 
executed  portraits  of  the  Knights  of  the  Bath,  and  was 
employed  by  George  I.  to  paint  some  members  of  the 
royal  family.  In  1742  he  painted  the  portraits  of  the 
Prince  and  Princess  of  Wales.  He  wrote  a  treatise  on 
Perspective.  Died  in  1780. 

Highmore,  (NATHANIEL,)  an  eminent  English  phy- 
sician, born  at  Fordingbridge  in  1613,  practised  with 
success  at  Sherborne.  He  wrote  able  treatises  on  anat- 
omy. Died  in  1684. 


Hilaire.    See  HILARY. 

Hi-la'rl-on,  SAINT,  a  noted  ascetic  or  hermit  of  Pales- 
tine, and  pioneer  of  monastic  life,  was  born  at  Tabatha, 
near  Gaza,  about  292  A.D.  At  an  early  age  he  went  to 
Alexandria  as  a  student,  and  was  converted  to  Chris- 
tianity. Returning  to  Palestine,  he  retired  from  the 
world,  passed  many  years  in  the  desert,  and  gained  a 
wide  reputation  by  his  austerities.  Many  monasteries 
were  founded  by  him  or  by  the  influence  of  his  example. 
Died  about  372. 

See  SAINT  JEROME,  "Vita  Hilarioni :"  BAILLET,  "Vies  des 

Hilarins.    See  HILARY. 

Hi-la'rl-us,  surnamed  DIAC/ONUS,  a  native  of  Sar- 
dinia, lived  about  350  A.D.,  and  became  a  deacon  of  the 
church  in  Rome.  He  was  an  adversary  of  Arianism. 

Hil'a-ry.  [Lat,  HILA'RIUS;  Fr.  HILAIRE,  e'laV,]  a 
native  of  Sardinia,  was  chosen  Bishop  or  Pope  of  Rome  in 
461  A.D.,  as  successor  to  Leo  I.  In  449  he  had  officiated 
as  legate  at  the  Council  of  Ephesus,  where  he  zealously 
opposed  the  Eutychians.  The  events  of  his  pontificate 
were  unimportant.  It  appears  that  he  claimed  the  pre- 
eminence of  the  see  of  Rome.  He  died  in  467,  and  was 
succeeded  by  Simplicius. 

Hilary  or  Hilarius,  [Fr.  HILAIRE,  e'ISR',  |  SAINT, 
an  orthodox  theologian,  was  born  at  Poitiers,  (Pictavi,) 
in  Gaul,  of  which  place  he  became  bishop  about  350  A.D. 
He  took  a  prominent  part  in  defence  of  Athanasius 
against  the  Arians,  for  which  he  was  banished  to  Phrygia 
in  356.  In  359,  at  the  Council  of  Seleucia,  he  defended 
the  doctrine  of  the  Trinity,  and  afterwards  published  a 
violent  invective  against  the  Arian  emperor  Constantius, 
whom  he  denounced  as  Antichrist.  Having  returned 
to  Italy  and  Gaul,  he  laboured  zealously  to  purge  the 
churches  of  heresy.  He  wrote  a  "Treatise  on  Synods," 
a  "  Commentary  on  Saint  Matthew,"  and  a  few  other 
works.  Died  in  367  A.D. 

See  CAVK,  "  Scriptores  Ecclesiastic! :"  TILLEMONT,  "  Memoires." 

Hilary  or  Hilarius,  SAINT,  was  born  about  400 
A.D.,  probably  in  Gaul  or  Belgium,  lie  became  Bishop 
of  Aries  in  429,  and  was  highly  esteemed  for  piety  and 
learning.  His  contest  with  Leo,  Bishop  of  Rome,  forms 
an  important  epoch  in  the  history  of  the  Gallic  Church. 
Celidonius,  a  bishop,  having  been  deposed  by  a  council 
at  which  Hilarius  presided,  appealed  to  Leo,  who  rein- 
stated him,  and,  supported  by  an  edict  of  the  emperor 
Valentinian  III.,  deprived  Hilarius  of  his  bishopric 
because  the  latter  refused  to  own  the  supremacy  of 

Rome.  This  was  one  of  the  first  efforts  made  to  build 
up  the  papal  power.  Died  in  449.  His  "Eulogy  on 
Honoratus"  is  much  admired. 

See  BELLARMIN,  "De  Scriptoribus  Ecclesiasticis ;"  TILLEMOXT, 
"Memoires;"  "Gallia  Christiana." 

Hn'da,  SAINT,  a  grand-niece  of  Edwin,  King  of  North- 
umbria,  was  converted  to  Christianity  in  her  childhood, 
became  abbess  of  the  convent  of  Heorthen  (afterwards 
Whitby)  about  660,  and  died  in  680  A.D. 

HlKde-baia,  [Lat  HILDEBAL'DUS,]  King  of  the 
Ostrogoths  in  Lombardy.  After  Belisarius  had  con 
quered  the  Ostrogoths,  they  proclaimed  Hildebald  their 
king  at  Pavia  in  540  A.D.  The  next  year  he  gained  a 
victory  over  the  Romans,  soon  after  which  he  was  assas- 
sinated by  one  of  his  guards. 

See  JORNANDES,  "De  Regnorum  Successione ;"  GIBBON,  "His- 
tory of  the  Decline  and  Fall  of  the  Roman  Empire." 

Hn'de-bert,  [Lat.  HILDEBER'TUS,]  a  French  prelate 
and  poet,  born  at  Lavardin  in  1057,  became  Archbishop 
of  Tours  in  1125.  He  was  eminent  for  his  piety  and 
learning,  and  was  one  of  the  best  writers  of  his  time. 
His  works  are  written  in  Latin,  and  consist  of  epistles, 
sermons,  and  poems.  Died  in  1134. 

See  "  Gallia  Christiana ;"  "Vita  Hildeberti,"  prefixed  to  hit  Works, 
published  by  BKAUGBNDRB  in  1708. 

Hildebertua.    See  HILDEBERT. 

Hildebrand.    See  GREGORY  VII. 

Hildebrand,  hil'de-brand,  (BROR  EMIL,)  a  Swedish 
antiquarian  and  numismatologist,  born  at  Flerahopp, 
February  22,  1806.  He  was  educated  at  Lund,  and  pub- 
lished several  standard  treatises.  Died  at  Stockholm, 
August  30,  1884. 

Hildebrand,  (HANS  OLOP  HILDKBRAND,)  a  son  of 
Bror  Emil  Hildebrand,  was  born  at  Stockholm,  April  5, 
1842.  Among  his  many  works  are  a  "  History  of  Sweden" 
and  "  Sweden  in  the  Middle  Ages."  Died  in  1890. 

Hildebrandt,  hll'deh-bRant',  (EDUARD,)  a  German 
painter,  born  at  Dantzic  in  1817,  studied  in  Berlin  and 
Paris,  and  travelled  in  almost  all  parts  of  the  world.  He 
painted  a  vast  number  of  pictures,  of  which  the  best  are 
often  remarkable  for  their  masterly  display  of  coloration. 
Died  at  Berlin,  October  2S,  1868. 

Hildebrandt,  hil'dgh-bRint',  (FERDINAND  THEO- 
DOR,)  a  German  historical  painter,  and  one  of  the  most 
eminent  masters  of  the  Dusseldorf  school,  was  born  at 
Stettin  in  1804.  He  studied  under  W.  Schadow  at  Ber- 
lin, and  settled  at  Dusseldorf.  Among  his  works  are 
"King  Lear  and  Cordelia,"  (1826,)  "Tancred  and  Clo- 
rinda,"  (1828,)  and  "Othello  relating  his  Adventures 
to  Desdemona,"  (1848.)  Died  September  29,  1874. 

Hildebrandt,  (GEORG  FRIEDRICH,)  a  German  phy- 
sician and  naturalist,  born  at  Hanover  in  1764,  wrote, 
besides  other  works,  a  "Manual  of  Human  Anatomy," 
(4vols.,  1789-92.)  Died  in  1816. 

HD'de-gard'  or  Hildegarde,  SAINT,  a  German  nun, 
born  in  1098,  became  abbess  of  Saint  Rupert's  Mount, 
near  Bingen,  on  the  Rhine.  Died  in  1180. 

See  J.  C.  DAHL,  "Die  heilige  Hildegardis;  historische  Abhand- 
lung,"  1832. 

Hildenbrand,  von,  fon  Ml'den-bRant',  (VALENTIN 
JOHANN,)  a  German  medical  writer,  born  in  Vienna  in 
1763  ;  died  in  1818. 

HU'ders-ham,  (ARTHUR,)  an  English  Puritan  divine, 
born  in  Cambridgeshire  in  1563.  He  held  the  living  of 
Ashby-de-la-Zouch  from  1593  until  his  death.  He  was 
a  grand-nephew  of  Cardinal  Pole,  and  was  related  to 
the  royal  family.  He  wrote  various  theological  works, 
and  was  esteemed  a  shining  light  among  the  Puritans. 
Died  in  1631. 

Hn'del-ley,  (MARK,)  an  English  theologian,  born  in 
Kent  in  1698.  He  became  Bishop  of  Sodor  and  Man 
in  1755,  and  caused  the  Bible  to  be  translated  into  the 
Manx  language.  Died  in  1772. 

See  WEEDON  BUTLER,  "  Memoirs  of  M.  Hildesley."  1799. 

HQ'dreth,  (RICHARD,)  an  American  journalist  and 
historian,  was  born  in  Deerlield,  Massachusetts,  June 
28,  1807.  He  graduated  at  Harvard  in  1826,  and,  while 
studying  law,  contributed  numerous  articles  to  magazines. 
Admitted  to  the  bar  in  Boston  in  1830,  he  abandoned 
the  legal  profession  at  the  expiration  of  two  years,  to 
accept  the  position  of  associate  editor  of  the  "  Boston 

a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  d,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  o,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fat;  mil;  not;  good;  moon: 




Atlaa,"  which  soon  became  one  of  the  ablest  Whig  jour- 
nals in  New  England  His  health  having  failed,  he  spent 
the  year  1835  in  Florida,  and  while  there  wrote  "Archy 
Moore,"  an  anti-slavery  novel.  It  was  republished  and 
favourably  reviewed  in  England,  and  an  enlarged  edition, 
under  the  title  of  "The  White  Slave,"  was  issued  in  the 
United  States  in  1852.  In  1837  he  furnished  to  the 
columns  of  the  "Atlas"  a  series  of  articles  which  con- 
tributed powerfully  towards  defeating  schemes  then  on 
foot  for  the  annexation  of  Texas.  He  took  a  conspicuous 
part  in  the  Presidential  canvass  which  resulted  in  the 
nomination  and  election  of  General  Harrison.  He  also 
gave  to  the  public  during  this  period  his  "  Despotism 
in  America,"  an  able  review  of  the  social,  political,  and 
economical  aspects  of  slavery  in  the  United  States,  to 
which  he  added  in  1854  a  chapter  on  the  "  Legal  Basis  of 
Slavery."  His  health  having  again  failed,  he  embarked 
in  1840  for  British  Guiana,  and,  during  a  residence  of 
three  years  at  Georgetown,  the  capital,  wrote  his  "  Theory 
of  Morals,"  published  in  1844,  and  "Theory  of  Politics, 
or  an  Inquiry  into  the  Foundation  of  Governments  and 
the  Causes  and  Progress  of  Political  Revolutions,"  issued 
in  1853.  Mr.  Hildreth  is  best  known,  however,  by  his 
"  History  of  the  United  States  of  America,"  from  the 
discovery  of  the  continent  to  the  close  of  the  Sixteenth 
Congress  in  1820,  (6  vols.  8vo,  1849-52.)  It  was  pro- 
jected while  the  author  was  a  student  at  Harvard.  The 
work  has  been  variously  criticised  ;  ">ut  all  agree  in 
classing  it  among  the  standard  histories  of  our  country. 
Died  at  Florence  in  July,  1865. 

See  DUYCKINCK,  "Cyclopaedia  of  American  Literature,"  vol.  ii. ; 
CLEVELAND,  "Compendium  of  American  Literature." 

Hildreth,  (SAMUEL  PRESCOTT,)  M.D.,  an  American 
physician,  born  in  Massachusetts  in  1783.  He  settled 
in  Ohio  in  1806.  His  principal  works  are  a  "  Pioneer 
History  of  the  Ohio  Valley,"  (1848,)  and  "  Biographical 
and  Historical  Memoirs  of  the  Early  Settlers  of  Ohio," 
(1852.)  Died  at  Marietta,  Ohio,  in  1863. 

Hilferding,  hil'feR-ding',  (ALEXANDER  FEODORO- 
VITCH,)  a  Russian  author,  of  German  descent,  born  at 
Moscow  in  1831.  Among  his  numerous  works  are  a 
"  History  of  the  Serbs  and  Bulgarians,"  "  History  of 
the  Baltic  Slavs,"  and  "  Travels  in  Bosnia,  Herzegovina, 
and  Old  Servia."  He  also  wrote  much  on  Slavic  phi- 
lology. Died  July  2,  1872. 

HU'gard,  (EUGENE  WOLDEMAR,)  Ph.D.,  a  German- 
American  scientist,  a  brother  of  J.  E.  Hilgard,  was  born 
at  Zweibriicken,  January  5,  1833.  In  1835  he  went  with  his 
father  to  Belleville,  Illinois.  He  was  educated  at  Freiberg, 
Zurich,  and  Heidelberg,  where  he  graduated  in  1853, 
was  State  geologist  of  Mississippi,  1857-73,  professor 
of  chemistry  in  the  University  of  Mississippi,  1866-73, 
professor  of  geology  in  the  University  of  Michigan, 
1873-75,  and  in  1875  became  professor  of  agriculture  in 
the  University  of  California.  He  has  published  many 
valuable  reports  and  scienti6c  papers. 

Hilgard,  (Junus  ERASMUS,)  a  distinguished  scientist, 
born  at  Zweibriicken,  in  Germany,  January  7,  1825.  He 
removed  to  the  United  States  with  his  parents  in  1835. 
In  1845  ne  entered  the  coast  survey,  of  which  in  1881  he 
was  appointed  superintendent.  Died  May  8,  1891. 

Hilgenfeld,  hil'cen-fSlt',  (ADOLF  BERNHARD  CHRIS- 
TOPH  CHRISTIAN,)  a  German  Biblical  critic  of  the  "Tu- 
bingen school,"  was  born  at  Stappenbeck,  June  2.  1823. 
He  became  a  professor  of  theology  at  Jena.  He  has 
written  much  on  New  Testament  criticism  and  the  Greek 
Apocryphal  writings,  has  edited  a  "  Novum  Testamentum 
extra  Canonem  Receptum,"  and  published  a  "  History 
of  the  Heresies  of  Early  Christianity,"  (1884.)  He  ranks 
as  a  conservative  of  the  rationalistic  school. 

Hill,  (AARON,)  an  English  writer,  born  in  London  in 
1685.  About  the  age  of  sixteen  he  went  to  Constanti- 
nople, and  by  the  aid  of  his  kinsman,  Lord  Paget,  visited 
several  countries  of  the  East.  In  1709  he  published  a 
"  History  of  the  Ottoman  Empire."  Soon  after  he  became 
manager  of  Drury  Lane  Theatre,  and  wrote  "  Elfrida," 
a  tragedy,  which  was  followed  by  several  other  dramas. 
The  most  successful  of  these  are  "Alzira"  and  "Zara," 
adapted  from  Voltaire.  He  wrote  a  satire  on  Pope,  who 
had  noticed  him  in  the  "Dunciad"  in  terms  which  some 
think  rather  complimentary.  Died  in  1750. 

Hill,  (ALFRED  JAMES,)  archaeologist,  was  born  at 
London  in  1833.  He  removed  to  America,  where  he 
entered  upon  an  extensive  survey  of  the  archaeology 
of  the  Northwest,  platting  nearly  twelve  thousand 
Indian  mounds  north  of  the  Ohio  and  west  of  the 
Great  Lakes.  He  died  in  1895,  leaving  the  manu- 
script of  several  extensive  works  uncompleted. 

Hill,  (AMBROSE  POWELL,)  an  American  general, 
born  in  Culpeper  county,  Virginia,  about  1825, 
graduated  at  West  Point  in  1847.  He  joined  the 
Confederate  army  in  1861,  became  a  major-general  in 
1862,  and  in  1863  was  promoted  lieutenant-general. 
He  commanded  a  corps  at  Gettysburg  and  in  the  later 
Virginia  campaigns,  and  was  killed  in  battle  neat 
Petersburg,  April  2,  1865. 

Hill,  (BENJAMIN  HARVEY,)  an  American  Senator, 
born  in  Jasper  county,  Georgia,  September  14,  1823. 
He  graduated  at  the  Georgia  University  in  1844,  became 
a  lawyer,  was  a  Confederate  Senator,  1861-65,  and  was 
elected  to  the  United  States  Senate  in  1873  and  l877- 
He  was  an  able  and  eloquent  speaker  and  a  brilliant 
lawyer.  Died  August  16,  1882. 

Trill,  (DANIEL  H.,)  an  American  general,  born  in  South 
Carolina  in  1821,  graduated  at  West  Point  in  1842,  and 
served  in  the  Mexican  war.  He  commanded  a  Con- 
federate division  at  the  battles  of  Mechanicsville  and 
Malvern  Hill,  July  I,  1862,  and  South  Mountain,  Sep- 
tember, 1862.  He  served  as  lieutenant-general  under 
General  Bragg  in  1863,  and  commanded  at  Augusta, 
Georgia,  in  :865-  Died  September  24,  1889. 

Hill,  (DAVID  BENNETT,)  an  American  Senator, 
was  born  at  Havana,  New  York,  in  1844.  He  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  in  1864,  was  in  the  New  York 
Assembly  1869-71,  mayor  of  Elmira  1882,  lieutenant- 
governor  of  New  York  1882-85,  ano^  governor  1885- 
91.  He  was  in  the  United  States  Senate  1891-97, 
and  was  advocated  as  the  Democratic  candidate  for 
President  in  1892,  but  failed  of  nomination. 

Hill,  (DAVID  J.,)  LL.D.,  an  American  educator, 
born  at  Plainfield,  New  Jersey,  June  10,  1850.  He 
graduated  at  the  university  at  Lewisburg,  Pennsyl- 
vania, in  1874,  was  professor  of  rhetoric  there  1877- 
79,  and  president  1879-88.  He  was  president  of  the 
University  of  Rochester  1888-96.  His  principal 
works  are  "  Science  of  Rhetoric,"  (1877,)  "  Elements 
of  Rhetoric,"  (1878,)  "Life  of  Bryant,"  (1879,) 
"Life  of  Irving,"  (1879,)  "Genetic  Philosophy," 
"  International  Justice,"  "  A  Primer  of  Finance,"  etc. 

Hill,  (DAVID  OCTAVIUS,)  a  Scottish  landscape- 
painter,  born  at  Perth  in  1802,  and  for  many  years 
secretary  to  the  Royal  Scottish  Academy.  Died  in 

Hill,  (GEORGE,)  D.D.,  a  Scottish  divine,  born  at 
Saint  Andrew's  in  1750.  He  was  principal  of  Saint 
Mary's  College,  in  his  native  town,  and  succeeded 
Dr.  Robertson  as  leader  of  the  General  Assembly. 
He  published,  besides  other  works,  "Lectures  on 
Divinity."  Died  in  1819. 

Hill,  (GEORGE,)  an  American  poet,  born  at  Guil- 
ford,  near  New  Haven,  Connecticut,  in  1796.  Among 
his  principal  poems  are  "The  Ruins  of  Athens"  and 
"Titania."  Died  in  New  York,  December  15,  1871. 

Hill,  (HEADON,)  nom-de-flume  of  F.  Grainger,  an 
English  novelist,  born  in  Suffolk  in  1857.  Since  1890 
he  has  published  numerous  novels,  including  "The 
Rajah's  Second  Wife,"  (1894,)  "  The  Zone  of  Fire," 
(.1897,)  "Spectre  Gold,"  (1898,)  etc. 

TTill,  (ISAAC,)  a  journalist,  born  in  Ashburnham,  Mas- 
sachusetts, in  1788.  He  was  for  many  years  editor  of 
the  "  New  Hampshire  Patriot,"  a  Democratic  journal, 
was  elected  a  United  States  Senator  for  New  Hampshire 
in  1830,  and  Governor  of  that  State  in  1836.  Died  in  1851. 
TTill,  (Sir  JOHN,)  an  English  writer  and  literary  quack, 
born  at  Spalding  in  1716.  He  obtained  skill  as  a  botanist, 
made  and  sold  quack  medicines,  and  edited  "The  In- 
spector," a  journal  which  owed  its  success  to  the  scandal 
it  contained.  He  was  refused  admission  to  the  Royal 

;  9 as*;  gAard;  g  as/';  G,  H,  K.,guttural;  N,  nasal;  H,  trilled;  sasz;  th  as  in  (to.     (fl^'See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




Society  on  account  of  his  doubtful  character,  and  sought 
revenge  by  writing  a  review  of  their  works.  His  "  Vege- 
table System,"  in  26  vols.,  with  splendid  plates,  sold 
at  one  hundred  and  sixty  guineas  per  copy.  He  was 
knighted  by  the  King  of  Sweden,  to  whom  he  had  pre- 
•ented  a  copy  of  the  last-named  work.  Died  in  1775. 

Garrick  has  defined  his  merits  in  the  following  epigram: 
"  For  iiliysic  and  farces,  his  rival  there  scarce  is ; 
His  farces  are  physic,  his  physic  a  farce  is." 

See  DISRAHLI,  "  Quarrels  of  Authors." 

Hill,  (JOSEPH,)  an  English  scholar,  born  near  Leeds 
in  1625,  became  minister  of  an  English  church  at  Mid- 
delburg,  Holland.  He  published  an  improved  edition 
of  Schrevelius's  "Greek  Lexicon,"  (1676.)  Died  in  1707. 
Hill,  (MATTHEW  DAVENPORT,)  a  brother  of  Sir 
Rowland,  noticed  below,  born  in  Birmingham  about 
1792,  became  a  barrister.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
Society  for  the  Diffusion  of  Useful  Knowledge,  and 
laboured  with  zeal  and  success  to  procure  amendments 
of  the  laws.  He  was  one  of  the  chief  promoters  of 
"juvenile  reformatories."  Died  June  7,  1872. 

Hill,  (NATHANIEL  P.,)  an  American  Senator,  born  in 
Montgomery,  New  York,  February  18,  1832.  He  gradu- 
ated in  1857  at  Brown  University,  where  he  was  professor 
of  applied  chemistry,  1860-64.  He  studied  metallurgy 
in  Europe,  1865-66,  and  in  1867  removed  to  Denver, 
Colorado,  as  manager  of  a  smelting  company.  From  1879 
to  1885  he  was  United  States  Senator  fiom  Colorado. 

Hill,  (OCTAVIA,)  an  English  reformer,  born  about 
1838.  She  worked  earnestly  among  the  London  poor, 
and  in  1864  began  an  important  work  of  improving 
the  homes  of  workingmen  in  the  London  slums. 
She  wrote  "Homes  of  the  London  Poor,"  (1875,) 
"Our  Common  Land,"  (1878,)  etc. 

Hill,  (Sir  RICHARD,)  born  in  1733,  a  brother  of  Row- 
land, was  member  of  Parliament  for  Salop,  and  some- 
times preached  in  the  Calvinistic  Methodist  chapels.  He 
wrote  a  few  religious  works.  Died  in  1808. 

Hill,  (ROBERT,)  a  self-taught  English  linguist,  born  a; 
Miswell  in  1699,  was  a  tailor  by  trade.  He  was  master 
of  several  ancient  languages,  and  wrote  "  Criticisms  on 
Job,"  and  a  few  other  works.  Died  in  1777. 

Hill,  (Rev.  ROWLAND,)  a  popular  preacher  and  dis- 
ciple of  Whitefield,  was  born  at  Hawkstone,  England, 
in  1744.  He  was  the  son  of  a  baronet,  and  uncle  of 
General  Lord  Hill.  After  leaving  college  he  was 
ordained  a  deacon  of  the  Anglican  Church,  but  soon 
became  a  zealous  and  eloquent  preacher  among  the  Cal- 
»inistic  Methodists.  Addressing  the  people  in  the  streets, 
the  open  air,  or  wherever  he  could  gain  audience,  he 
made  many  converts  in  various  parts  of  the  kingdom. 
In  1783  he  built  Surrey  Chapel,  London,  in  which  he 
preached  about  fifty  winters.  He  was  the  author  of  "  Vil- 
lage Dialogues,"  and  other  works.  Southey,  in  refer- 
ence to  a  particular  occasion,  says,  "  His  manner  was 
animated  and  striking,  sometimes  dignified  and  impress- 
ive. The  purport  of  his  sermon  was  good, — nothing 
fanatical,  nothing  enthusiastic."  Died  in  1833. 

Hill.  (ROWLAND,)  VISCOUNT,  an  English  general,  born 
at  Frees,  Shropshire,  in  1772,  was  the  second  son  of  Sir 
John  Hill,  and  nephew  of  the  Rev.  Rowland  Hill.  He 
entered  the  army  as  ensign  in  1790,  and  obtained  the 
rank  of  colonel  in  1800.  In  1806  he  was  made  a  major- 
(reneral  and  appointed  on  the  staff.  In  1808  he  served 
n  Portugal,  under  Sir  Arthur  Wellesley  and  Sir  John 
Moore,  until  the  battle  of  Corunna.  Promoted  to  the 
rank  of  lieutenant-general  in  1809,  he  was  employed 
several  years  in  the  Peninsular  war,  and  gained  a  high 
reputation  in  his  profession.  In  1814  he  was  raised  to 
the  peerage,  as  Baron  of  Almarez  and  Hawkstone.  He 
took  part  in  the  battle  of  Waterloo  in  1815,  and  after- 
wards was  second  in  command  of  the  army  of  occupation 
in  France.  Lord  Hill  was  commander-in-chief  of  the 
army  from  1828  until  1842,  when  he  resigned  and  was 
created  a  viscount  He  died  in  1842,  and  left  the  title  to 
his  nephew,  Sir  Rowland  Hill. 

Hill,  (Sir  ROWLAND,)  an  Englishman,  known  as  the 
author  of  the  cheap  postage  system,  was  born  at  Kid- 
derminster in  1795.  In  1837  he  wrote  a  pamphlet  on 
"  Post-Office  Reform,  its  Importance  and  Practicability." 
Through  his  persistent  efforts,  a  bill  pn^-r d  in  the 

session  of  1839-40  to  reduce  the  rate  of  postage  and 
render  it  uniform.  The  postage  has  since  been  further 
reduced,  and  letters  are  now  carried  for  one  penny  each 
to  any  part  of  the  United  Kingdom.  The  people  ex- 
pressed their  gratitude  for  this  benefit  by  a  present  of 
£13,000  raised  by  subscription.  He  was  appointed 
secretary  to  the  postmaster-general  in  1846,  and  sole 
secretary  to  the  post-office  in  1854.  In  1864,  his  health 
having  failed,  he  retired  from  office,  but  the  treasury 
awarded  him  for  life  his  salary  of  £2000  per  annum,  and 
Parliament  a  grant  of  £20,000.  Died  August  27,  1879. 

Hill,  (THOMAS,)  a  mathematician  and  Unitarian  min- 
ister, born  at  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey,  in  1818 
graduated  at  Harvard  in  1843.  He  published,  besides 
other  works,  "Geometry  and  Faith,"  and  contributed 
many  articles  to  the  "  North  American  Review"  and  the 
"Atlantic  Monthly."  In  1859  he  succeeded  Horace 
Mann  as  president  of  Antioch  College,  Ohio.  He  was 
president  of  Harvard  University  from  1862  to  1868. 
Died  November  21,  1891. 

Hill,  (THOMAS,)  an  Anglo-American  painter,  born  in 
England  in  1829.  When  he  was  twelve  years  old  he  was 
brought  to  the  United  States.  He  became  a  decorator, 
first  in  Boston  and  then  in  Philadelphia,  but  in  1861 
removed  to  San  Francisco.  Among  his  best  pictures 
are  "  White  Mountain  Notch,"  "The  Yosemite  Valley," 
"The  Great  Cafion,"  etc. 

Hill,  (THOMAS  FORD,)  an  English  antiquary  and  philol- 
ogist, published  "Ancient  Erse  Poems."  Died  in  1795. 

Hill,  (WILLIAM,)  D.D.,  an  American  divine,  born  in 
Cumberland  county,  Virginia,  in  1769.  He  graduated 
at  Hampden-Sidney  College  in  1788.  From  1800  to 
1834  he  was  pastor  of  the  Presbyterian  church  in  Win 
Chester,  where  he  died  in  1852. 

Hil'lard,  (GEORGE  STILLMAN,)  an  eminent  American 
writer,  lawyer,  and  orator,  born  in  Machias,  Maine,  in 
1808.  While  pursuing  his  collegiate  course  at  Harvard, 
(where  he  graduated  in  1828,)  he  is  said  to  have  been 
especially  distinguished  in  declamation  and  English 
composition.  He  was  afterwards  for  some  time  asso- 
ciated with  George  Bancroft  in  his  Round  Hill  Seminary 
at  Northampton,  Massachusetts,  and  in  1833  was  ad- 
mitted to  the  bar  in  Boston.  Besides  attending  to 
an  extensive  professional  business,  he  afterwards  twice 
visited  Europe,  and  was  a  member  of  both  branches  of 
the  Massachusetts  legislature.  He  was  author  of  a  great 
number  of  orations,  lectures  before  the  Lowell  Institute, 
and  contributions  to  the  "Christian  Examiner,"  "North 
American  Review,"  etc.  In  1852  he  was  selected  by  the 
authorities  of  Boston  to  deliver  the  eulogy  on  the  char- 
acter of  Daniel  Webster.  The  next  year  appeared  his 
"Six  Months  in  Italy,"  (in  2  vols.  I2tno,)  which  had 
reached  the  fifth  edition  in  1855.  "Mr.  Hillard's  work," 
says  a  critic  in  the  "Quarterly  Review"  for  April,  1858, 
"is  that  of  a  scholar  and  a  gentleman,  a  man  of  sense 
as  well  as  of  taste  and  feeling.  His  style  is  pointed  and 
lull  of  happy  expressions  and  striking  images."  Among 
other  literary  labours,  Mr.  Hillard  edited  the  Poetical 
Works  of  Spenser,  (in  5  vols.  8vo.)  He  was  for  some 
time  associate  editor  of  the  "Jurist,"  and  was  for  several 
years  one  of  the  principal  editors  of  the  "  Boston  Courier." 
He  contributed  several  important  articles  to  the  "New 
American  Cyclopaedia,"  including  those  on  Alexander 
and  Edward  Everett  and  Rufus  Choate.  He  died  in 

Hillebrand,  hil'Ieh-bRanr/,  (JOSEPH,)  a  German  phi- 
losophical writer,  born  near  Hildesheim  in   1788.     He 
Eublished,  among  other  works,  "The  Philosophy  of  the 
pint,"   (2    vols.,    1835,)   and   "The    German    National 
Literature  since  the  Beginning  of  the  Eighteenth  Cen- 
ury,"  (2  vols.,  1845.)     Died  January  25,  1871. 

Hillebrand,  (KARL,)  a  distinguished  German  histo 
rian,  a  son  of  the  preceding,  was  born  at  Giessen,  Sep- 
tember 17,  1829.  Banished  from  Germany  for  political 
causes,  he  became  in  1863  a  professor  at  Douai.  His 
"History  of  France  since  1830,"  "France  and  the 
French, "and  a  treatise  on  educational  reform,  were  pub- 
lished before  his  removal,  in  1870,  to  Florence,  where 
he  became  the  founder  and  librarian  of  the  Circolo  Fi- 
lologico.  He  also  published  a  volume  on  "  England 
and  the  English,"  and  .n  "  History  of  German  Thought." 

a.  e,  1,0  ft.  y. long; a,  e,  A,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e, T,  6,  \\,  ^,sAor(:a.,e,\.<),of>sfHrt;  fir,  fall,  fat;  m?t;  n At;  pond;  moon; 




Most  of  his  writings  are  in  German.  Died  at  Florence, 
October  18,  1884. 

Hillel,  a  famous  Jewish  rabbi,  born  at  Babylon  about 
IIO  B.C.,  was  descended  from  King  David.  He  went 
to  Jerusalem  at  the  age  of  forty,  acquired  a  thorough 
knowledge  of  the  law,  and  was  chosen  president  of  the 
Sanhedrim  about  30  B.C.  The  origin  of  the  Talmud  or 
Mishna  is  asciibed  to  Hillel,  who  was  the  leader  of  a 
numerous  school  or  party.  He  died  at  the  age  of  one 
hundred  and  twenty  years. 

Hillel,  a  noted  rabbi,  supposed  to  have  lived  about 
300  A.D.,  was  a  descendant  of  the  preceding.  He  re- 
formed the  Jewish  calendar  by  means  of  a  cycle  of  nine- 
teen years. 

Hitler,  hil'ler,  (FERDINAND,)  a  celebrated  German 
composer,  born  of  Jewish  parents  at  Frankfort,  October 
24,  181 1.  He  published  an  oratorio  of  the  "  Destruction 
of  Jerusalem,"  (1840,)  "The  Musical  Life  of  our  Times," 
(1868,)  and  Lives  of  Beethoven  and  Mendelssohn.  Died 
at  Cologne,  May  n,  1885. 

Hil'ler,  (JOHANN  ADAM,)  whose  real  name  was 
HULLER,  a  Prussian  musician  and  composer,  born  at 

Hiller,  (MATTHAUS,)  a  German  Orientalist,  born  at 
Stuttgart  in  1646,  was  professor  of  Oriental  languages 
and  theology  at  Tubingen.  He  wrote  a  "  Latin  Hebrew 
Lexicon,"  (1685.)  Died  in  1725. 

Hiller,  (PHILIPP  FRIEDRICH,)  one  of  the  best  of  the 
South-German  religious  poets,  was  born  at  Miihlhausen, 
in  Wurtemberg,  January  6,  1699.  He  became  a  Prot- 
estant pastor,  and  died  at  Steinheim,  April  24,  1769. 

Hiller,  von,  fon  hil'ler,  (JoHANN,)  BARON,  an  Aus- 
trian general,  born  at  Neustadt,  near  Vienna,  in  1754. 
In  1809  he  obtained  command  of  the  sixth  corps  of  the 
army  of  the  archduke  Charles.  Although  he  was  de- 
feated by  Napoleon  at  Landshut  in  April,  he  contributed 
greatly  to  the  success  of  the  Austrians  at  Aspern  in  the 
next  month.  Died  in  1819. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBER,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie." 

Hillern,  von,  fon  hil'lern,  (WILHELMINE,)  a  German 
novelist,  a  daughter  of  Charlotte  Birch- Pfeiffer,  was 
born  March  n,  1836.  Among  her  stories  are  "Double 
Life,"  "A  Physician  of  the  Soul,"  "The  Geier-Wally," 

Hillerup,  hil'leh-rup',  (FREDERIK  CHRISTIAN,)  a 
Danish  poet,  born  at  Vedelsborg  in  1793,  published  a 
work  called  "  Italica,"  (1829,)  and  "New  Poems,"  ("Nye 
Digte,")  in  1854.  Died  May  5,  1861. 

Hill'house,  (JAMES,)  an  American  lawyer,  born  in 
Connecticut  in  1754.  He  was  a  Senator  of  the  United 
States  from  1794  to  1810.  Died  in  1832. 

Hiilhouse,  (JAMES  A.,)  an  American  poet,  son  of  the 
preceding,  born  at  New  Haven  in  1789.  He  removed 
to  New  York  City,  and  married  Cornelia  Lawrence  in 
1824.  His  first  poem,  "The  Judgment,  a  Vision,"  ap- 
peared in  1812.  He  also  wrote  the  following  admired 
dramas :  "  Percy's  Masque,"  "  Hadad,"  and  "  Demetria  " 
Died  in  1841. 

See  GRISWOLD,  "Poets  and  Poetry  of  America;"  DUYCKINCK, 
"  Cyclopedia  ot"  American  Literature,"  vol.  ii. ;  CLEVELAND,  "Com- 
pendium of  American  Literature  ;"  "  North  American  Review"  for 
January,  1840. 

Billiard,  (HENRY  WASHINGTON,)  LL.D.,  an  Ameri- 
can clergyman  and  statesman,  born  in  Cumberland 
county,  North  Carolina,  August  8,  1808.  He  graduated 
at  South  Carolina  College  in  1826,  became  a  lawyer  of 
Athens,  Georgia,  in  1829,  and  was  a  professor  in  the 
University  of  Alabama,  1831-34.  In  1842  he  went  to 
Belgium  as  United  States  minister,  was  several  times 
elected  to  Congress  as  a  Whig,  and  served  as  a  brigadier- 
general  in  the  Confederate  service.  After  the  war  he  prac- 
tised law  in  Georgia,  and  was  also  a  Methodist  preacher. 
In  1877  he  was  appointed  United  States  minister  to 
Brazil.  He  published  a  volume  of  speeches,  (1855,)  and 
"  De  Vane,"  a  novel.  Died  in  Atlanta,  Dec.  17,  1892. 

Billiard,  hll'yard,  (NICHOLAS,)  an  English  painter, 
born  at  Exeter  in  1547,  learned  the  trade  of  a  jeweller, 
and  afterwards  became  eminent  as  a  miniature-painter. 
He  executed  an  admired  portrait  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots, 

€  as  /t;  9  as  i;  g  hard;  g  asj;  G,  H,  K., guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  §  as  *;  th  as  in  j 

and  was  patronized  by  Queen  Elizabeth  and  James  I. 
Died  in  1619. 

Hil'precht,  (HERMAN  VOLRATTES,)  an  ar- 
chaeologist, born  at  Hohenerxleben,  Germany,  in 
1859.  He  studied  in  various  German  universities, 
emigrated  to  the  United  States,  and  in  1886  became 
professor  of  Assyrian  and  Semitic  philology  at  the 
University  of  Pennsylvania.  He  became  curator  of 
the  Semitic  section  of  the  museum,  and  was  director 
of  the  excavations  at  Nippur,  Babylonia,  1888-99, 
which  added  greatly  to  our  knowledge  of  the  antiquity 
of  Babylonian  civilization.  He  is  the  leading  au- 
thority on  cuneiform  palaeography. 

Hilton,  (WALTER,)  an  English  monk  of  the  fifteenth 
century,  lived  at  Sheen,  and  wrote  "  The  Ladder  of  Per- 

Hilton,  (WILLIAM,)  a  successful  English  historical 
painter,  born  at  Lincoln  in  1786.  About  1800  he  became 
a  student  in  the  Royal  Academy,  and  in  1804  exhibited 
his  "  Hector  reinspired  by  Apollo."  In  1819  or  1820 
he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  Academy,  and  in  1825 
succeeded  Fuseli  as  keeper  of  that  institution.  He  at- 
tained a  high  rank  among  the  English  artists  of  his  time. 
Among  his  best  works  are  "Nature  blowing  Bubbles," 
and  "The  Graces  teaching  Cupid  to  play  on  the  Lyre." 
Died  in  1839. 

Hi-me'rI-us,  ['1,0/piof,]  an  eminent  Greek  sophist  ot 
Prusa,  Bithynia.  He  became  master  of  a  celebrated  school 
in  Athens,  and  afterwards  secretary  of  the  emperor  Julian 
at  Antioch  about  362  A.D.  He  composed  many  orations, 
of  which  about  twenty  are  extant  His  style  is  rather 
bombastic.  Among  his  pupils  were  Gregory  Nazianzen 
and  Saint  Basil.  He  was  always  a  pagan,  but  moderate 
or  friendly  to  the  Christians. 

Hl-mil'co  or  Hi-mil'cpn,  a  Carthaginian  navigator, 
the  date  of  whose  adventures  is  unknown.  Pliny  states 
that  he  sailed  northward  from  Gades  on  a  voyage  of  dis- 
covery about  the  time  that  Hanno  explored  the  western 
coast  of  Africa.  R.  Festus  Avienus  quotes  him  as  his 
authority  for  an  account  of  the  islands  of  the  Hiberni 
and  Albioni. 

Himilco  or  Himilcon,  an  able  Carthaginian  general, 
who  was  joined  with  Hannibal  in  the  command  ofa  large 
army  in  the  war  against  Dionysius,  tyrant  of  Syracuse. 
He  took  Agrigentum  after  a  long  siege,  during  which 
the  death  of  Hannibal  left  him  sole  commander,  (406 
B.C.)  He  defeated  Dionysius  about  405,  soon  after  which 
peace  was  concluded.  The  war  having  been  renewed  in 
397  B.C.,  Himilco  raised  an  army  of  100,000  men,  with 
which  he  marched  victoriously  to  the  gates  of  Syra- 
cuse. While  he  was  besieging  this  city,  his  army  was 
wasted  by  pestilence  and  defeated  by  the  Syracusans. 
He  escaped  to  Carthage  and  killed  himself. 
See  DIODORUS  SICULUS,  books  xiiL,  xiv..  and  xx. 
Himilco  or  Himilcon  was  commander  of  the  fleet 
of  Carthage,  on  the  coast  of  Sicily,  in  214  B.C.,  while 
Marcellus  commanded  the  Romans  in  that  island.  He 
landed  an  army  in  213,  gained  some  advantages,  and, 
having  failed  in  an  attempt  to  relieve  Syracuse,  died  of 
pestilence  in  212  B.C. 

Himly,  him'lee,  (KARL  GUSTAV,)  aGerman  physician, 
born  at  Brunswick  in  1772,  was  professor  of  medicine  at 
Gottingen.  He  was  distinguished  for  his  skilful  treat 
ment  of  diseases  of  the  eyes,  on  which  he  published  a 
valuable  work.  Died  in  1837. 

Himmel,  him'mel,  (FRIEDRICH  HEINRICH,)  a  Ger- 
man composer,  born  in  the  duchy  of  Brandenburg  in 
1765,  was  appointed  chapel-master  at  Berlin  about  1796. 
Among  his  best  works  are  the  operas  of  "  Fanchon"  and 
"The  Sylphs."  Died  in  1814. 

See  FiTis,  "Biographic  Universelle  des  Musiciens." 
Hinch'cliffe,  (JOHN,)  an  English  divine  and  orator, 
born  at  Westminster  in  1731.     He  became  head-master 
of  Westminster  School  in   1764,  and  Bishop  of  Peter- 
borough in  1769.     Died  in  1794. 

Hinckeldey,  hink'kel-dl,  (KARL  LUDWIG  FRIED- 
RICH,)  a  Prussian  administrator,  born  near  Meiningen 
in  1803.  He  became  minister  or  prefect  of  police  in 
Berlin  in  1848.  He  was  killed  in  a  duel  in  1856. 

Explanations,  p.  23. ' 




Hinckelmanu,  hink'kel-man',  (ABRAHAM,)  a  Ger- 
man Orientalist,  born  at  Dobeln  in  1652,  published  an 
edition  of  the  Koran,  (1694,)  said  to  be  the  first  ever 
printed  in  Arabic.  Died  in  1695. 

Hinck'ley,  (JoHN,)  an  English  clergyman,  bom  11 
1617,  was  rector  of  Drayton.  Died  in  1695. 

Hincmar,  hink'mar,  a  learned  French  prelate,  bom 
in  806  A.D.,  entered  the  Abbey  of  Saint-Dems  in  child- 
hood He  acquired  much  influence,  and  became  a  fa- 
vourite at  the  court  of  Charles  the  Bald.  In  845  he  was 
elected  Archbishop  of  Rheims.  He  distinguished  him- 
self by  his  firmness  in  defending  the  Church  against 
encroachments  of  the  papal  and  royal  power.  He  wrote, 
besides  other  works,  two  treatises  on  Predestination,  in 

of  Booddha,  was  born  about  602  A.D.  He  travelled 
in  Hindostan  and  other  countries,  of  which  he  wrote  dt- 
scriptions.  He  translated  into  the  Chinese  many  Hindr-o 


works  on  the  religion  of  Booddha. 
See  "Nouvelle  Biographic  GeWrale." 
Hip-par'ehus,  [Gr. 

Died  in  664  A.D. 


e'pSRk',]  son  of  Pisistratus,  an  Athenian,  who,  in  part- 
nership with  his  brother  Hippias,  obtained  the  chief 
power  in  the  state  in  527  B.C.  He  was  assassinated  by 
Harmodius  and  Aristogiton  in  514.  Hippias  survived; 
but,  having  rendered  himself  unpopular  by  cruelty  and 
suspicious  habits,  (although  it  is  said  he  was  previously 
mild  and  affable,)  he  was  expelled  from  Athens  in  511. 
He  afterwards  passed  many  years  at  the  court  of  the 

one  of  which  he  attempts  to  refute  the  famous  Erigena.  |  Persian  king  Darius,  served  as  guide  to  the  Persian 
He  is  censured  for  his  severity  to  Godeschalcus,  who  army  which  invaded  Greece,  and  was  at  the  battle  of 
was  confined  in  a  dungeon  for  his  heretical  opinions  on  Marathon,  where,  according  to  some  writers,  he  was 

the  question  of  predestination.     Died  in  882  A.D. 

See  "  Gallia  Christiana ;"  W.  F.  GESS,  "  Merkwurdigkeiten  am 
dem  Leben  und  den  Schriften  Hincmar's,"  1806;  "Nouvelle  Bio- 
graphic Generate. " 

Hiiicks,  (Rev.  EDWARD,)  distinguished  for  his  know- 
ledge of  Assyrian  and  Egyptian  inscriptions,  was  bora  in 
Cork,  Ireland,  in  1791.  Died  December  3,  1866. 

Hind,  (JOHN  RUSSELL,)  an  eminent  English  astron- 
omer, born  at  Nottingham  in  1823.  He  obtained  in 
1840  a  situation  in  the  Royal  Observatory  at  Greenwich. 
In  1845  he  removed  to  another  observatory  in  Regent's 
Park,  London,  where  he  has  had  remarkable  success  as 

killed,  490  B.C. 

See  HERODOTUS,  books  ii.,  v.,  vi.,  and  viL  ;  THIRLWAU,  "  HU- 
tory  of  Greece." 

Hipparchus,  [Gr.  IOTTO^-DC;  Fr.  HIPPARQUE;  It. 
IPPARCO,  4p-paR'ko,]  the  founder  of  the  science  of  as- 
tronomy, and  the  greatest  astronomer  of  antiquity,  was  a 
native  of  Nicza,  in  Bithynia.  He  was  of  Greek  extrac- 
tion, and  flourished  about  150  B.C.  Many  of  his  obser- 
vations were  made  at  Rhodes.  His  writings  are  all  lost, 
except  a  "  Commentary  on  Aratus,"  which  is  the  least 
important ;  but  the  knowledge  of  his  discoveries  has  been 
preserved  by  Ptolemy  in  his  "  Syntaxis."  The  first  who 

1  *     . .         i    y  ._• c_   .       _   _i ti__   *;  _    i   ,.,u.. 

an  observer.  He  discovered,  besides  several  comets,  ten  ma(je  systematic  observations,  he  was  also  the  first  who 
telescopic  planets,  namely,  Iris,  (1847,)  Flora,  (1847,)  discovered  that  fundamental  fact  in  astronomy, — the 
Victoria,  (1850,)  Irene,  (1851,)  Melpomene,  Fortuna,  precession  of  the  equinoxes.  A  discovery  so  important 
Calliope,  and  Thalia,  (all  in  1852,)  Euterpe,  (1853,)  and  wou|d  have  sufficed  to  immortalize  him  ;  but  he  also 
Urania,  (1854.)  He  wrote  several  works,  among  which  '•  greatly  enriched  the  science  of  mathematics,  and  was 

The  Solar  System  :  a  Descriptive  Treatise  on  the 
Sun,  Moon,  and  Planets,"  (1852.)  Died  Dec.  23,  1895. 

Hmd'mau,  (THOMAS  C.,)  an  American  general,  born 
in  Tennessee  about  1818.  He  lived  in  Arkansas  before 
the  civil  war,  and  was  a  member  of  Congress.  He  com- 
manded the  rebel  forces  at  Prairie  Grove,  Arkansas,  in 
December,  1862,  and  served  as  major-general  at  the 
battle  of  Chickamauga.  Died  September  27,  1868. 

Hinds,  (SAMUEL,)  D.D.,  a  British  author,  born  in 
Barbadoes  in  1793.  He  graduated  at  Queen's  College, 
Oxford,  in  1815,  and  in  1849  was  consecrated  Bishop  of 
Norwich.  He  published  a  "  History  of  Christianity,^ 
(1849,  often  reprinted,)  "Sonnets  and  Sacred  Poems," 
and  various  theological  works.  Died  February  7,  1872. 

Hinojosa  y  Carbajal,  e-no-Ho'sa  e  kaR-Bi-Hll', 
(ALVARO  DE.)  a  Spanish  poet,  who  lived  about  1620. 

See  LONGFELLOW,  "  Poets  and  Poetry  of  Europe." 

Hinrichs,  hln'riKs,  (HERMANN  FRIEDRICH  Wn.- 
HELM,)  a  German  philosopher,  born  in  Oldenburg  in 
1794,  published  "The  Genesis  of  Science,"  ("Genesis 
des  Wissens,"  1835,)  and  other  works.  Died  in  1861. 

Hina'dale,  (BuRKE  AARON,)  an  American  educator, 
born  at  Wadsworth,  Ohio,  March  31,  1837.  He  was 
educated  at  Hiram  College,  of  which  he  was  president, 
1870-83.  In  1883  he  was  appointed  superintendent  of 
public  schools  in  Cleveland,  Ohio.  His  principal  books 
are  "President  Garfield  and  Education,"  (1881,) 
"  Schools  and  Studies,"  (1884,)  etc.  He  edited  General 
Garfield's  "  Works,"  (1883,)  etc. 

Hin'ton,  (JAMES,)  a  noted  English  surgeon,  a  son  of 
J.  II.  Hiiiton,  was  born  at  Reading  in  1822.  Among  his 
works  are  "  Man  and  his  Dwelling- Place,"  (1858,)  "  Life 
in  Nature,"  " Thoughts  on  Health,"  (1871,)  "Atlas  of 
Diseases  of  the  Membrana  Tympani,"  "Questions  of 
Aural  Surgery,"  "  The  Mystery  of  Man,"  and  "  The  Place 
of  the  Physician."  He  was  the  most  skilful  aural  sur- 
geon of  his  day,  and  a  very  suggestive  writer  on  ethical 
subjects.  Died  December  16,  1875. 

Hin'ton,  (JOHN  HOWARD,)  an  English  writer  on  his- 
tory and  theology,  was  born  March  24, 1791.     He  became 
minister  of  a  Baptist  congregation  in  Devonshire  Square, 
London.     He   published,   besides   other   works,   "The 
History  and  Topography  of  the  United  States  of  North 
America,"  (2  vols.,  1832.)     Died  December  17,  1873. 
Hiob,  the  German  of  JOB,  which  see. 
Hiooen-  or  Hiouen-Thsang  or  Vouen-Thsang, 
yoo'en-tsang,  a  celebrated  Chinese  traveller  and  priest 

the  first  who  understood  trigonometry,  both  plane  and 
spherical.  He  invented  the  planisphere  and  the  stereo- 
graphic  projection,  and  gave  rules  for  the  calculation  of 
eclipses,  by  means  of  which  he  determined  the  longitude. 
According  to  Pliny,  who  calls  him  the  confidant  and 
interpreter  of  nature,  Hipparchus,  having  perceived  a 
new  star  that  suddenly  appeared  in  his  time,  was  stimu- 
lated by  it  to  form  his  Catalogue  of  one  thousand  and 
eighty  stars,  which  is  preserved  in  the  "Almagest"  of 
Ptolemy.  In  this  operation  he  used  the  astrolabe,  which 
was  probably  invented  by  him.  He  originated  a  more 
complete  system  of  geography,  and  the  mode  of  de- 
termining the  position  of  towns  by  circles  drawn  on 
the  earth  corresponding  to  those  of  the  celestial  sphere. 
Among  his  lost  works  were  "On  the  Magnitudes  and 
Distances  of  the  Sun  and  Moon,"  "  The  Movement  of 
the  Moon  in  Latitude,"  and  "  On  the  Retrogradation  of 
the  Equinoctial  and  Solstitial  Points." 

See  PLIKV,  "Natural  History;"  MONTUCLA,  "Histoire  de« 
Maih^matiques ;"  DELAMBRE,  "  Histoire de  |'Astronomie ancienne ;" 
DR.  HOEFKR'S  article  in  the  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'nerale ;'  J 
A.  SCHMIDT.  "Dissertatio  de  Hipparcho."  etc.,  1689. 

Hipparchus,  an  Athenian  comic  poet,  who  lived 
probably  about  300  B.C. 

Hipparque.    See  HIPPARCHUS. 

Hip'pa-sus,  [Gr.  '\mtaao(,\  a  Pythagorean  philoso- 
pher, born  at  Metapontum,  held,  it  is  said,  the  doctrine 
that  fire  was  the  origin  of  all  things. 

Hippeau,  e'po',  (CiLESTiN,)  a  French  IMrattur, 
born  at  Niort  in  1803,  published  a  "  History  of  Ancient 
and  Modern  Philosophy,"  (1833,)  etc.  Died  in  1883. 

Hippel,  von,  fon  hip'pei,  (THEODOR  GOTTLIEB,)  a 
German  humorist  and  original  thinker,  born  at  Gerdauen, 
in  Prussia,  in  1741.  He  studied  law,  and  became  in  1780 
burgomaster  of  Konigsberg.  He  claimed  for  women 
admission  to  civil  offices  and  a  greater  social  equality. 
Among  his  works  are  a  "  Treatise  on  Marriage,"  ("  Ueber 
die  Ehe,"  1774,)  "  Designs  after  Nature,"  (1790,)  an  Au- 
tobiography, (1800,)  and  "The  Education  of  Women," 
(1801.)  His  character  was  eccentric.  Died  in  1796. 

See  GERVINUS,  " Geschichte  der  Deutschen  Dichtung,"  fourth  edi- 
tion, vol.  v. ;  W.  G.  KEBER,  "  Nachrichten  und  Bemerkungen  dey 
Eheimen  Kriegsrath  von  Hippel  betrefifend,"  1802;  "  Biographic  T 
von  Hippel's  zum  Theil  von  ihm  sclbst  vertasst,"  1800. 

Hippias.    See  HIPPARCHUS  and  HARMODIUS. 

Hip'pl-as,  I'lmrioc,]  a  Greek  sophist,  born  at  Elis, 
was  a  contemporary  of  Socrates.  His  character  is  ex- 
hibiteH  by  Plato  in  his  dialogue  called  "  Hippias  Major." 

i,  e,  i,  6,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  i,  6,  u,  y,s&ort;  a,  e,  j,  o,  obscure;  fir,  fall,  lit;  met;  not;  good ;  moon. 




was  elected  president  in  1890. 

held  that  moisture,  or  water,  is  the  principle  of  all  things, 
and  derived  much  of  his  system  from  Thales. 

Hippocrate.     See  HIPPOCRATES. 

Hip-poc'ra-tes,  [Gr.  'ImroxpuTjif  ;  Fr.  HIPFOCRATE, 


SUNT,  a  Christian  bishop  and  ecclesiastical  writer, 
who  has  recently  attracted  great  attention  on  the 
part  of  scholars  and  theologians.  He  was  dissident 

.....  Bishop  of    Portus,  (the  harbour  of    Rome,)    and   the 

e'po'kRa-t';  It.  IPPOCRATE,  ep-pok  Ra-ti,]  the  most  emi-  authOr  of  numerous  learned  works,  highly  extolled  by 
nent  physician  of  antiquity,  justly  styled  the  "  Father  of  EusebiuS;  Terome,  and  other  Christian  Fathers.  After 
Medicine,"  was  born  in  the  island  of  Cos  in  460  B.C.,  occ  ing  the  see  of  Portus  eighteen  years  or  more, 
and  was  contemporary  with  Socrates  and  Plato.  He  was  he  £ba|j  died  in  exile  in  Sardinia  about  2^8  A.D. 
the  son  of  Heraclides,  a  descendant  of  Esculapius,  from  jfrypafa^  [n^6ArTOf,]  a  son  of  Theseus  and  Hip- 
whom  he  derived,  his  first  lessons  ,n  medicine  His  ,  t£ForyAnti'ol  e.  The  poets  relate  that  his  step- 
family  the  Asclepiad*  .for  many  generations  had  prac-  motyhe'r  Phsdra  £ade  to  him  amorou.  overtures  which 
tised  the  same  art  Ihematenals  for  writing  his  per-  she  thfin  fc  ,  jnduced  Theseus 

sonal  history  are  deficient.     He  is  said  to  have  studied    . '_ u:_ 1  iU_.   _,    •  J 

medicine  at  Athens  under  I 

philosophy  of  Gorgias  of 

tised  and  taught  in  Cos  also  in  Thessaly,  and  at  the  court       Hip-pom'e-don,    ftao^dui/,1    a   Spartan 

of  Perdiccas,  King ,  of  Macedonia,  etc.     Soranus  relates  *££    f  A      £u|  an(fa  co'usin  </Ki       A^s  Iv; 

that  he  acquired  fame  by  checking  the  ravages  of  the  ted  |  is  in'his  efforts  to  reform  &  |partan 

plague  m  Athens,  and  was  rewarded  with  the  freedom    institu[£ns.     He*vas  ]ivi      in  22O  B.c. 

?f  '_ha'.a^l^nl^  L°'^^h°n°U^^Ih!^  !rLt^'       Hip-po'na,  the  name  ofga  goddess  v 


of  Theseus,  Nep- 


he  refused  the  invitation  and  magnificent  offers  of  Ar 
taxerxes,  is  by  some  discredited. 

His  superior  talents,  his  rare  sagacity,  his  signal  suc- 
cess, and  his  devoted  humanity,  inspired  universal  con- 
fidence and  respect.  He  had  a  great  number  of  pupils, 
from  whom  he  exacted  an  oath  that  they  would  never 
abuse  their  trust  by  criminal  piactice,  nor  divulge  pro- 
fessional secrets.  He  held  that  the  body  is  composed 
of  four  primary  elements,  fire,  air,  earth,  and 

Hip-po'na,  the  name  of  a  goddess  who  presided  over 
horses.     Her  statues  were  placed  in  stables. 

Greek  poet,  who  lived 
Ephesus.  Having  been 
expelled  from  that  city  by  its  tyrants,  he  removed  to 
Clazomene.  He  wrote  satires,  of  which  only  a  few  frag- 

Hi'ram,  King  of  Tyre,  began  to  reign  about  1025  B.C. 


bile,  ana   black  bile,     rie  knew  Dut   little   ot  anatomy.    ,. .      ..        .  tr  .  f  ,      , 

H     .         d  f          dth        f         b          b    h's  s    "lendly  relations.     He  was  a  wise  and  successful  ruler. 

in  substituting  experiment  and  observation  for  specula-  See  '   Krags  *••  and  I-  chronlcles  Hv- 

rive  theories.     He  paid  more  attention  than  his  prede-  Hiranyakasipu.     See  NARASINGHA. 

cessors  to  diet  and  changes  of  weather.      Among  the  Hire,  de  la.     See  LA  HIRE. 

most  remarkable  of  his  discoveries  is  that  of  critical  days  Hirnheim,   hdeRn'him,   or  Hernhaym,    heRn'hlm, 

in  fevers.     Of  the  numerous  (Greek)  works  ascribed  to  (HlHRONYMUS,)  a  German  monk   and  writer,  born   at 

him,  it  is  probable  that  some  were  composed  by  other  Troppau  in  1635 ;  died  in  1679. 

writers,  as  there  were  several  noted  physicians  of  the  Hirsch,  hSSRsh,   (  JOHANN   CHRISTOPH,)  a  German 

same  name.     He  died   at  Larissa,  at  an  age  which  is  |  economist  and^numismatist^born^m  1698^;  diedjn  1780. 

variously  stated  between  eighty-five  and  one  hundred 

and  nine   years. 

As   an   inventor  he  is  unrivalled  by 

any  physician  of  ancient  or  modern  times.     Among  his 
chief  works  are  "  Prognostics,"  "  Epidemics,"  "  On  Regi- 

Hirsch,  (MAX,)  a  German  (Hebrew)  author  and 
liberal  politician,  born  at  Halberstadt,  December  30, 
1832.  Besides  books  of  travel,  etc.,  he  has  written  much 
on  social  and  labour  questions,  politics,  etc.,  and  has 

men,"  and  "On   Air,  Water,   and    Locality."     Of  the   taken  a  prominent  place  in  the  German  Reichstag, 
eighty-seven  extant  treatises  ascribed  to  him,  only  a  few       Hirsch,  (SAMUEL,)  Ph.D.,  an  eminent  Jewish  rabbi, 
are  undoubtedly  genuine.  i  born  at  Thalfingen,  Rhenish  Prussia,  June  8,  1815.     He 

S«  SORANUS,  "Vita  Hippocratis,"  in  FABK.CIUS,  "  Bibliotheca  '  was  educated  at  Metz,  Bonn,  Berlin,  and  Leipsic,  where 

jiedes  Hippocrates  und  seiner  Grundsitze,"  =  vols.,  1789^    movement  among   Amejican   Jews. 
P.  GESNHR,  "De  Divino  Hippocrate,"  1739:  KARL  F.  MAR-    works 


1838 ;    A.   OBTTINGKR, 

Among  his  chief 

orks  are  "Religious   Philosophy  of  the  Jews,""Hu- 
anity  as  Religion,"  "  Messiah-Lore  of  the  Jews," 


"  Apolo] 

9*:  C.I 

cus,    "  Dissertatio  de   Vita 

"  Hippocratis  Vita,"  1836. 

Hippocrates,  a  Syracusan,  shared  with  his  brother 
Epicvdes  the   command  of  the   army   which  defender1     , 
Syracuse  against  Marcellus,  213  B.C.  ^Died  in  212  B.C.      Austnan  &»ncier,  born  at  Munich  in   1831. 

Hippocrates  OF  CHIOS,  a  noted  Greek  geometer, 

Hirsch  de  Gerenth,  (MAURICE  DE,)  BARON,  an 

Left  a 

large  fortune  by  his  father,  and  marrying  a  woman 

who  lived  in  the  fifth  century  before  Christ  He  studied  v/ith  a  dowry  of  $20,000,000  he  engaged  in  ex- 
at  Athens,  where  he  opened  a  celebrated  school.  He  tensive  business  operations,  and  gained  a  fortune  of 
first  discovered  the  quadrature  of  the  lune.  $200,000,000.  With  this  he  entered  upon  large  b 

Hip-po-da-mi'a[Gr. 'Imroia/ieia]  or Hip-pod'a-me,  ne.-olent  schemes  for  the  benefit  of  his  fellow- Jews, 
A  daughter  of  O2NOMAUS,  which  see.  his  gifts  aggregating  $50,000,000,  while  those  of  his 

Hip-pod'a-mus   ['Imroda/tof]   OF   MILETUS,  an  emi-   wife  were  proportionately  liberal.     He  died  Decem- 
nent  Greek  architect,  lived  about  440  B.C.     He  built   ber  10,  1896,  and  his  wife  April  I,  1899. 
the  Pirzus  of  Athens,  under  the  order  of  Pericles,  and       Hirscher,  heSRsh'er,   (JoHANN   BAPTIST,)   a  Swiss 
planned  the  city  of  Rhodes,  about  408  B.C.  Catholic  theologian,  born  near  Altorf  in  1788.    His  prin- 

Hippolyte.     See  HIPPOLYTUS.  cipal  work  is  "Christian  Morality,"  ("Christliche  Mo- 

Hip-pol'y-te,  ['Imro^wn;,!  the  Queen  ol  the  Amazons,  Ia\,"  3  vols.,  5th  edition,  1851.)  Died  September  4,  1865. 
was  called  a  daughter  of  Mars.  The  poets  feigned  that  Hirsching,  he^Rsh'ing,  (FRIEDRICH  KARL  GOTTLOB,) 
she  had  a  girdle  coveted  by  Eurystheus,  who  ordered  ,  a  German  antiquary,  born  at  Uffenheim  in  1762,  became 
Hercules  to  bring  it  to  him.  She  was  killed  by  Hercules.  professor  of  philosophy  at  Erlangen  in  1792.  He  pub- 

Hippolyte,  (Louis  MODESTIN  FLORVIL,)  a 
president  of  Hayti,  was  born  at  Cape  Haytien  in  1827. 
He  was  educated  in  France,  joined  the  Haytian  army, 
and  distinguished  himself.  In  1889  he  headed  the  in- 
surrection that  overthrew  President  Legitime,  and  seized 

lished  several  useful  works,  among  which  are  a  "De- 
scription of  the  Best  Libraries  of  Germany,"  (4  vols., 
1790,)  and  a  "Historical  and  Literary  Manual  of  Emi- 
nent Persons  who  died  in  the  Eighteenth  Century," 
I"  Historisch-literarisches  Handbuch  beriihmter  Perso- 

j;  g hard;  g as>; G,  H,K,guttural;  y,najat;  f.,trilled;  sasz;  thasinMu.     (2^="See  Explanations, p. 23.) 




nen,"  etc.,  1794-1815,  17  vols.) 

Ihis  were  edited  by  J.  H.  M.  Ernesti. 

The  last  12  volumes  of   "Reports  on  the  Geology  of  Massachusetts,"  (1833-41.) 
— • ;      Died  in  1800.         Among  his  numerous  works  are  "The  Geology  of  the 

Hirschvogel,  hetRsh'fo'fel,  (AUGUSTIN,)  a  German   Connecticut  Valley,"  (1823,)  "The  Religion  of  Geology 
'    rn  at  Nuremberg  in  1506  ;  died  ,  and  its  Connected  Sciences,"  (1851,)  and  "  Illustrations 

painter\  engraver,  born 
in  1560. 

Hirst,  (.IENRY  B.,)  an  American  poet,  born  in  Phila- 
delphia in  1813.  He  studied  law,  and  was  admitted  to 
the  bar  in  1843.  His  first  poems  appeared  in  "  Graham's 
Magazine."  He  afterwards  published  "  The  Coming  of 

of  Surface-Geology,"  (1857.)  By'his  exposition  of  the 
fossil  footprints  of  the  Connecticut  valley  he  originated 
a  new  branch  of  science,  called  Ichnology.  He  published 
in  1848  "  Fossil  Footprints  in  the  United  States."  He 
was  the  chief  founder  and  first  president  of  the  American 

the  Mammoth,  the  Funeral  o'f  Time,  and  other  Poems,"    Geological  Association.     Died  in  1864. 
(1845, )and  "Endymion,  a  Tale  of  Greece,  in  four  cantos,"        See  "  Silhman's  Journal,"  »oL  ili.;  "North  British  Review"  foi 
'1848.)     Died  March  30,  1874. 

Hirt  orHirth,  (JOHANN  FRIEDRICH,)  a  German  Orien-  Hitchcock,  (ETHAN  ALLEN,)  an  American  writer  and 
talist  and  writer,  born  at  Apolda  in  1719,  was  professor  military  officer,  a  grandson  of  Ethan  Allen,  was  born  in 
of  theology  at  Jena.  Died  in  1784.  i  Vergennes,  Vermont,  in  1798.  He  graduated  at  West 

HirtiuB.hir'she-us,  (AULUS,)  a  Roman  consul  and  gen-  Point  in  1817,  and  served  in  the  Seminole  war  in  Florida, 
eral,  was  a  patricilnby  birth.  Cicero,  who  was  his  inti-  >  I"  tne  war  witn  Mexico  he  was  attached  to  the  staff  of 
mate  friend,  speaks  highly  of  his  talents.  He  served  General  Scott,  and  in  1847  promoted  to  the  rank  of 
under  Czsar  in  the  Gallic  war,  and  supported  his  party  brigadier-general.  He  was  subsequently  sent  to  Cali- 
in  the  civil  war.  After  the  death  of  Caesar,  Hirtius  f°rr>ia,  as  commandant  of  the  Pacific  division,  but  he 
joined  Brutus  against  Antony,  and  was  elected  consul  returned  in  1854,  and  the  next  year  resigned  his  com- 
with  C.  Vibius  Pansa.  In  43  B.C.  these  consuls  gained  mission.  lie  wrote  "Swedenborg  a  Hermetic  Philo- 
a  victory  over  Antony  at  Mutina,  (M6dena;)  but  Hirtius  sopher,"  (1858.)  Died  in  1870. 

was  killed  in  the  action.  He  is  supposed  to  be  the  i  Hitchcock,  (PETER,)  an  American  jurist,  born  in 
author  of  the  continuation  of  "  Csesar's  Commentaries"  \  Cheshire,  Connecticut,  in  1780,  graduated  at  Yale  in 
which  forms  the  eighth  book  of  the  "Gallic  War,"  and  |  l8c"-  He  represented  a  district  of  Ohio  in  Congress 
also  of  two  other  treatises  on  the  campaigns  of  Caesar,  from  1817  to  1819,  and  was  subsequently  judge  of  the 
viz.,  the  Alexandrian  and  the  African.  supreme  court  of  the  State  for  twenty-eight  years,  for 

Hirzel,  hetRt'sel,  (BERNHARD,)  a  Swiss  Orientalist,   ?ix  Jears  of  which  Period  he  was  chlef  Justice- 
born  at  Zurich  in  1807,  translated  the  "Sakuntala"  of    mi?53- 
Kalidasa  from  the  Sanscrit  into  German.     Died  in  1847. 


Hitch'cock,  (ROSWELL  DWIGHT,)  D.D.,  I.L.D.,  an 

Hirzel,  (HANS  CASPAR,)  a  Swiss  physician  and  sen-  I  American  clergyman,  was  born  at  East  Machias,  Maine, 

-  •* —•--•<-  • iit_-.s-_         r.       ,    August  15,  1817.     He  graduated  at  Amherst  College  in 

1836,  and  studied  divinity  at  Andover  Seminary,     lie 
was  a  professor  in  Bowdoin  College  from  1852  to  1855, 

ator,  born  at  Zurich  in  1725,  wrote  a  "1  realise  on  Rural 
Economy,"  and  "  The  Rustic  Socrates,"  (1761-74.)    Died 

'"nisely,  hez'le',  (JEAN  JOSEPH,)  a  Swiss  historian,  >;  professor  of  church  historyln  Union  Theological' 
born  in  1800,  wrote,  in  French,  "  Researches  on  William  3emi"ary  '"  New  York  in  1855,  and  in  iSSo  was  chosen 
Tell,"  (1843.)  and  other  works  on  Swiss  history.  '5s  J  ldent-  _  Among  his  works  are  a  "  Lite  of  Edwaid 

Hisham.     See  HE-SHAM. 

Hisinger,  hee'sing-er,  or  Hising,  hee'sing,  (WiL- 
HELM,)  a  Swedish  mineralogist,  born  in  1766,  published, 
besides  other  works,  "  Lethea  Suecica,  seu  petrificata 
Sueciae,"  (1837-40.)  Died  in  1852. 

HiatiaeuB,  his-te-ee'us,  |Gr.  '[muuof ;  FT.  HisriiE, 
is'te'a',]  an  able  and  crafty  ruler  of  Miletus,  to  whom 

Darius  intrusted  the  duty  of  guarding  a  bridge  over  the 
Danube  during  his  invasion  of  Scythia,  about  512  B.C. 
He  refused  to  desert  Darius  at  the  instigation  cf  Mil- 

Robinson,"  (1863,)  an  "  Analysis  of  the  Bible."  (Itioy,) 
and  "Socialism,"  (1878.)     Died  June  16,  1887. 

Hit' tell,  (JOHN  SHERZER,)  an  American  author, 
born  at  Jonestown,  Pennsylvania,  in  1825.  He  was 
for  twenty-five  years  a  journalist  in  San  Francisco, 
and  wrote  "  History  of  the  Mental  Growth  of  Man- 
kind in  Ancient  Times,"  "The  Evidences  against 

Christianity,"  "The  Resources  of  California,"  etc. 

His  brother,  THEODORE  HENRY  HITTELL,  bom  in 
1830,  went  to  California  in  1855  and    practised    law 

tiades ;  but  he  afterwards  revolted,  and  was  put  to  death   there  after  1862.     He  wrote  "  History  of  California," 
by  the  Persians  about  494  B.C.  i  «  General  Laws  of  California,"  etc. 

Hittorf,  hit'toRf  or  ^e'toRr*,  (JACQUES  IGNACE,)  an  emi- 

Hita,  de,  dk  ee'ti,  (GiNES  PEREZ,)  a  Spanish  chrcmi-   nent  architect  and  antiquary,  born  at  Cologne  in  1793, 
cler,  born  in  Murcia,  lived  between  1550  and  1600.     He  j  was  a  pupil  of  BeManger.    He  was  appointed  architect  to 

wrote  an  interesting  work,  entitled  "The  Civil  Wars  of 

See  TICKNOR,  "History  of  Spanish  Literature." 

the  King  of  France  in  1818,  after  which  he  visited  Italy. 
He  commenced  about  1834  the  church  of  Saint  Vincent 
de  Paul,  (in  the  Italian  style,)  and  designed  the  remark- 
Hitch'cock,  (CHARLES  HENRY,)  Ph.D.,  an  American  able  works  of  the  Place  de  Concorde.  Among  his  capital 
geologist,  a  son  of  Prof.  Edward  Hitchcock,  was  born  'works  are  the  Grand  Circus,  (1840,)  the  Panorama,  the 
at  Amherst,  Massachusetts,  August  23,  1836.  He  grad-  roof  of  which  is  supported  by  twelve  iron  cables,  and 
aated  at  Amherst  College  in  1856.  He  studied  divinity  the  Cirque-Napoleon,  (1851.)  M.  Hittorf  acquired  a 
at  New  Haven,  and  science  at  the  Royal  School  of  European  reput  lion  by  these  structures,  and  by  his 
Mines.  London.  He  was  professor  of  geology  at  Lafay-  writings  on  classical  art,  namely,  "  Polychromic  Archi- 
ette  College,  Easton,  Pennsylvania,  1866-70,  and  after-  lecture  of  the  Greeks,"  (1830,)  "Modern  Architecture 
wards  was  professor  of  the  same  science  in  Dartmouth  of  Sicily,"  (1837,)  and  "Ancient  Architecture  of  Sicily." 
College.  He publishedmanyscientific papers, andseveral  He  was  a  member  of  the  Institute.  Died  in  1867. 
volumes  of  reports  prepared  in  conneclion  wilh  various  See  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

State  geological  surveys.  Hitzig,  hit'sic,  (JERDINAND,)  a  German  biblical  critic, 

Hitch'cock,  (EDWARD,)  an  eminent  American  geol-  :  born  in  Baden  in  1807.  He  became  professor  of  theology 
ogist,  born  at  Deerfield,  Massachusetts,  May  24,  1793.  at  Zurich  in  1833.  His  principal  works  are  a  "Transla- 
He  became  pastor  of  the  Congregational  church  in  Con-  lion  and  Exposition  of  Isaiah,"  (1833,)  and  commentaries 
way,  Massachusetts,  in  1821,  and  professor  of  chemistry  on  the  other  greater  prophets,  (1841-50.)  Died  in  1875. 
arid  natural  history  in  Amherst  College  in  1825.  1111840  Hitzig,  (GEORG  HEINRICH  FRIEDRICH,)  a  distin- 
he  published  his  "Elementaiy  Geology,"  a  valuable  guished  German  architect,  born  in  1811  ;  died  in  1881. 
work,  which  passed  through  rwenty-five  or  more  edi-  Hjaerne  or  Hiaerne,  he-eVneh,  (URBAN,)  a  Swedish 
tions.  From  1845  to  '854  he  was  president  of  Amherst  physician  and  naturalist,  born  in  1641,  became  first  phy- 
College,  the  prosperity  of  which  increased  greatly  under  sician  to  the  king  Carl  XI.,  and  vice-president  of  tho 
his  direction.  He  became  about  1845  professor  of  natu  Council  of  Mines.  He  wrote,  besides  other  works, 

ral  theology  and  geology  in  that  institution.  Having 
been  appointed  State  geologist  for  Massachusetts,  he 
made  a  geological  survey  of  that  State,  ami 

"Acta  et  Tentamina  chimica,"  ("  Chemical  Experiments," 
1712,)  and  "  Oryctographia  Suecana,"  (1716.)  Died  in 

a,  e,  i,  o,  u,  y,  long;  A,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  s/iart;  a,  e,  i,  p,  obscure;  fir,  fill,  fit;  mil;  nfit;  good;  moon: 




Hjort,  he-oRt'  or  hyoRt,  (PEDER,)  a  Danish  granv 
manan,  born  near  Copenhagen  in  1793.  After  an  ex- 
tensive tour  in  France  and  Italy,  he  became  professor 
of  German  at  Sorbe.  He  wrote  several  successful  works 
on  grammar,  among  which  are  "Tydsk  Grammatik  for 
Dansktalende,"  ("German  Grammar  for  the  Use  of 
Danes,"  5th  edition,  i85l,)"Tydsk  Lasebog  for  Dansk- 
talende," ("  German  Reader  for  the  Use  of  Danes,"  3d 
edition,  1843,)  and  "Den  Danske  Borneven,"  ("The 
Danish  Child's  Friend."  Died  November  n,  1871. 

Hliii,  hleen,  Hlina,  hlee'na,  or  Lyna,  lee'na,  [sup- 
posed to  be  derived  from  klynat  to  "  warm"  or  "  become 
warm,"]  in  the  Northern  mythology,  a  goddess,  whose 
office  it  is  to  watch  over  those  whom  Frigga  wishes  to 
guard  from  peril.  As  Frigga  represents  the  earth's 
fertility,  so  Hlin  typifies  the  mild  warmth  which  protects 
the  tender  plants  from  the  breath  of  the  Frost-giants. 

Hlodyn,  hlo'din,  [in  all  probability  the  same  as  HLU- 
_DANA,  the  Latin  name  of  a  deity  of  the  ancient  Germans,] 
in  the  Norse  mythology,  the  mother  of  Thor,  and  prob- 
ably another  name  for  Fiorgyn  or  Fiorgvin,  (also  called 
the  mother  of  Thor,)  the  goddess  of  the  earth.  Thorpe 
derives  it  from  Hafta,  (allied  to  the  English  "lade"  and 
"  load,")  to  "  heap  up,"  to  "  load."  Fiorgynn  (as  a  mas- 
culine noun)  was  said  to  be  the  father  of  Frigga. 

Hlubek,  hloo'bek,  (FRANZ  XAVER  WILHELM,)  a  Ger. 
man  writer  on  rural  economy,  born  in  Silesia  in  1802.  His 
principal  works  are  "  The  Nutrition  of  Plants  and  Statics 
of  Agriculture,"  (1841,)  and  a  "Complete  Treatise  on 
Rural  Economy,"  (2  vols.,  1846.)  Died  Feb.  10,  1880. 

Hoad'ley  or  Hoadly,  (BENJAMIN,)  an  English  divine, 
corn  at  Westerham  in  1676,  took  orders  about  1700. 
His  zeal  for  religious  liberty  and  opposition  to  the  High- 
Church  principles  caused  his  promotion  in  1715  to  the  see 
ofBangor.  In  1717  he  preached  a  sermon  before  the  king, 
from  which  arose  the  great  Bangorian  controversy.  This 
was  maintained  by  Snape,  Law,  and  other  partisans  of 
the  High  Church  on  one  hand,  and  Hoadley  on  the  other. 
He  was  made  Bishop  of  Hereford  in  1721,  and  of  Win- 
chester in  1734.  He  wrote  a  "Life  of  Dr.  Samuel 
Clarke,"  and  a  few  other  works.  Died  in  1761. 

See  "  Biographia  Britannica," 

Hoadley,  (BENJAMIN,)  M.D.,  eldest  son  of  the  pre- 
ceding, was  born  in  London  in  1705,  and  graduated  in 
1729.  In  1742  he  was  appointed  physician  to  the  king's 
household,  and  in  1746  to  that  of  the  Prince  of  Wales. 
He  wrote  "  The  Suspicious  Husband,"  a  comedy,  which 
was  successful,  and  assisted  Hogarth  in  the  "  Analysis 
of  Beauty."  Died  in  1757. 

Hoar,  (EBENEZER  ROCKWOOD,)  an  able  lawyer,  the 
son  of  Samuel  Hoar,  noticed  below,  was  born  at  Con- 
cord, Massachusetts,  in  1816.  His  mother  was  a  daugh- 
ter of  the  celebrated  Roger  Sherman.  He  graduated  at 
Harvard  in  1835,  was  admitted  to  the  bar  about  1840, 
and  practised  in  Boston.  In  1859  he  was  appointed  a 
justice  of  the  supreme  court  of  Massachusetts,  was 
attorney-general  of  the  United  States,  1869-70.  and 
member  of  Congress,  1873-75.  Died  Jan.  31,  1895. 

Hoar,  (GEORGE  FRISBIE,)  LL.D.,  an  American  Sen- 
ator, born  in  Concord,  Massachusetts,  August  29,  1826,  a 
son  of  Samuel  Hoar,  noticed  below.  He  graduated  at 
Harvard  College  in  1846,  and  at  the  Dane  Law  School, 
served  in  Congress,  1868-76,  and  was  sent  to  the  United 
States  Senate  from  Massachusetts  in  1877,  and  suc- 
cessively re-elected.  He  served  on  the  Tilden- 
Hayes  Electoral  Commission,  and  presided  over  the 
Republican  National  Convention  of  1880. 

Hoar,  (SAMUEL,)  a  lawyer,  born  at  Lincom,  Massa- 
chusetts, in  1778,  was  the  father  of  the  preceding.  He 
was  sent  by  the  Governor  of  Massachusetts  to  South 
Carolina  in  1844,  to  protect  the  rights  of  certain  free 
negro  sailors  who  had  been  imprisoned  in  Charleston ; 
but  he  was  driven  from  that  city  by  a  mob  before  he 
could  perform  his  mission.  Died  in  1856. 

Hoare,  (PRINCE,)  an  English  artist  and  dramatist, 
born  at  Bath  in  1754,  was  the  son  of  William  Hoare, 
noticed  below.  He  studied  painting  at  Rome,  and  in 
1799  was  chosen  foreign  secretary  of  the  Royal  Acad- 
emy. He  is  chiefly  known  as  the  author  of  dramas,  as 
"No  Song,  No  Supper,"  " Lock  and  Key,"  etc.  Died 
in  1834. 

Hoare,  (Sir  RICHARD  COLT,)  a  noted  English  anti- 
quary, born  in  1758,  married  in  1783  the  daughter  of 
Lord  Lyttleton,  and  inherited  the  title  of  baronet  in  1787. 
He  gained  distinction  as  a  topographer  and  antiquarian 
by  his  "  Ancient  and  Modern  History  of  Wiltshire,"  and 
wrote  several  other  works.  Died  in  1838. 

Hoare,  (WILLIAM,)  R.A.,  an  English  historical  and 
portrait  painter,  born  at  Bath  about  1706  He  was  one 
of  the  original  members  of  the  Royal  Academy.  After 
studying  many  years  at  Rome,  he  returned  to  Bath,  and 
worked  with  great  success,  especially  in  portraits.  Died 
n  1792. 

Ho'bart,  (AUGUSTUS  CHARLES,)  known  as  HOBART 
P \SIIA,  a  naval  commander,  born  in  England,  April  i, 
1822,  a  son  of  the  Earl  of  Buckinghamshire.  He  entered 
the  royal  navy  in  1836,  commanded  the  Queen's  yacht, 
1845-47,  and  served  in  the  Crimean  war.  In  1861-65, 
being  still  an  officer  of  the  British  navy,  he  commanded 
a  blockade-runner  on  the  coast  of  the  United  States. 
In  1867  he  entered  the  Turkish  navy,  served  against  the 
Cretan  insurgents,  and  was  soon  made  an  admiral  and 
inspector-general  of  the  navy.  In  1881  he  was  made  a 
marshal  of  the  Turkish  Empire.  Died  in  1886. 

Ho'bart,  (GARRET  AUGUSTUS,)  "Vice-President  of 

the  United  States,  was   born    in    Monmouth  county, 

Xew  Jersey,  June  3,  1841.     He  was  admitted  to  the  in  1869,  was  a  member  of  the  New  Jersey  House 

1873-78,  and  of  the  Senate  1879-85,  being  president 

i  if  the  Senate  in  1881.     He  became  very  prominent 

;  in  Republican  politics,  and  was  elected  Vice-President 

i  for  the   term    1897-1901.       He    died    November   21, 


Ho'bart,  (JOHN  HENRY,)  D.D.,  born  in  Philadelphia 
111  '775.  was  ordained  in  1798.  He  was  successively 
pastor  at  New  Brunswick,  Hempstead,  and  Trinity 
Church,  New  York,  and  was  chosen  Bishop  of  New 
York  in  1816.  He  published  numerous  theological 
works.  Died  in  1830. 

Hobbema  or  Hobbima,  hob'be-ma,  (MINDERHOUT  j 
Ger.  MEINDERT;  Fr.  MINARD,)  an  excellent  Flemish 
landscape-painter,  was  born  probably  at  Coevorden  about 
1638.  Little  is  known  of  his  personal  history.  His 
favourite  subjects  were  simple  rural  and  sylvan  scenes 
diversified  by  a  winding  stream,  a  ruined  tower,  or  a  dis- 
tant village.  He  excelled  in  perspective  and  colouring. 
His  works  are  rare,  and  command  very  high  prices. 
'Jver  twenty  thousand  dollars  has  been  paid  for  one. 
Died  in  December,  1709. 

Hobbes,  hdbz,  (THOMAS,)  a  famous  English  philos- 
opher, born  at  Malmesbury  in  1588.  As  tutor  in  the 
family  of  the  Earl  of  Devonshire,  he  travelled  several 
times  on  the  continent  with  his  pupils,  and  became  ac- 
quainted with  Gassendi,  Descartes,  etc.  In  1628  he  pub- 
lished a  Latin  translation  of  Thucydides,  and  in  1642 
a  treatise  on  government, — "Elementa  Philosophica  o> 
Give."  He  was  a  royalist  in  the  civil  war,  and  an  ad- 
vocate of  unconditional  obedience  to  the  king.  In  1647 
he  was  mathematical  tutor  to  the  Prince  of  Wales, 
(Charles  II.,)  then  in  Paris.  His  treatise  on  "Human 
Nature"  (1650)  was  followed  by  the  "  Leviathan,"  (a 
complete  system  of  his  philosophy,  including  his  politi- 
cal, moral,  and  theological  views,)  which  made  a  great 
sensation,  and  gave  offence  to  theologians,  and — though 
it  was  hostile  to  liberal  principles— even  to  the  royalists. 
In  1666  this  work  and  his  "De  Give"  were  censured  by 
Parliament.  Soon  after  the  restoration,  he  received  a 
pension  of  one  hundred  pounds.  His  paradoxical  opin- 
ions were  warmly  controverted  by  Cudworth,  Clarendon, 
and  others.  In  1675  he  published  a  translation  in  verse 
of  the  "Iliad"  and  the  "Odyssey,"  which  drew  from 
Pope  the  assertion  that  "his  poetry  is  too  mean  for 
criticism."  In  his  old  age,  which  was  passed  a't  the 
seat  of  his  patron,  the  Earl  of  Devonshire,  he  publisher) 
a  "  History  of  the  Civil  War  from  1640  to  1660,"  ana 
other  works.  "  A  permanent  foundation  of  his  fame," 
says  Mackintosh,  "consists  in  his  admirable  style,  which 
seems  to  be  the  very  perfection  of  didactic  language. 
Short,  clear,  precise,  pithy,  his  language  never  has  more 
than  one  meaning,  which  never  requires  a  second 
fhought  to  find.  .  .  .  His  little  tract  on  'Human  Na- 

«  as  k;  5  as  s;  g  &jn/,-  g  as/;  G,  H,  K,  guttural;  N,  «ara/;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  //Sw. 

xplanations, p. 23.) 




ture'  has  scarcely  an  ambiguous  or  a  needless  word.  .  .  . 
Perhaps  no  writer  of  any  age  or  nation,  on  subjects  so 
abstruse,  has  manifested  an  equal  power  of  engraving 
his  thoughts  on  the  mind  of  his  readers.  .  .  .  His  style  so 
stimulates  attention  that  it  never  tires,  and,  to  those  who 
are  acquainted  with  the  subject,  appears  to  have  as  much 
spirit  as  can  be  safely  blended  with  reason."  Died  1679. 
Hobbs,  (ALFRED  CHARLES,)  an  American  lock 
expert,  born  at  Charlestown,  Massachusetts,  in  1812. 
He  entered  the  lock  and  safe  business,  invented  an 
unpickable  lock,  and  became  such  an  expert  that  he 
could  open  the  best  safe-locks  in  a  remarkably  brief 
time.  His  most  famous  exploit  was  in  London,  with 
a  Brahma  lock,  for  which  an  offer  of  two  hundred 
guineas  was  made  to  any  one  who  could  open  it 
without  a  key.  Hobbs  did  so  in  fifty-one  hours.  He 
opened  another  combination-lock  in  a  few  minutes  with 
his  back  to  the  door.  His  own  lock  resisted  the  efforts 
of  pickers.  He  died  November  6,  1891. 

Hob'hpuse,  (Sir  BENJAMIN,)  M.P.,  an  English  states- 
man, born  in  1757,  was  a  prominent  member  of  the  House 
of  Commons  from  1797  to  1818,  held  several  civil  offices, 
and  was  attached  to  the  party  of  Fox.  He  wrote  a 
"  Treatise  on  Heresy,"  and  "  Remarks  on  France  and 
Italy."  Died  in  1831. 

Hobhouae,  (JOHN  CAM,)  Lord  Broughton,  an  Eng- 
lish statesman  and  writer,  bom  in  1786,  was  a  son  of  the 
preceding.  He  became  intimate  at  college  with  Lord 
Byron,  in  company  with  whom  he  visited  Spain,  Greece, 
and  Turkey  in  1809.  He  published  in  1812  "  A  Journey 
through  Albania,  and  other  Provinces  of  Turkey,  with 
Lord  Byron,"  which  was  long  the  best  account  of  that 
country,  and,  in  1816,  "  Letters  on  the  Hundred  Days,  or 
Last  Reign  of  Napoleon,"  (in  2  vols.)  He  was  elected  to 
Parliament  by  the  Radicals  or  Liberals  of  Westminster 
in  1819,  and  obtained  success  as  a  speaker.  In  1831 
he  became  secretary  of  war  in  the  Whig  ministry.  He 
was  appointed  secretary  of  state  for  Ireland  in  1833,  and 
was  president  of  the  board  of  control  from  1846  to  1851. 
Died  in  June,  1869. 

Hob'son,  (JOHN  ATKINSON,)  an  English  reform 
writer,  was  born  at  Derby,  July  6,  1858.  He  was  a 
University  Extension  lecturer  from  1887  to  1897,  and 
published  "The  Physiology  of  Industry,"  (1889,) 
"  Problems  of  Poverty,"  (1891,)  "The  Evolution  of 
Modern  Capitalism,"  (1894,)  "The  Problem  of  the 
Unemployed,"  (1896,)  "John  Ruskin,  Social  Re- 
former," (1898,)  etc. 

Hob'son,  (RICHARD  PEARSON,)  an  American 
naval  engineer,  was  born  at  Greensboro,  Alabama, 
August  17,  1870.  He  graduated  at  the  Naval  Academy 
in  1889,  became  a  naval  constructor,  and  was  on  the 
cruiser  New  York  during  the  blockade  of  Santiago, 
where  he  sunk  the  collier  Merrimac  in  the  harbour 
channel  to  prevent  the  escape  of  the  Spanish  fleet. 
He  was  taken  prisoner,  but  was  soon  exchanged.  He 
subsequently  attempted  to  raise  the  wrecked  Spanish 
ships,  and  succeeded  with  the  Maria  Teresa. 

Hoc'cleve  or  Oc'cleve,  (THOMAS,)  an  early  English 
poet  and  lawyer,  is  supposed  to  have  been  born  about 
1370.  He  wrote  "The  Story  of  Jonathan,"  and  other 
poems.  "  His  poetry,"  says  Hallam,  "  abounds  with 
pedantry,  and  is  destitute  of  all  grace  and  spirit" 

Hoche,  ^6sh  or  /;osh,  (LAZARE,)  a  French  general,  who 
rose  from  a  very  humble  rank  in  society,  was  born  at 
Montreuil,  near  Paris,  in  1768,  and  entered  the  French 
guards  at  the  age  of  sixteen.  He  favoured  the  Revolu- 
tion of  1789,  and  was  made  a  lieutenant  in  1792.  Hav- 
ing studied  tactics,  and  served  with  credit  at  Thionville, 
Dunkirk,  etc.,  he  became  in  a  short  time  successively 
general  of  brigade  and  general  of  division,  and  at  the 
age  of  twenty-four  commanded  the  army  of  the  Moselle. 
In  1793  he  defeated  Wurmser  and  drove  him  out  of  Al- 
sace, soon  after  which  he  was  arrested  by  the  Jacobin 
leader  Saint-Just  an<f  imprisoned  at  Paris.  The  fall  of 
Robespierre  in  1794  restored  him  to  liberty  and  com- 
mand. Employed  tc  subdue  the  royalists  of  La  Vendee, 
he  effected  much  by  his  address  and  moderation,  and  in 
1795  defeated  the  enemy  at  Quiberon.  In  1797,  com- 

I  manding  the  army  of  the  Sambre  and  Meuse,  he  opened 
the  campaign  against  the  Austrians  by  a  daring  passage 
of  the  Rhine  in  their  presence,  and  defeated  them  in 
,  several  actions.  In  the  contest  between  the  Director} 
ind  the  Legislative  Councils,  Hoche  favoured  the  former, 
who  invoked  the  aid  of  his  army,  but  soon  issued  counter- 
oiders  and  employed  another  in  the  service.  He  died, 
of  poison,  (as  was  suspected,)  in  1797.  He  was  one  of 
the  noblest  spirits  and  ablest  generals  that  the  Revo- 
lution produced,  and,  if  he  had  lived,  might  have  been  a 
formidable  rival  of  Bonaparte. 

Hochstetter,  vou,  ton  hoK'stSt'ter,  (FERDINAND,) 
a  German  geologist,  born  at  Esslingen,  April  30,  1829. 
He  was  naturalist  to  the  Novara  expedition  around  the 
world,  1857-59.  He  lived  some  years  in  New  Zealand, 
and  published  "Geology  of  New  Zealand,"  (1864,)  and 
a  much  larger  work  on  the  same  subject,  in  German,  in 
1866.  He  later  became  a  professor  in  the  Vienna  Poly- 
technic School.  He  published  "  Ueber  den  Ural,"  (1873,) 
and  "  Die  Erde,"  a  popular  work.  Died  at  Vienna,  July 
17,  1884. 

Hocquincourt,  A',  do'kaN'kooR',  (CHARLES  DE 
MONCHY,)  born  in  Picardy  in  1 599,  became  marshal  of 
France  in  1651,  and  commanded  the  royal  army  which 
was  defeated  by  the  Prince  of  Condi  in  1652.  He  de- 
serted to  the  Spaniards,  and  was  killed  at  Dunkirk  in 

Ho'dell,  (FRAXS  OSCAR  LEONARD,)  a  Swedish 
dramatist,  born  in  1840.  He  published  a  comic  paper, 
the  "  Sondags-Nisse,"  1881-90,  and  wrote  and 
adapted  for  the  stage  more  than  a  hundred  plays. 
The  most  popular  of  these  was  "  Andersson,  Peters- 
son,  and  Lundstrom."  Died  May  25,  1890. 

Ho'dfr,  Ho'dur,  (HotJr,)  or  Hod,  written  also 
Hoder,  the  blind  god  in  the  Norse  mythology.  Through 
the  cunning  malice  of  Loki,  he  became  the  slayer  of  his 
brother  Balder,  whose  death  'Vali  avenged  by  killing 
Hoder.  (See  BALDER,  and  VALI.) 

Hodge,  (ARCHIBALD  ALEXANDER,)  D.D.,  LL.D.,  an 
American  theologian,  a  son  of  Dr.  Charles  Hodge, 
noticed  below.  He  was  born  at  Princeton,  New  Jersey, 
July  18, 1823,  graduated  at  Princeton  College  in  1841,  and 
at  Princeton  Theological  Seminary  in  1847,  and  became 
a  Presbyterian  clergyman.  He  became  a  professor 
at  Princeton  in  1877,  and  published  a  number  of 
books  on  theological  subjects.  Died  in  1886. 

Hodge,  (CHARLES,)  D.D.,  an  eminent  American 
theologian,  born  in  Philadelphia  in  1797.  He  graduated 
at  Princeton  in  1815,  and  studied  divinity  at  the  Princeton 
Theological  Seminary,  in  which  he  became  professor  of 
Oriental  and  Biblical  literature  in  1822.  In  1840  he  suc- 
ceeded to  the  chair  of  didactic  and  exegetical  theology, 
and  in  1852  added  to  it  the  professorship  of  polemic 
theology.  In  1825  Dr.  Hodge  established,  and  was  for 
many  years  editor  of,  the  "  Biblical  Repertory  and  Prince- 
ton Review,"  at  that  time  the  ablest  theological  quar- 
terly in  America,  and  the  chief  organ  of  the  Old-School 
division  of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  Two  volumes  of 
his  contributions  to  this  "Review,"  entitled  "Princeton 
Theological  Essays,"  were  published  in  1846-47,  and  a 
third  volume,  "Reviews  and  Essays,"  in  1857.  He  died 
June  19,  1878. 

Hod' ge§,  (EDWARD,)  Mus.  Doc.,  an  English  musician 
and  composer,  born  at  Bristol,  July  20,  1796.  In  1838 
he  left  England  for  America,  and  next  year  was  appointed 
organist  of  Saint  John's  Episcopal  Chapel  in  New  York 
He  returned  to  England  in  1863,  and  died  in  1867. 

Hodges,  hoj'ez,  (NATHANIEL,)  an  English  physician, 
who  practised  in  London,  and  gained  distinction  by  his 
faithful  services  during  the  great  plague  of  1665,  when  the 
most  of  the  doctors  fted  from  the  danger.  He  wrote,  in 
Latin,  an  account  of  this  calamity,  (1672.)  He  died  in 
prison  for  debt  in  1684. 

Hodges,  (WILLIAM,)  R.A.,  an  English  painter,  born 
in  London  about  1744.  He  painted  landscapes  wit'i 
moderate  success,  and  was  employed  as  draughtsman 
in  Captain  Cook's  second  vovage,  (1772.)  He  after- 
wards visited  India  and  painted  some  Indian  views.  He 
published  "  Select  Views  in  India,"  (2  vols.,  1788,)  and 
"  Travels  in  India  in  1780-85,"  (I793-)  Died  in  1797. 

a,  e,  i,  6,  u,  y,  long;  i,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  T,  6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  $,  i,  9,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fit;  m£t;  not;  good;  moon; 




Hodg'kin,  (THOMAS,)  an  English  historian,  born) 
at  Tottenham  in  1831.  He  published  "  Italy  and  Her 
Invaders,"  (7  vols.,  1880-98,)  etc. 

HSdg'kln-spn,  (EATON,)  born  at  Anderton,  Cheshire, 
in  1789,  is  distinguished  for  his  researches  respecting  the 
strength  of  iron  pillars,  rails,  etc.  He  discovered  thai 
an  iron  rail  in  the  form  ol  an  inverted  letter  T  will  sup- 
port a  greater  pressure  thin  any  other.  From  numerous 
experiments  he  derived  formulae  for  solid  and  hollow 
iron  pillars,  which  are  generally  adopted.  He  co- 
operated with  Mr.  Stephenson  in  the  construction  of  the 
tubular  Britannia  bridge  about  1845.  Died  in  1 86 1. 

Hodg'son,  (BRIAN  HOUGHTON,)  a  British  ethnolo- 
gist, born  in  1800.  While  in  the  government  service 
in  Nepaul,  and  afterwards,  he  made  a  large  collection 
of  the  northern  Buddhistic  literature,  and  wrote  many 
valuable  papers  on  the  ethnology  and  zoology  of  Ne- 
paul and  Thibet.  He  collected  more  than  ten  thou- 
sand birds.  Died  in  1894. 

Hodg'son,  (FRANCIS,)  an  English  poet,  born  in 
1781,  was  a  friend  of  Lord  Byron,  and  provost  of 
Eton  College.  He  produced  a  version  of  Juvenal, 
(1808,)  "Sacred  Lyrics,"  (1842,)  and  other  poems. 
Died  in  1852. 

Hodgson,  (JOHN  EVAN,)  an  English  artist,  born 
at  London  in  1831.  His  first  picture  was  exhibited  in 
1856.  He  painted  historical  subjects  1861-69,  but 
afterwards  mainly  confined  himself  to  scenes  from 
Moorish  life.  He  was  elected  to  the  Royal  Academy 
in  1879. 

Hodierna,  o-de-*R'na,  or  Adierna,  a-de-eVnJ,  (Gl- 
AMBATTISTA,)  a  Sicilian  astronomer  and  priest,  bom  at 
Ragusa  in  1597,  verified  the  positions  of  the  fixed  stars, 
and  discovered  the  motions  of  Jupiter's  satellites.  His 
"Medicseorum  Ephemerides"  (1656)  is  the  first  book, 
says  Lalande,  "in  which  we  find  observations  on  the 
eclipses  of  Jupiter's  satellites."  He  wrote  a  treatise  on 
the  System  of  Saturn,  (1657,)  and  other  works.  Died 
in  1660. 

Hodius.    See  HODY. 

Ho'djf,  [Lat.  HO'DIUS,]  (HUMPHRY,)  D.D.,  an  Eng- 
lish divine  and  eminent  scholar,  born  at  Oldcombe  in 
1659.  About  1694  he  became  chaplain  to  Archbishop 
Tillotson.  He  was  chosen  professor  of  Greek  at  Oxford 
in  1698,  and  Archdeacon  of  Oxford  in  1704.  He  pub 
lished  an  excellent  work  "On  the  Original  Texts  of  the 
Bible,  and  the  Greek  and  Latin  Versions,"  ("De  Bibli- 
Drum  Textis  Originalibus,"  etc.,  1705,)  also,  "On  the; 
Illustrious  Greek  Restorers  of  the  Greek  Language," 
(1742,)  which  is  commended  by  Hallam.  Died  in  1706 

See  DR.  JBBB,  "Notitia  de  Vita  et  Scriptis  H.  Hodii." 

Hoe,  (RICHARD  MARCH,)  born  in  New  York  City  in 
1812,  is  known  as  the  inventor  of  Hoe's  type-revolving 
printing-press,  which  makes  the  impression  on  both 
sides  of  the  sheet  at  the  same  time.  Died  in  1886. 

Hoeck.     See  yEpmus  and  HOEK. 

Hoefer,  ho'fer,  [Fr.  pron.  ho'fair',]  (JoHANN  CHRIS- 
TIAN FERDINAND,  a  German  writer,  distinguished  for 
his  learning  and  versatility,  was  born  at  Doeschnitz,  in 
Thuringia,  in  1811.  He  became  in  1834  secretary  to 
Victor  Cousin,  whom  he  assisted  in  the  translation  of 
the  works  of  Plato.  He  left  Cousin  in  1836,  after  which 
he  studied  medicine,  and  practised  several  years  in  Paris. 
In  1843  he  was  sent  to  Germany  by  M.  Cousin  to 
examine  the  German  methods  of  medical  instruction 
and  practice.  He  published,  besides  other  works,  a 
"  History  of  Chemistry  from  the  Earliest  Times  to  the 
Present,"  (2  vols.,  1842.)  In  1851  he  was  selected  by 
MM.  Didot  to  direct  their  great  biographical  dictionary, 
"Nouvelle  Biographic  Generale,"  for  which  he  wrote 
able  articles  on  Aristotle,  C«esar,  Columbus,  Descartes, 
Erasmus,  and  others.  Died  in  1878. 

Hoefnaeghel,  hooPna'gel  or  hoof'na'Hel,  (GEORGE,, 
a  Flemish  painter,  born  at  Antwerp  in  1545,  was  painter 
to  the  Elector  of  Bavaria.  He  excelled  in  water-colour 
painting.  Died  at  Vienna  in  1600. 

Hoek  or  Hoeck,  van,  also  written  Honk, 
(JAN,)  a  Flemish  painter  of  history,  born  at  Antwerp 

about  1600,  was  one  of  the  most  skilful  pupils  of  Rubens. 
He  worked  for  a  long  time  in  Germany,  and  was  patron- 
ized by  the  emperor  Ferdinand  II.  He  passed  his  latter 
years  in  Antwerp.  His  design  and  colouring  are  highly 
praised  He  was  very  successful  in  portraits.  Among 
his  master-pieces  are  "  Samson  and  Delilah,"  and  "  Christ 
on  the  Cross,"  (at  Bruges.)  Died  in  1650. 

See  J.  C.  WKVKBMAN,  "De  Schilderkonst  der  Nederlander3." 

Hoek,  (ROBERT,)  a  brother  of  the  preceding,  born 
in  1609,  was  a  skilful  painter.  He  painted  miniatures 
which  were  admired  for  extreme  fineness  of  touch  and 
beauty  of  colour.  His  principal  works  are  "  The  Twelve 
Apostles,"  an  army,  and  a  camp.  Died  in  1668. 

Hoelderlin.     See  HOLDERLIN. 

Hoelfken.    See  HOLFKEN. 

Hoelty.    See  HOLTY. 

Hoeltzlinus.    See  HOLTZLINUS. 

Hoenir  or  Hbnir,  ho'nir,  [etymology  unknown,]  in 
the  Norse  mythology,  a  god  who,  with  Lodur,  assisted 
Odin  in  creating  mankind.  He  is  supposed  to  have  con- 
tributed as  his  portion  sense  or  perception,  while  Odin 
gave  breath  and  vitality,  and  Lodur  animal  warmth  and 
'he  flowing  (or  circulating)  blood.  (See  ODIN.) 

Hoepfner.     See  HOPFNER. 

Hoepken.    See  HOPKEN. 

Hoerberg.    See  HORBERG. 

Hoeschel.     See  HOSCHEL. 

Hoest    See  HOST. 

Hoet,  hoot,  (GERARD,)  an  eminent  Dutch  historical 
painter,  born  at  Bommel  in  1648.  He  worked  mostly  at 
Utrecht  and  the  Hague.  Among  his  chief  works  are 
the  "  Rape  of  the  Sabines,"  and  the  "  Sacrifice  of  Dido." 
"The  talent  of  Hoet,"  says  Descamps,  "is  known 
throughout  Europe.  He  composed  with  much  genius, 
and  his  works  display  vast  erudition."  Died  in  1733. 

See  DESCAMPS,  "Vies  des  Peintres  Flamands,  Hollandais,"  etc 

Hoeven,  van  der,  vSn  der  hoo'ven,  (JAN,)  an  able 
Dutch  naturalist,  born  at  Rotterdam  in  1801,  became 
professor  of  zoology  at  Leyden  in  1835.  His  principal 
work  is  an  excellent  "  Manual  of  Zoology,"  ("  Hand- 
boek  der  Dierkunde,"  2  vols.,  1827-33,)  which  has  been 
translated  into  English,  (London,  1854.)  He  died  March 
10,  1868.  His  brother  ABRAHAM  (1798-1855)  was  pro- 
fessor of  theology  at  Amsterdam  and  Utrecht,  and  was 
considered  one  of  the  most  eloquent  orators  of  Holland. 

Ho'ey,  (FRANCES  SARAH  CASHEL,)  an  authoress, 
born  at  Bushy  Park,  near  Dublin,  Ireland,  February  15, 
1830.  Her  maiden  name  was  JOHNSTON.  In  1846  she 
married  a  Mr.  Stewart,  and  in  1858  Mr.  J.  Cashel  Hoey. 
She  published  many  novels,  and  translated  the  "  Memoirs 
of  Mine,  de  Remusat"  from  the  French. 

Ho'ey,  (JOSEPHINE  SHAW,  )  a  favourite  American 
actress,  born  at  Liverpool,  England,  in  1824.  She 
married  in  1849  John  Hoey,  for  many  years  manager 
and  president  of  the  Adams  Express  Company.  She 
continued  to  act  until  1865.  Died  in  1896. 

Hoeyer.     See  HOYER. 

Hofer.    See  HOEFER. 

Hofer,  ho'fer,  (ANDREAS,)  a  celebrated  Tyrolese  pa- 
triot, born  in  the  valley  of  the  Passeyr  in  1767.  On 
the  breaking  out  of  the  insurrection  against  the  French 
and  the  Bavarian  government,  to  which  the  Tyrol  had 
been  lately  transferred,  he  entered  into  secret  negotiations 
with  the  archduke  John  for  the  deliverance  of  the  coun- 
try. In  April,  1809,  with  the  assistance  of  an  Austrian 
army,  Hrefer,  at  the  head  of  the  Tyrolese  peasantry, 
defeated  the  French  and  Bavarian  troops  at  the  Ster- 
zinger  Moose.  In  the  May  following,  the  Austrians, 
under  Genera!  Chasteler,  suffered  a  defeat  from  the 
superior  numbers  of  the  enemy  near  Worgl.  Soon  after 
this  the  Tyrolese  were  again  victorious  in  an  engagement 
near  Mount  Isel ;  but,  the  Austrian  army  being  with- 
drawn after  the  battle  of  Wagram,  the  country  was  once 
more  invaded  by  Marshal  Lefebvre.  On  the  I3th  of 
August,  1809,  Hofer,  with  his  army  of  Tyrolese  peasants, 
signally  defeated  the  French  commander  near  Mount 
Isel,  after  a  long  and  obstinate  conflict ;  but,  overpowered 
at  last  by  the  reinforcements  sent  from  France,  he  took 
refuge  in  the  mountains.  Being  soon  after  betrayed  bj 

€  as  k;  9  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as/';  G,  H,  K,  guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  (rilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this. 

anations,  p.  23.) 




a  former  friend,  he  was  tried  at  Mantua,  and  was  shot 
in  February,  1810. 

See  "Andreas  Hofer  und  die  Tyroler  Insurrection,"  Munich, 
1811:  HORMAVR,  "Geschichte  Andreas  Hofer's  Sandwirths,"  etc, 
1809 ;  BECKER,  "  Andreas  Hofer  und  der  Freiheitskampf  in  Tyrol," 
jvols.,  1842;  "Memoirs  of  Andrew  Hofer,"  translated  from  the 
German  by  C.  H.  HALL. 

Hofer,  ho'fer,  (EDMUND,)  a  distinguished  German 
novelist,  born  at  Greifswalde,  October  19,  1819.  He  was 
educated  at  Greifswalde,  Heidelberg,  and  Berlin.  His 
very  numerous  novels  were  widely  popular,  and  his  de- 
scriptions of  Pomeranian  peasant -life  are  excellent. 
Among  his  stories  are  "Auf  deutscher  Erde,"  (1860,) 
"Land- und  Seenovellen,"  (1871,)  "Stille  Geschichten," 
(1871,)  etc.  He  also  wrote  a  "  History  of  German  Lit- 
erature," (1876,)  and  "Wie  das  Volk  spricht,"  (1876,)  a 
collection  of  rustic  sayings.  Died  May  23,  1882. 

Hoff,  von,  fon  hoff,  (KARL  ERNST  ADOLF,)  a  German 
geologist,  born  at  Gotha  in  1771,  wrote  a  "History  of 
the  Natural  Changes  of  the  Surface  of  the  Globe,"  (5 
vols.,  1822-41.)  and  edited,  from  1801  to  1816,  "The 
Almanac  of  Gotha,"  a  statistical  publication  of  very 
high  character.  Died  in  1837. 

Hoffbauer,  hof'bow'er,  (JoHANN  CHRISTOPH,)  a  Ger- 
man writer,  born  at  Bielefeld  in  1766,  published,  besides 
other  works, "  Researches  into  the  Diseases  of  the  Soul," 
(3  vols.,  1802-07.)  Died  in  1827. 

Hoffman,  (CHARLES  FENNO,)  a  popular  American 
poet  and  novelist,  born  in  New  York  in  1806,  graduated 
at  Columbia  College.  He  studied  law,  and  was  admitted 
to  the  bar  about  1828.  In  1835  ne  produced  a  successful 
descriptive  work  entitled  "  Winter  in  the  West."  He 
edited  successively  "The  American  Monthly  Magazine" 
and  "The  New  York  Mirror."  Among  his  works  are 
"The  Vigil  of  Faith,  and  other  Poems,"  and  a  number 
of  songs.  "  No  American,"  says  R.  W.  Griswold,  "  is 
comparable  to  him  as  a  song-writer."  He  published  in 
1840  "Greyslaer,"  a  novel.  In  1849  he  was  attacked 
with  a  mental  derangement.  Died  at  Harrisburg,  Penn- 
sylvania, June  7,  1884. 

See  GBISTTOLD,  "  Poets  and  Poetry  of  America,"  and  "  Prose 
Writers  of  America;"  DUYCKINCK,  "Cyclopzdia  of  American  Lite- 
rature," vol.  ii. 

Hoffman,  (DAVID,)  an  eminent  American  lawyer, 
born  in  Baltimore  in  1784,  was  professor  of  law  in  the 
University  of  Maryland  from  1817  to  1836.  He  after- 
wards resided  in  Philadelphia.  He  published  a  "Course 
of  Legal  Study,"  which  has  been  highly  commended. 
According  to  Judge  Story,  "  it  contains  by  far  the  most 
perfect  system  for  the  study  of  the  law  that  has  ever 
been  offered  to  the  public."  He  also  wrote  or  compiled 
"Chronicles  selected  from  the  Originals  of  Cartaphilus 
the  Wandering  Jew,"  (2  vols.,  1855.)  Died  in  1854. 

See  "  North  American  Review"  for  January,  1830. 

Hoffman,  //ofmoN',  (FRANCOIS  BENotr,)  an  able 
French  critic  and  dramatic  poet,  born  at  Nancy  in  1760. 
He  produced  many  successful  operas  and  dramas,  among 
which  are  "Phaedra,"  (1786,)  "Adrien,"  (1792,)  and 
"  Stratonice,"  a  comedy,  (1792.)  He  wrote  literary  cri- 
tiques for  the  "Journal  de  1  Empire"  and  the  "Journal 
des  Debats"  for  many  years.  "  He  had,"  says  Sainte- 
Beuve,  "  many  qualities  of  a  true  critic, — conscience  and 
independence.  .  .  .  He  was  learned  with  variety  and 
without  pedantry."  Died  in  1828. 

See  SAINTE-BEUVE,  "  Causeriesdu  Lundi"  for  February  25, 1850; 
"  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge"ne"rale." 

Hoffman,  (MURRAY,)  an  American  judge,  born  in 
New  York,  September  29,  1791.  He  graduated  at  Co- 
lumbia College  in  1809.  In  1839  he  was  appointed 
assistant  vice-chancellor  of  New  York,  and  was  a  judge 
of  the  superior  court  of  New  York,  1853-61.  He  pub- 
lished various  law-books,  chiefly  on  chancery  subjects, 
besides  several  works  on  ecclesiastical  law.  Died  May 

7,  1878- 

Hoffmann,  hof  man,  (ANDREAS  GOTTLIEB,)  a  German 
theologian,  born  in  the  county  of  Mansfeld  in  1796,  be- 
came professor  of  theology  at  Jena  in  1822.  He  pub- 
lished a  "Treatise  on  Hebrew  Antiquities,"  (1832,)  and 
wrote  many  articles  for  the  "  Encyclopaedia"  of  Ersch 
and  Gruber.  Died  March  16,  1864. 

Hoffmann,  (AUGUST  HEINRICH,)  an  eminent  lyric 
jioet  and  philologist,  called  also  Hoffmann  von  Pal- 
lersleben,  (fll'lers-li'ben,)  was  born  at  Fallersleben,  in 
Hanover,  in  1798.  He  studied  at  Gottingen  and  Bonn, 
and  became  in  1835  professor  of  the  German  language 
and  literature  at  Breslau.  He  published  "  German  Social 
Songs  of  the  Sixteenth  and  Seventeenth  Centuries," 
and  "  Mines  for  the  History  of  the  German  Language 
and  Literature ;"  also  ballads,  songs  for  children,  war 
lyrics,  and  other  poems,  which  are  greatly  admired  for 
their  simplicity,  fervour,  and  pathos.  Died  in  1874. 

See  LONGFELLOW,  "  Poets  and  Poetry  of  Europe  , '  "  Leven»- 
schets  van  A.  H.  Hoffmann  von  Fallersleben. " 

Hoffmann,  (CASPAR,)  a  German  physician,  born  at 
Gotha  in  1572,  published  numerous  works  on  medicine. 
I  lied  at  Altdorf  in  1648. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBER,  "Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie." 
Hoffmann,  hofmln,  (CHARLES  ALEXANDER,)  a 
Polish  writer,  born  in  Masovia  in  1798,  produced  in  1827 
a  Polish  translation  of  the  works  of  Dr.  Franklin. 
Having  been  identified  with  the  insurrection  of  1830,  he 
was  driven  into  exile  in  1832.  He  was  the  husband  of 
Clementina  Hoffmanowa.  Died  July  6,  1875. 

Hoffmann,  (CHRISTIAN  GOTTFRIED,)  a  German  juris- 
consult, born  at  Lauban,  in  Lusatia,  in  1692,  became 
professor  of  law  at  Leipsic  in  1718,  and  afterwards  at 
Frankfort-on-the-Oder.  He  acquired  a  high  reputation 
by  his  writings,  (in  Latin,)  among  which  are  a  "  History 
of  the  Roman  Law  of  Justinian,"  (1720-24,)  and  "Li- 
brary of  German  Public  Law,"  ("  Bibliotheca  Juris  pub- 
lici  Germanici,"  etc.,  1734.)  Died  in  1735. 

See  ERSCH  und  I.RLTBKR,  "AMsemeine  Encyklopaedie ;"  HlR- 
SCHING.  "  Historisch-literarisches  Handbuch." 

Hoffmann,  (CHRISTOPH  LUDWIG,)  an  eminent  medi- 
cal writer,  born  at  Rheda,  in  Westphalia,  in  1721,  was 
physician  to  the  Electors  of  Cologne  and  Mentz.  Among 
his  principal  works  are  treatises  "  On  the  Small-Pox," 
(2  vols.,  1778,)  and  "On  the  Sensibility  and  Irritability 
of  the  Diseased  Parts,"  (1779.)  Died  in  1807. 

Hoffmann  or  Hoffmanowa,  hof-mi-no'vi,  (CLE- 
MENTINA,) a  popular  Polish  authoress,  whose  maiden 
name  was  TANSKA,  was  born  at  Warsaw  in  1798,  and 
liberally  educated.  She  produced  about  1820,  in  Polish, 
her  "  Memorial  of  a  Good  Mother,"  which  had  a  great 
popularity.  She  was  married  to  Charles  A.  Hoffmann, 
with  whom  she  removed  to  Paris  about  1832.  Among 
her  works,  which  were  published  collectively  in  1833,  (in 
10  vols^,)  are  letters,  historical  tales,  essays,  and  biog- 
raphies of  eminent  Poles.  Died  in  1845. 

Hoffmann,  (DANIEL,)  a  German  Lutheran  divine, 
born  at  Halle  about  1538,  was  professor  of  theology  at 
Helmstedt,  He  was  censured  for  teaching  that  the 
truths  of  philosophy  conflict  with  the  truths  of  religion. 
Died  in  1611. 

Hoffmann,  (ERNST  THEODOR  WOLFGANG;  after- 
wards called  ERNST  THEODOR  AMADEUS,)  one  of  the 
most  remarkable  and  original  of  German  story-tellers, 
(End/tier,)  viis  born  at  Konigsbergin  1776.  He  studied 
law,  and  subsequently  received  several  minor  appoint- 
ments under  the  government.  In  1816  he  became  coun- 
sellor of  the  royal  court  of  judicature  at  Berlin.  Died 
in  1822,  his  health  having  been  previously  undermined 
by  dissipation.  His  gifted  and  versatile  mind  led  him 
to  the  cultivation  of  music,  poetry,  and  art  But  he  "  is 
celebrated  chiefly,"  says  Dr.  Hedge,  "  for  his  successful 
use  of  the  magic  and  demoniac  element  in  fiction.  He 
does  not  seek  to  make  the  flesh  creep  and  the  hair  bris- 
tle, but  aims  rather  at  the  diaphragm.  He  views  all 
these  infrrnalia  on  the  humorous  side ;  and  if  any  one 
trait  is  particularly  prominent  in  his  writings,  it  is  irony." 
Menzel,  after  alluding  to  the  strange  combination  which 
his  mind  exhibited  of  manliness,  humour,  poetry,  and 
morbid  sensibility,  remarks,  "  From  the  dev:!  do^n  to  a 
wry-faced  child's  doll,  from  the  dissonance  of  life  which 
rends  the  soul  down  to  a  dissonance  in  music  which  only 
rends  the  ear,  the  immeasurable  kingdom  of  the  ugly, 
the  repulsive,  the  annoying,  was  gathered  around  him, 
and  his  descriptions  paint  alternately  these  tormenting 
objects,  and  the  torments  which  they  prepare  for  a  beau- 
tiful soul,  with  inimitable  vividness  and  truth."  Again, 
he  says,  "  Hoffmann's  innermost  being  was  music  ;  and 

i,  e  1, 6,  u,  y,  long:  a,  e,  A,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  q,  obicure;  fir,  fill,  fit;  mSt;  not;  good;  m5on; 




the  prayer  of  Saint  Anthony  is  never  wanting  to  his  Hof'land,  (BARBARA,)  a  popular  English  writer,  born 
hellish  caricatures,  nor  the  Christmas  bell  to  the  witches'  at  Sheffield  in  1770,  was  the  daughter  of  Robert  Wreaks, 
sabbath."  Among  his  principal  works  are  "Phantasie-  She  became  the  wife  of  Thomas  Hofland,  the  painter,  in 
stiicke  in  Callot's  Manier,"  (4  vols.,  1814,)  and  "Sera-  1808.  She  wrote  numerous  novels  and  moral  tales,  which 
pions  Briider,"  (4  vols.,  1819-21.)  His  various  other  had  a  wide  circulation.  The  "  Son  of  a  Genius 
tales,  etc.  would  fill  several  volumes.  I  ('813)  is  probably  her  most  successful  work.  Died 

Hoffmann,  (FRANZ,)  a  German  theistic  philosopher,  i  in  1844. 

born  at  Aschaffenburg,  January  19,  1804.  In  1835  he  Hofland,  (THOMAS  CHRISTOPHER,)  an  eminent  Eng- 
was  made  professor  of  philosophy  at  Wurzburg,  where  lish  landscape-painter,  born  at  Worksop,  in  Nottingham- 
he  died,  October  22,  1882.  He  was  a  follower  of  Baader,  i  shire,  in  1777.  He  married  Mrs.  Hoole,  who,  under  the 
whose  works  he  edited.  Besides  works  on  logic,  etc.,  name  of  Hofland,  became  well  known  as  a  novelist,  and 
Hoffmann  published  eight  volumes  of  philosophical  resided  mostly  in  or  near  London.  His  subjects  were 
writings.  !  chosen  from  the  river  and  lake  scenery  of  the  British 

Hoffmann,  [Lat  HOFFMAN'NUS,]  (FRIEDRICH,)  an  Islands.  He  published  a  richly  illustrated  volume  called 
illustrious  German  physician,  was  born  at  Halle  in  1660.  "The  British  Angler's  Manual,"  (1839.)  Died  in  1843. 
He  studied  at  Jena,  and,  after  travelling  in  England  and  Hofler,  hof'ler,  (KARL  ADOLPH  KONSTANTIN,)  a 
Holland,  settled  as  a  physician  at  Halberstadt  in  1688.  German  historian,  born  at  Memmmgen,  in  Bavaria, 
On  the  establishment  of  the  university  at  Halle  he  was  March  26,  1811.  He  was  educated  at  Munich  and  Got- 
appointed  in  1693  its  first  professor  of  medicine  by  tingen,  and  in  Italy.  He  was  (1838-47)  a  professor  of 

the  Elector  Frederick  III.  of  Brandenburg.  On  the 
invitation  of  Frederick  I.  of  Prussia,  he  removed  in 
1708  to  Berlin,  where  he  was  made  royal  physician,  but 
still  retained  his  professorship.  He  returned  in  1712 
to  Halle,  where  he  died  in  1742.  Hoffmann  rendered 
most  important  services  to  practical  medicine  by  his  ex- 
periments with  various  remedies  :  his  "  Elixirium  Vis- 
cerale"  and  "  Liquor  Anodynus  Mineralis,"  commonly 
called  "  Hoffmann's  Anodyne,"  are  still  popular,  and  he 
was  one  of  the  first  to  bring  mineral  waters  into  more 
general  use.  He  wrote,  in  Latin  and  German,  numerous 
medical  works,  among  which  is  "  Medicina  Rationaiis 
systematica,"  (9  vols.,  1718-40.)  His  complete  works 
were  published  in  6  vols.  quarto,  (1740.) 

See  SCHULZE,  "Vita  F.  HoffmannL"  prefixed  to  his  Works,  1730; 
BALDINGER.  "Programmade  F.  Hoffmann!  et  H.  Boerl^ 
in  Medicinam  practicam,"   1772;  LOVKN,  "  Dissertatio 
manno  ejusque  Medicina  Rational!  systematical'  1846. 

Hoffmann,  (HEINRICH,)  a  German  humourist, 
bom  at  Frankfort  in  1809.  He  became  a  medical 
specialist,  and  while  treating  children  drew  comical 
pictures  to  amuse  them.  These,  with  humourous 

havii  Mentis 
de  F.  Hoff- 

history  in  Munich,  and  after  1851  at  Prague.  Among 
his  works  are  "  The  German  Popes,"  (1839,)  "  Collection 
of  Materials  for  Prankish  History,"  (1849-52,)  "  Frank 
ish  Studies,"  (1852-53,)  "Text-Book  of  Universal  His- 
tory," (1850-56,)  etc. 

Hofmann,  hof  man,  (AUGUST  WILHELM,)  a  German 
chemist,  born  at  Giessen,  April  8,  1818.  He  held  pro- 
fessorships in  London,  1845-63,  and  in  the  University  of 
Bonn,  1863-65,  and  went  to  Berlin  University  as  pro- 
fessor in  1865.  Hofmann's  is  one  of  the  great  names 
in  the  history  of  organic  chemistry.  He  wrote  many  im- 
portant scientific  papers.  He  published  "Einleitung  in 
die  moderne  Chemie,"  (1865,)  etc.  Died  May  5,  1892. 

Hofmann,  (ERNST,)  a  Russian  mineralogist,  of  Ger- 
man descent,  born  at  Overlack,  in  Livonia,  January  20, 
1801.  He  was  educated  at  Dorpat  and  Heidelberg,  and 
held  professorships  in  the  universities  of  Kiev  and  Saint 
Petersburg.  Died  at  Dorpat,  June  5,  1871.  His  writings 
illustrate  Russian  geography,  geology,  and  minerals. 

Hofmann,  von,  fon  hof  man,  (JOHANN  CHRISTIAN 
KONRAD,)  a  German  theologian,  founder  of  the  so-called 

,  '  Erlangen  school"  of  Lutheran  theology,  was  born  at 

letter-press,  were  published  in  1845  under  the  title  °I  Nuremberg,  December  21,  1810,  and  was  professor  of 

"Struwwelpeter,"  the  book  being  widely  translated,  theology  at  Rostock  and  Erlangen.     Died  December  20, 

and    running   through    more   than   one   hundred   and  1877. 
forty  editions.     Died  in  1894.  Hofmannswaldau,    von,    fon     hofmans-wil'dSw, 

Hoffmann,  (JOHANN  GOTTFRIED,)  a  German  writer  sometimes   written   Hofmandswaldau,   (  CHRISTIAN 

on  political  economy,  born  at  Breslau  in  1765.     He  be-  HOFMANN,)  a  German  poet,  born  at  Breslau  in  1618. 

came  councillor  of  state  in  Berlin  in  1808,  and  attended  He  published  in  1673  a  collection  of  poems,  entitled 

the  Congress  of  Vienna  in  1814.     Among  his  works  is  "Sinnreiche  Heldenbriefe."     Died  in  1679. 
"The   Science  of  Money,"  ("Die  Lehre  vom  Gelde,"        See  GBRVINUS,  "  Geschichte  der  Deutschen  Nationalliteratur." 
1838.)     Died  in  1847.  Hofrneister,   hofmls-ter,  (WILHELM,)   an   eminent 

Hoffmann,  (JOHANN  JAKOB,)  a  Swiss  scholar,  born  German  botanist,  born  at  Leipsic,  May  18,  1824.     He 

at  Bale  in  1635,  obtained  in  1667  the  chair  of  Greek  in  held  professorships  at  Heidelberg  and  Tubingen.     Died 

his  native  city.      His  principal  work    is  a  "Universal  January  12,  1877. 

'    il,"  etc.,  (in       Hofs 

Lexicon,   Historical,   Geographical,  Political,' 
Latin,  1667.)     Died  in  1706. 

Hofstede  de  Groot,  hof'sta-deh  deh  gRot,  (Prrrus,) 
a  Dutch  (Frisian)  theologian,  born  at  Leer,  October  8, 

Hoffmann,  (JOHANN  JOSEPH,)  a  German  scholar,  !go2.  In  1829  he  became  a  professor  of  theology  at 
born  at  Wurzburg,  February  16,  1805.  He  studied  in  Groningen.  He  was  the  recognized  head  of  the  "Gro- 
the  university  of  his  native  town,  and  affer  1830  devoted  ,  ningen  theology,"  and  his  party  took  the  name  of  " Evan- 
himself  to  the  study  of  Japanese,  Chinese,  and  Malay.  ]  gelicals,"  in  opposition  to  the  "Moderns,"  (the  so-called 
He  became  professor  of  Japanese  at  Leyden.  Died  ;  Leyden  school,)  as  well  as  to  the  strict  "Orthodox"  party. 
January  23,  1878.  His  chief  work  is  a  great  "  Japanese  ;  He  published  "  Theologia  Naturalis,"  "  Institutiones  His- 
Dictionary,"  which  he  left  incomplete.  toriae  Ecclesiae,"  etc.  His  principal  work  is  "  Opvoeding 

Hoffmann,  (MORITZ,)  a  German  physician  and  bota-  j  der  Menschheid,"  (the  "  Education  of  Mankind,"  1847.) 
nist,  bom  at  Fiirstenwalde  in  1622,  became  professor  of       Ho'gan,  (  JAMES  FRANCIS,)  an  Australian  author, 
surgery  at  Altdorf,  and  published  several  medical  and 
botanical  works.     Died  in  1698. 

Hoffmann,  hof  man,  (TYCHO,)  a  Danish  writer,  was 
keeper  of  the  seals  of  Denmark.  He  wrote  "  Historical 
Portraits  of  Eminent  Danes."  Died  in  1754. 

Hoffmannaegg,   von,    fon    hof'man-seg',    ( JOHANN    London,  ^"  The  Lost  Explorer,     (1890,)  anc 
CENTURIUS,)  COUNT,  a  German  botanist,  born  at  Dres-   Convict  King." 

den  in  1766.  Having  explored  the  botanical  riches  of  Ho'gan,  (JOHN,)  an  Irish  sculptor,  born  at  Tallow, 
Portugal  for  several  years,  he  returned  to  Germany  in  Waterford  county,  in  1800.  He  studied  m  Rome,  1823 
1804,  and  published  with  M.  Link  his  magnificent  "  Por-  -29,  and  settled  in  Dublin.  Among  his  chief  works  is 
tuguese  Flora,"  (in  French,  22  parts,  1809-33.)  Died  in  I  "The  Drunken  Faun,"  for  which  he  received  a  medal 
-g4o  at  the  Exposition  of  Paris  in  1851.  Died  about  1858. 

Honmannua.    See  HOFFMANN.  Ho'gan,  (JOHN   JOSEPH,)   D.D.,  a  bishop,  born   a« 

Hoffmeiater,  hof  mis-ter,  (FRANZ  ANTON,)  a  German  Cahirguillamore,  county  of  Limerick,  Ireland,  May  10, 
musician  and  composer,  born  at  Roihenburg  in  1754.  1829.  He  was  educated  in  the  Roman  Catholic  msti- 
Died  at  Vienn«,  February  10,  1812.  I  tutions  of  Saint  Louis,  Missouri,  was  ordained  a  pnest 

was  born  in  Ireland  in  1854,  and  was  taken  to  Aus- 
tralia in  infancy.  He  became  a  journalist,  and  in 
1887  went  to  London,  where  he  published  "  The  Irish 
in  Australia."  Later  works  we're  "  The  Australian  in 

€  as  k;  9  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as/;  G,  H,  K, guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  mt/us. 


Explanations,  p.  23.) 




in  1852,  became  Bishop  of  Saint  Joseph  in  1868,  and 
Bishop  of  Kansas  City  in  1880. 

Ho'garth,  (DAVID  GEORGE,)  an  English  archae- 

ologist, born  in  Lincolnshire  in  1862.  After  1887  he 
was  engaged  in  active  explorations  in  Asia  Minor, 
Cyprus,  and  Egypt,  and  was  correspondent  for  the 
"  Times"  during  the  Turko-Greek  war  of  1897.  He 
published  various  antiquarian  works. 

Ho'garth,  (GEORGE,)  a  Scottish  writer  on  music,  born 
in   1783,  was  the  father-in-law  of  Charles  Dickens,  the 
novelist.     He  published  "  Musical   History,  Biography,    „ 
and  Criticism,"  (2  vols.,   1836,)  which  is   highly  com-    Dunse  m 
mended,  and  "Memoirs  of  the  Musical  Drama,"  (2  vols., 
1838.)     He  became  musical  and  dramatic  critic  for  the 
London  "Daily  News"  in  1846.    Died  in  1870. 

Hogarth,  (WILLIAM,)  a  celebrated  satirical  painter, 

ing  Tales,"  (1820,)  "The  Three  Perils  of  Man,"  etc., 
and  contributed  to  "  Blackwood's  Magazine."  In  1820 
he  married  Margaret  Phillips,  and  resided  afterwards 

on  a  farm  at  Altrive.     Hogg  is  one  of  the  principal 
actors  and  interlocutors  in  Christopher  North's  famous 
"  Noctes  Ainbrosianae."     Died  in  1835. 
See  WILSOH,  ' 

of  Hogg's  Worl 

"  Life  of  James  Hogg,"  pr< 

siana;,"  New  York,  1855. 

Hogg,  (ROBERT,)  LL.D.,  a  Scottish  botanist,  born  at 
1818.  His  works  include  "  Hand-Book  of 
Hardy  Annuals,"  "Manual  of  Fruits,"  "British  Pomol- 
ogy," "Gardener's  Manual,"  etc.  Died  March  14,  1897. 

Hohenlohe,  ho'en-lo'eh,  a  celebrated  family  of  Ger- 
man princes.  The  Protestant  line  includes  the  houses 

born  in  London  in  1697,  was  apprenticed  to  a  silversmith,  °{,  Hohenlohe-Langenburg,  Hohenlohe-Oehnngen,  and 
whom  he  left  in  1718.  He  then  earned  a  subsistence  I  Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen.  The  Catholic  line  includes  the 
for  some  time  by  engraving,  and  studied  drawing  in  the  !  houses  of  Hohenlohe-Bartenstem-Bartenstein,  Hohen- 

academy  of  Sir  James  Thornhill,  whose  daughter  he  I   uhe-Bartenstem-Jagstberg,     and 

married  in  1730.     He   acquired  skill  in  portraits,  but1  bure-SdiillingMuriL 

soon  exchanged  that  branch  of  art  for  one  more  suited        WohPnloho.Tn»»lfin»=n    h~', 

to  his  original  genius, — the  dramatic  or  satirical  species, 
in  which  he  is  unrivalled.  In  1733  he  published  a 
series  of  engravings  called  the  "  Harlot's  Progress," 
which  had  a  large  sale,  and  was  followed  by  the  "  Rake's 
Progress,"  "  Marriage  a  la  Mode,"  "  Industry  and  Idle- 
ness," "  Beer  Lane,"  and  "  The  Enraged  Musician."  His 
pictures  abound  in  comic  humour,  and  display  great  skill 
in  caricature,  as  well  as  great  originality  and  fertility  of 
invention.  His  works  have  also  the  merit  of  conveying 
useful  lessons  of  morality.  In  1753  he  published  his 
"Analysis  of  Beauty,"  in  which  he  maintains  that  a 

_______    _______  ^^...  «*  .,^- 

of  war  uiideVk'ing  Louis 


Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen,  ho'en-lo'eh  ing'el-fing'en, 

(FRIEDRICH  LUDWIG,)  PRINCE,  a  Prussian  general,  born 
in  1746.  He  distinguished  himself  in  the  campaigns  of 
i  792  and  1  793,  and  obtained  command  of  an  army  in  1  795. 
He  commanded  the  Prussian  forces  which  were  defeated 
by  Napoleon  at  Jena  on  the  I4th  of  October,  1806.  On 
the  i6th  the  king  gave  him  command  of  all  the  troops 
that  had  escaped  from  Jena  and  Auerstadt.  He  was 
compelled  to  abandon  Berlin  to  the  enemy,  and  soon  after 
was  taken  prisoner,  with  about  15,000  men,  at  Prentzlow. 
He  retired  to  private  life,  and  died  in  1817  or  1818. 

Holu-iilohe-SchUlingafurst,  von,  fon  ho'en-lo'eh- 
shil'lings-furst',  (CHLpDwiG  KARL  VICTOR,)  PRINCE,  a 

He  early 
Himself  a 
was  the 
In'^sii'he'b'ecame   leader  of  'he  liberals  in  every  anti-clerical  movement  in 

general  of  division  and  aide-de-camp  to  Napoleon  whom  Bavarla-     Though  he  had  always  been  a  zealous  anti- 

he  followed  in  the  Russian  campaign.     After  the  battle  Prusslan.  he  was  accused  during  the  Austro-Prussian 

of  Waterloo  he  went  to  Brazil,  where  he  died  in  1830  war  °'  favourlng  Bismarck's  designs,  and  subsequently 

Hogendorp,  van,  (GijSBERTKAREL,)  COUNT,  a  Dutch  alded  m  establishing  the  new  empire.     In  1874  he  was 

statesman,  brother  of  the  preceding,  born  at  Rotterdam  sent  as  Gerrnan  ambassador  to  Paris,  and  in   1885  he 

in  1762.     He  united  with  several  others  to  form  a  pro-  was  aPP°inted  governor  of  Alsace-Lorraine.     In   1894 

visional  government  in  1813,  and  was  president  of  the  I16  liecame  chancellor  of  the  German  empire,  succeed- 

commission  which  framed  a  new  constitution.     He  was  '"8  '"  tnat  office  Count  de  Caprivi,  who  was  the  succes- 

minister   of  foreign   affairs,  aftd   vice-president    of  the  sor  "f  Prince  Bismarck.     He  resigned  in  1900. 

council,  until  he  resigned  in  1816.    He  wrote  "Consider-  Hohenlohe-SchillingBfurst,       von        (GusTAV 

ations  on  the  Political  Economy  of  the  Low  Countries,' 
(10  vols.,  1818-23.)     Died  in  1834. 

ADOLF,)  PRINCE,  a  German  cardinal,  a  brother  of  the 
preceding,  born  at  Rottenburg,  February  26,  1823.     He 

Hogg,    (jABEZ,)an   English   surgeon   and  author,  i  studied  law  and  divinity  at  Erfurt,  Bonn  Breslau,  Munich, 

was  born   at  Chatham  in   1817.     He  practised  as  an   an^  Rome'  ***  ortia'»td  a  Prl.est  b?  Jluf  IX"  ln   '849- 
__h,h  i    •  «,  i   ar|d  was  made  secret  chamberlain  and  almoner  to  the 

f  UdJ  °f :  pope,  and  Bishop  of  Edessa.     In   ,866  he  was  made  a 

Jtography,  and  issued  a  series  of  illustrated  school-  ^rHdi'nal  iest,  ^d  in  ,879  a  cardinal-bishop  and  arch- 
books,  some  of  which  were  highly  successful.  His  i  jes,  ofHSanta  Maria  Maggiore,  holding  the  see  of  Al- 
work  on  the  microscope  (1854)  reached  its  fifteenth  £ano.  In  ,8g4  he  resjgrfeed  his  bishopric  and  retired 
edition  in  1898,  and  Is  the  accepted  text-book  on  this  temporarily  to  Germany.  Died  in  Rome,  Oct.  30,  1896. 
e  published  various  medical  works  on  Hohenlohe- Waldenburg-SchillingBfurst,  ho'- 
ophthalmological  subjects,  and  numerous  other  scien-  en-lo'eh  wil'den-booRG'  shil'lings-fuRst',  (ALEXANDER 
tific  works.  LEOPOLD  FRANZ  EMMERICH,)  PRINCE  OF,  a  Hungarian 

H6gg,(J AMES,)"  the  Ettrick  Shepherd,"  born  in  Ettrick  prelate,  born  at  Kupferzelle  in  1794.  Died  in  1849. 
Forest,  in  Scotland,  in  1772,  was  the  son  of  a  shepherd,  Hohenstaufen,  ho'^n-stow'fen,  [from  hack,  "high," 
and  followed  his  father's  employment  until  he  was  thirty  and  Staufen,  "hill"  or  "eminence,"]  in  the  singular, 
years  of  age.  In  1803  a  collection  of  his  poems  was  pub-  Hohenstaufe,  ho'en-stow'feh,  a  celebrated  family  of 
lished,  under  the  title  of  "The  Mountain  Bard,"  the  German  princes,  who  reigned  from  1138  to  1254.  The 
proceeds  of  which  (about  £300)  enabled  him  to  take  a  first  of  the  line,  FRIEDRICH  VON  BUREN,  received  the 
farm.  He  failed,  however,  in  this  enterprise.  After  many  name  on  account  of  having  removed  his  dwelling  from 
struggles  with  adversity,  he  went  to  Edinburgh,  to  try  i  a  valley  auf 'den  Staufen,  ("up  the  hill"  or  "mountain.") 

LI,,     f » .1 L'  _1 ^      _O TT  •  •  1       J  J  JL  J 

his  fortune  in  authorship,  about  1810.  Having  issued  a 
literary  periodical  called  "  The  Spy,"  without  success,  he 
was  encouraged  by  his  friends  to  devote  himself  to  poetry, 
and  in  1813  gave  to  the  public  the  "Queen's  Wake," 
which  procured  him  a  high  reputation  as  a  poet.  It  is 
generally  considered  as  his  best  work.  His  success  stimu- 
lated him  to  the  rapid  production  of  many  other  poems, 
among  which  are  "The  Pilgrims  of  the  Sun,"  (1815,) 
"Poetic  Mirror,"  "Sacred  Melodies,"  and  "The  Border 
Garland,"  (1819.)  He  wrote,  in  prose,  "The  Brownie 
of  Bodsbeck,  and  other  Tales,"  (1818,)  "Winter  Even- 

His  son,  FRIEDRICH  VON  STAUFEN,  was  rewarded  by 
the  emperor  Henry  IV.  for  his  eminent  services  by  the 
duchy  of  Suabia  and  the  hand  of  his  daughter  Agnes. 
Henry  also  made  him  Regent  of  Germany  while  he  fought 
against  the  pope  in  Italy.  Friedrich  died  in  1 105,  leaving 
two  sons,  Friedrich  and  Conrad,  the  latter  of  whom  was 
crowned  King  of  Germany,  with  the  title  of  CONRAD 
III.  His  nephew,  FRIEDRICH  BARBAROSSA,  the  most 
celebrated  of  the  line,  was  chosen  emperor  in  1 152.  (Set 
FREDERICK  I.  of  Germany,  and  KYFFHAUSER.)  The 
Hohenstaufen  line  ended  with  CONRADIN  in  1268. 

«,  e,  i,  5,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  \,  o,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fit;  met;  not;  good;  moon; 




Hohenzollern,  ho'en-tsorie'Rn,  the  name  of  an  an- 
cient princely  German  family,  from  which  the  imperial 
house  of  Germany  and  the  reigning  families  of  Roumania 
and  Bulgaria  are  descended.  The  name  is  derived  from 
the  castle  of  Zollern,  in  Suabia,  which  is  said  to  have 
been  built  by  Tassillon,  or  Thasilio,  about  8<x/  A.D. 

Hoijer,  ho'e-yer,  (BENJAMIN  CARL  HENRIK,)  an  emi- 
nent Swedish  philosopher,  born  in  Dalecarlia  in  1767. 
His  promotion  was  hindered  by  the  liberal  political 
principles  of  his  youth.  He  produced  a  treatise  "On 
the  Progress  of  Critical  Philosophy,"  an  "  Outline  of 
the  History  of  the  Fine  Arts,"  and  other  works.  In  1808 
he  became  professor  of  philosophy  at  Upsal,  where  he 
gained  a  high  reputation  as  a  lecturer.  Died  in  1812. 

Ho'kan-aon,  (OLOF,)  a  Swedish  orator,  originally  a 
peasant,  born  in  the  province  of  Bleking  in  1695,  was 
elected  in  1726  to  the  Diet,  in  which  he  acquired  great 
influence  by  his  prudence  and  eloquence.  Died  in  1769. 

Holanda,  de,  da  o-Un'da,  (FRANCISCO,)  a  Portuguese 
'ainter,  born  in  1518,  studied  in  Rome,  and  appears  to 
,ave  returned  to  Portugal.  He  painted  portraits  for 
Charles  V.  of  Germany,  and  was  skilful  in  miniature. 
Under  the  patronage  of  John  III.  he  painted  oil  pictures 
for  the  palaces  and  churches  of  Lisbon.  Died  in  1584. 

Holbach,  d',  dol'baK  or  dol'bfk',  (PAUL  THIERRY  or 
THYRY,  also  given  as  PAUL  HEINRICH  DIETRICH  and 
PAUL  FRIEDRICH,)  BARON,  a  skeptical  philosopher, 
born  at  Heidelsheim  (Palatinate)  in  1723.  He  inherited 
a  fortune,  and  passed  all  his  life,  except  childhood,  in 
Paris,  where  he  was  the  patron  and  associate  of  the 
Encyclopaedists.  Diderot,  Helvetius,  Grimm,  Rousseau, 
and  other  authors  often  met  at  his  table.  He  translated 
from  the  German  several  works  on  chemistry  and  mine- 
ralogy. His  atheistic  opinions  were  developed  in  his 
"  System  of  Nature,"  ("  Le  Systeme  de  la  Nature,"  1 770,) 
under  the  pseudonym  of  MIRABAUD,  the  morality  of 
which  book  Voltaire  stigmatized  as  execrable.  It  was 
also  refuted  by  Frederick  the  Great.  Holbach  was  the 
reputed  author  of  other  works,  among  which  were  "  The 
Social  System,"  (1773,)  and  "La  Morale  universelle," 
(1776.)  Died  in  1789. 

See  DIDEROT,  "  MemoireV'/ojriixr;  ROUSSEAU,  "  Confessions;" 
DAMIRON,  "  NUmoire  sur  Thierry  d'Holbach,"  1851. 

Holbein  VON  HOLBEINSBERG,  hol'bin  fon  hol'binz- 
b?RG',  (FRANZ,)  a  popular  German  dramatist  and  actor, 
born  near  Vienna  in  1779;  died  in  1855. 

Holbein,  (HANS,)  THE  ELDER,  a  German  painter  of 
Augsburg,  born  about  1450.  Among  his  master-pieces 
are  the  scenes  from  the  life  of  Saint  Paul  in  the  church  of 
Saint  Paul  at  Augsburg.  He  died  in  1526,  leaving  three 
sons,  AMBROSE,  BRUNO,  and  HANS,  who  were  artists ; 
the  last-named  rose  to  great  eminence. 

Holbein,  (HANS,)  THE  YOUNGER,  one  of  the  most 
celebrated  German  painters,  born  at  Griinstadt  in  1497. 
At  an  early  age  he  removed  to  BSle,  where,  after  prac- 
tising his  art  for  a  time,  he  was  recommended  by  Erasmus 
to  the  English  chancellor,  Sir  Thomas  More.  After 
residing  in  his  family  about  three  years,  Holbein  was 
introduced  to  King  Henry  VIII.,  who  gave  him  abundant 
employment  and  bestowed  upon  him  a  large  pension. 
He  devoted  himself,  while  in  England,  chiefly  to  portrait- 
painting;  and  his  numerous  productions  in  this  depart- 
ment are  esteemed  master-pieces.  His  drawings,  upwards 
of  eighty  in  number,  representing  the  principal  person- 
ages of  Henry's  court,  are  characterized  by  Walpole  as 
"  exceedingly  fine,  and  possessing  a  strength  and  vivacity 
equal  to  the  most  perfect  portraits."  Holbein  died  in 
London,  of  the  plague,  in  1554,  or,  according  to  R.  N. 
Wornum  and  others,  in  1543.  Among  his  greatest  his- 
torical pictures  are  the  celebrated  "  Dance  of  Death," 
the  "Adoration  of  the  Shepherds  and  Kings,"  and  a 
"  Last  Supper."  His  portraits  of  Sir  Thomas  More  and 
of  Erasmus  also  deserve  especial  mention.  "  His  works," 
observes  Cunningham,  "  have  sometimes  an  air  of  stiff- 
ness, but  they  have  always  the  look  of  truth  and  life. 
He  painted  with  g-reat  rapidity  and  ease,  wrought  with 
his  left  hand,  and  dashed  off  a  portrait  at  a  few  sittings." 
Holbein  was  also  a  skilful  architect  and  wood-engraver. 

See  HEGNHR,  "  Leben  Hans  Holbein's,"  Berlin,  1827;  Das- 
CAUPS,  "  Vies  des  Peintres  Fiamands,  Allemands,"  etc.  ;  R.  N.  WOR- 
mjM,  "Life  of  Holbein;"  NAGLER,  "Allgemeines  ICiinstler-Lexi- 
'.on:"  CUNNINGHAM,  "Lives  of  Painters,  Sculptors,"  etc.  ;  KARL 

FRIEDRICH  VON  RUMOHR,  "  H.  Holbein  der  Jiingere  in  seinem  Vet- 
haltniss  zum  Deutschen  Formschnittwesen,"  1830;  "Edinburgh 
Review"  for  April,  1867. 

Holbein,  (SIGISMUND,)  a  German  painter  and  en- 
graver, is  supposed  to  have  been  an  uncle  of  the  pre- 
ceding. Died  after  1540. 

Holberg,  von,  fon  hol'be'RG,  (LuDwic,)  BARON,  an 
eminent  Danish  author  and  comic  poet,  born  of  pool 
parents,  at  Bergen,  Norway,  in  1684.  In  youth  he  was 
employed  as  a  private  tutor,  and  learned  French,  Italian, 
and  English.  He  studied  philosophy  at  Oxford,  England, 
for  about  two  years.  Impelled  by  a  love  of  travelling, 
he  visited  many  countries  of  Europe,  and  was  afterwards 
professor  of  eloquence  at  Copenhagen.  About  1720  he 
published  his  heroic-comic  poem  "  Peder  Paars,"  which 
was  immensely  popular.  His  celebrity  was  increased 
by  numerous  comedies  which  appeared  between  1723 
and  1746.  One  of  his  best  comedies  is  "  The  Busy  Idler ; 
or,  The  Man  who  never  has  Time."  His  fertile  mind 
enriched  nearly  every  department  of  literature,  and  raised 
him  to  affluence.  His  talent  for  satire  is  displayed  in 
"Niels  Klim's  Subterranean  Journey,"  in  Latin,  (1741,) 
the  plan  of  which  resembles  "Gulliver's  Travels."  He 
also  wrote  a  "History  of  Denmark,"  (1735,)  and  a 
"  Universal  History."  Frederick  V.  created  him  a  baron 
in  1747.  He  is  the  founder  of  the  Danish  theatre,  and 
the  first  Danish  author  who  excelled  in  humorous  and 
satirical  composition.  Died  in  1754. 

See  his  Autobiography,  in  Latin,  1727-44,  (English  translation, 
London,  1827;)  and  his  Life,  in  German,  by  ROBERT  PRUTZ,  1857; 
K.  L.  RAHBEK,  "Om  L.  Hoiberg  som  Lystspildigter,"  etc,  a  vols., 
1815-16:  P.  T.  WANDAL,  "  Levensbeschrijving  van  L,  Holberg," 
1765;  WBRLAUFF,"  HistoriskeAntegnelser  til  L.  HolbergsLystspil," 
1838;  HOWITT,  "Literature  and  Romance  of  Northern  Europe," 
chap.  xxi. ;  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Gt£n£rale;"  C.  L.  BRIGHTWKLL, 
"Annals  of  Industry  and  Genius,"  London,  1863:  "North  British 
Review"  for  July,  1869. 

Hol'bpurne,  (Sir  ROBERT,)  M.D.,  an  eminent  Eng- 
lish lawyer,  was  a  member  of  Charles  I.'s  privy  council 
during  the  civil  war.  He  published  several  legal  treat- 
ises. Died  in  1647. 

Hol'brook,  (JOHN  EDWARDS,)  M.D.,  a  distinguished 
American  naturalist,  born  in  Beaufort,  South  Carolina, 
in  1795.  He  graduated  at  Brown  University  in  1815; 
and,  having  taken  his  medical  diploma  at  Philadelphia, 
he  prosecuted  his  professional  studies  for  four  years  in 
Europe.  He  returned  to  the  United  States  in  1822,  and 
in  1 824  succeeded  to  the  cljair  of  anatomy  in  the  Medical 
College  of  South  Carolina.  In  1842  appeared  his  "Amer- 
ican Herpetology,  or  a  Description  of  the  Reptiles  in- 
habiting the  United  States,"  (5  vols.  410,)  which  is  said 
to  have  laid  the  foundation  of  that  branch  of  science  in 
this  country.  Died  September  8,  1871. 

Holcombe,  hol'kum,  (WILLIAM  H.,)  an  American 
homceopathist,  born  at  Lynchburg,  Virginia,  in  1825.  He 
became  a  resident  of  New  Orleans.  Besides  several 
volumes  of  homoeopathic  literature,  he  published  "  Our 
Children  in  Heaven,"  (1868,)  "  Poems,"  and  other  works, 
including  several  brochures  setting  forth  New  Church 
(Swedenborgian)  views.  Died  November  28,  1893. 

Hoi' croft,  (THOMAS,)  an  English  dramatist  and  trans- 
lator, born  in  London  in  1744.  He  was  successively  a 
groom,  shoemaker,  school-master,  and  actor.  He  wrote 
numerous  dramas  and  several  novels.  His  comedies 
"Duplicity,"  (1781,)  and  "The  Road  to  Ruin,"  (1792,) 
were  very  successful.  He  made  good  translations  of 
numerous  French  and  German  works,  among  which  are 
Lavater's  "Essays  on  Physiognomy,"  "The  Posthumous 
Works  of  Frederick  the  Great,"  (1789,)  and  "Tales  of 
the  Castle."  He  was  indicted  for  treason  with  Hardy 
and  Horne  Tooke  in  1794,  but  was  discharged  without  a 
trial.  Died  in  1809. 

See  "Memoirs  of  his  Life,"  by  himself,  3  vols.,  1815;  "Edin- 
burgh Review"  for  April,  1804,  and  October,  1806. 

Holda,  h61'da  or  hol'di,  written  also  Holle,  [probably 
from  the  German  hold,  "kind,"  "propitious,"  "lovely,"1! 
an  ancient  German  goddess,  corresponding  in  some  re- 
spects to  the  Frigga  of  the  Northmen.  She  presides  over 
aerial  phenomena,  and  imparts  fertility  to  the  earth. 

Hol'den,  (EDWARD  SINGLETON,)  an  American  astron- 
omer, born  at  Saint  Louis,  Missouri,  November  5,  1846. 
He  graduated  at  Washington  University  in  1866,  and  at 
West  Point  in  1870.  He  served  in  the  artillery  and  en- 

€  as/i,-  jas  j;  gAard;  gas/';G,  H,  K,  guttural;  a,  nasal;  R,  trilled:  sasz;  th  as  in  this. 

Explanations,  p.  23 




gineer  corps,  United  States  army,  was  in  1873  ap- 
pointed professor  of  mathematics  in  the  navy,  became 
director  of  the  Washburn  Observatory  in  1881,  presi- 
dent of  the  University  of  California  in  1883,  and  was 
director  of  the  Lick  Observatory  1888-98.  He  pub- 
lished "  Astronomy,"  (1877,)  and  other  works. 

Hol'den,  (GEORGE,)  an  eminent  English  Hebraisf, 
born  near  Lancaster  in  1793,  became  perpetual  curate 
of  Mayhull,  at  Liverpool.  Among  his  principal  works 
are  "An  Attempt  towards  an  Improved  Translation  of 
the  Proverbs  of  Solomon,"  (1819,)  and  "The  Scripture 
Testimonies  to  the  Divinity  of  our  Lord,"  (1820.) 

Holden,  (HENRY,)  a  learned  Roman  Catholic  priest, 
born  in  Lancashire,  England,  in  1596,  lived  for  many 
years  in  Paris.  He  wrote,  in  Latin,  an  "  Analysis  of 
Divine  Faith,"  (1652,)  which  was  commended  by  Dupin. 
and  other  works  on  theology.  Died  in  1662. 

Holden,  (Sir  ISAAC,)  an  English  inventor,  born  at 
Hurlet  in  1807.  He  discovered  the  principle  of  the 
lucifer  match  in  1829,  (but  had  been  anticipated,) 
and  made  important  inventions  in  wool-combing 
machinery.  He  was  made  a  baronet  in  1893.  Died 
in  1897. 

Hol'der,  (CHARLES  FREDERICK,)  an  American 
author,  bom  at  Lynn,  Massachusetts,  in  1851.  His 
works  include  "Life  of  Louis  Agassiz,"  "Charles 
Darwin's  Life  and  Work,"  and  numerous  works  of 
popular  natural  history. 

HoI'der,  (JOSEPH  BASSETT,)  M.D.,  an  American  zool- 
ogist, born  at  Lynn,  Massachusetts,  October  26,  1824. 
He  graduated  in  medicine  in  1850,  served  in  the  medical 
department  of  the  United  States  army,  and  was  one  of 
the  founders  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  His- 
tory in  New  York.  His  principal  works  are  a  "  History 
ol  the  North  American  Fauna,"  (1878,)  and  "History 
of  the  Atlantic  Right  Whales,"  (1883.)  Died  in  1888. 

Hol'der,  (WILLIAM,)  F.R.S.,  an  English  writer,  born 
In  Nottinghamshire  in  1614,  published,  besides  other 
works,  "Elements  of  Speech,"  (1669,)  and  "Treatise  on 
the  Natural  Grounds  and  Principles  of  Harmony,"  (1694,) 
which,  says  M.  Fetis,  "is  one  of  the  best  works  on  that 
subject."  It  is  said  that  he  taught  a  deaf-mute  to  speak. 
Died  in  1697. 

Holderlin  or  Hoelderlin,  hol'der-leen',  QOHANN 
CHRISTIAN  FRIEDRICH,)  a  German  poet,  born  at  Lauffen 
in  or  about  1770.  He  wrote  "Hyperion,  or  the  Hermit 
in  Greece,"  (2  vols.,  1799,)  a  romance,  which  has  some 
beautiful  passages,  and  "Lyric  Poems,"  (1826,)  which 
are  admired  for  fervour  of  fancy  and  depth  of  thought. 
Died  in  1843. 

Holds'wprth,  (EDWARD,)  an  English  scholar,  born  in 
1688,  was  educated  at  Oxford.  He  wrote  a  Latin  poem, 
called  "  Muscipula,"  ("Mouse-trap.")  Died  in  1747. 

Holdaworth,  written  also  Holsworth,  Olds-worth, 
and  Oldisworth,  (RICHARD,)  an  English  divine,  born 
at  Newcastle-on-Tyne  in  1590.  He  became  professor 
of  divinity  at  Gresham  College  in  1629,  and  master  of 
Emanuel  College  in  1637.  He  left,  besides  other  works, 
"Valley  of  Vision,"  in  twenty-one  sermons,  (1651.) 
Died  in  1649. 

Hole,  (MATTHEW,)  an  English  religious  writer,  born 
about  1640,  was  vicar  of  Stoke  Courcy,  in  Somersetshire. 
He  wrote  "  Discourses  on  the  Liturgy  of  the  Church  of 
England,"  (6  vols.,  1714-16,)  and  other  works.  Died 
about  1730. 

Hole,  (RICHARD,)  an  English  poet,  born  at  Exeter. 
He  produced  a  poetical  version  of  Homer's  "Hymn  to 
Ceres,"  (1781,)  "Arthur,"  a  poetical  romance,  (1789,) 
and  a  few  other  works.  He  became  rector  of  Farring- 
don  in  1792.  Died  in  1803. 

Holfken  or  Hoelfken,  liolf  ken,  (GusTAV,)  a  German 
writer  on  national  economy,  born  at  Hattingen,  in  Prus- 
sia, in  iSn.  He  published,  besides  other  works,  "The 
Condition,  Policy,  and  Development  of  the  Power  of 
England,"  (2  vols.,  1846.) 

Holger  (hol'ger)  the  Dane,  a  half-mythical  national 
hero  of  Denmark,  whose  legend  in  its  present  form  was 
worked  up  by  Saxo  Grammaticus.  It  is  believed,  how- 
ever, that  the  French  or  Walloon  form  of  the  name 

I  (OciER  THE  DANE)  is  older  than  the  other,  and  that  the 
1  word  "  Dane,"  as  here  used,  at  first  signified  not  an  inhabi- 
tant of  Denmark,  but  a  dweller  in  theaSrwor  forest-region 
now  called  Ardennes.  The  Danish  legend  represents 
Holger  as  sleeping  for  ages  in  a  vault  under  the  castle 
of  Kronborg.  with  his  beard  grown  through  a  table  of 
stone.  At  some  future  time  he  will  awake,  break  the 
table,  and  rescue  his  country  from  her  enemies. 

Hol'inS-hed  or  HolTngS-hed,  (RAPHAEL,)  an  Eng- 
lish annalist,  the  date  and  place  of  whose  birth  are 
unknown.  He  published  valuable  chronicles  of  England, 
Scotland,  and  Ireland,  (1577.)  Modern  historians  have 
borrowed  largely  from  him.  Died  about  1580. 

Hol'kar,  (Jeswunt  Rao,  jSs'wunt  rl'o,)  a  son  of 
fuckagee,  noticed  below,  was  an  able  warrior,  and  3 
formidable  enemy  of  the  British.  He  defeated  Scindia 
in  1802,  and  raised  a  large  army.  In  the  spring  of  1804 
war  broke  out  between  him  and  the  British.  Holkar 
defeated  Colonel  Monson's  division  of  12,000  men  in 
July,  near  the  Chumbul  and  Bannas  Rivers.  In  Novem- 
ber of  1804  he  was  surprised  and  routed  by  Lord  Lake 
at  Furruckabad.  He  made  a  treaty  of  peace  in  January, 
1806.  Died  in  i8tl. 

Holkar,  (MulTiar  Ra'p  or  Row,)  a  Mahratta  chie£ 
born  at  Hoi,  in  the  Deccan,  in  1693.  Having  distinguished 
himself  in  war,  be  became  ruler  of  a  large  part  of  Malwa. 
He  died  in  1766. 

A  daughter-in-law  of  the  preceding,  named  AHALYA 
BAEE,  (a-ha'le-J  bl'ee,)  or  ALYA  BHYE,  (then  a  widow,) 
succeeded  to  the  government  on  the  death  of  Mulhar 
Rao  Holkar,  and  during  an  administration  of  more  than 
thirty  years  displayed  extraordinary  virtues  both  as  a 
woman  and  a  ruler.  She  was  equally  distinguished  for 
her  wisdom,  her  humanity  and  benevolence,  and  her 
moderation  and  sense  of  justice.  Died  in  1795. 

Fora  very  interesting  account  of  her  character  and  administration, 
see  SIR  JOHN  MALCOLM'S  "  History  of  Central  India." 

Holkar,  (Tuckagee,)  supposed  to  be  a  nephew  of 
Mulhar  Rao  Holkar,  obtained  possession  of  his  do- 
minions in  1767.  He  was  the  ally  of  Scindia  against 
the  Rajpoots.  Died  in  1797. 

Holl,  hoi,  (EL1AS,)  an  eminent  German  architect,  born 
at  Augsburg  in  1573,  studied  his  art  in  Venice  His 
capital  work  is  the  Rathhaus,  or  Town  Hall,  of  Augs- 
burg, (i6i8,)one  of  the  finest  structures  for  that  purpose 
in  Germany.  He  built  also  the  arsenal,  the  church 
called  "  Mariahilf,"  and  other  public  edifices  of  Aups- 
burg.  Died  in  1636. 

H611,  (FRANCIS,)  an  English  engraver,  born  in  Camden 
Town,  March  23,  1815.  His  brother,  WILLIAM  HOLL, 
(1807-71,)  was  also  distinguished  as  an  engraver.  Francis 
died  at  Godalming,  January  14,  1884. 

Holl,  (FRANK,)  an  English  painter,  a  son  of  Francis 
Holl,  was  born  at  Kentish  Town,  London.  July  4,  1845, 
and  was  educated  at  University  College,  London.  Hi' 
reputation  for  history,  life-pictures,  portraits,  etc.,  \s  very 
great.  In  1878  he  was  elected  an  associate  of  the  Royal 
Academy,  and  a  Royal  Academician  in  1883.  Died 
July  21,  1888. 

Holland,  (EDWIN  CLIFFORD,)  an  American  poet  and 
journalist,  born  in  Charleston,  South  Carolina,  about 
1794.  He  edited  for  some  time  the  "  Charleston  Times,' 
and  became  noted  as  a  satirist  and  controversialist.  In 
1814  he  published  a  volume  of  "Odes,  Naval  Songs, 
and  other  Poems,"  originally  contributed  to  Dennie's 
"Port-Folio."  Died  HI  1824. 

Hol'land,  (HENRY,)  an  eminent  English  architect, 
born  about  1746.  He  was  patronized  by  the  Prince  of 
Wales,  (afterwards  George  IV.,)  for  whom  he  designed 
the  Pavilion  at  Brighton,  and  Carlton  House,  the  portico 
of  which  was  much  admired.  He  was  architect  of  the 
old  Drury  Lane  Theatre,  begun  about  1790,  and  after- 
wards burned.  Died  in  1806. 

Holland,  (Sir  HENRY,)  M.D.,  F.R.S.,  an  eminent 
English  physician,  born  at  Knutsford,  in  Cheshire,  in 
October,  1788.  Having  graduated  at  Edinburgh  in  1811, 
he  made  the  tour  of  Europe,  and  published,  on  his  re- 
turn, "  Travels  in  the  Ionian  Isles,  Albania,  and  Greece," 
(1815.)  He  settled  in  London,  and  gradually  rose  to 
ereat  distinction  in  his  profession.  He  became  phy- 

a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  long;  A,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  T,  o,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fit;  mSt;  n6t;  good;  moon; 




sician-in-ordinary  to  Prince  Albert  in  1840,  and  to  Queen 
Victoria  in  1852.  In  1853  ne  was  created  a  baronet 
His  principal  work  is  "  Medical  Notes  and  Reflections," 
(1836.)  Died  in  1873.  He  married  in  1834  Saba,  eldest 
daughter  of  the  Rev.  Sydney  Smith.  She  wrote  a  "Me- 
moir" of  her  father.  She  died  in  1867. 

in  English  peer,  born  in  Wiltshire  in  1773,  was  the  only 
son  of  Stephen  Fox,  second  Lord  Holland,  and  Mary 
Fitzpatrick.  By  the  death  of  his  father  he  succeeded  to 
the  peerage  in  1774,  at  the  age  of  one  year.  He  inher- 
ited a  large  share  of  the  talents  and  noble  dispositions 
of  the  family  of  Fox.  He  was  educated  at  Oxford,  and 
married  Lady  Webster  in  1797.  In  the  House  of  Lords 
he  spoke  frequently  against  the  administration,  and  sup- 
ported the  measures  of  his  uncle,  the  famous  orator 
Charles  James  Fox.  His  powers  as  a  speaker  were  of 
a  very  high  order.  In  1802  he  visited  Paris,  in  company 
with  his  uncle  and  Lady  Holland.  He  held  the  office 
of  privy  seal  a  few  months  in  :8o6.  Throughout  his 
career  he  was  constant  to  the  Whig  party ;  and  when 
they  came  into  power  in  1830  he  was  appointed  chan- 
cellor of  the  duchy  of  Lancaster.  He  published  an 

Bells,"  (1859,)  "Rubbing  the  Gilt  Off,"  (1860,)  "Odd 
Journeys,"  (1860,)  "Ways  of  Life,"  (1861,)  "Ragged 
London,"  (1861,)  "Underground  London,"  "Rough 
Diamonds,"  "To-Day,"  (1864,)  "Miscellanea,"  (3  vols., 
1874,)  "The  Story  of  Liecester  Square,"  (1892,)  etc. 

Hol'lins,  (GEORGE  N.,)  an  American  naval  officer, 
born  at  Baltimore  about  I  Soo.  H  e  became  a  commander 
in  1841,  and  bombarded  Greytown,  in  Nicaragua,  in  1851. 
He  took  arms  against  the  Union  in  1861,  and  commander', 
the  naval  forces  which  were  defeated  by  Captain  Farragut 
below  New  Orleans  in  April,  1863.  Died  January  iS, 

Hollina,  (JOHN,)  an  English  painter  of  genre  and 
portraits,  born  at  Birmingham  in  1798;  died  in  1855. 

Hol'lis  or  Hol'les,  (DENZIL,)  LORD,  an  English  poli- 
tician, second  son  of  the  Earl  of  Clare,  and  orother-in- 
law  of  the  Earl  of  Strafford,  was  born  at  Haughton  in 
1597.  In  the  reign  of  Charles  I.  he  was  one  of  the 
leaders  of  the  opposition  in  Parliament,  and  in  1629  was 
condemned  to  imprisonment  during  the  king's  pleasure. 
He  was  one  of  the  five  members  whom  the  king  rashly 
attempted  to  arrest  in  the  House  of  Commons  on  a 
charge  of  treason,  (1642.)  After  the  division  between 

excellent  "Life  of  Lope  de  Vega,"  (1817,)  and  "Three  ;  the   Presbyterians  and   Independents  occurred,    Hollis 
Comedies  from  the  Spanish,"  which  are  rendered  with    was  the  leader  of  the  former.     He  was  expelled  from  Par- 
great  poetical   felicity.     His  "  Foreign   Reminiscences"    liament  at  the  time  of  Pride's  Purge,  and  fled  to  France, 
appeared  after  his  death,  which  occurred  in  1840.     In    " 
his  time   Holland   House   was  the  favourite  resort,  as 
Macaulay  says,  "of  wits  and  beauties,  of  painters  and 
poets,  o/  scholars,  philosophers,  and  statesmen." 

Holland,  (JosiAH  GILBERT,)  M.D.,  (TIMOTHY  TIT- 
COMB,)  a  popular  American  author,  born  at  Belchertown, 
Massachusetts,  in  1819.  In  1847  ne  became  associate 
editor  of  the  "  Springfield  Republican."  He  published  a 
"  History  of  Western  Massachusetts,"  (1855,)  "The  Bay 
Path, "a  novel,  (1857,)  "Titcomb's  Letters  to  Young  Peo- 
ple," (1858,) "  Gold  Foil,"  (1859,)  "  Miss  Gilbert's  Career," 
(1860,)  "Bitter-Sweet,  a  Dramatic  Poem,"  (1867,) 
"Sevenoaks,"  (1876,)  and  "Nicholas  Minturn," 
(1877.)  In  1870  he  became  editor  of  "  Scribner's 
Magazine."  Died  October  12,  1881. 

Holland,  LORD.     See  Fox,  (HENRY.) 

Holland,  (NATHANIEL.)     See  DANCE. 

Holland,  (THOMAS  ERSKINE,)  a  British  legal 
author,  was  born  at  Brighton  in  1835.  He  became 
professor  of  English,  and  afterwards  of  international, 
law  at  Oxford.  Of  his  works  on  legal  subjects  the 
best  known  is  his  "  Elements  of  Jurisprudence,"  which 
has  become  a  text-book  in  most  of  the  law  schools  of 
England  and  America. 

Hollanda.    See  HOLANDA. 

Hollar,  hol'laR,  (WENZEL  or  WENCESLAUS,)  a  cele- 
brated Bohemian  engraver  and  designer,  born  at  Prague 
in  1607.  Having  met  with  the  Earl  of  Arundel  in  Co- 
logne, he  accompanied  him  on  his  return  to  London, 

He  favoured  the  restoration,  was  created  a  peer  by 
Charles  II.  in  1660,  and  was  sent  as  ambassador  to 
France  in  1663.  Died  in  1680. 

See  "Memoirs  of  Denzil  Holies,"  1699;  HUME,  "History  of 
England;"  "  Biographia  Britannica;"  GUIZOT,  "Monk's  Contem- 
poraries," London,  1865. 

Hollis,  (THOMAS,)  a  munificent  benefactor  of  Har- 
vard College,  born  in  England  in  1659.  He  was  for 
many  years  a  successful  merchant  in  London,  where  he 
died  in  1731.  He  founded  two  professorships  in  Harvard, 
— the  Hollis  divinity  professorship  and  the  professorship 
of  mathematics.  Besides  books  and  philosophical  ap- 
paratus, his  bequests  to  the  college  in  money  amounted 
to  about  ,£5000, — probably  equal  to  more  than  five  times 
as  much  as  these  figures  would  represent  at  the  present 

HoLUs,  (THOMAS,)  F.R.S.,  an  English  gentleman  and 
republican,  born  in  London  in  1720,  was  an  ardent  friend 
of  civil  and  religious  liberty,  and  noted  for  his  public 
spirit.  He  possessed  a  large  fortune,  which  he  used 
liberally  for  charitable  purposes  and  in  the  publication 
of  books.  He  published  good  editions  of  Toland's  "  Life 
of  Milton,"  (1761,)  and  Algernon  Sidney's  Works.  Died 
in  1774. 


Hollmann,  hol'man,  (SAMUEL  CHRISTIAN,)  a  Gei- 
man  philosopher,  born  at  Stettin  about  1696,  was  pro- 
fessor of  philosophy  at  Gottingen  for  about  fifty  years. 
He  wrote,  in  Latin,  several  works  on  philosophy,  meta- 

and  was  employed  to  engrave  some  of  the  pictures  of  his  physics,  and  logic.  Died  in  1787. 
gallery.  In  1639  he  brought  out  his  "Ornatus  Mulie- !  Hollo-way,  (THOMAS,)  a  skilful  English  engraver, 
bris  Anglicanus,"  an  admirable  work,  illustrating  the  j  born  in  London  in  1748.  He  engraved  the  plates  for 
dress  of  Englishwomen  of  all  classes  at  that  time.  Lavater's  "  Physiognomy,"  and  the  Cartoons  of  Raphael 

Owing  to  the  troubled  state  of  the  country,  he  was,  not- 
withstanding his  genius  and  industry,  soon  reduced  to 
great  poverty.  Many  of  his  works  are  etchings.  Died 
in  London  in  1677. 

Hollerius.     See  HOULLIER. 

Holies.     See  HOLLIS. 

Hol'ley,  (HORACE,)  D.D.,  born  at  Salisbury,  Con- 
necticut, in  1781,  graduated  at  Yale  College  in  1803. 
He  became  minister  of  the  Hollis  Street  Unitarian 
Church,  Boston,  in  1809,  and  president  of  Transylvania 
University,  Kentucky,  in  1818.  He  published  a  volume 
of  sermons.  Died  in  1827. 

See  a  "  Memoir  of  Dr.  Holley,"  by  his  widow. 

Holley,  (MARIETTA,)  an  American  author,  born 
in  Jefferson  county,  New  York,  in  1844.  Her  works 
are  of  a  humourous  character,  and  include  "  My  Opin- 
ions and  Betsy  Bobbett's,"  "  Samantha  at  Saratoga," 
"Sweet  Cicely,"  etc. 

Hol'lingi-head,  (JOHN,)  an  English  author,  born 
at  London,  September  9,  1827.  He  became  a  journalist 
and  theatrical  manager.  He  published  "  Under  Bow 

at  Windsor.  He  spent  several  years  on  the  latter,  and  had 
the  title  of  engraver  of  history  to  the  king.  Died  in  1827. 

Holly,  (JAMES  THEODORE,)  D.D.,  an  American- 
Haytian  bishop,  born  of  coloured  parents,  at  Washing- 
ton, D.C.,  in  1829.  Though  bred  a  Roman  Catholic,  he 
in  1856  became  a  presbyter  in  the  Episcopal  Church. 
In  1 86 1  he  founded  an  American  colony  of  coloured  per- 
sons in  Hayti,  where  he  became  a  missionary.  In  1874 
he  was  consecrated  Bishop  of  Hayti. 

Hol'man,  (JAMES,)  an  Englishman,  distinguished  at 
"  the  Blind  Traveller,"  was  born  about  1788.  He  served 
for  some  years  in  the  royal  navy,  until  he  became  blind, 
(about  1812.)  He  performed  a  journey  through  several 
countries  of  Europe,  (1819-21,)  of  which  he  published 
a  narrative  in  1822.  After  that  date  he  visited  the  other 
continents,  and  published  "Travels  through  Russia, 
Siberia,"  etc.,  (1825,)  and  a  "  Voyage  round  the  World," 
(4  vols.,  1840.)  He  was  arrested  as  a  spy  by  the  Rus- 
sians. Died  in  1857. 

Holman,  (JOSEPH  GEORGE,)  an  actor  and  dramatist, 
born  in  London.  After  performing  in  London  and  Dub- 

«  as  k;  9  as  i;  g  hard;  g  asj;  G,  H,  K,  guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     ( JJ^"See  Explanations,  p.  23. ) 




lin,  he  emigrated  to  the  United  States  in  1800,  and  was 
manager  of  the  Charleston  Theatre.  He  wrote  a  few 
comic  operas.  Died  in  1817. 

Holmes,  homz,  (AuiEL,)  D.D.,  an  American  divine, 
born  at  Woodstock,  Connecticut,  in  1763,  graduated  at 
Yale  in  1783.  He  was  pastor  of  the  First  Congrega- 
tional Church,  Cambridge,  Massachusetts,  from  1792  to 
1832.  In  1805  he  published  "American  Annals,"  the 
result  of  great  industry  and  research.  "  We  consider 
it,"  says  Professor  Sparks,  "among  the  most  valuable 
productions  of  the  American  press."  He  was  the  father 
of  Dr.  O.  W.  Holmes,  noticed  below.  Died  in  1837. 

Holmes,  homz,  (ALFRED,)  an  English  violinist  and 
composer,  born  in  London  in  1837.  His  opera  "  Inez  de 
Castro,"  and  his  symphonies  "  The  Youth  of  Shak- 
speare,"  "  Robin  Hood,"  and  "  The  Siege  of  Paris,"  were 
performed  with  considerable  success.  Died  at  Paris, 
March  4,  1876. 

Holmes,  homz,  (GEORGE,)  an  English  antiquary,  born 
in  Yorkshire  in  1662,  was  clerk  to  the  keepers  of  the 
records  in  the  Tower.  Died  in  1749. 

Holmes,  (GEORGE  FREDERICK,)  LL.D.,  an  American 
educator,  born  at  Georgetown,  British  Guiana,  August 
2,  1820.  He  was  educated  in  the  University  of  Durham, 
England,  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  South  Carolina  in 
1842,  and  held  professorships  in  Richmond  College,  Wil- 
liam and  Mary  College,  the  University  of  Mississippi, 
(of  which  he  was  president,  1848-49,)  and  the  University 
of  Virginia.  He  published  English  grammars,  two  His- 
tories of  the  United  States,  and  other  works,  besides 
many  review  articles,  etc.  Died  November  4,  1897. 

Holmes,  (ISAAC  EDWARD,)  a  political  leader  in  South 
Carolina,  born  in  Charleston  in  1796,  rose  to  eminence 
at  the  bar,  took  a  conspicuous  part  in  the  nullification 
movement  of  South  Carolina  in  1832-33,  and  from  1839 
to  1851  was  a  member  of  Congress.  Died  Feb.  24,  1867. 

Holmes,  (MARY  JANE,)  an  American  novelist, 
born  at  Brookfield,  Massachusetts.  Her  works  include 
"Tempest  and  Sunshine,"  (1854,)  "Lena  Rivers," 
"Edith  Lyle,"  "Gretchen,"  (1887,)  etc. 

Holmes,  (NATHANIEL.)     See  HOMES. 

Holmes,  (OLIVER  WENDELL,)  M.D.,  a  distinguished 
American  author,  wit,  and  poet,  was  born  in  Cambridge, 
Massachusetts,  August  29,  1809.  He  graduated  at  Har- 
vard in  1829,  and  commenced  the  study  of  law,  but  soon 
abandoned  it  for  medicine.  Early  in  1833  he  visited 
Europe,  where  for  nearly  three  years  he  pursued  his 
medical  studies,  attending  the  hospitals  of  Paris  and 
other  large  cities.  He  returned  to  his  native  country 
in  1835,  and  took  the  degree  of  doctor  of  medicine  at 
Harvard  in  1836.  In  1838  he  was  elected  professor  of 
anatomy  and  physiology  in  Dartmouth  College.  About 
two  years  afterwards  he  resigned  this  position,  and  in 
1847  was  chosen  to  fill  the  same  chair  at  Harvard  Uni- 
versity, as  successor  to  Dr.  Warren.  Holmes  had  dis- 
tinguished himself  as  a  poet  even  before  he  left  college. 
In  1836  he  read  before  the  Phi  Beta  Kappa  Society,  at 
Cambridge,  "  Poetry,  a  Metrical  Essay,"  which  was  soon 
after  published  in  a  small  volume,  with  a  number  of  his 
other  poems.  In  1857-8  he  contributed  to  the  "  Atlantic 
Monthly"  a  series  of  papers  entitled  "The  Autocrat  of 
the  Breakfast-Table,"  which  were  followed  in  1859  by 
another  series,  called  "The  Professor  at  the  Breakfast- 
Table,"  and  in  1872  by  "The  Poet  at  the  Breakfast- 
Table."  These  contributions  abound  in  humour  and  wit, 
and  exhibit  a  shrewd  insight  into  human  character.  His 
other  principal  productions  are  "Elsie  Venner,"  (1861,) 
and  "The  Guardian  Angel,"  (1868,)  besides  numerous 
minor  works,  among  which  are  "  Mechanism  in  Thought 
and  Morals,"  (1870,)  "Songs  of  Many  Seasons,"  a  col- 
lection of  poems,  (1874,)  "John  L.  Motley,  a  Memoir," 
(1878,)  "The  Iron  Gate,  and  Other  Poems,"  (1880,)  and 
a  biography  of  Emerson,  (1885.)  As  a  poet,  Dr.  Holmes 
was  especially  distinguished  for  wit  and  humour  joined 
with  a  remarkable  felicity  of  expression.  As  a  song- 
writer he  had  few,  if  any,  superiors  in  America ;  but 
he  particularly  excelled  in  the  playful  vein.  Among 
his  effusions  of  this  class  we  could  not,  perhaps,  select 
an  example  which  better  exhibits  his  playful  fancy  or  his 
wonderful  facility  and  fertility  of  resources  as  a  versifier, 

than  his  lines  addressed  to  Agassiz  when  setting  out  on 

his  scientific  tour  in  South  America.    Died  Oct.  7,  1894. 

See  DUYCKINCK,  "Cyclopaedia  of  American  Literature,"  vol.  iL  : 

Marcli  1849,  (by  WHITTIER  ;)  "  Saturday  Review,"  Oct.  13,  1 

Holmes,  (ROBERT,)  D.D.,  an  English  divine,  born  in 
Hampshire  in  1749.  In  1790  he  was  chosen  professor 
of  poetry  at  Oxford,  and  in  1804  Dean  of  Winchester. 
He  wrote  odes,  tracts,  and  sermons,  and  commenced  an 
edition  of  the  Septuagint,  which  was  finished  by  Parsons. 
Died  in  1805. 

Holmes,  (THEOPHILUS  H.,)  an  American  general, 
born  in  North  Carolina,  graduated  at  West  Point  in 
1829.  He  became  a  general  in  the  Confederate  army 
in  r86i,  and  commanded  in  Arkansas  in  1862-63.  Died 
June  21,  1880. 

Holmskiold,  holm'ske-old',  (THEODOR,)  a  Danish 
physician  and  naturalist,  born  in  1732.  He  published  a 
fine  work  on  the  Fungi  in  1790.  Died  in  1793. 

Holmstrom  or  Holmstrcem,  holm'stRbm,  (ISRAEL,) 
a  popular  Swedish  poet,  born  at  Stockholm,  followed 
Charles  XII.  in  his  campaigns,  with  the  title  of  councillor 
of  war.  Died  in  1708. 

Hol-o-fer'nes,  an  Assyrian  general,  who  lived  at  an 
uncertain  epoch,  and  was  killed  by  Judith,  a  patriotic 

See  the  Apocryphal  Book  of  Judith. 

Hol'royd,  (JOHN  BAKER,)  Earl  of  Sheffield,  an  English 
political  writer  and  military  officer,  bom  in  Yorkshire  in 
1741.  He  edited  some  posthumous  works  of  Gibbon. 
Died  in  1821. 

Hoist,  hoist,  (HANS  PETER,)  a  Danish  poet,  born  at 
Copenhagen  in  i8n.  He  published  "National  Ro- 
mances," (1832,)  "  Poems,"  ("  Digte,"  1840,)  and  other 
works,  written  in  an  elegant  style.  His  poem  called 
"Adieu"  ("Farvel,"  1840)  has  been  translated  into 
many  languages.  Died  in  1893. 

See  P.  L.  MOLLER,  notice  in  the  "  Dansk  Pantheon." 

Hoist,  von,  fon  hoist,  (HERMANN  EDUARD,)  a  Ger- 
man historian,  born  at  Fellin,  in  Livonia,  (Russia,)  June 
19,  1841.  He  was  educated  at  Dorpat  and  Heidelberg. 
He  removed  to  New  York  in  1867.  In  1872  he  was 
called  to  a  professorship  of  history  at  Strasburg,  and  in 
1874  was  made  professor  of  modern  history  at  Freiburg. 
He  later  visited  the  United  States,  and  became  pro- 
fessor of  history  at  the  University  of  California  in  1892. 
His  writings  include  a  very  able  "Constitutional  His- 
tory of  the  United  States,"  and  a  "  Life  of  J.  C.  Cal- 

Holstein,  hol'stln,  (JOHAN  LUDWIG,)  a  worthy  Dan- 
ish statesman,  born  at  Ltibtz  in  1694,  became  prime 
minister  in  1735,  and  president  of  the  Royal  Academy 
of  Sciences  in  1742.  Died  in  1763. 

Hol-ste'nI-us,  [Ger.  pron.  hol-sta'ne-as,]  (LuCAS,) 
the  Latin  form  of  the  name  of  LUCAS  HOLSTE,  (hol'steh,) 
an  eminent  German  scholar,  born  at  Hamburg  in  1596. 
He  studied  at  Leyden,  and  went  to  Paris,  where  he  joined 
the  Roman  Catholic  Church  in  1626.  His  friend  Peiresc 
recommended  him  to  Cardinal  Barberini,  whom  he  ac- 
companied to  Rome  in  1627.  He  became  librarian  to 
Barberini  in  1636,  and  librarian  of  the  Vatican  in  the 
pontificate  of  Innocent  X.  He  projected  great  literary 
works,  some  of  which  he  left  unfinished.  In  1630  he 
published  a  Greek  and  Latin  edition  of  Porphyry's  "  Life 
of  Pythagoras,"  to  which  he  added  an  excellent  notice 
of  Porphyry.  Among  his  other  published  works  is 
"  Demophili,  Democratis  et  Secundi  Sententias  Morales 
Graece  et  Latine,"  ("The  Moral  Maxims  of  Demophilus, 
Democrates,  and  Secundus,  in  Greek  and  Latin  "  with 
notes,  1638.)  Died  in  1661. 

See  WILKBNS,  "  Leben  des  gelehrten  Luc*  Holstenn_  '  1723, 
NICEKON,  "Me"moires,"  vol.  xxxi. ;  M5LLER,  "Cimbria  Literate;** 
"Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Holt,  (FRANCIS  LUDLOW,)  an  English  barrister,  was 
queen's  counsel  and  vice-chancellor  of  Lancashire  from 
1826  to  1844.  For  many  years  he  was  editor  of  Bell's 
"  Weekly  Messenger."  Died  in  1844. 

a,  e,  i,  5,  u,  y,  long:  i,  e,  o,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  I.  o,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  j,  o,  obscure:  far,  fall,  lit;  mf  t;  nftt;  good;  moon; 



Holt,  (Sir  JOHN,)  an  eminent  English  judge,  born  at 
Thame  in  December,  1642,  was  entered  at  Gray's  Inn  in 
1658,  and  called  to  the  bar  in  1663.  Having  become 
eminent  in  his  profession,  he  was  chosen  recorder  of 
London;  but  for  his  firm  opposition  to  the  despotic 
measures  of  James  II.  he  was  removed.  He  distin- 
guished himself  in  the  Convention  Parliament  of  1688, 
and  at  the  accession  of  William  III.  was  appointed  lord 
chief  justice  of  the  king's  bench  in  1689.  In  1700  he 
declined  the  office  of  lord  chancellor.  He  performed 
the  duties  of  chief  justice  with  wisdom,  honour,  and 
courage,  until  the  end  of  his  life.  "  His  name,"  says 
Mackintosh,  "  never  can  be  pronounced  without  venera- 
tion as  long  as  wisdom  and  integrity  are  revered  among 
men."  Died  in  1709. 

See  LORD  CAMPBELL,  "  Lives  of  the  Chief  Justices ;"  "Life 
of  Sir  John  Holt,"  (anonymous,)  1764;  Foss,  "The  Judges  ol 

Holt,  (JOHN,)  an  English  writer  and  teacher,  born  in 
Cheshire  in  1742.  He  wrote,  besides  a  few  other  works, 
"Characters  of  the  Kings  and  Queens  of  England,"  (3 
vols.,  1786-88.)  Died  in  1801. 

Holt,  (JOSEPH,)  an  American  minister  of  state,  born 
in  Breckinridge  county,  Kentucky,  about  1807.  He 
practised  law  at  Louisville.  In  March,  1859,  he  was 
appointed  postmaster-general.  He  succeeded  John  B. 
Floyd  as  secretary  of  war  in  December,  1860,  and  by  his 
energy  and  zeal  for  the  Union  rendered  important 
services  in  the  critical  times  which  ensued.  About  Sep- 
tember, 1862,  he  became  judge-advocate-general  of  the 
armv.  Died  August  I,  1894. 

Holte,  holt,  (JOHN,)  an  English  school-master,  born 
in  Sussex  about  1470,  wrote  the  first  Latin  grammar 
ever  printed  in  England,  which  was  dated  about  1497. 

Holtei,  von,  fon  hol'tf,  (KARL,)  a  German  poet  and 
dramatist,  born  at  Breslau  in  1797.  He  produced  many 
comedies  and  dramas,  among  which  are  "The  Old 
General,"  and  "  Glory  and  Poverty,"  a  volume  of  poems, 
(1826,)  "German  Songs,"  (1834,)  and  memoirs  of  his 
life,  entitled  "  Forty  Years,"  (1843-50.)  Died  in  1880. 

Holty  or  Hoelty,  hbl'tee,  (  LUDWIG  HEINRICH 
CHRISTOPH,)  an  excellent  German  lyric  poet,  born  at 
Mariensee,  near  Hanover,  in  1748.  He  studied  at  Gbt- 
tingen,  where  he  formed  friendships  with  Voss,  Stoll- 
berg,  and  others.  He  supported  himself  for  a  time  by 
translating  from  the  English,  and  giving  lessons,  until  his 
health  failed.  His  elegies,  idyls,  and  odes  are  admired 
for  tenderness  of  feeling,  artless  grace,  and  naivetl.  He 
died  prematurely  in  1776.  The  first  edition  of  his  poems 
appeared  in  1783. 


and  Poetry  of  Europe ;"  notice  of  Holty  i 

published  by  Voss  in  1804. 

Holtzlinus,  holts-lee'nus,  (JEREMIAS,)  a  German 
philologist,  born  at  Nuremberg;  died  at  Leyden  in  1641. 

Holtzmann,  holts'man,  (ADOLF,)  a  German  philolo- 
gist, born  at  Carlsruhe,  May  2,  1810.  He  was  educated 
at  Berlin,  Munich,  and  Paris,  and  became  professor  of 
German  at  Heidelberg,  where  he  died,  July  3,  1870. 
Among  his  numerous  works  are  translations  of  the 
"  Mahabharata"  and  the  "  Ramayana,"  and  an  "  Old- 
German  Grammar,"  of  which  only  one  volume  has  been 

His  son,  HEINRICH  JULIUS,  born  in  1832,  published 
a  large  number  of  theological  works,  becoming  a  rep- 
resentative of  the  advanced  modern  school  in  theology. 

Holub,  ho'loop,  (Dr.  EMIL,)  a  Bonemian  traveller, 
born  at  Holitz,  October  7,  1847.  He  practised  the  pro- 
fession of  medicine  in  the  diamond-region  of  South 
Africa,  and  became  a  high  authority  on  the  ethnology, 
geography,  languages,  and  natural  history  of  trans- 
equatorial  Africa.  Among  his  works  are  "  Seven  Years 
in  South  Africa,"  (1880-81,)  "African  Colonization," 
(1882,)  etc. 

Hol'w^ll,  (JOHN  ZEPHANIAH,)  born  in  Dublin  in  1711. 
Having  studied  surgery,  he  went  to  India  in  I732>  an<^ 
became  a  member  of  the  council  at  Calcutta  about  1755. 
He  was  one  of  those  who  survived  the  confinement  in 
the  "  Black  Hole,"  of  which  he  published  a  narrative, 
(1757.)  He  succeeded  Colonel  Clive  as  Governor  of 

Bengal  in   1759.     Holwell  also  published  "Interesting  ,  «lle  Biographic  Giinerale." 
€  as  k;  5  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as/';  G,  H,  K, guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this. 

Historical  Events  relative  to  Bengal  and  Hindostan,  with 
the  Mythology  of  the  Gentoos,"  (3vols.,  1764-71.)  Died 
in  1798. 

Hol'y-day,  (BARTEN,)  D.D.,  an  English  divine,  bor» 
at  Oxford  in  1593,  was  chaplain  to  Charles  I.  He  wrote 
"  Survey  of  the  World,"  a  poem,  and  translated  Juve- 
nal and  Persius.  Died  in  1661. 

Holyoak,  hol'yok,  (FRANCIS,)  an  English  clergyman, 
born  in  Warwickshire  about  1567,  published  a  "Dic- 
tionary of  Latin  Words,"  (1606,)  which  was  enlarged 
by  his  son  Thomas.  Died  in  1653. 

HSl'yoake,  (GEORGE  JACOB,)  an  Engjjsh  agitator, 
born  at  Birmingham,  April  13,  1817.  He  for  many  years 
edited  "  The  Reasoner"  and  "  The  Present,"  organs  of 
"  secularism"  in  civilization  and  morals,  and  was  for  a 
time  imprisoned  on  a  charge  of  atheism,  although  he 
asserted  that  his  system  was  not  opposed  to  theology, 
though  apart  from  it  He  all  his  life  refused  to  take  an 
oath,  from  which  circumstance  he  incurred  much  loss. 
He  published  a  large  number  of  books,  among  which 
are  a  "  History  of  Co-operation,"  (1874,)  "  Self-Help 
a  Hundred  Years  Ago,"  (iSSS,)  "Sixty  Years  of  an 
Agitator's  Life,"  (1892,)  and  "Public  Speaking  and 
Debate,"  (1895.) 

Holyoke,  hol'ySk,  (EDWARD  AUGUSTUS,)  M.D.,  an 
American  physician,  was  born  in  Marblehead,  Massa- 
chusetts, in  1728.  He  graduated  at  Harvard  in  1746, 
and  for  seventy-nine  years  followed  his  profession  with 
I  eminent  success  in  Salem,  where  he  died,  March  31,  1829. 
i  At  the  age  of  ninety-two  he  performed  the  operation  of 
paracentesis,  and  on  his  hundredth  anniversary  partook 
of  a  public  dinner  given  him  by  the  physicians  of  Salem 
and  Boston. 

See  "  Memoirs  of  Edward  A.  Holyoke,"  Boston,  1829. 

Hol'yoke,  (SAMUEL,)  an  American  teacher  and  com- 
poser of  vocal  and  instrumental  music,  born  at  Boxford, 
Massachusetts,  in  1771.  He  published  "  Harmonia 
Americana,"  (1791,)  "The  Columbian  Repository  of 
Sacred  Harmony,"  (1809,)  and  other  works.  Died  in 

HoVy-wood,  Hall-fax,  or  Sac'ro  Bos'co,  (JOHN,) 
a  noted  mathematician  of  the  thirteenth  century,  was 
professor  of  mathematics  in  the  University  of  Paris. 
The  time  and  place  of  his  birth  are  unknown.  He  wrote 
a  work  entitled  "  De  Sphaera  Mundi." 

Holzbauer,  holts'bSw'er,  (!GNAZ,)  a  German  com- 
poser, born  in  Vienna  in  1711,  produced  operas,  sym- 
phonies, etc.  "  He  has  a  good  style,"  says  Mozart,  "  and 
composes  very  fine  fugues."  Died  in  1783. 

Holzer,  holt'ser,  (JOHANN,)  an  eminent  German 
fresco-painter  and  engraver,  was  born  near  Marienburg, 
in  the  Tyrol,  in  1709.  He  painted  numerous  frescos  in 
Augsburg  of  religious  subjects,  among  which  is  "The 
Martyrdom  of  Saint  Sebastian."  He  produced  spirited 
etchings  of  "  The  Adoration  of  the  Magi,"  after  Berg- 
miiller,  of  the  "Ecce  Homo,"  after  his  own  design,  and 
of  other  paintings.  Died  in  1740. 

Homann,  ho'man,  QOHANN  BAPTIST,)  a  German 
geographer  and  engraver  of  maps,  born  at  Kamlach,  in 
Suabia,  in  1664.  He  settled  in  Nuremberg,  and  published 
many  maps,  which  were  more  than  ordinarily  accurate 
He  formed  a  large  collection  of  the  same,  under  the  title 
of  "Atlas,"  (1716.)  His  establishment,  called  "Officina 
Homanniana,"  was  well  known  throughout  Europe. 
Died  in  1724. 

Homberg,  hom'be'RG,  (WiLHELM,)  M.D.,  an  excel- 
lent chemist,  born  of  German  parents  at  Batavia,  in  Java, 
in  1652,  came  to  Europe  at  an  early  age.  He  studied 
chemistry  and  other  natural  sciences  with  Otto  Guericke 
and  Boyle,  and  visited  the  principal  capitals  of  Europe 
in  pursuit  of  knowledge.  About  1685  he  practised  medi- 
cine at  Rome  with  success,  and  in  1691  removed  to 
Paris,  where  he  was  chosen  a  member  of  the  Academy 
of  Sciences,  to  which  he  contributed  many  memoirs. 
He  was  patronized  by  the  Duke  of  Orleans,  who  chose 
him  as  his  first  physician.  He  discovered  boracic  acid 
and  Homberg's  pyrophorus.  Died  in  Paris  in  1715. 
See  FONTKHBLLK,  "  filoge  de  Homberg;"  NICERON,  "Mi- 
ires;"  F.  HOEFER,  "  Histoire  de  1»  Chimie,"  tome  ii. ;  "Noo- 

Explanations, p. 23.) 



Home,  (DAVID.)     See  HUME. 

Home,  (DAVID,)  a  Scottish  Protestant  minister,  who 
lived  in  France  during  the  reign  of  James  I.  of  Eng- 
land. He  wrote  "Apologia  Basilica,"  (1626.) 

Home,  (Sir  EVERARD,)  an  eminent  Scottish  surgeon, 
born  in  the  county  of  Berwick  in  1756,  studied  medicine 
with  his  brother-m-law,  the  celebrated  John  Hunter. 
He  practised  in  London  with  distinction,  and  was  presi- 
dent of  the  Royal  College  of  Surgeons.  He  published 
"  Lectures  on  Comparative  Anatomy,"  and  other  pro- 
fessional works.  Died  in  1832. 

Home,  (HENRY,)  Lord  Kames,  a  Scottish  judge,  born 
at  Kames  m  1696,  was  called  to  the  Edinburgh  bar  in 
1724.  After  publishing  several  legal  treatises,  which 
were  well  received,  he  was  appointed  in  1752  a  judge  of 
the  court  of  sessions,  and  took  the  title  of  Lord  Kames. 
In  1758  he  wrote  a  valuable  work,  entitled  "  Historical 
Law  Tracts."  His  greatest  work,  "  Elements  of  Criti- 
cism," (1762,)  was  regarded  by  some  as  an  admirable  per- 
formance, and  is  highly  commended  by  Dugald  Stewart 
Dr.  Johnson  said,  "The  Scotchman  has  taken  the  right 
method  in  his  '  Elements  of  Criticism.'  "  He  was  ap- 
pointed one  of  the  lords  of  justiciary  in  1763.  Died  in  1782. 

See  LORD  WOODHOUSELEE,  "Memoirs  of  the  Life  of  Henry 
Home,"  i8of-io,  a  vols.  ;  WILLIAM  SMELLIE,  "Life  of  Lord 
K.vnes,"  1800  :  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent 

Home  or  Hume,  (JoHN,)  a  popular  Scottish  drama- 
tist, born  at  Ancrum  in  1724.  He  was  licensed  to  preach 
in  1747,  and  settled  at  Athelstaneford.  In  1756  he 
became  at  once  distinguished  by  the  publication  of  his 
"Tragedy  of  Douglas,"  which  was  performed  first  at  Edin- 
burgh with  unbounded  applause,  and  is  still  very  popular 
on  the  stage.  "  I  think  nobody  can  bestow  too  much  praise 
on  Douglas,"  says  Professor  Wilson.  "  There  has  been 
no  English  tragedy  worthy  of  the  name  since  it  ap- 
peared." It  rendered  the  author  so  obnoxious  to  the 
elders  of  the  Kirk  that  he  retired  from  the  ministry. 
He  was  patronized  by  the  Earl  of  Bute,  who  procured 
him  a  pension  of  £300.  Home  wrote  several  other 
dramas,  much  inferior  to  "Douglas,"  and  a  "  History  of 
the  Rebellion  in  1745."  Mrs.  Siddons  once  said  "she 
never  found  any  study  [which,  in  the  technical  language 
of  the  stage,  means  the  getting  verses  by  heart]  so  easy 
as  that  of  Douglas."  Died  in  1808. 

See  SIR  WALTER  SCOTT'S  critique  on  the  "  Life  and  Writings  of 
John  Home,"  in  the  "Quarterly  Review"  for  June,  1827;  HENRY 
MACKENZIE,  "  Life  of  John  Home,"  prefixed  to  a  collection  of  his 
works,  3  vols.  8vo,  1822;  "Noctes  Ambrosianae"  for  April,  1822; 
CHAMBERS,  "Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen." 

Ho'mer,  [Gr.  'O^poc;  Lat.  HOME'RUS  ;  Fr.  HOMERE, 
o'maiR';  Ger.  HOMER,  ho-maR';*  It.  OMERO,  o-ma'ro,l 
the  reputed  author  of  the  two  great  epics  the  "  Iliad"  ana 
the  "  Odyssey,"  and  the  most  celebrated  poet  that  ever 
lived,  is  generally  supposed  to  have  been  born  at  Smyrna, 
or  Chios,  t  (Scio,)  and  to  have  flourished  about  one  thou- 
sand years  before  the  Christian  era  ;  but  both  the  place 
and  the  century  of  his  birth  are  involved  in  the  greatest 
uncertainty.  The  best  ancient  authorities,  including 
Aristotle  and  Aristarchus,  represent  him  as  contemporary 
with  the  Ionian  migration  which  occurred  about  one 
hundred  and  forty  years  after  the  Trojan  war.  Of  the 
two  great  poems  above  named,  the  "  Iliad"  has  been 
aptly  called  "  the  beginning  of  all  literature."  In  the 
opinion,  indeed,  of  the  greatest  critics  of  antiquity,  it  was 

•  See  principles  of  German  pronunciation,  in  the  Introduction. 
t  If  the  weight  of  authorities  is  m  favour  of  Smyrna,  the  greater 
•umber  would  seem  to  be  on  the  side  of  Chios.  (See  Smith's  "  Clas- 
sical Dictionary.")     Byron  appears  to  give  the  preference  to  the  lat- 
ter ;  for  he  calls  Homer 

"The  blind  old  man  of  Scio's  rocky  isle." 

Bride  of  Abytfos,  canto  ii 

It  has  been  suggested  (and  it  seems  highly  probable)  that  Homer, 
though  born  at  Smyrna,  may  have  afterwards  removed  to  Chios, 
where  his  family,  or  a  branch  of  it,  (the  Homeridje,)  are  said  to  have 
Hired  for  several  generations.  Seven  different  cities  are  said  to  have 
disputed  for  the  honour  of  having  given  birth  to  Homer,  as  expressed 
m  the  following  couplet  by  Antipater  of  Sidon  : 


X/ivpya,  XiiK.  KoAo^wc,  Idaxi),  IIvAot  ,  'Apyof  ,    Afliji  ai. 
Literally.  "  Seven  cities  (or  states)  contended   for  the  wise  race  of 
Homer,  [i.e.  the  race  or  origin  of  the  wise  Homer,]  Smyrna,  Chios, 
Colophon,  Ithaca,  Pylos,  Argos,  and  Athens."    Some  writers  substi- 
tute Salamis  for  Ithaca  »nd  Rhodes  ("PoSiw)  for  Pylos. 

not  only  the  beginning,  but  the  end  ;  it  was  not  merely 
the  first  attempt  at  the  production  of  a  great  poem,  but 
the  faultless  model  which  excited  alike  the  admiration  and 
despair  of  all  succeeding  poets.  In  the  words  of  Aris- 
totle, 'Ofajpof  .  .  .  te£a  xo2  diai'oip  Travraf  irntp$efoj}K£.\ 
"  Hie omnes  sine  dubio," says Quintilian,  "in  i mini  genere 
eloquentiae  procul  a  se  reliquit"§  Some  other  ancient 
writers  speak  in  even  stronger  terms  of  praise. 

Among  the  ancients,  none  appears  ever  to  have  doubted 
that  Homer  was  a  real  personage,  and  that  he  was  the 
author  of  the  most  wonderful  poem  of  antiquity,  (the 
"  Iliad.")  But  before  or  about  the  time  of  the  Christian 
era  there  was  a  class  of  critics  who  denied  that  the 
"  Iliad"  and  "  Odyssey"  were  the  productions  of  the  same 
author.  They  were  called  Xupi'sovrff,  or  "  Separators." 
It  cannot  be  denied  that  there  is  a  remarkable  difference 
between  those  works,  not  in  one  or  two  points  only,  but 
in  several  important  respects.  Perhaps  the  most  striking 
difference  is  that  which  exists  in  respect  to  the  character 
of  the  gods  in  the  two  poems.  The  gods  of  the  "  Iliad" 
are  completely  human  in  their  character, — unless  it  be 
that  they  have  more  than  human  foibles  or  vices.  They 
are  capricious  and  selfish,  and  seldom,  if  ever,  show 
much  regard  for  justice.  The  deities  of  the  "  Odyssey" 
appear  as  the  rewarders  of  merit  and  the  avengers  of 
sin  or  crime.  There  is,  moreover,  a  marked  difference 
in  the  spirit  or  tone  of  the  two  poems.  To  explain  this 
difference,  Longinus  tells  us  that  the  "  Iliad"  was  com- 
posed by  Homer  when  he  was  in  the  vigour  of  life,  while 
the  "  Odyssey"  was  the  production  of  his  old  age. 

Modern  critics  had  seemed  disposed  to  leave  the  ques- 
tion of  Homer's  age  and  the  authorship  of  the  Homeric 
poems  very  much  where  they  had  been  left  by  the  writers 
of  antiquity,  until  a  little  before  the  close  of  the  last  cen- 
tury, when  F.  A.  Wolf  startled  the  world  by  announcing 
a  new  theory  respecting  the  Homeric  poems,  (1795.)  He 
maintained  that,  as  writing  was  not  in  use  among  the 
Greeks  until  long  after  the  time  in  which  those  poems 
must  have  been  composed,  it  would  have  been  wholly 
impossible  for  an^r  poet,  however  great  his  genius,  to 
compose  and  retain  in  memory  even  one  such  work  as 
the  "Iliad"  or  "Odyssey."  For  this  and  other  reasons, 
he  concludes  that  the  two  great  epics  which  go  under  the 
name  of  Homer  were  really  produced  by  a  number  of 
different  authors,  and  that  these  separate  productions 
were,  after  the  introduction  of  the  art  of  writing,  thrown 
together  as  they  happened  to  fit,  so  as  to  form  a  continu- 
ous whole.  The  inconclusiveness,  not  to  say  absurdity, 
of  such  a  train  of  reasoning  must,  we  think,  be  obvious 
to  every  unbiassed  mind.  We  meet,  even  now,  with 
persons  who  by  two  or  three  perusals  can  commit  to 
memory  the  whole  of  such  a  poem  as  the  "  Lady  of  the 
Lake."  "  Who  can  determine,"  says  Miiller,  "  how 
many  thousand  verses  one  thoroughly  filled  with  his  sub- 
ject .  .  .  might  produce  in  a  year  and  confide  to  the 
faithful  memory  of  disciples  devoted  to  their  master  and 
his  art  ?"  When  we  take  into  consideration  the  fact 
that  the  mental  activity  of  the  ancients,  instead  of  being 
divided  and  diluted  among  an  endless  variety  of  studies 
or  pursuits,  was  concentrated  and  constantly  exercised 
on  a  comparatively  few,  the  retaining  of  even  two  such 
works  as  the  "  Iliad"  and  "  Odyssey"  will  not,  perhaps, 
seem  more  incredible  than  many  feats  of  memory  which 
are  known  to  have  been  performed  in  modern  times. 
Nor  must  it  be  forgotten  that  the  poetry  of  Homer,  unlike 
that  of  many  of  our  great  modern  poets,  is,  generally 
speaking,  remarkable  for  the  simplicity  and  directness  of 
its  language ;  and  these  qualities,  added  to  the  marvellous 
facility  and  animation  of  the  narrative,  render  the  verse 
extremely  easy  to  be  learned  and  retained  in  memory. 

The  consummate  art  with  which  the  various  parts  of 
the  "  Iliad"  (though  sometimes  seemingly  disconnected) 
are  arranged  and  adapted  so  as  to  delay  the  denouement 
and  yet  to  heighten  the  interest  till  near  the  very  end, 
proves  the  poem  to  have  been,  beyond  all  reasonable 
doubt,  the  work  of  one  master-mind.  But  this  master- 
mind may  very  probably  have  used  materials  prepared 

t  "  Homer  has  surpassed  all  [other  writers]  in  diction  (or  expres- 
sion) and  in  thought" 

J  "  In  every  kind  of  eloquence  he  undoubtedly  has  left  all  [others] 
far  behind  him." 

I,  e,  T,  5,  5,  y,  kng;  a,e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1,6,  u,  Jf, short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obscure;  fir,  fill,  fit;  m!t;  not;  good;  moon: 



(or  him  by  preceding  poets,  just  as  the  consummate 
architect,  when  erecting  an  edifice  designed  to  be  the 
admiration  of  all  coming  time,  may  avail  himself  of  the 
materials,  and,  for  subordinate  parts  of  the  building,  even 
of  the  designs,  furnished  by  inferior  workmen.  There 
seem,  indeed,  to  be  strong  reasons  for  believing  that 
before  the  time  of  Homer  there  existed  many  poems 
treating  of  the  events  of  the  Trojan  war,  and  that  he,  in 
selecting  and  combining  the  facts  necessary  to  the  plot 
>f  his  great  work,  occasionally  adopted  some  of  the  finest 
l_ies  of  his  predecessors,  at  the  same  time  changing  or 
adapting  others  to  suit  his  purpose,  so  as  to  give  the 
whole  poem  the  impress  of  his  matchless  skill  and  tran- 
scendent genius.  This  supposition  will  perhaps  best 
explain  the  introduction  into  the  poem  of  such  a  great 
variety  of  words  or  phrases  differing  in  different  parts  of 
the  work,  as  well  as  the  marked  diversity  of  dialects.  It 
is  well  known  that  Shakspeare  used  freely,  in  some  of 
his  historic  dramas,  not  only  the  ideas,  but,  in  repeated 
instances,  the  very  lines,  of  some  of  the  poets  that  had 
gone  before  him.  At  other  times  he  appears  to  have 
adopted  some  of  the  leading  ideas,  and  perhaps  many 
of  the  expressions,  of  previous  dramatists,  and  yet  to 
have  so  cast  them  into  the  mould  of  his  own  mind,  and  so 
coloured  them  with  the  hues  of  his  wonderful  imagina- 
tion, that  he  may  be  said  to  have  surpassed  the  fabled 
achievements  of  the  alchemists,  and  transmuted  his  crude 
materials  into  something  far  more  precious  than  gold. 

But,  while  we  claim  it  as  a  point  established,  that  the 
"  Iliad"  is  virtually  and  essentially  the  production  of  a 
single  poet,  we  must  admit  that  the  question  is  still  un- 
decided whether  the  same  Homer  was  also  the  author 
of  the  "Odyssey."  "If,"  says  the  learned  and  accom- 
plished critic  already  quoted,  "the  completion  of  the 
1  Iliad'  and  '  Odyssey'  seems  too  vast  a  work  for  one 
man,  we  may  perhaps  have  recourse  to  the  supposition 
that  Homer,  after  having  sung  the '  Iliad'  in  the  vigour  of 
his  youthful  years,  in  his  old  age  communicated  to  some 
devoted  disciple  the  plan  of  the  '  Odyssey,'  which  had  long 
been  working  in  his  mind,  and  left  it  to  him  for  comple- 
tion." (K.  ( ).  Miiller's  "  History  of  Greek  Literature.") 
The  prevailing  belief  that  Homer  was  blind  appears  to 
have  taken  its  origin  from  one  of  the  so-called  Homeric 
hymns  addressed  to  the  Delian  Apollo,  the  author  of 
which  calls  himself  the  blind  poet  who  lived  in  rocky 
Chios.  The  hymn  in  question  was  considered  by  some 
of  the  most  judicious  of  the  ancient  writers  to  be  the 
p.  oduction  of  Homer  himself;  but  this  view  is  not  ac- 
cepted by  the  best  modern  critics.  The  wonderful  accu- 
racy of  many  of  the  descriptions  in  the  "Iliad"  utterly 
precludes  the  idea  of  their  having  been  written  by  a 
poet  who  had  not  himself  been  an  eye-witness  of  the 
scenes  which  he  paints  so  admirably.  But  he  might,  per- 
haps, have  described  in  his  blind  old  age  scenes  which 
had  been  indelibly  stamped  upon  his  memory  in  youth 
jr  early  manhood.  (See,  on  the  various  questions  con- 
nected with  the  Homeric  poems,  Colonel  W.  Mure's 
"Critical  History  of  the  Literature,  etc.  of  Ancient 
Greece,"  (1850,)  and  the  able  article  on  "  Homerus,"  in 
Smith's  "  Dictionary  of  Greek  and  Roman  Biography.") 
See,  in  addition  to  the  works  referred  to  in  the  article,  OLOF 
CELSIUS,  "  Dissertatio  de  Homeri  Vita  et  Scriptis,"  1714  ;  LuooLPk 
KUESTKR,  "Historia  critica  Homeri,"  1696;  THOMAS  BLACKWELL, 
"Enquiry  into  the  Life  and  Writings  of  Homer,"  1735;  KOPPBN, 
"  Ueber  Homer's  Leben  und  Gesange,"  1788  :  CARL  ERNST  Sciiu- 
BARTH,  "  Ideen  uber  Homer  und  sein  Zeitalter,"  1821  ;  MATTHIAS 
ASP,  "  Disputationes  de  Homero,"  1714;  J.  E.  TURR,  "  Hometus 
en  zijn  Scnriften,"  1810;  ALPHONSK  DH  LAMARTINE,  "Homere," 
1852;  FORTIA  D'URBAN,  "  Homere  et  ses  ficrits,"  1832;  BERNARD 
THIBRSCH,  "  Das  Zeitalter  des  Homer,"  1824;  J.  PASCHIUS,  "Di»- 
eertatio  de  Poetarum  Principe  Homero,"  1687 ;  EDOUARD  JUSTE, 
"  Dissertation  sur  1'Origine  des  Poemes  attribu^s  a  Homere,''  1849; 
'*  Homer  and  his  Successors  in  Epic  Poetry,"  in  the  "  Quarterly  Re- 
view" for  January,  1857;  MATTHEW  ARNOLD'S  admirable  observa- 
•ions  "  On  Translating  Homer."  in  liis  "  Essays,"  1865. 

Ho'mer,  (Rev.  HENRY,)  an  English  scholar,  born  at 
Birdingbury  in  1752,  was  educated  at  Cambridge.  He 
edited  several  Latin  authors,  and,  in  partnership  with 
Dr.  Combe,  published  a  complete  edition  of  Horace. 
Died  in  1791. 

Ho'mer,  (WlNSLOW,)  an  American  painter,  born  in 
Boston,  Massachusetts,  February  24,  1831.  He  learned 
in  youth  the  business  of  a  lithographer,  and  afterwards 

began  to  draw  on  wood  for  engravers.  In  1859  he  estab- 
lished himself  in  New  York,  and  was  for  a  time  artist 
and  war-correspondent  for  a  newspaper  of  that  city.  His 
war-pictures,  and  especially  "  Prisoners  at  the  Front," 
(1865,)  gave  him  great  fame.  He  is  a  member  of  the 
National  Academy,  and  resides  at  Scarborough,  Maine. 
Homci<;.  See  HOMER. 

Homeridae,  ho-mer'e-dee,  (singular,  Ho-mgrl-deS,) 
or  Ho'mer-ids,  the  name  applied  to  the  family  of  the 
poet  Homer.   (See  HOMER,  note  t.) 
Homerus.     See  HOMER. 

Homes  or  Holmes,  homr,  (NATHANIEL,)  D.D.,  an 
English  theologian,  ejected  for  nonconformity  in  1662,  was 
a  believer  in  the  fifth  monarchy.  He  wrote  the  "  Resur- 
rection Revealed,"  and  other  works.  Died  in  1678. 

Homeyer,  h6'm!-er,  (KARL  GUSTAV,)  a  German 
jurist,  born  at  Wolgast,  in  Pomerania,  August  13,  1795. 
He  studied  in  Berlin,  Gottingen,  and  Heidelberg;  in 
1824  was  made  extraordinary,  and  in  1827  ordinary,  law- 
professor  in  Berlin.  His  principal  works  are  an  edition 
of  the  "  Sachsenspiegel,"  and  "  Die  Haus-  und  Hof- 
marken,"  (1870.)  Died  October  20,  1874. 

Homeyer,  von,  fon  ho'mi  er,  (ALEXANDER,)  a  Ger- 
man soldier  and  naturalist,  born  at  Vorland,  in  Pome- 
rania,  January  19,  1834.  In  1874  he  led  an  expedition 
into  Central  Africa.  He  is  noted  as  an  ornithologist  and 

Homeyer,  von,  (EuGEN  FERDINAND,)  a  German 
ornithologist,  born  at  Herdin,  November  11,  1809.  His 
best-known  work  is  "The  Migration  of  Birds,"  (iSb'i,) 
and  he  is  the  owner  of  the  largest  collection  ever  made 
of  European  birds. 

Ho-mil'J-us,  jGer.  pron.  ho-mee'le-as,J  (GOTTFRIED 
AUGUST,)  an  eminent  German  organist  and  composer  of 
church  music,  born  at  Rosenthal,  in  Bohemia,  in  1714. 
Among  his  best  works  are  a  cantata  for  Christmas,  and 
a  number  of  motets.  He  was  organist  and  director  of 
music  at  Dresden.  Died  in  1785. 

Hommaire  de  Hell,  X;o'm5R'  deh  /;el,  (!GNACH 
XAVIER  MORAND,)  a  French  geologist,  born  at  Altkirch 
in  1812,  explored  the  regions  which  border  on  the  Black 
and  Caspian  Seas,  and  left  an  account  of  his  travels,  in 
3  vols.  Died  at  Ispahan  in  1848. 

Hommel,  hom'me.1,  [Lat.  HOMME'LIUS,]  (KARL  FER- 
DINAND,) a  learned  jurist  and  ingenious  writer,  born  at 
Leipsic  in  1722.  He  became  professor  of  feudal  law  at 
Leipsic  in  1752,  and  of  civil  institutes  in  1756.  Among 
bis  works  are  "  Literatura  Juris,"  (1761,)  a  very  piquant 
treatise  on  legal  literature,  "  Rhapsodia  Qujestionum  in 
Foro  quotidie  obvenientum,"  ("  Questions  occurring  daily 
in  the  Forum,"  5  vols.,  1765-79;  4th  edition,  7  vols., 
1787,)  and  "Sceleton  Juris  civilis,"  ("Skeleton  of  Civil 
Law,"  4th  edition,  1767.)  Died  in  1781. 
Hommelius.  See  HOMMEL, 

Hompesch,  von,  fon  hom'pe'sh,  (FERDINAND,)  the 
last  grand  master  of  the  Knights  of  Malta,  was  born  at 
Dusseldorf  in  1744;  died  in  1803. 

Honain,  (or  Honein,)  ho-mn',  (Aboo-Yezeed  or 
Abu-  (Abou-)  YezSd,  S'boo  yeh-zeed',)  otherwise 
called  Honain-Ben-Ishak,  (b?n  is'hik',)  an  Arabian 
physician,  born  at  Heerah,  (Hirah,)  in  Mesopotamia,  liveo 
mostly  at  Bagdad.  Died  about  875  A.D.  He  translated 
into  Arabic  the  works  of  Hippocrates,  Galen,  Euclid,  etc. 
See  IBN-  KHALLIKAN,  "  Biographical  Dictionary ;"  HAJI-KHALJA. 
"  Lexicon  Bibliographicum." 

Hondekoeter,  hon'deh-koo'ter,  (GILES,)  a  noted 
Dutch  landscape-painter,  born  at  Utrecht  in  1583,  was 
the  son  of  the  Marquis  of  Westerloo.  He  often  added 
to  his  landscapes  highly-finished  figures  of  birds. 

Hondekoeter,  (GYSBRECHT,)  a  son  of  the  preceding, 
and  a  painter  of  poultry,  was  born  in  1613  ;  died  in  1653. 

Hondekoeter,  (MELCHIOR,)  an  excellent  painter,  a 
son  of  the  preceding,  was  born  at  Utrecht  in  1636.  He 
studied  with  his  father  and  his  uncle,  John  B.  Weenit 
He  painted  poultry,  pea-fowls,  and  other  birds,  with  a 
skill  that  has  never  been  surpassed.  The  backgrounds 
of  his  pictures  are  adorned  with  beautiful  landscapes. 
Among  his  works  is  "The  Entrance  of  the  Animals  into 
the  Ark."  Died  in  1695. 

See  JAKOB  CAMPO  WBYERMAN.  "De  Schilderkonst  der  Neder- 

€  as  k:  c  as  s:  g  hard;  g  as  /;  <:.  H.  Vi.gvitura!:  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this. 

Explanations,  p.  23.; 




Hondius,  hon'de-us,  or  Hondt,  h6nt,  (ABRAHAM,)  a 
Dutch  painter  and  engraver,  born  at  Rotterdam  in  1638. 
He  painted  hunting-scenes,  anin.als,  and  landscapes 
with  success.  "  He  often  equals  the  best  masters,"  says 
Descamps.  Among  his  works  are  "  The  Burning  of 
Troy,"  and  "  The  Animals  entering  the  Ark."  He  worked 
some  years  in  England,  where  he  died  about  1692. 

Hondiua,  (HENDRIK,)  an  engraver  of  maps  and  por- 
traits, born  at  Ghent  in  1573.  His  principal  work  is  a 
series  of  portraits  of  one  hundred  and  forty-four  artists, 
mostly  Flemings.  He  also  engraved  some  pictures  by 
Albert  Diirer  and  Holbein.  Died  at  the  Hague  in  1610. 

See  BASAN,  "  Dictionnaire  des  Graveurs ;"  STRUTT,  "  Dictionary 
of  Engravers." 

Hondius  or  De  Hondt,  deh  h6nt,  (HENRY,)  called 
THE  YOUNGER,  born  in  London  in  1580,  was  accounted 
;he  best  engraver  of  the  family.  He  engraved  portraits, 
landscapes,  and  history  after  several  Flemish  painters. 
Among  his  works  are  portraits  of  Queen  Elizabeth  and 
James  I.  Died  at  Amsterdam  about  1650. 

See  BASAN,  "Dictionnaire  des  Graveurs." 

Hondiua  or  De  Hondt,  (JossEor  JODO'CUS,)  a  skilful 
Flemish  engraver  and  geographer,  born  at  Wacken  about 
1550,  was  the  father  of  the  preceding.  He  had  a  high 
Deputation  as  an  engraver  on  copper.  He  worked  in 
London,  and  afterwards  settled  in  Amsterdam,  where  he 
engraved  maps  of  superior  quality,  and  published  new 
editions  of  the  "  Grand  Atlas"  of  Mercator.  Died  in  161 1. 

Hondt,  hont,  (WlLLEM,)  a  Flemish  engraver,  a  bro- 
ther of  Henry  the  Younger,  born  at  the  Hague  in  1601. 

Hone,  ho'neh,  (GEORG  PAUL,)  a  German  lawyer,  born 
at  Nuremberg  in  1662,  wrote  "  Iter  Juridicum,"  and  other 
works.  Died  in  1747. 

Hone,  (NATHANIEL,)  a  portrait-painter, born  in  Dub- 
lin about  1730;  died  in  1784. 

Hone,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  writer,  born  at  Bath  in 
1779,  resided  in  London,  and  failed  several  times  as  a 
bookseller.  He  wrote  "  The  Political  House  that  Jack 
Built,"  a  satire,  which  was  illustrated  by  Cruikshank 
and  ran  through  fifty  editions.  He  was  prosecuted  for 
his  Parody  on  the  Liturgy  in  1818,  and,  having  ably 
defended  himself,  was  acquitted.  In  1826  he  began  to 
issue  in  weekly  numbers  his  "  Every-Day  Book,"  which 
had  a  large  sale,  and  was  commended  by  Professor 
Wilson,  Scott,  Lamb,  and  Southey.  It  was  followed  by 
the  "Table-Book"  and  the  "Year-Book,"  which  were 
well  received,  but  did  not  save  the  author  from  insol- 
vency. He  was  in  prison  for  debt  about  three  years. 
Died  in  1842. 

See  "The  Early  Life  and  Conversion  of  William  Hone,"  written 
by  himself 

Honey-wood,  hun'ne-wood,  (SAINT  JOHN,)  an  Amer- 
ican poet,  born  in  Massachusetts  in  1765  ;  died  in  1798. 

See  GRISWOLD,  "  Poets  and  Poetry  of  America." 

Honore  de  Sainte-Marie,  o'no'ri'  deh  saNt'mi're', 
[Lat.  HONORIUS  DE  SANCTA  MARIA,]  called,  after  he 
entered  the  cloister,  BLAISE  VAUXELLE,  (vS-seV,)  a 
learned  monk,  born  at  Limoges  in  1651 ;  died  in  1729. 

Ho-no'rl-us  J-,  a  native  of  Campania,  was  elected 
Pope  or  Bishop  of  Rome  in  626  A.D.  He  is  charged 
with  assenting  to  the  heresy  of  Monothelism.  The  Council 
of  Constantinople,  held  in  680,  condemned  his  doctrine 
on  this  point  Died  in  638. 

Honoriua  U,  POPE,  previously  known  as  Cardinal 
Lamberto  and  Bishop  of  Ostia,  succeeded  Calixtus  II. 
in  1124.  Tebaldus  was  chosen  pope  at  the  same  time 
by  a  number  of  bishops,  but  forbore  to  contest  his 
claim.  Honorius  died  in  1130.  See,  also,  CADALOUS. 

Honorius  1 1 1 ,  elected  Pope  in  1216,  was  a  Roman 
oy  birth.  His  proper  name  was  CENCIO  SAVELLI.  He 
crowned  Frederick  II.  Emperor  of  Germany  in  1220,  in 
the  hope  that  he  would  lead  a  crusade  against  the  Turks. 
He  was  more  successful  in  instigating  the  King  of  France 
to  a  crusade  against  the  Albigenses.  He  died  in  1227, 
and  was  succeeded  by  Gregory  IX. 

Honorius  IV,  POPE,  (Cardinal  GIACOMO  Savelli,) 
a  native  of  Rome,  was  elected  in  1285  as  successor  to 
Martin  IV.  Died  in  1287. 

Ho-no'rf-us,  (FLAVIUS,)  a  Roman  emperor,  the  sec 
ond  son  of  Theodosius  the  Great,  was  born  at  Constan- 
tinople in  384  A.D.  At  the  death  of  his  father,  in  395,  he 

inherited  the  Western  Empire,  (his  elder  brother  Area- 
dius  having  obtained  the  Eastern,)  under  the  guardian- 
ship of  Stilicho,  a  famous  general,  whose  daughter  he 
married.  His  court  was  held  at  Milan,  and  afterwards 
at  Ravenna.  About  402  Alaric  the  Goth  invaded  Italy, 
and  was  defeated  by  Stilicho  at  Pollentia.  In  408  Stili- 
cho was  put  to  death  by  order  of  Honorius,  who  was  a 
man  of  weak  and  vicious  character.  From  this  event 
may  be  dated  the  fall  of  the  Roman  power.  Rome 
was  taken  and  pillaged  by  Alaric  in  410,  and  the  empire 
went  rapidly  to  ruin.  He  died,  without  issue,  in  423, 
and  was  succeeded  by  Valentinian  III. 

See  GIBBON,  "  History  of  the  Decline  and  Fall  of  the  Roman 
Empire;"  SOZOMKN,  "  Historia  Ecclesiastica ;"  JORNANDBS,  "De 
Rebus  Getitis ;"  TILLEMONT,  "  Histoire  des  Empereurs." 

Honorius  de  S  a  net  a  Maria.  See  HONOR*  DB 

Hontheim,  von,  fon  hont'hlm,  (JoHANN  NIKOLAUS,) 
a  German  jurist  and  Catholic  priest,  born  at  Treves  in 
1701.  He  became  Bishop  (in  partibus)  of  Myriophis  in 
1748,  and  suffragan  of  the  see  of  Treves.  He  published 
under  the  pseudonym  of  JUSTINIUS  FEBRONIUSB  famous 
book  against  the  usurpations  of  the  popes,  entitled  "  De 
Statu  Ecclesiae  et  legitima  Potestate  Romani  Pontificis," 
(5  vols.,  1763,)  which  was  often  reprinted.  Died  in  I79a 

Honthorst,  hint'horst,  or  Hundhorst,  hunt'hoRst, 
(GERARD,)  a  Flemish  painter,  called  also  by  the  Italians 
GERARDO  DELLA  NOTTE,  ("Gerard  of  the  Night,")  be- 
cause he  excelled  in  nocturnal  scenes.  He  was  born  at 
Utrecht  in  1592,  and  was  a  pupil  of  A.  Bloemaert.  He 
worked  in  Rjme  and  in  England,  where  he  painted 
portraits  of  the  royal  family  and  gained  a  high  repu- 
tation. Among  his  works  is  "The  Prodigal  Son."  He 
was  a  good  colorist,  and  excelled  in  design.  Died  at 
the  Hague  in  1660.  His  brother  WILLEM  was  a  suc- 
cessful portrait-painter.  Died  at  Berlin  in  1683,  aged 
about  eighty. 

See  PILKINGTON.  "  Dictionary  of  Painters." 

Hood,  (ALEXANDER.)     See  BRIDPORT. 

Hood,  hood,  (EDWIN  PAXTON,)  an  English  dissenting 
minister,  born  at  Westminster  in  1820.  He  wrote  "Self- 
Formation,"  "William  Wordsworth,"  a  biography, 

Life  of  Swedenborg,"  "Lamps,  Pitchers,  and  Trum- 
pets," "  Oliver  Cromwell,"  (1882,)  "  Scottish  Character- 
istics," (1883.)  etc.  Died  June  12,  1885. 

Hood,  hood,  (JOHN  B.,)  an  American  general,  born 
in  Bath  county,  Kentucky,  in  1831,  graduated  at  West 
Point  in  1853.  He  commanded  a  division  of  Lee's  army 
at  Antietam,  September,  1862,  and  at  Gettysburg,  July 
1-3,  1863.  He  lost  a  leg  at  the  battle  of  Chickamauga, 
September  20,  1863,  soon  after  which  he  was  promoted 
to  be  a  lieutenant-general.  In  the  spring  of  1864  he 
commanded  a  corps  of  the  army  opposed  to  General 
Sherman  in  Northern  Georgia.  He  succeeded  General 
Johnston  in  July  as  commander-in-chief  of  that  army, 
which  was  then  near  Atlanta.  General  Johnston  was 
removed  because  he  had  adhered  to  a  cautious  and  de- 
fensive policy.  Hood  assumed  the  offensive,  and  attacked 
General  Sherman  on  the  22d  of  July,  and  again  on  the 
28th,  but  was  repulsed  with  heavy  loss.  He  was  com- 
pelled to  abandon  Atlanta  on  the  1st  of  September,  1864. 
(See  SHERMAN,  W.  T.)  After  he  had  damaged  the  rail- 
road by  which  Sherman's  army  was  supplied,  General 
Hood  invaded  Middle  Tennessee,  attacked  Genera] 
Schofield  at  Franklin,  November  30,  and  besieged  Nash- 
ville. He  was  defeated  on  the  ifjth  of  December,  1864, 
by  General  Thomas,  at  the  decisive  battle  of  Nashville, 
where  he  lost  fifty  pieces  of  cannon,  and  was  relieved  of 
the  command  in  January,  1865.  Died  August  30,  1879. 
See  "  Southern  Generals,"  New  York,  1865. 
Hood,  (ROBIN,)  a  famous  English  outlaw,  who  is  sup- 
posed to  have  lived  in  the  reign  of  Richard  I.  Sherwood 
Forest  was  his  head-quarters.  His  exploits  are  the  sub- 
ject of  many  popular  ballads,  which  applaud  his  gal- 
lantry to  the  ladies  and  his  generosity  in  sharing  among 
the  poor  the  spoils  of  the  rich.  He  was  the  chief  of  a 
numerous  band,  who  seem  to  have  lived  chiefly  on  the 
products  of  the  chase. 

See  W.  W.  CAMPBELL,  "  Historical  Sketch  of  Robin  Hood  and 
Captain  Kidd,"  New  York,  1853;  "Edinburgh  Review"  for  July, 
1847:  "  North  American  Review"  for  January,  1857. 

a,  e,  I,  o,  u,  y, /(7«f;  4,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  T,  5,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  j,  p,  ofaeiire;  far,  fill,  fit;  met:  nfttjgood;  mo"on 




Hood,  (SAMUEL,)  VISCOUNT,  an  English  admiral, 
born  at  Butley  in  1724,  entered  the  navy  in  1740,  and 
became  captain  in  1754.  In  1780  he  was  made  a  rear- 
admiral,  and  was  second  in  command  in  the  West  Indies. 
The  next  year  he  succeeded  Rodn»y  in  command  of  the 
fleet,  with  which  he  fought  De  Grasse  near  the  mouth  of 
the  Chesapeake,  but  failed  to  relieve  the  British  army  at 
Yorktown.  He  took  part  in  the  victory  over  De  Grasse 
in  April,  1782,  and  was  rewarded  with  the  title  of  Baron 
Hood  of  Catherington.  In  1784,  after  a  close  contest 
with  Fox,  he  was  elected  to  Parliament,  and  in  1788  ap- 
pointed a  lord  of  the  admiralty.  In  1793  he  commanded 
against  the  French  in  the  Mediterranean  and  at  the  siege 
of  Toulon.  He  was  made,  in  1796,  Viscount  Hood  of 
Whitley,  and  afterwards  an  admiral.  Died  in  1816. 

See  CAMPBELL,  "  Lives  of  British  Admirals." 

Hood,  (Sir  SAMUEL,)  cousin  of  the  preceding,  was  a 
vice-admiral  in  the  British  navy,  and  a  brave  and  skilful 
officer.  He  took  part  in  the  victory  of  Rodney  over  De 
Grasse  in  1782,  and  in  the  battle  of  the  Nile,  (1798.)  In 
1806  he  was  returned  to  Parliament  for  Westminster, 
and  captured  three  French  ships  near  Rochefort.  He 
was  afterwards  appointed  to  command  in  the  East  Indies, 
where  he  died  in  1814. 

Hood,  (THOMAS,)  a  famous  English  humourist  and 
popular  author,  born  in  London  in  1798,  was  the  son  of 
a  bookseller.  He  served  an  apprenticeship  to  an  en- 
graver, but  soon  exchanged  that  employment  for  literary 
pursuits.  In  1821  he  became  sub-editor  of  the  "  London 
Magazine,"  by  which  he  gained  access  to  the  society  of 
many  authors  who  have  since  risen  to  eminence.  His 
"  Whims  and  Oddities"  (1826)  displayed  an  abundant 
vein  of  inimitable  wit  and  comic  power.  He  issued  the 
"  Comic  Annual"  from  1830  to  1842,  which  was  followed 
by  his  "  Comic  Album,"  "  Whimsicalities,"  and  "  Hood's 
Own."  His  tales  and  novels  were  less  successful  than 
his  humorous  works.  Among  his  most  popular  poems 
are  the  "  Song  of  the  Shirt,"  (which  first  appeared  in 
"  Punch,")  the  "  Bridge  of  Sighs,"  and  the  "  Dream  of 
Eugene  Aram."  He  was  editor  of  "  The  Gem"  for  one 
year,  and,  in  the  latter  years  of  his  life,  editor  of  the 
"  New  Monthly  Magazine."  Like  poor  Yorick,  he  was 
"a  fellow  of  infinite  jest,  of  most  excellent  fancy."  As 
a  punster  he  is  unrivalled.  Some  of  his  serious  poems 
are  exquisitely  tender  and  pathetic.  In  1844  he  began  to 
issue  "  Hood's  Magazine,"  for  which  he  wrote  until  his 
last  illness.  A  pension  of  £100  which  had  been  granted 
to  him  was  transferred  to  his  widow.  Died  in  1845. 

"London  Magazine"  for  December,   1826;  "British  Quarterly  Re- 
Yiew"  for  October,  1867. 

Hood,  (THOMAS,  or  "  TOM,")  a  son  of  Thomas  Hood, 
the  humorist  and  poet,  already  noticed.  He  was  born 
at  Wanstead,  England,  January  19,  1835,  and  was  edu- 
cated at  Pembroke  College,  Oxford.  Among  his  works 
are  "  Pen  and  Pencil  Pictures,"  (1854-55,)  a  volume  of 
Poems,  (1861,)  some  books  for  children,  and  a  number 
of  novels.  In  1865  he  became  editor  of  "  Fun,"  a  Lon- 
don comic  paper.  Died  November  20,  1874.  His  talent 
was  much  like  his  father's,  but  not  so  brilliant. 

Hooft,  hoft,  (NiKLAAS,)  a  Dutch  historical  painter, 
born  at  the  Hague  in  1664;  died  in  1748. 

Hooft  or  Hoofft.  (PiETER  CORNELIS,)  an  excellent 
Dutch  poet  and  historian,  born  in  Amsterdam  in  March, 
1581.  After  leaving  college  he  travelled  in  France  and 
Italy,  and  filled  several  civil  offices.  He  published  about 
1602  "  Granida,"  a  tragi-comedy,  which  is  a  master-piece. 
He  wrote  other  dramas,  and  erotic  poems  of  great 
merit,  and  translated  Tacitus  into  Dutch.  His  chief 
prose  works  are  a  "  Life  of  Henry  IV.  of  France,"  (1626,) 
and  a  "  History  of  the  Netherlands,";"  De  Nederlandsche 
Historien,"  2  vols.,  1642-54,)  which  is  esteemed  a  model 
of  grace,  purity,  and  vigour,  both  in  thought  and  style, 
He  has  the  honour  of  rendering  his  vernacular  language 
more  polished  and  classical  than  it  was  before  his  rime. 
He  was  a  friend  of  Grotius.  "  Though  deeply  religious," 
says  the  "  Biographic  Universelle,"  "he  never  ranged 
himself  under  the  banner  of  any  outward  communion." 
Many  critics  assjgn  him  the  highest  place  as  a  writer  of 

Dutch  prose  ;  but,  though  a  great  purist,  his  style  abound* 
'n  Latin  idioms.     Died  at  the  Hague,  May  21,  1647. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBER,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie ;"  and  VAM 
KAMPEN'S  article  on  "  Hollandische  Sprache  und  Literatur,"  in  the 
same  work  :  also."  Nouvelle  Biographic  G£ne>a!e ;"  JAN  VAN  KRUYPF, 

838;   LONGFELLOW,  "Poets  and  Poetry  of  Europe;"  "  Fraser'j 
Magazine"  for  March,  1854. 

Hooge,  de,  deh  ho'ceh  or  ho'neh,  written  alsoHoogh, 
(PiETER,)  a  Dutch  painter  of  genre,  born  about  1644. 
Little  is  known  of  his  history.  His  colour  is  good,  his 
design  correct,  and  his  manner  natural.  He  represents 
the  effects  of  light  with  great  skill.  Among  his  works 
(which  command  high  prices)  are  a  "  Supper,"  an  "In- 
terior," and  a  "Guard-Room."  Died  in  1708. 

See  DESCAMPS,  "  Vies  des  Peintres  Flamands,  Hollandais,"  etc 

Hooge  or  Hooghe,  de,  (ROMEYN,)  an  eminent  Dutch 
designer  and  engraver,  was  born  at  the  Hague  about  1 640, 
or,  as  others  say,  about  1650.  He  worked  for  a  long  time 
in  Paris,  and  passed  his  latter  years  at  the  Hague.  He 
had  a  rich  imagination  and  great  facility,  but  was  deficient 
in  correctness.  Among  his  works  are  "  The  Entrance  of 
Louis  XIV.  into  Dunkirk,"  and  "The  Assassination  of 
De  Witt."  Died  in  1725. 

See  J.  C.  WEYERMAN.  "De  Schilderkonst  der  Nederlandere." 

Hoogeveen,  ho'geh-van'  or  ho'Heh-van',  sometimes 
written  Hoogeven,  (HENDRIK,)  a  Dutch  Hellenist,  born 
at  Leyden  in  1712,  was  successively  rector  of  the  gym- 
nasiums of  Breda,  Dort,  and  Delft,  and  was  an  excellent 
grammarian.  He  is  the  author  of  a  valuable  treatise 
on  "  Greek  Particles,"  ("  Doctrina  Particularum  Linguae 
Graecae,"  2  vols.,  1769,)  and  "  Dictionarium  Analogicum 
Unguaa  Graecae,"  (Cambridge.,  1800.)  Died  in  1791. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBER,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie ;"  HARLKSS, 
"Vitas  Philologorum." 

Hoogstaad,  van,  vSn  hoo'stit',  (GERART,)  a  Flemish 
painter  of  history  and  portraits,  born  at  Brussels,  was 
living  in  1661. 

Hoogstraaten,  van,  vSn  hSc'stRa'ten,  (DAVID,)  a 
Dutch  scholar,  a  nephew  of  the  following,  was  born  at 
Rotterdam  in  1658,  and  became  a  classical  professor  at 
Amsterdam.  He  compiled  a  Latin-Dutch  Dictionary, 
(1704,)  and  wrote  several  elegant  Latin  poems,  "  Poe- 
mata,"  (1710.)  Died  in  1724. 

Hoogstraaten,  van,  (SAMUEL,)  a  Dutch  painter, 
born  at  Dort  in  1627,  was  a  pupil  of  Rembrandt,  and 
the  master  of  Houbraken.  He  painted  portraits,  land- 
scapes, etc.  with  success,  and  wrote  a  good  work  on  the 
theory  of  painting.  Died  in  1678. 

His  father,  DIRCK,  born  at  Antwerp  in  1596,  was  also 
a  skilful  landscape-painter.  Died  in  1640. 

See  PILKINGTON'S  "Dictionary  of  Painters." 

Hoogvliet,  h5c'vleet  or  hoH'vleet,  (ARNOLD,)  a  popu- 
lar Dutch  poet,  born  at  Vlaardingen  in  1687,  was  edu- 
cated for  a  merchant,  and  held  the  position  of  cashier  in 
his  native  place.  His  reputation  is  founded  on  an  epic 
poem,  called  "Abraham  the  Patriarch,"  (1727.)  which 
was  received  with  extraordinary  and  durable  favour. 
"No  book  in  Dutch  literature,"  says  Marron,  "has 
been  honoured  with  a  more  decided  national  adoption." 
("  Biographic  Universelle.")  He  afterwards  published  a 
collection  of  poems  on  various  subjects,  which  are  not 
unworthy  of  his  name.  Died  in  1 763. 

See  JAN  VAN  KRUVFF,  "  Leven  van  A.  Hoogvliet,"  1782;  WlL- 
LEM  TERPSTRA,  "Oratio  de  A.  Hoogvlietio  Poeta,"  1816. 

Hoogzaat,  hoc'zit,  (JAN,)  an  able  Dutch  painter, 
born  at  Amsterdam  in  1664.  He  decorated  the  chateau 
of  Loo  for  William  III.  of  England.  Died  in  1712. 

Hook,  hook,  (JAMES,)  an  English  composer  and  mu- 
sician, born  at  Norwich  in  1746.  He  was  employed  as 
organist  at  Vauxhall  Garden,  London,  for  many  years, 
and  composed  numerous  popular  ballads,  songs,  con- 
certos, etc.  Died  in  1827. 

Hook,  (JAMES,)  LL.D.,  an  English  writer,  brother  of 
Theodore  E.  Hook,  was  bom  in  London  about  1771.  He 
was  educated  for  the  church,  and  in  1825  was  appointed 
Dean  of  Worcester.  His  principal  works  are  two 
novels,  called  "Pen  Owen"  and  "Percy  Mallory." 
Died  in  1828. 

Hook,  (JAMES  CLARKE,)  an  English  painter,  born  in 
London,  November  21,  1819.  In  the  early  part  of  his 

as/t;  casjv  ghard;  g  as  ;';  G,  H,  K, guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled:  sasz.-  ill  as  in  this.     (JlJP'See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




career  he  painted  subjects  from  Italian  history  and 
scenes  from  Shakspeare,  but  later  has  executed  many 
marine  pieces  and  scenes  from  English  domestic  life. 
He  became  an  associate  of  the  Royal  Academy  in  1850, 
and  a  full  Academician  in  1860. 

Hook,  (THEODORE  EDWARD,)  born  in  London  in 
1788,  was  the  son  of  James,  the  musical  composer,  noticed 
above.  He  was  an  excellent  vocalist,  an  expert  mimic, 
and  a  prodigy  of  colloquial  power.  In  1805  he  wrote 
"The  Soldier's  Return,"  an  operatic  farce,  which  was 
very  successful.  He  was  addicted  to  punning,  to  extrava- 
gant dissipation,  and  to  audacious  practical  jokes.  His 
brilliant  wit  and  marvellous  faculty  of  improvisation 
rendered  him  an  idol  of  the  gay  world,  and  commended 
him  to  the  favour  of  the  prince-regent,  who  procured  his 
appointment  in  i8i2as  treasurer  to  the  colony  of  Mauri- 
tius, with  a  salary  of  about  ^2000.  In  1818,  a  large  de- 
ficit being  found  in  his  treasure-chest,  he  was  sent  home 
charged  with  peculation.  The  legal  inquiry,  however, 
proved  nothing  against  him  except  a  culpable  negligence 
of  his  official  duties.  In  1820  he  became  editor  of  the 
"John  Bull"  newspaper,  which  was  very  successful  in  a 

1  Gilbert  Gurney,"  a  novel,  which  contains  an  autobiog- 
raphy of  himself.  In  1836  he  was  editor  of  the  "  New 
Monthly  Magazine."  Died  in  1841. 

See  R.  H.  BARHAM,  "  Life  and  Writings  of  Theodore  Hook," 
1848;  "Life of  T.  Hook,"  from  the  "Quarterly  Review,"  London, 
1853  :  R.  H.  HORNK,  "  New  Spirit  of  the  Age,"  1844  :  "  Quarterly 
Review"  for  May,  1843,  (vol.  bociL  ;)  "  Noctes  Ambrosianz  ;"  Moin, 
"  Poetical  Literature  of  the  Past  Half-Century  ;"  SAMUEL  SMILES, 
"Brief  Biographies;"  "Memories  of  Authors,"  in  the  "Atlantic 
Monthly  '  for  April,  1865. 

Hook,  (WALTER  FARQUHAR,)  an  English  theologian, 
a  nephew  of  the  preceding,  was  born  in  London  in 
1798.  He  became  vicar  of  Leeds  in  1837,  and  Dean 
of  Chichester  in  1859.  Among  his  works  are  "Hear 
the  Church,"  (28th  edition,  1838,)  "Ecclesiastical  Biog- 
raphy," (8  vols.,  1845-52,)  "Church  Dictionary,"  (7th 
edition,  1854,)  and  "Lives  of  the  Archbishops  of  Can- 
terbury," (9  vols.,  of  which  the  first  volume  was  published 
in  1860.)  He  was  noted  for  his  zeal  and  success  in  the 
cause  of  church  extension.  Died  October  20,  1875. 

Hooke,  hook,  (NATHANIEL,)  a  Roman  Catholic  his- 
torian, born  about  1690,  was  an  intimate  friend  of  Pope  the 
poet.  His  principal  work  is  "The  Roman  History  from 
the  Building  of  Rome  to  the  End  of  the  Commonwealth," 
(4  vols.  4to,  1733-71,)  which  was  often  reprinted,  and  is 
commended  as  a  faithful  compilation.  I  le  was  employed 
by  Sarah,  Duchess  of  Marlborough,  as  editor  of  her 
Memoirs,  (1742.)  Died  in  1764. 

Hooke,  (ROBERT,)  M.D.,  an  English  philosopher, 
born  at  Freshwater,  in  the  Isle  of  Wight,  in  1635,  and 
noted  for  his  inventive  faculty,  mechanical  genius,  and 
scientific  acquirements.  In  1662  he  was  chosen  curator 
of  experiments  to  the  Royal  Society,  of  which  he  was 
a  Fellow,  and  afterwards  secretary.  About  1666  he 
became  professor  of  geometry  in  Gresham  College,  and 
city  surveyor  of  London.  Among  his  multifarious 
accomplishments  was  skill  in  architecture,  which  he 
exercised  in  drawing  the  plan  of  Bedlam  and  other 
public  buildings  in  London.  He  wrote  many  memoirs 
on  various  branches  of  natural  science.  He  had  a 
dispute  with  Hevelius  on  the  subject  of  the  telescope, 
and  attacked  Newton's  theory  of  light  and  colours. 
He  claimed  the  invention  of  the  barometer,  quadrant, 
balance-spring  for  watches,  etc.  Died  in  1702. 

See  "Biographia  Britannica;"  WALLER,  "Life  of  R-  Hooke;" 
WOOD,  "Gresham  Professors." 

Hook'er,  (HERMAN,)  an  American  Episcopalian  di- 
vine, born  at  Poultney,  Rutland  county,  Vermont.  He 
published,  among  other  works,  "The  Portion  of  the 
Soul,"  etc.,  (1835,)  "The  Philosophy  of  Unbelief  in 
Morals  and  Religion,"  and  "Uses  of  Adversity,"  (1846.) 
Died  in  1857. 

See  GRISWOLD,  "  Prose  Writers  of  America." 

Hook'er,  (hook'?r,)  otherwise  called  VSw'elL. 
(JOHN,)  M.P.,  an  English  historian,  born  at  Exeter 
about  1524,  was  uncle  of  Richard  Hooker,  noticed 
below.  He  represented  Exeter  in  Parliament  in  1571. 

He  compiled  a  large  part  of  Holinshed's  "Chronicles," 
(1586,)  and  wrote  a  treatise  on  the  order  and  usage  of 
Parliaments,  and  a  few  other  works.  Died  in  1601. 

Hook'er,  (JOSEPH,)  an  American  general,  born  in 
Hadley,  Mass.,  November  13,  1814,  graduated  at  West 
Point,  in  1837.  He  served  as  captain  in  the  Mexican 
war,  (1846-47,)  and  gained  the  brevet  of  lieutenant- 
colonel  at  Chapultepec.  Having  resigned  his  commis- 
sion about  1853,  he  lived  several  years  in  California.  He 
was  appointed  a  brigadier-general  of  volunteers  about 
May,  1861,  served  at  the  battle  of  Williamsburg,  and  in 
the  "seven  days'  battles"  near  Richmond,  June  26-July 
I,  1862.  He  became  a  major-general  in  July,  and  com- 
manded a  corps  at  the  battle  of  Antieta'm,  September 
17,  1862,  a  few  days  after  which  he  was  promoted  to 
the  rank  of  brigadier-general  in  the  regular  army.  He 
commanded  a  grand  division  under  General  Burnside 
at  Fredericksburg  in  December,  1862,  and  succeeded 
Burnside  as  commander  of  the  army  of  the  Potomac  in 
January,  1863.  This  army,  which  probably  amounted 
to  100,000  men  or  more,  engaged  the  enemy  at  Chan- 
cellorsville,  May  2  and  3,  and  was  defeated,  but  was  not 
pursued.  During  this  battle  he  was  stunned  by  a 
cannon-ball.  He  was  relieved  of  the  command  on  the 
28th  of  June,  1863,  and  was  sent  to  Tennessee  with  two 
corps  in  September  of  that  year.  He  contributed  to  the 
victory  gained  by  General  Grant  at  Lookout  Mountain, 
November  24  and  25,  1863,  and  commanded  a  corps  of 
the  army  which  General  Sherman  moved  from  Dalton 
to  Atlanta,  May-August,  1864.  He  afterwards  had 
command  of  the  Northern  Department.  Died  in  1879. 
Hooker,  (Sir  JOSEPH  DALTON,)  an  eminent 
botanist  and  traveller,  a  son  of  Sir  William  Jackson 
Hooker,  was  born  in  1817.  He  studied  medici»e,  and 
in  1839  sailed  as  surgeon  with  the  expedition  of  Sir 
James  Ross  to  the  Antarctic  Ocean.  On  his  return  he 
published  "  Flora  Antarctica,"  (2  vols.,  1844-47,)  the 
descriptions  and  illustrations  of  which  are  highly  com- 
mended. Between  1848  and  1852  he  explored  the  bo- 
tanical productions  of  the  Himalayas,  and  published 
"  Himalayan  Journals,"  (2  vols.,  1854,)  and  "  Flora  In- 
dica."  He  accompanied  Asa  Gray  through  the  western 
United  States  in  1877.  In  1855  he  became  assistant 
director  at  Kew,  and  succeeded  his  father  as  director 
in  1865.  Of  his  various  botanical  works  the  best 
known  is  "  The  Student's  Flora  of  the  British  Islands," 
(1870.)  The  most  important  are  "Genera  Planta- 
mm,"  (with  Bentham,  1862-83,)  and  "Index  Kcw- 
ensis,"  (with  Jackson,  1893  et  seq.) 

Hooker,  (RICHARD,)  an  eminent  English  divine  and 
author,  born  at  Heavytree,  near  Exeter,  in  1553.  After 
graduating  at  Oxford,  he  took  orders  in  1581,  and  in  an 
unguarded  hour  married  a  scolding  wife.  By  the  favour 
of  Sandys,  Bishop  of  London,  he  became  Master  of  the 
Temple  in  1585.  Here  he  was  involved  in  a  controversy 
with  Mr.  Travers,  a  Calvinist,  who  was  also  a  lecturer 
in  the  Temple.  One  of  the  consequences  of  this  dispute 
was  the  production  of  his  great  argument  for  the  consti- 
tution and  discipline  of  the  Anglican  Church,  entitled 
"The  Laws  of  Ecclesiastical  Polity."  After  he  began 
this  work,  desiring  a  more  retired  station  than  the 
Temple,  he  obtained  in  1591  the  rectory  of  Boscombe, 
to  which  the  prebend  of  Salisbury  was  added.  From 
1595  until  his  death  he  was  rector  of  Bishopsbourne. 
His  work  above-named  was  published  from  1594  to 
1597.  It  is  regarded  as  a  great  bulwark  of  the  Church, 
a  monument  of  sound  learning,  and  a  noble  model  of 
literary  excellence.  According  to  Hallam,  "the  finest 
as  well  as  the  most  philosophical  writer  of  the  Eliza- 
bethan period  is  Hooker.  The  first  book  of  his  '  Eccle- 
siastical Polity'  is  at  this  day  one  of  the  master-pieces 
of  English  eloquence.  ...  So  stately  and  graceful  is  the 
march  of  his  periods,  so  various  the  fall  of  his  musical 
cadences  upon  the  ear,  so  rich  in  images,  so  condensed 
in  sentences,  so  grave  and  noble  his  diction,  that  I 
know  not  whether  any  later  writer  has  more  admirably 
displayed  the  capacities  of  our  language,  or  produced 
passages  more  worthy  of  comparison  with  the  splendid 
monuments  of  antiquity."  ("Introduction  to  the  Litera- 
ture of  Europe.")  Died  in  1600. 

a,  e, I, o,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e, I,  o,  u,  Jf,  short;  a,  ?,  i,  p.  obscure;  fir,  fill,  fit;  met;  nSt ;  good;  moon 




Hooker,  (Rev.  THOMAS,)  one  of  the  founders  of  Con- 
necticut, was  born  at  Marfield,  England,  in  1586.  After 
preaching  in  Holland,  he  emigrated  in  1633  to  Boston, 
Massachusetts,  and  was  the  first  pastor  of  Cambridge. 
In  1636,  in  company  with  Samuel  Stone,  he  founded  the 
city  of  Hartford,  where  he  was  minister  until  his  death. 
He  was  a  very  influential  man  in  the  churches,  and  wrote 
many  treatises,  among  which  is  the  "Application  of 
Redemption."  Died  in  1647. 

See  E.  W.  HOOKER.  "Life  of  Thomas  Hooker,"  1849. 

Hooker,  (WILI.IAM  JACKSON,)  F.R.S.,  a  distinguished 
English  botanist,  born  at  Norwich  in  1785.  He  pub- 
lished in  1811  "A  Journal  of  a  Tour  in  Iceland  in  1809," 
and  described,  with  Dr.  Taylor,  British  mosses  in 
"Muscologia  Britannica,"  (1818.)  His  "Flora  Scotica" 
appeared  in  1821.  He  produced  an  excellent  "Flora 
Exotica,"  (3  vols.,  1823-27.)  For  many  years  he  was  pro- 
fessor of  botany  in  the  University  of  Glasgow.  Among 
his  greatest  works  are  "Icones  Filicum,"  or  "Figures 
and  Descriptions  of  Ferns,"  (with  Dr.  Greville,  2  vols., 
1829-31,)  "  Flora  Boreali-Americana,"  (2  vols.,  1829-40,) 
and  a  "British  Flora,"  (1830;  6th  edition,  1850,)  which 
gives  a  complete  description  of  British  plants,  arranged 
after  the  natural  method.  He  was  appointed  about  1840 
director  of  the  royal  gardens  at  Kew,  which  have  been 
greatly  improved  under  his  superintendence,  and  are 
said  to  surpass  all  other  gardens  in  the  world  in  the 
number  and  variety  of  the  plants.  He  was  the  father 
of  Dr.  J.  D.  Hooker,  noticed  above.  Died  in  1865. 

Hooiakoo,  Houlakou,  HtUaktt,  hoo'lS-koo',  or 
Hoolagoo,  hoo-la-goo',  sometimes  very  improperly 
written  Hulakoo,  a  grandson  of  Jengis  Khan,  born  in 
1217,  was  the  first  of  the  Eel-Khans,  (Ilkhans  or  Ilchans,) 
or  Mongol  kings  of  Persia.  He  was  commanded  by 
his  elder  brother  Mangoo  (the  father  of  Kooblai  Khan) 
to  complete  the  conquest  of  Persia,  which  he  accom- 
plished about  the  year  1255.  He  exterminated  the  Is- 
maeelians,  or  Assassins,  and  afterwards  directed  his  forces 
against  Bagdad,  which  he  took  in  February,  1258,  and 
delivered  up  to  pillage  and  massacre.  If  we  may  believe 
the  statements  of  the  Moslem  historians,  nearly  800,000 
persons,  including  Motassem  (the  last  of  the  Abbasside 
caliphs)  and  his  eldest  son,  perished  on  that  occasion. 
As  a  warrior,  Hooiakoo  was  distinguished  for  his  san- 
guinary cruelty  :  he  was  nevertheless  a  patron  of  science, 
and  the  celebrated  Eel-Khanee  (or  -Khannee)  astro- 
nomical tables  were  prepared  under  his  auspices,  and 
derive  their  name  from  his  title  of  Eel-Khan,  signifying 
the  prince  or  chief  of  the  tribe.  He  died  in  1265,  and 
was  succeeded  by  his  son,  Abaka  Khan. 

See  MALCOLM,  "History  of  Persia,"  vol.  i.  chap.  x. :  VON 
HAMMER,  "Geschichte  der  Ilchane:"  D'OHSSON,  "Histoire  des 

Hoole,  hool,  (Rev.  CHARLES,)  born  at  Wakefield, 
England,  in  1610,  taught  school  with  credit  in  London, 
etc.,  and  was  afterwards  rector  of  Stock.  He  wrote  a 
"  Latin  Grammar,"  and  other  school-books.  Died  in  1666. 

Hoole,  (ELIJAH,)  an  English  Orientalist  and  Wesleyan 
minister,  born  at  Manchester  about  1798.  He  served  as 
a  missionary  in  India,  and  published  "  Madras,  Mysore, 
and  the  South  of  India."  Died  in  1672. 

Hoole,  (JOHN,)  an  English  dramatist  and  translator, 
born  in  London  in  1727,  was  educated  in  Grub  Street. 
He  was  a  friend  of  Dr.  Johnson,  and  was  a  clerk  in  the 
East  India  House  about  forty  years.  He  wrote  several 
tragedies,  and  translated  into  bad  or  insipid  verse  the 
great  poems  of  Tasso  and  Ariosto.  In  reference  to  his 
version  of  Tasso,  (published  in  1763,)  Sir  Walter  Scott 
called  Hoole  a  "  noble  transmuter  of  gold  into  lead." 
His  "Orlando  Furioso"  appeared  in  5  vols.,  1773-83. 
Died  in  1803. 

See  "Biographia  Dramatics." 

Hoole,  MRS.  See  HOFLAND,  (BARBARA.) 
Hooniay oon  or  Humayflu,  hoo'mi'yoon',  Emperor 
of  Hindostan,  of  the  dynasty  of  the  Great  Moguls,  was 
the  eldest  son  of  Baber.  He  was  born  at  Cabool  in  1508, 
and  ascended  the  throne  in  1530.  Agra  was  his  capital. 
He  was  defeated  by  the  Afghans  in  1540.  His  brothers 
having  rebelled  against  him,  he  was  driven  out  of  his 
kingdom,  and  took  refuge  at  the  court  of  Persia.  In 
1545  he  returned  with  an  army  and  recovered  his  throne. 

He  gained  decisive  victories  over  the  Afghans,  umlei 
Sekunder  Shah,  on  the  Sutlej,  in  1554,  and  at  Sirhind  in 
'555-  He  died  in  1556,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  son, 
the  celebrated  Akbar.  He  was  versed  in  astronomy,  and 
wrote  several  poems. 

See  "Private  Memoirs  of  Houmaioon,"  translated  from  the  Per- 
sian by  MAJOR  C.  STEWART;  FERISHTA,  "  History  of  the  Rise  of 
the  Mahomedan  Power  io  India,"  translated  by  GENERAL  HRIGGS; 
W.  ERSKINE,  "  History  of  India  under  Baber  and  Humayun,"  2  vols., 
1854;  ABOOL-FAUHL,  "  Akbar-Nameh." 

Hoop'er,  (GEORGE,)  D.D.,  an  English  prelate,  born 
at  Grimley  in  1640,  was  educated  at  Oxford,  and  was 
an  excellent  classical  and  Oriental  scholar.  In  1677  he 
was  almoner  to  Mary,  Princess  of  Orange,  and  in  1691 
became  chaplain  to  William  and  Mary,  and  Dean  of  Can- 
terbury. He  obtained  the  bishopric  of  Saint  Asaph  in 
1703,  from  which  he  was  afterwards  transferred  to  that 
of  Bath  and  Wells.  He  published  numerous  religious 
works.  Died  in  1727. 

Hooper  or  Hoper,  (JOHN,)  an  English  reformer  and 
martyr,  born  in  Somersetshire  about  1495.  While  a  stu- 
dent at  Oxford,  he  was  converted  to  the  Protestant  faith. 
In  1539,  to  escape  the  Bloody  Statutes  of  Henry  VIII.,  he 
retired  from  England  and  passed  several  years  at  Zurich. 
At  the  death  of  Henry  he  settled  in  London,  where  he 
became  an  eminent  and  eloquent  preacher.  In  1550  he 
was  made  Bishop  of  Gloucester,  and  in  1552  received 
the  bishopric  of  Worcester  in  commendam.  Soon  after 
the  accession  of  Mary  he  was  condemned  as  a  heretic, 
and,  refusing  to  recant,  was  burned  at  the  stake  in  1553. 
He  wrote  numerous  theological  works. 

See  Fox,  "  Book  of  Martyrs ;"  BUKNET,  "  History  of  the  Reforma- 

Hoop'er,  (LuCY,)  an  American  writer,  born  at  New- 
buryport,  Massachusetts,  in  1816,  wrote  sketches  entitled 
"Scenes  from  Real  Life,"  (1840,)  "The  Poetry  of  Flow- 
ers," and  other  works.  She  died  in  1841,  and  her  "Literary 
Remains"  were  published  in  1842,  with  a  Memoir. 

See  GRISWOLD,  "  Female  Poets  of  America  ;"  "  Democratic  Re- 
view" for  July,  1842. 

Hooper,  (Lucv  HAMILTON,)  an  American  author, 
born  at  Philadelphia  in  1835.  Her  maiden  name  was 
JONES.  She  published  "  Poems,"  and  "  Under  the  Tri- 
color," a  novel.  For  a  long  time  she  was  a  newspaper 
correspondent  in  Paris.  Died  August  31,  1893. 

Hooper,  (ROBERT,)  a  British  medical  writer,  was  born 
in  1773.  Among  his  works  are  a  "Medical  Dictionary," 
(1798;  8th  edition,  by  Dr.  Grant,  in  1839,)  and  "Sur- 
geon's Vade-Mecum,"  (3d  edition,  enlarged  by  Dr. 
Dunglison,  1824.)  Died  in  1835. 

Hooper,  (WILLIAM,)  an  American  patriot,  was  born 
in  Boston  in  1742.  He  graduated  at  Harvard  in  1760, 
studied  law  with  James  Otis,  and  rose  to  eminence  in 
his  profession  in  Wilmington,  North  Carolina.  In  1774 
he  was  chosen  one  of  the  delegates  to  the  first  Conti- 
nental Congress.  Soon  after  signing  the  Declaration  of 
Independence,  in  1776,  he  resigned  his  seat.  Died  in  1790. 

Hoorn  van  Vlooswyck,  hoRn  vSn  vlos'wik,(PiETER 
NIKLAAS,)  BARON,  a  Dutch  nobleman,  born  at  Amster- 
dam in  1742,  possessed  an  immense  fortune.  Having  a 
taste  for  art,  he  formed  a  splendid  collection  of  gems, 
cameos,  mosaics,  etc.  Died  in  1809. 

Hooinbeek  or  Hoornbeck,  hoRn'bak,  (JAN,)  » 
Dutch  writer  on  theology,  born  at  Haarlem  about  1616, 
was  professor  at  Utrecht.  Died  in  1666. 

Hoorne,  COUNT.     See  HORN. 

Hoorne,  van,  vin  hoR'neh,  or  Home,  (JAN,)  a  Dutcu 
anatomist,  was  born  at  Amsterdam  in  1621.  He  became 
professor  of  surgery  at  Leyden  about  1650,  and  gained  a 
high  reputation.  He  published,  besides  other  works  on 
anatomy,  a  "  Brief  Introduction  to  the  History  of  the 
Human  Body,"  ("  Brevis  Manuductio  ad  Historian! 
Corporis  humani,"  1660,)  a  work  of  much  merit  Died 
in  1670. 

See  EsscHundGRUBER,  "  Allgemeine  Encyldopaedie  ;"  CHARLES 
DRELINCOUKT,  "Oratiode  J.  van  Home,"  1670. 

author  and  connoisseur,  son  of  Thomas  Hope,  noticed 
below,  was  born  in  London  in  1820.  Among  his  works 
are  an  essay  on  "  Newspapers  and  their  Writers,"  "The 
English  Cathedral  of  the  Nineteenth  Century,"  and 
"Worship  in  the  Church  of  England."  Died  in  1887. 

<  a.s  k,  c  as  s;  g  hard:  g  as/V  G,  H,  K,.?uttiir,jl;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled:  Bass;  th  as  in  this. 

See  Explanations,  p. 





Hope,  (Rev.  FREDERICK  WILLIAM,)  F.R.S.,  an  Eng 
lish  entomologist,  born  about  1800,  wrote  "  The  Coleop 
terist's  Manual."  Died  in  1862. 

Hope,  (Sir  HENRY,)  a  British  admiral,  born  in  1787; 
died  in  1863. 

Hope,  (JAMES,)  a  British  physician  of  the  present  cen 
tury,  was  physician  to  Saint  George's  Hospital,  London, 
and  published  "  Principles  and  Illustrations  of  Morbid 
Anatomy,"  (1834,)  and  a  "Treatise  on  Diseases  of  the 
Heart  and  Great  Vessels,"  (1839.)  Died  about  1840. 

Hope,  (JOHN,)  M.D.,  F.R.S.,  a  Scottish  botanist,  born 
in  1725,  was  educated  at  Edinburgh  and  Paris,  and 
practised  in  the  former  city.  In  1761  he  was  appointed 
king's  botanist  in  Scotland,  and  superintendent  of  the 
royal  garden,  and  in  1786  regius  professor  of  botany  in 
the  University  of  Edinburgh.  He  commenced  a  work 
on  botany,  which  he  did  not  live  to  finish.  Died  in  1786. 

Hope,  (JOHN,)  Earl  of  Hopetoun,  a  British  general, 
born  near  Linlithgow  in  1766,  was  a  younger  son  of  the 
second  Earl  of  Hopetoun.  After  passing  through  the 
inferior  grades,  he  was  made  a  colonel  in  1796,  and  re- 
turned to  Parliament.  In  1800  he  served  as  adjutant- 
general  under  General  Abercrombie  in  Egypt,  and  in 
1802  obtained  the  rank  of  major-general.  Having  been 
made  lieutenant-general  in  1808,  he  took  part  in  the 
battle  of  Corunna,  in  1809,  and  at  the  death  of  Sir  John 
Moore  succeeded  him  in  the  command.  He  was  com- 
mander-in-chief  in  Ireland  about  1812.  In  1814  he  was 
raised  to  the  peerage,  as  Baron  of  Niddry,  and  at  the 
death  of  his  elder  brother,  in  1816,  inherited  his  title. 
Died  in  1823. 

See  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen." 

Hope,  (Sir  THOMAS,)  a  Scottish  lawyer,  born  in  Edin- 
burgh. He  was  knighted  and  appointed  king's  advocate 
in  1627,  after  gaining  distinction  at  the  bar.  He  wrote 
valuable  legal  treatises.  His  father,  Henry  Hope,  was 
related  to  the  wealthy  family  of  Hope  in  Amsterdam. 
Died  in  1646. 

Hope,  (THOMAS,)  an  English  novelist  and  miscellane- 
ous writer  of  rare  merit,  born  about  1770,  was  a  member 
of  the  wealthy  family  of  Hope  of  Amsterdam.  After 
traversing  Europe,  Asia,  and  Africa,  to  gratify  his  pas- 
sion for  architecture,  and  retiring  from  business  with  an 
immense  fortune,  he  settled  in  London,  and  distinguished 
himself  as  a  patron  of  the  fine  arts.  He  formed  galleries 
of  paintings  and  statues,  and  magnificent  collections  of 
lare  works  of  art.  In  1807  he  published  a  work  on 
"  Household  Furniture,"  which  produced  quite  a  revolu- 
tion in  upholstery  and  an  improvement  in  the  public 
taste.  Soon  after  appeared  "  The  Costume  of  the  An- 
cients," and  "  Modern  Costumes,"  which  evince  great 
antiquarian  lore.  In  1819  he  published,  anonymously, 
"Anastasius;  or,  Memoirs  of  a  Modern  Greek,"  which 
was  attributed  to  Byron,  and  made  a  vivid  sensation 
by  its  surprising  combination  of  Oriental  romance  and 
classic  learning.  "  Mr.  Hope  will  excuse  us,"  says  Syd- 
ney Smith,  "but  we  could  not  help  exclaiming,  in  read- 
ing it,  'Is  this  Mr.  Thomas  Hope? — is  this  the  man  of 
chairs  and  tables  ?— the  CEdipus  of  coal-boxes  ? — he  who 
meditated  on  muffineers  and  planned  pokers?  Where 
has  he  hidden  all  this  eloquence  and  poetry  up  to  this 
hour?'  The  work  before  us  places  him  in  the  highest 
list  of  eloquent  writers  and  of  superior  men."  Byron 
said  he  would  have  given  his  two  most  approved  poems 
to  have  been  the  author  of  "Anastasius."  Hope  also 
wrote  an  "  Essay  on  the  Origin  and  Prospects  of  Man," 
and  a  "Historical  Essay  on  Architecture,"  (1835.)  which 
was  received  with  favour.  He  married  in  1807  Louisa 
Beresford,  a  daughter  of  W.  Beresford,  Archbishop  of 
Tuam.  Died  in  1831. 

See  SYDNEY  SMITH'S  article  in  the  "  Edinburgh  Review"  for 
March,  1821,  (vol.  uocv.,)  also  for  July,  1807;  "Quarterly  Review," 
rol.  xxiv. 

Hope,  (THOMAS  CHARLES,)  an  eminent  teacher  of 
chemistry,  born  in  Edinburgh  in  1766,  was  a  son  of  John 
Hope,  the  botanist,  noticed  above.  He  became  profesioi 
of  chemistry  at  Glasgow  in  1787,  and  discovered  a  new 
earth,  which  he  named  "Strontites,"  about  1792.  In 
1798  he  succeeded  Dr.  Black  in  the  chair  of  chemistry 

in  Edinburgh,  where  he  lectured  until  1843.  He  was 
reputed  the  most  popular  teacher  of  chemistry  in  Great 
Britain.  He  wrote  several  short  treatises,  one  of  which 
is  "On  the  Point  of  Greatest  Density  of  Water,"  (1805.) 
Died  in  1844. 

Hope,  (Sir  WILLIAM  JOHNSTONE,)  M.P.,  a  British 
naval  officer,  born  at  Finchley  in  1766.  As  post-captain, 
he  served  with  distinction  under  Lord  Howe  against  the 
French  in  1794.  In  1819  he  was  raised  to  the  rank  of 
vice-admiral,  and  the  next  year  became  a  lord  of  the  admi- 
ralty. He  was  knighted  in  1825.  He  was  a  member  of 
the  House  of  Commons  for  thirty  years.  Died  in  1831. 

Hoper.    See  HOOPER,  (JOHN.) 

Hopfner  or  Hoepfher,  hopfner,  (ToHANN  GEORG 
CHRISTIAN,)  a  German  archaeologist,  born  at  Leipsic  in 
1765.  He  published,  besides  other  works,  a  "  Manual 
of  Greek  Mythology,"  (1795.)  Died  in  1827. 

HSpital.    See  L'HOpiTAL. 

Hopken  or  Hoepken,  hop'ken,  (ANDERS  JOHAN,) 
a  Swedish  statesman  and  writer  of  great  merit,  born 
in  1712,  became  a  member  of  the  senate  in  1746.  He 
was  one  of  the  first  who  formed  the  Swedish  language 
on  the  models  of  Greece  and  Rome.  His  Eulogies  on 
Count  Tessin  and  Ekeblad  are  greatly  admired.  Died 
in  1789. 

See  E.  M.  FANT,"  Aminnelse-Tal  ofver  A.  J.  von  Hopken,"  1789; 
GVLDHNSTOLPK,  "  Aminnelse-Tal  bfver  A.  J.  von  Hopken,"  1789. 

Hop'kini,  (CHARLES,)  born  at  Exeter  in  1664,  was 
the  son  of  Bishop  Ezekiel  Hopkins.  He  was  intimate 
with  Dryden  and  Congreve,  wrote  several  tragedies, 
and  translated  Ovid's  "Art  of  Love."  Died  in  1699. 

His  brother  JOHN,  born  in  1675,  was  the  author  of  a 
collection  of  poems  entitled  "Amasia,"  (3  vols.,  1700,) 
and  other  poems,  among  which  is  "The  Triumphs  of 
Peace,  or  the  Glories  of  Nassau,"  (1698.)  Died  after 

Hop'kin§,  (EDWARD,)  Governor  of  Connecticut,  born 
in  London  in  1600,  emigrated  to  Boston,  Massachu- 
setts, in  1637.  He  was  chosen  Governor  of  Connecticut 
in  1640,  and  was  re-elected  every  other  year  until  1654. 
Soon  after  this  he  returned  to  England,  where  he  was 
appointed  warden  of  the  fleet  and  commissioner  of  the 
admiralty,  and  was  elected  to  Parliament.  Died  in  1657. 

Hopkins,  (EDWARD  JOHN,)  an  English  musician 
and  composer,  born  at  Westminster,  June  30,  1818. 
Since  1843  he  has  been  organist  of  the  Temple  Church 
in  London.  He  published  "The  Organ,  its  History  and 
Construction,"  and  has  composed  anthems,  chants,  and 
psalm-tunes.  His  brother,  JOHN  HOPKINS,  born  in 
1822,  has  also  distinguished  himself  as  a  composer  of 
sacred  music. 

Hopkins,  (EsEK,)  an  American  naval  officer,  born 
in  Scituate,  Rhode  Island,  in  1718.  He  was  appointed 
commander-in-chief  of  the  navy  in  1775.  He  captured 
a  British  fort  at  New  Providence,  and  several  vessels  of 
war,  in  1775  or  1776.  Died  in  1802. 

Hopkins,  (EztKlEL,)  an  English  Calvinistic  divine, 
born  at  Sandford,  Devonshire,  in  1633,  was  a  popular 
preacher,  and  one  of  the  standard  theologians  of  Eng- 
land. He  became  Bishop  of  Raphoe  in  1671,  and  Bishop 
of  Londonderry  in  1681.  He  was  driven  from  this  place 
by  the  Catholic  insurgents  in  1688.  Among  his  works 
(which  are  admired  even  by  many  who  are  not  Calvinists) 
are  a  "Treatise  on  the  Vanity  of  the  World,"  (1663,) 
"  Sermons,"  (4  vols.,  1691-96,)  the  "Doctrine  of  the  Two 
Covenants,"  and  "  Exposition  on  the  Lord's  Prayer," 
(1692.)  His  style  is  remarkable  for  sententious  brevity. 
Died  in  1690. 

Hopkins,  (JoHN,)  an  English  teacher,  who  graduated 
at  Oxford  in  1544,  is  chiefly  noted  for  his  share  in  the 
poetical  version  of  David's  Psalms  by  Sternhold  and 
Hopkins.  He  is  supposed  to  have  been  a  clergyman. 

Hopkins,  (JOHN  HENRY,)  an  Episcopal  theologian, 
born  in  Dublin,  Ireland,  in  1792,  came  to  the  United 
States  in  1800.  He  became  rector  of  a  church  at  Pitts- 

rg  in  1824,  and  was  chosen  Bishop  of  Vermont  in 
1832.  Among  his  numerous  works  are  "The  Primitive 
Creed  Examined  and  Explained,"  (1834,)  a  "Scriptural, 
Ecclesiastical,  and  Historical  View  of  Slavery,"  (1864,)  in 
which  work  he  advocates  the  Southern  view  of  slavery, 
and  "The  Law  of  Ritualism,"  (1866.)  Died  in  1868 

»,  e,  i,  6, u,  y,  long:  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  T,  6,  u,  J, short;  a,  e,  j,  o,  obscure,  far,  (311,  fat;  mit;  not;  good;  moon 



Hopkins,  (JOHN  HENRY,)  D.LI.,  an  American  clergy 
man,  a  son  of  Bishop  J.  II.  Hopkins,  already  noticed 
was  born  at  Pittsburg,  Pennsylvania,  October  28,  1820 
He  graduated  at  the  University  of  Vermont  in  1839,  anc 
at  the  General  Theological  Seminary  (Episcopal)  in 
1850,  took  priest's  orders  in  1872,  founded  the  "Church 
Journal,"  (New  York,)  and  edited  the  same,  1853-68 
He  published  a  "Manual  of  Matrimony,"  (1845,)  "Carols 
Hymns,  and  Songs,"  (1863  ;  3d  edition,  1882,)  "Canticles 
Noted,"  (1866,)  "Life  of  Bishop  Hopkins,"  (1872, 
"  Poems  by  the  Wayside,"  (1883,)  etc.  He  also  editec 
the  writings  of  Dr.  Milo  Mahan,  and  wrote  his  memoir 
Hopkins,  (JOHNS,)  an  American  philanthropist,  born 
in  Anne  Arundel  county,  Maryland,  May  19,  1795.  He 
acquired  a  large  fortune  as  a  wholesale  grocer  of  Balti- 
more. He  founded  a  noble  free  hospital,  a  convalescent 
hospital,  a  coloured  orphanage,  and  the  Johns  Hopkins 
University,  endowing  these  institutions  with  more  than 
eight  millions  of  dollars.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
Society  of  Friends,  and  lived  and  died  a  bachelor.  Diec 
at  Baltimore,  December  24,  1873. 

Hopkins,  (LEMUEL,)  M.D.,  born  at  Waterbury,  Con- 
necticut, in  1750.  He  practised  medicine  at  Litchfielc 
from  1776  to  1784,  and  at  Hartford  until  1801.  He  wrote 
"The  Hypocrite's  Hope,"  and  other  poems.  He  was 
associated  with  Barlow  and  Trumbull  in  writing  "The 
Anarchiad,"  a  poem.  Died  in  1801. 

Hopkins,  (MARK,)  a  Presbyterian  theologian,  born  in 
Stockbridge,  Massachusetts,  in  1802,  graduated  at  Wil- 
liams College  in  1824.  He  became  professor  of  moral 
philosophy  in  that  college  in  1830,  and  was  president  of 
the  same  from  1836  to  1872.  He  published  "  Lowell  Lec- 
tures on  the  Evidences  of  Christianity,"  "Miscellaneous 
Essays  and  Discourses,"  (1847,)  "Lectures  on  Moral 
Philosophy,"  (1858,)  "The  Law  of  Love  and  Love  as  a 
Law,  or  Christian  Ethics,"  (1869,)  "Outline  Study  of 
Man,"  (1873,)  and  "  Strength  and  Beauty,"  (1874.)  He 
received  the  degree  of  D.D.  from  Dartmouth  College  in 
1 837,  and  that  of  LL.  D.  from  the  University  of  New  York 
in  1857.  Died  June  17,  1887. 

Hopkins,  (SAMUEL,)  an  American  divine,  born  at 
Waterbury,  Connecticut,  in  1721,  is  called  the  founder 
of  the  Hopkinsian  school.  He  studied  theology  under 
Jonathan  Edwards,  was  ordained  a  minister  in  1743,  and 
began  in  that  year  to  preach  at  Housatonnoc,  now 
Great  Barrington.  In  1769  he  removed  from  that  place 
to  Newport,  Rhode  Island.  "  Dr.  Hopkins,"  says  Allen, 
"was  a  very  humble,  pious,  and  benevolent  man.  .  .  .  His 
life  was  spent  chiefly  in  meditation ;  his  preaching  had 
but  little  effect."  He  published  a  "  System  of  Doctrines 
contained  in  Divine  Revelation  Explained  and  Defended," 
(1793,)  and  also  wrote  a  "  Dialogue  against  Slavery," 
(1776,)  etc.  He  forms  a  prominent  character  in  Mrs. 
Stowe's  "  Minister's  Wooing."  Died  in  1803. 

Hopkins,  (STEPHEN,)  an  American  statesman,  born 
at  Scituate,  Rhode  Island,  in  1707,  was  a  farmer  in  his 
youth,  and  afterwards  a  merchant.  He  was  chief  justice 
of  the  superior  court  from  1751  to  1754,  and  subsequently 
Governor  of  Rhode  Island.  In  1774  he  was  elected  to 
Congress,  and  signed  the  Declaration  of  Independence 
in  1776.  The  unsteadiness  of  his  hand  indicated  by  his 
signature  was  occasioned  not  by  fear,  but  by  a  nervous 
affection.  He  continued  in  Congress  until  1779.  Died 
in  1785. 

Hopkins,  (Rev.  WILLIAM,)  a  learned  antiquary,  born 
at  Evesham,  England,  in  1647,  was  made  prebendary  of 
Worcester  in  1675,  and  vicar  of  Lindridge  in  1686.  Died 
in  1700. 

Hopkins,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  Arian  writer,  born 
*t  Monmouth  in  1706,  became  vicar  of  Bolney  in  1731. 
He  wrote  a  treatise  in  favour  of  Arianism,  and  translated 
the  book  of  Exodus,  (1784.)  Died  in  1786. 

Hop'kin-son,  (FRANCIS,)  an  eminent  author,  wit,  and 
patriot,  born  in  Philadelphia  in  1737.  He  graduated  at 
the  college  of  his  native  city,  and  chose  the  profession 
of  the  law.  Having  visited  England  in  1765,  and  passed 
two  years  there,  he  returned  home,  settled  at  Borden- 
town,  and  married  Miss  Ann  Borden.  From  1774  to 
1 777  he  published  "  The  Pretty  Story,"  "  The  Prophecy," 
tnd  the  "  Political  Catechism,"  three  humorous  and 

popular  essays,  which  contributed  to  foment  f.,e  spirit 
of  freedom  and  to  prepare  the  people  for  national  inde- 
pendence. He  represented  New  Jersey  in  the  Conti- 
nental Congress  of  1776,  and  signed  the  Declaration  of 
Independence.  He  was  appointed  judge  of  the  admi- 
ralty of  Pennsylvania  in  1779,  and  in  1790  judge  of  the 
district  court  of  the  United  States.  Besides  the  above 
essays,  he  wrote  the  "  Battle  of  the  Kegs,"  a  ballad,  and 
other  works,  in  prose  and  verse.  Died  in  1791. 

See  SANDERSON,  "  Biography  of  the  Signers  to  the  Declaration 
of  Independence;"  "National  Portrait  -Gallery  of  Distinguished 
Americans,"  vol.  iii. 

Hopkinson,  (JOSEPH,)  LL.D.,  an  American  jurist, 
author  of  "  Hail  Columbia,"  and  son  of  the  preceding, 
was  born  in  Philadelphia  in  1770.  He  was  educated  at 
the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  studied  law,  and  rose  to 
eminence  in  his  profession  in  his  native  city.  He  was 
the  leading  counsel  for  Dr.  Rush  in  his  famous  libel 
suit  against  William  Cobbett  in  1799,  and  was  also  em- 
ployed in  the  trials  under  the  alien  and  sedition  laws 
before  Judge  Chase  in  1800,  and  in  the  impeachment  of 
the  latter  for  alleged  misdemeanour  in  office  during  these 
trials,  before  the  United  States  Senate,  in  1805.  From 
1815  to  1819  he  was  a  representative  in  Congress,  in 
which  he  distinguished  himself  as  a  speaker,  particu- 
larly in  opposition  to  the  United  States  Bank,  and  on 
the  Seminole  war.  In  1828  he  was  appointed  by  Presi- 
dent Adams  judge  of  the  United  States  court  for  the 
eastern  district  of  Pennsylvania,  which  position  he  held 
till  his  death,  in  1842. 

See  "Lives  of  Eminent  Philadelphians,"  1859, 

Hop'per,  (ISAAC  TATEM,)  a  distinguished  philanthro- 
pist, a  member  of  the  Society  of  Friends,  born  near  Wood- 
bury,  New  Jersey,  in  1771.  He  resided  many  years  in 
Philadelphia,  but  passed  the  latter  part  of  his  life  in  New 
York.  He  was  a  man  of  great  energy,  courage,  and  intel- 
lectual acuteness,  and  distinguished  for  his  life-long  efforts 
to  promote  benevolent  and  humane  objects,  —  especially 
negro  emancipation.  In  the  controversy  which  resulted 
in  the  separation  of  the  Society  of  Friends  in  1827,  he 
was  one  of  the  most  zealous  adherents  of  the  anti- 
orthodox  party.  Died  in  1852. 

See  LYDIA  M.  CHILD,  "  Life  of  I.  T.  Hopper,"  1853  ;  "  Lives  of 
Eminent  Philadelphians,"  1859. 

er,  (THOMAS,)  an  English  architect,  born  at 
Rochester  about  1775.  After  being  employed  by  the 
prince-regent  on  Carleton  House,  he  erected  many  castles 
and  mansions  for  the  nobility,  among  which  Penrhyn 
Castle  is  regarded  as  one  of  the  best.  He  possessed 
superior  conversational  powers,  and  associated  freely 
with  people  of  distinction.  Died  in  1856. 

Hoppers,  hop'pers,  or  Hopper,  hop'per,  (JOACHIM,) 
[Lat.  HOPPE'RUS,]  a  Dutch  jurist,  born  in  Friesland  in 
1523.  Ln  1566  he  became  privy  councillor  at  Madrid, 
and  chancellor  for  the  affairs  of  the  Netherlands.  He 
was  more  moderate  than  the  other  ministers  of  Philip 
[I.  Among  his  works  is  one  "  On  the  Legal  Art,"  ("  De 
Juris  Arte  Libri  tres,"  1553.)  Died  in  1576. 

See  MOTLEY,  "  Rise  of  the  Dutch  Republic,"  part  ii.  chap  T., 
and  part  iv.  chap.  iv. 

Hop'pin,  (AUGUSTUS,)  an  American  artist,  born  in 
Providence,  Rhode  Island,  in  1828.  He  pursued  a  col- 
egiate  course  at  Brown  University,  and  entered  upon 
:he  profession  of  law,  but  subsequently  devoted  himself 
o  drawing  on  wood.  He  illustrated  "The  Autocrat  of 
he  Breakfast-Table,"  the  poem  of  "Nothing  to  Wear," 
md  numerous  other  subjects.  Died  April  I,  1896. 

Hoppin,  (JAMES  MASON,)  D.D.,  an  American  scholar, 
>orn  at  Providence,  Rhode  Island,  January  17,  1820. 
rle  graduated  at  Yale  College  in  1840,  and  studied  in  the 
Jniversity  of  Berlin,  was  professor  of  homiletics  and 
jastoral  theology  in  Yale  College,  1861-79,  and  in  1879 
jecame  professor  of  the  history  of  art  in  the  same  insti- 
ution.  His  principal  books  are  "  Notes  of  a  Theological 
Student,"  (1854,)  "Old  England,"  (1867,)  "Office  and 
Work  of  the  Christian  Ministry,"  (1869,)  "Life  of 
Admiral  Foote,"  (1874,)  "Memoirs  of  Henry  Armitl 
Brown,"  (1880,)  and  "  Homiletics,"  (1881.) 

Hoppin,  (THOMAS  F.,)  an  American  painter  and  de- 
igner,  brother  of  Augustus  Hoppin,  born  in  Providence, 

t  as  k;  9  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as/;  G,  H,  ^guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  til  as  in  Ms.     (3^=See  Explanations,  p.  33.) 




Rhode  Island,  in  1816.  Among  the  most  important  of 
his  designs  are  the  figures  on  the  great  window  of  Trinity 
Church,  New  York. 

Hopp'ner,  (JOHN,)  R.A.,  an  excellent  English  por- 
trait-painter, born  in  London  in  1759.  He  studied  in 
the  Royal  Academy,  and  was  patronized  by  the  Prince 
of  Wales.  For  many  years  he  was  the  most  fashionable 
portrait-painter  of  London,  except  Sir  Thomas  Lawrence. 
H</ppner  was  very  successful  in  portraits  of  women.  His 
colouring  is  natural  and  powerful,  and  his  tones  are 
mellow  and  deep.  His  works  have  a  charming  air  of 
facility  and  negligence.  Died  in  1810. 

See  CUNNINGHAM,  "Lives  of  Painters,"  etc. 

Hop'tpn,  (ARTHUR,)  a  learned  English  mathema- 
tician, born  in  Somersetshire  in  1588,  was  intimate  with 
Selden.  He  wrote  "Speculum  Topographicum,"  (1611,) 
and  a  few  other  works.  Died  in  1614. 

Hopton,  (Sir  RALPH,)  an  English  royalist  officer,  who 
fought  for  Charles  I.  in  the  civil  war.  He  obtained  some 
success  in  Cornwall  in  1643.  In  1646  he  commanded 
about  8000  men  at  the  battle  of  Torrington,  where  he 
was  defeated  by  Fairfax.  Died  about  1652. 

Hopton,  (SUSANNA,)  an  English  authoress,  born  in 
1627,  wrote  "  Hexameron,  or  Meditations  on  the  Six 
Days  of  Creation."  Died  in  1709. 

Horace,  hor'ass,  [Lat.  HORA'TIUS;  Fr.  HORACE, 
o'riss';  Ger.  HORAZ,  ho-rits';  It.  ORAZIO,  o-rlt'se-o,]  or, 
more  fully,  Quin'tus  Hora'tius  Flac'cus,  an  excellent 
and  popular  Latin  poet,  born  at  Venusia,  (now  Venosa,) 
in  Italy,  in  December,  65  B.C.  His  father  was  a  freed- 
man,  who  gained  a  competence  as  a  coactor,  (collector  of 
indirect  taxes  or  of  the  proceeds  of  auctions,)  and  pur- 
chased a  farm  near  Venusia,  on  the  bank  of  the  Aufidus, 
(Ofanto.)  At  an  early  age  he  was  sent  to  Rome,  and 
became  a  pupil  of  the  noted  teacher  Orbilius  Pupillus, 
with  whom  he  learned  grammar  and  the  Greek  language. 

About  his  eighteenth  year,  he  went  to  prosecute  his 
studies  in  the  groves  of  the  Academy  at  Athens, — then 
the  principal  seat  of  learning  and  philosophy, — where  he 
remained  until  the  death  of  Julius  Csesar  (in  44  B.C.) 
involved  the  empire  in  a  civil  war.  As  Brutus  passed 
through  Athens,  Horace,  with  patriotic  ardour,  joined 
his  army,  was  made  a  military  tribune,  took  command 
of  a  legion,  and  witnessed  the  fatal  defeat  of  the  cause  at 
Philippi,  where  he  threw  away  his  shield.  (Carmina,  ii. 
7.)  llis  estate  having  been  confiscated,  he  went  to  Rome, 
where  he  supported  himself  a  short  time  by  acting  as  clerk 
in  the  treasury.  His  early  poems  having  excited  the 
interest  of  Virgil  and  Varius,  they  recommended  him  to 
Maecenas,  in  whom  he  found  a  liberal  patron  and  intimate 
friend.  Thenceforth  his  life  was  eminently  prosperous, 
and  serenely  passed  in  congenial  studies  and  patrician 
society.  Preferring  independence  to  the  tempting  prizes 
of  ambition,  he  refused  the  office  of  private  secretary 
to  Augustus,  who  treated  him  with  particular  favour. 
He  had  a  true  relish  for  rural  pleasures  and  the  charms 
of  nature,  which  he  often  enjoyed  at  his  Sabine  farm  or 
his  villa  in  Tibur.  Died  in  November,  8  B.C.  He  was 
never  married.  He  was  of  short  stature,  and  had  dark 
eyes  and  hair.  His  character,  as  deduced  from  his  writings, 
is  well  balanced,  and  unites  in  a  high  degree  good  sense, 
good  nature,  urbanity,  and  elegant  taste.  His  poems, 
consisting  of  odes,  satires,  and  epistles,  may  all  be  con- 
tained in  one  small  volume.  His  chief  merits  are  a  calm 
philosophy,  a  graceful  diction,  an  admirable  sense  of 
propriety,  and  a  keen  insight  into  human  nature,  which 
have  attracted  an  admiration  growing  from  age  to  age, 
and  have  rendered  him,  next  to  Virgil,  the  most  illus- 
trious poet  of  ancient  Rome.  "  It  is  mainly,"  says  "  Black- 
wood's  Magazine"  for  April,  1868,  "to  this  large  and 
many-sided  nature  of  the  man  himself  that  Horace  owes 
his  unrivalled  popularity, — a  popularity  which  has  indeed 
both  widened  and  deepened  in  its  degree  in  proportion 
to  the  increase  of  modern  civilization."  His  "  Epistles" 
are  among  the  few  poems  which  represent  the  most  per- 
fect and  original  form  of  Latin  verse.  There  is  no  very 
good  English  translation  of  Horace's  entire  works :  that 
of  Francis  (4  vols.,  1747)  is  perhaps  the  best.  Lord  Lyt- 
ton's  translation  of  the  Odes  (1869)  is  highly  praised. 

See  SUETONIUS,  "  Vita  Horatii ;"  MASSON,  "  Vita  Horatii,"  1708  ; 
HENRY  H.  MILMAN,  "Life  of  Q.  Horatius  Flaccus,"  1854:  VAN 

OMMBRN,  "  Horaz  als  Mensch  und  Bilrger  von  Rom,"  i8oa;  C 
FRANCKB,  "  Fasti  Horatiani,"  1839 :  WALCKBNAKR,  "  Histoire  de  la 
Vie  et  des  Poe'sies  d'Horace,"  2  vols.,  1840;  I.  MURRAY,  "Ori- 
ginal Views  of  the  Passages  in  the  Life  and  Writings  of  Horace," 
1851  :  J.  (or  F.)  JACOB,  Horaz  und  seine  Freunde,  1852  ;  ERSCH 
und  GRUBSR,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie  ;"  see,  also,  the  excellent 
article  on  Horatius  in  SMITH'S  "Dictionary  of  Greek  and  Roman 
Biography,"  by  the  late  DKAN  H.  H.  MILMAN,  (author  of  the  "  Life 
of  Q.  Horatius  Flaccus;")  "Horace  and  his  Translators,"  in  the 
"  Quarterly  Review"  for  October,  1858  ;  "  Horace  and  Tasso,"  in  the 
"  Edinburgh  Review"  for  October,  1850. 

Horae,  ho'ree,  iGr.  'Cp<u ;  Fr.  HEURES,  UR,  or  HORES, 
OR,]  the  Hours  or  Seasons,  which  the  ancients  imagined  to 
have  charge  of  the  gates  of  heaven  or  doors  of  Olympus. 
They  appear  to  have  been  originally  personifications 
of  the  order  of  nature  and  of  the  seasons.  They  were 
also  regarded  as  goddesses  of  justice,  peace,  and  order. 
Milton  associates  them  with  the  Graces : 
"  while  universal  Pan, 

Knit  with  the  Graces  and  the  Hours  in  dance, 
Led  on  the  eternal  Spring." 

Paradise  Lost,  book  iv. 

Ho-ra-pollo  or  Ho'rus  A-pol'lo,  [Gr.  'QpairoUuv ; 
Fr.  HORAPOLLON,  o'ri'po'loN',]  the  celebrated  author 
of  a  Greek  treatise  on  the  Egyptian  hieroglyphics.  His 
name  and  the  epoch  in  which  he  lived  have  been  the 
subject  of  much  discussion.  Recent  critics  favour  the 
opinion  that  he  lived  at  Alexandria  about  the  fifth  century. 

See  SMITH,  "  Dictionary  of  Greek  and  Roman  Biography ;"  A.  S 
CORBY,  "The  Hieroglyphics  of  Horapollo,"  1840:  GOULANIOF 
"  Essai  sur  les  Hie"roglyphes  d'Horapollon,"  1827. 

Horapollon.    See  HORAPOLLO. 

Horatius.     See  HORACE. 

Horatius,  ho-ra'she-us,  (in  the  plural,  Horatii,  ho- 
ra'she-T,)  a  hero  of  the  early  Roman  legends,  who  witt 
his  two  brothers  fought  against  the  three  Curiatii  for 
the  supremacy  of  Rome  over  Alba.  His  brothers  fell  ir. 
the  first  onset  By  a  feigned  flight  he  separated  hu 
antagonists,  and  slew  them  one  after  the  other. 

Horatius  Codes.    See  COCLKS. 

Horberg  or  Hoerberg,  hoR'be'RG,  (PEHR,)  an  emi- 
nent Swedish  painter,  born  in  Smaland  in  1746.  He 
practised  his  art  with  success  at  Olstorp,  chiefly  on  reli- 
gious subjects,  and  received  the  title  of  historical  painter 
to  the  king.  Died  in  1816. 

See  his  Autobiography,"  (in  Swedish,)  published  in  1817,  and 
translated  into  German  by  SCHILDBNBR,  1819  ;  C.  MOLBECH,  "  Leben 
und  Kunst  des  Malers  IV  Hoerberg,"  1819;  "  Biographiskt-Lexicon 
ofver  namnkunnige  Svenska  Man. 

Hor'be-ry,  (MATTHEW,)  D.D.,  an  English  divine, 
born  in  Lincolnshire  in  1707,  was  educated  at  Oxford. 
He  became  canon  of  Lichfield,  vicar  of  Hanbury,  and 
rector  of  Standlake.  His  sermons  were  published  in 
several  volumes,  (1745-74,)  and  were  pronounced  excel 
lent  by  Dr.  Johnson.  Died  in  1773. 

Horebout,  ho'reh-bSwt',  (GERARD  or  GUERARD,)  a 
Flemish  painter  of  high  reputation,  was  born  at  Ghent. 
He  removed  to  England,  and  became  first  painter  to 
Henry  VIII. 

Hores.     See  HoRvt 

Horfelin,  de,  da  oR-fl-leen',  (ANTONIO,)  a  Spanish 
painter  of  history  and  portraits,  born  at  Saragossa  in 
1597  ;  died  in  1660. 

Horleman  or  Harleman,  hoR'leh-man',  (CARL,) 
BARON,  a  Swedish  architect,  born  at  Stockholm  in  1700, 
designed  the  cathedral  of  Calmar,  and  completed  the 
royal  palace  at  Stockholm.  He  was  ranked  among  the 
greatest  architects  of  Sweden.  Died  in  1753. 

Hoi 'man,  (WILLIAM,)  of  Eton  College,  an  English 
botanist,  born  at  Salisbury.  He  published  "  Herbarum 
Synonyma."  Died  in  1535. 

Hormayr,  von,  fon  hoR'miR,  (JOSEPH,)  a  German 
historian,  born  at  Innspruck  in  1781.  He  fomented  a 
revolt  in  the  Tyrol  against  the  French  in  1809,  and  was 
appointed  historiographer  of  Austria  in  1815.  He  be- 
came councillor  for  the  foreign  department  of  Bavaria 
in  1828,  and  minister  from  Bavaria  to  Hanover  in  183*. 
Among  his  works  area  "  History  of  Tyrol,"  (1808.)  "The 
Austrian  Plutarch,  or  Lives  of  all  the  Austrian  Princes," 
(20 vols.,  1807-20,)  "General  History  of  Modern  Times, 
178710  1 815,"  (1817-19, 3  vols., (and  "  Vienna, its  History 
and  Curiosities,"  (9  vols.,  1823-25.)  Died  in  1848. 

See  BROCKHAUS,  "  Conversations- Lexikon  ;"  "  Foreign  Quarterlj 
Review"  for  January,  1845. 

V  e,  I,  o,  u,  y,  long:  a,  e,  d,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1,  o,  ii,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  o,  obscure;  0r,  fill,  fit;  m8t;  not;  good;  m<5on; 



Hor-mis'das  [Persian,  HORMOOZ)  I.,  King  of  Persia, 
son  of  Shahpo'or  (or  Sapor)  I.,  began  to  reign  in  271 
A.D.  After  an  uneventful  reign  of  fourteen  months,  he 
died  in  272,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  son,  Bahram  I. 

See  FIRUOUSKE,  "Shah  Namah;"  MIRKHOND,  "  Histoire  del 

Hormisdas  H.,  King  of  Persia,  of  the  Sassanide 
dynasty,  was  the  son  of  Narses,  whom  he  succeeded 
in  303  A.D.  He  died  in  311,  leaving  the  throne  to  his 
infant  son,  Shahpoor  II. 

Hormisdas  ITT.,  a  son  of  Yezdejerd  III.,  became 
King  of  Persia  in  457  A.D.  He  was  defeated  and  deposed 
by  his  brother  Fyrooz  about  460. 

Hormisdas  IV.,  King  of  Persia,  a  son  of  Chosroes 
(Khosroo)  I.,  began  to  reign  in  579  A.D.  He  waged  war 
against  Tiberius,  Emperor  of  the  East,  by  whose  army 
he  was  defeated  in  several  battles.  Provoked  by  his 
tyranny,  his  subjects  revolted  against  him,  and  he  was 
deposed  and  put  to  death  in  591  A.D. 

Hormuzd.     See  ORMUZD. 

Horn,  hoRn,  (ARVID  BERNARD,)  COUNT,  a  Swedish 
statesman,  born  in  1664.  His  influence  secured  the 
elevation  of  Frederick  of  Hesse-Cassel  to  the  throne  in 
1720.  He  became  the  head  of  the  party  of  "Bonnets," 
which  was  in  power  until  1738.  Died  in  1742. 

See  GUSTAV  HORN,  "A.  B.  Horn,"  1853;  THOMABUS,  "Svensk 

Horn  or  Home,  (CHARLES  EDWARD,)  born  in  Lon- 
don in  1786,  was  noted  as  a  composer  of  music.  He  was 
the  author  of  "  The  Deep,  Deep  Sea,"  and  other  popular 
songs.  He  died  in  Boston,  Massachusetts,  in  1850. 

Horn,  hoRn,  (FRANZ  CHRISTOPH,)  a  German  critic, 
born  at  Brunswick  in  1781.  He  published  several  novels, 
a  "  Critical  History  of  German  Poetry  and  Eloquence," 
(4  vols.,  1822-29,)  a"d  "The  Dramatic  Works  of  Shak- 
spe.ire,"  ("Shakespeare's  Schauspiel?,"  5  vols.,  1823- 
31.)  Died  in  1837. 

See  "  Franz  Horn  :  biographisches  Denkmal,"  Leipsic,  1839. 

Horn,  hoRn,  (FREDRICK,)  Count  of  Aminne,  a  Swedish 
general  in  the  French  service,  born  at  Husby  in  1725. 
As  aide-de-camp  of  Marshal  D'Estr^es,  he  had  an  im- 
portant part  in  the  victory  of  Hastenbeck,  (1757.)  He 
obtained  the  rank  of  lieutenant-general  ir\  the  Swedish 
army  in  1778.  Died  in  1796. 

His  son,  COUNT  HORN,  was  an  accomplice  in  the  as- 
sassination of  Gustavus  III.  in  1792,  for  which  he  was 
banished  for  life.  Died  in  1823. 

Horn,  [Lat  HOR'NIUS,]  (GEORG,)  a  German  historian, 
born  at  Greussen  in  1620.  He  became  professor  of  his- 
tory at  Leyden  about  1648,  and  wrote,  in  Latin,  works 
on  history  and  geography,  among  which  are  an  "  Eccle- 
siastical and  Political  History,"  (1665,)  and  "Noah's 
Ark,  or  a  History  of  the  World,"  (1666.)  Died  in  1670. 

See  JOHANN  ADAM  FLESSA,  "Dissertatio  de  Vita  G.  Horaii," 

Horn,  (GusTAF,)  COUNT  OF,  an  able  Swedish  general, 
born  in  Upland  in  1592.  Having  served  with  credit  in 
Poland  and  Livonia,  he  was  appointed  a  senator  about 
1624.  At  the  battle  of  Leipsic,  in  1631,  he  commanded 
the  left  wing,  and  contributed  to  the  victory.  After 
Gustavus  Adolphus  was  killed  at  Liitzen,  Horn  gained 
Borne  advantages  over  the  enemy,  but  was  taken  prisoner 
at  Nordlingen  in  1634.  Restored  to  liberty  in  1642,  he 
was  made  commander-in-chief  of  the  Swedish  army  in 
the  war  against  Denmark,  in  which  he  was  successful. 
The  queen  rewarded  him  (about  1652)  with  the  office  of 
Constable  of  Sweden  and  the  title  of  count.  Died  in  1657. 

See  EMPORAGIUS,  "  Likpredikan  ftfver  G.  C.  Horn,"  1660;  FLO- 
RANDER,  "Encomium  Miiitiz  Hopianae,"  1648;  J.  F.  AP  LUND- 
BLAD,  "  Svensk  Plutarch,"i823  ;  "  Biographiskt- Lexicon  ofver  namn- 
kunnige  Svenska  Man." 

Horn,  (UFFO  DANIEL,)  a  German  litttrateur,  born  at 
Tratenau,  m  Bohemia,  in  1817;  died  in  1860. 

Horn  or  Hoorn,  de,  deh  hoRn,  also  written  Hoorne 
COUNT,  a  Flemish  noble,  born  in  1522,  was  the  son  of 
Joseph  de  Nivelle  and  Anne  of  Egmont.  After  the  death 
of  his  father,  his  mother  married  Count  de  Horn,  whose 
name  and  vast  fortune  he  inherited.  He  distinguished 
himself  at  the  battles  of  Saint-Quentin  and  Gravelines, 
»nd  served  Philip  II.  of  Spain  many  years  as  admiral 

of  the  Low  Countries,  president  of  the  council  of  state, 
governor  of  Gueldres,  etc.  Arrested  by  the  Duke  of 
Alva,  with  Count  Egmont,  on  a  charge  of  treason,  he 
was  unjustly  condemned  and  executed  in  1568. 

Horn'aday,  (WILLIAM  TEMPLE,)  an  American 
zoologist,  was  born  at  Plainfield,  Indiana,  in  1854. 
He  visited  various  parts  of  the  world  to  collect  wild 
animals,  and  was  chief  taxidermist  of  the  National 
Museum  1882-90,  in  business  at  Buffalo  1890-96,  and 
director  of  the  New  York  Zoological  Park  after  1896. 
He  published  "  Two  Years  in  the  Jungle,"  "  The  Man 
who  became  a  Savage,"  "The  Extermination  of  the 
American  Bison,"  etc. 

Homt>low-er,  (JOSEPH  C.,)  an  American  jurist, 
born  at  Belleville,  New  Jersey,  in  1777.  He  was  chief 
justice  of  the  supreme  court  of  New  Jersey  from  1832 
\  to  1846.  He  decided  in  1856  that  Congress  had  no 
right  to  pass  a  law  for  the  rendition  of  fugitive  slaves. 
Died  at  Newark  in  June,  1864. 

Home,  horn,  (GEORGE,)  D.D.,  an  English  bishop  and 
author,  born  at  Otham,  in  Kent,  in  1730,  was  a  good  He- 
brew scholar.  He  was  chosen  vice-chancellor  of  Oxford 
in  1776,  Dean  of  Canterbury  in  1781,  and  Bishop  of 
Norwich  in  1790.  He  wrote  against  the  philosophy  of 
Newton,  and  published  treatises  in  favour  of  John  Hut- 
chinson,  and  other  works  on  theology.  His  "  Commentary 
on  the  Book  of  Psalms"  (2  vols.,  1771)  is  esteemed  an 
excellent  performance,  and  has  often  been  reprinted. 
He  was  a  friend  of  Dr.  Samuel  Johnson.  Died  in  1792. 

Home,  (RICHARD  HENGFST,)  an  English  poet  and 
dramatist,  born  in  London  about  1803.  He  produced, 
besides  other  dramas,  a  tragedy  entitled  "  Gregory  the 
Seventh,"  (1840.)  His  reputation  is  founded  on  "Orion, 
an  Epic  Poem,"  (1843,)  which  was  announced  at  the 
price  of  one  farthing,  as  a  sarcasm  upon  the  low  esti- 
mation into  which  epic  poetry  had  fallen.  After  three 
editions  had  been  sold,  the  price  was  raised  to  one 
shilling,  and  finally  to  five  shillings.  Among  his  other 
works  are  "The  New  Spirit  of  the  Age,"  (2  vols..  1844,) 
and  "Ballads  and  Romances,"  (1846.)  From  iS,2  to 
about  1870  he  lived  in  Australia.  Died  March  13,  1884. 

Home,  (THOMAS  HARTWELL,)  D.D.,  an  eminent 
English  author,  born  in  1780,  was  educated  in  London. 
|  He  passed  eight  years  in  the  labour  of  a  barrister's 
clerk,  and  acquired  some  knowledge  of  law,  while  his 
leisure  was  diligently  improved  in  literary  studies.  In 
1818  he  published  his  principal  work,  the  "Introduction 
to  the  Critical  Study  and  Knowledge  of  the  Holy  Scrip- 
tures," (3  vols.,  1818 ;  loth  edition,  enlarged,  1850,)  which 
is  considered  the  most  complete  and  valuable  work  on 
that  subject,  and  was  soon  adopted  as  a  class-book  in  all 
the  universities  and  colleges  of  England  and  in  some  of 
those  in  the  United  States.  Having  no  sectarian  tend- 
ency, it  is  appreciated  by  Christians  generally,  and  ha» 
conduced  greatly  to  the  diffusion  of  sound  biblical  litera- 
ture. In  1819  Home  was  ordained  by  the  Bishop  of 
London,  and  obtained  a  prebend  in  Saint  Paul's  Cathe- 
dral, besides  other  livings.  Among  his  other  numerous 
publications  are  "Deism  Refuted, "(1819,)  and  a  "Manual 
of  Biblical  Bibliography,"  (1839.)  Died  January  27,  1862. 

Home  Tooke.    See  TOOKE. 

Home,  van,  (JAN.)     See  HOORNE. 

Horneck,  hoR'nSk,  (ANTHONY,)  D.D.,  was  born  at 
Bacharach,  in  Germany,  in  1641,  removed  to  England 
about  1660,  and  became  prebendary  of  Exeter,  West- 
minster, and  Wells.  He  wrote  many  devout  religious 
works,  among  which  are  "The  Great  Law  of  Consider- 
ation," (1677;  nth  edition,  1729,)  and  "The  Happy 
Ascetic,"  (1681.)  His  writings  were  commended  by 
Doddridge  as  "  exceedingly  pathetic  and  elegant."  Died 
in  1696. 

See  his  Life,  by  BISHOP  KIDDER, 

Horneck,  von,  fon  hoR'n?k,  (OTTOKAR,)  called  alsr 
OTTOKAR  von  Steiermark,  (st!'er-maRk',)  one  of  the 
earliest  who  wrote  in  the  German  language,  was  the 
author  of  a  "  History  of  the  Great  Empires  of  the  World 
to  the  Death  of  Frederick  II.,"  (1280,)  and  a  chronicle 
in  rhyme.  It  has  been  published  in  Petz's  "  Austrian 
Historians,"  and  is  valued  for  its  interesting  account  of 
the  manners  and  customs  of  that  age. 

€  as  k;  c  as  s;  g  hard;  g  zsj ;  G,  H,  K.,guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     (J[5=See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




Horneman,  hoR'neh-man',  (JENS  WILKEN,)  a  Dan- 
ish botanist,  born  at  Marstal  in  1770,  became  professor 
of  botany  at  Copenhagen  in  1808.  He  continued  the 
"  Flora  Danica,"  a  magnificent  work,  which  other  natu- 
ralists cojnmenced,  and  which  appeared  in  14  vols. 
folio,  (1806-40.)  He  wrote  "Economical  Botany  for 
Denmark,"  (1798,)  and  other  works.  Died  in  1841. 

See  his  Autobiography ;  ERSLEW,  "  Forfatter- Lexicon." 

Hornemann,  hoR'neh-man',  (FRiEDRiCH  CONRAD,) 
a  German  traveller,  born  at  Hildesheim  in  1772,  at- 
tempted in  1797  to  explore  Northern  and  Central  Africa 
He  left  Moorzook  with  a  caravan  bound  for  Bornoo  in 
April,  1800,  after  which  date  he  was  never  heard  from. 

Hor'ner,  (FRANCIS,)  an  eminent  British  statesman 
and  lawyer,  born  in  Edinburgh  in  1778,  was  educated  in 
the  university  of  that  city,  and  studied  law  with  his  friend 
Henry  Brougham.  Having  removed  to  London  in  1803, 
he  was  welcomed  by  the  leading  Whigs,  such  as  Fox, 
Mackintosh,  and  Romilly,  who  hastened  to  enlist  his 
eminent  abilities  in  the  public  service.  In  1806  he  was 
returned  to  Parliament  for  Saint  Ives.  The  death  of 
Fox  having  produced  a  change  of  ministry  and  a  disso- 
lution of  the  House,  Homer  was  returned  for  Wendovei 
in  1807.  He  acquired  great  influence  in  Parliament  by 
his  integrity,  wisdom,  liberality,  and  knowledge  of  politi- 
cal economy.  In  1810  he  was  a  member  of  the  Bullion 
committee  and  author  of  a  part  of  the  "Bullion  Report," 
and  made  an  able  speech  on  that  question.  In  1813-14 
he  was  recognized  as  one  of  the  leaders  of  his  party,  and 
in  1816  he  made  a  speech  on  Catholic  claims,  which  was 
his  last  speech  in  the  House.  Compelled  by  ill  health 
to  retire  from  business,  he  set  out  on  a  journey  to  the 
south  of  Europe,  and  died,  greatly  lamented,  at  Pisa,  in 
1817.  He  was  one  of  the  originators  of  the  "  Edinburgh 
Review,"  for  which  he  wrote  numerous  articles.  "  He 
died  at  the  age  of  thirty-eight,"  says  Lord  Cockburn, 
"  possessed  of  greater  public  influence  than  any  other 
private  man."  "No  eminent  speaker  of  Parliament," 
says  Sir  J.  Mackintosh,  "  owed  so  much  of  his  success 
to  his  moral  character.  His  high  place  was  therefore 
honourable  to  his  audience  and  to  his  country." 

See  "Memoirs  and  Correspondence  of  F.  Homer,"  published  by 
his  brother,  LEONARD  HORNHR,  in  1843:  CHAMBERS,  "Biographical 
Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen :"  "Edinburgh  Review"  for  Octo- 
ber, 1843;  "Quarterly  Review"  for  May,  1843. 

Homer,  (LEONARD,)  F.R.S.,  a  British  geologist,  and 
jrounger  brother  of  the  preceding,  took  a  prominent  part 
in  the  organization  of  the  London  University,  of  which 
he  was  appointed  warden  in  1827.  About  1833  he  be- 
came inspector  of  factories,  in  which  capacity  he  con- 
tributed largely  to  the  moral  and  physical  improvement 
of  the  operatives.  He  wrote  articles  on  the  "Mineral 
Kingdom"  for  the  "  Penny  Magazine,"  "  On  the  Employ- 
ment of  Children  in  Factories,"  (1840,)  and  other  short 
works.  Died  in  1864. 

Hor'ner,  (WILLIAM  E.,)  an  American  anatomist, 
born  in  Virginia  about  1790,  became  in  1816  demon- 
strator of  anatomy  to  Dr.  Wistar,  of  the  University  of 
Pennsylvania,  and  in  1831  succeeded  Dr.  Physick  as 
professor  of  anatomy  in  that  institution.  Died  in  1853. 

Hornius.     See  HORN,  (GEORG.) 

Hor'nung,  (ERNEST  WILLIAM,)  an  English  nov- 
elist, born  in  1866.  He  has  written  several  novels  of 
Australian  life,  and  "The  Unbidden  Guest,"  (1894,) 
"Young  Blood,"  and  "  Some  Persons  Unknown." 

Horrebow  or  Horreboe,  hoR'reh-bo,  (CHRiSl-OF- 
FER,)  a  Danish  astronomer,  born  at  Copenhagen  in  1718. 
He  succeeded  his  father  as  professor  of  astronomy 
about  1750,  and  published,  besides  other  works,  a  Latin 
treatise  "  On  the  Annual  Parallax  of  the  Fixed  Stars," 
(1747.)  Died  in  1776. 

Horrebow.  (NIKOLAUS,)  a  Danish  author,  born  at 
Copenhagen  in  1712,  became  a  judge  of  the  supreme 
court  In  1750  he  was  sent  by  government  to  explore 
Iceland,  of  which  he  wrote  a  description,  said  to  be  very 
correct.  Died  in  1750. 

Horrebow  or  Horreboe,  (PEDER,)  an  eminent  Dan- 
Wh  astronomer,  the  father  of  Christoffer,  noticed  above, 

was  born  in  Jutland  in  1679.  He  became  professor 
of  astronomy  at  Copenhagen  in  1710.  He  determined, 
the  parallax  of  the  sun  more  exactly  in  his  "  Clavis  As- 
tronomias,"  a  treatise  on  physical  astronomy,  in  which 
he  favours  the  theory  of  Descartes.  He  wrote  other 
works,  among  which  is  "Copernicus  Triumphans,  sive 
de  Parallaxi  Orbis  Annui,"  (1727.)  Died  in  1764. 

See  KRAFT  og  NYERUP,  "  Litteraturlexicon ;"  NVERUP,  "  Uni- 
versitaets  Annalen." 

Horrebow,  (PEDER,)  a  son  of  the  preceding,  born  in 
1728,  observed  the  transit  of  Venus  in  1761,  and  wrote 
an  account  of  it  Died  in  1812. 

Hor'rocks  or  Hor'rox,  (JEREMIAH,)  a  distinguished 
English  astronomer,  born  at  Toxteth,  near  Liverpool,  in 
1619,  was  educated  at  Cambridge,  took  orders,  and  be- 
came curate  of  Hoole.  He  was  the  author  of  the  true 
theory  of  lunar  motion,  and  was  the  first  who  observed 
the  transit  of  Venus,  (in  1639,)  which  he  had  successfully 
foretold,  and  of  which  he  wrote  an  account,  entitled 
"Venus  sub  Sole  visa."  His  other  works  on  astronomy 
were  published  by  Dr.  Wallis  in  1672.  "  His  investiga- 
tions," says  the  "  Edinburgh  Review"  for  October,  1843, 
"  are  all  stamped  with  the  clear  indications  of  a  genius 
of  the  first  order ;  and  he  doubtless  would  have  achieved 
far  greater  discoveries  had  not  his  privations  and  suc- 
cesses, his  toils  and  triumphs,  been  together  cut  short  by 
his  premature  death,  in  1641." 

See  A.  B.  WHATTON,  "Memoir  of  the  Life  and  Labours  of  J. 
Horrox,"  1859. 

Horsburgh,  hors'bur-eh,  or  Horsbury,  hors'ber-e, 
(JAMES,)  F.R.S.,  a  Scottish  hydrographer,  born  at  Elie 
in  1762,  was  for  some  years  captain  of  a  merchant-ship 
navigating  the  East  Indian  seas.  In  1809  he  was  ap- 
pointed hydrographer  of  the  East  India  Company.  He 
was  author  of  a  valuable  work  entitled  "  Directions  for 
Sailing  to  and  from  the  East  Indies,  China,"  etc.,  (1809.) 
Died  in  1836. 

See  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen," 
(Supplement;)  "NouvelTe  Biographic  GeWrale." 

Horse'field,  (Rev.  THOMAS  W.,)  an  English  anti- 
quary, published  the  "  History  and  Antiquities  of  Sus- 
"x."  Died  in  1837. 

Hora'field  or  Horsefield,  (THOMAS,)  M.D.,  F.R.S., 
an  eminent  naturalist  and  traveller,  born  in  Pennsylvania 
in  1773.  He  explored  the  natural  history  of  Java  for 
many  years,  and  returned  to  England  about  1820.  He 
published  "Zoological  Researches  in  Java,"  etc.,  (1821- 
24.)  The  plants  which  he  collected  were  described  in 
an  excellent  work  entitled  "  Plantae  Javanicae  Rariores," 
(1838-52,  with  fifty  coloured  engravings,)  in  which  he 
was  aided  by  Robert  Brown  and  J.  J.  Bennett  He  also 
wrote  several  smaller  works.  Died  in  London  in  1859. 

Horsley,  (CHARLES,)  an  English  composer,  born  at 
Kensington  in  1821.  He  composed  oratorios  entitled 
"Davicf1  and  "Joseph,"  (1852.)  Died  in  New  York, 
March  2,  1876. 

Horaley,  (JOHN,)  F.R.S.,  an  eminent  British  anti- 
quary, born  in  Mid-Lothian  in  1685,  became  pastor  of  a 
dissenting  church  at  Morpeth.  He  wrote  an  excellent 
work  entitled  "  The  Roman  Antiquities  of  Britain " 
("  Britannia  Romana,"  1732.)  Died  in  1731. 

See  RHV.  J.  HODGSON,  "  Memoirs  of  the  Life,  etc  of  John  Hoi* 
ley,"  London,  1X31  :  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Emi- 
nent Scotsmen  ;"  NICHOLS,  "  Literary  Anecdotes." 

Horsley,  (JOHN  CALLCOTT,)  an  English  historical 
painter,  born  in  London  in  1817.  His  cartoon  of  "Saint 
Augustine  Preaching"  (1843)  received  one  of  the  prizes 
of  .£200  from  the  Commission  of  Fine  Arts.  He  was 
one  of  the  artists  commissioned  to  adorn  the  House 
of  Lords,  in  which  he  painted  a  fresco  of  the  "  Spirit  of 
Religion,"  (1845.)  Among  his  master-pieces  are  "  L'Alle- 
gro  and  II  Penseroso,"  (1851,)  "Lady  Jane  Grey  and 
Roger  Ascham,"  (1853,)  and  a  "Scene  from  Don  Quix- 
ote," (1855.) 

Hor8ley,(SAMUEL,)  LL.D.,  an  eminent  English  bishop 
and  writer,  born  in  London  in  1733,  was  educated  at  Cam- 
bridge. In  1759  he  obtained  the  rectory  of  Newington 
Butts,  and,  after  receiving  other  preferments,  became 
Bishop  of  Saint  David's  in  1788,  of  Rochester  in  1793, 
and  of  Saint  Asaph  in  1802.  To  superior  talents  he 
joined  profound  learning,  both  classical  and  scientific. 

i,  e,  i,  6,  u,  y,  long;  4,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonped;  a,  e,  i,  6,  u,  y,  short; a,  e,  j,  9,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fat;  met;  n&t;  good;  moon; 




He  was  elected  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  in  1767, 
and  secretary  of  the  same  in  1773.  In  1783  he  gained 
distinction  by  a  controversy  with  Dr.  Priestley  on  Unita- 
nanism,  in  which  it  is  usually  conceded  that  Horsley 
had  the  advantage.  He  published  in  1796  an  excellent 
treatise  "On  the  Prosodies  of  the  Greek  and  Latin  Lan- 
guages," and  "  Critical  Disquisitions  on  the  Eighteenth 
Chapter  of  Isaiah."  Among  his  numerous  publications 
are  sermons,  treatises  on  mathematics,  and  several  ad- 
mired performances  in  biblical  criticism.  Died  in  1806. 
See  "  Edinburgh  Review"  for  February,  ign;  "London  Quar- 
terly Review"  for  May,  1810,  (vol.  xvii.) 

Hors'ley,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  song-writer  of  high 
merit,  born  November  15,  1774.  His  glees  and  madri- 
gals are  among  the  best  ever  written.  He  was  the  father 
of  Charles  Horsley,  before  noticed.  Died  June  12,  1858. 

Hors'man,  (EDWARD,)  a  British  lawyer  and  poli- 
tician, born  in  1807.  He  represented  Stroud  in  Parlia- 
ment from  1853  to  1868.  He  was  one  of  those  who  were 
called  "  Adullamites,"  who  voted  against  the  Reform 
bill  in  1866,  although  elected  as  Liberals.  Died  in  1876. 

Horst,  hoRst,  [Lat.  HOR'STIUS,]  (GREGOR,)  a  German 
physician,  was  born  at  Torgau,  in  Saxony,  in  1578.  He 
became  professor  at  Ulm  in  1622,  and  was  surnamed 
THE  GERMAN  JEscuLAfivz.  Among  his  chief  works 
are  "  On  Diseases  and  their  Causes,"  ("  De  Morbis 
eorumque  Causis,"  1612,)  and  "Anatomy  of  the  Human 
Body,"  (1617.)  Died  in  1636. 

See  BAYLE,  "Historical  and  Critical  Dictionary ;"  ERSCH  and 
GRUBER,  "Allgemeine  Encyklooaedie ;"  FRKHER,  "Theatrum  Eru- 
ditorum. " 

Horst,  van  der,  vSn  der  hoRst,  (NIKOLAAS,)  a  Flem- 
ish painter  of  history  and  portraits,  born  at  Antwerp, 
was  a  pupil  of  Rubens.  His  works  are  highly  prized. 
Died  in  1646. 

Horstiua.    See  HOKST. 

Horstius,  hoR'ste-us,  (JACOBUS,)  a  Dutch  religious 
writer,  originally  named  MERLER,  was  born  at  Horst 
about  1597.  He  wrote,  in  elegant  Latin,  "Paradise  of 
the  Christian  Soul,"  ("  Paradisus  Animae  Christianse," 
1630.)  Died  in  1644. 

Horstius,  hoR'ste-us,  (JAKOB,)  a  German  physician, 
born  at  Torgau  in  1537  ;  died  in  1600. 

Hort  or  Horte,  (JosiAH,)  an  English  theologian, 
educated  at  a  dissenting  academy  with  Dr.  Watts,  who 
expressed  a  high  opinion  of  him.  He  became  Bishop 
of  Kilmore  and  Ardagh  in  1727,  and  Archbishop  of 
Tuam  in  1747.  A  collection  of  his  sermons  was  pub- 
lished. He  died  at  an  advanced  age  in  1751. 

Hortemels,  //oR'teh-mels'  or  /ioRt'mel',  (FR£D£RIC,) 
a  French  engraver,  born  at  Paris  about  1688. 

Hortemels,  (MARIE  MADELEINE,)  an  able  engraver, 
born  in  Paris  about  1688,  was  the  wife  of  the  celebrated 
engraver  Nicolas  Cochin.  Died  in  1777. 

Hortense  Eugenie  de  Beauharnais,  oR't&Nss' 
uh'zhi'ne'  deh  bo'iR'nJ)',  Queen  of  Holland,  and  mother 
of  the  emperor  Napoleon  III.,  was  born  in  Paris  in 
1783.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Alexandre,  Vicomte  de 
Beauharnais,  and  Josephine  Tascher,  afterwards  Empress 
of  France.  Her  personal  charms  and  amiable  character 
rendered  her  a  favourite  with  Napoleon  and  the  ornament 
of  his  court  Against  her  own  inclination,  and  through 
the  influence  of  her  mother,  she  became  in  1802  the  wife 
of  Louis  Bonaparte,  with  whom  she  did  not  live  happily. 
It  is  said  that  she  wept  abundantly  at  the  performance 
of  the  ceremony.  In  1806  her  consort  Louis  was  made 
King  of  Holland.  On  this  occasion  Hortense  said  she 
would  have  preferred  the  throne  of  Naples.  "  I  would 
have  rekindled,"  said  she,  "  the  flame  of  the  fine  arts 
in  Italy."  She  disliked  the  Dutch  fogs,  and  deemed 
sunshine  and  Parisian  society  indispensable  blessings. 

Hortense  was  the  mother  of  three  sons,  whom  by  the 
edicts  of  1804  and  1805  the  emperor  had  preferred  as 
successors  to  his  crown  :  i.  NAPOLEON  Louis  CHARLES, 
who  died  in  1807 ;  2.  NAPOLEON  Louis,  who  died  at 
Pesaro  in  1831;  3.  CHARLES  Louis  NAPOLEON,  the 
late  Emperor  of  France.  In  1810  Louis  abdicated  his 
throne,  and  was  separated  from  his  wife,  who,  with  her 
sons,  returned  to  Paris.  At  the  restoration  of  1814  she 
was  created  Duchess  of  Saint-Leu,  through  the  favour 
of  some  of  the  allied  powers.  Louis  XVIII.,  after  an 

interview  with  her,  declared  he  had  never  seen  a  woman 
who  united  so  much  grace  and  dignity.  After  sharing  the 
brief  and  brilliant  triumphs  of  the  Hundred  Days,  she 
was  compelled  to  fly  from  France.  The  authorities  of 
Geneva  refused  her  an  asylum ;  but  she  received  a 
hospitable  offer  from  the  canton  of  Thurgau,  where  she 
purchased  the  castle  of  Arenenberg  in  1817.  For  many 
years  she  passed  the  summer  at  this  place  and  the  winter 
at  Rome.  When  Louis  Napoleon  was  exiled  to  the 
United  States,  in  1836,  she  wished  to  go  with  him,  but 
had  not  sufficient  strength  to  bear  the  voyage ;  and  she 
died  in  1837,  in  the  arms  of  her  son,  who,  learning  her 
illness,  had  returned  home.  We  should  not  omit  to 
mention  that  she  excelled  in  music,  and  composed  the 
popular  air  of  "  Partant  pour  la  Syrie,"  one  of  the 
favourite  national  songs  of  France. 

Sec  LASCBLLES  WRAXALL,  "  Memoirs  of  Queen  Hortense ;" 
COMTS  DE  LAGARDE,  "  Esquisse  biographique  sur  la  Reine  Hor- 
tense," 1853  ;  "  Foreign  Quarterly  Review"  for  July,  1838. 

Hortensius.    See  DESJARDINS. 

Hor-ten'sl-us,  (LAMBERT,)  a  Dutch  philologist,  born 
at  Montfort  about  1500.  He  wrote  "On  the  German 
War,"  ("  De  Bello  Germanico,"  1560,)  and  annotations 
on  Virgil's  ".(Eneid,"  (1567.)  Died  about  1575. 

Hortensius,  hor-ten'she-us,  (QuiNTUS,)  an  eminent 
Roman  orator,  born  of  an  equestrian  family  in  1 14  B.C. 
At  an  early  age  he  acquired  celebrity  in  the  Forum, 
where,  a  few  years  afterwards,  he  maintained  a  spirited 
and  generous  rivalry  with  Cicero,  who  applauds  his  elo- 
quence and  calls  him  his  friend.  After  serving  in  the 
army  of  Sulla  in  Asia,  he  became  successively  quaestor, 
sedile,  praetor,  and,  in  69  B.C.,  consul.  In  the  previous 
year  he  was  counsel  for  Verres,  when  Cicero  made  his 
memorable  speech  for  the  prosecution.  His  orations 
and  other  works  are  all  lost.  His  eloquence  is  said  to 
have  been  ornate,  flowery,  Oriental  in  exuberance,  and 
enlivened  with  sententious  and  brilliant  passages.  He 
had  a  retentive  memory,  a  sonorous  voice,  and  a  grace- 
ful gesture.  Died  in  50  B.C. 

See  ONOMASTICON  TULLIANUM  :  PLINY,  "  Natural  History," 
books  ix.,  x.,  xxxiv. ;  QUINTILIAN,  books  iv.,  x.,  xi.,  xii. ;  LINSBN, 
"Dissertatio  de  Hortensio  Oratore,"  Abo,  1822. 

Horto,  ab,  ab  OR'IO,  or  de  la  Huerta,  da  1J  weR'ti, 
(GARCIA,)  called  also  Garcia  da  Orta,  a  Portuguese 
botanist,  went  to  India  as  physician  to  the  viceroy,  and 
wrote  "On  the  Plants  and  Drugs  of  India,"  (1563.) 

See  BARBOSA  MACHADO,  "  Bibliotheca  Lusitana." 

Hor'tpn,  (THOMAS,)  D.D.,  born  in  London  about 
1600,  was  professor  of  divinity  in  Gresham  College,  and 
published  a  number  of  sermons.  Died  in  1673. 

Horuc.     See  BARBAROSSA. 

Ho'rua,  [Gr.  'Qpof,  possibly  related  etymologically  to 
the  Sanscrit  S&rya,  Lat.  Sol,  and  Sp.  Sur,]  the  Egyptian 
god  of  the  Sun,  was  regarded  as  the  son  of  Isis  and  Osiris. 
(See  OSIRIS  and  HARPOCRATES.)  His  Egyptian  name 
was  Har.  He  had  a  hawk's  head.  The  god  Harpocrates 
is  often  called  the  younger  Horus,  or  Horus  the  child. 

Horus  Apollo.    See  HORAPOLLO. 

Horush.    See  BARBAROSSA. 

Horvat,  hor'vat,  (IsTVAN,  or  STEPHEN,)  called  "the 
Hungarian  Varro,"  was  born  at  Stuhlweissenberg  in 
1784.  He  wrote  "  Primitive  Magyar  Families,"  (1820,  a 
monumental  work,)  and  various  histories.  Died  in  1846. 

Horvdth,  hoR'vSt,  (MICHAEL,)  a  Hungarian  histo- 
rian, born  at  Szentes  in  1809.  He  became  Bishop  of 
Csanad  in  1848,  and  minister  of  public  instruction  in 
1849.  After  the  defeat  of  the  patriotic  cause  he  went 
into  exile  in  1849.  He  wrote  a  valuable  "  History  of 
the  Magyars,"  (4  vols.,  1842-46.)  Died  Aug.  19,  1878. 

Hos'ack,  (DAVID,)  LL.D.,  F.R.S.,  an  eminent  Ameri- 
can physician,  born  in  New  York  City  in  1769.  After 
graduating  in  Philadelphia  in  1791,  and  prosecuting  hia 
studies  in  Edinburgh  and  London,  he  returned  to  New 
York,  and  became  professor  of  botany  and  materia 
medica  in  Columbia  College  in  1795.  He  taught  clinical 
medicine  and  obstetrics  in  the  College  of  Physicians  and 
Surgeons  nearly  twenty  years,  between  1807  and  1826. 
For  many  years  he  was  one  of  the  most  successful  prac- 
titioners and  most  influential  citizens  of  New  York. 
From  1820  to  1828  he  was  president  of  the  New  York 
Historical  Society.  His  first  wife  was  the  sister  of 

tas  k;  c.  as  j;  g  hard;  g  as/;  G,  H,  K, guttural ';  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     (flap-See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




Thomas  Eddy,  and  his  second  the  widow  of  Henry  A. 
Costar.  He  wrote  a  treatise  on  Vision,  published  by  the 
Royal  Society  of  London,  (1794,)  "Memoirs  of  De  Witt 
Clinton,"  (1829,)  a  "System  of  Practical  Nosology," 
( 1 829,)  "  Lectures  on  the  Theory  and  Practice  of  Physic," 
(1838,)  several  volumes  of  medical  essays,  and  other 
works.  Died  in  1835. 

See  J.  W.  FRANCIS,  "  Memoir  of  Dr.  Hosack ;"  GROSS,  "Ameri- 
can Medical  Biography,"  1861 ;  "  National  Portrait-Gallery  of  Dis- 
tinguished Americans,"  vol.  ii. 

Hoschel  or  HoescheL,  ho'shel,  [Lat,  HOESCHE'- 
Lius,]  (DAVID,)  a  distinguished  German  Hellenist,  born 
at  Augsburg  in  1556.  He  was  professor  of  Greek  and 
keeper  of  the  public  library  at  Augsburg.  He  edited 
numerous  Greek  works,  among  which  are  the  Homilies 
of  Saint  Basil  and  Saint  Chrysostom,  and  the  book  of 
"Origen  against  Celsus,"  (1605.)  His  "Catalogue  of 
the  Greek  Manuscripts  in  the  Augsburg  Library"  (1595) 
is  highly  esteemed.  Died  in  1617. 

Sre  BRUCKER,  "  De  Mentis  in  Rem  literariam  D.  Hoeschelii," 
17^8;  BAYLE,  "Historical  and  Critical  Dictionary;"  NICERON, 
"Memoires;"  J.  A.  FABRICIUS,  "  Bibliotheca  Gr«a." 

Ho-se'a  or  O-se'a,  [Heb.  ^Pin :  Fr.  OSEE,  o'zi',]  one 
of  the  twelve  minor  Hebrew  prophets,  of  whom  little  is 
known,  except  that  he  lived  in  the  "days  of  Uzziah, 
Jotham,  Ahaz,  and  Hezekiah,  Kings  of  Judah."  It  is 
inferred  that  his  prophetic  career  extended  from  about 
785  to  725  B.C.  His  language  is  remarkably  obscure. 
"  He  is  the  most  difficult  and  perplexed  of  all  the  pro- 
phets," says  Lowth.  He  is  quoted  in  Matthew  ii.  15, 
ix.  13,  Romans  ix.  25,  (where  his  name  is  written  Osee,) 
and  Revelation  vi.  16. 

Hosemann,  ho'zeh-man,  (THEODOR,)  a  German  genre 
painter  and  illustrator,  born  at  Brandenburg,  Septembei 
24,  1807  ;  died  at  Berlin,  October  15,  1875. 

Ho-she'a  or  Ho-se'a,  I  Heb.  ;>i?in,]  the  last  King 
of  Israel,  began  to  reign'  about  730  B.C.,  after  he  had 
assassinated  King  Pekah.  (See  II.  Kings  xv.  30  and 
xvii.  I  to  7.)  After  a  reign  of  nine  years,  his  capital, 
Samaria,  was  taken  by  Shalmaneser,  King  of  Assyria, 
who  carried  Hoshea  with  his  subjects  as  captives  to 
Halah,  Habor,  and  the  cities  of  the  Medes.  Since 
this  event  the  fate  of  the  ten  tribes  has  been  involved 
in  mystery. 

HoBiuB.     See  Osius. 

Ho'sl-us,  (STANISLAS,)  an  eminent  cardinal,  born  at 
Cracow,  in  Poland,  in  1504.  After  holding  responsible 
civil  offices,  he  entered  the  Church,  and  was  made  suc- 
cessively Bishop  of  Culm  and  of  Warmia.  He  was  a 
violent  opponent  of  heretics  and  Protestants.  In  1561 
he  received  a  cardinal's  hat  from  Pius  IV.,  who  sent  him 
as  legate  to  the  Council  of  Trent.  He  wrote  the  "Con- 
fession of  the  Catholic  Faith,"  (1551,)  and  other  works. 
Died  in  1579. 

See  RESCIUS,  "Vita  Hosii,"  Rome,  1587:  BAYLE,  "Historical 
and  Critical  Dictionary ;"  ERSCH  und  GRUBHR,  "Allgemeine  Ency- 

Hos'king,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  architect  and 
writer  on  architecture,  born  in  Devonshire  in  1800.  He 
became  a  resident  of  London  in  his  youth,  and  acquired 
distinction  by  a  "  Treatise  on  Architecture  and  Building," 
republished  from  the  "  Encyclopaedia  Britannica,"  (1839.) 
About  1840  he  was  chosen  professor  of  civil  engineering 
and  architecture  at  King's  College,  London.  He  wrote 
"  Guide  to  the  Regulation  of  Buildings  as  a  Means  of 
Securing  the  Health  of  Towns,"  (1848.)  Died  in  1861. 

Hos'kina  or  Hoa'kyna,  JOHN,)  Sr.,  an  English 
writer  and  lawyer,  born  in  Herefordshire  in  1566.  He 
was  noted  for  skill  in  Latin  and  English  poetry,  and 
wrote  epigrams,  law  treatises,  etc.  According  to  Wood, 
it  was  Hoskins  who  "  polished  Ben  Jonson  the  poet,"  and 
revised  Sir  Walter  Raleigh's  History  before  it  went  to 
press.  Died  in  1638. 

Hosklua,  (JOHN,)  an  English  portrait-painter,  patron- 
ized by  Charles  I.  Died  in  1664. 

Hos'm?r,  (HARRIET,)  an  American  sculptor,  born  in 
Watertown,  Massachusetts,  in  1831,  studied  in  Rome, 
where  she  fixed  her  residence.  Among  her  works  are 
"Medusa,"  "Beatrice  Cenci,"  "Zenobia  in  Chains," 
("  Zenobia  Captiva,")  a  statue  of  Thomas  H.  Benton, 
and  a  memorial  monument  to  Abraham  Lincoln. 

Hosmer,  (WILLIAM,)  an  American  divine  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  born  in  Brimfield,  Mas- 
sachusetts, in  1810.  He  was  editor  of  the  "  Northern 
Christian  Advocate,"  published  at  Auburn,  New  York, 
and  of  the  "  Northern  Independent,"  a  religious  ant- 
slavery  journal.  He  wrote,  besides  other  works,  "  Chris- 
tian Beneficence,"  etc.,  (1855.)  Died  June  17,  1889. 

Hoamer,  (WILLIAM  HENRY  CUYLER,)  an  American 
poet,  born  at  Avon,  in  the  Genesee  valley,  New  York, 
in  1814,  studied  in  Geneva  College,  and  practised  law 
in  his  native  town.  He  spent  much  time  among  the 
Indians.  In  1854  he  took  up  his  residence  in  New  York. 
He  wrote,  besides  other  works,  "  Indian  Traditions  and 
Legends  of  the  Senecas,"  etc.,  (1850.)  A  complete 
edition  of  his  Poetical  Works,  in  2  vols.,  was  pub 
lished  in  1854.  Died  May  23,  1877. 

See  GRISWOLD,  "  Poets  and  Poetry  of  America." 

Hoa-pin'i-an,  [Ger.  pron.  hos-pe-ne-Jn';  Fr.  HO3PI- 
NIEN,  hos'pe'ne-aN';  Lat.  HOSPINIA'NUS,]  (RUDOLF,)  an 
eminent  Swiss  Protestant  theologian,  born  at  Altorf  in 
1547.  He  became  the  minister  of  a  church  near  Zurich, 
and  wrote  a  number  of  learned  works,  in  Latin,  among 
which  are  "  On  the  Origin  and  Progress  of  Ceremonies, 
Rites,  and  Holydays  (Festis)  among  Christians,"  (1585,) 
"  History  of  Sacraments,"  ("  Historia  Sacramentaria," 
!598,)anda"HistoryoftheJesuits,"(i6l9.)  Diedin  1626. 

See  JOHN  H.  HEIDEGGER.  "  Historia  Vita  Rodolphi  Hospiniani," 
1681 ;  BAYLE,  "  Historical  and  Critical  Dictionary. 

Hospinianus.     See  HOSPINIAN. 

Hoapinien.    See  HOSPINIAN. 

Hospital     See  L'HdPiTAL. 

Hossch.    See  HOSSCHIUS. 

Hosschiua,  hos'ke-us,  or  Hoasch,  hosK,  (SiDOXius,) 
a  Flemish  Jesuit,  born  at  Merckhem  in  1596,  published 
in  1635  a  collection  of  Latin  elegies,  which  were  much 
admired.  Died  in  1653. 

Host  or  Hoeat,  host,  (GEORG,)  a  Danish  traveller, 
born  in  Jutland  in  1734,  became  secretary  for  foreign 
affairs,  etc.  He  wrote  an  "  Account  of  the  Kingdoms 
of  Morocco  and  Fez,"  (1779.) 

Host  or  Hoeat,  (JENS  KRAGH,)  a  Danish  historian, 
son  of  the  preceding,  was  born  at  Saint  Thomas,  in  the 
Antilles,  in  1772.  He  was  the  author  of  "Politics  and 
History,"  (5  vols.,  1816,)  "Johann  Friedrich  Struensee 
and  his  Ministry,"  (3  vols.,  1824,)  and  other  works. 
Died  near  Copenhagen  in  1844. 

See  J.  K.  HOEST,  "  Erindringer ;"  ERSLBW,  "Almindeligt  For- 

K' Kit,  host,  (NlKOLAUS  THOMAS,)  an  Austrian,  born 
in  1763,  was  first  physician  to  the  Emperor  of  Austria, 
and  published  "  Flora  Austriaca,"  (2  vols.,  1827.)  Died 
in  1834. 

Hoste,  hoi,  (JEAN,)  a  French  geometer,  born  at 
Nancy,  became  professor  of  mathematics  at  Pont-i- 
Mousson.  He  published  several  treatises  on  geometry. 
Died  in  1631. 

Hoate.  Ii',  lot,  (PAUL,)  a  French  Jesuit,  born  at  Pont- 
de-Vesle  in  1652,  was  professor  of  mathematics  in  Tou- 
lon. He  wrote  a  treatise  on  the  "  Construction  of  Ships 
and  Naval  Tactics,"  (1697.)  Died  in  1700. 

Hoa-till-an,  [Fr.  HOSTILIEN,  os'te'le-aN',1  or,  more 
fully,  Cai'ua  Va'lena  Mea'sius  Quin'tiua  Hoatilia'- 
nus,  second  son  of  the  Roman  emperor  Decius.  At  the 
death  of  his  father,  251  A.D.,  he  was  acknowledged  by 
some  as  a  partner  in  the-  empire  with  Gallus  ;  but  he 
died  a  few  months  after,  in  252. 

Hoatilien.     See  HosriLiAN. 

Hoa-til'I-ua, (TuLLUS,)  the  third  King  of  Rome,  and 
the  successor  of  Numa,  reigned  about  650  B.C.  Among 
the  principal  events  of  his  reign,  which  is  semi-fabulous, 
was  the  war  against  Alba,  terminated  in  favour  of  Rome 
by  the  victory  of  Horatius  over  the  Curiatii. 

Hoatrup,  hos'tRup,  (CHRISTOFFER,)  a  Danish  drama- 
tist, born  in  iSiS,  produced  many  successful  comedies, 
among  which  are  "The  Neighbours."  ("Gjeiboerne,") 
and  "The  Intrigues."  Died  November  21,  1892. 

Hoatus,  hos'tus,  (MATTHAUS,)  a  German  antiquary, 
born  in  1509;  died  in  1587. 

Ho'tham,  (HENRY,)  an  English  vice-admiral,  born  in 
1776.  In  1815  he  commanded  the  Channel  fleet,  was 
charged  after  the  battle  of  Waterloo  to  blockade  the 

a,  e,  T,  o,  u,  y,  long;  1,  e,  6.  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  I,  o,  ii,  ?,  short;  a,  e,  j,  o,  obscure;  far,  fall,  fat;  met;  not;  good;  moon; 




west  coast  of  France,  and  received  Napoleon  as  a  pris 
oner  on  board  his  flag-ship,  the  Bellerophon.  He  was 
appointed  one  of  the  commissioners  of  the  admiralty  in 
1818.  Died  in  1833. 

Hotho,  ho'to,  (HEINRICH  GUSTAV,)  a  German  writer 
on  art,  born  in  Berlin  in  1802.  He  became  professor  of 
philosophy  at  the  University  of  Berlin  in  1829,  and  was 
considered  one  of  the  chief  representatives  of  the  school 
of  Hegel.  He  wrote  a  "  History  of  Painting  in  Germany 
and  the  Low  Countries,"  (2  vols.,  1840-43.)  Died  1873. 

Hotman,  /iot'moN',  (ANTOINE,  )  a  French  jurist, 
a  brother  of  Franjois,  noticed  below,  was  born  about 
1525;  died  in  1596. 

Hotman  or  Hottomann,  [Lat  HOTOMAN'NUS 
and  HOTTOMAN'NUS,]  (FRANCOIS,)  an  eminent  French 
jurist  and  Protestant,  born  in  Paris  in  1524,  was  a  friend 
of  Calvin.  He  was  deeply  versed  in  jurisprudence, 
literature,  and  antiquities.  He  became  professor  of  law 
at  Strasburg  about  1550,  and  at  Valence  in  1561.  By 
concealment  he  escaped  the  Massacre  of  Saint  Bar- 
tholomew, (1572,)  after  which  he  retired  to  Geneva  and 
Bale.  He  was  appointed  councillor  of  state  by  Henry 
IV.  about  1580.  He  performed  an  important  part  in  the 
scientific  revolution  which  was  produced  in  jurisprudence 
in  the  sixteenth  century.  His  famous  work  on  public 
French  law,  entitled  "Treatise  on  the  Government  of 
the  Kings  of  Gaul,"  ("Franco-Gallia,  sive  Tractatus  de 
Regimine  Regum  Gallias,"  1573,)  had  an  immense  influ 
ence.  He  wrote,  in  elegant  Latin,  many  other  works, 
among  which  are  a  "  Commentary  on  Legal  Words, 
("Commentarius  de  Verbis  Juris,"  1558,)  and  "Cele- 
brated Questions,"  ("  Qusestiones  illustres,"  1573.)  Died 
at  Bale  in  1590.  His  son  JEAN  (1552-1636)  was  a  diplo 
matist  and  writer. 

See  BAYLB,  "  Historical  and  Critical  Dictionary:"  HAAG,  "La 
France  protestante ;"  NHVELET,  "Vita  Hottomanni,"  prefixed  to 
Hotmail's  Works,  about  i€oo;  DARESTB,  "Essaisur  F.  Hotman," 
1850:  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Hotmann  or  Hottomann.     See  HOTMAN. 

Hotmannus  or  Hottomannua.    See  HOTMAN. 

Hottinger,  hot'ting-er,  (JOHANN  HEINRICH,)  an 
eminent  Swiss  Orientalist  and  Protestant  divine,  born  at 
Zurich  in  1620.  After  studying  in  his  native  city,  at  Ge- 
neva, and  Leyden,  and  becoming  one  of  the  best  Oriental 
scholars  of  his  time,  he  was  chosen  in  1648  professor  of 
theology  and  Oriental  languages  at  Zurich.  In  1655  he 
accepted  the  chair  of  Oriental  languages  at  Heidelberg, 
where  he  remained  until  1661,  when  he  was  elected  rector 
of  the  University  of  Zurich.  The  University  of  Leyden 
persuaded  him  to  accept  their  chair  of  theology  ;  but  be- 
fore he  arrived  at  that  scene  of  labour  he  was  accidentally 
drowned,  in  1667.  Among  the  numerous  monuments  of 

1651-67,)  and  "  Etymo'logicum  Orientale, 
seven  languages,  (1661.) 

See  J.  H.  HEIDEGGER,  "  Historia  Viue  J.  H.  Hottingeri,"  1667; 
BAYLE,  "  Historical  and  Critical  Dictionary  :"  G.  H.  HAHN,  "  Un- 
tersuchung  ob  des  gelehrten  Hottinger's  wirkliche  Lebensgefahr," 
etc.,  1742;  NIC^RON,  "Me'moires." 

Hottinger,  (JOHANN  JAKOB,)  a  Swiss  theologian,  a 
son  of  the  preceding,  was  born  at  Zurich  in  1652.  From 
1698  until  his  death  he  was  professor  of  theology  in  his 
native  city.  He  wrote,  besides  other  works,  an  "  Eccle- 
siastical History  of  Switzerland,"  in  German,  (4  vols., 
1708-29.)  Died  in  1735. 

Hottinger,  (JOHANN  JAKOB,)  a  Swiss  professor  and 
philologist,  born  at  Zurich  in  1750.  He  taught  Greek 
and  Latin  in  his  native  city,  and  published  several 
good  editions  and  translations  of  classic  authors.  Died 
in  1819. 

Hottinger,  (  JOHANN  JAKOB,  )  a  Swiss  writer,  born 
in  1783  at  Zurich,  where  he  became  professor  of  his- 
tory, and  published,  besides  other  works,  a  "  History  of 
the  Schism  in  the  Swiss  Church,"  in  German,  (2  vols., 
1827.)  Died  May  18,  1859. 

Hotze,  von,  fon  hot'seh,  (DAVID,)  an  Austrian  gene- 
ral, born  near  Zurich  about  1740.  He  commanded  the 
army  which  was  opposed  to  Massena  in  Switzerland  in 
1799.  He  was  killed  in  a  battle  near  Zurich,  in  Sep- 
tember, 1799. 

Houard,  OO'!R',*  (DAVID,)  a  French  jurist,  born  at 
Dieppe  in  1725  ;  died  in  1802. 

Houbigant,  //oo'be'goN',*  (CHARLES  FRANCOIS,)  a 
French  priest,  born  in  Paris  in  1686,  was  a  member  of 
the  Oratory,  and  an  excellent  biblical  scholar.  After 
teaching  rhetoric  at  Marseilles  and  philosophy  at  Sois- 
sons,  he  became  deaf  about  1722,  and  thenceforth  de- 
voted himself  to  study  and  writing.  He  gave  especial 
attention  to  Hebrew,  with  a  view  to  correct  the  text 
of  the  Bible.  The  principal  fruit  of  his  labours  is  an 
edition  of  the  Hebrew  Bible,  with  Critical  Notes  and 
a  Latin  Version,  (4  vols.,  '753,)  which  is  highly  com- 
mended. Died  in  Paris  in  1783. 

See  J.  F.  ADRY,  "  Notice  sur  la  Vie  de  C.  F.  Houbigant,"  1806; 
'*  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'raJe. " 

Houbraken,  how'bRa'ken,  (  ARNOLD,  )  a  Dutch 
painter,  engraver,  and  critic,  born  at  Dort  in  1660.  He 
painted  history  and  portraits  with  success  at  Amsterdam, 
and  wrote  (in  Dutch)  "  The  Lives  of  Dutch  and  Flemish 
Painters,"  with  portraits,  (3  vols.,  1718,)  a  work  of  much 
merit.  Died  in  1719. 

See  JAKOB  CAMPO  WEYERMAN,  "  De  Schilderkonst  der  Neder- 

Houbraken,  (JACOB,)  son  of  the  preceding,  was  born 
at  Dort  in  1698.  He  worked  many  years  at  Amsterdam, 
was  almost  unrivalled  as  an  engraver,  and  executed 
several  hundred  portraits,  among  which  are  a  collection 
of  "  Illustrious  Persons  of  Great  Britain,"  (London, 
1748.)  He  also  engraved  the  "Sacrifice  of  Manoah," 
after  Rembrandt,  and  the  portraits  in  his  father's  "  Lives 
of  the  Dutch  and  Flemish  Painters."  Died  in  1780. 

See  BASAN,  " Dictionnaire  des  Graveurs." 

Houcbard,  oo'shiR',»  (JEAN  NICOLAS,)  a  French 
general,  born  at  Forbach  in  1740.  He  served  in  the 
army  before  the  Revolution,  in  which  he  espoused  the 
popular  party.  In  1792  he  succeeded  Custine  in  the 
command  of  the  armies  of  the  Moselle  and  of  the  North. 
In  August,  1793,  he  gained  a  victory  at  Hondschoote, 
and  forced  the  British  to  raise  the  siege  of  Dunkirk; 
but  he  was  arrested  by  the  dominant  faction,  and  exe- 
cuted, in  1793,  on  the  charge  that  he  had  permitted  the 
enemy  to  escape  after  the  battle  just  mentioned. 

Houdard.     See  MOTTE,  DE  LA. 

Houdart  de  la  Motte.     See  MOTTE,  DE  LA. 

Houdetot,  oo'deh-to',*  (£LISABETH  FRANCHISE 
French  lady,  born  about  1730,  was  the  wife  of  General 
Houdetot,  the  sister-in-law  of  Madame  Epinay,  and  a 
favourite  of  Rousseau,  to  whose  passion  and  indiscretion 
she  chiefly  owes  the  publicity  of  her  name.  Her  liaison 
with  M.  Saint-Lambert  was  well  known.  Died  in  1813. 

Houdin,  ROBERT.     See  ROBERT-HOUDIN. 

Houdon,  oo'ddN',*  (JEAN  ANTOINE,)  an  eminent 
French  sculptor,  born  at  Versailles  in  1741.  About  1760 
lie  won  the  grand  prize  for  sculpture  at  the  Academy, 
and  went  to  Rome  with  a  pension.  After  remaining 
there  ten  years,  during  which  he  executed  an  admired 
statue  of  Saint  Bruno,  he  returned  to  Paris,  and  was 
admitted  into  the  Royal  Academy  in  1775.  About  1785 
be  received  from  Dr.  Franklin  a  commission  to  execute 
:he  marble  statue  of  Washington  which  adorns  the  State- 
House  at  Richmond,  Virginia.  He  came  to  Philadelphia 
to  obtain  the  model  of  this  work.  His  reputation  was 
ncreased  by  his  statues  of  Voltaire  and  Cicero,  and  his 
Dusts  of  Rousseau,  Buffon,  Franklin,  D'Alembert,  Napo- 
eon,  Ney,  etc.  His  heads  of  young  girls  are  highly 
successful  in  the  expression  of  modesty  and  innocence. 
Houdon  was  a  member  of  the  Institute.  His  personal 
character  was  amiable  and  estimable.  Died  in  1828. 

See  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Houdry,  oo'dRe',*  (VINCENT,)  a  French  Jesuit,  born 
at  Tours  in  1631,  was  employed  as  preacher  in  the  chief 
cities  of  France.  He  published  sermons,  and  a  compila- 
tion entitled  "  Bibliotheque  des  Pre'dicateurs,"  (23  vols., 
1712  a  seq.)  Died  in  1729. 

Houel,  //oo'll',*  (JEAN  PIERRE  Louis  LAURENT,)  a 

*  There  isperhaps  no  question  in  French  pronunciation  attended 
with  more  difficulty  than  that  respecting  the  aspiration  of  the  letter  k, 
The  best  French  authorities  differ  in  regard  to  the  initial  k  of  many 
names.  Some  respectable  authorities  assert  that  the  k  should  never 

€  as  k;  c  as  s:  g  A,irJ:  g  as/;  G,  H,  K,  guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  §  as  z:  th  as  in  this.     ( 

Explanations,  p.  2].) 




French  landscape-painter  and  engraver,  bora  at  Rouen  ,  of  the  inventors  of  the  Thomson-Houston  system  of 
in  1735.  In  a  journey  through  Italy,  Sicily,  etc.,  he  col-  arc  lighting,  and  was  long  connected  with  the  Central 
lected  materials  for  an  interesting  work,  entitled  "A  High  School  of  Philadelphia;  was  also  professor  o 
Picturesque  Tour  through  Sicily,  Malta,  and  the  Lipari  physics  at  the  Franklin  Institute.  _  He  has  put 

Islands,"'  (4  vols.,  !782-*87,  with  264  engravings.)     Died 
in  1813. 

Hough,  huf,  (FRANKLIN  BENJAMIN,)  M.D.,  an  Ameri- 
can author,  born  at  Martinsburg,  New  York,  July  20, 
1822.  He  graduated  in  arts  at  Union  College  in  1843, 
in  medicine  at  the  Cleveland  Medical  College  in  1848, 
was  superintendent  of  the  New  York  State  census  in 

an  electrical  dictionary,  and  works  on  physical  geog- 
raphy, elements  of  physics,  etc. 

Houston,  (GEORGE  SMITH,)  an  American  Demo- 
cratic politician,  born  in  Tennessee  in  1811.  He 
studied  law,  which  he  practised  at  Huntsville,  Alabama, 
and  was  elected  a  member  of  Congress  in  1841.  He 
was  chairman  of  the  committee  of  ways  and  means  in 

1855  and  1865,  was  a  surgeon  in  the  Federal  army,  1862-    the  iower  House,  1851-55.     Died  December  31,  1879. 
63,  and  in  1 876  was  appointed  to  carry  on  forestry  inves-        Houston,   hu'stgn,   (SAM*)    an   American   general 

tigations  for  the  United  States  government.    He  is  author    born  neaj  Leidrigton,  Virginia,  in  1793,  was  taken  to 
and  editor  of  many  books  and  pamphlets  on  local,  colo-    Tennessee  in  his  childhood.     He  studied  law,  which  he 


meteorology  and  on  vital  statistics.   He  wrote  aiso-r-ic-  passed- _  ..____ 

ments  of  Forestry,"  (1882,)  etc.     Died  June  u,  I»b5-  lived  west  of  Arkansas.     About   the   end  of  1832  he 

Hough,  huf,  (JOHN,)  D.D.,  an  English  scholar,  born  emigrated  to  Texas,  where  he  took  an  active  part  in  the 

in  Middlesex  in  1651,  was  elected  president  of  Magda-  ensui      revolt  against  the  Mexican  government    Having 

lene  College,  Oxford,  in  1687,  in  opposition  to  the  illegal  faeen  c|,osen  commander-in-chief  of  the  Texan  army,  he 

dictation  of  James  II.     The  king  then  sent  a  mandate  defeated  and  captured  Santa  Anna  at  San  Jacinto,  April 

to  the   Fellows   to   elect   Parker,  a  Catholic.     In   this  2J    jg  6      He  was  e]ected  president  of  Texas  in  July, 

contest  Hough  firmly  maintained  his  rights  and  those  of  lg'  6  ;Jnd  re.e]ected  for  a  term  of  three  years  in   1841. 

the  college,  and  the  king's  agents  broke  open  the  door  Af^  (he  annexatjon  of  Texas  to  the  Union,  (1845.)  he 

in  order  to  place  Parker  in   the  president's  chair.     In  was  chosen  a  United  States  Senator,  and  at  the  end  of 

1688   Hough  was   reinstated,  and   in   1690   was   made  his  (erm  ;n   [g5,  was  e]ectcd  for  a  second  term.     He 

Bishop  of  Oxford.     Translated  to  the  see  of  Lichfield  made  an  ab)e  speech  against  the  Kansas-Nebraska  bill 

and  Coventry  in  1699,  he  refused  the  Archbishopric  of  jn  March   l&,^  about  wnjch  time  he  joined  the  Ameri- 

Canterbury  in   1715,  and  became  Bishop  of  Worcester  can  /Know-Nothing)  party.     He  was  chosen  Governor 

in  1717.     He  was  eminent  for  piety  and  learning.     Died  of  Texas  in  1859.     On  the  breaking  out  of  the  civil  war 

in  1743. 

Houghton,  LORD.    See  MILNES,  (RICHARD  MONCK- 

Houghton,  ho'ton,  MAJOR,  an  English  traveller,  who 


he  favoured  the  Union,  but  was  overborne  by  a  large 
majority  of  the  people.     Died  July  26,  1863. 

Hous'tpn,  (WILLIAM,)  F.R.S.,  an   English  surgeon 

„ ....  „  and  naturalist,  born  about  1695,  studied  under  Boerhaave,  sent  by  the  African  Company  to  explore  the  source  at  Leydeni  jn  1728-29,  and  made  there,  with  Van  Swieten, 
of  the  Niger.  He  started  in  1790,  ascended  the  Gambia  experiments  respecting  the  respiration  of  animals.  About 
many  hundred  miles,  and  afterwards  proceeded  by  land.  ,_,2  ne  made  a  voyage  for  scientific  purposes  to  the 
It  is  supposed  that  he  died  near  Jarra,  in  1791 ;  but  his  Wes(  jndjeSi  where  he  died  in  1733,  after  collecting  and 
papers  were  never  recovered.  describing  many  rare  plants.  The  results  of  his  botanical 

Houlakou  or  Houlagou.     See  HOOLAKOO.  labours  were  published  by  Sir  Joseph  Banks. 

Houlieres,  des.    See  DESHOULIERES.  —_._«. — .n_      -    TT — .*r..,;iio     /,™t'«Ai' 

Houllier,  /iool'e-4',  [Lat.  HOLLE'RIUS,]   (JACQUES.) 

an  eminent  Frencrf"pnysician,  born  at  Etampes,  obtained    tll  ,uuu.     ..^    ^ ,   ...   _,__, 

a  large  practice  in  Paris,  and  was  chosen  Dean  of  the    Christian    Religion  proved  by  Facts 
Faculty  in  1546.     He  wrote  able  commentaries  on  Hip- 
pocrates, (1579,)  and  other  works.     Died  in  1562. 

Houmayoun  or  Houmaioon.    See  HOOMAYOON. 

Houseman,  (C.)     See  HUYSMAN. 

House'man,  (LAURENCE,)  an  English  author  and 

artist,   born   July   18,   1867.     He   has   published   "A 

Farm  in  Fairyland,"  (1894,)  "  Green  Arras,"  (1896,) 

'The  Field  of  Clover,"  (1898,)  etc.,  and  illustrated 

many  works. 


Houteville  or  Houtteviile,  /ioot'vel',  (CLAUDE 
FRANCOIS,)  a  French  priest  of  the  Oratory,  born  in  Pans 
in  1686.  He  published,  in  1722,  "The  Truth  of  the 
Christian  Religion  proved  by  Facts,"  which  attracted 
much  attention  and  hostile  criticism.  In  1723  he  was 
chosen  a  member  of  the  French  Academy.  He  was 
elected  perpetual  secretary  of  the  Academy  in  1742,  and 
died  in  the  same  year. 

Houtman,  howt'man,  (CoRNELis,)  a  Dutch  navigator, 

born  at  Gouda,  was  the  pioneer  or  founder  of  the  com 
merce  between  Holland  and  the  East  Indies.  As  agent 
of  a  company,  he  made  the  first  voyage  in  1595,  and  re- 

turned home  in  1597.  In  1598  he  renewed  the  enterprise 
with  two  ships,  and  landed  at  Acheen,  in  Sumatra,  where 
he  was  arrested  with  some  of  his  men,  and  kept  a  prisoner 

Houssaye,  >WsV,  (ARSENE,)  a  successful  French  ,  unti,  hjs  deatlx     Died  about  1605. 

littiratmr  and  poet,  born  near  Laon  in  1815.     He  pro-        Houtteviile.     See  HOUTEVILLE. 
duced  "La  Couronne  des  Bluets,     (1836,)   and   many        Houwaert,  how'wSrt,  ([EAN  BAPTISTA,)  a  Flemish 
other   novels.     His   "History  of  Flemish   and   Dutch    wrjter  and  poiitician,   born   in   1533.      He   wrote  in   a 
Painting"  (1846)  was  received  with  favour.     In  1844  he    curjous  mixture  of  Flemish  and  Burgundian,  with  many 
published  a  "Gallery  of   Portraits  of  the  Eighteenth    ^  .  ds  and  idioms      His  works   include  several 

Century,"  (ist  series   2  vols  )  which  was  completed  in  classical  subjects,  and  the  remarkable  didactic 

5  vols.  about  1850.     From  1849  to  1856  he  was  director 

of  the  Theatre  Francais.  He 
on  art,  and  published  a  volume  of  poems, 
completes,"  (1849,)  and  "  Le  Roi  Voltaire,"  (1858.)  lie 
was  chosen  inspector-general  of  the  works  of  art  and 
Muslts  m  1856,  and  subsequently  produced  "  Histoire 

9  to  15      e  was    irector  ..  p        ides  P]eyn  »  called  also  "The  Palace  of 

also  wrote  able  cr.tiques  .  Maidens  »bwhich  discusses  the  varieties  of  love.     Died 
ume  of  poems,  "  Poesies    r™         ' 

(1879,)  etc.     Died  February  26,  1896. 

Houston,  (EDWIN  JAMES,)  an  electrical  engineer, 
born  at  Alexandria,  Virginia,  July  9,  1844.     He  is  one 

be  sounded  in  any  case,  others  maintain  that  in  certain  words  and 
names  it  should  be  slightly  sounded,  while  in  others  it  is  entirely  mute. 
Respecting  this  subject,  see  the  remarks  on  French  pronunciation  in 
the  Introduction. 

g          v        yjn  ho/veh  (ANTOON,)  a  Dutch  historian 
d  L    ,  b        about  died  in  ^^ 

HovedeHrif  huv'den  or  hov'den,  de,  (ROGER,)  an 
English  historian,  born  at  York,  lived  about  1170-1200, 
He  was  professor  of  theology  at  Oxford,  and  filled  re- 
sponsible offices  at  the  court  of  Henry  II.  He  wiote,  in 
Latin,  a  "  History  of  England  from  731  to  1202,'  -!•:-»• 
is  commended  by  Leland,  Selden,  and  others 

See  Vossius,  "De  Historicis  Latinis." 

Hovel.     See  HEVELIUS. 

•  So  called  by  himself. 


Ccr   u' 

a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  long;  i,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y, short;  a,  e,  j,  9,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fit;  mSt;  not;  good;  moon; 




Ho'ven-d?n,  (THOMAS,)  an  artist,  born  at  Dunman- 
way,  county  of  Cork,  Ireland,  December  20,  1840.  He 
studied  art  in  the  Cork  School  of  Design  and  in  the 
New  York  National  Academy.  In  :88i  he  was  elected 
an  associate,  and  in  1882  a  full  member  of  the  National 
Academy.  He  resided  near  Philadelphia.  Amo..^  his 
best  works  are  "  In  HocSigno  Vinces,"  (1880,)  "Elaine," 
(1882,)  "A  Breton  Interior,"  and  "The  Last  Moments  of 
John  Brown,"  (1884.)  Accidentally  killed  Aug.  14,  1895. 

Church.  Representing  Carlisle  in  Parliament,  he  acted 
with  the  opposition  during  the  ministries  of  Lord  North 
and  Lord  Shelburne.  At  the  death  of  his  father,  in  1786, 
ne  became  Duke  of  Norfolk.  As  a  member  of  the 
House  of  Lords,  he  opposed  the  measures  of  Pitt.  Died 
in  1815. 

Howard,  (Hon.  EDWARD,)  an  English  writer,  a  so» 
of  Thomas,  Earl  of  Berkshire,  lived  about  1650.     H« 

,    , r,    j  _          ,.  wrote  several   unsuccessful  dramas,  and  "The  British 

Hovey,  huv'e,  (ALVAH,)  an   American   divine   and    Princes;  a  Heroic  Poem,"  in  which  occur  these  lines. 
author,  bom  in  Chenango  county,  New  York,  about  1820.    often  quoted  in  ridicule  : 
He  graduated  at  Dartmouth  in  1843,  and  about  1850  be-  j  ••  A  p?inted  vest  Prince  V Drtigem  had  on, 

came  a  professor  in  the  Baptist  Theological  Seminary  ,  Which  from  a  naked  Pict  his  grandsire  won. 

at  Newton,  and  president  of  the  same  in  1868. 

Hovey,  (ALVAN  P.,)  an  American  statesman  and  sol- 
dier, entered  the  military  service  from  Indiana  in  1861, 
became  a  brigadier-general  in  1862,  and  commanded  a 
division  at  Champion's  Hill,  Mav  16,  1863.  He  was 
minister  to  Peru  from  1865  to  1870,  and  governor  of 
Indiana  from  1888  till  his  death,  November  23,  1891. 

Hovey,  (RICHARD,)  an  American  poet,  born  at 
Normal,  Illinois,  May  4,  1864.  He  became  a  jour- 
nalist, actor,  and  dramatist,  and  wrote  "  Launcelot 
and  Guenevere,"  a  dramatic  poem,  "Along  the 
Trails,"  "  Songs  from  Vagabondia,"  (with  Bliss  Car- 
man,) etc.  Died  February  26,  1900.  • 

H6w,  (WILLIAM,)  M.D.,  born  in  London  in  1619,  *»?hop  ot  Neocaesarea  and  coadjutor  to  the  Cardinal- 
became  a  captain  in  the  royal  army  in  the  civil  war,  and  Blsh°P  «*  Ffasc^'  ar'd  >»  «?77  "™  created  a  card  nal. 
afterwards  practised  medicine  in  his  native  city.  He  P"£st-  He,was  also  protector  of  the  College 
is  said  to  have  been  the  author  of  the  first  English*  Flora,  at  R°">«.  and  In. l88'  became  arch-priest  of  Saint  Peter  s 
("Phytologia  Britannica,"  1650,)  which  contains  twelve  I  a'ld  Pre!^ct  ..of the  congregation  having  care  of  the  fabric 
hundred  and  twenty  plants.  Died  in  1656.  I  °f  £«*H**™  ^*?t*^&i5*LJ_- 

Pope,  in  the  "  Dunciad,"  alludes  to  him  in  these  terms : 

"  And  high-born  Howard,  more  majestic  sire, 
With  fool  of  quality  completes  the  choir." 

Howard,  (EDWARD,)  a  popular  English  novelist,  was 
a  lieutenant  in  the  royal  navy.  He  published  "The 
Old  Commodore,"  (1837.)  "Ratlin  the  Reefer,"  (1838,) 
"  Outward-Bound,"  etc.  Died  in  1842. 

Howard,  (EDWARD,)  an  English  cardinal,  born  at 
Nottingham,  February  13,  1829,  a  cadet  of  the  family  of 
the  dukes  of  Norfolk.  He  became  an  officer  of  the 
Lite-Guards,  but  when  twenty-six  years  old  took  orders 
at  Rome,  and  became  personally  attached  to  the  house- 
hold of  Pius  IX.  In  1872  he  was  consecrated  Arch- 

twenty  plants.     Died  in  1656. 
HJSw'ard,  the  name  of  an  ancient  and  noble  family 

Howard,  (  FRANK,  ) 

an   able  English  designer  and 

,  „     ,    •  .  |     ,     ,  ''"f'xT14 f'YlJ    writer  on  art,  a  son  of  Henry  Howard  the  painter.     He 

of  England,  the  head  of  which  >s_  the  Duke  of  Norfolk        b]ished  ..The  Spirit  of  ^  plays  of  sh£kspeare)  ex- 

ne  £,aris  01     .;L;,,J   •      rt.,*i;«n   pu*<.c  "  /r  ,frtic     iQ^i-tt  \  •*«/!    , 

3,)  and  the 

ays  ot  bnal 

hibited  in  Outline"  Plates,"  (5  vols.,  1827-3 
"Science  of  Drawing,"  (1840.)     Died  in  1866. 
Howard,  (FREDERICK,)   fifth   Earl  of  Carlisle,  an 

a  "Poetical   Essay  on  Pope's  Characters  of  Women,"  !  English  Poet a"d  statesman.  born  in  '748.     In   177 
anH  nth^r  nnoms  *  ni-H  in  ,,fin.  I  he  was  °ne  of  the  commissioners  sent  to  persuade  the 

and  the  premier  peer  of  Great  Britain.     The 
Carlisle  and  Suffolk  also  belong  to  the  Howard  family. 

Howard,  (ANNE,)  daughter  of  Charles,  Earl  of  Car- 
lisle, was  married  to  Richard,  Viscount  Irwin.  She  wrote 

and  other  poems.     Died  in  1760. 

HSw'ard,  (BLANCHE  WILLIS,)  an  American  author-  |  Pe°Ple  of  the  Un'ted  Sta,tes  to  /u'1)mlt  to  th5  BntlslJ 
ess,  born 'at  Bangor,  Maine,  July  21,  1847.  I"  l8?S  she  ™le-  He  published  a  volume  of  Poems,  and  several 
removed  to  Germany,  and  edited  a  magazine  in  English  |  tragedies,  one  of  which,  calle  The  father  s  Re- 
al Stuttgart.  Her  principal  works  are  the  novels  "One  ',  venge,"  was  commended  by  Dr.  Johnson.  Died  in 
Summer,"  (1875,)  "  One  Year  Abroad,"  "  Aunt  Serena,"  '  1825. 

and  "Guenn,"  (188^,)  all  of  which  were  remarkably  Howard,  (GEOPGE  EDMUND,)  a  British  poet  and 
successful.  She  married  Baron  von  Teuffel  in  1890.  architect,  was  educated  at  Trinity  College,  Dublin.  He 
Died  October  7,  1898.  .published  in  1782  several  volumes  of  miscellaneous 

Howard,    (BRONSON,)    an    American    dramatist,    works,  the  most  important  of  which  treat  on  the  ex- 
born  at  Detroit,  Michigan,  October  7,  1842.    He  wrote  '  chequer,  revenue,  and  trade  of  Ireland.     Died  in  1786. 
a  considerable  number  of  plays,  the  best  known  being        Howard,  (GEORGE  WILLIAM   FREDERICK,)  Earl  of 
"Saratoga,"    "Young    Mrs.   Winthrop,"    "  Shenan-    Carlisle  and  Viscount  Morpeth,  a  statesman  and  author 
rlnoh  "  "Th*  BanVpr^  r>n,,,rhter  "  „,  born  in  :8o2,  was  a  grandson  of  Fredenck,  fifth  Earl 

d0Howarlhe(CHtlVs,rLSrderEmngCham,   or    Lord  |  of  Carlisle.     He  was  styled  Lord I  Morpetl .before  the 
Howard  of  Effingham,  an  English  admiral,  born  in  1536,    deat!>  °f.  hls  father'  wh!c£  occurred  about  1848      Unde 
was  the  son  of  William,  Lord  Effingham,  and  grandson    the  Whig  ministry  wmcH  was  dissolved  in  1841  he  was 
of  Thomas  Howard,  second  Duke  of  Norfolk.     After  !  ?««tary  for  Ireland.    In  1854  he  published  a      Diary 
important  civil  and  military  services,  he  was  appointed    '"  Turkl^h  and  ,Grf  ,k  ^  aters'    /;'hl=h  's  a  w 
in  1585  lord  high  admiral  by  Queen  Elizabeth,  and  sue-    merit.     He  was  lord-lieutenant  of  Ireland  about  three 
cessfully  opposed  the  Invincible  Armada  in  1588.     In    years,  (1855-58.)   and  was  reappomted  to  that  office 
1596  he  was  associated  with  the   Earl  of  Essex  in  the  i  by  Palmerston  in  June,.  1859.     He  had  the  reput 
victorious  expedition  against  Cadiz,  and  was  rewarded    of  a  liberal  statesman  and  benevolent  man. 
with  the  title  of  Earl  of  Nottingham.     About  three  years    1864. 

later,  when  another  Spanish  invasion  was  expected,  the  Howard,  (HENRY,)  Earl  of  Surrey,  a  celebrated 
sole  command  of  the  army  and  navy  for  a  short  time  was  English  poet,  born  about  1516,  was  the  son  of  Thomas, 
committed  to  him,  with  the  title  of  lieutenant-general  of  ,  third  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  of  Elizabeth  Stafford.  He 
England.  He  retained  his  honours  and  offices  under  excelled  in  the  accomplishments  of  a  scholar,  courtier, 

James  I.     Died  in  1624. 

and  soldier,  and  cultivated  as  well   as  patronized  the 

See  CAMPBELL,"  Lives  of  British  Admirals ;"  J.  BARROW,  "  Me- |  fine  arts.  About  1535  he  married  Lady  Frances  Vere. 
moirs  of  the  Naval  Worthies  of  Queen  Elizabeth's  Reign,"  1845.  In  1544  he  accompanied  Henry  VIII.  in  his  invasion  of 

Howard,  (CHARLES,)  tenth  Duke  of  Norfolk,  (pre-  i  France,  was  made  a  field-marshal,  and  was  appointed 
vious'.y  Hon.  CHARLES  HOWARD,  of  Greystock  Castle,  governor  of  Boulogne  after  it  was  captured  hv  the 
Cumberland,)  succeeded  to  the  dukedom  in  1777.  "-  '•'--•-  °--  .-<•*—"-••-  t- 


published  "Thoughts,  Essays,  and  Maxims,  chiefly  Re- 
ligious and  Political,"  (1768,)  and  "  Historical  Anecdotes 
of  some  of  the  Howard  Family."  Died  in  1786. 

Howard,  (CHARLES,)  eleventh  Duke  of  Norfolk,  an 
English  nobleman,  born  in  1  746,  was  the  son  of  the  tenth 
Duke.  In  1780,  being  then  styled  the  Earl  of  Surrey, 
he  exchanged  the  Catholic  faith  for  that  of  the  Anglican 

English.  Soon  after  this  he  became  the  object  of  the 
king's  suspicion.  He  was  recalled  in  1546,  arrested 
with  his  father,  condemned,  and  executed  in  1547.  He 
left  two  sons  and  three  daughters.  (With  respect  to 
Surrey's  guilt  or  innocence,  see  Froude's  "  History  of 
England,"  vol.  iv.  chap,  xxiii.) 

Surrey  is  the  first  who  used  blank  verse  in  our  lan- 
guage,  and   is   considered   the   first   English    classical 

€  as  k;  9  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as>;  G,  H,  Yi,giMural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     ( J£p=See  Explanations,  p.  23. ) 




poet.  He  did  much  to  improve  the  style  of  versification. 
One  of  his  principal  productions  is  a  translation  into 
blank  verse  of  the  second  book  of  the  "  ^neid,"  which 
is  admired  for  its  fidelity  and  poetic  diction.  He  also 
wrote  numerous  sonnets  and  songs.  There  is  some 
doubt  of  the  reality  of  his  romantic  passion  for  Geral- 
dine,  who  is  the  subject  of  his  most  admired  effusions. 
She  was  a  child  of  thirteen,  named  Lady  Elizabeth  Fitz- 
gerald, who  afterwards  became  the  wife  of  the  Earl  of 

See  HALLAM,  "Introduction  to  the  Literature  of  Europe;" 
WARTON,  "  History  of  English  Poetry  ;"  JOHNSON  and  CHALMERS, 
'Lives  of  the  English  Poets;"  "  Edinburgh  Review,"  vol.  xlii. 

Howard,  (HENRY,)  Earl  of  Northampton,  second 
son  of  the  preceding,  was  born  at  Norfolk  about  1539. 
He  was  a  person  of  much  learning,  but  of  bad  principles. 
He  became  a  privy  councillor  at  the  accession  of  James 
I.,  who  made  him  Earl  of  Northampton.  In  1608  he 
was  appointed  lord  privy  seal.  He  was  suspected  of 
complicity  in  the  murder  of  Sir  Thomas  Overbury,  and 
in  the  disgraceful  conduct  of  his  relative,  the  Countess 
of  Essex.  Died  in  1614. 

See  GARDINER'S  "  History  of  England  from  1603  to  1616,"  voL 
i.  chap.  ii.  pp.  63  and  64 ;  also,  chaps,  x.  and  xii. 

Howard,  (HENRY,)  born  in  1757,  was  the  son  of 
Philip  Howard  of  Corby  Castle,  England,  and  a  de- 
scendant of  the  noble  Earl  of  Surrey.  He  published 
"  Indication  of  Memorials,  etc.  of  the  Howard  Family," 
(1834,)  and  other  works.  Died  in  1842. 

Howard,  (HENRY,)  an  English  painter,  born  in  1769, 
entered  the  Royal  Academy  as  a  student  in  1788.  In 
1790  he  won  two  of  the  highest  premiums, — a  gold 
medal  for  the  best  historical  painting,  and  a  silver  medal 
for  the  best  drawing  from  life.  After  a  visit  to  Rome 
he  was  chosen  a  member  of  the  Royal  Academy  in  1808, 
and  secretary  of  that  body  in  1811.  His  favourite  sub- 
jects are  classical  and  poetical,  and  are  treated  with 
elegant  taste.  Among  his  best  works  are  "  The  Birth 
of  Venus,"  "The  Solar  System,"  "  The  Circling  Hours," 
•uid  "The  Story  of  Pandora."  Died  in  1847. 

Howard,  (Sir  JOHN,)  was  a  son  of  Sir  Robert  Howard 
and  Margaret,  a  daughter  of  Thomas  Mowbray,  Duke 
of  Norfolk.  He  was  a  partisan  of  the  house  of  York 
during  the  wars  of  the  Roses.  He  was  created  Duke 
of  Norfolk  in  1483,  and  was  killed  with  Richard  III.  at 
Bosworth  in  1485. 

Howard,  (JOHN,)  F.R.S.,  a  celebrated  English  phikn- 
thropist,  born  at  Hackney,  near  London,  in  1726.  He 
was  the  son  of  a  London  tradesman,  who  died  in  his 
minority  and  left  him  an  independent  fortune.  Having 
made  a  tour  on  the  continent,  he  returned  home  and 
took  lodgings  with  a  widow  named  Loidore,  by  whom  he 
was  kindly  nursed  when  his  health  required  such  atten- 
tion, and  whom  he  married  out  of  mere  gratitude  in  1752, 
although  she  was  more  than  twenty  years  his  senior. 
After  their  marriage  she  Hved  only  three  or  four  years. 
In  1756  he  embarked  for  Lisbon,  in  the  desire  to  relieve 
the  miseries  caused  by  the  great  earthquake  of  1755,  but 
during  the  passage  was  taken  by  a  French  privateer,  and 
detained  in  prison  long  enough  to  excite  his  lasting  sym- 
pathy with  prisoners  and  to  impress  him  with  the  neces- 
sity of  a  reform  in  their  treatment.  After  he  was  re- 
leased he  returned  home,  and  married  in  1758  Henrietta 
Leeds,  with  whom  he  lived  happily  at  Cardington  until 
her  death  in  1765.  He  had  by  this  marriage  one  son, 
whose  vicious  habits  produced  first  disease  and  then 
incurable  insanity.  Having  been  appointed  sheriff  of 
the  county  of  Bedford  in  1773,  he  witnessed  with  pain 
the  abuses  and  cruelties  to  which  prisoners  were  usually 
subjected.  After  visiting  most  of  the  county  jails  of  Eng- 
land, and  collecting  much  information  respecting  them, 
he  induced  the  House  of  Commons  in  1774  to  begin  a 
reform  in  prison  discipline,  to  which  his  life  thenceforth 
was  constantly,  heroically,  and  successfully  devoted.  In 
1777  he  published  a  valuable  volume  on  "The  State  of 
the  Prisons  in  England,"  etc.  From  1778  until  his  death 
he  was  almost  continually  employed  in  traversing  all 
parts  of  Europe,  visiting  prisons  and  hospitals,  relieving 
the  sick,  and,  as  Burke  expresses  it,  "taking  the  gauge 
and  dimensions  of  misery,  depression,  and  contempt." 
He  died  of  fever  in  1790,  at  Cherson,  on  the  Black  Sea. 

His  habits  were  simple,  temperate,  and  self  denying. 
Having  been  educated  among  Protestant  dissenters,  he 
continued  in  their  fellowship  through  life. 

See  "  Life  of  Howard,"  by  W.  HEPWORTH  DIXON,  1849;  another 
Life,  by  JOHN  FIELD,  1850;  AIKIN,  "  Life  of  John  Howard,"  1791: 
J.  B.  BROWN,  "  Memoirs  of  the  Life  of  John  Howard,"  1818;  "  En- 
cyclopaedia Britannica ;"  "  Blackwood's  Magazine"  for  January,  1850. 

HSw'ard,  (JOHN  EAGER,)  an  officer,  born  in  Balti- 
more county,  Maryland,  in  1752.  He  commanded  a  regi- 
ment which  distinguished  itself  by  its  brilliant  bayonet- 
charge  at  Cowpens,  January,  1781,  and  its  gallantry  at 
Guilford  Court-House,  Marcn,  1781,  and  Eutaw  Springs, 
in  September  of  that  year.  He  was  chosen  Governor  of 
Maryland  in  1788,  and  was  a  United  States  Senator  from 
1796  to  1803.  Died  in  1827. 

See  "National  Portrait-Gallery  of  Distinguished  Americans. 

Howard,  (LuKE,)  an  English  meteorologist,  born 
about  1770,  published  an  "  Essay  on  Clouds,"  (1802,)  and 
other  works  on  meteorology.  Died  in  1864. 

Howard,  (OLIVER  OTIS,)  an  American  general,  bom 
at  Leeds,  Kennebec  county,  Maine,  in  November,  1830. 
He  was  educated  at  Bowdoin  College  and  at  the  Military 
Academy  of  West  Point,  where  he  graduated  in  1854.  He 
became  first  lieutenant  of  ordnance  in  1857,  and  colonel 
of  the  Third  Maine  Volunteers  in  May,  1801.  He  com- 
manded a  brigade  at  Bull  Run,  July  21,  and  obtained  the 
rank  of  brigadier-general  in  September,  1861.  At  the 
battle  of  Fair  Oaks,  May  31,  1862,  he  lost  his  right  arm. 
He  commanded  a  division  at  the  battle  of  Antictam, 
September  17,  and  at  Fredericksburg,  December,  1862. 
In  November,  1862,  he  was  appointed  a  major-general 
of  volunteers,  and  in  April,  1863,  obtained  command  of 
the  eleventh  army  corps,  which  he  led  at  Chancellors- 
ville,  and  at  Gettysburg,  July  2  and  3,  1863.  He  served 
with  distinction  at  the  battle  of  Missionary  Ridge  and 
Chattanooga,  November  25,  1863.  In  his  report  of  this 
campaign  General  Sherman  commends  him  as  "exhibit- 
ing the  highest  and  most  chivalrous  traits  of  the  soldier." 
General  Howard  commanded  the  fourth  corps  of  the 
army  which,  under  General  Sherman,  fought  its  way 
from  Chattanooga  to  Atlanta,  May-September,  1864. 
He  was  appointed,  July  27,  commander  of  the  army  of 
the  Tennessee  in  place  of  McPherson,  who  was  killed 
near  Atlanta.  In  the  memorable  march  of  Sherman's 
army  from  Atlanta  to  the  sea,  Howard  led  the  right 
wing.  From  1865  to  1872  he  was  chief  of  the  Freed- 
men's  Bureau.  He  commanded  the  Department  of  the 
Columbia,  1874-80,  was  superintendent  of  the  West 
Point  Academy,  1881-82,  had  command  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  the  Platte,  1882-83,  and  later  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  the  East  until  his  retirement,  Nov.  8,  1894. 

Howard,  (PHILIP,)  of  Corby  Casile,  England,  was  a 
descendant  of  the  eminent  poet  the  Earl  of  Surrey,  and 
father  of  Henry,  noticed  above,  (1757-1842.)  He  wrote 
the  "  Scriptural  History  of  the  Earth  and  of  Mankind," 
(1797.)  Died  in  1810. 

Howard,  (Sir  ROBERT,)  M.P.,  an  English  poet,  born 
In  1626,  was  a  brother  of  the  Hon.  Edward  Howard, 
noticed  above.  He  was  a  royalist  in  the  civil  war,  and, 
after  the  restoration,  was  appointed  auditor  of  the  ex- 
chequer. His  most  successful  dramas  were  "The  Com- 
mittee" and  "  The  Indian  Queen."  He  was  the  original 
hero  of  "The  Rehearsal,"  in  which  he  is  called  Bilboa. 
"The  poetry  of  the  Berkshire  Howards,"  says  Macaulay, 
"was  the  jest  of  three  generations  of  satirists."  The 
poet  Dryden  married  Howard's  sister.  Died  in  1698. 

See  MACAULAY,  "  History  of  England,"  vol.  ill  chap.  xiv.  ;  Cl»- 
BER.  "  Lives  of  the  Poets." 

Howard,  (SAMUEL,)  an  English  musical  composer, 
who  flourished  about  1750,  produced  several  popular 
ballads.  Died  in  1783. 

Howard,  (THOMAS,)  second  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and 
Earl  of  Surrey,  was  a  son  of  John,  first  Duke.  He  fought 
for  Richard  III.  at  Bosworth,  where  his  father  was  killed, 
in  1485.  He  commanded  the  English  army  which  gained 
a  great  victory  over  the  Scotch  at  Flodden  in  1513,  and 
received  the  title  of  Duke  of  Norfolk  for  this  service, 
before  which  he  was  styled  Earl  of  Surrey.  He  died  in 
1524,  aged  about  seventy,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  son 

Howard,  (THOMAS,)  third  Duke  of  Norfolk,  a  son  of 

a.  e,  i,  o,  u,  y,  twig;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  i,  6,  n,  y, short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obscitrt;  fir,  fall,  fat;  m^t;  not;  good;  mnnn 




the  preceding,  and  an  eminent  English  statesman  and  gen- 
eral", was  born  about  1473.  I"  '5 '3  ne  was  cnosen  high 
admiral  of  England,  and,  in  co-operation  with  his  father, 
defeated  the  Scotch  at  the  battle  of  Flodden.  For  this 
service  he  was  made  Earl  of  Surrey,  while  his  father 
was  made  Duke  of  Norfolk.  In  1523  he  became  lord 
high  treasurer,  and  in  1524,  at  the  death  of  his  father, 
inherited  his  title.  His  devotion  to  the  Church  of  Rome 
made  him  hostile  to  Anne  Boleyn,  though  she  was  his 
own  niece.  After  Henry  VIII.  had  married  Catherine 
Howard,  the  duke,  who  was  her  uncle,  had  much  influ- 
ence in  the  royal  councils,  and  used  it  for  the  persecu- 
tion of  the  Protestants.  In  1547  he  was  arrested  on  a 
charge  of  treason,  and  ordered  for  execution  ;  but  before 
the  fatal  day  came  the  king  died.  Norfolk  was  released 
from  prison  in  1553,  and  died  the  next  year.  His  son, 
the  Earl  of  Surrey,  was  executed  in  1547. 

See  FROUDE,  "  History  of  the  Reign  of  Henry  VIII.,"  particu- 
larly vols.  iii.  and  iv. :  HUME'S  and  LINGARD'S  Histories  of  England. 

Howard,  (THOMAS,)  fourth  Duke  of  Norfolk,  was  a 
grandson  of  the  preceding.  He  was  the  only  peer  who 
at  that  time  possessed  the  highest  title  of  nobility  ;  and, 
as  there  were  no  princes  of  the  blood,  his  rank,  together 
with  his  great  wealth  and  abilities,  rendered  him  the  first 
subject  in  England.  He  is  represented  as  generous, 
prudent,  and  moderate,  and  sincerely  attached  to  the 
Protestant  religion.  In  1559  Elizabeth  appointed  him 
her  lieutenant  in  the  northern  counties.  By  aspiring  to 
become  the  husband  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots,  he  gave 
offence  to  Elizabeth,  and  was  committed  to  the  Tower 
in  1569.  Having  been  released,  he  renewed  his  suit, 
received  a  promise  of  marriage  from  the  captive  queen, 
ar.d  joined  a  conspiracy  for  her  liberation.  For  this  he 
was  condemned  and  executed  in  1572. 

See  HUME,  "  History  of  England;"  FROUDB,  "  History  of  Eng- 
land," vols.  ix.  and  x. 

Howard,  (THOMAS,)  Earl  of  Arundel,  a  branch  of 
the  ancient  and  noble  family  of  Howard,  was  employed 
in  foreign  embassies  by  Charles  I.  In  1639  he  was 
appointed  commander  of  an  army  raised  to  subdue 
the  Scotch ;  but  peace  was  made  before  any  important 
action  occurred.  He  formed  an  extensive  collection  of 
Grecian  antiquities  and  productions  of  ancient  artists, 
parts  of  which  were  presented  by  one  of  his  heirs  to  the 
University  of  Oxford,  under  the  name  of  the  Arundelian 
marbles.  His  grandson  Henry  became  sixth  Duke  of 
Norfolk.  The  earl  wrote  several  relations  of  his  em- 
bassies and  voyages.  Died  in  1646. 

British  general,  born  in  1762,  was  the  son  of  John  Cra- 
dock,  Archbishop  of  Dublin.  He  entered  the  array  in 
1777.  In  1801  he  was  one  of  Abercrombie's  staff,  and 
was  engaged  in  several  battles  in  Egypt.  He  afterwards 
commanded  the  British  army  in  India,  and  in  Portugal 
in  1808.  In  1831  he  was  raised  to  the  peerage,  as  Baron 
Howden.  Died  in  1839. 

Howden,  ( JOHN  HOBART  CARADOC,)  BARON,  an  Eng- 
lish diplomatist,  a  son  of  the  preceding,  was  born  in  1 799. 
He  served  in  the  army,  and  gained  the  rank  of  maior-gei;- 
eral.  lie  was  ambassador  to  Madrid  in  1850.  Died  1873. 

H5we,  (ALBION  P.,)  an  American  general,  born  in 
Maine  in  1820,  and  graduated  at  West  Point  in  1841. 
He  served  with  honour  in  the  Mexican  and  civil  wars, 
commanding  a  division  at  Fredericksburg,  (1862,)  and 
Gettysburg,  (1863.)  He  was  retired  in  1882.  Died 
January  25,  1897. 

H8we,  (CHARLES,)  born  in  Gloucestershire,  England, 
in  1661,  was  employed  as  a  diplomatist  by  James  II. 
He  wrote  "  Devout  Meditations,"  of  which  the  poet 
\Toung  says,  "  A  greater  demonstration  of  a  sound  head 
and  a  sincere  heart  i  never  saw."  Died  in  1745. 

Howe,  (EDGAR  W.,)  an  American  author,  born  near 
Hutnington,  Iowa,  May  3,  1854.  He  was  bred  a  printer, 
and  became  a  successful  journalist  of  Atchison,  Kansas. 
His  principal  works  are  novels, — "  A  Story  of  a  Country 
Town,"  (which  had  great  success,)  "The  Mystery  of 
the  Locks,"  "Confession  of  John  Whitlock,"  etc. 

Howe,  (ELIAS,)  an  eminent  American  inventor,  bom 
at  Spencer,  Massachusetts,  about  1819.  While  employed 
as  a  machinist  he  made  many  experiments  for  the  inven- 
tion of  a  sewing-machine,  and  about  1844  entered  into  a 

partnership  with  Mr.  George  Fisher,  of  Cambridge,  who 
agreed  to  give  him  pecuniary  assistance  on  condition  of 
becoming  proprietor  of  half  the  patent.  In  April,  1845, 
he  finished  a  machine,  which  in  essential  points  is  es- 
teemed by  competent  judges  equal  to  any  that  have  suc- 
ceeded it  He  obtained  a  patent  in  1846.  His  invention 
not  meeting  in  the  United  States  with  the  success  which 
he  had  anticipated,  he  resolved  to  visit  England.  He 
resided  several  years  in  London  in  great  destitution,  and 
returned  in  1849,  without  having  succeeded  in  making 
known  the  merits  of  his  invention.  Meanwhile  the  sew- 
ing-machine had  been  brought  into  general  notice  and 
favour,  various  improvements  having  been  added  by  Mr. 
Singer,  with  whom,  as  an  infringer  of  his  patent,  Mr. 
Howe  had  a  law-suit,  which  was  decided  in  his  favour 
in  1854.  Soon  after  the  breaking  out  of  the  rebellion  in 
1861,  Mr.  Howe  raised  and  equipped  at  his  own  expense 
a  regiment,  in  which  he  served  as  a  private  until  ill  health 
obliged  him  to  resign.  Died  October  3,  1867. 

See  the  "History  of  the  Sewing-Machins,"  in  the  "Atlantic 
Monthly"  for  May,  1867,  by  JAMES  PARTON. 

Howe,  (JOHN,)  an  eminent  English  dissenting  min- 
ister and  author,  born  at  Loughborough,  May  17,  1630, 
was  educated  at  Cambridge.  Soon  after  he  was  ordained 
he  was  appointed  domestic  chaplain  to  Cromwell,  then 
Protector,  at  whose  death  he  was  retained  in  the  same 
office  by  Richard  Cromwell.  After  the  latter  was  de- 
posed, Howe  preached  at  Great  Torrington,  until  he 
was  ejected  for  nonconformity,  in  1662.  In  1675  he  be- 
came minister  of  a  Puritan  congregation  in  London, 
where  he  continued  to  labour  (except  during  a  few 
years  of  absence)  until  his  death.  He  was  eminent  for 
piety,  for  wisdom,  for  profound  learning,  and  for  classical 
scholarship.  As  an  author  he  is  highly  applauded  for 
his  originality,  sublimity,  and  evangelical  spirit.  Among 
his  principal  works  are  "The  Living  Temple,"  (1674- 
1702,)  "The  Blessedness  of  the  Righteous,"  "The  Re- 
deemer's Tears,"  (1684,)  and  "The  Vanity  of  this  Mortal 
Life."  Robert  Hall  said,  "  I  have  learned  more  from 
John  Howe  than  from  any  other  author  I  ever  read." 
"Nothing  in  the  language,"  says  William  Jay,  "can 
equal,  as  a  whole,  Howe's  'Living  Temple.'"  He  is 
accounted  the  most  philosophical  thinker  among  the 
Puritan  divines.  Died  in  1705.  His  complete  works 
were  published  in  8  vols.,  1810-22. 

See  EDMUND  CALAMY,  "Life  of  John  Howe,"  1724;  H.  ROGERS, 

chap*,  vii.  and  viii.  ;  R.  SOUTHEY,  arti*Ue  on  Howe,  in  "Quarterly 
Review"  for  October,  1813,  (vol.  x. ;)  "  Encyclopaedia  Britannica." 

Howe,  (JOHN,)  M.P.,  a  noted  English  politician  and 
versifier,  was  returned  to  the  Convention  Parliament  foi 
Cirencester  in  1689,  and  was  several  times  re-electeil. 
He  was  conspicuous  in  the  House  for  his  volubility, 
asperity,  and  audacity  of  speech.  Ilrnng  turned  Tory, 
he  became  in  the  reign  of  Anne  a  member  of  the  privj 
council,  and  paymaster  of  the  army.  He  wrote  a  "  Pane- 
gyric on  William  III., "and  several  short  poems.  Died 
in  1721. 

See  MACAULAY,  "  History  of  England,"  vol.  iii.  chaps,  xi.  and  xiv. 

Howe,  (JosiAH,)  an  English  poet  and  clergyman, 
became  a  Fellow  of  Trinity  College,  Oxford,  in  1637, 
and  preached  before  Charles  I.  at  Oxford  in  1644.  He 
wrote  some  epigrammatic  verses  prefixed  to  the  works 
of  Beaumont  and  Fletcher.  Died  in  1701. 

Howe,  ( JULIA  WARD,)  an  American  poetess,  daughter 
of  Samuel  Ward,  a  banker  in  New  York,  was  born  in 
1819.  She  was  educated  with  great  care,  and  in  1843 
was  married  to  Dr.  Samuel  G.  Howe,  of  Boston,  with 
whom  she  has  twice  visited  Europe,  making  on  each  occa- 
sion an  extensive  tour.  Some  of  her  poems  possess 
merit  of  a  very  high  order.  Among  the  principal  are 
"Passion-Flowers,"  published  in  1854,  and  "Words  for 
the  Hour."  She  is  the  author  of  the  deservedly  popular 
song  entitled  "Battle  Hymn  of  the  Republic."  She 
wrote  also  a  number  of  prose  works. 

Howe,  (MARK  ANTONY  DE  WOLFE,)  D.D.,  LL.D., 
an  American  bishop,  born  at  Bristol,  Rhode  Island, 
April  5,  1809.  He  graduated  at  Brown  University  in 
1828,  took  ppest's  c  rders  in  the  Episcopal  Church  in 

€  as/6,-  cas.r:  ^.hard;  gas;';  G,H,K,  guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  sasz.-  thasinMw. 

Explanations,  p.  23.) 




1833,  and  in  1874  was  consecrated  Bishop  of  Central 
Pennsylvania,  the  first  of  that  title.  Among  his  works 
are  a  volume  of  "Essays  and  Poems,"  a  "Memoir  of 
Bishop  Alonzo  Potter,"  (1870,)  etc.  Died  July  31,  1895. 

Howe,  (RICHARD,)  EARL,  a  distinguished  English 
admiral,  bi  'n  in  1725,  was  the  second  son  of  Lord 
Emanuel  Scrope  Howe.  He  entered  the  navy  about  the 
age  of  fourteen,  and  obtaii.ed  the  rank  of  captain  about 
1747.  He  distinguished  himself  in  the  Seven  Years' war 
against  the  French.  At  the  death  of  his  elder  brother, 
in  1758,  he  inherited  the  title  of  viscount.  In  1763  and 
1 764  hj  occupied  a  seat  at  the  board  of  admiralty,  and 
i.i  1770  he  became  a  rear-admiral  of  the  blue,  and  com- 
manded the  Mediterranean  fleet.  From  1776  to  1778  he 
commanded  on  the  coast  of  the  United  States,  where  he 
maintained  his  credit  by  skilful  operations  against  the 
French  fleet  under  D'Estaing.  He  v/as  promoted  to  the 
rank  of  admiral  of  the  blue  in  1782,  and  in  the  next 
year  acted  as  first  lord  of  the  admiralty.  In  1788  he  was 
created  Earl  Howe.  On  June  i,  1794,  he  gained  a  de- 
cisive victory  over  the  French  fleet,  of  which  he  captured 
seven  ships  of  the  line.  Died  in  1799.  He  was  regarded 
as  the  first  sea-officer  of  his  time. 

See  CAMPBELL,  "Lives  of  British  Admirals;"  GEORGE  MASOK, 
"  Life  of  Richard,  Earl  Howe ;"  JOHN  BARROW,  "  Life  of  Lord 
Richard  Howe,"  1838. 

Howe,  (Dr.  SAMUEL  GRIDLEY,)  an  eminent  American 
philanthropist,  born  in  Boston  in  iSoi.  He  graduated 
at  Brown  University  in  1821,  and  entered  upon  the 
study  of  medicine  in  his  native  city.  In  1824  he  went  to 
Greece,  and  fought  valiantly  in  ihe  war  of  independence. 
When  famine  threatened  that  country  in  1827,  he  came 
to  the  United  States  and  procured  large  contributions 
of  provisions,  clothing,  and  money,  which  he  distributed 
among  the  Greek  patriots.  On  his  return  to  his  native 
city,  in  1831,  he  entered  with  ardour  into  a  plan  for 
establishing  in  that  city  a  school  for  the  blind  ;  and  he 
visited  Europe,  to  procure  information,  teachers,  etc. 
The  next  year  (1832)  he  opened  the  institution,  (Perkins 
Institution  for  the  Blind,)  of  which  he  became  the  prin- 
cipal. His  success  in  the  case  of  Laura  Bridgeman,  a 
deaf  blind  mute,  whom  he  taught  to  read  from  raised 
letters  and  instructed  in  religion,  morality,  etc.,  attracted 
great  attention.  (See  BRIDGEMAN,  LAURA.)  Dr.  Howe 
also  devoted  much  attention  to  the  education  of  idiots, 
for  whom  a  school  has  been  established  in  South  Boston. 
Besides  his  other  labours,  he  distinguished  himself  by 
the  active  part  he  took  in  the  anti-slavery  cause.  He  is 
the  author  of  a  "  Historical  Sketch  of  the  Greek  Revo- 
lution," (1828,)  a  "Reader  for  the  Blind,"  and  various 
essays  and  reports  on  the  education  of  the  blind  and  the 
idiotic,  etc.  Died  January  9,  1876. 

Howe,  (Sir  WILLIAM,)  an  English  general,  was  a 
younger  brother  of  Admiral  Richard  Howe,  noticed 
above.  In  1774  he  was  returned  to  Parliament  for  Not- 
tingham, professing  to  disapprove  the  policy  of  the  min- 
isters in  relation  to  the  Americans.  In  1775  he  was 
appointed  commander-in-chief  of  the  army  sent  to  sub- 
due the  colonies,  though  deficient  in  nearly  all  the  quali- 
ties which  constitute  a  great  general.  His  constituents 
censured  him  for  accepting  the  command.  His  firs 
exploit  after  this  promotion  was  the  battle  of  Bunkei 
Hill,  (1775,)  in  which  he  lost  one-third  of  his  men 
present  in  the  action.  In  August,  1776,  he  gained  the 
battle  of  Long  Island  and  took  New  York  City.  He 
obtained  an  advantage  over  the  Americans  at  Brandy- 
wine  in  September,  1777,  in  consequence  of  which 
Philadelphia  was  occupied  by  his  army.  At  his  own 
request,  he  was  recalled  in  1778,  and  was  succeeded 
by  Sir  Henry  Clinton.  Died  in  1814. 

See  BANCROFT,  "  History  of  the  United  States,"  vol.  ix.  chaps. 
».,  vi.,  JL,  xiv.,  xriii..  xxv, 

Howe,  (\VILLIAM  BELL  WHITE,)  D.D.,  an  American 
bishop,  born  at  Claremont,  New  Hampshire,  March  31, 
1823.  He  graduated  at  the  University  of  Vermont  in 
1844,  took  orders  in  the  Episcopal  Church,  held  rector- 
ships in  and  near  Charleston,  S.C.,  and  in  1871  was  con- 
secrated Bishop  of  South  Carolina.  Died  Nov.  25,  1894. 

HSw'el  THE  GOOD,  or  Hy'wel  Dda,  a  Cambrian 
prince  of  the  tenth  century,  noted  as  a  legislator,  suc- 
ceeded his  father  Cadell  as  King  of  Wales.  After  visit. 

ing  Rome  about  926,  he  framed  a  code  of  laws,  which 
continued  in  force  a  long  time.     Died  in  948. 

HSw'el  or  HSw'ell,  (LAURENCE,)  a  learned  English 
nonjuring  divine,  graduated  at  Cambridge  in  1688.  He 
wrote  a  "Synopsis  of  the  Canons  of  the  Latin  Church," 
and  other  works  on  theology.  For  his  pamphlet  on  the 
"  Schism  in  the  Church  of  England"  he  was  convicted 
of  sedition  in  1716,  and  confined  in  Newgate  until  hii 
death,  in  1720. 

H8w'ell,  (JAMES,)  a  British  author,  born  in  Carmar- 
thenshire about  1595.  Soon  after  leaving  college  he  wenl 
to  London,  and,  as  agent  of  a  glass-manufactory,  made  a 
tour  on  the  continent, where  he  learned  several  languages. 
He  was  returned  to  Parliament  in  1627,  and  exercised 
his  versatile  talents  in  several  civil  offices  until  1643,  when 
he  was  imprisoned,  for  reasons  not  positively  known. 
He  was  released  about  1649,  and  at  the  restoration  be- 
came historiographer-royal,  being  the  first  who  had  that 
honour.  He  wrote  "  Dodona's  Grove,  or  the  Vocal 
Forest,"  a  poem,  (1640,)  and  various  prose  works.  His 
"  Familiar  Letters"  (1645)  are  very  entertaining,  and 
passed  through  ten  editions  before  1750.  Died  in  1666. 

See  "  Biographia  Britannia." 

Howell,  (JOHN  ADAMS,)  an  American  admiral, 
born  at  New  York,  March  16,  1840.  He  graduated 
at  the  naval  academy  in  1858,  and  served  in  the  civil 
war  and  the  war  with  Spain,  being  promoted  rear- 
admiral  in  1898.  Commanded  the  patrol  squadron  in 
the  latter  war. 

How'ell,  (ROBERT  BOYTE  CRAWFORD,)  D.D.,  an 
American  Baptist  clergyman,  born  in  Wayne  county, 
North  Carolina,  March  10,  1801,  graduated  at  Colum- 
bian College  in  1826,  was  ordained  in  1827,  and  held 
pastorships  in  Norfolk,  Richmond,  and  Nashville,  where 
he  died,  April  5, 1868.  His  principal  works  were  "  Terms 
of  Christian  Communion,"  (1854,)  "The  Deaconship," 
"The  Way  of  Salvation,"  "Evils  of  Infant  Baptism," 
"The  Cross,"  (1854,)  "The  Covenants,"  (1856,)  and 
"The  Early  Baptists  of  Virginia,"  (1857.) 

Howell,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  writer,  of  whose  life 
little  is  known.  He  was  at  one  time  chancellor  of  the 
diocese  of  Lincoln.  He  wrote  a  "  History  of  the  World 
from  the  Earliest  Times  to  the  Ruin  of  the  Roman  Em- 
pire," a  work  of  some  merit.  Died  in  1683. 

HSw'ells,  (WILLIAM  DEAN,)  a  distinguished  Ameri- 
can author,  born  at  Martinsville,  Ohio,  March  i,  1837.  He 
learned  the  printer's  trade,  and  became  a  journalist  at 
Columbus,  Ohio.  He  was  United  States  consul  at  Venice, 
1861-65,  and  edited  the  "Atlantic  Monthly,"  1866-81. 
His  works  include  "  Poems  by  Two  Friends,"  (by  himself 
and  John  J.  Piatt,)  "Venetian  Life,"  (1866,)  "No 
Love  Lost,"  (poem,  1863,)  "Their  Wedding  Jour- 
ney," (1872,)  "The  Lady  of  the  Aroostook,"  (1878,) 
"The  Rise  of  Silas  Lapham,"  (1885,)  "A  Hazard 
of  New  Fortunes,"  (1889,)  "The  Landlord  of  Lion's 
Head,"  (1897,)  etc.  He  has  produced  several  plays 
and  a  number  of  amusing  dialogue  stories.  Mr.  How- 
ells's  style  is  one  of  great  refinement,  and  many  of  his 
characters  are  drawn  with  remarkable  clearness  and 

Howick,  LORD.    See  GREY,  EARL  OF. 

H6w1-S9L\,  (ROBERT  REID,)  an  American  author 
born  at  Fredericksburg,  Virginia,  June  22,  1820.  In 
1841  he  was  admitted  to  the  bar,  and  in  1844  was  ordained 
to  the  Presbyterian  ministry.  His  principal  published 
works  are  "History  of  Virginia,"  (2  vols.,  1846-48,) 
Lives  of  Generals  Morgan,  Marion,  and  Gates,  and 
"God  and  Creation,"  (1883.) 

HBw'ltt,  (ANNA  MARY,)  an  artist  and  writer,  a 
daughter  of  William  and  Mary  Howitt,  was  born  about 
1830.  She  produced  a  work  of  merit  called  "7  he  Art- 
Student  in  Munich,"  (2  vols.,  1853,)  and  also  wrote  "The 
School  of  Life,"  (Boston,  1855,)  which  was  highly  com- 
mended. She  was  in  1859  married  to  a  son  of  the  poet 
Alaric  Watts.  Died  in  1884. 

Howitt,  (MARY,)  a  popular  English  authoress  and 
moralist,  daughter  of  Samuel  Botham,  of  Uttoxeter,  was 
born  March  12,  1799.  She  was  educated  as  a  member 
of  the  Society  of  Friends,  and  was  married  to  William 

».  e,  T.  5.  ii,y, /»«£•;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  T,  6,  u,  J,  short;  a,  e,  i,  o,  obscure;  far,  fall,  fit;  m8t;  nit;  good;  mou 




Hewitt  in  1821.  They  published  jointly  "The  Forest 
Minstrel,  and  other  Poems,"  (1823,)  "The  Desolation  of 
Eyan,  and  other  Poems,"  (1827,)  "The  Book  of  the 
Seasons,"  (1831,)  and  "The  Literature  and  Romance  of 
Northern  Europe,"  (1852,)  the  most  complete  work  on 
that  subject  in  English.  Mary  Howitt  is  sole  author 
of  numerous  instructive  books,  among  which  are  "  Hope 
on,  Hope  ever,"  (3d  edition,  1844,)  "Hymns  and  Fire- 
side Verses,"  (1839,)  "Sowing  and  Heaping,"  (1840,) 
and  "Sketches  of  Natural  History,"  (8th  edition,  1853.) 
She  translated  many  works  of  Frederika  Bremer,  and 
several  stories  of  Hans  Christian  Andersen.  "  Her  lan- 
guage," says  Professor  Wilson,  "is  chaste  and  simple, 
her  feelings  tender  and  pure,  and  her  observation  of 
nature  accurate  and  intense."  ("Blackwood's  Maga- 
zine," vol.  xxiv.)  Died  at  Rome,  January  30,  1888. 

Howitt,  (RICHARD,)  a  poet  and  physician,  a  brother 
of  William  Howitt.  He  published  in  1830  "Antediluvian 
Sketches,  and  other  Poems,"  which  was  noticed  favour- 
ably by  the  reviewers.  "  Richard  too,"  says  Professor 
Wilson,  "has  a  true  poetical  feeling  and  no  small  poeti- 
cal power."  He  settled  in  Melbourne,  Australia,  and 
wrote  "  Impressions  of  Australia  Felix,"  (1845.) 

Howitt,  (WILLIAM,)  an  eminent  English  author,  born 
at  Heanor,  in  Derbyshire,  in  1792.  was  educated  as  a 
member  of  the  Society  of  Friends.  His  first  published 
work  was  "The  Forest  Minstrel,  and  other  Poems," 
(1823,)  partly  written  by  his  wife.  Their  other  joint 
productions  have  been  noticed  in  the  article  on  MARY 
HOWITT.  He  wrote  a  "  History  of  Priestcraft,"  (1834,) 
which  was  very  successful,  and  often  reprinted,  "  Rural 
Life  of  England,"  (1837,)  and  "Colonization  and  Chris- 
tianity," (1839.)  In  1840  William  and  Mary  Howitt 
removed  to  Heidelberg,  where  they  passed  several  years. 
His  "Rural  and  Domestic  Life  in  Germany"  (1842) 
was  received  with  favour  both  by  the  English  and  Ger- 
mans. He  published  "  Homes  and  Haunts  of  the  Most 
Eminent  British  Poets  Illustrated,"  (2  vols.,  1847,)  be- 
sides various  other  original  works,  anc!  translations  from 

Hoyt,  (CHARLES  HALE,)  an  American  playwright, 
was  born  at  Concord,  New  Hampshire,  July  26,  1860. 
He  became  a  dramatic  editor,  theatrical  manager,  and 
playwright,  his  plays,  mainly  of  the  variety  character, 
including  "A  Tin  Soldier,"  "A  Midnight  Bell," 
"A  Milk-White  Flag,"  "A  Trip  to  Chinatown," 
and  various  others.  Died  November  20,  1900. 

Hoy  t,  (EPAPHRAS,  )  an  historical  and  military  writer, 
born  at  Deerfield,  Massachusetts,  in  1765.  He  pub- 
lished "Cavalry  Discipline,"  (1797,)  and  "Anti- 
quarian Researches,"  (1824.)  He  was  a  major-gen- 
eral of  militia.  Died  in  1850. 

Hoyt,  (JOHN  WESLEY,)  educator,  was  born  in 
Franklin  county,  Ohio,  in  1831.  He  was  manager  of 
the  Wisconsin  State  Agricultural  Society  1860-72, 
Wisconsin  commissioner  to  the  London  Exhibition  of 
1862,  and  United  States  commissioner  to  the  Paris 
Exposition  of  1867  and  the  Vienna  Exposition  of 
1873.  He  was  Governor  of  Wyoming  1878-82,  and 
became  president  of  Wyoming  University  in  1887. 

Hoz,  de  la,  da  la  6th,  (j r AN.)  a  Spanish  dramatic 
poet,  born  at  Madrid  about  1620,  wrote  an  admired 
comedy,  "  El  Castigo  de  la  Miseria."  Died  after  1689 

Hozier,  d'.     See  D'HoziER. 

Hrabanus  Maurus.     See  RABANUS. 

Hi  nnt.ixi.      See  NrJRVL 

Hrotsvitha,  hRots'vee'ta,  also  written  Hrosuitba, 
Hroswitha,  and  Roswitha,  a  celebrated  German 
poetess  of  the  tenth  century,  born  in  Lower  Saxony,  was 
educated  in  the  convent  of  Gandershcim.  She  wrote  Latin 
poems,  which  are  valuable  monuments  of  the  literature 
of  that  time,  and  six  dramas,  (in  Latin,)  that  rank  among 
the  best  productions  of  the  kind  in  the  middle  ages. 
Among  her  poems  was  one  in  hexameters,  containing 
the  history  of  Otto  I.,  only  half  of  which  is  extant, 

Hrungnir,  hrung'nir,  in  the  Norse  mythology,  a  giant, 
who,  on  his  horse  Gullfaxi,  ("Goldmane,")  visited  As- 

the  German,  and  edited  "  Howitt's  Journal"  (weekly)    gard,  and,  having  become  intoxicated,  defied  the  gods, 
for  about   three   years,   (1847-49.)       He   described  his    and  threatened   to   carry  Valhalla  to   Jotunheim,   (the 

He  was  slain  by  Thor,  who 
Jarnsaxa.     Some  explain 

_  ^  ^      ing  Hrungnir  (whose  name 

to  Remarkable  Places,  Old  Halls,  Battle-Fields,"  etc.,  j  they  derive"from  hruga,  to  "  heap  up")  to  be  a  lofty 
(2  vols.,   1839-41,)   and   a   "History'  of    England,"   (6  •  mountain  piled  up  to  the  sky,  thus  appearing  to  menace 

vols.,  1861,)  "  History  of  the  Supernatural,"  eTc.,  (1863',)    heaven  itself.     I 

"Letters   on   Transportation,"    (1863,)    "Discovery    in    lightning,  is  compared  by  the  Norse  poets  to  the  liead 

Its  summit  being  smitten  and  rent  by  the 

Australia,  Tasmania,  and  New  Zealand,"  (1865,)  and 
"  The  Mad  War  Planet,"  (1871.)  Died  March  3,  1879. 
H6w'land,  (ALFRED  C.,)  an  American  artist,  born  at 
Walpole,  New  Hampshire,  February  12,  1838.  He 
studied  at  Dusseldorf  and  Paris,  and  in  1882  was  chosen 

of  a  giant  whose  skull  Thor  ("  thunder")  broke  with  his 
terrible  hammer. 

Hrym,  hreem,  sometimes  written  Rymer,  in  the 
Northern  mythology,  the  leader  of  the  Frost-giants  (Hrim- 
thursar)  in  the  great  battle  against  the  gods  at  Ragna- 

a  National  Academician.  Among  his  principal  paintings  rock.  The  name  is  clearly  another  form  of  Hrim,  "frost," 
are  "  Driving  a  Bargain,"  "  Monday  Morning,"  "They're  and  cognate  with  the  Latin  rima  ("  hoarfrost")  and  the 
Coming,"  "A  Pot-Boiler,"  etc.  Sanscrit  Hmd,  (Gr.  JHUO,)  "frost,"  or  "winter." 

How'orth,  (Sir  HENRY  HOYLE,)  an  English 
scientific  writer,  was  born  at  Lisbon  in  1842.  He 
devoted  himself  to  literature  and  politics,  his  works 
including  a  voluminous  "  History  of  the  Mongols," 
a  "  History  of  Chinghiz  Khan  and  his  Ancestors," 
"  The  Mammoth  and  the  Flood,"  "  The  Glacial  Night- 
mare and  the  Flood,"  and  numerous  memoirs  on 
similar  subjects. 

Howson,  (JOHN  SAUL,)  an  English  divine,  born  in 
1816.  He  published,  with  W.  J.  Conybeare,  "The  Life 
and  Epistles  of  Saint  Paul,"  (2  vols.,  1850-52,)  and  is 
author  of  other  works,  chiefly  religious.  In  1867  he  was 
appointed  Dean  of  Chester.  Died  December  15,  1885. 

Hoyer,  hb'yer,  (ANDREAS,)  a  Danish  historian  and 
jurist,  born  at  Karlum,  published  a  "  Life  of  Frederick 
IV.,"  (1732,)  and  other  works.  Died  in  1739. 

Hoyer,  ho'yer,  (JoHANN  GOTTFRIED,)  a  German 
military  officer  and  writer,  born  at  Dresden  in  1767, 
published  a  "Dictionary  of  Artillery."  Died  in  1848. 

Hoy'er,  [Fr.  pron.  hwa'yl',]  (MICHEL,)  a  Flemish 
priest  and  Latin  poet,  born  in  1593  ;  died  in  1650. 

Hoyle,  hoil,  (EDMUND,)  an  Englishman,  born  in  1672. 
wrote  popular  treatises  on  Whist  and  other  games. 
Died  in  1769. 

Huabalde.     See  HUBALD. 

Huarte,  oo-aR'ta,  (JUAN  DE  Dios,)  a  Spanish  phy 
sician  and  philosopher,  born  in  Navarre  about  1535. 
He  published  about  1580  a  remarkable  book,  entitled 
"  Examen  de  Ingenios  para  las  Scienzias,"  which  was 
often  reprinted  and  translated.  The  English  version 
was  called  "Trial  of  Wits."  It  contains  some  new  truths, 
with  many  bold  paradoxes.  Died  about  1600. 

Huascar,  hwas'kar,  an  Inca  of  Peru,  a  son  of  Huayna 
Capac,  whom  he  succeeded  in  1525,  was  defeated  in  battle 
and  dethroned  by  his  brother  Atahualpa  in  1532.  (See 

Huayna  Capac,  hwi'na  ki-pak',  Inca  of  Peru,  as- 
cended the  throne  in  1493.  He  extended  his  dominions 
by  conquest,  and  enriched  them  by  the  arts  of  peace 
Died  in  1525. 

Hu'bald,  written  also  Huabalde,  Hucbald,  and 
Hugbald,  [Lat.  HUBAL'DUS,]  a  Flemish  monk  of  Saint- 
Amand,  born  about  840  A.D.,  wrote  a  treatise  on  music, 
and  Latin  verses  in  praise  of  baldness,  in  which  every 
word  begins  with  C;  for  example, 

"Carmina  Clarison*  Calvis  Cantate  Caracena:." 
Died  in  930, 

Hubbard,  U'bSn',  (NICOLAS  GUSTAVE,)  a  French 
author,  born  at  Fourqueux  in  1828.  He  became  a  law- 

•cas*;  9asf;  %hard;  gasy.-G,  H,K,gutluraI;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  sasz;  thasinMw. 

xplanations,  p.  23.) 




a  "Life  of  Saint-Simon,"  ana  many  reports  aim  pa^rs 
on  industrial  questions  and  on  the  condition  of  the 
labouring-classes.  Died  February  21,  1888. 

Hub'bard,  (WILLIAM,)  a  historian,  born  in  England 
in  1621,  was  ordained  minister  at  Ipswich,  Massachusetts, 
about  1656.  He  died  in  1704,  leaving  in  manuscript  a 
"  History  of  New  England,"  which  was  published  by  the 
Massachusetts  Historical  Society  in  1815. 

Hube,  hoo'beh,  (RoMUALD,)  a  Polish  jurist,  born  at 
Warsaw  in  1803,  published  "  Principles  of  Penal  Law," 
(1830,)  and  other  works.  He  was  appointed  councillor 
of  state  at  Saint  Petersburg  in  1843,  after  wnich  he  wa? 
employed  in  the  compilation  of  a  new  penal  and  civil 
code.  Died  at  Warsaw,  August  9,  1890. 

Huber,  hoo'ber,  (FRANCIS,)  a  Swiss  naturalist,  born  at 
Geneva  in  1750.  The  taste  for  nature  and  the  habit  of 
observation  which  he  derived  from  his  father  were  con- 
firmed by  the  lectures  of  Saussure.  At  the  age  of  fifteen 
his  sight  began  to  fail,  and  was  before  long  quite  lost 
Soon  after  the  occurrence  of  this  privation  he  married 
Mdlle.  Lullin,  and  was  blessed  with  domestic  happiness. 
Pursuing  his  researches  into  the  economy  and  habits  of 
bees,  by  the  aid  of  his  servant,  he  made  many  interesting 
discoveries,  and  in  1792  published  "  New  Observations  on 
Bees,"  which  excited  a  great  sensation.  He  was  chosen 
a  member  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences  at  Paris,  and  of 
other  similar  institutions.  He  also  wrote  a  "  Memoir  on 
the  Origin  of  Wax,"  and  a  few  other  treatises.  Died  in 
1830  or  1831. 

See  AUGUSTIN  PYRAME  DHCANDOLLE,  "Notice  sur  la  Vie  et  lea 
ficrits  de  F.  Huber,"  1831-  "Monthly  Review,"  in  the  Appendu 
of  vol.  Ixxxii  ,  1817. 

Huber,  (JoHANN,)  in  artist,  born  in  Geneva  in  1722, 
was  intimate  with  Voltaire,  of  whose  domestic  life  he 
drew  several  pictures.  He  was  noted  for  skill  in  cutting 
profiles  in  paper  or  parchment,  and  wrote  "  Observations 
on  the  Flight  of  Birds  of  Prey,"  (1784.)  Died  in  1790. 

Huber,  (JOHANN  JAKOB,)  an  eminent  Swiss  anato- 
mist, born  at  Bale  in  1707,  was  a  pupil  of  Haller,  whom 
he  assisted  in  his  "  Swiss  Flora."  He  was  chosen  pro- 
fessor of  anatomy  at  Gottingen  about  1737,  and  became 
professor  and  court  physician  at  Cassel  in  1742.  He 
was  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  of  London,  and  a 
member  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences  at  Berlin.  His 
principal  work  is  a  "Treatise  on  the  Spinal  Marrow,' 
(1739.)  Died  in  1778. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBBR,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaecie-  ' 

Huber,  hoo'ber,  (JoHANN  NEPOMUK,)  a  German 
divine,  born  in  Munich,  August  18,  1830.  He  graduated 
at  Munich  in  1854,  and  became  professor  in  the  Roman 
Catholic  faculty  there  in  1859.  He  published  "  Philoso 
phy  of  the  Church  Fathers,"  (1859.)  which  was  placed  on 
the  Index,  and  this  fact  led  to  a  rupture  with  the  Church 
In  1871  he  became  an  "  Old  Catholic"  leader.  He  pub 
lished  many  philosophical,  historical,  and  theologica 
works.  Died  at  Munich,  March  20,  1879. 

Huber,  QOHANN  RUDOLF,)  an  eminent  Swiss  painter 
born  at  Bale  in  1668,  studied  several  years  in  Italy.  H( 
worked  mostly  in  his  native  place.  He  painted  portrait. 

World  preferred  to  the  Wise,"   ("  Le   Monde  fol  pre- 
ere  au  Monde  sage,"  2  vols.,  1731-44.)     Died  at  Lyoni 

n  1753. 
See  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Huber,  (MICHAEL,)  a  German  translator,  born  at 
•"rontenhausen,  in  Bavaria,  in  1727.  He  lived  many 
'ears  in  Paris,  and  became  professor  of  French  at  Leip- 
iic  in  1766.  He  made  good  French  translations  of  many 
German  works,  among  which  were  Gessner's  poems 
and  Winckelmann's  "History  of  Ancient  Art,"  (3  vols., 
781.)  Died  in  1804. 

Sec  QUBRARD,  "  La  France  Litte'raire-" 

Huber,  (PETER,  or  PIERRE,)  son  of  Francis,  noticed 
jbove,  published  a  "  History  of  the  Habits  of  Indigenous 
Ants,"  "  Observations  on  Drones,"  and  other  zoological 
realises.  Died  in  1841. 

See  "  Edinburgh  Review"  for  July,  1812,  and  October,  1815. 

Huber,  (THERESE,)  a  German  novelist,  born  at  Got- 
tingen in  1764,  was  a  daughter  of  C.  G.  Heyne,  the 
philologist.  She  was  married  to  John  George  Forster, 
an  eminent  author,  in  1784,  and  to  Ludwig  F.  Huber 
Inoticed  above)  in  1794.  Died  at  Augsburg  in  1829. 

Huber,  (VICTOR  AIM£,)  a  historian  and  critic,  son  of 
Louis  Ferdinand,  noticed  above,  was  born  at  Stuttgart 
in  1800.  He  popularized  Spanish  literature  in  Germany 
by  his  "History  of  the  Cid"  (1829)  and  his  "Sketches 
of  Spain,"  (4  vols.,  1828-35.)  For  many  years  he  was  pro- 
ressor  at  Marburg  and  Berlin.  Died  July  19,  1869. 

Huber,  hii'ber,  [LaL.  HUBE'RUS,]  (ULRICH,)  a  Dutch 
jurist,  born  at  Dokkum  in  1636.  In  1665  he  was  chosen 
professor  of  law  at  Franeker.  He  published  many  able 
treatises  on  civil  law,  among  which  are  "De  Jure  Civi- 
tatis,"  (1672,)  and  "  Praelectiones  ad  Pandectas,"  (1686.) 
From  the  former  Rousseau  derived  many  of  the  ideas 
or  principles  of  his  "Contrat  Social."  Died  in  1694. 

See  VITBINGA,  "Oratioin  Eicessum  U.  Hubert,"  1694:  "Nou- 
velle Biographic  Ge'ne'rale;"  JOCHBR,  " Allgemehies  Gelehrten- 

Hubert,  /Sti'baiR',  (FRANCOIS,)  a  French  engraver, 
born  at  Abbeville  in  1744 ;  died  in  1809. 

Hubert,  (MATHIF.U.)  an  eloquent  French  preacher, 
born  near  Mayenne  in  1640.  He  taught  belles-lettres  in 
various  colleges,  preached  in  Paris  and  the  provinces, 
and  died  in  1717.  His  Sermons  were  published  in  5 
vols.,  (1725.) 

HubeniB.     See  HUBER.  (ULRICH.) 

Hub'ner,  (EMIL,)  a  German  philologist,  a  son  of  R. 
J.  B.  Hubner,  was  born  at  Dusseldorf,  July  7,  1834.  He 
edited  many  volumes  of  Latin  inscriptions,  and  in  1863 
was  made  professor  of  classical  philology  in  the  University 
of  Berlin.  He  published  works  on  Roman  literature,  on 
Latin  grammar,  on  the  "  History  of  Classic  Philology," 
(1876,)  and  on  Greek  syntax,  (1883.) 

Hubner  or  Huebner,  hfip'ner,  JOHANN,)  a  German 
geographer  and  teacher,  born  at  or  near  Zittau  in  1668. 
His  "  Questions  on  Ancient  and  Modern  Geography" 
(1693)  was  often  reprinted.  Died  in  I731- 

Hubner,  (KARL,)  a  German  genre  painter,  born  in 
Konigsberg,  June  14,  1814.  In  1864  he  became  professor 
of  painting  at  Dusseldorf,  where  he  died.  December  5, 

TINTORET.    Died  in  1748. 

See  NAGLBR,  "  AUgemeines  Kunstler-Lexikon." 
Huber,  Au'baiR'  or  hoo'ber,  (Louis  FERDINAND,)  a 
distinguished  litterateur,  son  of  Michael,  noticed  below, 
was  born  in  Paris  in  1764.  In  1794  he  married  Theresa, 
the  widow  of  John  George  Forster  and  daughter  of  the 
eminent  philologist  Heyne.  He  became  in  1798  editor 
of  the  "Allgemeine  Zeitung"  at  Stuttgart.  He  wrote 
eeveral  dramas,  and  a  collection  of  popular  tales.  Died 
in  1804. 

Huber,  (MARIE,)  a  Swiss  authoress  and  Protestant 
theologian,  remarkable  for  her  peculiar  religious  views, 
which  appear  to  have  been  a  mixture  of  rationalism  and 
mysticism,  was  born  at  Geneva  in  1695.  She  wrote,  be- 
sides other  religious  and  moral  works,  "  Letters  on  the 
Religion  essential  to  Man,  as  distinguished  from  that 
which  is  Conventional,"  (aceesseire, )  ( 1 738,)  in  which  she 
uses  a  very  subtle  dialectic,  and  "The  Insane  (or  Foolish) 

bKIMUl     \JCIUl<lll      U13H-MH,**!     JJMll  •- f -  -  • 

in  1806,  was  a  pupil  of  Schadow.  He  settled  at  Dresden 
in  1839,  and  became  a  professor  in  the  Academy  of  Arts 
in  that  city  in  1841.  His  works  are  admired  for  grace 
of  expression  and  beauty  of  colour.  Among  his  master- 
pieces  are  "  Boaz  and  Ruth,"  "  Christ  and  the  Evan- 
gelists," "The  Golden  Age,"  and  "Felicity  and  Sleep. 
Died  November  7,  1882. 

Hubner,  von,  ton  hBp'ner,  (JOSEPH  ALEXANDER,) 
an  Austrian  diplomatist,  born  in  Vienna  in  181 1,  was 
ambassador  to  the  French  court,  and  signed  the  treaty 
of  peace  at  the  C  ongress  of  Paris  in  1 856.  He  publ  ished 
an  excellent  work  on  "Sixtus  the  Fifth,"  (1871,)  and  '  A 
Journey  around  the  World,"  (1873.)  Died  July  30,  1692- 

Hub'sch  or  Huebsch,  htSpsh,  (HlINKICH.)  a  German 
architect,  born  at  Weinheim,  Baden,  in  1795  ;  died  1863 

Hue  /Siik,  (Abbe  EVARISTE  Rtcis,)  a  French  Catho- 
lic missionary  and  traveller,  born  at  Toulouse  in  I 

i,  e,  T,  o,  u,  y,  hng:  a,  e,  A,  same,  less  prolonged ;  a,  e,  i,  6,  u,  ?,  short;  a,  e,  i,  Q,  obscurt;  far,  fill,  fit;  met; 

it;  goo. 



He  went  to  China  in  1839,  learned  the  Chinese  Ian 
guage,  and  laboured  as  a  missionary.  About  the  ent 
of  1845  he  visited  Lassa,  the  capital  of  Thibet,  where  h 
was  permitted  to  remain  only  a  few  weeks.  Havinj 
returned  to  France  in  1852,  he  published  his  very  curiou 
and  amusing  "Travels  in  Tartary,  Thibet,  and  China,1 
("  Souvenirs  d'un  Voyage  dans  la  Tartarie,"  etc.,  2  vols. 
1852,)  which  obtained  a  wide  popularity,  and  was  trans 
lated  into  English  by  W.  Hazlitt,  Jr.  He  afterward 
published  "The  Chinese  Empire,"  (2  vols.,  1854,)  am 
"  Christianity  in  China,  Tartary,  and  Thibet,"  (3  vols. 
1857.)  Died  in  1860. 

See  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale ;"  "Quarterly  Review"  fo 
July,  1857  ;  "  Eraser's  Magazine"  for  April,  1855. 

Hucbald.    See  HUBALD. 

Huch.    See  >EPINUS. 

Huchtenburgh,  van,  vtn  huK'ten-buRC/,  written 
also  Hugtenburg,  (JAKOB,)  a  skilful  Dutch  landscape 
painter,  born  at  Haarlem  in  1639,  was  a  pupil  of  Berg 
hem.  He  went  in  his  youth  to  Rome,  where  he  worket 
with  success  until  his  death,  in  1669. 

Huchtenburgh,  Hugtenburg,  or  Huchtenburg, 
van,  (JAN,)  an  excellent  Dutch  painter,  brother  of  the 

Preceding,  was  born  at  Haarlem  in  1646.  He  studied  in 
taly  and  Paris  with  Van  der  Meulen,  acquired  a  high 
reputation  for  battle-pieces,  and  was  employed  by  Prince 
Eugene  to  paint  those  actions  in  which  he  and  Marl- 
borough  commanded.  He  was  also  a  skilful  engraver 
Died  in  1733. 

See  DESCAMPS,  "  V:e  des  Peintres  Flamands,  Hollandais,"  etc 
Hud'dart,  (JOSEPH,)  F.R.S.,  an  English  navigator 
and  hydrographer,  born  at  Allonby  in  1741,  was  for  many 
years  a  captain  in  the  service  of  the  East  India  Com- 
pany. He  was  a  skilful  nautical  surveyor,  and  published 
some  valuable  charts.  Died  in  1816. 

Hudde,  hud'deh,  (JAN,)   born  at  Amsterdam  about 
1636,  was  councillor,  treasurer,  and  burgomaster  of  his 
native   city.     He  was  well  versed  in  mathematics,  on 
which  he  wrote  some  able  treatises      Died  in  1704. 
See  MONTUCLA,  "Histoire  des  Mathe'matiques," 
Hud'des-fprd,  (GEORGE,)  a  humorous  English  poet, 
who   lived  about   1800.      He  wrote   several    burlesque 
poems,  which  had  some  success,  viz.,  "  Topsy-Turvy," 
(1790,)  "Salmagundi,"   (1793,)   and   "Imperial    Mush 
rooms,"  (1805.) 

Huddesford  or  Hud'ders-ford,  (WILLIAM,)  D.D., 
an  English  antiquary,  was  principal  of  Trinity  College, 
Oxford,  and  wrote  the  Lives  of  Leland,  Hearne,  and 
Anthony  Wood.  Died  in  1772. 

Huddleston,  hud'dels-ton,  (ROBERT,)  a  Scottish  an- 
tiquary, born  in  1 776,  published  a  new  edition  of  Toland's 
"  History  of  the  Druids,"  (1814.)  Died  in  1826. 

Hfid'son,  (FREDERIC,)  an  American  journalist,  born 
at  Quincy,  Massachusetts,  April  25,  1819.  He  was  for 
over  thirty  years  employed  on  the  "New  York  Herald," 
and  published  a  useful  "  History  of  Journalism  in  the 
United  States."  Died  October  21,  1875. 

Hfid'spn,  (GEORGE,)  an  English  "  railway-king,"  born 
in  York  in  March,  1800.  He  was  the  great  promoter  of 
railway  construction  in  England,  but  finally  lost  his  im- 
mense fortune,  and  died  a  poor  man  in  London,  December 
14,  1871. 

Hud'spn,  (HENRY  or  HENDRIK,)  an  eminent  English 
navigator,  of  whose  early  life  nothing  is  known.  In  1607 
he  commanded  a  vessel  sent  by  some  London  merchants 
to  discover  a  direct  route  to  India  by  way  of  the  North 
pole  or  Northern  Ocean.  Having  advanced  beyond  80° 
north  latitude,  he  was  prevented  by  the  ice  from  making 
farther  progress,  and  returned.  He  made  several  other 
unsuccessful  attempts  in  that  direction.  In  the  service  of 
the  Dutch  East  India  Company,  he  discovered  in  1609 
the  river  of  New  York  which  bears  his  name.  He  re- 
newed the  enterprise  in  April,  1610,  and  discovered  and 
explored  Hudson  Bay,  in  which  he  passed  the  winter 
and  suffered  much  for  want  of  provisions.  As  he  was 
returning  in  1611,  his  crew  mutinied,  and,  forcing  the 
captain  with  eight  men  into  a  small  boat,  abandoned 
them  to  their  fate.  They  were  never  heard  of  afterwards. 
A  few  of  the  mutineers  returned  to  Ireland. 

See  PRBVOST,   "Histoire  ge'ne'rale  des  Voyages;"    PURCHAS'S 
Collection;"  "  Life  of  Henry  Hudson,"  in  SPARKS'S  "American 

Biography"  • ,ol  x.. (by  H.  R.  CLBVELAND;)  "  Nouvelle  Biognphw 
Generate;  J.  M.  READ,  "Historical  Inquiries  concerning  Henry 
Hudson,  1866. 

HQd'son,  (HENRY  NORMAN,)  an  Episcopal  clergy- 
man, born  in  Cornwall,  Vermont,  in  1814,  published 
"Lectures  on  Shakspeare,"  (2  vols.,  1848,)  and  edited 
the  Works  of  Shakspeare,  (u  vols.)  D.  Jan.  16,  1886 

Hudson,  (JOHN,)  D.D.,  a  learned  English  critic,  born 
in  Cumberland  in  1662,  was  for  many  years  a  tutor  in 
Oxford  University,  and  from  1701  until  his  death  libra- 
rian of  the  Bodleian  Library.  He  published  excellent 
editions  of  Thucydides,  Longinus,  Josephus,  "^Esop's 
Fables,"  etc.  Died  in  1719. 

Hudson,  (THOMAS,)  an  English  portrait-painter,  born 
in  Devonshire  in  1701.  He  was  a  pupil  of  Richardson, 
after  whose  death  he  was  the  most  fashionable  or  suc- 
cessful artist  in  that  line  in  London  until  he  was  sur- 
passed by  his  own  pupil,  Joshua  Reynolds,  about  1754. 
Among  his  works  is  a  portrait  of  Handel.  Died  in  1779. 

Hudson,  (WILLIAM,)  F.R.S.,  an  eminent  English  bot- 
anist, bom  in  Westmoreland  in  1730,  resided  in  London 
as  an  apothecary.  He  was  one  of  the  first  in  England 
that  adopted  the  Linnjean  system,  and  in  1762  published 
an  "English  Flora,"  ("Flora  Anglica,")  which  procured 
him  admission  into  the  Royal  Society.  Died  in  1793. 

Hue,  Au,  (FRANgois,)  born  at  Fontainebleau,  France, 
ln  '757.  became  a  valet  to  the  dauphin.  In  the  reign  of 
terror  he  served  the  royal  family  at  the  risk  of  his  life, 
and  was  imprisoned.  He  wrote  "  The  Last  Years  of  the 
Reign  and  Life  of  Louis  XVI.,"  (1806.)  Died  in  1819. 

Huebner.    See  HUBNER. 

Huebsch.    See  HUBSCH. 

Hueffer,  huffer,  (FRANCIS,)  a  German-English  author, 
3orn  in  1845.  He  was  educated  in  London,  Paris,  Ber- 
in,  and  Leipsic.  He  published  in  1869  a  critical  edition 
of  the  works  of  Guillaume  de  Cabestan  ;  also,  "The 

Studies,"  (1883,)  etc     Died  January  19,  1889. 

HuegeL    See  HUGEL. 

Huel,  /iii'SI',  (JOSEPH  NICOLAS,)  a  French  philosopher, 
>orn  at  Mattaincourt  in  1690  ;  died  in  1769. 

Huellmarm.    See  HULLMANN. 

Huerta.     See  HORTO. 

Huerta,  de  la,  di  la  w^R'ta,  (VINCENTE  GARCIA,)  a 
mpular  Spanish  poet,  born  at  Zafra  in  1 729,  was  the  leader 
)f  the  national  school  of  poetry,  in  opposition  to  the  par- 
isans  of  the  French  models.  He  produced  in  1778  the 
ragedy  of  "  Rachel,"  ("  Raquel,")  which  was  performed 
with  great  applause  in  Madrid  and  in  Italy.  He  wrote 
>ther  poems,  ("Obras  poeticas,"  2  vols.,  1778,)  and  was 
he  editor  of  the  "  Spanish  Theatre,"  ("  Teatro  Espanol,") 
a  selection  from  the  best  Spanish  dramatists,  with  notes, 
17  vols.,  1788.)  Died  in  1797. 

Huet,  /4u'eV,  (FRANCOIS,)  a  French  author,  born  at 
Villeau,  December  26,  1814.  He  became  a  professor  in 
be  University  of  Ghent,  and  tried  to  found  a  sect  called 
be  "Neo-Catholic  Church."  He  published  books  on 
Cartesianism,"  "The  Social  Reign  of  Christianity," 
tc.  Died  at  Paris,  July  I,  1869. 

HueMu'eV,  (PAUL,)  a  French  landscape-painter,  born 
n  Paris  in  1804,  gained  medals  of  the  first  class  in  1848 
nd  1855.  Died  January  9,  1869. 

Huet,  (PIERREDANIEL,)  an  eminent  French  critic  and 
cholar,  born  at  Caen  in  February,  1630,  was  educated 
t  Paris.  In  1652,  in  company  with  Bochart,  he  visited 
he  court  of  Christina  of  Sweden,  which  then  offered 
are  attractions  to  the  learned  ;  but  he  soon  returned  to 
Caen,  and  passed  many  years  in  various  studies.  He  was 
ppointed  in  1670  sub-preceptor  of  the  dauphin,  and  was 
le  principal  editor  of  the  well-known  series  of  the  Latin 
lassies  "ad  usum  Delphini,"  ("for  the  use  of  the  dau- 
hin.")  In  1674  he  became  a  member  of  the  French 
cademy,  and  in  1685  Bishop  of  Avranches.  He  wrote 
umerous  able  critical  and  religious  works,  (in  Latin  and 
Drench,)  among  which  the  best-known  is  his  "  Demon- 
tratio  Evangelica,"  (1679.)  This  was  for  a  long  time  i 
tandard  work  on  the  Evidences  of  Christianity.  Died 
n  1721. 

Se«  D'ALKMBERT,  "  filoge  de  Huet;"  SAINT-MAURICE,  "  filoje 

e  a.-,  *;  c  as  s:  g  hard:  g  as/V  G,  H,  ^guttural;  N,  natal;  R,  triUtd;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     ( £^=See  Explanations,  p.  23.  \ 




Ac  D  Huet,"  1850;  HUET'S  Autobiographic  Memoirs,  entitled 
"  Commentarius  de  Rebus  ad  eum  pertinentibus,"  1718,  (translated 
into  English  by  JOHN  AIKIN,  2  vols.,  1810;)  "Huetiana,  Pans, 
1722 :  BRUCKBR,  "  History  of  Philosophy :"  ABB*  FLOTTBS,  "  Etude 
sur  Dauiel  Huet,"  1857 ;  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Geuerale ;  '  Quar- 
terly Review"  for  August,  1810. 

Huet  de  FroberviUe,  /4u'i'  deh  fRo'beR'vel', 
(CLAUDE  JEAN  BAPTISTE,)  a  French  writer,  born  at 
Komorantin  in  1752  ;  died  in  1838. 

Huette,  /m'eV,  (Louis,)  a  French  optician,  born  at 
Rennes  in  1756;  died  in  1805. 

Hufeland,  hoo'feh-laiit',  (CHRisropH  WILHELM,)  an 
excellent  German  physician  and  medical  writer,  was 
born  at  Langensalza  (Prussian  Saxony)  in  1762.  He 
became  professor  at  Jena  in  1793,  and  afterwards  phy- 
sician to  the  King  of  Prussia.  In  1809  he  obtained  the 
chair  of  special  pathology  and  therapeutics  at  Berlin. 
He  produced  in  1796  a  celebrated  work  on  the  "Art 
of  Prolonging  Life,"  ("  Makrobiotik,  oder  die  Kunst 
das  menschliche  Leben  zu  verlangern,")  often  reprinted 
and  translated.  Among  his  other  works  are  a  "System 
of  Practical  Medicine,"  (2  vols.,  1800-05,)  and  "Enchiri- 
dion Medicum,"  (1836;  gth  edition,  1851.)  Died  in  1836. 
See  F.  L.  AUGUSTIN,  "  Hufelands  Leben  und  Wirken  fur  Wia- 
senschaft,  Staat  und  Menschheit,"  1837;  STOURDJA,  "  Hufeland, 
tsquisse  de  sa  Vie  et  de  sa  Mort,"  1837. 

Hufeland,  (GOTTLIEB,)  a  German  jurist,  born  at  Dant- 
zic  in  1760,  was  professor  of  law  at  Halle,  where  he  died 
in  1817.     He  wrote  a  "Manual  of  the  Law  of  Nature." 
HiifhageL    See  HOEFNAEGEL. 

Hug,  hooc,  (JoHANN  LEONHARD,)  a  German  Catholic 
theologian,  born  at  Constance  in  1763.  His  "Intro- 
duction to  the  Books  of  the  New  Testament"  is  highly 
esteemed,  and  has  been  translated  into  French  and  Eng- 
lish. Died  in  1846. 
Hugbald.  See  HUBALD. 

Hiigel  or  Huegel,  von,  fon  hxi'gel,  (KARL  ALEX- 
ANDER ANSELM,)  BARON,  a  German  traveller  and  natu- 
ralist, was  born  at  Ratisbon  in  1796.  He  performed  a 
scientific  exploration  of  Greece,  Egypt,  India,  and  other 
parts  of  Asia,  about  1831-36,  and  brought  home  large 
collections  of  objects  of  natural  history,  coins,  etc.  He 
published  "Cashmere  and  the  Dominion  of  the  Sikhs," 
(4  vols.,  1842,)  "The  Basin  of  Cabool,"  ("Das  Becken 
von  Kabul,"  2  vols.,  1852,)  and  other  works.  Died,  1870. 
Hugeniua.  See  HUYGENS. 

Huger,  u'jee',  (BENJAMIN,)  an  American  general, born 
at  Charleston,  South  Carolina,  about  1806,  graduated  at 
West  Point  in  1825.  He  led  a  division  of  the  army  that 
fought  against  the  Union  at  Fair  Oaks,  May  31,  and  at 
Malvern  Hill,  July  I,  1862.  Died  in  1877. 

Huger,  (FRANCIS  KINLOCK,)  an  officer,  born  in  South 
Carolina  in  1764.  He  joined  Dr.  Eric  Bollman  in  an 
attempt  to  release  La  Fayette  from  the  dungeon  of 
Olmutz  ;  but  they  failed,  and  were  imprisoned.  He  served 
as  a  colonel  in  the  war  of  1812.  Died  in  1855. 

Huger,  (ISAAC,)  an  uncle  of  the  preceding,  was  born 
about  1742.  He  served  as  a  brigadier-general  in  the 
Revolution,  and  rendered  distinguished  service  at  the 
sieges  of  Savannah  and  Charleston.  In  the  battle  of 
Guilford  Court-House  he  commanded  the  right  wing  of 
the  American  army.  Died  October  17,  1797. 

Hug'gins,  (Sir  WILLIAM,)  an  English  astronomer, 
was  born  at  London,  February  7,  1824.  lie  is  dis- 
tinguished for  his  observations  and  discoveries  made 
with  the  spectroscope  on  the  sun  and  stars.  In  1876- 
78  he  was  president  of  the  Royal  Astronomical  So- 
ciety, and  of  the  British  Association  1891-92. 

Hugh,  hu,  [Fr.  HUGUES,  ^ug,J  a  French  prelate,  emi 
nent  for  talents  and  piety,  was  chosen  Archbishop  of 
Besanjon  in  1031.  Died  in  1066. 

Hugh  (Huguea)  L,  Duke  of  Burgundy,  was  the  son 
of  Henry,  and  grandson  of  Duke  Robert,  whom  he  suc- 
ceeded in  1075.  In  1078  he  retired  into  a  convent,  resign 
ing  his  dukedom  to  his  brother  Eudes.  Died  in  1093. 

Hugh  (Huguea)  n.,  Duke  of  Burgundy,  nephew  of 
the  preceding,  succeeded  in  1 102  his  father  Eudes,  who 
went  on  a  pilgrimage  to  the  Holy  Land.  Died  in  1 142. 

Hugh  (Hugues)  TTT,,  Duke  of  Burgundy,  succeeded 
his  father,  Eudes  II.,  in  1 162.  About  1190  he  followed 
Philip  Augustus  of  France  in  a  crusade,  and  when  that 

ting  turned  back,  Hugues  took  command  of  the  French. 
He  died  at  Tyre  in  1 192,  and  left  his  dukedom  to  his  son, 
Eudes  III. 

Hugh  (Hugues)  IV,  son  of  Eudes  III.,  born  in  1212, 
inherited  the  dukedom  in  I2l8.  He  died  in  1272,  and 
was  succeeded  by  his  son  Robert. 

Hugh  (Hugues)  V.,  Duke  of  Burgundy,  son  of  Robert 
[I.,  inherited  the  title  in  1308,  and  died  prematurely  in 
1315,  leaving  the  dukedom  to  his  brother,  Eudes  IV. 

Hugh  (Hugues)  DE  CLUNY,  (deh  klii'ne',)  a  French 
monk,  born  at  Semur  about  1024,  became  Abbot  of  Cluny 
in  1048.  He  was  consulted  on  important  questions  by 
several  kings  and  popes.  Died  in  1 109. 

Hugh  (Hugues)  D'AMIENS,  (dS'me^N',)  a  French 
prelate  and  writer,  reputed  one  of  the  most  learned 
theologians  of  his  time,  was  chosen  Archbishop  of  Rouen 
in  1130.  Died  in  1164. 

See  "Gallia  Christiana,"  tome  ii. 

Hugh  (Hugues)  DE  FLAVIGNY,  (deh  flfven'ye',)  a 
French  monk,  born  in  1065,  was  chosen  Abbot  of  Fla- 
vigny  in  1097.  He  wrote  the  "  Chronicle  of  Verdun,1' 
which  contains  valuable  historical  data. 

Hugh  (Hugues)  DE  FLEURY  (deh  fluh're')  or  DE 
SAINTE-MARIE,  (deh  saNt'mf  re',)  a  French  monk,  who 
was  eminent  for  his  knowledge.  He  asserted  the  divine 
right  of  kings  in  an  able  treatise  "  On  Royal  Power  and 
Sacerdotal  Dignity,"  and  wrote  a  general  History.  Died 
about  1125. 

Hugh  OF  LINCOLN,  (or  of  AVALON,)  SAINT,  was  born 
at  Avalon,  in  Burgundy,  about  1 135.  He  became  a  prior 
of  canons  regular,  but  was  so  attracted  by  the  severities 
of  the  Grande  Chartreuse  that  he  entered  that  order,  in 
spite  of  his  oath  not  to  do  so.  Sent  to  England,  he 
founded  Witham  Abbey.  In  1186  he  was  made  Bishop 
of  Lincoln.  Under  Henry  II.,  Richard  I.,  and  John, 
Saint  Hugh  had  great  influence  in  public  affairs.  He 
was  a  man  of  strong  will,  ardent  piety,  and  ascetic  life, 
but  of  excellent  judgment  and  kindly  feelings.  Died  in 
London,  November  16,  1200. 

Hugh  OF  PROVENCE,  King  of  Italy,  was  a  son  of 
Theobald,  (or  Thibault,)  Count  of  Provence.  Favoured 
by  the  pope,  John  X.,  and  by  many  Lombard  chiefs, 
he  obtained  the  crown  of  Italy  in  926  A.D.,  but  was 
expelled  by  Berenger  in  947,  and  died  the  same  year. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBER,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie." 

Hugh  (Hugues)  DE  SAINT-CHER,  (deh  siN'shaiR',) 
a  learned  French  monk  and  cardinal,  was  born  near 
Vienne.  His  most  important  work  was  a  concordance 
of  the  Bible,  said  to  be  the  first  ever  compiled.  He 
used  the  Latin  in  this  work.  Died  in  1263. 

Hugh  (Hugues)  DE  SAINT-VICTOR,  (deh  sJN'vek'- 
ton',)  a  monk,  born  near  Ypres,  entered  the  monastery 
of  Saint-Victor,  in  Paris,  in  1118.  He  wrote  theological 
works  which  had  a  high  reputation.  Died  in  1140. 

Hugh  Capet.     See  CAPET. 

Hugh  the  Great,  [Fr.  HUGUES  LE  GRAND,  hug  l?b 
gRftN,]  Duke  of  France  and  Count  of  Paris,  a  powerful 
noble,  was  the  son  of  Robert,  Count  of  Paris,  and  the 
father  of  Hugh  Capet.  He  married  a  sister  of  Otho, 
King  of  Germany,  and  waged  war  against  Louis  d'Outre- 
Mer.  Died  in  956. 

Hugh  the  Great,  Count  of  Vermandois,  third  son 
of  Henry  I.,  King  of  France,  born  in  1057,  was  noted  for 
chivalrous  courage.  He  departed  in  1096  on  a  crusade, 
and  distinguished  himself  at  the  siege  of  Antioch.  He 
was  killed  in  battle  in  1102. 

See  MICHAUD,  "  History  of  the  Crusades." 

Hughes,  huz,  (BALL,)  a  distinguished  sculptor,  was 
born  in  London,  January  19,  1804,  and  won  a  high  repu- 
tation there.  In  1829  he  removed  to  New  York.  Died 
in  Boston,  March  5,  1868. 

Hughes,  (DAVID  EDWARD,)  an  inventor,  born  at 
London  in  1831,  and  brought  to  the  United  States  in 
childhood.  He  became  successively  professor  of 
music  and  of  natural  philosophy,  and  is  notable  for 
his  invention  of  the  printing  telegraph,  patented  in 
1855.  In  1878  he  invented  the  microphone.  Another 
invention  was  the  induction  balance.  Died  in  1900. 

Hughes,  (JOHN,)  an  English  poet  and  essayist,  bom 
at  Marlborough  in  1677, was  educated  in  London,  where 

a, e, I,  o, u,  y, long;  a, e, 6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  T,  5,  u,y, short;  a,  e,  \,(),otscurt;  far,  fall,  fit;  mdt;  n&t;  good;  moon; 

VICTOR    Hl.'GO. 




he  mostly  resided.  He  filled,  besides  other  civil  posts, 
that  of  secretary  to  the  commissioners  of  the  peace. 
His  character  and  talents  secured  him  the  friendship  of 
Addison,  Pope,  and  Congreve.  He  contributed  nume- 
rous well-written  essays  to  the  "Spectator,"  "Taller," 
and  •*  Guardian,"  and  once  had  a  fair  reputation  as  a 
poet.  His  best  poem  is  "The  Siege  of  Damascus,"  a 
tragedy,  which  was  first  performed  on  the  last  night 
of  the  author's  life,  and  was  very  successful.  He  made 
good  translations  from  Fontenelle  and  Vertot.  Swift 
having  classed  him  in  the  ranks  of  mediocrity,  Fope 
answered,  "  What  he  wanted  in  genius  he  made  up  as 
an  honest  man."  Addison  had  so  good  an  opinion  of 
his  ability  that  he  requested  him  to  write  the  fifth  act  of 
"  Cato,"  which,  however,  he  declined.  Died  in  1720. 

See  JOHNSON,  "Lives  of  the  English  Poets;"  "  Biographia  Bri- 

Hughes,  huz,  (JoHN,)  an  eminent  Roman  Catholic 
prelate,  born  in  Ireland  in  1798.  He  came  to  America 
in  1817,  and  preached  several  years  in  Philadelphia.  He 
became  Bishop  of  New  York  about  1840,  and  was  raised 
to  the  rank  of  archbishop  in  1850.  He  published  seve- 
ral sermons  and  lectures.  He  was  a  man  of  great 
ability,  and  was  particularly  distinguished  for  his  skill 
in  dialectics.  Died  in  1864. 

See  JOHN  R.  G.  HASSARD,  "  Life  of  John  Hushes,"  1866. 

Hughes,  (JoHN,)  an  English  writer  and  artist,  was 
the  father  of  Thomas  Hughes,  M.P.  He  published  in 
1822  an  "  Itinerary  of  Provence  and  the  Rhone,"  (with 
good  etchings  by  himself,)  which  was  praised  by  Sir 
Walter  Scott.  He  also  wrote  some  poetical  pieces. 

Hughes,  (THOMAS,)  an  English  author,  social  econo- 
mist, and  barrister,  born  near  Newbury,  October  20,  1823. 
He  wrote  "  Tom  Brown's  School-Days  at  Rugby,"  (1856,) 
"The  Scouring  of  the  White  Horse,"  (1858,)  "Tom 
Brown  at  Oxford,"  (1861,)  "Alfred  the  Great,"  (1869.) 
"Our  Old  Church— What  shall  we  do  with  It?"  (1878,) 
"  Rugby,"  (1881,)  "  Vacation  Rambles,"  (1895,)  etc. 
He  was  appointed  a  Queen's  counsel  in  1869.  He 
was  a  warm  friend  of  the  working-classes,  and  was 
elected  to  Parliament  by  the  Liberals  in  1865  and 
again  in  1868.  In  1880  he  established  a  colony  in 
Tennessee,  which  was  named  Rugby.  Died  March 
22,  1896. 

Hughes,  (THOMAS  SMART,)  an  English  historian, 
graduated  at  Cambridge  as  M.A.  in  1811.  He  became 
prebendary  of  Peterborough  in  1827,  and  rector  of  Hard- 
wick  in  1832.  He  wrote,  besides  other  works,  a  "  His- 
tory of  England  from  the  Accession  of  George  III.  to 
the  Accession  of  Victoria,  1760-1837,"  (7  vols.,  1836,)  a 
continuation  of  Hume  and  Smollett.  Died  in  1847. 

Hugi,  hoo'gee,  (FRANZ  JOSEPH,)  a  Swiss  naturalist, 
born  at  Grenchen  in  1795.  Among  his  works  is  a 
"Treatise  on  Glaciers,"  (1842.)  Died  March  25,  1855. 

Hugo,  ^ii'go',  (CHARLES  Louis,)  a  French  monk, 
born  at  Saint-Mihiel  in  1667,  became  Abbe1  of  Estiva]. 
He  wrote,  besides  other  works,  a  "  Life  of  Saint  Nor- 
bert,"  (1707,)  and  a  "History  of  Moses,"  (1709.)  Died 
in  1739. 

Hugo,  (FRANCOIS  VICTOR,)  a  son  of  Victor  Marie, 
noticed  below,  was  born  in  Paris  in  1828.  He  produced 
»  version  of  Shakspeare's  Sonnets,  (1857.)  Died  Decem- 
oer  26,  1873. 

Hugo,  hoo'go,  (GuSTAV,)  a  German  jurist,  distin- 
guished for  his  profound  knowledge  of  Roman  law,  was 
born  at  Lorrach,  in  Baden,  in  1764.  He  studied  at 
Gottingen,  and  became  professor  of  law  in  that  city  in 
1792.  His  principal  work,  a  "Manual  of  a  Course  of 
Civil  Law,"  consisting  of  seven  volumes,  with  different 
titles,  ranks  among  the  standard  productions  of  modern 
jurisprudence.  Died  at  Gottingen  in  1844. 

See  H.  EYSSENHARDT,  "Zur  Erinnerung  an  G.  Hugo,"  1845. 

Hu'go,  (HERMAN,)  a  learned  Jesuit,  born  at  Brussels 
m  1588,  became  chaplain  to  General  Spinola.  He  was 
the  author  of  a  treatise  on  the  invention  of  letters,  "De 
prima  Scribendi  Origine,"  (1617,)  and  a  few  other  works. 
Died  in  1629. 

Hugo,  (J.  ABEL,)  a  French  litterateur,  brother  of 
Victor  Hugo,  was  born  about  1798.  Among  his  works 
"e  "Picturesque  France,"  (3  vols.,  1833,)  and  "Military 

France,"  a  history  of  the  French  armies  from  1792  tc 
'^33,  (5  vols.,  1834.)  Died  in  1855. 

Hugo,  (JOSEPH  LEOPOLD  SIGISBERT,)  a  French  gen- 
eral and  count,  born  at  Nancy  in  1774.  After  serving 
Joseph  Bonaparte  as  marshal  of  the  palace  at  Naples, 
he  fought  for  him  in  Spain  as  general  of  brigade  from 
1809  to  1813,  gained  several  victories,  and  was  raised  to 
the  rank  of  general  of  division.  In  1823  he  published 
"Memoirs  of  General  Hugo."  Died  in  1828. 

See  JULES  NOLLKT-FABERT,  "  Le  GcWral  J.  L.  S.  Hugo,"  8vo, 
1853;  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge"ne"rale." 

Hugo.hii'go',  (VICTOR  MARIE,)  VICOMTE,  a  celebrated 
French  lyric  poet  and  novelist,  a  son  of  the  preceding, 
was  born  at  Besan9on  in  1802.  His  mother,  Sophie 
Trebuchet,  was  a  Vendean  royalist,  with  whose  polit- 
ical sentiments  he  sympathized  in  his  youth.  His  first 
poem,  "On  the  Advantages  of  Study,"  (1817,)  obtained 
an  honourable  mention  from  the  Academic  Fran9aise. 
He  received  prizes  for  several  royalist  odes  in  1818,  and 
married  Mdlle.  Foucher  in  1822.  In  the  same  year  he 
published  the  first  volume  of  his  "Odes  and  Ballads," 
which  quickly  raised  him  to  the  first  rank  among  the 
French  poets  of  his  time.  He  produced  "  Cromwell," 
a  drama,  (1827,)  and  a  volume  of  odes,  entitled  "Les 
Orientales,"  (1828,)  remarkable  for  richness  of  imagina- 
tion. The  literati  of  France  having  ranged  themselves 
in  two  hostile  schools,  styled  the  Classic  and  the  Ro- 
mantic, Victor  Hugo  became  the  recognized  chief  of  the 
latter,  formed  mostly  of  young  men.  Of  his  dramas, 
"Hernani"  (first  acted  in  1830)  and  "Marion  Delorme" 
(1831)  proved  brilliant  successes.  Among  his  most  suc- 
cessful and  popular  works  are  "Notre  Dame  de  Paris," 
a  romance,  (1831,)  "Le  Roi  s'amuse,"  a  drama,  (1832,) 
"Les  Miserables,"  a  novel,  (1862,)  "The  Toilers  of  the 
Sea,"  (1865,)  and  poems  entitled  "The  Leaves  of  Au- 
tumn," ("  Les  Feuilles  d'Automne,")  which,  says  a 
French  critic  in  the  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Generate," 
"contain  beauties  of  the  first  order."  He  was  admitted 
into  the  French  Academy  in  1841,  and  raised  to  the  rank 
of  a  peer  in  1845.  Hfi  gave  his  cordial  adhesion  to  the 
republic  of  1848,  and  was  elected  to  the  Constituent  As- 
sembly by  the  voters  of  Paris.  He  opposed  Cavaignac, 
and  in  1849  joined  the  party  of  advanced  democrats,  of 
whom  he  became  a  leader  and  distinguished  orator.  For 
his  opposition  to  the  coup  d'etat  of  December  2,  1851,  he 
was  banished.  He  retired  to  the  island  of  Guernsey,  where 
he  resided  until  the  fall  of  the  empire,  when  he  returned 
to  Paris.  In  1871  he  was  elected  to  the  National  As- 
sembly, but  soon  resigned  his  seat  and  went  to  Brussels. 
He  was  expelled  for  his  sympathy  with  the  Communists 
there,  and  again  returned  to  Paris.  During  his  exile  he 
published  several  works,  among  which  are  "  Napoleon 
the  Little,"  (1852,)  "  Les  Contemplations,"  poems,  (1856,) 
and  "L'Homme  qui  rit,"  a  romance,  (1869,)  translated 
under  the  title  of  "  By  the  King's  Command."  Among 
his  later  works  are  "The  Terrible  Year,"  a  poetical 
record  of  scenes  and  incidents  during  the  siege  of  Paris, 
(1872,)  "Ninety-Three,"  a  romance,  (1874,)  "The  Art 
of  being  a  Grandfather,"  (1877,)  "The  Pope,"  (1878,) 
"Torquemada,"  (1882,)  etc.  Died  May  22,  1885. 

Hu-gp-li'nus,  (or  hoo-go-le'nus,)  an  Italian  jurist  and 
legal  writer,  born  at  Bologna;  died  about  1233. 

Hugtenburg.    See  HUCHTENBURGH. 

Hugues  Capet.     See  CAPET. 

Huijgens.    See  HUYGENS. 

HuUlard-BrehoUes,  u-e'liR'   bRi'ol',    (J.   I_   Ai 
PHONSE,)   a   French  antiquary,  born  in   Paris  in  1817, 
published,  with  M.  E.  Ruelle,  a  "  History  of  the  Middle 
Ages,"  (2  vols.,  1843.)     Died  March  23,  1871. 

Hulaku  or  Hulakoo.     See  HOOLAKOO. 

Hulda.     See  HOLDA. 

Huldericus.     See  HULDRICH. 

Huldrich,  hoolt'riK,  [Lat  HULDERI'CUS,]  (JOHANN 
JACOB,)  a  Swiss  divine,  born  at  Zurich  in  1683,  was  a 
professor  of  law  in  the  university  of  that  town.  He 
published  a  few  religious  works,  and  "Miscellanea  Tigu- 
rina,"  (3  vols.,  1722.)  Died  in  1731. 

Huliii  or  Hullin,  ^ii'lax',  (PIERRE  AUGUSTIN,)  a 
French  general,  born  in  Paris  in  1758.  He  became 
general  of  brigade  in  1804,  commandant  at  Vienna  in 
1805,  and  in  1807  general  of  division.  He  had  the  chief 

c  as  k;  5  as  j;  g  hard;  g  as/;  G,  H,  K.,pMural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  2.  th  as  in  this. 

xplanations,  p.  23.) 




command  at  Paris  when  the  conspirator  Malet  made  his 
daring  attempt  in  1812,  and  was  shot  in  the  face  by 
Malet.  He  was  banished  in  1815.  Died  in  1841. 

Hull,  (EDWARD,)  a  geologist,  born  in  Antrim,  Ireland, 
in  1829,  published  "  Physical  Geology  and  Geography 
of  Ireland,"  "Volcanoes,  Past  and  Present,"  (1892,) 
"  Our  Coal  Resources  at  the  Close  of  the  Nineteenth 
Century,"  (1897,)  etc. 

Hull,  (ISAAC,)  an  American  commodore,  born  in 
Derby,  Connecticut,  in  1775.  He  distinguished  himself 
in  the  war  with  Tripoli,  (1804-5,)  was  promoted  to  the 
rank  of  captain  in  1806,  and  at  the  commencement  of  the 
war  of  1812  was  in  command  of  the  frigate  Constitution. 
In  July  of  the  same  year,  while  cruising  off  New  York, 
he  fell  in  with  a  British  squadron,  which  pursued  him  in 
hot  chase  for  three  days  and  nights,  but  which,  by  his 
skill  in  seamanship,  he  managed  to  escape.  On  August 
19  following,  he  captured,  after  a  close  action  of  thirty 
minutes,  the  British  frigate  Guerriere,  Captain  Dacres, 
with  the  loss  of  only  fourteen  in  killed  and  wounded, 
while  that  of  the  Guerriere  was  seventy-nine.  This  was 
the  first  naval  action  after  the  declaration  of  war ;  and 
in  acknowledgment  of  Captain  Hull's  distinguished  ser- 
vices Congress  presented  him  with  a  gold  medal.  He 
subsequently  commanded  the  United  States  squadron 
in  the  Pacific  and  in  the  Mediterranean.  Died  in  Phila- 
delphia in  1843. 

Hull,  (THOMAS,)  an  English  actor  and  poet,  born  in 
London  in  1728,  composed  and  altered  numerous  plays. 
His  most  popular  poem  is  "Richard  Plantagenet,'  a 
legendary  tale,  (1774.)  Died  in  1808. 

Hull,  (WILLIAM,)  an  officer  in  the  American  Revolu- 
rion,  born  in  Derby,  Connecticut,  in  1753.  He  joined 
the  Revolutionary  army  at  Cambridge  at  the  head  of  a 
company  of  volunteers  in  1775.  He  took  part  in  many 
of  the  battles  of  the  war,  and  for  his  gallant  services  in 
conducting  the  expedition  against  Morrisiana  he  was 
honoured  with  a  vote  of  thanks  by  Congress.  After  the 
war  he  became  a  major-general  in  the  Massachusetts 
militia,  and  in  1805  was  appointed  by  Jefferson  Governor 
of  the  Territory  of  Michigan.  On  the  breaking  out  of 
the  second  war  with  Great  Britain,  in  1812,  he  was  ap- 
pointed to  the  command  of  the  Northwestern  army ;  and 
in  August  of  the  same  year  he  surrendered  with  2000 
troops  to  the  British  under  General  Brock,  at  Detroit 
For  this  act  he  was  tried  by  court-martial,  in  1814,  and 
sentenced  to  be  shot  President  Madison  approved  the 
sentence,  but  remitted  its  execution  in  consideration  of 
General  Hull's  age  and  services  in  the  Revolution.  He 
published  a  defence  of  himself  before  the  court-martial, 
(1814.)  Died  in  1825. 

Hullah,  (JOHN  PYKE,)  an  English  composer  and 
popular  teacher  of  music,  was  born  in  1812.  He  com- 
posed the  music  of  Dickens's  comic  opera  "  The  Vil- 
lage Coquettes,"  (1836.)  About  1840  he  introduced  a 
new  system  of  instruction  in  vocal  music,  which  was 
very  successful.  He  was  professor  of  vocal  music  in 
King's  College,  London,  from  1844  tc  1874.  Died  1884. 
Hullin.  See  HULIN. 

Hfill'man'del,  (CHARLES  JOSEPH,)  an  excellent  lith- 
ographer, born  in  London  in  1789.  He  made  several 
improvements  in  the  art  of  lithography,  and  invented 
the  process  of  lithotint  He  published,  in  1824,  "The 
Art  of  Drawing  on  Stone."  Died  in  1850. 

Hullmarm  or  Huellmann,  huVman,  (KARL  DIE- 
TRICH,) a  German  historian  and  antiquary,  born  at  Erde- 
born  in  1765,  became  a  professor  at  Bonn.  He  published, 
besides  other  works,  a  "  History  of  the  Origin  of  Ranks 
or  Orders  (Stdndt)  in  Germany,"  (3  vols.,  1808,)  and  a 
"  History  of  the  Commerce  of  the  Greeks,"  (1839.) 
Died  in  1846. 

Hulls,  (JONATHAN,)  an  English  mechanician  and  in- 
ventor, obtained  in  1736  a  patent  for  a  "machine  for 
carrying  ships  out  of,  or  into,  any  harbour  against  wind 
and  tide."  This  machine  was  to  be  moved  by  steam- 
power,  but  failed  because  he  did  not  use  the  proper 
means  to  transfer  the  motion  from  the  piston  to  the 

Hulme,  (F.  EDWARD,)  an  art  writer,  born  at 
Hanley,  in  Staffordshire,  in  1841.  He  became  a  pro- 

fessor of  drawing  at   King's  College,    London,   and 

Birth  and  Development  of  Ornament,"  (1893,)  etc. 
Hulot,  /Sii'lo',   (HENRI,)  a  French  lawyer,  born  in 
Paris  in  1732,  translated  into  French  fifty  books  of  Jus- 
tinian's Pandects,  (7  vols.,  1803.)     Died  in  1775. 

Hulse,  hulss,  (Rev.  JOHN,)  born  at  Middlewich,  Eng- 
land, in  1708,  founded  the  Hulsean  Lecture  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Cambridge,  in  which  he  had  graduated.  Died 
in  1790. 

Hulaemann,  ho61'seh-man',(JOHANN,)  a  learned  Ger- 
man Lutheran  divine,  born  at  Essen  in  1602,  was  professor 
of  divinity  at  Leipsic.  Died  in  1661. 

Hulaius,  hul'se-us,  (ANTOON,)  a  Protestant  scholar 
and  theologian,  born  in  1615,  became  professor  of  divinity 
and  Oriental  languages  at  Leyden.  Died  in  1685. 

Hulsius,  (HENDRIK,)  a  theological  writer,  son  of  the 
preceding,  was  born  at  Breda  in  1654;  died  in  1723. 

Hulst,  van  der,  vtn  der  hulst,  (PlETER,)  a  Dutch 
painter,  born  at  Dort  in  1652,  was  successful  in  painting 
flowers,  fruits,  etc.  He  studied  or  worked  in  Rome. 
Died  in  1708. 

Hultsch,  hSolch,  (FRIEDRICH  OTTO,)  a  German 
Died  in  Phila-  \  scholar,  born  at  Dresden,  July  22,  1833.  He  was  edu- 
cated at  Leipsic.  His  chief  work  is  "  Greek  and  Roman 
Metrology,"  (1862.)  He  also  published  critical  editions 
of  several  Greek  authors,  chiefly  mathematical.  His 
edition  of  Pappus  is  of  special  importance,  since  more 
than  half  of  the  text  had  never  before  been  edited. 

Hultz,  hdolts,  (JoHANN,)  a  German  architect,  of  whom 
;  little  is  known.     The  completion  of  the  great  tower  of 
the  cathedral   of  Cologne  is  ascribed  to  him.     It  was 
finished  in  the  first  half  of  the  fifteenth  century. 

Humann,  /m'man',  (JEAN  GEORGES,)  a  French  finan 
cier,  born   at   Strasburg   in   1780,  became   minister  of 
finance  in  1832  ;  died  in  1842. 
Humayun.    See  HOOMAYOON. 
Hum'bert  I.,   (in   Italian,   TJmberto,  oom-beR'to,) 
King  of  Italy,  was  born  March  14,  1844.     He  was  the 
son  of  King  Victor  Emmanuel  and  of  Queen  Adelaide 
of  Austria.     At  the  battle  of  Custozza,  in  1866,  he  acted 
as  a  lieutenant-general.     In  1868  he  was  married  to  his 
cousin-german,  Maria  Margaret  of  Savoy,  and  in   1878 
!  became    king.      Though   popular   as  a  sovereign,  he 
was  assassinated  by  an  anarchist,  July  29,  1900.     He 
was  succeeded  by  his  son,  Victor  Emmanuel  III. 

Humt>? rt,  CARDINAL,  an  eminent  French  Benedic 
tine  monk,  born  in  Burgundy ;  died  about  1063. 

Humbert,  /fcuN'baiR',  (JEAN,)  a  Swiss  Orientalist, 
born  at  Geneva  in  1792,  published,  besides  other  works, 
an  "Arabian  Anthology,"  with  French  versions,  (1819.) 
Died  in  1851. 

Humbert,  (JOSEPH  AMAULE,)  a  French  general,  bom 
of  humble  parents  at  Rouvray,  in  Lorraine,  about  1760. 
Having  a  fine  figure,  a  pleasing  address,  and  great  au- 
dacity, he  was  rapidly  promoted,  and  in  1795,  as  general 
i  of  brigade,  served  under  Hoche  against  the  Vendean 
royalists.  In  1798,  as  general  of  division,  he  commanded 
the  army  of  about  1500  men  which  invaded  Ireland, 
where,  after  gaining  a  victory  over  General  Lake,  he  was 
forced  to  surrender  to  Lord  Cornwallis.  In  1802  he  was 
employed  in  the  expedition  to  Hayti  under  Leclerc,  at 
whose  death  he  returned  to  France  in  company  with 
Pauline,  the  widow  of  Leclerc,  and  sister  of  Bonaparte. 
By  aspiring  to  her  hand  he  offended  the  First  Consul. 
He  consulted  his  safety  by  emigrating  to  the  United 
States,  where  he  lived  in  obscurity.  Died  -.t  New  Or- 
leans in  1823. 

See  THIKRS,  "History  of  the  French  Revolution;"  "  Nouvelle 
Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Humboldt,  hum'bolt,  von,  [Ger.  pron.  fon  hoom'- 
illustrious  German  savant  and  traveller,  born  :i  Berlin 
on  the  I4th  of  September,  1769.  He  was  a  son  of  Major 
von  Humboldt,  who  served  as  adjutant  or  aide-de-ramp 
to  the  Duke  of  Brunswick  in  the  Seven  Years'  war.  In 
1786  he  entered  the  University  of  Frankfort-on-;he-Oder, 
where  he  studied  natural  science  and  political  economy. 

a,  e,  T,  o,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  o,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fit;  met;  not;  good;  moon; 




He  hecame  a  pupil  of  Heyne,  Blumenbach,  and  Eich- 
horn,  at  Gottingen,  in  1788.  In  1790  he  travelled  in 
France,  Holland,  and  England,  and  published  a  treatise 
"On  the  Basalts  of  the  Rhine."  He  studied  mineralogy 
under  Werner  at  Freiberg  in  1791,  and  was  appointed 
director-general  of  the  mines  of  Anspach  and  Baireuth 
in  1792.  He  published  in  1792  a  work  on  subterranean 
plants,  "  Specimen  Florae  subterraneae  Fribergensis."  At 
an  early  age  he  cherished  a  passion  to  visit  far-distant  and 
unexplored  regions  of  the  globe.  With  this  view  he  re- 
signed his  office  about  1 796,  and  passed  some  time  at  Jena, 
where  he  formed  friendships  with  Goethe  and  Schiller. 
His  reputation  way  extended  by  a  treatise  "  On  the  Irri- 
tability of  Muscles  and  Nervous  Fibres,"  (1797.)  Several 
o>f  his  projects  for  undertaking  a  voyage  of  discovery 
were  frustrated  by  the  wars  that  followed  the  French 
Revolution.  At  length,  in  June,  1799,  he  joined  Aime 
Bonpland  in  a  voyage  to  South  America.  They  spent 
about  four  years  in  the  exploration  of  the  northern 
part  of  South  America,  especially  those  portions  which 
are  drained  by  the  Oronoco  and  the  Rio  Negro.  They 
ascended  the  Magdalena  as  far  as  they  could  by  water, 
and  penetrated  by  land  to  Quito.  In  June,  1802,  they 
ascended  Chimborazo  to  a  point  nineteen  thousand  feet 
or  more  above  the  level  of  the  sea,  the  highest  point  of 
the  Andes  ewr  reached  by  man.  They  passed  nearly  a 
year  in  the  exploration  of  Mexico,  visited  the  United 
States,  and  returned  to  Europe  in  July,  1804,  with  rich 
collections  of  plants,  animals,  and  minerals.  Humboldt 
became  a  resident  of  Paris,  where  he  remained  about 
twenty  years,  the  greater  part  of  which  he  spent  in  digest- 
ing and  publishing  the  results  of  his  observations.  In 
this  task  he  was  assisted  by  Bonpland,  Cuvier,  Olrmanns, 
Arago,  Kunth,  and  others.  Between  1807  and  1817  they 
published,  in  French,  a  "Journey  to  the  Equinoctial 
Regions  of  the  New  Continent,"  (3  vols.,)  "Astronomical 
Observations  and  Measurements  by  the  Barometer,"  (2 
vols.,  1808-10,)  a  "View  of  the  Cordilleras,  and  Monu- 
ments of  the  Indigenous  Peoples  of  America,"  (1810,)  a 
"  Collection  of  Observations  on  Zoology  and  Compara- 
tive Anatomy,"  (2  vols.,)  a  "  Political  Essay  on  the 
Kingdom  of  New  Spain,"  (2  vols.,  l8n,)  and  "General 
Physics  and  Geology."  He  made  an  important  con- 
tribution to  botanical  geography  by  his  Latin  work  "  On 
the  Geographical  Distribution  of  Plants  according  to 
the  Temperature  and  Altitude,"  (1817.)  His  botanical 
collections  were  classed  and  described  by  S.  Kunth  in  a 
work  entitled  "  Nova  Genera  et  Species  Plantarum  quas 
in  Peregrinatione  ad  Plagam  aequinoctialem  Orbis  novi 
collegerunt  A.  Bonpland  et  A.  de  Humboldt,"  (7  vols., 
1815-25.)  An  English  translation  of  his  "  Personal  Nar- 
rative of  Travels"  was  made  by  Helen  Maria  Williams, 
(5  vols.,  1814-21.)  In  1810  he  was  chosen  a  member  of 
(he  French  Institute  in  place  of  Cavendish.  He  removed 
to  Berlin  in  1826,  and  received,  with  the  title  of  coun- 
cillor, many  marks  of  royal  favour.  At  the  request  of 
Nicholas,  Emperor  of  Russia,  and  at  his  expense,  Hum- 
boldt, Ehrenberg,  and  Rose  made  in  1829  a  scientific 
exploration  of  Asiatic  Russia.  Among  the  results  of  this 
extensive  expedition  was  an  excellent  work  by  Hum- 
boldt, entitled  "  Central  Asia :  Researches  on  the  Chains 
of  Mountains  and  the  Comparative  Climatology,"  (3 
vols.,  1843.)  He  was  sent  to  Paris  on  several  political 
missions  by  the  King  of  Prussia  between  1830  and  1848. 
He  published  a"  Critical  Examination  of  the  Geography 
of  the  New  Continent,"  (5  vols.,  1835-38.)  When  he 
was  more  than  seventy-four  years  old,  he  composed  his 
celebrated  work  entitled  "  Kosmos ;  Entwurf  einer  phy- 
sischen  WcHbeschreibung,"  ("  Cosmos  ;  Essay  of  a  Phys- 
ical Description  of  the  Universe,")  the  first  volume  of 
which  appeared  in  1845,  and  the  fourth  in  1858.  "The 
first  volume,"  says  the  author,  "contains  a  general  view 
of  nature,  from  the  remotest  nebulae  and  revolving 
double  stars  to  the  terrestrial  phenomena  of  the  geo- 
graphical distribution  of  plants,  of  animals,  and  of  races 
of  men, — preceded  by  some  preliminary  considerations 
on  the  different  degrees  of  enjoyment  offered  by  the 
study  of  nature  and  the  knowledge  of  her  laws,  and  or 
the  limits  and  method  of  a  scientific  exposition  of  the 
physical  description  of  the  universe."  "The  author  of 
.the  remarkable  book  before  us,"  says  the  "Edinburgh 

«  as  k :  <;  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as/;  G,  H,  Y.,guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this. 


Review"  for  January,  1848,  "is  assuredly  the  person  11 
all  Europe  best  fitted  to  undertake  and  accomplish  such 
a  work.  Science  has  produced  no  man  of  more  rich  and 
varied  attainments,  more  versatile  in  genius,  more  inde- 
fatigable in  application  to  all  kinds  of  learning,  more 
energetic  in  action,  or  more  ardent  in  inquiry,  and,  we 
may  add,  more  entirely  devoted  to  her  cause  in  every 
period  of  a  long  life.  At  every  epoch  of  that  life,  from 
a  comparatively  early  age,  he  has  been  constantly  before 
the  public,  realizing  the  ideal  conception  of  a  perfect 
traveller  ;  a  character  which  calls  for  almost  as  great  a 
variety  of  excellences  as  these  which  go  to  realize  Cicero's 
idea  of  a  perfect  orator.  .  .  .  Above  all  things  is  neces- 
sary :,  genial  and  kindly  temperament,  which  excites  no 
enmities,  but,  on  the  contrary,  finds  or  makes  friends 
everywhere.  No  man  in  the  ranks  of  science  is  more 
distinguished  for  this  last  characteristic  than  Baron  von 
Humboldt.  We  believe  that  he  has  not  an  enemy." 
The  "  Kosmos"  has  been  translated  into  French  by  H. 
Faye  and  Ch.  Galusky,  (1848-57,)  and  into  English  by 
Mrs.  Sabine.  He  received  from  the  French  government 
the  title  of  grand  officer  of  the  legion  of  honour,  and 
was  a  member  of  all  the  principal  Academies  of  the 
world.  Among  his  other  works  is  "Aspects  of  Nature," 
("Ansichten  der  Natur,"  1808;  3d  edition,  2  vols.,  1849.) 
He  died  in  Berlin,  May  6,  1859,  in  his  ninetieth  year. 

See  JULIETTE  BAUER,  "  Lives  of  the  Brothers  Humboldt,"  Lon- 
don, 1852:  H.  KLENCKB  or  KLETKK,  "A.  von  Humboldt;  ein  oio- 
graphisches  Denkmal,"  1853 ;  Review  of  the  "  Kosmos"  in  the  "  Lon- 
don Quarterly  Review,"  vol.  batvii. ;  R.  H.  STODDARD,  "  Life  of 
Alexander  von  Humboldt,"  New  York,  1859:  AGASSII,  "Eulogy  on 
Humboldt"  in  the  "Living  Age"  for  October  J,  1869;  PRUVS  VAJ1 
DER  HOBVEN,  "  A-  von  Humboldt,  Interpres  Naturae,"  1845  ;  "  Quar- 
terly Review"  for  January  and  July,  1816,  October,  1817,  April,  1819, 
July,  1821,  December,  1845,  and  January,  1854 ;  "  Edinburgh  Re- 
view" for  June,  1815 ;  "  Eraser's  Magazine"  for  February,  1848. 

Humboldt,  von,  (KARL  WILHELM,)  BARON,  a  cele- 
brated German  philologist  and  statesman,  born  at  Pots- 
dam on  the  22d  of  June,  1767,  was  a  brother  of  the 
preceding.  His  early  education  was  directed  by  Joachim 
Campe,  a  distinguished  philanthropist.  About  1788  he 
entered  the  University  of  Gottingen,  where  he  studied 
philology  under  G.  Heyne.  Among  the  intimate  friends 
of  his  youth  was  George  Forster,  the  traveller.  In  July, 
1789,  he  visited  Paris,  and  hailed  with  enthusiasm  the 
advent  of  the  new  regime.  He  afterwards  studied  at 
Jena,  and  there  formed  an  intimate  and  lasting  friendship 
with  the  poet  Schiller,  who  encouraged  and  directed  him 
in  his  literary  pursuits.  Humboldt  became  also  the  friend 
and  literary  counsellor  of  Goethe.  About  1791  he  mar- 
ried Caroline  von  Dachenroden.  Among  his  early  works 
was  an  excellent  "  Essay  on  the  Greeks,"  (1792.)  In  1799 
he  produced  an  admirable  critical  essay  on  Goethe's 
"  Hermann  and  Dorothea,"  which  established  his  repu- 
tation as  a  critic.  He  was  appointed  minister  to  Rome 
by  the  King  of  Prussia  about  1802,  and  soon  after  that 
date  produced  a  poem  entitled  "  Rome,"  ("  Rom.")  He 
returned  to  Prussia  in  1808,  and  was  appointed  minister 
of  public  instruction  about  the  end  of  that  year.  lie 
took  a  prominent  part  in  the  foundation  of  the  University 
of  Berlin.  About  iSiohe  resigned  his  office,  and  was  sent 
as  ambassador  to  Vienna.  While  thus  employed  in  the 
public  service,  he  devoted  his  leisure  time  to  the  study  of 
languages,  in  many  of  which  he  was  profoundly  versed. 
He  acquired  distinction  as  a  diplomatist,  and  induced 
Austria  to  join  the  coalition  against  Napoleon  in  August, 
1813.  He  represented  Prussia  at  the  Conference  of 
Chatillon  and  the  Congress  of  Vienna,  1814.  Talley- 
rand's opinion  of  him  is  said  to  have  been  expressed  in 
these  words  :  "  Europe  does  not  possess  three  statesmen 
of  such  power,"  ("L'Europe  n'a  pas  trois  hommes  d'e"tat 
de  cette  force.")  He  was  sent  as  ambassador  to  London 
about  1816,  and  was  appointed  minister  and  privy  coun- 
cillor at  Berlin  in  1819.  He  advocated  a  liberal  constitu 
tion,  and,  when  he  found  that  the  king  was  determined  to 
adopt  a  reactionary  policy,  he  resigned  his  office  about 
the  end  of  1819,  after  which  he  took  no  part  in  political 
affairs.  He  composed  numerous  poems,  the  most  of 
which  remained  in  manuscript  until  his  death,  and  many 
treatises  on  language,  philology,  etc.  Among  his  prin- 
cipal works  are  an  "  Essay  on  the  New  French  Consti- 
tution," (1792,)  a  metrical  translation  of  the  "Agamem- 
non" of  jEschylus,  (1816,)  which  is  highly  commended, 

ee  Explanations,  p.  23. ^ 




"  Researches  on  the  Aborigines  of  Spain  by  Means  of 
the  Basque  Language,"  (1821,)  and  a  "  Memoir  on  Com- 
parative Linguistic."  He  was  one  of  the  greatest  philoso- 
phers and  critics  of  his  time,  and  has  been  called  the 
creator  of  comparative  philology.  The  interesting  corre- 
spondence between  Schiller  and  Wilhelm  von  Humboldt 
was  published  in  1830.  In  the  latter  part  of  his  life  he 
devoted  his  attention  to  the  study  of  the  languages  of 
barbarous  tribes  of  America  and  Asia.  He  died  at 
Tegel,  near  Berlin,  April  8,  1835,  leaving  unfinished  an 
extensive  and  excellent  work,  entitled  "On  the  Kawi 
Language  in  the  Island  of  Java,"  ("  Ueber  die  Kawi 
Sprache  auf  der  Insel  Java,")  which  was  published  in 
1836.  His  works  were  collected  and  edited  by  his 
brother  Alexander,  under  the  title  of  "  Wilhelm  von 
Humboldts  Gesammelte  Werke,"  (4  vols.,  1841-52.) 

See  GUSTAV  SCHLBSIER,  "  Wiihelm  von  Humboldts  Leben;' 
KLENCKB,  "W.  von  Humboldts  Leben,"  (translated  into  English 
by  JULIBTTB  BAUER  in  1852;)  SCHLBSIER,  "  Erinnerungen  an  Wil- 
helm  von  Humboldt,"  2 vols.,  1843-45;  ROBERT  HAYM,  "Wilhelm 
von  Humboldt  Lebensbild  und  Charakteristik,"  1856 :  "  Foreign 
Quarterly  Review"  for  January,  1842;  "Quarterly  Review"  for 
April,  1868. 

Hume,  (Rev.  ABRAHAM,)  an  English  antiquary,  born 
about  1815.  He  became  incumbent  of  a  parish  in  Liver- 
pool about  1846,  and  distinguished  himself  as  a  promoler 
of  education.  He  wrote,  besides  other  works,  "The 
Learned  Societies  and  Printing-Clubs  of  the  United 
Kingdom,"  (1847.)  Died  in  1884. 

Hume,  (ALEXANDER,)  a  Scottish  poet  and  minister, 
born  about  1560,  preached  at  Logie.  He  published  a 
volume  of  "  Hymns  or  Sacred  Songs,"  which  were  ad- 
mired, especially  the  "  Day  Estival."  Died  in  1609. 

See  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen." 

Hume  or  Home,  (DAVID,)  of  Godscroft,  a  Scottish 
minister  and  writer,  supposed  to  have  been  born  about 
1560.  He  preached  some  years  in  France.  He  wrote 
some  Latin  poems,  "  Apologia  Basilica,"  ("  Apology  or 
Defence  of  the  King,"  1626.)  and  "The  History  of  the 
House  and  Race  of  Douglas  and  Angus,"  (1644.) 

See  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen. 

Hume,  (DAVID,)  an  eminent  English  historian  and 
philosopher,  born  in  Edinburgh  on  the  26th  of  April, 
1711.  He  was  a  younger  son  of  Joseph  Hume  or  Home, 
who,  though  related  to  the  Earl  of  Home,  was  not 
wealthy.  In  his  Autobiography  he  says,  "  My  studious 
disposition,  my  sobriety,  and  my  industry  gave  my  family 
a  notion  that  the  law  was  a  proper  profession  for  me ; 
but  I  found  an  insurmountable  aversion  to  everything 
but  the  pursuits  of  philosophy  and  general  learning ; 
and,  while  they  fancied  I  was  poring  upon  Voet  and 
Vinnius,  Cicero  and  Virgil  were  the  authors  which  I 
was  secretly  devouring."  For  the  sake  of  economy,  he 
went  to  France  in  1734  or  1735,  and  spent  about  two  years 
at  Rheims  and  La  Fleche,  where  he  wrote  his  "  Treatise 
on  Human  Nature."  This  was  published  in  London  in 
1738,  but  was  treated  with  discouraging  neglect  He 
says  himself,  "  It  fell  from  the  press  without  reaching 
such  distinction  as  even  to  excite  a  murmur  among  the 
zealots."  Mackintosh  calls  this  work  "  the  first  systematic 
attack  on  all  the  principles  of  knowledge  and  belief,  and 
the  most  formidable,  if  universal  skepticism  could  ever 
be  more  than  a  mere  exercise  of  ingenuity."  He  passed 
several  ensuing  years  in  Scotland  in  his  favourite  studies, 
and  issued  in  1742  the  first  part  of  his  "Essays,  Moral, 
Political,  and  Literary,"  which  was  moderately  successful. 
These  contain  new,  ingenious,  and  suggestive  ideas  on 
commerce,  political  economy,  and  other  subjects. 

In  1746  he  was  appointee  secretary  to  General  Saint 
Clair,  with  whom  he  passed  two  years  on  the  continent 
Returning  to  his  brother's  residence  in  Scotland,  he 

The  latter  of  these  was  received  with  favour  abroad  and 
at  home,  while  the  other  was  scarcely  noticed.  About 
this  time  he  commenced  his  most  celebrated  work,  the 
"  History  of  England,"  the  first  volume  of  which  (com- 
prising the  reigns  of  James  I.  and  Charles  I.)  was  pub- 
lished in  1754.  He  describes  its  reception  in  these 
terms:  "I  was  assailed  by  one  cry  of  reproach,  disap- 
probation, and  even  detestation :  English,  Scotch,  and 

Irish,  Whig  and  Tory,  churchman  and  sectary,  free- 
thinker and  religionist,  patriot  and  courtier,  united  their 
rage  against  the  man  who  had  presumed  to  shed  a  gene- 
rous tear  for  the  fate  of  Charles  I.  and  the  Earl  of  Straf- 
ford ;  and  after  the  first  ebullitions  of  their  fury  were 
over,  what  was  still  more  mortifying,  the  book  seemed 
to  sink  into  oblivion.  Mr.  Millar  told  me  that  in  a 
twelvemonth  he  sold  only  forty-five  copies  of  it."  The 
subsequent  volumes,  however,  were  better  appreciated, 
and  the  whole  work  became  very  popular  and  raised 
the  author  to  affluence.  The  last  volume  was  published 
in  1761.  His  style  is  generally  admired,  as  graceful, 
natural,  and  perspicuous.  But  the  value  of  his  history 
is  materially  lessened  by  his  partiality  and  inaccuracy. 
He  was,  as  a  skeptic,  prejudiced  against  religion,  and 
in  civil  government  was  inclined  to  favour  prerogative. 
He  is  not  profoundly  versed  in  the  philosophy  of  history, 
or  in  the  progressive  development  of  the  British  con- 
stitution. "  He  was  far  too  indolent,"  says  Alison,  "  tc 
acquire  the  vast  stores  of  facts  indispensable  for  correct 
generalization  on  the  varied  theatre  of  human  affairs." 
Macaulay  compares  him  to  "an  accomplished  advocate, 
whose  insidious  candour  only  increases  the  effect  of  his 
vast  mass  of  sophistry." 

Respecting  his  merits  as  a  political  economist,  Lord 
Brougham  says,  "  Of  the  '  Political  Discourses'  it  would 
be  difficult  to  speak  in  terms  of  too  great  commendation. 
They  combine  almost  every  excellence  which  can  belong 
The  great  merit,  however,  of 
originality."  In  1763  Hurae 
accepted  the  office  of  secretary  to  the  Earl  of  Hertford, 
ambassador  to  Paris,  and  having  returned  in  1766,  much 
delighted  by  the  caresses  of  the  Parisians,  he  was  em- 
ployed two  years  as  under-secretary  of  state.  In  1769  he 
retired  from  office,  and,  with  an  income  of  j£ioooa  year, 
took  up  his  residence  in  Edinburgh,  where  he  died  in  Au- 
gust, 1776.  Besides  the  works  above  named,  he  wrote  the 
"Natural  History  of  Religion,"  (1755,)  and  "Dialogues 
concerning  Natural  Religion,"  (1783.)  He  was  never 
married.  His  personal  character  appears  to  have  been 
amiable  and  respectable  on  the  score  of  morality.  "  The 
Life  of  Mr.  Hume, "says  Mackintosh,  "written  by  himself, 
is  remarkable  above  most,  if  not  all,  writings  of  that  sort 
for  hitting  the  degree  of  interest  between  coldness  and 
egotism  which  becomes  a  modest  man  in  speaking  of 
his  private  history.  Few  writers,  whose  opinions  were 
so  obnoxious,  have  more  perfectly  escaped  every  per- 
sonal imputation." 

See  HUMB'S  "Autobiography,"  1777;  DAVID  DALRYMPLB,  "  Life 
of  D.  Hume,"  1787  ;  JOHN  HILL  BURTON,  "Life  and  Correspond- 
ence of  D.  Hume,"  2  vols.,  1846;  T.  E.  RITCHIE,  "Account  of  the 
Life  and  Writings  of  D.  Hume,"  1807 ;  MACKINTOSH,  "  Progress  of 
Ethical  Philosophy,"  I  vol.  8vo;  BRENNER,  "Das  Genie  des  Herrn 
Hume,"  etc,  1774;  BROUGHAM,  "  Lives  of  Men  of  Letters  of  the 
Time  of  George  HI." 

Hume,  (DAVID,)  an  able  Scottish  lawyer,  born  in 
1756,  was  a  nephew  of  the  preceding.  He  was  professor 
of  Scottish  law  in  the  University  of  Edinburgh,  and  a 
jaron  of  the  court  of  exchequer.  He  wrote  a  valuable 
legal  text-book,  entitled  "  Commentaries  on  the  Law  of 
Scotland  respecting  the  Description  and  Punishment  of 
Crimes,"  (1797.)  Died  in  1838. 

Hume,   (FERGUS,)  an   English   novelist,  born   in 

1896,)  etc. 

Hume,  (GRIZEL.)     See  BAILLIE. 

Hume,  (HUGH  CAMPBELL,)  third  Earl  of  Marchmont 
x>m  in  1708,  was  a  grandson  of  Patrick,  the  first  Earl. 
He  acted  a  prominent  part  in  Parliament  as  an  opponent 
of  Walpole,  and  was  keeper  of  the  great  seal  of  Scot- 
"and  from  1764  to  1794.  Died  in  1794,  without  male 

See  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen." 

Hume,  (JAMES  DEACON,)  an  English  financier,  born 
at  Newington  in  1774,  obtained  in  1790  a  clerkship  in  the 
London  custom-house.  Having  given  proof  of  ability 
and  energy  in  responsible  positions,  he  was  employed 
in  1823  in  the  arduous  task  of  simplifying  and  reducing 
to  order  the  multitude  of  discordant  statutes  by  which 
the  transactions  of  the  custom-house  were  complicated 

a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  long;  a,  4,  A,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obscure;  fir,  fall,  fat;  met;  not;  good;  moon; 



and  perplexed.  For  this  important  service  he  received 
from  government  a  present  cf  five  thousand  pounds,  and 
in  1829  he  was  appointed  assistant  secretary  of  the  board 
of  trade.  He  resigned  in  1840,  and  died  in  1842. 

Hume,  (JOSEPH,)  M.P.,  a  British  statesman  of  the 
Radical  partv,  was  born  at  Montrose,  Scotland,  in  1777. 
Having  studied  surgery,  he  entered  as  surgeon  the  ser- 
vice of  the  East  India  Company  in  1797.  He  learned 
the  native  languages  of  India,  and,  by  combining  the 
functions  of  interpreter  and  paymaster  with  those  of 
army-surgeon,  he  acquired  a  handsome  competence,  and 
returned  home  in  1808.  By  a  careful  study  of  the  na- 
tional resources  and  the  condition  of  the  people,  he  pre- 
pared himself  for  the  task  of  a  legislator  and  reformer, 
and  entered  Parliament  in  1812.  From  1818  to  1830  he 
represented  Montrose  in  Parliament,  where  he  gained 
great  distinction  by  his  industry  and  independence  and 
by  his  important  services  to  the  working-classes.  He 
was  for  many  years  pre-eminent  in  the  House  as  a  finan- 
cial reformer  and  a  sturdy  opponent  of  monopolies  and 
high  taxes.  He  declined  political  preferment  on  several 
occasions,  and  continued  to  serve  in  the  House  of  Com- 
mons until  his  death,  in  1855. 

Hume,  (MARTIN  ANDREW,)  an  English  historical 
writer,  born  at  London  in  1847.  He  has  published 
"Chronicle  of  Henry  VIII.,"  (1889,)  "Courtships 
of  Queen  Elizabeth,"  (1896,)  "Spain:  its  Greatness 
and  Decay,"  (1898,)  etc.,  and  edited  the  "Calendar 
of  Spanish  State  Papers." 

Hume,  (Sir  PATRICK,)  Earl  of  Marchmont,  a 
Scottish  patriot,  was  born  in  1641.  He  was  perse- 
cuted in  the  reign  of  Charles  II.,  and  escaped  to 
Holland  in  1684.  Having  returned  in  1688,  he  was 
made  lord  chancellor  in  1696,  and  Earl  of  March- 
mont. Died  in  1724. 

Hume,  (PATRICK,)  a  Scottish  critic,  who  taught  school 
in  London.  He  published  in  1695  "  Annotations  on  Mil- 
ton's Paradise  Lost,"  which  was  the  first  attempt  to 
illustrate  that  author,  and  was  commended  by  Bishop 
Newtcn.  His  critical  labours  have  been  appropriated 
by  later  commentators.  According  to  "Biackwood's 
Magazine,"  Hume  is  "the  father  of  that  style  of  com- 
parative criticism  which  has  been  so  much  employed 
during  these  later  days  in  illustrating  the  works  of  our 
great  poet." 

Humerus,  hoo'ml-roos,  (?)  (LARS  JOHANSSON,)  a 
Swedish  poet,  known  as  "  Lucidor  the  Unfortunate," 
born  in  Stockholm  about  1642.  He  was  educated  at 
Upsala,  where  in  1668  he  became  a  professor,  but  in  1669 
he  went  to  Stockholm  and  wrote  verse  for  his  living. 
He  was  murdered  August  13,  1674,  "The  Flowers  of 
Helicon"  ("  Helicons  Blomster")  is  considered  his  poet- 
ical monument,  but  his  hymns  are  his  best  work.  With 
great  faults  of  taste  and  style,  he  was  by  far  the  best 
Swedish  writer  of  his  times.  He  is  called  "  Lars  Jo- 
hansson" in  many  bibliographies. 

Humes,  humz,  (THOMAS  WILLIAM,)  D.D.,  an  Amer- 
ican educator,  born  at  Knoxville,  Tennessee,  April  22, 
1815.  He  graduated  at  East  Tennessee  College  in  1836, 
held  an  Episcopalian  rectorship,  1846-61,  was  president 
of  East  Tennessee  University,  1865-79,  and  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Tennessee,  1879-83.  Died  January  16,  1892. 

Humieres,  d1,  dii'me-aiR',  (Louis  de  Crevant — 
deh  kReh-voN',)  Due,  a  French  general  and  courtier  of 
Louis  XIV.,  was  created  marshal  in  1668,  and  com- 
manded the  right  wing  at  the  victory  of  Cassel,  in  1677. 
He  commanded  the  army  in  Flanders  which  was  de- 
feated by  Waldeck  in  1689.  Died  in  1694. 

Hummel,  hoom'mel,  (joaANN  ERDMANN,)  a  German 
painter,  born  at  Cassel  about  1770.  He  worked  in  Ber- 
lin, and  became  in  1809  professor  of  perspective,  etc.  in 
the  Royal  Academy  of  that  city.  Died  in  1827. 

Hummel,  hoom'mel,  (JOHANN  NEPOMUK,)  an  excel- 
lent composer  and  pianist,  born  at  Presburg,  Hungary, 
in  1778.  About  the  age  of  eight  he  became  a  pupil  of 
Mozart  in  Vienna,  and  at  the  age  of  sixteen  he  was  ac- 
counted one  of  the  rr.ost  skilful  performers  in  Germany. 
He  entered  the  service  of  Prince  Esterhazy  in  1803,  and 
became  chapel-master  to  the  King  of  Wurtemberg  in 

1816.  He  was  chapel-master  to  the  Duke  of  Weimar 
from  1818  until  his  death,  during  which  period  he 
performed  with  applause  in  London,  Paris,  and  Saint 
Petersburg.  Among  his  best  works  are  concertos  and 
sonatas  for  the  piano.  Died  in  1837. 

Sec  Fins,  "  Biographic  Universelle  des  Musiciens ;"  "  Nouvelle 
Biographic  Ge"nerale." 

Hummelius,  hoom-ma'le-us,  or  Hummel,  (JOHANN,) 
a  German  mathematician,  born  at  Memmingen  in  1518, 
was  professor  at  Leipsic.  Died  in  1562. 

Hum'perdinck.  (ENGELEERT,)  a  musical  com- 
poser, born  at  Siegberg,  near  Bonn,  in  1854.  His 
musical  fairy  play,  "  Hansel  und  Gretel,"  (1893,) 
was  phenomenally  successful.  It  was  followed  by 
"  Schneewittchen,"  "Die  Lieben  Geislein,"  etc. 

Humphrey,  hum'fre,*  (HEMAN,)  D.D.,  an  American 
divine,  born  in  Simsbury,  Connecticut,  in  1779.  He 
graduated  at  Yale  in  1805.  He  was  six  years  minister 
in  Pittsfield,  Massachusetts.  He  became  president  of 
Amherst  College  in  1823,  and  was  succeeded  in  that 
office  by  Dr.  Edward  Hitchcock  in  1845,  when  he  re- 
moved to  Pittsfield.  He  wrote  several  valuable  works, 
among  which  are  a  "Tour  in  France,  Great  Britain,  and 
Belgium,"  (2  vols.,  1838,)  "  Domestic  Education,"  (1840,) 
and  "  Letters  to  a  Son  in  the  Ministry,"  (1845.)  Died 
in  1859. 

Humphrey,  hum'fre,  (LAWLENCE,)  an  English  Cal- 
irinistic  divine,  born  at  Newport-Pagnel  about  1527. 
In  1555  he  retired  to  Zurich  to  escape  persecution,  and 
returned  after  the  death  of  Queen  Mary.  He  becime 
professor  of  divinity  in  Oxford  in  1560,  and  Dean  of 
Winchester  in  1580.  He  published  several  able  theo- 
logical works.  Died  about  1590. 

Humphreys,  hum'frez,*  (ANDREW  A.,)  an  American 
general,  born  at  Philadelphia  in  1810,  graduated  at  West 
Point  in  1837.  He  served  against  the  Seminole  Indians 
in  Florida,  and  subsequently  in  the  engineer  department 
of  the  army,  and  on  the  coast  survey  and  the  hydro- 
graphic  survey  of  the  delta  of  the  Mississippi.  During 
the  civil  war  he  held  important  positions  in  the  Union 
army,  commanded  a  division  at  the  battle  of  Gettysburg, 
July  1-3,  1863,  and  a  corps  in  the  battles  near  Petersburg 
in  1865.  In  1866  he  was  appointed  chief  of  engineers  of 
the  army.  Retired  June  30,  1879  ;  died  Dec.  27,  1883. 

Humphreys,  (DAVID,)  an  American  poet,  born  in 
Derby,  Connecticut,  in  1753.  He  entered  the  army 
about  1776,  and  became  in  1780  a  colonel  and  aide-de- 
camp to  General  Washington.  In  1784  he  went  to 
Europe  with  Jefferson,  as  secretary  of  legation.  He 
a'ded  Barlow  and  other  poets  in  "  The  Anarchiad,"  and 
wrote  other  works,  among  which  are  a  "  Poem  on  the 
Happiness  of  America,"  and  an  "  Address  to  the  Armies 
of  the  United  States,"  (1772.)  He  was  sent  as  ministei 
to  Portugal  in  1790,  and  to  Spain  in  1797.  Died  in  1818. 

See  GRIS^VVOLD,  "Poets  and  Poetry  of  America;"  DUVCKINCK, 
"  Cyclopaedia  of  American  Literature,"  vol.  i. ;  "  National  Portrait- 
Gallery  of  Distinguished  Americans."  vol.  ii. 

Humphieys,  hum'frez,  (HENRY  NOEL,)  a  British 
antiquary  and  numismatist,  born  at  Birmingham  in  1810. 
He  published  "The  Coins  of  England,"  (1847,)  "Ten 
Centuries  of  Art,"  (1851,)  etc.  Died  June  13,  l&g. 

Humphreys,  (JAMES,)  an  eminent  lawyer  and  juridi- 
cal writer,  born  in  Montgomeryshire,  Wales.  He  pub- 
lished a  valuable  work  on  "English  Laws  of  Real 
Property,"  (1820.)  Died  in  1830. 

Humphreys  or  Humphrey,  (PELHAM,)  an  English 
composer  and  musician,  born  in  1647.  He  composed 
anthems  and  songs.  Died  in  1674. 

Hunauld,  ^ii'no',  (FRANjcis  JOSEPH,)  a  learned 
French  physician,  born  at  Chateaubriant  in  1701,  resided 
in  Paris.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences, 
and  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  of  London.  In  1730 
he  became  professor  of  anatomy  in  the  Jardin  des  Plantes. 
He  wrote  dissertations  on  osteology,  etc.  Died  in  1742- 

See  QuiRARD,  "  La  France  Litte'raire." 

Hund,  hoont,  (WiGUL^EUS,)  a  German  genealogist 

*  This  name  is  pronounced  differently  in  different  parts  of  th» 
United  States :  some  families  writing  their  names  HUMPHREY  or 
HUMPHREYS  always  omit  the  initial  h  in  pronunciation. 

liislcr     LU     II1C    JVIH^    Ol      vv  UI  Lemuel  g    HI       nUMrtinnra  ctiw<iy:>  uuiik  me  luiiioi  n 

\rd;  gasro,  H,  K.,gufforal;  N,  nasal;  R,trilltd;  sasz;  thasinMw.     (J^=See  Explanations,  p.  23.' 

;  9as.r; 



born  in  1514,  became  aulic  councillor  at  Munich  in  1540. 
Died  in  1588. 

See  J.  T.  K8HLER,  "  Leben  und  Schriften  Hunds,"  1750. 

Hundeshagen,  hoon'des-ha'gen,  QOUANN  CHRIS- 
TIAN,) a  German  writer  on  forests,  was  born  at  Hanau 
in  1783.  Among  his  works  is  an  "  Encyclopaedia  of  the 
Science  of  Forests,"  (2  vols.,  1821.)  Died  in  1834. 

Hundeshagen,  (KARL  BERNHARD,)  a  theologian,  son 
of  the  preceding,  was  born  in  Hesse-Cassel  in  1810.  He 
became  professor  at  Heidelberg  in  1847,  and  published 
"German  Protestantism:  its  Past  and  Present,"  (1846.) 
In  1867  he  became  a  professor  at  Bonn,  where  he  died, 
June  2,  1872. 

Hundhorst    See  HONTHORST. 
Hundt,  hoont,  (MAGNUS,)  a  German  naturalist  and 
writer,  born  at  Magdeburg  in  1449.     He  taught  physics 
in  the  University  of  Leipsic.     Died  in  1519. 

Hun'e-ric  or  Hun'n«j-ric,  [Gr.  'Ovupiw,}  second 
King  of  the  Vandals  of  Africa,  was  the  eldest  son  of 
Genseric,  whom  he  succeeded  in  447  A.D.  ;  hut  he  did 
not  inherit  his  father's  abilities.  He  married  the  daugh- 
ter of  the  emperor  Valentinian  III.  His  reign  was 
extremely  cruel  and  tyrannical.  As  an  Arian,  he  perse- 
cuted the  Catholics  in  particular.  He  died  in  484,  and 
left  three  sons,  of  whom  Hilderic  was  the  eldest;  but 
Gondamond,  a  nephew  of  Huneric,  was  proclaimed  his 

See  GIBBON,  "Decline  »nd  Fall  of  the  Roman  Empire,' 
Hunfalvy,  (JOHN,)  (in  Hungarian,  HUNFALVY  JANOS, 
hoon-folvye'  yi'nosh,)  a  brother  of  Paul,  noticed  below, 
was  born  at  Gross-Schlagendorf,  June  8,  1820.  In  1846 
he  was  made  historical  professor  at  Kasmark.  His  works 
include  "  Universal  History"  and  various  books  on  Hun- 
gary. In  1870  he  was  appointed  professor  of  geography 
in  the  University  of  Pesth.  Died  in  1888. 

Hunfalvy,  (PAUL,)  (in  Hungarian,  HUNFALVY  PAL,) 
an  eminent  philologist,  born  at  Nagy-Szalok,  Hungary, 
March  12,  1810.  He  was  educated  at  Pesth,  and  in  1842 
became  law-professor  at  Kasmark.  Among  his  publica- 
tions are  one  on  the  Finnish  language,  entitled  "  Chresto. 
mathia  Fennica,"  (1861,)  "  Ethnography  of  the  Magyars,' 
(1876,)  and  many  other  works,  chiefly  relating  to  the  non- 
Aryan  races  and  languages  of  Europe.  Died  in  1891. 
Hun'gerford,  (MARGARET  WOLFE,)  nee  Hamil- 
ton, an  Irish  novelist,  born  in  1855.  Under  the 
pseudonym  of  The  Duchess  she  published  a  large 
number  of  novels  of  a  light  society  character.  Diec! 
June  24,  1897. 

Hu-m'a-deB  or  Hun'ya-dei,  [Hun.  HUNYADY 
hoon'yody ;  Fr.  HUNIADE,  h'u'ne-id',]  (JOAN'NES  COB- 
VI'NUS,)  a  brave  Hungarian  general,  who  about  1440 
was  cliosen  Vaivode  of  Transylvania.  Soon  after  I^adis 
laus.  King  of  Poland,  was  killed  at  the  battle  of  Varna 
by  the  Turks,  (1444,)  Huniades  was  made  captain-gen 
eral  of  his  army  and  Governor  of  Hungary.  His  chiel 
exploit  was  the  successful  defence  of  Belgrade  agains 
Mahomet  II.,  in  1456.  He  died  of  wounds  received  in 
this  action.  His  son,  Matthias  Corvinus,  was  electee 
King  of  Hungary'. 

Hun'nis,  (WILLIAM,)  chapel-master  to  Queen  Eliza 
beth,  wrote  several  volumes  of  psalms  and  hymns,  (pub- 
lished from  1550  to  1588.) 

Hunnius,  hoon'ne-us,  (^fccroius,)  a  Lutheran  theo 
logian,  noted  for  intolerance,  was  born  at  Winnenden,  in 
Wurtemberg,  in  1550.  He  was  professor  at  Wittenberg 
and  wrote,  besides  other  works,  "  Calvinus  Judaizans,' 
('593-)  Died  in  l6°3- 

Hunnius,  (NlKOLAUS,)  an  able  Lutheran  theologian 
•on  of  the  preceding,  was  born  at  Marburg  in  1585.  H 
was  superintendent  of  all  the  churches  of  Lubeck  frorr 
1623  to  1643.  He  wrote  against  Popery,  Calvinism,  an 
Socinianism.  Died  in  1643. 

See  L.  HHLLHR.  "  N.  Hunnius,  sein  Leben  und  Wirkcn,"  1843. 

Ilunold,  hoo'nolt,  (CHRISTIAN  FRIEDRICK,)  a  Ger 
man  litilratntr,  who  wrote  under  the  pseudonym  o 
MENANTES,  born  near  Arnstadt  in  1680.  His  work 
include  romances,  tales,  and  poems.  Died  in  1721. 

Hunt,  (ALFRED  WILLIAM,)  an  eminent  English  lane 
scape-painter,  born  at  Liverpool  in  1830.  He  graduate 

ith  honours  at  Corpus  Christi  College,  Oxford,  and 
on  great  distinction  as  a  follower  of  Turner  and  an 
pponent  of  the  naturalistic  school  of  landscapists. 
)ied  May  3,  1896.  His  wife  MARGARET,  a  daughter  of 
ames  Raine,  was  bom  at  Durham  in  1831.  She  wrote 
isny  novels,  and  made  a  translation  of  Grimm's  "  Tales" 
ith  the  original  notes. 

Hunt,  (ARABELLA,)  an  English  musician  and  vocalist, 
'ho  taught  singing  to  Princess  (afterwards  Queen)  Anne. 
Jne  of  Congreve's  best-known  noemr.  was  addressed  to 
•r.     Died  December  26,  1705. 

Hunt,  (EDWARD  B.,)  a.i  American  military  engineer, 
wrn  in  Livingston  county,  New  York,  in  1822.  He 
;raduated  at  West  Point  in  1845,  was  employed  as 
'ngineer  on  several  forts  and  light-houses,  invented  a 
ubmarine  battery,  and  gained  the  rank  of  captain  in 
859.  Died  in  1863. 

Hunt,  (FREDERICK  KNIGHT,)  an  English  editor,  born 
n  Buckinghamshire  in  1814.  After  writing  for  the  "  II- 
ustrated  London  News,"  etc.,  he  was  chief  editor  of  the 
London  "Daily  News"  from  1851  until  his  death.  He 
wrote  "  The  Book  of  Art,"  and  "  The  Fourth  Estate  ;  or, 
Contributions  to  the  History  of  Newspapers,"  etc.,  (1850.) 
Died  in  1854. 

Hunt,  (FREEMAN,)  an  editor,  born  in  Quincy,  Massa- 
chusetts, in  1804.  He  became  in  1839  the  editor  and 
owner  of  the  "  Merchants'  Magazine,"  issued  monthly  in 
tf ew  York.  He  published,  besides  other  works,  "  Lives 
of  American  Merchants,"  (2  vols.,  1856.)  Died  in  1858. 
Hunt,  (GEORGE  WARD,)  an  English  pol'tician,  born 
.n  1825.  He  was  elected  a  member  of  Parliament  for 
the  county  of  Northampton  in  1857,  as  a  Conservative. 
He  was  re-elected,  and  gained  distinction  by  a  bill  to 
counteract  the  cattle-plague  of  1866.  He  became  chan 
cellor  of  the  exchequer  about  March  I,  1868,  and  re- 
signed in  December  of  that  year.  Died  July  2S,  1877. 

Hunt,  (HARRIOT  K.,)  an  American  physician,  born  at 
Boston,  Massachusetts,  in  1805.  In  1835  she  began  to 
practise  medicine,  but  by  reason  of  her  sex  could  obtain 
no  medical  degree  until  1853,  when  she  received  the 
doctorate  from  the  Woman's  Medical  College  of  Phila- 
delphia. She  was  noted  as  an  able  speaker  on  woman's 
rights,  health-reform,  etc.  Died  January  2,  1875. 

Hunt,  (HENRY,)  M.P.,  an  English  Radical,  born  in 
Wiltshire  in  1773,  acquired  popularity  with  his  party  by 
his  intrepid  audacity  and  by  his  inflammatory  harangues. 
He  often  presided  at  the  meetings  against  the  corn-laws. 
In  1820  he  was  arrested  at  Manchester,  while  addressing 
a  political  meeting,  and  punished  with  a  fine  and  several 
years'  imprisonment  He  was  returned  to  Parliament 
for  Preston  in  1831,  defeating  the  Earl  of  Derby,  his  op- 
ponent, and  witnessed  the  triumph  of  the  Reform  bill, 
for  which  he  had  toiled  and  suffered.  Died  in  1835. 

Hunt,  (ISAAC,)  a  native  of  the  West  Indies,  was  edu 
cated  in  Philadelphia  He  took  the  royalist  side  in  the 
Revolution,  rem»ved  to  England,  and  became  a  preacher 
at  Paddington  about  1780.  He  published  "The  Right? 
of  Englishmen."  He  was  the  father  of  Leigh  Hunt. 

Hunt,  (JAMES  HENRY  LEIGH,)  a  popular  English 
poet  and  littfratmr,  born  at  So'ithgate,  near  London,  in 
1784,  was  the  son  of  Isaac  Hunt,  noticed  above,  ami 
Mary  Shewell,  of  Philadelphia.  He  left  school  at  the  age 
of  fifteen,  and  acted  as  clerk  in  the  War  Office  until  1808, 
when  he  formed  a  partnership  with  his  brother  John 
to  issue  "The  Examiner,"  a  journal  of  liberal  politics, 
which  attained  under  his  editorship  a  high  reputation  for 
literary  merit.  In  1812  the  brothers  were  condemned 
to  pay  each  a  fine  of  five  hundred  pounds,  and  to  be 
imprisoned  two,  for  a  satirical  article  in  which  the 
prince-regent  was  styled  an  "  Adonis  of  fifty."  While 
in  prison,  he  wrote  "Rimini,"  (1816,)  one  of  his  most 
admired  poems,  "The  Descent  of  Liberty,"  and  "The 
Feast  of  the  Poets."  At  this  period  he  was  intimate  with 
Byron,  Moore,  Shelley,  and  Keats.  From  1818  to  1822  he 
edited  "  Th?  Indicator,"  a  series  of  periodical  essays,  ad- 
mired for  genial  humour,  easy  style,  and  brilliant  fancy. 
In  1822  he  was  associated  with  Byron  and  Shelley  as  an 
editor  of  "  The  Liberal,"  a  political  and  literary  journal ; 
and  for  this  object  he  resided  with  Byron  in  Pisa  and 
Genoa.  But  Shelley  was  drowned,  Byron  and  Hunt 
became  estranged,  and  after  the  issue  of  four  numbers 

a.  e,  i,  o,  u,  y,  long; a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  I,  6,  u,  y.  short:  a,  e,  i,  o,  otiscure;  fir.  fill,  fat;  m8t;  not;  good;  moon: 




"The  Liberal"  was  discontinued.  Hunt  returned  to 
England  about  1824,  and  published  "Recollections  of 
Byron,"  (1828,)  which  gave  great  offence  to  Byron's 
friends.  He  was  editor  of  "The  Companion"  and  the 

London  Journal,"  and  wrote  for  several  periodicals. 
Among  the  multifarious  productions  of  his  versatile 
genius  are  a  popular  poem  entitled  "  Captain  Sword 
and  Captain  Pen,"  (1835,)  "Stories  from  the  Italian 
Poets,"  "Men,  Women,  and  Books,"  (1847,)  "Imagina- 
tion and  Fancy,"  and  his  "Autobiography,"  (3  vols., 
1850.)  A  pension  of  two  hundred  pounds  was  granted 
him  in  1847.  Died  August  28,  1859.  Professor  Wilson, 
of  Edinburgh,  speaks  of  Hunt  as  "  the  most  vivid  of  poets 
and  most  cordial  of  critics."  ("  Recreations  of  Christo- 
pher North.") 

See  his  "Autobiography,"  1850;  HAZLITT,  "Spirit  of  the  Age," 
&nd  his  "  Table- Talk ;"  LORD  JKFFRBV,  critique  in  the  "  Edinburgh 
Review"  for  June,  »8i6,  (vol.  xxvi.  ;)  E.  P.  WHIPPLE,  "  Essays  and 
Reviews;"  W.  G  ?FORD,  critique  in  the  "Quarterly  Review"  for 
January,  1816,  (vol.  xiv.  ;)  "  Brief  Biographies,"  by  SAMUBL  SMILES. 
For  a  full  account  of  the  writings  of  Leigh  Hunt,  see  a  "  List  of 
the  Writings  of  William  Hazlitt  and  Leigh  Hunt,"  by  ALEXANDER 
IRELAND,  London,  iSbS;  "North  British  Review"  for  November, 
1850,  and  November,  1860;  "Quarterly  Review"  for  January,  1816. 

Hunt,  (JEREMIAH,)  an  English  dissenting  minister, 
born  in  London  in  1678,  preached  for  many  years  at 
Pinners'  Hall.  Died  in  1744. 

Hunt,  (LEIGH.)    See  HUNT,  (JAMES  HENRY  LEIGH.) 

Hunt,  (RICHARD  MORRIS,)  a  distinguished  American 
architect,  born  in  Brattleborough,  Vermont,  October  31, 
1829.  He  was  several  years  in  the  Boston  High  School. 
In  1842  he  went  to  Europe,  and  studied  architecture 
in  Paris  and  Geneva.  He  subsequently  visited  various 
parts  of  Europe,  and  also  Asia  Minor  and  Egypt,  for  the 
purpose  of  becoming  better  acquainted  with  the  archi- 
tecture of  different  countries.  He  was  architect  of 
the  Lenox  Library,  New  York,  the  Naval  Observatory, 
Washington,  the  Administration  Building  at  the  Co- 
lumbian Exposition  of  1893,  and  other  important 
structures.  Died  July  31,  1895. 

Hunt,  (ROBERT,)  an  English  author  and  philosopher, 
born  at  Devonport  in  i8oy.  His  youth  was  passed  in 
poverty,  from  which  he  was  relieved  by  William  Allen, 
the  chemist,  who  procured  him  a  situation  in  London, 
In  1832  he  opened  a  druggist's  shop  in  Penzar.oe,  naving 
previously  been  a  diligent  student  of  chemistry  and  other 
sciences.  He  published  his  discoveries  of  the  chemical 
action  of  the  solar  rays  in  an  interesting  work  entitled 
"Researches  on  Light,"  (1844,)  and  in  1849  he  gave  to 
the  world  "  The  Poetry  of  Science."  His  "  Panthea ;  or. 
The  Spirit  of  Nature,"  (1849,)  is  designated  by  a  writer 
in  the  "North  British  Review"  as  "a  work  of  a  very 
peculiar  character,  in  which  philosophy  and  poetry  are 
finely  blended,  and  where  great  truths  and  noble  senti- 
ments are  expressed  in  language  full  of  beauty  and  elo- 
quence." Among  his  later  productions  are  "  Elementary 
Physics,"  (1851,)  and  "Memoirs  of  the  Geological  Sur- 
vey of  Great  Britain,"  (1855.)  He  had  a  high  reputation 
as  a  lecturer  on  science.  He  was  the  editor  of  three 
editions  of  Ure's  "  Dictionary  of  Arts,"  etc.,  and  of  the 
supplementary  volume  published  in  1878.  Died  in  1887. 

Hunt,  (THOMAS,)  D.D.,  an  English  scholar,  born  in 
1696,  became  in  1747  professor  of  Hebrew  in  Oxford 
University.  He  wrote  "Observations  on  the  Book  of 
Proverbs."  Died  in  1774. 

Hunt,  (THOMAS  STERRV,)  a  distinguished  American 
chemist  and  geologist,  born  in  Norwich,  Connecticut,  in 
1826.  He  studied  medicine  for  some  time  in  his  native 
town,  and  afterwards  became  assistant  chemist  to  Pro- 
fessor Silliman  at  Yale  College.  About  1847  he  became 
connected  with  the  geological  survey  of  Canada,  and 
professor  of  chemistry  at  Quebec.  He  was  professor 
of  chemistry  at  McGill  University  1862-68,  and  of 
geology  in  the  Massachusetts  Institute  1872-78.  He 
contributed  largely  to  the  "  Proceedings"  of  learned 
institutions,  and  to  the  "  American  Journal  of  Science." 
While  acting  as  a  juror  to  the  International  Exhibition 
at  Paris  in  1855,  Mr.  Hunt  had  conferred  on  him  the 
cross  of  the  Legion  of  Honour  ;  and  in  1859  he  was 
elected  an  honorary  member  of  the  Royal  Society  of 
London.  Died  February  12,  1892. 

Hunt,  (THORNTON,)  an  English  journalist,  the  eldest 
ion  of  Leigh  Hunt,  was  born  in  1810.  He  wrote,  besides 
other  works,  "The  Foster-Brother,"  (1845.)  Died  187^. 

Hunt,  (WILLIAM  HENRY,)  an  English  painter  in  water 
colours,  born  in  London  in  1790.  His  subjects  are  simple 
and  homely,  such  as  a  "  Peasant  Boy"  in  various  moods 
and  phases,  a  "  Farm-House  Beauty,"  flowers,  fruits, 
and  other  objects  of  still  life.  His  works  are  admirable 
for  colouring  and  perfection  of  finish.  Died  in  1864. 

Hunt,  (WILLIAM  HOLMAN,)  an  eminent  historical 
painter,  one  of  the  chief  founders  of  the  pre-Raphaelite 
school  of  England,  was  born  in  London  about  1827.  He 
began  to  exhibit  at  the  Royal  Academy  in  1846.  About 
1850  he  and  several  other  artists  assumed  the  name  of 
"  Pre-Raphaelite  Brethren,"  proposing  to  restore  the  art 
of  painting  from  the  degenerate  style  of  Raphael  and  his 
coevals.  His  works  are  very  minutely  finished,  and  are 
close  imitations  of  nature.  Among  his  master-pieces  are 
"Our  English  Coasts,"  (1853,)  "The  Awakening  Con- 
science," (1854,)  "The  Light  of  the  World,"  (1854,)  and 
"  The  Shadow  of  Death,"  (1873.)  "  Hunt's  '  Light  of  the 
World,' "says  Ruskin,  "is,  I  believe,  the  most  perfect 
instance  of  expressional  purpose  with  technical  power 
which  the  world  has  yet  produced."  Later  works  are 
"  The  Triumph  of  the  Innocents,"  (1885,)  and  "  May 
Day,  Magdalen  Tower,"  (1891.) 

Hunt,  (WILLIAM  MORRIS,)  an  American  artist,  born 
at  Brattleborough,  Vermont,  in  1824.  He  entered  Harvard 
College  in  1840,  but  left  in  his  senior  year  for  a  tour  in 
Europe.  He  spent  a  winter  in  Italy  and  two  years  in  Dus- 
seldorf,  after  which  he  studied  with  Couture  and  Millet. 
From  1855  to  1862  he  painted  at  Newport,  Rhode  Island, 
when  he  removed  to  Boston.  In  1868  he  opened  an  art 
school  for  ladies.  His  studio  was  burned  in  the  great  fire 
of  1872.  In  1878  he  painted  two  large  pictures  on  the 
walls  of  the  Assembly  Chamber  at  Albany,  but  his  health 
failed,  and  he  died  at  the  Isles  of  Shoals  in  1879. 

Hunter,  (ANNE,)  wife  of  the  great  surgeon  John 
Hunter,  and  sister  of  Sir  Everard  Home,  was  born  in 
Scotland  in  1742.  She  wrote  "My  Mother  bids  me 
braid  my  Hair,"  and  other  songs,  set  to  music  by  Haydn, 
Her  poems,  published  in  1802,  were  praised  by  "  Black- 
wood's  Magazine."  Died  in  1821. 

Hunter,  (CHRISTOPHER,)  an  English  physician  and 
antiquary,  born  in  Durham  in  1675;  died  in  1757. 

Hunt'er,  (DAVID,)  an  American  general,  born  in 
Washington,  District  of  Columbia,  in  1802,  graduated  at 
West  Point  in  1822.  He  became  a  colonel  in  May,  1861, 
served  in  the  battle  of  Bull  Run,  July  21,  was  appointed 
a  major-general  of  volunteers  about  August,  and  took 
command  of  the  army  and  department  of  Missouri  in 
November,  1861.  About  the  1st  of  April,  1862,  he  was 
appointed  commander  of  the  army  at  Port  Royal,  or 
Hilton  Head.  In  May  ensuing  he  issued  an  order  that 
the  "  persons  heretofore  held  as  slaves  in  South  Carolina, 
Georgia,  and  Florida  are  declared  forever  free."  This 
order  was  annulled  by  the  President  as  premature.  He 
was  made  brigadier-general  and  major-general  in  1865, 
and  was  retired  July  31,  1866.  Died  February  2, 

Hunter,  (HENRY,)  D.D.,  a  Scottish  divine  and  author, 
born  at  Culross  in  1741,  was  a  man  of  superior  talents. 
From  1771  until  his  death  he  was  pastor  of  a  Scottish 
church  in  London.  He  was  the  author  of  a  popular  work 
styled  "Sacred  Biography,"  (1783-1802,)  and  translated 
Lavater's  "Essays  on  Physiognomy,"  Saint-Pierre's 
"Studies  of  Nature,"  and  other  French  works.  His 
translation  of  Lavater,  finely  illustrated,  sold  for  forty 
guineas  a  copy.  Died  in  1802. 

Hunter,  (HUMPHREY,)  a  patriot  of  the  Auerican 
Revolution,  born  in  Ireland  in  1755.  About  1760  his 
widowed  mother  emigrated  with  her  family  to  Mecklen 
burg,  North  Carolina.  He  entered  the  Revolutionary 
army  in  1776,  and  rendered  distinguished  service  at 
the  battle  of  Eutaw  Springs.  He  was  ordained  in  1789, 
and  from  1805  till  his  death,  in  1827,  was  pastor  of  the 
Presbyterian  church  at  Steele  Creek,  North  Carolina. 

Hunter,  (JoHN,)  an  eminent  British  anatomist  and 
surgeon,  born  at  Long  Calderwood,  near  Glasgow,  in 
1728,  was  the  youngest  often  children.  After  receiving 

;  5  as*;  gAarJ;  gasy;  G,  H,  K,  guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  sasz;  thasinMw. 

xplanations,  p.  23.) 




I  very  defective  education,  he  worked  a  few  years  with  a 
cabinet-maker  in  Glasgow.  In  1748  he  went  to  London, 
where  he  was  employed  by  his  brother  William  as  an 
assistant  in  the  dissection-room.  Having  pursued  the 
study  of  anatomy  with  ardour  and  remarkable  success, 
he  was  received  in  1754  as  a  partner  in  his  brother's 
school,  and  lectured  regularly  for  about  five  years.  In 
1760,  for  the  sake  of  his  health,  he  exchanged  this  em- 
ployment for  that  of  army-surgeon,  and  at  the  peace 
of  1763  returned  to  London.  In  1767  he  was  elected  a 
Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society,  and  soon  after  surgeon  of 
Saint  George's  Hospital.  He  was  eminent  for  surgical 
skill,  and  acquired  greater  celebrity  by  his  researches 
in  comparative  anatomy,  physiology,  and  natural  history, 
on  which  he  wrote  several  treatises.  His  museum  is  said 
to  have  cost  .£70,000.  Died  in  1793.  He  is  admitted 
to  be  the  greatest  British  anatomist  of  the  eighteenth 
century,  and  was  noted  for  originality,  independence, 
and  estimable  moral  qualities.  Among  his  best  works 
are  a  "  Treatise  on  the  Blood,  Inflammation,  and  Gun- 
Shot  Wounds,"  and  another  on  "Certain  Parts  of  the 
Animal  Economy." 

See  EVERARD  HOME,  "Life  of  John  Hunter;"  JESSB  FOOTS, 
"Lite  of  J.  Hunter,"  1794:  JOSEPH  ADAMS,  "  Memoirs  of  the  Life 
•nd  Doctrines  of  J.  Hunter,"  1816;  CHAMBERS.  "Biographical 
Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen;"  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne^- 

Hunter,  (JOHN,)  a  British  naval  officer,  born  at  Leith 
01 1738,  obtained  the  rank  of  vice-admiral.  Died  in  1821. 

Hunter,  (JOHN,)  a  Scottish  critic,  born  at  Closebum 
In  r/47,  was  for  many  years  professor  of  humanity  in 
Saint  Andrew's,  and  published  good  editions  of  Horace, 
0797.)  Virgil,  (1800,)  and  Juvenal,  (1806.)  Died  in  1837. 

Hunter,  (JOHN  KELSO,)  a  Scottish  artist,  born  near 
Dundonald,  December  15,  1802.  He  was  bred  a  shoe- 
maker, but  in  spite  of  many  discouragements  won  recog- 
nition as  a  good  painter,  chiefly  of  portraits.  He  pub- 
lished "Retrospect  of  an  Artist's  Life,"  (1868,)  "Life- 
Studies  of  Character,"  "Memorials  of  West-Country 
Men  and  Manners,"  etc.  Died  February  3,  1873. 

Hunter,  (Rev.  JOSEPH,)  an  English  antiquary,  born 
at  Sheffield  in  1783.  He  was  for  many  years  minister 
of  a  congregation  of  dissenters  at  Bath.  He  published 
several  valuable  works,  among  which  are  a  "History 
and  Topography  of  the  Deanery  of  Doncaster,"  (2  vols., 
1828,)  and  "  Illustrations  of  trie  Life  and  Studies  of 
Shakspeare,"  (2  vols.,  1845.)  He  was  assistant  keeper 
of  the  public  records.  Died  in  1861. 

Hunter,  (ROBERT,)  an  English  officer  and  writer,  was 
appointed  Governor  of  New  York  in  1710,  and  acted  as 
Governor  of  Jamaica  from  1728  until  his  death.  He 
wrote  a  "  Letter  on  Enthusiasm,"  ascribed  to  Swift  and 
Shaftesbuiy.  Died  in  1734. 

Hunter,  (ROBERT  MERCER  TALIAFERRO,)  an  Ameri- 
can statesman,  born  in  Essex  county,  Virginia,  April  21, 
1809.  He  graduated  at  the  University  of  Virginia, 
studied  law,  and  commenced  its  practice  in  his  native 
town  in  1830.  He  voted  for  Jackson  in  1832,  and  was 
e'.ected  to  the  legislature  of  Virginia  in  1833.  He  was 
chosen  a  representative  to  Congress  in  1837.  His  first 
speech  in  this  body  was  in  favour  of  the  independent 
treasury  and  against  a  national  bank.  He  also  took 
strong  grounds  in  opposition  to  the  protective  policy  of 
Mr.  Clay,  and  in  all  his  subsequent  career  was  an  able 
advocate  of  free  trade.  In  1839  he  was  chosen  Speaker  of 
the  House,  and  for  his  dignified  and  impartial  discharge 
of  its  duties  received,  at  the  close  of  the  term,  in  1841, 
t  unanimous  vote  of  thanks.  He  favoured  the  election 
of  James  K.  Polk,  and  supported  his  policy  with  regard 
to  Texas  and  the  tariff.  The  warehousing  system,  which 
was  first  incorporated  in  the  tariff  bill,  was  originated 
and  drawn  up  by  Mr.  Hunter.  He  was  elected  in  1847 
to  the  United  States  Senate,  in  which  he  served  through 
two  full  terms,  and  was  elected  for  a  third  term  ending 
in  1865.  He  supported  the  Douglas  Kansas-Nebraska 
bill  in  1854,  and  the  admission  of  Kansas  under  the 
Lecompton  Constitution  in  1858.  He  was  secretary  of 
Btate  of  the  Southern  Confederacy  from  July,  1861,  to 
February,  1862,  and  was  one  of  the  two  Senators  who 
represented  Virginia  in  the  Senate  at  Richmond  from 
February,  1862,  to  1865.  Died  July  18,  1887. 

Hunter,  (WILLIAM,)  a  distinguished  anatomist  and 

physician,  born  at  Long  Calderwood,  near  Glasgow,  in 
1718,  was  a  brother  of  John  Hunter,  noticed  above.  He 
received  a  liberal  education  in  the  University  of  Glasgow, 
and  formed  a  professional  connection  with  Dr.  Cullen, 
who  afterwards  became  so  eminent  as  a  medical  writer. 
In  1741  he  removed  to  London,  where  he  acquired  a 
high  reputation  as  a  lecturer  on  anatomy  and  a  medical 
practitioner.  He  formed  a  partnership  with  his  brother 
John  in  1748.  Having  obtained  a  large  and  lucrative 
practice,  he  was  appointed  in  1764  physician-extraordi- 
nary to  the  queen.  In  1767  he  was  chostn  a  Fellow  of 
the  Royal  Society,  to  whose  "  Transactions"  he  contrib- 
uted. About  1770  he  founded  in  London  an  anatomical 
museum,  to  which  were  attached  a  classical  library,  and 
a  cabinet  of  rare  medals,  which  cost  ^20,000.  The 
most  important  of  his  publications  is  the  "  Anatomy  of 
the  Gravid  Uterus,"  (1774.)  He  died  in  1783. 

Hunter,  (WILLIAM,)  a  British  surgeon,  born  at  Mont- 
rose,  was  employed  in  the  service  of  the  East  India 
Company  in  Bengal.  He  published  an  "  Account  of 
Pegu,"  (1785,)  "  Caverns  near  Bombay,"  a  "  Hindostanee 
Dictionary,"  and  several  medical  treatises.  He  was 
eminent  as  an  Orientalist,  and  from  1794  to  1808  was 
secretary  of  the  Asiatic  Society.  Died  in  1815. 

Hunter,  (Sir  WILLIAM  WILSON,)  a  British  pub- 
licist, born  July  15,  1840.  He  was  educated  at  Glas- 
gow, Paris,  and  Bonn,  and  was  sent  to  India  in  the 
civil  service  in  1862.  He  served  with  great  honour 
in  Orissa  during  the  famine  of  1866,  and  in  1871  was 
made  director-general  of  statistics  for  India.  Among 
his  works  are  "The  Annals  of  Rural  Bengal," 
"Orissa,"  "Statistical  Account  of  Bengal,"  (20  vols., 
1876;  prepared  under  his  supervision,)  "The  Indian 
Empire,"  (1882,)  "  Imperial  Gazetteer  of  India," 
(1884,)  "The  Rulers  of  India,"  (edited  1890-95,) 
and  "The  Old  Missionary,"  (1895.) 

Hunt'ing-dpn,  (SELINA,)  COUNTESS  OF,  an  English 
lady,  eminent  for  her  piety  and  munificence,  was  the 
daughter  of  the  Earl  of  Ferrers.  Her  maiden  name  was 
SHIRLEY.  She  was  born  in  I7o7,and  in  1728  was  married 
to  Theophilus  Hastings,  Earl  of  Huntingdon.  After  her 
husband's  death,  about  1746,  she  lived  in  fellowship 
with  the  Calvinistic  Methodists,  chose  Whitefield  for  her 
chaplain,  and  was  noted  for  her  zeal  and  devotion. 
She  founded  at  Trevecca  a  seminary  for  preachers,  built 
chapels,  and  spent  large  sums  for  religious  purposes, 
Her  sect  was  known  as  the  "Countess  of  Huntingdon's 
Connection."  Died  in  1791. 

Hunt'ing-fprd,  (GEORGE  ISAAC,)  D.D.,  an  English 
theologian,  born  at  Winchester  in  1748.  He  was  made 
Bishop  of  Gloucester  in  1802,  and  of  Hereford  in  1815. 

painter,  born  in  New  York  in  1816.     He  became  about 
1835  a  pupil  of  Professor  Morse  at  New  York,  and  in 

and  historical  subjects.  He  was  elected  president  of  the 
National  Academy  of  Design  in  1862.  Among  his  works 
are  "  Lady  Jane  Grey  and  Feckenham  in  the  Tower," 
and  "Henry  VIII.  and  Catherine  Parr."  He  was 
president  of  the  National  Academy  of  Design  1877- 

Huntington,  (FREDERICK  D.,)  D.D.,  an  American 
divine  and  author,  born  in  Hadley,  Massachusetts,  in 
1819.  He  graduated  at  Amherst  in  1839,  studied  divinity 
at  Cambridge,  and  from  1842  to  1855  was  minister  of  the 
South  Congregational  Church  in  Boston.  He  became 
preacher  and  professor  of  Christian  morals  in  Harvard 
University.  Formerly  a  Unitarian,  he  entered  the  Epis- 
copal Church  in  1859,  and  became  Bishop  of  Central  New 
York  in  April,  1869.  He  published  "  Sermons  for  the 
People,"  (1856,)  "Sermons  on  the  Christian  Year," 
(1881,)  and  other  works. 

Huntington,  (JEDEDIAH  VINCENT,)  an  author,  a 
brother  of  Daniel,  noticed  above,  was  born  in  New  York 
in  1815.  He  became  an  Episcopalian  priest  about  1840, 
and  afterwards  joined  the  Roman  Catholic  Church.  H« 

a,  e,  i,  o,  u,  y, long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  J,  short;  a,  e,  j,  o,  obscure;  fir,  fill,  fit;  m8t;  n&t;  good;  moon 




wrote,  besides  other  works,  Poems,  (1843,)  an^  "Lady 
Alice,"  a  novel,  (1849.)  Died  March  10,  1862. 

Huiitington,  (ROBERT,)  D.D.,  an  English  Orientalist, 
born  at  Deerhurst  in  1630.  From  1670  to  1680  he  was 
chaplain  to  a  factory  at  Aleppo,  and  collected  many  valu- 
able manuscripts  in  the  Levant.  He  was  chosen  Bishop 
of  Raphoe  in  1701,  and  died  in  the  same  year.  He  wrote 
a  "  Letter  on  the  Porphyry  Pillars  in  Egypt,"  (published 
In  the  "Philosophical  Transactions,"  No.  161.) 

Huntington,  (SAMUEL,)  president  of  the  American 
Congress,  was  born  in  Windham,  Connecticut,  in  1732. 
He  distinguished  himself  in  the  Colonial  Council  of 
1775  by  his  opposition  to  the  aggressive  policy  of  Great 
Britain,  and  in  1776  took  his  seat  in  Congress  and  signed 
the  Declaration  of  Independence.  In  1779  he  succeeded 
John  Jay  as  president  of  the  Congress  of  the  Confedera- 
tion, ana  was  again  chosen  to  the  same  office  in  1780. 
He  again  served  in  Congress  in  1783,  and  was  shortly 
after  appointed  chief  justice  of  Connecticut  In  1786  he 
was  elected  Governor  of  the  State,  as  the  successor  of 
Roger  Griswold.  and  was  annually  re-elected  to  the  same 
office  till  his  death,  in  1796. 

See  GOODRICH,  "  Lives  of  the  Signers  to  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 

Huntington,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  Methodist 
preacher,  born  in  Kent  in  1744,  was  originally  a  poor 
labourer.  He  became  a  popular  preacher  among  the 
Calvinistic  Methodists  in  London,  and  published  many 
tracts  and  controversial  works.  Died  in  1813. 

See  notice  in  the  "Quarterly  Review"  far  January,  1821,  (by 

Huut'ley,  (ELIAS  DEWITT,)  D.D.,  LL.D.,  a  Meth- 
odist clergyman,  born  at  Elmira,  New  York,  April  19, 
1844.  He  graduated  at  Geneva  College  in  1866,  was 
president  of  Lawrence  University,  1879-83,  and  after- 
wards was  chosen  chaplain  of  the  United  States  Senate. 

Hun'ton,  (PHILIP,)  an  English  nonconformist  divine, 
born  in  Hampshire,  was  appointed  provost  of  Durham 
College  in  1657.  He  wrote  a  "Treatise  on  Monarchy," 
(1644,)  which  gave  great  offence  to  the  High-Church 
party.  Died  about  1682. 

Hunts'man,  (BENJAMIN,)  an  English  artisan,  born  in 
Lincolnshire 'in  1704,  is  said  to  have  been  the  inventor 
of  cast  steel.  He  lived  in  Sheffield.  Died  in  1776. 

Hunyadea.     See  HUNIADES. 

Hunyady.    See  HUNIADES. 

Huot,  Aii'o',  (JEAN  JACQUES  NICOLAS,)  a  French 
naturalist, born  in  Paris  in  1 790, published  a  "Complete 
Manual  of  Mineralogy,"  (2  vols.,  1841,)  and  revised  and 
continued  the  "  System  of  Universal  Geography,"  which 
Malte-Brun  left  unfinished.  The  last  two  volumes  of 
this  were  written  by  M.  Huot  Died  in  1845. 

Hupfeld,  h<56p'i?lt,  (HERMANN,)  a  German  theolo- 
gian and  Orientalist,  born  at  Marburg  in  1796,  became 
professor  of  theology  at  Halle  in  1843.  He  published, 
besides  other  works,  "  De  Vera  Festorum  apud  Hebraeos 
Ratione,"  (2  vols.,  1852,)  and  a  version  of  the  Psalms, 
(1855.)  He  was  an  excellent  Hebrew  scholar.  Died  at 
Halle  in  April,  1866. 

Huppazoli,  oop-pad-zo'lee,  (FRANCESCO,)  an  Italian, 
noted  for  longevity,  born  at  Casal  in  1587,  was  at  one 
time  a  merchant,  and  in  1669  was  appointed  Venetian 
consul  at  Smyrna.  He  was  abstemious  in  his  habits, 
and  retained  the  use  of  his  faculties  to  the  last.  Died 
in  1702. 

Hurault.     See  CHIVERNY. 

Hurd,  (RICHARD,)  D.D.,  an  eminent  English  writer 
and  critic,  born  at  Congreve  in  1720,  was  educated  at 
Cambridge,  and  became  a  friend  of  Warburton.  He  was 
appointed  Bishop  of  Lichfield  and  Coventry  in  1775.  and 
translated  to  the  see  of  Worcester  in  1781.  The  arch- 
bishopric of  Canterbury  was  offered  to  him,  but  was 
declined.  Among  his  works,  which  are  very  numerous 
and  able,  are  "Dialogues,  Moral  and  Political,"  "  Letters 
on  Chivalry,"  (1762,)  "Commentary  on  Horace's  Ars 
Poetica,"  "  Lectures  on  the  Prophecies,"  and  a  "  Life  of 
Warburton,"  (1794.)  "Hurd  has  perhaps,"  says  Hal- 
lam,  "the  merit  of  being  the  first  who,  in  this  country, 
aimed  at  philosophical  criticism  :  he  had  great  ingenuity, 
a  good  deal  of  reading,  and  a  facility  in  applying  it ;  but 

he  did  not  feel  very  deeply,  was  somewhat  of  a  coxcomb, 
and  assumes  a  dogmatic  arrogance  which  offends  the 
reader."  ("  Introduction  to  the  Literature  of  Europe.1*) 
Died  in  1808. 

See  FRANCIS  KILVERT,  "  Memoirs  of  Bishop  Hurd,"  1860;  "Life 
of  R.  Hurd,"  by  himself,  in  an  edition  of  his  Works,  8  vols.,  1811 1 
"North  British  Review"  for  May,  1861. 

Hur'dia,  (Rev.  JAMES,)  an  English  poet,  born  In 
Sussex  in  1763,  was  a  friend  of  the  poet  Cowper.  In 
1784  he  became  tutor  to  the  Earl  of  Chichester's  son, 
and  in  1793  professor  of  poetry  at  Oxford.  He  wrote 
"The  Village  Curate,"  (1788,)  "Sir  Thomas  More,"  a 
tragedy,  and  other  poems.  Died  in  1801. 
See  "  Retrospective  Review,"  vol.  i..  1820. 
Hur6,  /Sii'Ra',  (CHARLES,)  a  French  Jansenist  writer, 
born  at  Champigny-sur-Yonne  in  1639,  was  for  many 
years  an  eminent  professor  of  languages  in  the  Univer- 
sity of  Paris.  He  published  an  approved  "  Dictionary 
of  the  Bible."  Died  in  1717. 

Huret,  /m'r4',  (GREGOIRE,)  a  French  engraver,  born 
at  Lyons  in  1610.  His  work  is  easy  and  mellow,  and 
his  heads  expressive.  Died  in  1670. 

Hurl'bert,  (WILLIAM  HENRY,)  a  journalist,  born  at 
Charleston,  South  Carolina,  July  3,  1827.  He  graduated 
at  Harvard  College  in  1847,  and  at  the  Harvard  Divinity 
School,  was  for  a  short  time  a  Unitarian  minister,  and 
afterwards  studied  in  Germany  and  at  the  Dane  Law 
School.  He  became  a  journalist  of  New  York,  and  for 
many  years  was  one  of  the  editors  of  the  "  World"^iews- 
paper.  He  published  "Gan-Eden,"  (1854,)  "General 
McClellan  and  the  Conduct  of  the  War,"  (1864,)  and 
other  works.  Died  in  Italy,  September  4,  1895. 

Hurltmt,  (STEPHEN  A.,)  an  American  general,  born 
at  Charleston,  South  Carolina,  about  1815,  commanded 
a  division  of  General  Grant's  army  at  Shiloh,  April  6-7, 
1862.  With  the  rank  of  major-general,  he  directed  a 
corps  of  General  Sherman's  army  in  the  raid  to  Meridian 
in  February,  1864.  Died  March  28,  1882. 

Hurl'stone,(FREDERiCK  YEATES,)  an  English  painter 
of  history  and  portraits,  was  born  in  London  in  1801. 
Soon  after  1830  he  joined  the  Society  of  British  Artists, 
of  which  he  became  president.  Among  his  works  are 
"  The  Spanish  Beauty"  and  "  The  Last  Sigh  of  the  Moor." 
His  portraits  are  much  admired.  Died  in  1869. 

Hurst,  (JOHN  FLETCHER,)  D.D.,  LL.D.,  an  American 
Methodist  bishop,  born  near  Salem,  Maryland,  August 
17,  1834.  He  graduated  at  Dickinson  College  in  1854, 
studied  divinity  in  Halle  and  Heidelberg,  and  in  1858 
became  a  preacher.  He  had  charge  (1866-69)  °f  a 
Methodist  theological  institution  in  Germany.  In  1871 
he  became  professor  of  historical  theology  in  the  theo- 
logical seminary  at  Madison,  New  Jersey,  and  in  1873  was 
appointed  its  president.  He  was  elected  a  bishop  in 
1880,  and  chancellor  of  the  American  University  in 
1891.  Among  his  numerous  works  are  "  History  of 
Rationalism,"  (1866,)  "  Outlines  of  Bible  History," 
(1875,)  "Outlines  of  Church  History,"  (1878,)  and 
"  History  of  the  Reformation,"  (1884,)  besides  sev- 
eral theological  works  translated  from  the  German. 

Hurtault,  AuR'to',  (MAXIMILIEN  JOSEPH,)  a  French 
architect,  born  at  Huningue  in  1765.  He  was  appointed 
architect  of  the  Fontainebleau  Palace,  in  which  he  re- 
stored the  gallery  of  Diana.  Died  in  1824. 

Hurter,  hooR'ter,  (FRIEDRICH  EMANUEL,)  a  German 
historian,  born  at  Schaffhausen  in  1786,  published  a 
"History  of  Pope  Innocent  III.,"  (4  vols.,  1834-42,) 
and  a  "  History  of  the  Emperor  Ferdinand  II.  and  his 
Family,"  ( Eltern,)  (9  vols.,  1850-57.)  Died  in  1865. 

Hus'bands,  (HERMAN,)  a  native  of  Pennsylvania, 
became  a  'leader  of  the  "  Regulators"  in  North  Carolina 
in  1768,  and  fought  against  Governor  Tryon  in  1771 
Died  about  1794. 

Huschke,  hoosh'keh,  (EMANUEL  GOTTLIEB,)  a  Gei- 
man  philologist,  born  in  1761,  published  a  good  edition 
of  Tibullus,  (1819,)  and  other  works.  Died  in  1828. 

Huschke,  (GEORG  PHILIPP  EDUARD,)  a  German 
jurist,  born  at  Miinden  in  1801,  published  "Studies  on 
Roman  Law,"  (1830,)  and  other  works.  Died  in  1886. 

Hus'kls-spn,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  statesman  and 
financier,  born  in  Worcestershire  in  1770,  went  to  Paria 

,-  casj;  ghard;  gas/;  G,  H,  Vi,guttural;  N, nasal •  R.  trilled;  sas0,'  th  as  mthis.     (JJ^=See  Explanations,  p.  2 



lii  1 783,  where  he  lived  with  one  of  his  uncles  and  learned 
the  French  language.  Sympathizing  with  the  Revolution, 
oe  was  present  at  the  storming  of  the  Bastille,  and  he 
became  a  prominent  member  of  the  "Socie'te  de  1789." 
In  1790  he  was  employed  as  secretary  to  Lord  Gower, 
then  ambassador  at  Paris,  with  whom  he  returned 
to  England  in  1792.  Having  attracted  the  favourable 
notice  of  Pitt,  he  was  appointed  in  1795  under-secre- 
tary  in  the  department  of  war  and  the  colonies,  and  the 
next  year  was  returned  to  Parliament  for  Morpeth.  He 
was  secretary  of  the  treasury  from  1804  until  the  deitb 
of  Pitt,  and  again  from  1807  until  1809,  when,  as  a 
friend  of  Canning,  he  resigned  with  him.  In  Parliament 
he  represented  successively  Harwich,  Chichester,  (18:2- 
23,)  and  Liverpool,  (1823-30.)  He  gained  distinction 
by  his  knowledge  of  finance  and  commerce,  and  by  his 
methodical  and  luminous  reports.  In  1823,  under  the 
auspices  of  Canning,  he  became  president  of  the  board 
of  trade,  treasurer  of  the  navy,  and  a  member  of  the 
cabinet  From  the  death  of  Canning  (l82j)  to  1829  he 
acted  as  colonial  secretary.  In  the  latter  part  of  his  life 
he  inclined  to  the  policy  of  the  Liberal  party  in  respect 
to  electoral  reform,  the  corn-laws,  and  other  restrictions 
on  commerce.  He  resigned  in  May,  1829,  because  he 
differed  from  the  Tory  ministry.  At'the  opening  of  the 
Liverpool  and  Manchester  Railway  he  was  killed  by  an 
engine,  September  15,  1830. 

See  "  Speeches  and  Biography,"  by  WRIGHT,  3  vols.,  1831 :  Wit 
FBBDAN,  Men  I  have  known,"  London,  1866;  "Nouvelle  Bio- 
graphic Ge'ne'rale." 

Huss,  (JOHN,)  [Ger.  JOHANN  Huss,  yo'hin  hooss ;  Lat 
JOHAN'NES  Huss,]  a  celebrated  reformer  of  the  Church, 
was  born  at  Husinec,  (or  Hussinetz,)  in  Southern  Bohe- 
mia, in  1369.  Being  appointed  in  1402  preacher  at  the 
Bethlehem  Chapel  in  Prague,  he  became  a  zealous  advo- 
cate of  the  doctrines  of  Wickliffe,  whereby  he  incurred 
the  censure  of  the  Catholic  clergy.  As  rector  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Prague,  he  had  the  works  of  Wickliffe  trans- 
lated into  Bohemian  ;  but  they  were  soon  after  burned  by 
order  of  Archbishop  Sbinko.  In  1412  he  denounced  the 
papal  bull  issued  by  John  XXIII.  against  Ladislaus, 
King  of  Naples,  and  with  his  coadjutor,  Jerome  of  Prague, 
condemned  the  sale  of  indulgences.  He  was  excommu- 
nicated the  next  year,  upon  which  he  wrote  his  work  "  On 
the  Church,"  exposing  the  abuses  of  popery.  Cited 
before  the  Council  of  Constance  in  1414,  and  provided 
with  a  pass  by  the  emperor  Sigismund,  he  was  arrested 
on  his  arrival,  and,  as  he  adhered  firmly  to  his  opinions, 
he  was  burned  by  order  of  the  treacherous  emperor. 

See  E*MILB  DB  BONNECHOSB,  "  Les  ReTormateure  avant  la  Re- 
forme,"  a  vols.,  1847;  "  J.  Huss  et  Hieronymi  Pragensis  Historia  et 
Monumenta,"  Nuremberg,  1558;  J.  COCHLBS,  "Historia  Hussi- 
tarum,"  1549:  HODGSON,  "  Reformers  and  Martyrs,"  Philadelphia, 
1867  ;  AUGUST  NKA.XDBR,  "  Ziige  aus  dem  Leben  des  unvergesslichen 
J.  Huss,"  Berlin,  1819:  WM.  GIUIN,  "  Lives  of  John  Wickliffe  and 
of  the  Most  Eminent  of  his  Disciples,  Lord  Cobham,  J.  Huss,"  etc., 
1765:  GEORG  LOMMBL,  "  J.  Huss,"  1847;  HBLFKRT,  "  Huss  und 
Hieronymus  von  Prag,"  1853;  "North  Ameri-an  Review"  for  Octo- 
ber, 1847,  (by  H.  W.  TORRBY.) 

Hussein  Pasha,  hoos'sln'  pi'shl',  a  famous  Turkish 
admiral,  born  about  1750,  was  a  favourite  of  Selim  III., 
who  in  1789  appointed  him  capudan-pasha.  He  pos- 
aessed  superior  talents,  and  served  his  master  with  fi- 
delity in  reforming  the  discipline  and  management  of 
the  navy.  He  commanded  the  fleet  which  in  i8ot  co- 
operated with  the  English  against  the  French  on  the 
coast  of  Egypt.  Died  in  1803. 

Hussein'  Pasha,  (or  Pacha,)  last  Dey  of  Algiers, 
born  at  Smyrna  about  1773.  At  the  death  of  AH  Pasha, 
in  1818,  he  was  proclaimed  his  successor.  To  avenge 
an  insult  received  by  the  French  consul,  the  French 
government  sent  in  June,  1830,  an  army  which,  after 
several  days'  fighting,  forced  Hussein  to  capitulate.  He 
•vas  deposed,  and  died  in  1838. 

See  A.  NETTEMENT,  "  Histoire  de  la  ConquSte  d'Alger,"  1857. 
Htts'sey,  (GILES,)  an  English  painter,  born  in  1710, 
studied  in  Italy,  and  settled   in  London  in  1742.     He 
excelled  in  portraits,  and  attempted  to  apply  to  his  art 
the  hypothesis  of  harmonic  proportions.     Died  in  1788. 
Husson,  /fcii'soN',  JEAN  HONOR£  ARISTIDE,)  a  skil- 
ful French  sculptor,  born  in  Paris  in  1803.     He  gained 
the  grand  prize  of  Rome  in  1830.     Among  his  works 
are  "  Dante  and  Virgil,"  a  bas-relief,  (1836,)  a  statue  of 

Voltaire,  (1839,)  and  a  marble  statue  of  "  Haidee,"  (1850.) 
Died  in  1864. 

Hu'stpn,  (LORENZO  Dow,)  a  Methodist  minister,  born 
in  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  in  1820,  preached  in  Kentucky,  and 
edited  several  papers. 

Hutch'e-spn,  [Lat  HUTCHESO'NUS,]  (FRANCIS,)  a 
metaphysician,  born  in  the  north  of  Ireland  in  1694,  was 
educated  at  Glasgow,  and  was  ordained  as  a  Presbyterian 
minister.  While  employed  as  principal  of  an  academy 
in  Dublin,  he  published  about  1725  an  excellent  work, 
entitled  an  "  Inquiry  into  the  Original  of  our  Ideas  of 
Beauty  and  Virtue,"  which  was  followed  by  an  "  Essay 
on  the  Passions  and  Affections,"  (1728.)  In  1729  he  was 
appointed  professor  of  moral  philosophy  iri  the  Uni- 

r*\*..    nf  f^}-*frtn*wt         T°\taf1    \T\     till         Htc    fTTA^fr*»Ct   ttK^rl^      "A 

of  the  modern  school  of  philosophy  in  Scotland."  He 
adopted  the  opinions  of  Lord  Shaftesbury  in  moral  philos- 
ophy, and  maintained  that  disinterested  affections  and  a 
distinct  moral  faculty  are  essential  parts  of  human  nature. 

Hutch'ins,  (CHARLES  LEWIS,)  an  American  clergy- 
man, born  at  Concord,  New  Hampshire,  August  5, 
1838,  graduated  at  Williams  College  in  1861,  and  at  the 
General  Theological  Seminary  in  New  York.  He  be- 
came a  presbyter  of  the  Episcopal  Church,  and  in  1877, 
1880,  and  1883  was  the  secretary  of  its  general  conven- 
tion. His  church  and  Sunday-school  hymnals  and  col- 
lections of  church  music  are  widely  known. 

Hutch'ins,  (Rev.  JOHN,)  born  at  Bradford-Peverel,  in 
England,  in  1698,  wrote  the  "  History  and  Antiquities 
of  the  County  of  Dorset"  Died  in  1773. 

Hutch'ins,  (THOMAS.)  an  American  geographer,  born 
in  Monmouth  county,  New  Jersey,  about  1735.  He  was 
appointed  geographer  to  the  United  States  by  Congress, 
and  published,  besides  other  works,  a  "  Topographical 
Description  of  Virginia,  Pennsylvania,  Maryland,  and 
North  Carolina,"  (I7?8.)  Died  in  1789. 

Hutch'in-spn,  (ANN,)  a  religious  enthusiast,  born  in 
Lincolnshire,  England,  about  1600.  She  was  the  wife  of 
William  Hutchinson,  whom  she  accompanied  to  Boston 
in  1636.  She  taught  many  doctrines  which  were  con- 
demned as  heretical  by  the  Synod  of  1637.  Mrs.  Hutchin- 
son herself  was  banished,  and  in  1642  removed  to  what 
is  now  Westchester  county,  New  York.  The  next  year 
her  house  was  set  on  fire  by  the  Indians,  and  she  and  all 
her  family,  consisting  of  sixteen  persons,  (except  a  child 
taken  captive,)  either  perished  in  the  flames  or  were 
killed  by  the  savages. 

See  "Life  of  Anne  Hatchinson,"  by  GBORGB  E.  EU.IS,  in 
SrAKKs's  "  American  Biography,"  voL  n.,  ad  series. 

Hutchinson,  (H.  N.,)  an  English  popular  science 
author,  born  at  Chester  in  1856.  He  published  "  Au- 
tobiography of  the  Earth,"  (1890,)  "Extinct  Mon- 
sters," (1892,)  "  Prehistoric  Man  and  Beast,"  (1896,) 
"  Marriage  Customs  in  Many  Lands,"  (1897,)  etc. 

Hutchinson,  (JOHN, )CoLONEL,  an  English  Puritan 
and  regicide,  born  at  Nottingham  in  1616.  In  1638  he 
married  Lucy  Apsley.  (See  HUTCHINSON,  LUCY.)  In  1642 
he  obtained  the  rank  of  lieutenant-colonel  in  the  army 
of  Parliament,  and  next  year  was  appointed  governor 
of  the  town  and  castle  of  Nottingham,  which  he  bravely 
defended  in  a  long  siege  against  the  royalists.  He  was  one 
of  the  judges  who  condemned  Charles  I.,  and  afterwards 
was  a  member  of  the  council  of  state.  He  was  hostile 
to  the  government  of  Cromwell.  After  the  restoration 
he  was  included  in  the  act  of  amnesty,  but,  on  a  ground- 
less suspicion  of  a  treasonable  conspiracy,  was  confined 
in  the  Tower  and  Sandown  Castle  from  1662  to  his  death 
in  1664.  His  character  was  excellent,  and  free  from  the 
austere  errors  to  which  the  Puritans  were  mcst  inclined. 

See  "  Memoirs  of  Colonel  Hutchinson,"  by  his  wife,  1806. 

Hutchinaon,  (JOHN,)  an  English  writer,  born  at 
Spennithorne  in  1674,  was  the  founder  of  the  Hntchin- 
sonian  or  mystical  school  of  biblical  interpretation.  He 
was  employed  as  steward  by  the  Duke  of  Somerset,  and 
afterwards  as  his  riding-purveyor.  His  first  work,  called 
"  Moses'  Principia,"  was  designed  to  refute  the  argu- 
ments of  Newton's  "  Principia."  He  published,  also,  a 
"  Treatise  on  Power,  Essential  and  Mechanical,"  "  Glory 

i.  e,  1, 5,  u,  y,  long;  4,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y;  short;  a,  e,  i,  p,  ohcurt ;  ftr,  fall,  fit:  m?t;  not;  good;  moon: 




or  Gravity,  Essential  and  Mechanical,"  "  The  Hebrew 
Writings  Complete,"  "  Moses  sine  Principle,"  and  other 
works.  His  leading  idea  is  that  the  Hebrew  Scriptures 
contain  the  elements  of  natural  philosophy  as  well  as 
of  religion.  His  views  excited  much  controversy,  and 
were  adopted  by  Bishop  Home,  Parkhurst,  and  other 
eminent  divines.  Died  in  1737. 

See  JULIUS  BATES,  "Defence  of  John  Hutchinson's  Teneta," 
1751  :  FLOYD,  "  Bibliotheca  Biographica." 

Hutchiiison,  (JOHN  HELY,)  an  Irish  statesman  and 
lawyer,  born  in  1715,  resided  in  Dublin,  and  became 
secretary  of  state.  Died  in  1794. 

Hutchiiison,  (JOHN  HELY,)  a  British  general,  born 
in  1757,  was  the  second  son  of  the  preceding.  He 
entered  the  army  in  1774.  Having  gained  distinction  in 
the  Irish  rebellion,  he  was  made  major-general  in  1796. 
In  1800  he  went  to  Egypt  as  second  in  command  under 
Sir  Ralph  Abercrombie.  When  the  latter  was  killed,  in 
March,  1801,  Hutchinson  succeeded  to  the  command, 
and  obliged  the  French  army  under  Menou  to  capitulate 
at  Alexandria  in  the  same  year.  He  was  rewarded  for 
these  services  by  the  title  of  Baron  Hutchinson.  In 
1825,  on  the  death  of  his  brother,  he  inherited  the  title 
of  Earl  of  Donoughmore.  Died  in  1832. 

Hutchinson,  (LUCY,)  an  English  authoress  of  great 
merit,  was  the  daughter  of  Sir  Allan  Apsley,  lieutenant 
of  the  Tower  of  London,  in  which  Tower  she  was  born 
in  1620.  She  was  married  in  1638  to  Colonel  John 
Hutchinson,  noticed  above,  after  having  received  a  liberal 
education.  She  shared  the  counsels  and  dangers  of  her 
husband  in  the  civil  war,  attended  him  in  prison,  and 
wrote  Memoirs  of  his  life,  (1806,)  which  are  greatly 
admired.  "  We  have  not  often  met  with  anything,"  says 
Lord  Jeffrey,  "  more  interesting  and  curious  than  this 
volume.  ...  It  challenges  our  attention  as  containing  an 
accurate  and  luminous  account  of  military  and  political 
affairs  from  the  hand  of  a  woman,  and  as  exhibiting  the 
most  liberal  and  enlightened  sentiments  in  the  person 
of  a  Puritan.  The  views  which  it  opens  into  the  char- 
acter of  the  writer  and  the  manners  of  the  age  will  be  to 
many  a  still  more  powerful  attraction." 

See  "  Memoirs  of  Eminent  Englishwomen,"  by  LOUISA  S.  Cos- 
TBLLO,  London,  1844;  "Edinburgh  Review"  for  October,  1808, 
(vol.  xiii. ;)  "Monk's  Contemporaries,"  by  GUIZOT,  London,  1865. 

Hutchinson,  (RICHARD  HELY,)  Earl  of  Dor.ough- 
inore,  born  in  Dublin  in  1756,  was  the  eldest  son  of  John 
H.  Hutchinson,  noticed  above.  He  served  in  the  army 
during  the  Irish  rebellion  of  1798,  and  in  1800  was  raised 
to  the  peerage,  as  Earl  of  Donoughmore.  In  1805  he 
obtained  the  rank  of  major-general.  In  Parliament  he 
advocated  with  zeal  and  constancy  the  claims  of  the 
Catholics.  He  was  created  a  peer  of  the  United  King- 
dom in  1821.  Died  in  1825. 

Hutchinson,  (ROGER,)  an  early  English  Reformer, 
became  Fellow  of  Saint  John's  College,  Cambridge,  in 
1543.  He  left  theological  works,  which  were  published 
in  1842.  Died  in  1555. 

Hutchinson,  (THOMAS,)  a  royal  governor  of  Massa- 
chusetts, was  born  in  Boston  in  1711.  He  became  a 
judge  of  probate  in  1752,  and  chief  justice  of  Massachu- 
setts in  1760.  His  course  in  relation  to  the  Stamp  Act 
rendered  him  very  unpopular.  He  succeeded  Bernard 
as  governor  in  1769,  and  pursued  a  policy  which  tended 
to  provoke  a  revolt  in  the  colonies.  When  the  tea  was 
brought  to  Boston  in  1773,  the  inhabitants,  in  town- 
meeting,  resolved  that  it  should  not  be  landed,  but  be 
returned  to  its  owners.  Hutchinson,  however,  refused  to 
grant  the  ships  a  pass.  The  result  was  the  destruction 
of  the  tea  by  citizens  in  the  disguise  of  Indians.  In  1 772, 
Dr.  Franklin,  colonial  agent  in  London,  had  sent  over 
to  Massachusetts  confidential  letters  written  by  Hut- 
chinson to  England,  which  showed  that  his  whole  policy 
had  been  characterized  by  duplicity  and  evasion, — that, 
professing  to  be  the  friend  of  the  colony,  he  had  secretly 
advised  the  sending  of  troops  to  Boston,  and  other 
obnoxious  measures.  He  retired  to  England  in  1774. 
Died  near  London  in  1780.  His  principal  works  are  a 
"  History  of  the  Province  of  Massachusetts  Bay  from 
1628  to  1749,"  (2  vols.  8vo,  issued  in  1764-67,)  and  a 
"  Collection  of  Original  Papers  relative  to  the  History 
of  Massachusetts  Bay,"  (1769.)  The  "  North  American 

Review"  calls  his  work  "  a  mine  of  wealth  to  all  future 
historians  and  antiquaries."  "  It  is  written,"  says  Kan- 
croft,  "with  lively  inquisitiveness  and  lawyer-like  criti- 
cism, though  without  a  glimpse  of  the  great  truths  which 
were  the  mighty  causes  of  the  revolution  he  describes." 

See  ALLEN'S  "American  Biographical  Dictionary." 

Huth,  hoot,  (GEORG  LEONHARD,)  a  German  natu- 
ralist, born  at  Nuremberg  in  1705  ;  died  in  1761. 

Hutin,  H'tan',  (CHARLES,)  a  French  painter  and 
sculptor,  born  in  Paris  in  1715,  worked  mostly  at  Dres- 
den, where  he  died  in  1776. 

Hutten,  von,  fon  hoot'ten,  [Lat  HUTTE'NUS,]  (Ub- 
RICH,)  a  German  poet  and  humanist,  was  born  near  Fulda 
in  1488.  He  studied  at  Frankfort-on-the-Oder,  and 
afterwards  at  Pavia,  in  Italy.  About  1520  he  repaired 
to  Mentz,  where  he  published  a  succession  of  severe 
attacks  on  the  Roman  clergy,  and  soon  after  became 
acquainted  with  Luther,  whose  cause  he  openly  espoused. 
Owing  to  the  persecution  he  now  encountered,  he  was 
obliged  to  take  refuge  in  Switzerland,  where  he  died  in 
1523.  He  possessed  rare  talents,  but  lacked  discretion 
and  morality.  He  was  probably  one  of  the  authors  of 
the  famous  "  Epistolae  Obscurorum  Virorum,"  consisting 
of  satires  on  the  monks  and  the  clergy,  (1516.) 

SeeScHUBART,  "  Leben  Ulrich  von  Hutten's,"  1791;  BURCKHARD, 
"  Commentarius  de  Fatis  et  Mentis  Ulrici  Hutteni,"  1717-23; 
STRAUSS,  "  Ulrich  von  Hutten,"  1858 ;  BAYLE,  "  Historical  and  Criti- 
cal Dictionary;"  WAGHNSEIL,  "U.  von  Hutten  nach  seinem  Leben," 
etc.,  1823;  ZELLER,  "  U.  de  Hutten,  sa  Vie,  ses  CEuvres,  son  Temps," 
Paris,  1849;  GERVINUS,  "  Geschichte  der  Deutschen  National- Lite- 
ratur;"  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Gi'ne'rale ;"  "  Fraser's  Magazine" 
for  August,  1849. 

Huttenus.    See  HUTTEN. 

Hutter,  hotit'ter,  (ELIAS,)  a  German  linguist,  born  at 
Ulm  about  1555.  He  published  an  edition  of  the  Bible 
in  Hebrew,  and  a  Polyglot  Bible.  Died  about  1602. 

Hutter,  [Lat  HUTTE'RUS,]  (LEONHARD,)  a  German 
theologian,  a  brother  of  the  preceding,  was  boru  at  Ulm 
in  1563.  He  was  noted  for  his  rigour  and  excessive  zeal 
for  Lutheranism.  He  was  professor  of  theology  at  Wit- 
tenberg from  1596  until  1616.  Among  his  numerous  work* 
is  a  "  Compendium  of  Theological  Subjects,"  ("  Compen- 
dium Locorum  theologicorum,"  1610.)  Died  in  1616. 

See  BAYLE,  "Historical  and  Critical  Dictionary ;"  J.  G.  NEU- 
MANN, "  Programme  de  Vita  L.  Hutteri,"  1706. 

Hutterus.     See  HUTTER. 

Hut'tpn,  (CHARLES,)  LL.D.,  an  eminent  English 
mathematician,  born  at  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  in  1737, 
was  employed  for  some  years  as  a  teacher  in  his  native 
place.  Here  he  published  treatises  on  arithmetic  and 
mensuratioa  From  1773  to  1806  he  was  professor  of 
mathematics  in  the  Military  Academy  at  Woolwich.  In 
1774  he  was  chosen  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society,  which 
he  also  served  as  foreign  secretary  and  enriched  with 
able  scientific  memoirs.  He  acquired  celebrity  by  nu- 
merous works,  among  which  are  "  Mathematical  Tables," 
(1785,)  "  Elements  of  Conic  Sections,"  a  "Mathematical 
and  Philosophical  Dictionary,"  (1795,)  a  "Course  of 
Mathematics,"  (1798,)  etc.  From  1804  to  1809  he  assisted 
Shaw  and  Pearson  in  abridging  the  "  Philosophical  Trans- 
actions." He  was  eminent  for  benevolence,  modesty, 
and  simplicity  of  character.  In  1807  his  services  were 
rewarded  by  a  pension  of  ^500.  Died  in  1823. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBER,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie ;  '  "  Gen- 
tleman's Magazine"  for  1823. 

Hut'ton,  (GEORGE  CLARK,)  D.D.,  a  Scottish  divine 
of  the  United  Presbyterian  Church,  was  born  at  Perth, 
May  16,  1825.  He  was  trained  at  the  University  of 
Edinburgh,  and  was  ordained  in  1851.  Among  his  books 
are  "Law  and  Gospel,"  (1860,)  "Divine  Truth  and  its 
Self- Evidence,"  (1853,)  "The  Rationale  of  Prayer," 
(1853,)  etc. 

Hut'tpn,  (JAMES,)  M.D.,  a  philosopher  and  geologist, 
distinguished  as  the  author  of  the  Plutonian  theory  of 
geology,  was  born  in  Edinburgh  in  1726.  He  gradu- 
ated as  M.D.  at  Leyden  in  1749.  About  1768  he  became 
again  a  resident  of  Edinburgh,  where  he  published,  be- 
sides other  works,  a  "  Dissertation  on  the  Philosophy 
of  Light,  Heat,  and  Fire,"  (1794,)  and  "Theory  of  the 
Earth,"  (1795.)  His  geological  theory  excited  much 
discussion  and  opposition,  being  attacked  by  Kirwan  and 
defended  by  Professor  Playfair,  who  wrote  "Illustra- 

€  as  k;  v  as  s;  g  hard:  g  as/:  G,  H,  ^guttural;  N,  tuual;  R.  trilled;  szsz:  th  as  in  this,     i  J®=See  Explanations,  p.  2 




tions  of  the  Huttonian  Theory  of  the  Earth,"  (1802.) 
Died  in  1797. 

Hutton,  (  LAURENCE,)  an  American  author,  born 
at  New  York  in  1843,  engaged  in  authorship  after 
1871,  and  became  literary  editor  of  "  Harper's  Maga- 
zine" in  1886.  He  published  several  works  relating 
to  the  stage,  "  Literary  Landmarks  of  London,"  and 
similar  works  upon  other  European  cities,  etc. 

Hutton,  (MATTHEW,)  an  English  prelate,  born  in 
1529,  was  made  Bishop  of  Durham  in  1589,  and  Arch- 
bishop of  York  in  1594.  He  wrote  a  work  on  Predes- 
tination. Died  in  1605. 

Hutton,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  antiquary  and  authoi, 
born  of  poor  parents  at  Derby  in  1723.  He  received  a 
defective  education.  At  the  age  of  fifty-six  he  commenced 
his  career  as  an  author.  His  chief  works  are  a  "  History 
of  Birmingham,"  (1781,)  a  "History  of  Derby,"  (1700,) 
"Edgar  and  Elfrida,"  a  poem,  "The  Roman  Wall," 
(1801,)  and  an  instructive  volume  of  "Autobiography," 
(1816.)  His  daughter  CATHERINE  wrote  "  the  Miser 
Married,"  a  novel.  He  died  in  1815. 

See  his  "  Autobiography ;"  "  Pursuit  of  Knowledge  ander  DiflS 
culties,"  vol.  i. 

Huv«,  /m'vi',  (JEAN  JACQUES  MARIE,)  a  French 
architect,  born  at  Versailles  in  1783.  He  succeeded 
Vignon  as  architect  of  the  grand  church  La  Madeleine, 
which  he  finished.  He  was  admitted  into  the  Institute 
in  1838.  Died  in  1852. 

See  CHARLES  LENOKMAND,  "  Notice  sur  J.  J.  M.  Huve,"  1853. 

Hux'ham,  (JOHN,)  an  English  physician,  born  at 
Halberton'  in  1694,  studied  under  Boerhaave  at  Leyden, 
and  practised  with  success  at  Plymouth.  He  wrote 
several  popular  books  on  medicine,  one  of  which  is  an 
"Essay  on  Fevers,"  (1750.)  Died  in  1768. 

Hux'ley,  (THOMAS  HENRY,)  F.R.S.,  an  eminent 
English  physiologist  and  naturalist,  born  at  Ealing, 
Middlesex,  in  1825.  He  was  in  his  youth  a  surgeon 
in  the  royal  navy.  About  1848  he  produced  a  treatise 
"On  the  Anatomy  and  Affinities  of  the  Family  of  the 
Medusae."  He  succeeded  E.  Forbes  as  professor  of 
palaeontology  in  the  School  of  Mines  about  1854,  and 
became  professor  of  physiology  at  the  Royal  Institution. 
Among  his  principal  works  is  a  "  History  of  the  Oceanic 
Hydrozoa,"  (1857,)  "Man's  Place  in  Nature,"  (1863,) 
"  Lectures  on  the  Elements  of  Comparative  Anatomy," 
(1864,)  "  Protoplasm  ;  or,  The  Physical  Basis  of  Life," 
(1869,)  "Lay Sermons,  Addresses, and  Reviews,"  (1870,) 
"Manual  of  the  Anatomy  of  Vertebrated  Animals," 
(1871,)  "Critiques  and  Addresses,"  (1873,)  "American 
Addresses,"  (1877,)  and  "Essays  on  Controverted 
Questions,"  (1892.)  In  1872  he  was  elected  lord 
rector  of  Aberdeen  University,  and  in  1892  was  made 
a  member  of  the  privy  council.  Mr.  Huxley  was  a 
very  popular  lecturer,  and  stood  in  the  foremost  rank 
among  physiologists  and  naturalists.  He  favoured  the 
Darwinian  theory.  Died  June  29,  1895. 

Huydecoper,  hoi'deh-ko'per,  (BALTHASAR,)  a  Dutch 
poet  and  excellent  critic,  born  at  Amsterdam  in  1695. 
He  produced  "Arsaces,"  (1722,)  and  three  other  trage- 
dies, a  good  metrical  version  of  the  Satires,  Epistles,  and 
"Ars  Poetica"  of  Horace,  (1737,)  and  other  poems. 
His  "  Essays,  Philological  and  Poetical,  or  Observations 
on  Vondel's  Dutch  Version  of  Ovid's  Metamorphoses," 
(1730,)  are  highly  commended.  "All  that  he  has  done 
in  this  department,"  says  the  "  Biographic  Universelle," 
"is  classical."  Died  in  1778. 

Huygena  or  Huyghens,  hi'gens,  [Dutch  pron.  almost 
hoi'Hens  ;  Lat.  HUGE'NIUS,]  (CHRISTIAN,)  a  celebrated 
Dutch  astronomer  and  geometer,  born  at  the  Hague, 
April  14,  1629.  He  inherited  the  title  of  Lord  of  Zuy- 
lichem.  About  the  age  of  sixteen  he  went  to  Leyden, 
where  he  studied  law  and  mathematics  under  Vinnius 
and  Schooten.  Soon  after  leaving  the  university,  he 
began  to  distinguish  himself  by  his  admirable  scientific 
discoveries  and  mechanical  inventions.  In  1651  he  pub- 
lished his  "Theorems  on  the  Quadrature  of  the  Hyper- 
bola," etc.,  and  in  1656  discovered  a  satellite  of  Saturn 
with  a  telescope  of  his  own  construction.  In  1657  he 
rendered  important  service  to  science  and  society  by 

improving  the  clock,  being  the  first  to  apply  the  pendu- 
lum to  the  measurement  of  time.  Two  years  later  he 
published,  in  his  "  System  of  Saturn,"  a  description  of 
Saturn's  ring,  which  he  had  discovered  with  a  telescope 
of  twenty-two  feet  focal  length.  These  and  other 
successes  had  rendered  him  pre-eminent  among  the 
contemporary  savants  and  philosophers  of  all  nations. 
Newton  was  then  a  young  student  preparing  to  rival 
or  surpass  him.  The  years  1660  and  1661  were  passed 
by  Huygens  in  France  and  England.  In  1663  he  was 
chosen  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  of  London.  From 
1665  to  1681  he  resided  in  Paris,  whither  Colbert  had 
invited  him  in  order  to  add  Mat  to  the  newly-founded 
Academy  of  Sciences.  In  this  period  he  demonstrated 
the  law  of  the  impact  of  bodies,  (1669,)  wrote  an  elegant 
treatise  on  Dioptrics,  and  published  his  great  work 
entitled  "  Horologium  Oscillatorium,"  (1673,)  dedicated 
to  Louis  XIV.  Besides  the  theory  of  the  pendulum, 
this  work  contains  several  very  important  mechanical 
discoveries,  among  which  are  the  fact  that  the  cycloid 
is  the  curve  all  the  arcs  of  which,  measured  from  the 
lowest  point,  are  synchronous,  and  the  theory  (without 
demonstration)  of  the  centrifugal  force  in  circular  mo- 
tion, by  which  he  made  a  near  approach  to  those  laws 
ol  gravitation  afterwards  proved  by  Newton.  He  has 
the  credit  of  inventing  the  spiral  spring  which  is  used 
to  regulate  the  balance  of  watches,  which  invention  was 
also  claimed  by  Hautefeuille.  In  1681  Huygens  returned 
to  Holland,  where  he  spent  some  years  in  constructing 
a  planetarium,  and  telescopes  of  enormous  dimensions, 
one  of  which  had  a  focal  length  of  two  hundred  and  ten 
feet  In  1690  appeared  (in  French)  his  "Treatise  on  the 
Cause  of  Gravity,"  and  a  "Treatise  on  Light,"  which  is 
esteemed  one  of  his  greatest  works.  It  contains  argu- 
ments in  favour  of  the  undulatory  theory,  which  was  first 
proposed  by  him  and  is  now  generally  adopted.  Died 
In  1695.  He  left  a  work  styled  "  Cosmotheoros,"  (printed 
in  1698,)  in  which  he  advances  bold  speculations  or  con- 
jectures on  the  constitution  of  the  planets,  which  he 
believed  to  be  inhabited.  Huygens  was  never  married. 
He  loved  retirement,  and  maintained  a  good  character 
as  a  man.  He  kept  up  a  friendly  correspondence  with 
Leibnitz  and  Newton,  the  latter  of  whom  called  him 
"  Summus  Hngenius." 

See  "Vita  Hugenii,"  prefixed  to  his  "Opera  Varia,"  1724  ;  COM- 
DORCKT,  "filoge  de  Huygens;"  ERSCH  und  GRUBER,  "  Allgemeine 
Encyklopaedie ;"  MONTUCLA,  "Histoiredes  Mathematiques ;"  DB- 
LAMEKE,  "Histoire  de  I'Astronomie  modeme;"  P.  H.  PEERLKAMP, 
"Annotatio  in  Vitam  C.  Hugenii."  1821;  M.  LBMANS,  "Lebens- 
beschrijving  van  C.  Huiigens:"  DR.  F.  HOEFER,  article  in  the 
"Nouvelle  Biographic  Gene'rale." 

Huygens  or  Huijgens,  (CONSTANTIJN,)  Seigneur  of 
Zuylichem,  (or  Zulichem,)  born  at  the  Hague  in  1596,  was 
the  father  of  the  preceding.  He  acted  with  credit  as 
secretary  to  three  successive  princes  of  Orange,  the  last 
of  whom  was  William  III.  of  England.  He  wrote  Latin 
epigrams,  and  other  poetical  performances,  which  were 
received  with  favour.  Died  in  1687. 

See  his  Autobiography,  in  verse,  entitled  "  De  Vita  propria  Ser- 
mones;"  BAYLI,  "  Historical  and  Critical  Dictionary,"  (in  Z  ;)  LONO- 
FBI.LOW,  "  Poets  and  Poetry  of  Europe ;"  SCHINKBL,  "  Bijdrage  to. 
de  Kennis  van  net  Karakter  van  C  Huijgens,"  1843;  "Fraser'i 
Magazine"  for  May,  1854. 

Huyghens,  Hoi'Hens,  (GOMARUS,)  a  Dutch  Roman 
Catholic  theologian,  born  in  Brabant  in  163 1 ;  died  in  1 702, 

Huyn,  hoo'in,  (LuiSE,)  a  German  writer,  born  at 
Coblentz,  November  6,  1843.  Her  works  are  mostly 
religious  (Roman  Catholic)  tales,  written  under  the 
pseudonym  of  M.  LUDOLFF. 

Huyot,  Au'yo',  (JEAN  NICOLAS,)  a  French  architect, 
born  in  Paris  in  1780.  He  passed  several  years  in  the 
Levant,  exploring  the  ruins  of  Ephesus,  Thebes,  Athens, 
and  other  cities.  Died  in  1840. 

Huysman,  hois'man,  sometimes  written  Housemau, 
(CoRNELis,)  an  eminent  Flemish  landscape-painter,  born 
at  Antwerp  in  1648.  He  worked  mostly  at  Malines, 
(Mechlin.)  His  colouring  is  praised  by  Descamps,  who 
also  observes  that  he  had  a  great  talent  for  painting 
mountains.  Among  his  works  is  "  The  Disciples  Going 
to  Emmaus."  Died  in  1727. 

Huysman  or  Houseman,  (JACOB,)  a  Flemish  paintet 
of  history  and  portraits,  born  at  Antwerp  in  1656 ;  died 
in  London  in  1696. 

a,  e,  I,  o,  u,  y,  long:  4,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  I,  o,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  Q,  obscure;  far,  fall,  fit;  mJt;  n6t;  good;  m<5on 





Huysum,  van,  vjn  hoi'sum,  (JACOB,)  brother  of  Jan, 
noticed  below,  was  born  at  Amsterdam  about  1680.  He 
excelled  in  flower-painting,  and  copied  several  of  his 
brother's  works  with  accuracy.  Died  in  London  in  1740. 

Another  brother,  JUSTUS,  born  in  1684,  excelled  in 
battle-pieces,  but  died  prematurely  in  1706. 

Huyautn,  van,  (JAN,)  a  celebrated  Dutch  painter, 
born  in  Amsterdam  in  1682,  was  a  pupil  of  his  father, 
Justus.  His  favourite  subjects  were  flowers  and  fruits, 
in  which  he  is  thought  to  be  unrivalled.  His  works  unite 
tasteful  composition,  richness  and  harmony  of  colour, 
freedom  of  touch,  and  exquisite  finish.  His  pictures 
were  often  adorned  with  insects,  dew-drops,  birds'  nests, 
ttc.  He  had  a  peculiar  art  of  preparing  his  colours, 
which  he  always  kept  secret.  Died  in  1749. 

Huysum,  van,  (JUSTUS,)  THE  OLD,  a  Dutch  land- 
scape-painter, born  at  Amsterdam  in  1659,  was  the  father 
of  the  preceding.  Died  in  1716. 

Hazard,  M'ziR',  (JEAN  BAPTISTE,)  a  noted  French 
veterinary  physician,  born  in  Paris  in  1755.  was  a  member 
of  the  Institute.  He  wrote  numerous  able  and  popular 
works  on  the  veterinary  art  and  rural  economy,  and  he 
had  collected  a  library  of  forty  thousand  volumes  per- 
taining to  his  speciality.  Died  in  1839. 

See  PARISET,  "  filoge  de  Huzard  ;"  BARON  SILVESTRH,  "  Notice 
•ur  Huzard." 

Hvergelmir.     See  NIDHOGG. 

Hvitfeld,  hvit'feld,  (ARILD,)  a  Danish  historian, 
born  in  1 549.  In  1 586  he  attained  the  dignity  of  senator, 
and  afterwards  was  chancellor  of  the  kingdom.  He  wrote 
a  "Chronicle  of  the  Kingdom  of  Denmark,"  which  is 
considered  authentic.  Died  in  1609. 

See  KRAFT  og  NYHRUP,  "  Litteraturlexicon  for  Danemark." 

Hwiid,  hweed,  (ANDREAS  CHRISTIAN,)  a  Danish  critic, 
born  at  Copenhagen  in  1749,  was  educated  for  the  church, 
and  was  skilled  in  Oriental  languages.  He  published  a 
"  Life  of  Cyrus  the  Great  and  the  Younger,"  and  several 
commentaries  on  Scripture.  Died  in  1788. 

Hyacinthe.    See  HYACINTHUS. 

Hyacinthe,  e'i'saNt',  (CHARLES  LOYSON,)  PERE,  an 
eminent  French  pulpit  orator,  born  at  Orleans  about 
1828.  He  became  a  Carmelite  monk,  preached  for  some 
time  in  Lyons,  and  removed  about  1865  to  Paris,  where 
his  conferences  in  the  church  of  Notre-Dame  attracted 
much  attention.  In  September,  1869,  he  published,  in 
a  letter  to  the  general  of  his  order,  a  protest  against  the 
ultramontane  doctrines  and  practices  of  the  Roman 
Church,  called  forth  by  the  Encyclical  letter  by  which 
the  pope  had  convened  a  general  council.  This  protest 
caused  a  great  commotion  in  the  religious  world,  and 
drew  down  upon  its  author  the  major  excommunication. 
In  1871  he  was  a  member  of  the  Old  Catholic  Congress 
at  Geneva,  of  which  Dollingerwas  the  chief,  and  in  Sep- 
tember, 1872,  he  was  married  in  London.  In  1873  he 
became  curate  of  the  Old  Catholic  Church  in  Geneva, 
but  resigned  in  1874,  when  he  went  to  Paris  and  estab- 
lished there  the  Gallican  Church. 

Hy-a-cin'thus,  [Gr.  '"fwaveof;  Fr.  HYACINTHE,  e'i'- 
saNt',] a  beautiful  Spartan  youth,  beloved  by  Apollo,  by 
whom  he  was  accidentally  killed  in  a  game  of  discus. 
The  poets  feigned  that  Apollo  changed  him  into  the 
flower  called  Hyacinth. 

Hy'a-dei,  [Gr.  'Yo<5ec,]  Anglicised  as  HY'ADS,  nymphs 
of  classic  mythology,  and  daughters  of  Atlas.  According 
to  the  poetic  legend,  they  were  changed  into  stars,  and 
now  form  part  of  the  constellation  of  Taurus.  When 
they  rose  and  set  with  the  sun,  it  was  regarded  as  a  sign 
of  rainy  weather. 

Hy'att,  (ALPHEUS,)  JR.,  an  American  naturalist,  born 
at  Washington,  D.C.,  April  5,  1838,  studied  at  the 
Maryland  Military  Academy,  at  Yale  College,  and  at  the 
Scientific  School  of  Cambridge,  Massachusetts,  where 
he  graduated  in  1862.  In  1881  he  became  professor  of 
zoology  and  palaeontology  in  the  Massachusetts  Institute 
of  Technology.  His  principal  works  are  "  Memoirs  on 
the  Pol  yzoa,"  (1868,)  and  "Guides  for  Science  Teaching," 
besides  many  important  scientific  papers.  His  special 
studies  have  been  upon  the  lower  forms  of  animal  life. 

Hy'att,  (JOHN,)  a  Calvinistic  Methodist  preacher, 
born  in  1767,  officiated  in  the  Tabernacle,  London.  He 
published  several  volumes  of  sermons.  Died  in  1826. 

Hyb're-as,  [TfSptof,]  an  eminent  Greek  orator,  a 
native  of  Caria,  flourished  about  40  B.c, 

Hyde,  (ANNE,)  a  daughter  of  Lord  Clarendon,  was 
born  in  1637.  She  was  married  about  1660  to  the  Duke 
of  York,  afterwards  James  II.  She  was  the  mother  of 
Queen  Mary  and  Queen  Anne.  Died  in  1671. 

See  "  Memoirs  of  Eminent  Englishwomen,"  by  LOUISA  STIABT 


Hyde,  (EDWARD.)    See  CLARENDON,  EARL  OF. 

Hyde,  (HENRY.)     See  CLARENDON,  EARL  OF. 

Hyde,  (LAWRENCE,)  M.P.,  son  of  Sir  Nicholas  Hyde, 
distinguished  himself  by  his  successful  efforts  in  pro 
moling  the  escape  of  Charles  II.  after  the  battle  of  Wor- 
cester. The  king  passed  one  night  in  the  house  of 
Lawrence  Hyde's  tenant,  and  thence  was  conducted  by 
Hyde  to  the  sea-shore.  Died  in  1682. 

Hyde,  (LAWRENCE,)  first  Earl  of  Rochester,  was  the 
second  son  of  Edward,  Earl  of  Clarendon.  He  was 
in  ultra  Tory,  and  was  the  leader  of  the  High-Church 
party  in  the  reign  of  Charles  II.  He  became  first  com- 
missioner of  the  treasury  in  1679.  At  the  accession 
of  James  II.,  in  1685,  he  was  appointed  lord  treasurer, 
(prime  minister.)  Though  extremely  subservient  to  the 
policy  of  the  king,  he  was  removed  from  office  in  Decem- 
ber, 1686,  because  he  would  not  turn  Roman  Catholic. 
After  the  flight  of  James  II.,  Hyde  gave  his  adhesion  to 
William  III.  Died  in  1711. 

See  MACAULAY,  "  History  of  England,"  vol.  i.  chaps,  ii.  and  iv., 
»ol.  ii.  chaps,  vi.,  ix.,  and  x. 

Hyde,  (Sir  NICHOLAS,)  an  English  judge,  born  in 
1572,  was  the  father  of  Lawrence  Hyde,  and  uncle  of  the 
first  Earl  of  Clarendon.  He  was  appointed  chief  justice 
of  the  king's  bench  in  1626,  and  presided  when  Sir  John 
Eliot  was  unjustly  condemned  to  prison.  Died  in  1631. 

Hyde,  (THOMAS,)  D.D.,  a  learned  English  divine,  born 
In  Shropshire  in  1636,  became  Archdeacon  of  Gloucestei 
in  1678,  professor  of  Arabic  at  Oxford  in  1691,  and  regius 
professor  of  Hebrew  in  1697.  He  excelled  in  Oriental 
languages,  and  was  interpreter  of  the  same  to  Charles 
II.,  James  II.,  and  William  III.  From  1665  to  1701  he 
was  principal  librarian  of  the  Bodleian  Library.  He  pub- 
lisheda  treatise  on  Chinese  weights  and  measures,  (1688,) 
and  one  on  "Oriental  Games,"  (1694.)  His  principal 
work,  a  "  History  of  the  Religion  of  the  Ancient  Per- 
sians and  Magi,"  in  Latin,  (1700,)  displays  a  vast  erudi- 
tion, and  for  a  long  time  had  a  great  reputation.  "  The 
variety  and  novelty  of  its  contents,"  says  Hallam,  "gave 
this  book  a  credit  which  in  some  degree  it  preserves; 
but  Hyde  was  ignorant  of  the  ancient  language  of  Persia, 
and  is  said  to  have  been  often  misled  by  Mohammedan 
authorities."  ("Introduction  to  the  Literature  of  Eu- 
rope.") He  wrote  other  works,  and  compiled  dictiona- 
ries of  the  Persian  and  Turkish  languages.  Died  in  1703. 

See  "  Biographia  Britannica  ;"  WOOD,  "  Athena;  Oxonienses." 

Hyde  de  Neuville,  hed  deh  nuh'vel',  (JEAN  GUIL- 
LAUME,)  a  French  politician,  born  in  the  department  of 
Nievre  in  1776.  He  was  an  active  royalist  during  the 
republic  and  the  empire.  After  the  restoration  he  acted 
with  the  ultra  royalists  as  a  deputy  in  1815,  and  was 
minister  to  the  United  States  of  North  America  from  1816 
to  1821.  He  was  minister  of  the  marine  in  the  Mar- 
tignac  cabinet  for  a  short  time  in  1828.  Died  in  1857. 

Hyder,  the  German  of  HYDRA,  which  see. 

Hyder-Alee  or  Hyder- Ali,  hl'der  S'lee,  [sometimes 
written,  in  French,  HAIDER-ALI,]  a  celebrated  Hindoo 
prince,  born  about  1718,  entered  the  army  of  the  Rajah 
of  Mysore.  His  military  talents  procured  his  promotion 
to  the  command  of  an  army,  with  which  he  captured  Ban- 
galore and  fought  against  the  Mahrattas.  About  1759,  by 
a  bold  and  successful  coup  tfttat,  he  obtained  the  chief 
power  in  Mysore,  leaving  his  former  master  the  title  of 
rajah  and  a  pension.  The  English,  alarmed  by  his  en- 
croachments, formed  a  league  with  the  Mahrattas  against 
him,  (1766.)  In  the  war  that  ensued,  Hyder  gained  such 
advantages  that  the  English  sued  for  peace  and  entered 
into  alliance  with  him,  (1769.)  In  1771  he  was  defeated 
by  the  piratical  Mahrattas,  the  English  having  failed 
to  aid  him  according  to  the  treaty.  Having  made  an 
alliance  with  the  French  and  the  Mahrattas  against  the 
English,  he  suddenly  invaded  the  Carnatic  in  1780,  took 
several  fortresses,  defeated  some  detachments,  and  rav- 

f.  as  k;  9  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as/;  G,  H,  Vi,  guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this. 

Explanations,  p.  23.  < 




«ged  the  country  almost  to  the  walls  of  Madras.  In 
1782  he  was  defeated  by  Sir  Eyre  Coote  at  Porto  Novo, 
and  died  in  the  same  year,  leaving  his  throne  to  his  son, 
Tippoo  Sahib.  Hyder  was  a  Mussulman.  He  is  reputed 
the  most  able  enemy  the  British  have  had  to  contend 
with  in  India. 

See  MF.HK  HUSSKIN  ALI  KHAN  K.IRMAIN,  "  History  of  Hyder  Ah',' 


'i  Chute  de  i'Empirede  Mysore,"  etc,  2  vols..  1801. 

Hy'dra,  [Gr.  T6pa;  Fr.  HYDRE,  edR ;  Ger.  HYDER, 
nee'der;  It.  IDRA,  ee'dRa,]  a  monster  which  infested  the 
Lernean  marsh  and  was  destroyed  by  Hercules.  It  was 
said  to  have  had  nine  heads.  (See  HERCULES.) 

Hydre.    See  HYDRA. 

Hy-ge'ia  or  Hy-gl-ei'a,  [Gr.  "Tyicui;  Fr.  HYGIE, 
e'zhe',  or  H'YGEE,  e'zhi',]  written  also  Hygea  or  Hygia, 
the  goddess  of  health,  in  Greek  mythology,  said  to  be  the 
daughter  of  Asclepias.  She  was  represented  as  holding 
a  cup  in  one  hand,  and  in  the  other  a  serpent,  drinking 
from  the  cup. 

Hygie  or  Hyg6e.    See  HYGEIA. 

Hy-gi'nus  [Fr.  HYGIN,  e'zhiN']  became  Bishop  of 
Rome  in  138  A.D.,  and  died  in.  142.  He  is  supposed  to 
have  been  a  Greek. 

Hy-gi'nus  or  Higinus,  (CAius  JULIUS,)  a  Roman 
grammarian,  born  in  Spain  or  Alexandria.  Originally 
a  slave,  he  was  set  free  by  Augustus  Cxsar,  who  gave 
him  charge  of  the  Palatine  Library.  He  wrote  a  "  Com- 
mentary on  Virgil,"  and  other  esteemed  works,  which 
are  lost  Other  works  bearing  his  name  are  extant,  viz., 
"  Mythological  Fables,"  and  "  Poeticon  Astronomicon," 
but  are  supposed  to  have  been  written  by  a  Hyginus 
who  lived  at  a  later  date. 

See  BUNTB,  "  Dissertatio  de  C.  J.  Hygini  Vitt  et  Scriptii,"  1846 

Hyksos.    See  SHEPHERD  KINGS. 

Hylander,  hii-lan'der,  (ANDERS,)  a  Swedish  Orien- 
talist, born  at  Tunhem  in  1750;  died  in  1830. 

Hylaret,  yie'Ii'r^',  (MAURICE,)  a  French  monk  and 
preacher,  born  at  Angouleme  in  1539,  was  a  partisan  ol 
the  League.  Died  in  1591. 

Hy'las,  [Gr.  TfAof,]  a  favourite  of  Hercules,  whom  he 
accompanied  in  the  A  rgonautic  expedition.  The  Naiads, 
enamoured  with  his  beauty,  drew  him  into  the  water,  so 
that  he  was  lost  to  Hercules  forever. 

Hyll,  hil,  (?)  (ALBAN,)  an  English  physician,  who  prac- 
tised in  London  with  a  high  reputation.  He  wrote  a 
"Commentary  on  Galen."  Died  in  1559. 

Hyl'lus,  [Gr.  T/Uof,]  a  son  of  Hercules  and  Dejanira, 
was  persecuted  by  Eurystheus,  and  after  the  death  of 
his  father  was  the  leader  of  the  Heracli'dae.  Aided  by 
the  Athenians,  he  invaded  Peloponnesus,  and  defeated 
Eurystheus,  whom  he  killed  with  his  own  hand. 

Hy'mgn  or  Hy  meuaeus,  him-e-nee'us,  [Gr.  '"tuiiv  or 
"T/ievawf ;  Fr.  HYMEN,  e'men',  or  HYMENEE,  e'ma'ni',] 
the  god  of  marriage  of  the  Greeks  and  Romans,  was 
represented  as  a  handsome  youth,  crowned  with  flowers, 
and  holding  a  nuptial  torch  in  his  hand.  According  to 
one  tradition,  he  was  a  son  of  Apollo  and  one  of  the 
Muses.  Another  account  makes  him  the  son  of  Bac- 
chus and  Venus. 

Hymir,  hl'mir,  written  also  Eymer,  [supposed  to  be 
derived  from  Autnr,  the  "  sea,"]  the  name  of  a  great  giant 
mentioned  in  the  Norse  mythology  as  the  owner  of  a 
huge  kettle,  a  mile  deep,  which  Thor  carried  off,  having 
nrst  placed  it  over  his  head,  so  that  he  was  entirely 
hidden  by  it.  It  was  the  same  giant  with  whom  Thor 
went  a  fishing  and  caught  the  World-serpent 

See  THORPH,  "  Northern  Mythology,"  vol.  i. ;  MALLET,  "  North- 
ern Antiouities,"  vol.  ii.  Fable  XXVII 

Hy  m'nl-a,  [Gr.  "fpiia  ;  Fr.  HYMNIE,  em'ne',]  a  sur- 
name of  Diana,  under  which  she  was  worshipped  in 

Hymnie.    See  HYMNIA. 

Hynd'fprd,  (JOHN  CARMICHAEL,)  EARL  OF,  a  Scot- 
tish diplomatist,  born  in  1701.  In  1741  he  was  employed 
with  credit  as  ambassador  to  the  Prussian  court,  and 
in  1744  was  sent  in  the  same  capacity  to  Russia.  After 
successful  efforts  to  terminate  the  war  of  the  Austrian 
succession  by  a  treaty  of  peace,  he  acted  as  envoy  to 

Vienna  in  1752.  In  1764  he  was  appointed  lord  vice- 
admiral  of  Scotland.  He  died  in  1767. 

Hyiid'man,  (HENRY  MAYERS,)  an  English  social- 
ist, born  in  1842.  He  wrote  "England  for  All," 
(iS8i,)  "Historic  Bases  of  Socialism  in  England," 
(1883,)  "The  Indian  Famine,"  (1887,)  "The  Com- 
mercial Crises  of  the  Nineteenth  Century,"  (1892,)  etc. 

Hyne,  (CHARLES  JOHN  CUTCLIFFE,)  an  English 
novelist,  born  at  Bibury  in  1866.  His  works  include 
"The  New  Eden,"  (1892,)  "Honour  of  Thieves," 
(1895,)  "The  Adventures  of  Captain  Kettle,"  (1898,) 
"Through  Arctic  Lapland,"  (1898,)  etc. 

Hyp.itia,  hl-pa'sh^-a,  [Gr.  Tirana;  Fr.  HYPATIE, 
e'pi'te',)  a  celebrated  female  philosopher  and  mathema- 
tician, born  at  Alexandria  in  the  latter  part  of  the  fourth 
century.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Theon,  and  displayed 
even  greater  talents  than  this  famous  mathematician  in 
the  study  of  philosophy  and  the  sciences.  She  pursued 
her  studies  with  great  assiduity,  often  studying  late  in  the 
night.  After  having  improved  herself  by  travelling  and 
attending  lectures  at  Athens  of  the  most  distinguished 
teachers  of  philosophy,  she  returned  to  Alexandria, 
where  she  was  invited  by  the  magistrates  of  the  city 
to  tench  philosophy.  She  favoured  the  Neo-Platonic 
philosophy.  She  had  many  celebrated  disciples,  some 
of  whom  embraced  Christianity  and  cherished  through 
life  feelings  of  friendship  for  her,  although  she  con- 
tinued to  worship  the  heathen  deities  of  Greece.  She 
was  noted  for  her  virtue,  her  beauty,  her  simplicity  of 
dress,  her  accomplishments,  and  her  strength  of  mind. 
Orestes,  the  prefect  of  Alexandria,  admired  her  wisdom, 
and  often  availed  himself  of  her  counsels.  Cyril,  the 
Christian  patriarch,  and  his  fanatical  monks,  appear  to 
have  regarded  Hypatia  as  the  principal  supporter  of  the 
old  religion  ;  and  at  last  their  frenzy  reached  such  a  point 
that  they  tore  her  from  her  chariot  as  she  was  going  to 
her  school,  and  murdered  her.  This  occurred  in  March, 
415  A.D.  The  works  of  Hypatia  were  destroyed  when 
the  Mohammedans  burned  the  library  of  Alexandria. 
Among  these  were  a  "Commentary  on  Diophantus," 
an  "Astronomical  Canon,"  and  a  "Commentary  on  the 
Conies  of  Apollonius  of  Perga."  The  titles  of  all  her 
other  works  are  lost 

See  TILLBMONT,  "  Me"moires  ;"  WBRNSDORP,  "  Quatre  Disserta- 
tions sur  Hypatie  :"  CHARLES  KINGSLEY'S  historical  romance  entitled 
"  Hypatia." 

Hy'per-bo're-ans,  a  fabled  race  whom  the  Greeks 
placed  (as  their  name  indicates)  in  the  far  North, "  beyond 
the  North  wind."  They  enjoyed  perpetual  youth,  and 
lived  in  an  earthly  paradise  separated  from  the  rest  of 
the  world  by  the  Khipean  Mountains. 

Hyp6ride.    See  HYPERIDES. 

Hy-per-i'deS,  [Gr.  'YnrpciAiK  or  "fmpifyf  ;  Fr.  HYP<- 
RIDE,  e'pi'red',]  a  famous  Athenian  orator,  was  the 
son  of  Glaucippus,  and  a  pupil  of  Plato.  He  was  iden- 
tified with  the  party  that  opposed  Philip  of  Macedon. 
After  the  battle  of  Chaerone  a,  (338  B.C.,)  he  proposed 
to  recall  the  exiles,  to  liberate  the  slaves,  and  to  take 
other  vigorous  measures,  which  were  adopted,  and  pro- 
cured peace  on  favourable  terms.  Having  refused  to 
touch  the  gold  with  which  Harpalus  corrupted  other 
orators  of  Athens,  he  was  chosen  to  conduct  the  prose- 
cution against  Demosthenes  for  his  share  in  that  trans- 
action. Hyperides  was  put  to  death  by  Antipater  in 
322.  Cicero  ranks  him  next  to  Demosthenes ;  and  other 
ancient  critics  agree  that  his  eloquence  was  of  the  highest 
order.  Important  portions  of  four  of  his  orations  were 
discovered  in  papyrus  in  1847  ar>d  1856. 

Hy-pfr-i'on,  (or  hl-pee're-pn,)  [Gr.  Tirepiuv,]  in 
Greek  mythology,  the  name  of  a  Titan,  a  son  of  Uranus 
and  Ge,  (or  Terra,)  and  the  father  of  Aurora  and  Helios. 
In  Homer,  Hyperion  is  a  name  of  the  sun. 

Hy-pe'rl-ua,  [Dutch  pron.  he-pa're-us,]  (ANDR4  GE- 
RARD,) an  eminent  Protestant  theologian,  born  at  Ypres 
in  1511.  He  was  professor  of  theology  at  Marburg  from 
1542  to  1564.  Among  his  works  are  "  De  Formandis 
Concionibus  sacris,"  ("  On  the  Composition  of  Ser- 
mons," 1555,)  and  "  De  Theologo  seu  de  Ratione  Studii 
theologici,"  ("  On  the  Theologian,  or  on  the  Method  of 
Theological  Study,"  1556.)  Died  in  1564. 

a,  e,  i,  6,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  i,  o,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obscure;  far,  fall,  fat;  mSt;  not;  good;  moon; 



Hy-perm-nes'tra,  JGr.  Tirtp/ivf/orpa;  ft.  HYPERM- 
NESTRE,  e'peRm'nestR']  one  of  the  DANAIDES,  which 

Hyp'sl-clei,  ['Yi/*otX>7c,]  a  Greek  mathematician  of 
an  uncertain  epoch,  issuppcsed  to  have  lived  at  Alex- 
andria in  the  second  century.  He  wrote  a  treatise 
"  On  the  Right  Ascension  of  the  Constellations  of  the 
Zodiac,"  which  is  extant.  He  is  regarded  by  some  as 
the  author  of  the  fourteenth  and  fifteenth  books  of  the 
"  Elements"  of  Euclid.  According  to  Delambre,  he 
lived  about  146  B.C. 

Hjfp-sip'y-le,  [Gr.  'T^iTt''/^,]  a  queen  of  Lemnos, 
who,  according  to  tradition,  saved  the  life  of  her  father 
when  the  other  women  of  the  island  killed  their  husbands 
and  male  relations.  She  was  afterwards  sold  into  slavery 
by  the  Lemnian  women. 

See  LRMFRIERB'S  "Classical  Dictionary." 

Hyrcan.     See  HVRCANUS. 

Hyr-ca'nus  [Gr.  Tpitavof ;  Fr.  HYRCAN,  eRTcoN'j  J, 
(JoHN,)  high-priest  of  the  Jems,  was  the  son  of  Simon 
Maccabeus,  whom  he  succeeded  in  135  B.C.  After  the 
death  of  Antiochus  Sidetes,  130  B.C.,  he  conquered  the 
Idumeans  and  destroyed  the  city  of  Samaria.  Though 
educated  as  a  Pharisee,  in  the  latter  part  of  his  life  he 
favoured  their  rivals  the  Sadducees.  He  died  in  the 
year  103,  leaving  his  office  to  his  son  Aristobu'lus. 

See  JOSKPHUS,  "  History  of  the  Jews :"  Apocryphal  Book  of 

Hyrcanus  H..  high-priest  of  the  Jews,  succeeded  his 

father,  Alexander  Jannaeus,  in  76  B.C.  His  brother  Aristo- 
bu'lus having  usurped  the  regal  power,  Hyrcanns,  who 
was  a  weak  prince,  appealed  to  the  Roman  Pompey, 
who  restored  him  to  the  throne  and  priesthood.  An- 
tigonus,  son  of  Aristobulus,  with  the  aid  of  the  Parthians, 
deposed  Hyrcanus  about  38  B.C.,  and  was  soon  after 
supplanted  by  Herod,  who  married  Mariamne,  the  grand- 
daughter of  Hyrcanus,  and  put  the  latter  to  death,  30  B.C 

Hyrtl,  hSeVt'l,  (JOSEPH,)  an  able  anatomist,  born  at 
Eisenstadt,  Hungary,  in  1811.  He  became  professor  of 
anatomy  in  Vienna  in  1845.  He  published,  besides  other 
works,  a  "Text-Book  of  Human  Anatomy,"  (2  vols., 
1847,)  which  has  been  adopted  by  the  German  univer- 
sities as  a  standard.  Died  July  17,  1894. 

Hys'lpp,  or  HIs'lop,  (JAMES,)  a  Scottish  poet,  born 
near  Sanquhar,  July  13,  1798.  He  became  a  school- 
master in  the  navy,  and  died  near  the  Cape  Verde 
Islands,  December  4,  1827.  He  is  still  remembered  for 
his  sweet  and  graceful  verses. 

Hystaspe.    See  HYSTASPES. 

Hys-tas'peS,  jGr.'To-TooTr^f  ;  Fr.  HYSTASPE,  es'ttsp'; 
Persian,  GUSHTASP,]  a  satrap  of  Persia,  and  the  father 
of  Darius  I.,  lived  about  550  B.C.  He  is  said  to  have 
been  the  first  who  introduced  into  Persia  the  learning 
of  the  Indian  Brahmans.  According  to  one  account,  he 
was  the  chief  of  the  Magians,  which  accords  with  the 
Persian  tradition  that  Gushtasp  patronized  the  religion 
of  Zoroaster.  (See  GusHrAsp.) 

Hywell    See  HOV.'ELL  THE  GOOD. 


I-ao'«hn8,  IGr. 
BACCHUS,  which  see. 

&  surname  or  synonym  of 

I-am'be,  [Gr.  'la/t/ij),]  a  servant-maid  of  Metanira, 
Queen  of  Eleusis,  was  said  to  be  a  daughter  of  Pan.  By 
her  jokes  or  tricks  she  amused  Ceres  when  the  latter 
was  in  distress.  Iambic  poetry  is  supposed  to  have 
derived  its  name  from  her. 

lamblichus.    See  JAMBLICHUS. 

I-ap'e-tus,  (Gr.  'lairerof;  Fr.  JAPET,  zhJPpS',]  in  classic 
mythology,  a  Titan,  and  a  son  of  Uranus.  He  was  the 
father  of  Atlas,  Prometheus,  Epimetheus,  and  Menoetius. 
He  is  by  some  considered  to  be  the  same  as  the  Japhel'a 
of  Scripture.  lapetus  was  regarded  by  the  anciert 
Greeks  and  Romans  as  the  ancestor  of  the  human  race,* 
and,  according  to  Scripture,  the  descendants  of  Japheth 
inhabited  the  "isles  of  the  Gentiles,"  (Genesis  r.  5,) 
which  would  seem  to  signify  the  numerous  islands  along 
the  coasts  of  Europe  and  Asia  Minor,  and  probably 
also  the  adjacent  portions  of  the  two  continents  ;  in  other 
words,  all  that  part  of  the  world  with  which  the  early 
Greeks  were  acquainted. 

I-a'sI-on  [Gr.  'lam'uv]  or  I-a'sI-us,  a  fr.buluus  son  of 
Jupiter  and  Electra,  (or  of  Minos  and  Corythus.)  He 
is  said  to  have  been  beloved  by  Ceres,  who  bore  him  a 
son,  Plutus,  the  god  of 

Ibarra,  e-nar'ra,  (JOAQUIN,)  a  Spanish  printer,  born  at 
Saragossa  in  1725,  carried  on  business  in  Madrid.  He 
was  distinguished  for  the  perfection  of  his  publications, 
especially  fur  his  editions  of  "  Don  Quixote,"  (1780,)  and 
a  Spanish  version  of  Sallust,  (1772.)  Died  in  1785. 

ITsas,  a  Syrian  priest  of  the  fifth  century,  ac'.cd  a 
prominent  part  in  the  disputes  about  Nestorianism,  He 
was  chosen  Bishop  of  Ldessa  in  436  A.D.  At  the  Coun- 
cil of  Ephesus,  in  449,  he  was  deposed  on  the  charge  of 
favouring  the  Nestorians  ;  but  he  was  reinstated  by  the 
Council  of  Chalcedon  in  451.  Died  in  457. 

Ib'bet-spn,  (Mrs.  AGNES,)  an  English  botanist,  born 
in  London  in  1757.  She  investigated  the  structure  of 
plants,  and  wrote  botanical  papers  which  were  inserted 
in  Nicholson's  "Journal"  and  the  "  Philosophical  Maga- 
rine,"  (1809-17.)  Died  in  1823. 

Ibbetson,  (JULIUS  C/ESAR,)  an  English  landscape- 

•  See  Hnrace,  lib.  i.,  Carmen  3,  in  which  the  phrases  "Gens  hu- 
mana"  and  "  lapeti  genus"  are  used  almost  synonymously, 
t  See  note  on  page  35. 

painter,  born  at  Jcarborough,  copied  and  imitated  with 
success  the  works  of  Berghem.  He  wrote  an  "  Accidence 
or  Gamut  of  Oil-Painting  for  Beginners."  Died  in  1817. 

Ib'bpt,  (BENJAMIN,)  an  English  divine,  born  near 
Swaffham,  in  Norfolk,  in  1680.  He  became  chaplain 
to  George  I.  in  1716,  and  prebendary  of  Westminstei 
in  1724.  He  delivered  the  Boyle  lectures  in  1713-14. 
Died  in  1725.  Two  volumes  of  his  sermons  were  pub- 
lished in  1726. 

6ee  DR.  S.  CLARKE,  "  Life  of  Benjamin  Ibbot." 

Iberville,  d',  de"b?R'vel',  (LEMOINE  or  LEMOYNE,) 
a  Canadian  navigator,  born  at  Montreal  in  1642,  distin- 
guished himself  in  many  actions  against  the  English. 
He  commanded  a  vessel  sent  by  the  French  government 
to  explore  the  mouth  of  the  Mississippi,  which  he  dis- 
covered in  March,  1699.  He  ascended  the  river,  and 
built  a  fort  on  its  border.  Died  at  Havana  in  1706. 

Ibi,  ee'bee,  (SiNlBALDO,)  an  Italian  painter,  a  pupil 
of  Perugino,  was  born  at  Perugia,  and  flourished  between 
1505  and  1528. 

IBN,  ib'n,  an  Arabic  word  signifying  "son,"  and 
torming  a  part  of  many  names;  as,  IBN-HANBAL,  the 
"son  of  Hanbal,"  etc.  It  is  often  written  Btn;  as,  ALI- 
BEN-Aiif-TAuB,  for  AI.EE-!BN-ABEE  (-An!)  -TALIB. 

Ibn-  Abeet(-  Ab!)-Yakoob,(or  -Y'akflb,)  Ib'n  a'bee 
ya'koob'  (Abool-Faraj,  a'bool  far'aj,)  otherwise  called 
An-Nadeem  (-Nadim)-Mohammed-Ibn-Ishak,  an- 
na-deem' mo-ham'med  Ib'n  is-hik',  an  Arabian  writer, 
chiefly  known  as  the  author  of  a  valuable  catalogue  of 
books  in  the  Arabic  language,  with  brief  and  excellent 
notices  of  their  authors.  Nothing  is  known  of  his  life, 
except  that  he  wrote  in  the  latter  part  of  the  tenth  century. 

Ibn-AI-Atseer,  (-Atsyr,)  Ib'n  al  at-seeR',  (Abool- 
Hassan-Alee,  or  Aboul  (-Abfll)  -Hassan- All,  a'b6ol 
has'san  J'lee,)  surnamed  Az-ED-DEEN,  (AzzEDDYN,)  (i.e. 
the  "  Splendour  of  Religion,")  an  Arabian  historian,  born 
in  Mesopotamia  about  1160,  became  a  citizen  of  Mosul. 
I  le  excelled  in  the  science  of  prophetic  traditions,  and 
had  great  knowledge  of  history,  as  appears  by  his 
Complete  Chronicle  from  the  origin  of  the  world  to 
his  own  time.  Died  in  1233. 

See  HAJI-KHALFAH,  "  Lexicon  Bibliographicum  ;"  VON  HAMMM- 
PURGSTALL,  "  Literaturgeschichte  der  Araber." 

Ibn-AI-Atseer  (or  -Al-Atsyr)-Nasr- Allah,  Ib'n  al- 
It-seeR'  nas'r  dl'lah,  written  also  Alatyr  and  Alatlr,  an 
Arabian  writer,  a  brother  of  the  preceding,  was  born  at 

.  <;as.i,-  g/iarJ;  g  as/;  G,  H,  K,.  guttural;  n,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  gas  z;  th  asm  this. 

Explanations,  p.  23.) 




Jezeereh-Benee-Omar,  on  the  Tigris,  in  1 162.  He  visited 
the  court  of  Saladin,  who  engaged  him  as  vizier  to  his 
son  and  heir,  Melik-Afdhal.  He  was  eminent  for  his  learn- 
ing, and  wrote  a  treatise  on  Prosody,  and  other  works. 

See  IBN-KHALLIKAN,  "Biographical  Dictionary." 

Ibn-Bajah.     See  AVENPACE. 

Ibn-Batuta.    See  BATOOTAH. 

Ibn-Doreid,  Ib'n  do'rad',  (or  do'nd',)  a  celebrated 
Arabian  poet,  born  at  Bassorah  in  838  A.D.  He  culti- 
vated various  kinds  of  poetry  with  distinguished  success. 
Died  at  Bagdad  in  933. 

Ibn-Hanbal,  Ib'n  han'bal,  (Ahmed,  an'med.)  the 
founder  of  the  fourth  sect  of  orthodox  Mohammedans, 
was  born  at  Bagdad  (or,  as  some  say,  at  Meru)  in  the 
year  of  the  Hejrah  164.  He  attained  a  great  reputation 
for  virtue  and  knowledge  of  the  traditions  of  Mohammed. 
He  received  many  traditions  from  Shafei,  with  whom  he 
was  intimate.  For  his  refusal  to  acknowledge  the  Koran 
to  have  been  created,  he  was  scourged  and  imprisoned 
by  the  caliph  M6tassem.  He  died  at  Bagdad  in  A.D. 
855.  The  sect  became  very  numerous  after  his  death. 
They  are  called  Hanbalites. 

Ibn-HankaL     See  HAUKAI, 

Ibn-Ishak,  (cr  -lahaq,)  Ib'n  is-hlk',  an  Arabian  his- 
torian, who,  at  the  request  of  the  caliph  Al-Mansoor, 
wrote  a  life  of  Mohammed  the  prophet  He  is  an  elo- 
quent but  not  a  trustworthy  writer.  Died  in  768  A.D. 

See  SPRENGER,  "Life  of  Mohammad,"  p.  69  et  teq. 

Ibn-Khakan,  (or  -Khacan.)     See  AL-FATH. 

Ibn-Khaldoon,  (-Khaldoun  or  -Khaldftn,)  Ib'n 
Kal'doon'  (Walee-ed-Deen-  (or  Waly -Eddyn-) 
Aboo-Zeid-Abd-er-Rahman,  wa'lee  ed-deen'  S'boo 
zid  abd-er-r  Jh'man,)  a  celebrated  Arabian  historian,  born 
at  Tunis  in  1332.  He  removed  to  Cairo,  where  he  distin- 
guished himself  by  his  uprightness  as  a  judge,  and  was 
chosen  chief  of  the  Cadees  (Cadis)  of  the  sect  of  Malek- 
ites  in  1384.  Afterwards,  while  on  a  journey  to  Syria, 
he  was  made  prisoner  by  Taimoor,  (the  famous  Tamer- 
lane,) by  whom  he  was  treated  with  great  kindness  and 
respect  His  principal  work  is  a  valuable  "  History  of 
the  Arabs,  Persians,  and  Berbers,  with  Preliminary 
Observations,"  which  was  recently  published  in  France. 
"We  cannot  but  conceive,  in  reading  this,"  says  Sil- 
vestre  de  Sacy,  "a  very  high  idea  of  his  judgment, 
sagacity,  and  erudition,  and  of  the  great  variety  of  his 
knowledge."  Died  in  1406. 

See  his  Autobiography,  published  in  the  "  Journal  Asiatiquc"  of 
1844 ;  SILVESTRR  DB  SACY,  "  Chrestomalhic  Arabe  :"  CASIRI,  Bibli- 
otheca  Arabico-Hispana." 

Ibn-KhaHikan,  Ib'n  Kal'le-kln',  written  also  Ebn- 
Khalican  or  -Khilcan,  (Shems-ed-Deen  (or-Eddin) 
Abool-  (Aboul-  or  Abfil-)  Abbas-Ahmed,  shims 
ed-deen'  a'bool  Jb'bJs'  aH'med,)  a  celebrated  Arabian 
historian,  born  at  Arbela  in  121 1.  He  became  grand 
Cadee  (Cadi)  of  Damascus  about  1261.  His  chief  work 
is  a  "Biographical  Dictionary  of  Famous  Moslems," 
which  contains  over  eight  hundred  articles.  An  English 
translation  of  it  was  beg-jn  by  Mr.  Slane,  the  first  volume 
of  which  was  published  in  1841.  Died  in  1282. 

Ibn-Kotcybah  or  Abdallah-Ibn-Koteybah,  ab- 
dll'lah  Ib'n  ko-ta'bah  or  ko-ti'bah,  written  also  Cotey- 
bah  and  Qotay  tiah,  an  Arabian  historian  and  critic,  born 
at  Bagdad  in  828  A.D. ;  died  in  889. 

See  IBN-KHALLIKAN,  "Biographical  Dictionary." 

Ibn-Maimoon,  (-Maimfln  or  -Maimoun.)  See 

Ibn-Rosched,  (or  -Roahd.)     See  AVERROES. 

Ibn-Sina      See  AviCE.N.NA. 

Ibn-Tofail,  (-TofayL)  See  ABOO-BF.KR-!B.\-TOFAIL 

Ibnul-Abbar.    See  KODHAEE. 

Ibn-Yoonaa,  (-Younas  or  -Yftnas,)  Ib'n  yoo'nas, 
sometimes  spelled  Ibn-Younis,  (Alee-  (or  Ali-)  Ibn- 
Abderrahman,  i'lee  Ib'n  abd-er-rah'man,)  one  of  the 
most  eminent  Arabian  astronomers,  was  born  in  979  A.D. 
He  made  at  Cairo  a  series  of  observations,  the  results  of 
which  he  published  in  a  work  called  the  "Table  of  Ibn- 
Yoonas."  Died  in  1008. 

Ibn-Zohr.    See  AVENZOAR. 

Ibraheem,  (Ibrahim,)  written  also  Ibrahym,  ti..- 
Arabic  name  of  the  patriarch  ABRAHAM,  which  see. 

Ibraheem,  (Ibrahim,*)  ib-rS-heem',  thirteenth  caliph 
of  the  Omeyyad  dynasty,  was  the  son  of  Waleed  (Walid) 
I.  He  began  to  reign  in  Damascus  in  744  A.  D.,  and  a 
few  months  after  was  deposed  by  Merwan.  The  Arab 
historians  disagree  respecting  his  subsequent  fate, 

Ibraheem  (Ibrahim)  L,  (Aboo-Abdallah,  i'tx58 
Ib-dal'lah,)  founder  of  the  dynasty  of  Aglabides  in  Africa, 
was  the  son  of  Aglab,  and  a  native  of  Arabia.  About 
800  A.D.  he  was  appointed  Governor  of  Africa  by  Haroun- 
al-Raschid.  After  the  death  of  the  latter,  (808,)  IbrSheem 
assumed  the  royal  power.  Died  about  813. 

Ibraheem  (Ibrahim)  L,  a  Turkish  Sultan,  brother 
of  Amurath  IV.,  was  proclaimed  in  1640,  at  the  age  of 
twenty-three.  His  cruelty  and  other  vices  excited  against 
him  a  powerful  and  successful  conspiracy,  by  which  he 
was  deposed  and  strangled  in  1648  or  1649.  He  wa» 
succeeded  by  his  son,  Mahomet  IV. 

Ibraheem  (Ibrahim)  U.,  Emperor  of  Hindostan,  the 
son  of  Iskander,  iiegan  to  reign  in  1517,  being  the  third 
of  the  Afghan  dynasty.  He  was  a  very  unpopular  rulei. 
In  1526  the  Mogul  Baber  invaded  India,  a  battle  was 
fought  at  I-aniput,  where  Ibraheem  was  defeated  and 
killed,  and  the  Mogul  dynasty  was  established  in  India. 

Ibraheem,  (Ibrahim,)  a  favourite  of  Sultan  Solyman 
II.,  was  a  Genoese  by  birth,  and  was  taken  to  Constan- 
tinople by  pirates  in  his  infancy.  He  became  grand 
vizier  about  1523,  and  signalized  his  courage  in  the  war 
against  Hungary  in  1527.  He  was  put  to  death,  at  the 
instigation  of  the  Sultana,  in  1535. 

Ibraheem,  (Ibrahim,)  born  at  Aleppo,  was  the  most 
eminent  among  the  Ottoman  jurists.  His  fame  rests  upon 
a  great  work  styled  the  "  Confluence  of  the  Seas,"  ("  Mul- 
t.-.ka  al-Abhar, ')  which  is  a  complete  code  of  laws.  Died 
in  1549. 

Ibraheem,  (Ibrahim,)  Pasha  of  Egypt,  the  son  of 
Mehemet  Alee,  (Ali,)  was  born  in  Rumelia  in  1789.  He 
conquered  the  Wahabees,  in  Arabia,  about  1818.  In 
1824  he  commanded  an  army  and  fleet  which  Mehemet 
Alee  sent  against  the  Greeks.  Having  landed  in  the 
Morea  with  10,000  men  in  1825,  he  took  several  towns 
and  committed  many  atrocities.  The  success  of  the  allies 
at  Navarino  and  the  French  invasion  of  the  Morea  forced 
him  to  retire  to  Egypt  in  1828.  In  a  war  waged  between 
the  Viceroy  of  Egypt  and  the  Sultan,  Ibraheem  took 
Aleppo  and  defeated  the  Turks  in  a  great  battle  at 
Konieh,  in  Syria,  in  1832.  His  victorious  progress  was 
arrested  by  the  intervention  of  the  European  powers  in 
1833.  Died  in  1848. 

See  LABAT,  "  L'lSgypte,  ancienne  et  moderne." 

Ibraheem  (Ibrahim)  Bey,  a  famous  Mameluke 
chief,  born  in  Circassia  about  1735.  He  went  to  Egypt 
in  his  youth,  and  entered  the  service  of  Mohammed  Bey. 
After  the  death  of  the  latter.Ibraheem  shared  with  Moorsd 
Bey  the  sovereignty  of  Egypt.  When  Bonaparte  invaded 
Egypt  in  1798  and  defeated  Moored,  Ibraheem  retired 
to  Syria.  In  1800  he  took  part  against  the  French  at 
Cairo,  etc.,  and,  after  they  evacuated  Egypt,  was  again 
Governor  of  Cairo,  until  supplanted  by  Mehemet  Alee. 
Died  in  1816. 

Ibraheem  (Ibrahim)  Effendi,  (eT-f?n'dee,)  a  learned 
Turk,  who  was  born  about  1640,  and  filled  considerable 
offices  at  Constantinople.  He  was  converted  to  Chris- 
tianity, was  baptized  in  1671,  retired  to  Venice,  and  as- 
sumed the  name  of  Paul  Antonio  Effendi.  He  translated 
several  books  of  the  Bible  into  Arabic.  Died  in  1697. 

Ibraheem  (Ibrahim)  Khan-Ogli,(o'glee,)  was  grand 
vizier  of  Turkey  when  Mahomet  I.  died,  in  1421.  He 
tcok  measures  to  secure  the  succession  of  Mahomet's 
sen,  Amurath  II.,  who  was  then  absent  from  the  capital. 
To  reward  this  service,  Amurath  gave  him  the  title  of 
Klian,  with  hereditary  privileges  which  made  his  family 
the  rrst  in  the  empire. 

*  The  Arabic  texts  are  by  no  means  un'f  rrn  in  regard  to  the 
penultima  of  this  name;  it  is  often  made  sVcrjt  but.  if  we  mistake 
not,  more  frequently  long,  as  given  above.  It  is  proper,  however,  to 
remark  that  a  single  instance  of  the  insertion  of  the  Alif  (the  sign  of 

generally  correct,  merely  proves  lhat  the  insertion  is  not  deemed 
Absolutely  indispensable.  Its  omission  may  be  compared  to  the 
neglecting  to  dot  one's  rs  in  writing  English,— a  fault,  undoubtedly,  but 
•  null  often  committed  by  writers  otherwise  remarkable  for  accuracy. 

i,  e,  T,  5,  u,  y,  long;  i,  e,  6,  san-e,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  T,  6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fat;  m?t;  n5t;  good;  moon; 



Ibrahim.    See  IBRAHEEM. 

Ibrahym.    See  IBRAHEEM. 

Ibsen,  ib'sen,  (HENRIK,)  a  Norwegian  poet  and 
dramatist,  born  at  Skien,  March  20,  1828.  He  began 
life  as  an  apothecary.  His  "Catiline,"  (1850,)  a  drama, 
was  an  ill-written  production.  In  1851  lie  went  to  the 
University  of  Christiania,  and  afterwards  was  director 
of  theatres,  first  at  Bergen  and  then  at  Christiania. 
In  1864  he  left  Norway,  in  anger  because  it  failed  to 
help  the  Danes  in  their  war  wilh  Prussia,  and  resided 
abroad  till  1892.  His  "  Warriors  in  Helgeland," 
(1858,)  and  "Rival  Kings,"  (1864,)  placed  him  in 
the  first  rank  of  Scandinavian  national  dramatists,  and 
his  "Love's  Comedy,"  (1862,)  was  the  first  step  to- 
wards his  satirical  social  dramas.  He  produced  other 
historical  dramas,  but  first  attracted  world-wide  atten- 
tion by  "A  Doll's  House,"  (1879.)  This  keen  ar- 
raignment of  modern  social  custom;  was  followed  by 
"Ghosts,"  (1881,)  "The  Wild  Duck,"  (i«"4,)  "The 
Lady  from  the  Sea,"  (i«88,)  "The  Master  Builder," 
(1892, )  "  John  Gabriel  Borkwan,"  (1896,)  and  others, 
psychological  in  their  interest,  but  vividly  realistic  in 
language,  and  which  gave  rise  to  a  storm  of  contro- 
versy among  critics. 

Ib'y-OOB,  ['ISii/tof,]  a  Greek  lyric  poet,  born  at  Rhe- 
gium,  in  Italy,  flourished  about  560  B.C.,  and  passed  part 
of  his  life  at  Samos.  His  poems,  which  were  chiefly 
love-songs,  are  lost,  except  a  few  fragments.  He  was 
the  fifth  lyric  poet  of  the  Alexandrian  canon,  and  had 
a  high  reputation.  He  is  said  to  have  been  killed  by 
robbers.  His  death  has  furnished  the  subject  of  one 
of  the  finest  of  Schiller's  minor  poems,  "Die  Kraniche 
des  Ibycus." 

I9a.     See  ISA. 

Icard,  e'kiR',  (CHARLES,)  a  French  Protestant  min- 
ister and  writer,  born  in  Languedoc  in  1636.  He  was 
driven  into  exile  by  persecution  in  1682,  and  settled  at 
Bremen  in  1688. 

Icare.     See  ICARUS. 

I-ca'rl-us,  [Gr.  'luapiof ,]  also  called  Icarus,  an  Athe- 
nian, to  whom  Bacchus  is  said  to  have  taught  the  cultiva- 
tion of  the  vine.  He  was  killed  by  some  shepherds,  to 
whom  he  had  given  wine  and  who  suspected  that  he  had 
poisoned  them.  The  legend  adds  that  he  was  changed 
into  the  constellation  Bootes. 

Icarius,  a  Lacedaemonian,  the  father  of  Penelope. 
He  urged  her  to  remain  at  Sparta  after  she  was  married 
to  Ulysses  ;  but  she  preferred  to  follow  her  husband. 

Ic'a-rus,  [Gr.  'kopec;  Fr.  ICARE,  e'kjR',]  son  of  Da?- 
dalus.'with  whom,  according  to  the  Greek  mythology, 
he  was  imprisoned  in  the  Labyrinth  of  Crete.  Having 
attempted  to  fly  by  means  of  artificial  wings  made  with 
wax,  they  were  melted  by  his  approaching  too  near  the 
sun,  and  he  fell  into  the  sea,  near  the  island  of  Samos, 
which  received  from  him  the  name  of  the  Icarian  Sea. 

Iccius,  ik'she^js,  a  Roman  philosopher,  lived  about 
30  B.C.,  and  was  a  friend  of  Horace,  who  addressed  to 
him  an  epistle  and  an  ode. 

Icher,  e'shaiR',  (PIERRE,)  a  French  physician  and 
Hellenist,  born  at  Montpellier  in  1658;  died  in  1713. 

I-cill-us,  (Lucius,)  a  Roman  tribune,  who  was  affi- 
anced to  the  celebrated  Virginia.  He  was  elected  tribune 
of  the  people  in  456  B.C.,  and  favoured  the  cause  of  the 
plebeians.  He  was  one  of  the  leaders  of  the  successful 
revolt  against  the  Decemviri  about  450  B.C. 

See  NIBBUHR,  "  History  of  Rome." 

Ic-ti'nus,  ['I/cru-of,]  a  celebrated  Grecian  architect, 
who  flourished  about  450  B.C.  He  built  several  grand 

and  King  of  Jerusalem.     She  was  eminent  for  wisdom 
and  piety.     Died  in  1113. 

See  BAILLBT,  "  Vies  des  Sainta." 

Idace.     See  IDACIUS. 

Idacius,  e-da'she-us,  [Fr.  IDACE,  e'dtss',1  a  Spanish 
chronicler,  born  at  Lamego  about  the  end  of  the  fourth 
century.  He  became  Bishop  of  Chaves,  (Accuse  Flavise,) 
in  Portugal.  He  was  author  of  a  "  Chromcon"  of  the 
period  from  379  to  468  A.D.,  which  was  printed  in  Paru 
by  Sirmond  in  1619. 

See  N.  ANTONIO,  "Bibliotheca  Hispana  Nova." 

I'daa,  [Gr.  'loaf,]  a  son  of  Aphareus,  took  part  in  the 
Argonautic  expedition,  and  was  renowned  for  valour. 
Idas  and  his  brother  Lynceus  having  quarrelled  with 
the  Dioscu'ri,  Idas  killed  Castor,  and  was  in  turn  killed 
by  Pollux. 

Iddesleigh,  (EARL  OF.)  See  NORTH  COTE,  (WAL- 

Ide.     See  IDA. 

Ideler,  ee'deh-ler,  (CHRISTIAN  LUDWG.)  a  Prussian 
astronomer  and  linguist,  born  near  Perleberg  in  1766. 
He  was  appointed  in  1816  tutor  to  the  princes  William 
Frederick  and  Charles,  and  in  1821  became  professor  at 
the  Berlin  University.  He  was  the  author  of  "  Historical 
Researches  on  the  Astronomical  Observations  of  the 
Ancients,"  (1806,)  "On  the  Calendar  of  Ptolemy,"  and 
other  similar  treatises.  He  was  a  member  of  the  French 
Institute,  and  the  Academy  of  Sciences  at  Berlin.  Died 
in  Berlin  in  1846. 

Ideler,  (Junus  LUDWIG,)  a  physician,  a  son  of  the 
preceding,  was  born  at  Berlin  in  1809.  He  published 
"  Meteorology  of  the  Ancient  Greeks  and  Romans," 
(1832,)  "Hermapion,  or  Rudiments  of  the  Hieroglyphic 
Literature  of  Ancient  Egypt,"  (1841,)  and  other  anti- 
quarian treatises.  Died  in  1842. 

Ideler,  (KARL  WILHELM,)  a  Prussian  physician,  born 
in  1795,  lived  in  Berlin.     He  is  known  as  a  writer  on 
i  mental  maladies.     Died  at  Kumlosen,  July  29,  1860. 

Ides,  ee'dfs,  (EVERARD  ISBRANTZ,)  a  German  travel- 
ler, born  in  Holstein  about  1660.  He  was  sent  to  Pekin 
by  Peter  the  Great  in  1692  to  negotiate  a  treaty  of  com- 
merce, and  returned  in  1694.  A  narrative  of  his  journey, 
published  in  1704,  is  a  work  of  some  merit 

Idman,  id'man,  (NILS,)  a  Swedish  philologist,  pub- 
lished in  1778  "  Researches  on  the  Finnish  People,  and 
the  Relations  between  the  Finnish  Language  and  the 

Idomeneus,  [Gr.  'lotyifra'if,]  a  Greek  historian,  born 
at  Lampsacus,  lived  about  300  B.C.  He  was  a  friend  and 
disciple  of  Epicurus.  His  works  are  not  extant 

See  Vossius,  "De  Historitis  Gratis." 

idtina,  e-doo'na,  or  Idun,  sometimes  written  Idun 
na,  [etymology  doubtful,]  in  the  Norse  mythology,  the 
goddess  of  immortality,  who  keeps  a  casket  of  apples,  of 
which  if  the  gods  partake  they  never  grow  old.  (See 
THIASSI.)  Iduna  is  said  to  be  the  wife  of  Bragi,  the  god 
of  poetry,  who  in  one  sense  may  be  said  to  possess  the 

lefremoff  or  lefremov.    See  YEFREMOF. 

lenichen.    See  JENICHEN. 

lermak.    See  YERMAK. 

lezdedjerd.    See  YEZDEJERD. 

Iffland,  ifflant,  (AUGUST  WILHELM,)  a  celebrated 
German  actor  and  dramatist,  born  at  Hanover  in  1759. 
He  became  director  of  the  National  Theatre  at  Berlin  in 
1796,  and  in  1811  was  appointed  director-general  of  the 

Arcadia.    The  most  memorable  monument  of  his  genius    .' 


this  edifice,  which  is  probably  the  most  perfect  speci- 
men of  Grecian  architecture  in  any  age.  Its  length  was 
227  feet  and  its  breadth  about  100.  (See  CALLICRATES.) 

See  PAUSANIAS,  book  viii. 

Icwara.    See  ISWARA. 

I'da,  [Fr.  IDE,  ed,]  Countess  of  Boulogne,  born  about 
1040,  was  the  mother  of  Godfrey  of  Bouillon,  crusader 

theory  as"  in  the  practice  of  his  art"     Died  in  1814. 

Igdrasil,  (Yggdrasil.)     See  ODIN. 

Iglesiaa  de  la  Casa,  e-gla'se-is  di  li  ki'8.1,  (Jos«,l 
a  Spanish  poet,  born  at  Salamanca  in  1753 ;  died  in  179'- 

See  LONGFELLOW'S  "Poets  and  Poetry  of  Europe." 

Ignace.     See  IGNATIUS. 

Ignarra,  en-yar'ri,  (NICCOL6,)  an  Italian  antiquaij 

•eas/S;  fasj;  %Aanf;  gas/;G,  H, K,guttural;  y,  nasal;  ^,trilled;  sasz;  thasinMu.     (J^'See  Explanations, p.  23.) 




»nd  priest,  born  near  Naples  in  1728,  was  a  good  clas- 
sical scholar.  He  became  professor  of  divinity  in  the 
Royal  University  of  Naples  in  1771,  director  of  the  royal 
printing-office  in  1782,  and  preceptor  of  the  prince  Fran- 
cis de  Bourbon  in  1784.  He  wrote,  besides  other  works, 
an  esteemed  commentary  "De  Palaestra  Neapolitans  *' 
(1770.)  Died  in  1808. 

See  CASTAL:  i,  "  Igname  Vita,"  prefixed  to  his  '*  Opuscoli,"  1807. 

Ignatieff,  ig-na'te-Sf,  (NIKOLAI  PAVLOVITCH,)  a  Rus- 
sian general  and  diplomat,  born  at  Saint  Petersburg, 
January  29,  1832.  He  entered  the  army,  was  rapidly 
promoted,  and  was  afterwards  sent  upon  various  im- 
portant diplomatic  errands.  In  1858  he  obtained  from 
China  the  cession  of  extensive  territories,  and  from  1859 
to  1863  he  was  full  ambassador  at  Peking.  He  was 
(1864-77)  Russian  envoy  to  Turkey,  and  in  1878  he 
negotiated  the  treaty  of  San  Stephano,  and  was  after- 
wards minister  of  the  interior. 

Ignatius,  ig-na'she-us,  [Gr.  'I/rariof;  Fr.  IGNACS, 
en'ytss';  Ger.  IGNAZ,  ig-nats';  It  IGNAZIO,  en-yat'se-o.J 
surnamed  THEOPH'ORUS,  one  of  the  earliest  Christian 
Fathers,  and  one  of  the  most  eminent  among  the  imme- 
diate successors  of  the  apostles,  is  supposed  to  have 
been  a  native  of  Syria.  About  67  A.D.  he  became  bishop 
or  minister  of  the  church  of  Antioch  by  the  appointment 
of  Saint  Peter,  or,  according  to  some  writers,  of  Saint 
John.  He  had  filled  this  station  acceptably  about  forty 
years,  when  the  emperor  Trajan  began  a  persecution 
of  the  Christians.  Ignatius  was  brought  before  Trajan 
at  Antioch,  and,  refusing  to  renounce  his  religion,  was 
condemned,  and  suffered  martyrdom  at  Rome  in  107, 
being  exposed  to  wild  beasts  in  the  amphitheatre.  His 
epistles  to  the  Ephesians,  Trallians,  Magnesians,  Romans, 
Philadelphians,  Smyrneans,  and  to  Polycarp  are  extant, 
and  are  regarded  by  many  able  critics  as  precious  memo- 
rials of  the  primitive  Church;  but  not  a  few  scholars 
reject  them  entirely.  There  are  eight  other  Ignatian 
ep'stles  which  are  generally  conceded  to  be  spurious. 
In  one  of  his  epistles  we  find  the  words,  "  Now  I  begin 
to  be  a  disciple  ;  I  weigh  neither  visible  nor  invisible 
things,  that  I  may  win  Christ !" 

See  CAVE,  "  Historia  Literaria ;"  PHAKON,  "  Vmdidae  Ignatianz," 
Cambridge,  1672:  W.  CURBTON,  "  Vindiciz  Ignatianx,  or  the  Genu- 
ine Writings  of  Saint  Ignatius  vindicated  from  the  Charge  of  Heresy," 
8vo,  1846 ;  CottTLosQUET,  "  Vie  de  Saint-Ignace,  Eveque  d'Antioch," 
1857  ;  Mas.  JAMESON,  "  History  of  Sacred  and  Legendary  Art." 

Ignatius,  Patriarch  of  Constantinople,  born  in  799 
A.D.,  was  the  son  of  the  emperor  Michael  Curopalates. 
When  the  latter  was  deposed,  Ignatius  entered  a  monas- 
tery, and  became  eminent  for  piety  and  wisdom.  In  846 
he  was  raised  to  the  dignity  of  patriarch.  Eleven  years 
after,  he  was  banished  and  cruelly  treated  for  his  opposi 
tion  to  Bardas,  an  uncle  of  Michael  III.,  who  appointed 
in  his  place  the  ambitious  Photius.  The  schism  between 
the  Greek  and  Roman  Churches  began  while  Photius 
was  in  office,  and  has  continued  ever  since  that  time.  In 
867  the  emperor  Basilius  reinstated  Ignatius,  who  as- 
sembled in  869  an  oecumenical  council  at  Constantinople, 
which  condemned  Photius  and  his  party.  Died  in  877 

See  DAVID  NICETAS,  "Vita  S.  Ignatii,"  1604. 

Ignatius  Loyola.    See  LOYOLA. 

Igor  (ee'gor)  I.,  third  Grand  Duke  of  Russia,  a  son 
of  Rurik,  was  born  about  875,  and  succeeded  Oleg  ir 
912  A.D.  He  led  an  expedition  against  Constantinople  in 
941,  and  compelled  the  Greek  emperor  to  sue  for  peace, 
which  was  granted  by  a  treaty  in  945.  Igor  was  killed 
in  an  ambuscade  in  945.  After  his  death  his  widow  Olga 
was  converted  to  Christianity. 

See  SOLOVIHP,  "  Histoire  de  Russie." 

Igor  II.,  or  Igor  Olgovitch,  Grand  Prince  of  Russia, 
began  to  reign  at  Kief  about  1145.  His  claim  was  con 
tested  by  Iziaslaf,  who  defeated  him  in  1146.  Igor  was 
confined  in  a  convent,  and  assassinated  in  1 147. 

See  KARAMZIN,  "Histoire  de  Russie." 

Ihre,  ee'reh,  (JoHAN,)  a  Swedish  scholar,  eminent  in 
philology,  born  at  Lund  in  1707,  graduated  with  the 
highest  honour  at  Upsal  in  1730.  After  visiting  France, 
England,  etc.,  he  returned  to  Upsal  and  became  professor 
of  poetry  and  of  theology  in  the  university  of  that  place. 
In  1 738  he  obtained  the  chair  of  belles-lettres  and  political 

science,  which  he  occupied  about  forty  years,  acquiring 
great  celebrity  as  i  lecturer  and  author.  In  1769  he 
published  his  "  Swedish  Glossary,"  ("  Glossarium  Suio- 
gothicum,")  a  monument  of  his  immense  learning  and 
critical  sagacity,  containing  a  philosophic  treatise  on  the 
filiation  of  languages,  besides  remarks  on  the  origin 
and  affinity  of  Swedish  words.  He  also  wrote  several 
hundred  excellent  academical  dissertations,  and  is  justly 
ranked  among  the  best  critics  of  the  eighteenth  century. 
In  1759  he  was  decorated  with  the  order  of  the  Pola) 
Star.  Died  in  1780. 

See  FLODERUS,  "Parentaiion  ofver  J.  Ihre,"  1781  ;  CEZBLIUS 
"  Biographiskt-  Lexicon  dfver  namnkunnige  Svenska  Man." 

Hire,  (THOMAS,)  a  Swedish  writer,  father  of  the  pre. 
ceding,  born  at  Wisby  in  1659 ;  died  in  1720. 

See  T.  RUDBN,  "  Trognas  Strid  och  Seger,  Likpredikan  ofver  T 
Ihre,"  1720. 

Iken,  ee'ken,  (CONRAD,)  a  German  theologian,  born 
at  Bremen  in  1689.  He  became  professor  of  theology  at 
Bremen,  and  wrote,  besides  other  works,  "  Antiquitatei 
Hebraicae,"  (1730.)  Died  in  1753. 

Iken,  (HEINRICH  FRIEDRICH,)  a  German  religious 
writer,  born  at  Neuenkirchen  in  1791;  died  in  1820. 

Ildefonse.     See  ILDEFONSO. 

Il-de-fon'so,  [LaL  ILDEFON'SUS  ;  Fr.  ILDEFONSE, 
41-deh-foNs',]  SAINT,  a  Spanish  prelate,  born  at  Toledo 
in  607  A.D.,  was  a  pupil  of  Saint  Isidore.  He  became 
Archbishop  of  Toledo  in  658.  He  wrote,  besides  several 
theological  treatises,  a  continuation  of  Saint  Isidore's 
work  "De  Viris  illustribus."  Died  in  669. 

See  Cm  LA,  "Vita  Ildefonsi :"  GREGORIO  MAYANS,  "  Vida  de  S 
Ildefonso,"  173-,. 

Hepooshin  or  Uepouschic,  il-e-poo'shen,  a  Rus- 
sian poet  of  the  present  age,  lived  near  Saint  Petersburg 
He  wrote  pastoral  poems. 

Ilgen,  il'gen,  (KARL  DAVID,)  a  distinguished  philolo- 
gist, born  in  Prussian  Saxony  in  1763.  He  became  in 

mina  convivialia  Graecorum.")     Died  in  1834, 

See  F.  C.  KRAPPT,  "Vita  CD.  Ilgeni,"  1837;  R,  STERN,  "  Nar 
ratio  de  C.  D.  Ilgenio."  1839  ;  "  ll^emana:  Erinnerungen  an  Dr.  C 
D.  Ilgen,"  Leipsic,  1853. 

nia.     See  RHEA  SILVIA. 

I-lith-jM'a  or  Eileithyia,  |Gr.  FJXfi9Dwj,J  written 
also  Eleithy'ia  and  Eleutho,  a  Greek  goddess,  who 
presided  over  birth.  Though  originally  distinct  from 
Diana,  (Artemis,)  she  seems  later  to  have  become  identi- 
fied with  her.  (See  LUCIVA.) 

Dive,  I'liv,  ?  (JACOB,)  an  English  printer,  who  became 
noted  by  his  fictitious"  Book  of  Jasher,"  (1751,)  which  he 
pretended  to  have  translated  from  Alcuin.  Died  in  1763. 

Ulescas,  el-yes'kas,  (GONSALVO,)  a  Spanish  monk, 
wrote  a  "  History  of  the  Popes,"  (1570.)  Died  in  1580. 

Blgen,  il'gen,  (CHRISTIAN  FRIEDRICH,)  a  German 
Protestant  divine,  born  at  Chemnitz  in  1786,  wrote  sev- 
eral works,  and  edited  a  journal  at  Leipsic.  Died  in  1844. 

Ulyricus.     See  FRANCOWITZ. 

Umoni,  il-mo'nee,  (IMMANUEL,)  a  Finnish  physician, 
born  in  1797,  wrote  "  Contributions  to  the  History  of  the 
Nosology  of  the  North,"  (3  vols.,  1846-53.)  Died  in  18561 

Ilus,  [Gr.  'l?.oc,|  the  founder  of  Ilium,  (Ilion,)  or  Troy, 
was  a  son  of  TROS,  (which  see.) 

Imad-ed-Deen,  (-Eddyn  or  -Eddin.)  e-mid'  ed- 
deen',  (i.e.  the  "  Pillar  of  Religion,")  (Mohammed, 
mo-ham'me'd, )  surnamed  AL-KATEB,  was  born  at  Is- 
pahan in  1125  A.D.  He  went  in  1167  to  Damascus, 
where  he  became  the  secretary  of  Noor-ed-Deen.  Afier 
the  death  of  Noor-ed-Deen,  he  enjoyed  the  favour  of  the 
famous  Saladin,  whose  victories  he  celebrated  in  an  ode, 
and  whom  he  served  as  private  secretary  until  the  death 
of  that  prince.  ImSd-ed-Deen  wrote  a  "  History  of  the 
Conquest  of  Jerusalem  by  Saladin,"  and  "  Memoirs  of 
the  Moslem  Poets  of  the  Sixth  Century  of  the  Hejrah.'- 
Died  in  1201. 

See  IBN-KHALLIKAN,  "  Biographical  Dictionary." 

Imad-ed-Dowlah,  (or  -Eddaulah.)  e-mSd'ed-dflw'- 
lah,  (i.e.  "Pillar  of  the  State,")  (Alee-Abool-Hasaan 
Alee-Ibn-Booyah,  J'lee  a'bool  has'san  a'lee  Ib'n  boo' 
yah,)  King  of  Persia,  was  the  founder  of  the  dynasty  of 

a,  e,  i,  6,  u,  y,  long;  4,  e,  A,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  I,  6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  o,  obscure;  far.  fall,  fit;  met;  not;  RcSoil;  moon. 



Uouides,  and  began  to  reign  in  933  A.D.  Pie  conquered 
the  Caliph  of  Bagdad,  and  died  in  949,  leaving  the  throne 
to  his  nephew,  Adhad-ed-Dowlah. 

See  IBN-KHALLIKAN,  "Biographical  Dictionary;"  WEIL,  "Ge- 
•chichte  des  Chalifen." 

Imberdis,  aN'beVdess',  (ANDRE,)  a  French  writer, 
born  at  Ambert  about  1810,  published  a  "  History  of  the 
Religious  Wars  in  Auvergne  during  the  Sixteenth  and 
Seventeenth  Centuries,"  (2  vols.,  1841.)  Died  in  1878. 

Imbert,  ax'baiR',  (BARTHELEMY,)  a  French  poet,  born 
at  Mimes  in  1747.  He  produced  at  the  age  of  twenty 
"The  Judgment  of  Paris,"  a  graceful  poem,  which  was 
much  admired.  The  plan  was  ingenious,  and  the  style 
natural  and  elegant.  Died  in  1790. 

See  QUHRARD,  "La  France  Litte'raire." 

Imbert,  (GUILLAUME,)  a  French  litifratcur,  born  at 
Limoges  about  1743  ;  died  at  Paris  in  1803. 

Imbert,  (JEAN,)  a  French  jurist,  born  at  La  Rochelle 
about  1522,  published  "  Institutiones  Forenses,"  (1542,) 
often  reprinted.  Died  about  1600. 

Imbert,  (JOSEPH  GABRIEL,)  an  eminent  French 
painter,  born  in  Marseilles  in  1654,  was  a  pupil  of  Le- 
brun  and  of  Van  der  Meulen.  At  the  age  of  thirty-four 
he  took  the  monastic  vows,  after  which  he  painted  only 
sacred  subjects.  His  chief  work  is  a  "  Calvary."  Died 
in  1740. 

Imbouati,  em-bo-na'tee,  (CARLO  GIUSEPPE,)  an  Ital- 
ian bibliographer,  born  at  Milan,  wrote  "Bibliotheca 
Latino-Hebraica,"  (2  vols.,  1696.)  Died  after  1696. 

Imhof  or  ImhoS,  im'hof,  (GusTAV  WILLEM,)  born 
in  Amsterdam  in  1705,  was  appointed  Governor  of  Cey- 
lon in  1736.  Having  gained  general  confidence  by  hi3 
conduct  and  capacity,  he  became  about  1742  Governor- 
General  of  the  Dutch  East  Indies.  Died  in  1750. 

Imhof,  von,  fon  im'hof,  (JAKOB  WILHELM,)  a  Ger- 
man genealogist,  born  at  Nuremberg  in  1651.  He  was 
well  versed  in  the  history  of  the  royal  and  noble  families 
of  Europe,  and  wrote  many  works  on  genealogy,  among 
which  is  one  in  2  vols.,  (1684.)  Died  in  1728. 

See  KOELHR,  "  Lebensgeschichte  Imbofs." 

Im-ho-tep,  a  god  of  the  ancient  Egyptians,  supposed 
to  be  the  god  of  science,  and  chiefly  honoured  at  Mem- 
phis. He  was  the  son  of  Ptah  and  Pakht. 

Imilcon.     See  HIMILCO. 

Im'I-son,  (JOHN,)  an  English  mechanician,  wrote  a 
valuable  work  entitled  "The  School  of  Arts,"  which 
passed  through  several  editions.  In  1807  Professor  J. 
Webster  published  an  improved  edition,  with  the  title 
of  "Elements  of  Art  and  Science."  Died  in  1788. 

Im'lah,  (JOHN,)  a  Scottish  song-writer,  born  at  Aber- 
deen, November  15,  1799.  He  published  "May-Flow- 
ers," a  volume  of  lyrics,  (1827,)  and  "Poems,"  (1841.) 
Died  in  Jamaica,  January  9,  1846. 

Immermann,  im'm?r-man',  (KARL  LEBRECHT,)  a 
German  dramatist  and  poet,  born  at  Magdeburg  in  1796, 
was  the  author  of  a  comedy  entitled  "The  Princes  of 
Syracuse,"  (1821,)  "The  Valley  of  Ronceval,"  "King 
Periander,"  (1823,)  and  other  tragedies.  He  also  pub- 
lished a  number  of  tales  and  lyric  poems.  Died  in  1840. 

See  KARL  IMMBRMANN,  "  Memorabilien,"  3  vols.,  1840-43;  F. 
FREILIGRATH,  "C.  Immermann,  Blatter  der  Erinnerung  an  ihn," 
1842  ;  "  Foreign  Quarterly  Review"  for  April,  1843. 

Imola.    See  FRANCUCCI. 

Imparato,  em-pa-ra'to,  (FRANCESCO,)  an  Italian 
painter,  born  at  Naples  about  1530,  was  a  pupil  of  Titian, 
whose  style  he  imitated  with  some  success.  Died  after 

Imperials,  cm-pa-re-a'li,  (FRANCESCO,)  born  at 
Genoa  about  1370,  went  to  Spain,  and  became  attached 
to  the  court  of  Henry  III.  of  Castile.  He  was  regarded 
as  one  of  the  best  Spanish  poets  of  that  time. 

Imperiali,  em-pa-re-a'lee,  (GIOVANNI  BATTISTA,)  an 
Italian  physician  and  author,  born  at  Vicenza  in  1568, 
graduated  at  Padua,  and  practised  with  success  in  his 
native  city.  He  wrote  Latin  poems,  which  were  admired, 
also  a  collection  of  observations  entitled  "Exotericae 
Exercitationes,"  (1603.)  Died  in  1623. 

His  son  GIOVANNI,  born  at  Vicenza  in  1602,  was  also 
a  physician,  and  wrote  "  Musaeum  Historicum  et  Physi- 
cum,"  consisting  of  eulogies  and  memoirs  of  eminent 
literary  men.  Died  in  1670. 

Imperiali,  (GIOVANNI  VINCENTS,)  an  Italian  poet, 
born  at  Genoa  about  1570,  served  the  state  as  a  diplo- 
matist, and  held  a  high  command  in  the  navy.  He  wrote, 
besides  other  poems,  "Lo  Stato  rustico,"  (1611,)  which 
was  received  with  favour.  Died  about  1645. 

See  SOPRANI,  "Scrittori  Liguri." 

Imperiali,  (GIUSEPPE  RENATO,)  an  Italian  cardinal, 
distinguished  for  his  patronage  of  learning,  was  born  of 
a  noble  family  at  Genoa  in  1651.  It  is  said  he  would 
have  been  elected  pope  in  1730,  if  the  court  of  Spain 
had  not  interposed  against  him.  Many  learned  men  were 
recipients  of  his  bounty.  Died  in  1737.  He  left  a  noble 
library,  which,  by  his  will,  was  kept  open  to  the  public 

See  TIPALDO,  "  Biografia  degli  Italiaui  illustri." 

Imperiali-Lercari,  em-pa-re-a'lee  IdR-ka'ree,  (FRAN- 
CESCO MARIO,)  was  Doge  of  Genoa  when  that  city  was 
bombarded  by  the  fleet  of  Louis  XIV.  in  1684.  Hos- 
tilities having  been  suspended  by  the  mediation  of  the 
pope,  the  Doge  went  as  ambassador  to  Paris,  and  a 
treaty  of  peace  was  signed  in  1685. 

Im'pey,  (Sir  ELIJAH,)  an  infamous  judge,  who  offi- 
ciated in  India  during  the  administration  of  Warren 
Hastings;  was  recalled,  1782;  impeached,  1788;  died 
in  1812. 

See  "Memoirs  of  Sir  Elijah  Irapey,"  by  E.  B.  IMPHY,  1846; 
MACAULAY,  "  Essay  on  Warren  Hastings." 

Impiccati,  degli,  a  surname  of  ANDREA  DEL  CAS- 

I'na  or  I'nas,  King  of  the  West  Saxons,  and  one  of 
the  chiefs  of  the  Heptarchy,  succeeded  Ceadwalla  in  689 
A.D.  He  appears  to  have  possessed  superior  talents, 
and  is  regarded  as  one  of  the  principal  legislators  among 
the  ancient  Anglo-Saxons.  He  waged  war  successfully 
against  the  people  of  Kent  and  the  Britons  about  710, 
In  728  he  resigned  his  crown,  and  died  at  Rome  the 
same  year. 

See  WILLIAM  OF  MALMHSBURY,  "  Gesta  Regum  Anglorum." 

In'a-ehus,  [Gr.  'Iva^of,]  a  mythical  personage,  the 
son  of  Oceanus,  and  father  of  lo,  is  said  to  have  been 
the  first  King  of  Argos.  Having  been  chosen  as  umpire 
by  Neptune  and  Juno  when  they  disputed  about  the 
possession  of  Argos,  he  decided  in  favour  of  Juno. 

Inca,  ing'ki,  (plural  Incas,)  a  Peruvian  or  Quichua 
word,  signifying  "  chief,"  and  applied  to  the  dynasty  reign- 
ing in  Peru  on  the  arrival  of  the  Spaniards  in  that  coun- 
try in  the  early  part  of  the  sixteenth  century.  As  the 
Peruvians  did  not  possess  the  art  of  writing,  we  have  no 
means  of  ascertaining,  or  even  forming  a  satisfactory 
conjecture  respecting,  the  earliest  date  of  their  power.  The 
Incas  claimed  to  be  the  descendants  of  Manco  Capac  and 
his  wife  Mama  Ocllo,  who  were  the  children  of  the  sun. 
(See  MANCO  CAPAC.)  The  empire  of  the  Incas,  at  the 
period  of  their  greatest  power,  extended  through  nearly 
forty  degrees  of  longitude,  and  contained  an  area  of 
between  one  and  two  million  square  miles.  Their  sub- 
jects, though  unacquainted  with  letters,  had  in  many 
respects  advanced  to  a  high  degree  of  civilization.  They 
understood  the  working  of  the  precious  metals,  archi- 
tecture, and  many  other  arts,  and  were  especially  dis- 
tinguished for  the  general  liberality  and  wisdom  of  their 
state  policy;  though  some  of  their  laws  and  regulations 
were,  according  to  the  standard  of  Christian  civilization, 
both  unjust  and  inhuman. 

See  PRBSCOTT'S  "  Conquest  of  Peru,"  book  i.  chap.  i. 

Inch'bald,  (ELIZABETH,)  a  popular  English  actress, 
novelist,  and  dramatist,  born  at  Stanningfield  in  1753, 
was  the  daughter  of  a  farmer  named  Simpson.  At  the 
age  of  sixteen  she  came  to  London  with  the  intention  of 
becoming  an  actress,  and  was  married  to  Mr.  Inchbald, 
who  had  obtained  some  success  on  the  stage.  After 
performing  with  her  husband  several  seasons  at  Edin- 
burgh and  other  towns,  she  made  her  dlbut  at  Covent 
Garden  in  1780,  and  was  very  successful.  Her  success 
is  ascribed  in  a  great  measure  to  her  personal  beauty 
and  virtuous  character.  In  1789  she  retired  from  the 
stage.  She  wrote  "  Such  Things  Are,"  "  Every  One 
has  his  Fault,"  "To  Marry  or  Not  to  Marry,"  and  many 
other  plays.  Her  greatest  productions  are  two  novels, 
"A  Simple  Story,"  (1791,)  and  "Nature  and  Art,"  (1796,) 
which  obtained  extensive  and  durable  popularity.  Her 
" '  Nature  and  Art,' "  says  Hazlitt,  "  is  one  of  tie  most 

easi;  yas.s;  ghard;  gas/;  G,  H,  K,guttural;  vi,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  sas«;  thasin//iu-.     (^[^"See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




interesting  and  pathetic  stories  in  the  world."  The 
other  work  is  highly  commended  by  Miss  Edgeworth. 
Died  in  1821. 

See  her  Life,  by  BOADHN,  1833;  MRS.  ELWOOD,  "Memoirs  of 
the  Literary  Ladies  of  England  from  the  Commencement  of  the 
Last  Century,"  voL  i.,  1843. 

Inch'j-quin,  (MoRROGH  O'BRIEN,)  BARON  OF,  a 
famous  Irish  soldier,  born  about  1618.  He  acted  a 
prominent  part  in  the  civil  war,  fighting  alternately  for 
Charles  I.  and  against  him.  He  was  a  royalist  from  1640 
to  1645,  and  gained  several  victories.  About  1649  he 
entered  the  French  service,  with  the  rank  of  general. 
Died  in  1674. 

Inchpfer,  ing'Ko'fer,  (MELCHIOR,)  a  Jesuit,  born  in 
Vienna  in  1584,  lived  in  various  cities  of  Italy,  and  wrote 
several  learned  works,  among  which  is  the  "  Ecclesias- 
tical History  of  Hungary,"  (1644,  unfinished.)  He  had 
more  learning  than  critical  judgment.  Died  in  1648. 

See  BAYLH,  "Historical  and  Critical  Dictionary." 

Incledon,ink'el-don,  (BENJAMIN  CHARLES,)  an  Eng- 
lish vocalist,  born  in  Cornwall  in  1764,  served  several 
years  in  the  royal  navy.  He  first  appeared  in  a  London 
theatre  in  1790,  and  performed  many  years  with  success. 
Died  in  1826. 

Indaco,  1',  len'da-ko,  (FRANCESCO,)  a  painter  of  the 
Florentine  school,  flourished  about  1530. 

Indaco.  1',  ( JACOPO  DA  FIRENZE,)  a  Florentine  painter, 
a  brother  of  the  preceding,  was  a  pupil  of  Ghirlandaio, 
and  worked  at  Rome. 

See  VASARI,  "  Lives  of  the  Painters." 

India,  en'de-i,  (TuLUO, )  called  THE  ELDER,  a 
painter  of  the  Venetian  school,  was  born  at  Verona,  and 
flourished  in  1545.  He  was  a  skilful  painter  in  fresco, 
and  an  excellent  copyist 

His  son  BERNARDINO,  a  painter,  was  born  at  Verona. 
One  of  his  later  works  is  dated  1584. 

See  VASARI,  "  Lives  of  the  Painters." 

In-dibl-lia,  a  Spanish  chief,  who  flourished  during 
the  first  Punic  war,  in  which  he  fought  for  and  betrayed 
both  sides.  He  fought  for  the  Carthaginians  in  the 
battle  at  which  Publius  Scipio  was  killed,  in  213  B.C. 
His  army  was  defeated  by  the  younger  Scipio  in  207. 
He  was  killed  in  battle  by  the  Romans  in  205  B.C. 

See  LIVY,  "  History  of  Rome,"  books  xxii.  and  xxv.-xxix. 

Iiidicopleustes.    See  COSMAS. 

Indra,  In'clRa,  [etymology  doubtful ;  possibly  related 
to  the  Latin  imber,  (Gr.  o/43poc,)  a  "shower"  or  "rain- 
itorm,"]  the  regent  of  the  firmament,  in  the  Hindoo 
mythology,  is  the  son  of  Kasyapa  and  Aditi.  As  the 
god  of  storms  and  thunder,  he  may  be  said  to  correspond 
very  nearly  to  the  Roman  Jupiter  and  Greek  Zeus.  In 
the  early  period  of  the  Hindoo  mythology  he  was  (like 
Jupiter)  regarded  as  the  most  powerful  of  the  gods  ;  but, 
after  the  introduction  of  the  deities  of  the  Hindoo  triad, 
Brahma,  Vishnu,  and  Siva,  Indra,  Varuna,  and  Agni 
were  deposed  from  their  high  rank  and  made  to  occupy 
a  far  inferior  position.  Krishna,  an  avatar  of  Vishnu,  is 
represented,  while  still  an  infant,  as  baffling  with  the 
utmost  ease  the  mightiest  efforts  of  the  god  of  thunder. 
(See  KRISHNA.)  Indra  is  supposed  to  preside  over  all 
atmospheric  changes  ;  the  clouds  are  his  war-elephants, 
one  of  which,  represented  with  three  trunks  and  called 
Irivat,*  (1-ra'vat,)  is  his  vShan,  (or  "vehicle,"!)  and  his 
most  terrible  weapon  is  his  vajra,  (pronounced  by  the 
modern  Hindoos  vuj'ra  or  buj'ra,)  or  "adamantine  thun- 
derbolt."} The  heaven  or  paradise  of  Indra  is  called 
Swarga  or  Swerga,  (pronounced  swur'ga.)  Here  dwell 
the  Apsaras,  the  beautiful  dancing-girls  of  his  court,  who 
may  be  said  to  correspond  to  the  Hoorees  (Houris)  of 
Mohammed's  paradise,  and  the  Gandharvas,  or  celestial 
minstrels.  The  consort  of  Indra  is  named  IndrSnl,  (in- 
dRa'nee.)  His  capital  city  is  called  Amrivati,  (im-ra'- 
va-tee,)  or  the  "city  of  immortality." 

See  MOOR'S  "  Hindu  Pantheon;"  COLBMAN'S  "  Mythology  of  the 
Hindus;"  SIR  WILLIAM  JONES'S  Works,  vol.  xiii.,  (or  vol.  vi  of 
another  edition;)  H.  H.  WILSON'S  "Translation  of  the  Rig- Veda,' 
and  "  Essays  on  the  Religion  of  the  Hindus," 

•  Iravat  signifies  "  watery,"  "  full  of  rain,"  (in  Latin, plmwut.) 
T  See  note  under  GARUDA. 

t  This  word  (vajra)  signifies  both  "  thunderbolt"  and  "  adamant,' 
or  "diamond." 

Induno,  en-doo'no,  (DoMENico,)  an  Italian  painter 
of  history  and  genre,  born  at  Milan  in  1815.  He  gained 
the  grand  prize  in  1837.  He  died  in  1878. 

Ifies  (en'ySs)  or  Ifiez  de  Castro,  en'ySth  di  kas'tRo, 
sometimes  Anglicised  as  AGNES  DE  CASTRO,  a  beautiful 
Spanish  lady,  whose  tragical  fate  is  commemorated  by 
Camoens  in  the  "  Lusiad,"  was  born  of  a  noble  famiiy 
in  Castile  in  the  fourteenth  century.  Having  been  a 
maid  of  honour  at  the  court  of  Alphonso  IV.  of  Por- 
tugal, she  won  the  love  of  his  son  Don  Pedro,  who 
privately  married  her.  The  king,  on  learning  the  fact, 
was  violently  enraged,  and,  after  vain  efforts  to  dissolve 
their  union,  authorized  her  assassination  in  1355.  She 
was  eminent  for  virtue,  grace,  and  intelligence.  Her 
story  is  the  subject  of  numerous  dramas,  legends,  etc. 

Infantado,  de,  di  en-fan-ta'oo,  DUQUE,  a  Spanish 
statesman,  born  in  1773,  was  an  intimate  friend  of  the 
Prince  of  Asturias,  (Ferdinand  VII.)  In  1808  he  ac- 
companied that  prince  to  Bayonne,  and  signed  the  con- 
stitution which  Napoleon  imposed  on  Spain.  In  1809 
he  commanded  an  army  which  was  defeated  by  the 
French  at  Saint  Sebastian.  Ferdinand  VII.  appointed 
him  president  of  the  council  of  Castile  in  1814.  He 
resigned  in  1820,  and  was  prime  minister  for  a  short 
time  in  1825.  Died  in  1841. 

Ingalls,  (JOHN  JAMES,)  an  American  politician, 
born  at  Middleton,  Massachusetts,  in  1833.  He  en- 
gaged in  law  practice,  became  a  resident  of  Kansas, 
was  State  Senator  in  1861,  and  was  elected  to  the 
United  States  Senate  in  1873,  1879,  and  1885.  He 
officiated  as  president  pro  tempore  of  the  Senate  1887- 
91 .  He  subsequently  became  a  lecturer  and  journalist. 
Died  July  16,  1900. 

Ingalls,  ing'galz,  (RuFUS,)  an  American  general,  born 
in  Oxford  county,  Maine,  about  1820,  graduated  at  West 
Point  in  1843,  and  was  appointed  a  brigadier-general 
of  volunteers  in  1862.  He  served  in  the  army  of  the 
Potomac  in  1863-65.  Died  January  15,  1893. 

Ingeburga,  mg'eh-bdoR'ga,  sometimes  written  Ing- 
elburge  or  Ingerburga,  a  Danish  princess,  was  the 
sister  of  Canute  VI.  In  1192  she  became  the  wife  of 
Philip  Augustus  of  France,  who  soon  after  divorced 
her  without  good  reason.  She  appealed  to  the  pope, 
Innocent  III.,  who  decided  in  her  favour ;  and  after  the 
kingdom  of  Philip  had  been  laid  under  an  interdict, 
he  was  induced  to  reinstate  her.  Died  in  1236. 

Ingegneri,  en-jSn-ya'ree,  (ANGIOLO,)  an  Italian  litte- 
rateur, born  in  Venice  about  1550,  was  secretary  of  Car- 
dinal C.  Aldobrandini  at  Rome,  whose  service  he  quitted 
in  1598.  He  wrote  a  pastoral  called  "The  Dance  of 
Venus,"  ("  La  Danza  di  Venere,")  "  Buon  Segretario," 
and  a  few  other  works,  in  prose  and  verse.  He  was  a 
friend  of  Tasso.  Died  in  1613. 

Ingegno,  L'.    See  LUIGI,  (ANDREA.) 

In'ge-low,  (JEAN,)  a  popular  English  poetess,  was 
born  at  Boston,  England,  in  1820.  Her  first  volume  of 
poems,  containing  "  Divided,"  "  Songs  of  Seven,"  "  The 
High  Tide,"  etc.,  at  once  established  her  reputation. 
Her  other  publications  are  "Studies  for  Stories,"  (1864,) 
"Poor  Mat,"  (1866,)  "A  Story  of  Doom,  etc.,"  (1867,) 
"A  Sister's  Bye-I  louir.."  (1868,)  "  Mopsa  the  Fairy," 
(1869,)  "Off  the  Skelligs,"  (1872,)  "Fated  to  be  Free," 
(1875,)  and  "Don  John,"  (1881.)  Died  July  12, 

lugemann,  ing'eh-man',  (BERNHARD  SEVERIN,)  a 
popular  Danish  poet  and  novelist,  was  born  in  the  island 
of  Falster,  May  28,  1789.  He  produced  a  volume  of 
lyric  poems  ("  Digte")  in  1811,  and  an  epic  poem,  called 
"The  Black  Knights,"  ("  De  sorte  Riddere,")  in  1814. 
His  tragedies  "  Blanca"  and  "  Masaniello"  (1815)  were 
performed  with  great  success.  About  1820  he  published 
a  dramatic  poem,  called  "  The  Deliverance  of  Tasso."  He 
was  chosen  professor  of  Danish  at  the  Academy  of  Soroe 
in  1822.  He  wrote  several  popular  historical  novels, 
among  which  are  "  Waldemar  the  Victor,"  (1826,)  and 
"  Prince  Otho  of  Denmark,"  (1835.)  Died  May  24, 1862. 

See  WiLLiAMand  MARY HOWITT,  "The  Literatureand  Romance 
of  Northern  Europe,"  vol.  ii.,  1852;  LONGFELLOW,  "  Poets  and  Poetry 
of  Europe  ;"  ERSLEW,  "Almindeligt  Forfatter- Lexicon  :"  MdLLBR. 
"Dansk  Pantheon  ;"  "  Quarterly  Review"  for  April,  1838. 

Ingen  or  Inghen,  van,  vSn  ing'gen  or  ing'Hen,  (WiL- 

a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  A,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  i,  6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  o,  obscure;  far,  fall,  fat;  mdt;  n&t;  good;  moon; 




LKM,)  a  Dutch  painter,  born  in  1651,  studied  under  C. 
Maratta  at  Rome.  He  worked  in  Venice  and  Naples, 
and  settled  in  Amsterdam.  His  works  have  considera- 
ble merit.  Died  about  1710. 

Ingeuhousz,  ing'gen -hows',  (JAN,)  an  eminent  Dutch 
physician  and  chemist,  born  at  Breda  in  1730.  About 
1767  he  visited  London,  where  he  became  intimate  with 
Dr.  Pringle,  president  of  the  Royal  Society,  by  whose 
recommendation  he  became  physician  to  the  empress 
Maria  Theresa  in  1772.  He  was  made  a  member  of 
the  aulic  council  in  Vienna,  and  received  a  pension  for 
life.  After  remaining  in  Vienna  a  number  of  years,  he 
travelled  in  France,  Italy,  etc.,  pursuing  his  scientific 
studies  and  experiments,  and  at  last  settled  in  London, 
and  was  chosen  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society.  He  in- 
vented an  electrophorus,  and  discovered  that  growing 
plants  exposed  to  the  light  exhale  oxygen  gas,  (1779.) 
His  principal  works  (which  are  all  written  in  English) 
are  "  Experiments  on  Vegetables,  discovering  their  Power 
of  Purifying  the  Air,"  (1779,)  an  "  Essay  on  the  Food  of 
Plants,"  and  "  Experiments  and  Observations  on  Various 
Physical  Subjects."  The  invention  of  the  plate  electrical 
machine  is  attributed  to  him.  Died  in  1799. 

See  "  Biographic  Me"dicale," 

Ingersoll,  ing'ger-spl,  (CHARLES  JARED,)  a  lawyer 
and  writer,  a  son  of  Jared,  noticed  below,  was  born  in 
Philadelphia  in  1782.  He  was  elected  to  Congress  in 
1812,  and  was  appointed  district  attorney  for  Pennsyl- 
vania by  President  Madison  in  1815.  He  was  chosen 
a  Democratic  member  of  Congress  in  1840,  1842,  and 

1844.  Among   his   works  are    "Chiomara,"  a  poem, 
(1800,)  and  a  "Historical   Sketch  of   the  Second  War 
between  the  United  States  of  America  and  Great  Britain," 
(4  vols.,  1845-52.)     Died  in  1862. 

Ingersoll,  (ERNEST,)  an  American  author,  born  at 
Monroe,  Michigan,  March  13,  1852,  studied  at  Oberlin 
and  Harvard  Colleges,  was  attached  to  United  States 
geological  surveys  as  a  naturalist,  1874-1877,  and  after- 
wards was  attached  to  the  United  States  fish  commission. 
In  1880  he  was  a  special  agent  of  the  tenth  census.  His 
principal  works  are  "  A  Natural  History  Series"  for  the 
young,  "Natural  History  of  Nests  and  Birds,"  (in  parts, 
1878  it  ieq.,)  "  Friends  Worth  Knowing,"  "  Oyster  In- 
dustries of  the  United  States,"  (1881,)  "The  Ice 
Queen,"  (1884,)  "Wild  Neighbours,"  (1897,)  etc. 

Ingersoll,  (JARED,)  LL.D.,  an  American  jurist,  born 
in  Connecticut  in  1749.  He  graduated  at  Yale  in  1766, 
studied  law  at  the  Temple  in  London,  and  on  returning  to 
America  took  up  his  residence  in  Philadelphia.  Though 
the  son  of  a  royalist,  he  zealously  advocated  the  rights 
of  the  colonies  in  the  Revolution.  He  rose  to  great  dis- 
tinction in  his  profession,  was  twice  attorney-general  of 
Pennsylvania,  once  United  States  district  attorney,  and  in 
the  latter  part  of  his  life  president-judge  of  the  district 
court  of  Philadelphia.  He  served  in  the  convention  that 
framed  the  Federal  Constitution  in  1787,  and  in  1812  was 
the  candidate  of  the  Federal  party  for  the  Vice-Presidency 
of  the  United  States.  Died  in  1822. 

Ingersoll,  (JOSEPH  REED,)  D.C.L.,  son  of  the  pre- 
ceding, was  born  in  Philadelphia,  June  14,  1786.  He 
graduated  at  Yale  College  in  1808,  and  attained  to  a  high 
rank  in  the  legal  profession  in  his  native  city.  He  was  a 
representative  in  Congress  from  1835  to  1837,  and  was 
re-elected  by  the  Whig  party  in  1841,  and  again  in  1843, 

1845,  and  1847.   He  took  a  prominent  part  in  the  debates 
on  the  tariff,  and  was  for  some  time  chairman  of  the 
committee  on  the  judiciary.     He  was  appointed  minister 
to  England  by  President  Fillmore  in  1852.  Died  in  1868. 

Ingersoll,  (ROBERT  GREEN,)  an  American  lawyer, 
born  at  Dresden,  New  York,  August  11,  1833,  the  son 
of  a  Congregational  minister  of  broad  views.  The  young 
Ingersoll  became  a  lawyer,  was  a  colonel  of  cavalry  in 
the  Federal  army,  1862-65,  was  appointed  attorney-gen- 
eral of  Illinois  in  1866,  and  afterwards  acquired  fame  as 
a  political  orator  and  successful  lawyer.  He  became 
very  prominent  as  a  lecturer  against  the  Bible  and 
the  Christian  creeds.  Died  July  21,  1899. 

Ing'ham,  (CHARLES  C.,)  an  eminent  American  por- 
trait-painter, born  about  1797.  He  worked  in  the  city 
of  New  York,  where  he  died  in  December,  1863.  His 
pictures  are  remarkable  for  their  high  finish. 

Inghen.     See  INGEN. 

Inghirami,  en-ge-rl'mee,  (Cavaliere  FRANCESCO,) 
an  eminent  Italian  antiquary,  born  at  Volterra  in  1772, 
devoted  many  years  to  researches  into  ancient  art,  and 
acquired  a  European  reputation  by  his  writings.  The 
most  important  of  these  is  his  "Monument!  Etruschi," 
(10  vols.,  1821-27,)  which  is  the  most  complete  de- 
scription of  the  antiquities  of  Etruria.  He  wrote,  also, 
"Galleria  Omerica,"  (3  vols.,  1827-38,)  illustrative  of 
Homer's  poems,  and  "  Letters  on  Etruscan  Erudition, 
etc.,"  (1828.)  Died  in  1846. 

See  ERSCH  und  CRUDER,  "Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie." 

Inghirami,  (TOMMASO  FEDRA,)  an  eminent  Italian 
scholar  and  orator,  born  at  Volterra  in  1470,  settled  at 
Rome  in  early  youth,  and  obtained  high  preferments. 
He  acquired  the  fame  of  being  one  of  the  most  eloquent 
men  of  modern  Rome  ;  and  Erasmus  informs  us  that  he 
was  styled  the  Cicero  of  his  age.  He  was  patronized 
by  Julius  II.,  who  appointed  him  keeper  of  the  Vatican 
Library.  He  left  in  manuscript  a  "Commentary  on 
Horace's  Art  of  Poetry,"  "An  Abstract  of  Roman  His- 
tory," and  other  works.  Died  in  1516. 

Ingleby,  ing'gl-be,  (CLEMENT  MANSFIELD,)  LL.D., 
an  English  critic,  born  at  Edgbaston,  near  Birmingham, 
October  29,  1823.  He  graduated  at  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge,  in  1847.  His  principal  works  are  "Theo- 
retical Logic,"  (1856,)  "The  Shakspere  Fabrications," 
(1859,)  "  Shakspeare  Hermeneutics,  or  The  Still  Lion," 
(1867-74,)  "Was  Thomas  Lodge  an  Actor f"  (1867,)' 
"Revival  of  Philosophy  at  Cambridge,"  (1869,)  "Shat.- 
spere's  Centurie  of  Prayse,"  (1870,)  and  "Shakspere, 
the  Man  and  the  Book,"  (1877.)  Died  in  1886. 

Inglefield,  (Sir  EDWARD,)  an  English  naval  offi- 
cer, born  at  Cheltenham  in  1820.  He  entered  the 
navy  in  1832,  took  part  in  encounters  with  pirates  off 
Borneo  and  in  other  operations,  and  was  active  in  the 
search  for  Sir  John  Franklin.  He  also  went  to  the 
polar  waters  to  relieve  the  Belcher  expedition,  and 
took  part  in  the  siege  of  Sebastopol.  He  was  suc- 
cessively promoted  until  he  became  a  full  admiral  in 
1879.  Died  September  5,  1894. 

Inglis,  ing'glis,  (HENRY  DAVID,)  a  Scottish  writer  of 
travels,  born  in  Edinburgh  in  1795.  He  travelled  exten- 
sively in  Europe,  and  published  excellent  books  of  travel, 
viz.,  "  Solitary  Walks  through  Many  Lands,"  (3d  edition, 
1843,)  a  "Journey  through  Norway,  Sweden,  and  Den- 
mark," (1829,)  "Tour  through  Switzerland,  the  South  of 
France,"  etc.,  (1830,)  "Spain  in  1830,"  (from  which  Lord 
Aberdeen  said  he  had  derived  more  information  than 
from  all  the  state  documents  he  ever  perused,)  "The 
Tyrol,  with  a  Glance  at  Bavaria,"  (1834,)  and  "  Rambles 
in  the  Footsteps  of  Don  Quixote."  Died  in  1835. 

See  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen," 

Inglis  or  English,  (Sir  JAMES,)  a  poet,  born  in  Scot- 
land in  the  reign  of  James  IV.,  is  supposed  to  be  the 
author  of  a  book  entitled  "The  Complaint  of  Scotland," 
published  at  Saint  Andrew's  in  1548,  said  to  be  the  most 
ancient  Scottish  prose  work  that  is  extant.  Died  in  1530. 

Inglis,  (JAMES,)  an  English  author,  born  at  Edzell 
in  1845.  Most  of  his  life  was  spent  in  India,  Aus- 
tralia, and  New  Zealand,  and  he  published  "Sport 
and  Work  on  the  Nepaul  Frontier,"  (1^80,)  "Our 
New  Zealand  Cousins,"  (1886,)  "Tent  Life  in  Tiger 
Land,"  (i8G8,)  etc. 

Inglis,  (JOHN,)  an  eminent  Scottish  advocate,  was 
born  at  Edinburgh  in  1810.  He  became  lord  advocate 
and  dean  of  the  faculty  in  1852.  Having  retired  from 
office  with  the  Derby  ministry  in  December,  1852,  he 
was  restored  to  the  same  in  1858,  and  became  lord 
justice  clerk  in  the  same  year.  Died  August  20, 

In'glis,  (Sir  JOHN  EARDLEY  WILMOT,)  a  British  gen- 
eral, born  at  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia,  about  1815,  was  a  son 
of  the  Bishop  of  Nova  Scotia.  He  distinguished  himself 
in  the  campaign  of  the  Punjab  in  1848-49,  and  obtained 
the  rank  of  lieutenant-colonel.  His  regiment  was  at 
Lucknow  when  that  place  was  besieged  by  the  Sepoys 
in  the  summer  of  1857.  On  the  death  of  Sir  Henry 

e  as  &;  9  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as  /;  G,  H,  TS^guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     ( J^p^See  Explanations,  p.  23. 




Lawrence  he  succeeded  to  the  command  of  the  garrison. 
He  received  the  brevet  of  major-general  for  his  heroic 
defence  of  Lucknow.  Died  at  Homburg,  Germany,  in 
September,  1862. 

Inglis,  (MARGARET  MAXWELL,)  a  Scottish  poetess 
born  at  Sanquhar,  Scotland,  in  1774,  published  a  "Mis- 
cellaneous Collection  of  Poems"  in  1838.  Died  in  1843. 

Inglis,  (Sir  ROBERT  HARRY,)  M.P.,  born  in  1786,  was 
the  only  son  of  Sir  Hugh  Inglis,  chairman  of  the  East 
India  Company.  He  was  first  elected  to  Parliament  in 
1824.  From  1829  to  1853  he  represented  the  University 
of  Oxford,  and  constantly  voted  with  the  Tories  against 
the  Reform  bill,  the  relief  of  the  Catholics,  etc.  Died 
in  1855. 

Ingoldsby,  ing'golz-be,  (THOMAS,)  the  assumed  name 
of  Richard  H.  Barham.  (See  BARHAM.) 

Ing'pn  I.,  surnamed  THE  GOOD,  King  of  Sweden,  was 
the  son  and  successor  of  Stenkil,  and  began  to  reign 
about  1080.  He  favoured  the  propagation  of  Christianity 
among  his  subjects.  Died  in  1112. 

Ingon  IL,  a  nephew  of  the  preceding,  was  one  of  his 
successors,  and  shared  the  royal  power  with  his  brother 
Philip.  Slavery  was  gradually  abolished  in  his  reign. 
Died  in  1130. 

Ingoni,  en-go'nee,  (GIOVANNI  BATTISTA,)  an  Italian 
painter,  born  at  M6dena  in  1528  ;  died  in  1608. 

lugoni,  (MATTEO,)  a  painter  of  the  Venetian  school, 
born  at  Ravenna  in  1587;  died  in  1631. 

Ingouf,  aN'goof,(FRANc;ois  ROBERT,)  a  skilful  French 
engraver,  born  in  Paris  in  1747.  He  engraved  "The 
Nativity,"  after  Raphael,  and  some  of  the  plates  for  the 
"Musee  Francais."  Died  in  1812.  His  brother,  PIERRE 
CHARLES,  born  in  Paris  in  1746,  was  also  a  successful 
engraver.  Died  in  1800. 

Ingraham,  ing'gra-am,  (DUNCAN  NATHANIEL,)  a 
naval  commander,  born  in  Charleston,  South  Carolina, 
in  1802.  He  gained  distinction  by  his  spirited  conduct 
in  procuring  the  release  from  an  Austrian  war-vessel, 
at  Smyrna,  in  June,  1853,  of  Martin  Koszta,  a  Hungarian, 
who  had  legally  declared  his  intention  to  become  a 
citizen  of  the  United  States.  He  was  raised  to  the  rank 
of  captain  in  1855,  but  resigned  in  1861,  and  entered  the 
Confederate  navy.  Died  October  16,  1891. 

Ingraham,  (JOSEPH  H.,)  an  American  writer,  born 
at  Portland,  Maine,  in  1809.  Besides  the  romances  of 
"  Lafitte,"  "  Captain  Kyd,"  and  "  The  Dancing  Feather," 
he  wrote  "The  Prince  of  the  House  of  David,"  "The 
Pillar  ofFire,"and"TheThroneofDavid."  Died  in  1866. 

Ingram,  ing'gram,  (HERBERT,)  an  English  printer, 
born  at  Boston  in  1811,  founded  the  "Illustrated  Lon- 
don News"  in  1842.  He  was  elected  to  Parliament  in 
1856,  and  visited  the  United  States  in  1860.  In  Sep- 
tember of  that  year  he  was  drowned  in  Lake  Michigan, 
in  consequence  of  a  collision. 

Ingram,  (JAMES,)  D.D.,  an  English  clergyman,  born 
in  Wiltshire  in  1774,  became  president  of  Trinity  College, 
Oxford,  in  1824,  and  rector  of  Garsington.  He  published 
an  edition  of  the  "  Saxon  Chronicle,"  (1823,)  "  Memorials 
of  Oxford,"  (1834-37,)  which  was  favourably  received, 
and  several  other  works.  Died  in  1850. 

Ingram,  (JOHN  H.,)  an  English  author,  born  in  Lon- 
don, November  16,  1849.  His  principal  books  have 
been  "  Poems  by  Dalton  Stone,"  (1863,)  "Flora  Sym- 
bolica,"  (1869,)  "Memoir  of  Poe,"  (1874,  prefixed  to  an 
edition  of  Poe's  works,)  "  Poe  Memorial,"  "  The  Haunted 
Houses  of  England,"  "  Life  of  Oliver  Madox  Brown," 
(1883,)  "Life  of  E.  B.  Browning,"  (1888,)  "  Dar- 
ley's  May  Queen,"  (1892,)  etc.  He  edited  the  "  Emi- 
nent Women"  series. 

Ingrain,  (JOHN  KELLS,)  an  Irish  author,  bjrn  in 
county  Donegal  in  1823.  He  was  educated  at  Trinity 
College,  Dublin,  and  is  best  known  as  an  author  by 
his  "  Political  Economy,"  contributed  to  the  "  Ency- 
clopaedia Britannica,"  and  reprinted  as  a  book  in 
1888.  It  has  been  translated  into  eight  European 
languages  and  into  Japanese. 

Ingrassia,  en-gRas'se-1,  written  also  Ingraasias, 
(GIOVANNI  FILIPPO,)  an  eminent  Sicilian  physician  and 
anatomist,  born  at  Palermo  about  1510,  taught  anatomy 
at  Naples.  In  1563  he  was  chosen  by  Philip  II.  first 

physician  of  Sicily,  and  in  1575  he  checked  the  ravages 
of  the  plague  at  Palermo.  He  wrote  a  "Commentary 
on  the  Bones,"  and  other  able  treatises  on  anatomy. 
Died  in  1580. 

See  ELOY,  "  Dictionnaire  historique  de  la  Me'decine." 

Ingres,  axgK,  (JEAN  AUGUSTE  DOMINIQUE,)  a  cele- 
brated French  historical  painter,  born  at  Montauban  in 
1780  or  1781,  was  a  pupil  of  David.  He  gained  the  first 
prize  in  1801  for  a  picture  of  "Achilles  receiving  in  his 
Tent  the  Envoys  of  Agamemnon."  Hewoiked  about 
twenty  years  (1804-24)  in  Rome  and  Florence,  choosing 
Raphael  as  his  model.  During  this  period  lie  painted 
"  CEdipus  and  the  Sphinx,"  "  Raphael  and  La  Fornarina," 
and  "Odalisque,"  (1819.)  He  returned  to  Paris  in  1824, 
became  the  founder  of  a  school,  and  exhibited  "  The 
Vow  of  Louis  XIII.,"  one  of  his  best  works,  which 
opened  to  him  the  doors  of  the  Institute  in  1825.  In 
1827  he  painted  on  the  ceiling  of  the  Louvre  "The 
Apotheosis  of  Homer,"  which  is  called  his  master-piece. 
At  the  Exposition  of  1855  a  salon  was  reserved  exclu- 
sively for  his  works,  which  are  said  to  have  had  a  wide 
influence  on  the  style  of  French  and  foreign  artists.  He 
is  called  the  representative  of  correct  design  and  idea' 
composition.  Died  in  January,  1867. 

See  L.  DE  LOMHNIE,  "  M.  Ingres,  par  un  Homroe  de  Rien,"  1842 ; 
FREDERIC  MERCHY,  "  Peintres  et  ScuJpteurs  modernes  :  J.  IngreV 
1846;  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Inguimbert,  d'.daN'gaN'baiR',  (JOSEPH  DOMINIQUE,) 
a  French  bishop,  born  at  Carpentras  in  1683,  assumed 
the  name  of  DOM  MALACHIE.  He  became  an  intimate 
counsellor  of  Pope  Clement  XII.,  who  appointed  him 
domestic  prelate,  and  in  1733  Bishop  of  Carpentras.  He 
built  a  hospital  in  that  town,  and  founded  a  large  public 
library  there.  He  wrote  and  translated  several  religious 
works.  Died  in  1757. 

See  VITALIS,  "Notice  surla  Vie  de  Malachie  d'Inguimbert,"  1813. 

Ingulf.    See  INGULPHUS. 

In-gul'phus  or  In'gulf,  a  monk,  born  in  London 
about  1030,  became  secretary  and  favourite  of  William, 
Duke  of  Normandy,  in  1051.  After  that  prince  had 
become  King  of  England,  Ingulphus  was  made  abbot  of 
the  monastery  of  Croyland.  He  died  in  1109.  He  was 
the  reputed  author  of  a  History  of  the  above  monastery, 
in  Latin,  containing  much  curious  and  important  infor- 
mation ;  but  Sir  Francis  Palgrave  has  proved  that  it  is  a 

In't-go,  an  English  engraver,  whose  proper  name  was 
JOHN  COLLET,  was  born  about  1725.  He  excelled  in 
the  same  line  as  Hogarth,  and  displayed  an  original 
genius  for  humorous  design.  He  left  but  few  works, 
among  which  is  a  "  Monkey  pointing  to  a  Very  Dark 
Picture  of  Moses  striking  the  Rock."  Died  in  1780. 

In'man,  (HENRY,)  an  American  portrait-painter,  born 
at  Utica,  New  York,  in  1801,  was  a  pupil  of  Jarvis.  He 
worked  mostly  in  the  city  of  New  York.  During  a  visit 
to  England,  in  1844,  he  painted  portraits  of  the  poet 
Wordsworth,  Dr.  Chalmers,  and  T.  B.  Macaulay.  Among 
his  other  works  are  portraits  of  Chief-Justice  Marshall 
and  Bishop  White.  He  was  commissioned  by  Congress 
to  adorn  the  national  capitol  with  historical  paintings ; 
but  before  he  had  finished  them  he  died,  in  1846. 

Inman,  (JoHN,)  a  brother  of  the  preceding,  born  at 
Utica,  New  York,  in  1805,  was  an  associate  editor  cf 
the  "New  York  Mirror"  and  "The  Commercial  Adver 
tiser."  Died  in  1850. 

In'n^s,  (COSMO,)  a  Scottish  lawyer,  historian,  and 
antiquary,  born  at  Durris  on  Deeside,  September  9, 
1798.  He  early  became  known  as  a  student  of  the 
ancient  records  of  Scottish  history.  He  was  made  an 
advocate  in  1822.  He  collated  and  edited  the  chartu- 
laries  of  the  old  religious  houses  of  the  North,  was  em- 
ployed for  many  years  in  editing  and  publishing  the 
Scottish  statutes,  and  was  the  author  of  "  Scotland  in 
the  Middle  Ages,"  (1860,)  "  Lectures  on  Scotch  Legal 
Antiquities,"  (1872,)  etc.  He  had  a  strong  leaning  to 
Catholicism,  though  he  never  gave  his  personal  alle- 
giance to  that  religion,  and  his  works  were  greatly  valued 
by  Montalembert  and  other  distinguished  Catholics.  He 
died  at  Killin,  July  31,  1874.  A  "Memoir  of  Cosmo 
Innes"  was  published  anonymously,  in  1874,  by  Mrs. 
John  Hill  Burton. 

a,  e,  i,  5,  u,  y,  fang;  i,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  ii,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obtain;  fir,  fill,  fit;  mSt;  not;  good;  moon; 




In'nes,  (Louis,)  a  Roman  Catholic  priest,  born  of  a 
Scottish  family  about  1650.  He  became  secretary  to 
James  II.  after  he  was  deposed  from  the  English  throne. 
He  is  the  reputed  author  of  "  Memoirs  of  James  II.,"  part 
of  which  was  published  in  1816.  Died  in  Paris,  January 

23.  '738- 

Innes,  (THOMAS,)  a  brother  of  the  preceding,  born 
it.  1662,  studied  in  Paris,  was  ordained  a  priest,  and  suc- 
ceeded Louis  as  principal  of  the  Scottish  College.  He 
wrote  a  "  Critical  Essay  on  the  Ancient  Inhabitants  of 
the  Northern  Parts  of  Britain,"  (1729,)  which  is  highly 
commended  for  sound  learning,  judicious  criticism,  and 
valuable  information.  Died  in  1744. 

See  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen." 

In'ness,  (GEORGE,)  an  American  artist,  born  at  New- 
burgh,  New  York,  May  i,  1823.  He  studied  art  in  New 
York  and  in  the  European  capitals,  chronic  ill  health 
interfering  much  with  the  continuity  of  his  labours. 
Taken  at  his  best,  Mr.  Inness  was  inferior  to  no  other 
American  landscapist.  His  work  was  so  informed  with 
high  spiritual  purpose  that  some  critics  classed  him, 
without  complete  justice,  with  the  "  Impressionist" 
school.  He  was  a  member  of  the  National  Academy. 
Died  August  3,  1894.  His  son,  GEORGE  INNESS,  Junior, 
is  a  painter  of  much  promise. 

In'no-cent  JLat.  INNOCEN'TIUS  ;  It.  INNOCKNZO,  en- 
no-chSn'zo ;  Ger.  INNOCENZ,  in'no-ts?nts ;  Span.  INO- 
CENCIO,  e-no-Men'Me-o]  I.,  a  native  of  Albano,  chosen 
Bishop  of  Rome  in  402  A.D.,  was  contemporary  with 
Augustine  and  Jerome.  During  his  pontificate,  Rome 
was  pillaged  by  Alaric  the  Goth.  Innocent  strenuously 
asserted  the  supremacy  of  the  see  of  Rome,  and  con- 
demned the  doctrine  of  Pelagius.  He  succeeded  Anas- 
tasius  I.,  who,  according  to  Jerome,  was  the  father  of 
Innocent.  Died  in  417.  He  was  succeeded  by  Zcsimus. 

See  BRUYS,  "Histoire  des  Papes,"  5  vols.,  1735. 

Innocent  It,  POPE,  was  elected  in  1 130  as  successor 
to  Honorius  II.  Another  party  elected  a  rival  pope, 
under  the  name  of  Anacletus  II.,  whose  partisans  drove 
Innocent  out  of  Rome.  The  latter  was  recognized  as  pope 
by  the  Kings  of  France,  England,  and  Germany,  and  his 
rival  was  supported  by  Roger  of  Sicily.  In  1 138,  Inno- 
cent, assisted  by  Lotharius  of  Germany,  recovered  the 
papal  power,  and,  his  rival  having  died  in  the  same  year, 
the  unity  of  the  Church  was  restored.  In  1139  Arnaldo 
da  Brescia  was  banished  from  Rome  for  preaching  doc- 
trines that  were  deemed  unsound.  Innocent  died  in 
1143,  and  was  succeeded  by  Celestine  II. 

SeePLATiNA,  "Vile  de'  summi  Pontefici,"  1613;  ALLETZ,  "His- 
toire des  Papes,"  1776;  J.  HARTMANN,  "Vita  Innocentii  II.  Pon- 
tincis,"  1744;  ARTAUD  DH  MONTOR,  "  Histoire  des  souverains  Pon- 
tifes,"  1847-49. 

Innocent  HI.,  whose  proper  name  was  Lotharius, 
was  the  son  of  Trasimund,  a  Roman  count,  and  was  born 
in  Rome  in  1161.  He  was  unanimously  elected  pope  in 
January,  1198,  as  successor  to  Celestine  III.  With  su- 
perior abilities,  improved  by  diligent  study,  he  combined 
great  resolution,  industry,  and  austerity  of  character,  and 
availed  himself  of  every  opportunity  to  magnify  his  office 
and  to  assert  the  supremacy  of  the  papal  power.  In  1199 
he  placed  the  kingdom  of  France  under  an  interdict  be- 
cause the  king,  Philip  Augustus,  had  repudiated  his  wife ; 
and  thus  he  compelled  him  to  reinstate  her.  About  1200 
he  instigated  the  fourth  crusade,  the  principal  result  of 
which  was  the  capture  of  Constantinople  from  the  Greeks 
by  the  crusaders.  In  1212  he  excommunicated  and  de- 
posed Otho,  Emperor  of  Germany,  and  crowned  Frede- 
rick of  Sicily  in  his  place.  A  memorable  quarrel  occurred 
between  this  pontiff  and  King  John  of  England,  respect- 
ing the  appointment  of  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury, 
(1207,)  the  right  to  appoint  being  obstinately  asserted  by 
each.  England  was  laid  under  an  interdict,  which  lasted 
two  years,  at  the  expiration  of  which,  as  John  was  still 
refractory,  the  pope  declared  him  to  be  deposed,  and 
authorized  Philip  Augustus  of  France  to  execute  the 
decree.  While  the  latter  was  preparing  to  invade  Eng- 
land, John  submitted  to  the  pope,  in  1213,  and  signed  a 
disgraceful  treaty,  in  which  he  consented  to  hold  Eng- 
land and  Ireland  as  fiefs  of  the  Church  of  Rome,  and  to 
pay  an  annual  tribute  of  one  thousand  marks.  In  1214 
Innocent  raised  a  cruel  persecution  or  crusade  against 

the  Albigenses  for  heresy.  During  his  pontificate  tha 
papal  power  attained  its  greatest  height  He  was  perhaps 
the  most  learned  man  and  the  most  able  statesman  of 
his  age.  He  wrote  "  Letters,"  and  other  works,  which  are 
highly  commended.  Died  in  1216,  and  was  succeeded  by 
Honorius  III. 

See  F.  HURTER,  "  Geschicbte  Innocenz  III.,"  3  vols.,  1835,  (and 
French  version  of  the  same,  4  vols.,  1838-43  ;)  D.  LBSSMANN,  "  Pabst 
Innocenz  III.  und  Fiirst  Michael  Glinski,"  1830:  JORRV,  "  Histoire 
du  Pape  Innocent  HI,"  1852:  ARTAUD  DH  MONTOR,  "Histoire  de* 
souverains  Pontifes,"  1847-49;  J.  H.  GURNEY,  "  Four  Ecclesiastical 
Biographies,"  London,  1864. 

Innocent  IV.,  (SINIBALDO  de'  Fieschi — da  fe-Js'- 
kee,)  a  native  of  Genoa,  was  elected  pope  as  successor  to 
Celestine  IV.  in  1243.  He  soon  found  himself  involved 
in  a  quarrel  with  the  emperor  Frederick  II.,  (who  had 
been  excommunicated  by  Gregory  IX.,)  and  retired  for 
security  to  Lyons.  Here  he  summoned  a  council,  in 
1245,  and  renewed  the  excommunication  of  Frederick, 
who  was  also  formally  deposed.  The  emperor,  however, 
refused  to  submit  to  this  assumption,  and  waged  war 
against  the  pope  for  several  years,  until  his  death  in  1250. 
Innocent  then  returned  to  his  capital,  and  proclaimed  a 
crusade  against  Conrad,  the  son  of  Frederick ;  but  again 
his  malignity  was  baffled.  He  died  in  1254,  and  was 
succeeded  by  Alexander  IV. 

See  J.  HARTMANN,  "Vita  Innocentii  IV.,"  1738;  PAOU>  PANZA, 
"Vita  del  gran  Pontefice  Innocenzio  Quarto,"  1601. 

Innocent  V.,  (  PETER  OF  TARANTASIA,  )  born  at 
Moutierj  in  Savoy,  was  elected  in  1276  as  successor  to 
Gregory  X.  After  holding  office  a  few  months,  he  died 
in  the  same  year. 

Innocent  VI.,  (  STIENNE  Aubert — o'baiR', )  a 
Frenchman,  born  near  Pompadour,  was  elected  pope 
in  1352.  He  succeeded  Clement  VI.,  who  had  made 
him  a  cardinal  and  Bishop  of  Ostia.  His  court  was  kept 
at  Avignon  throughout  his  pontificate.  He  reformed 
some  abuses  in  the  Church,  and  appears  to  have  acted 
with  more  moderation  and  propriety  than  most  of  his 
predecessors.  Died  in  1362. 

See  BRUYS,  "Histoire  des  Papes,"  1735;  SISMONDI,  "Histoire 
des  Francais." 

Innocent  Vn.,  (Cardinal  COSMO  Migliorati — mel- 
yo-ra'tee,)  born  at  Sulmona  about  1338,  was  elected  pope 
in  1404,  as  successor  to  Boniface  IX.  At  that  time  there 
was  an  extensive  schism  in  the  Church,  and  Benedict 
XIII.  held  a  rival  court  at  Avignon.  Died  in  1406. 

See  PLATINA,  "  Vite  de'  summi  Pontefici,"  1613. 

Innocent  VUL,  (GIOVANNI  BATTISTA  Cibo — chee'- 
bo,)  born  at  Genoa  in  1434,  was  elected  pope  in  1484,  as 
successor  to  Sixtus  IV.  He  laboured  without  success 
to  unite  the  sovereigns  of  Europe  against  the  Turks, 
and  wcs  himself  engaged  in  war  with  Ferdinand,  King 
of  Naples.  He  died  in  1491,  and  was  succeeded  by 
Alexander  VI. 

See  F.  SERDONATI,  "Vita  d'Innocenzo  VIII.,"  1829;  F.  M. 
VIALARDO,  "  Istoria  della  Vita  d'Innocenzo  VIII.,"  1613. 

Innocent  IX.,  (ANTONIO  Facchinetti  —  fak-ke- 
net'tee,)  born  at  Bologna,  succeeded  Gregory  XIV.  in 
October,  159;,  but  only  survived  two  months  after  his 
election.  He  left  a  good  reputation  for  virtue  and 
wisdom.  Clement  VIII.  was  his  successor. 

See  RANKE,  "  History  of  the  Popes." 

Innocent  X,  (GIOVANNI  BATTISTA  Panfili— pan- 
fee'lee,)  elected  in  place  of  Urban  VIII.  in  1644,  was 
born  in  Rome  about  1570.  He  owed  his  promotion  to 
the  Barberini,  who  soon  became  his  enemies.  The  Jan- 
senist  controversy  having  made  a  great  commotion  in 
the  Church,  Innocent  appointed  a  commission  of  car- 
dinals to  settle  it,  and  in  1653  issued  a  bull  cum  occasion*, 
in  which  he  condemned  the  five  propositions  of  Jansen. 
Historians  differ  widely  as  to  the  character  of  this  pontift 
He  died  in  1655,  and  was  succeeded  by  Alexander  VII. 

See  RANKE,  "  History  of  the  Popes;"  CIACONIUS,  "  Vitas  et  Re« 
gestz  Pontificum  Romanorum,"  4  vols.,  1677. 

Innocent  XI.,  (Cardinal  BENEDICT  Odescalchl — 
o-dSs-kll'kee,)  born  at  Como  in  1611,  succeeded  Clement 
X.  in  1676.  He  had  been  made  a  cardinal  in  1647,  and 
had  sustained  a  respectable  character.  He  soon  mani- 
fested his  zeal  to  reform  abuses  and  restore  strict  disci- 
pline, and  his  inflexible  resolution  to  maintain  the  papal 

eas/fc;  {as>;  gkard;  gasy'yG,  K  K,gutturai;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  sass;  th  as  in  this.     (J^="See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




prerogatives.  His  pontificate  was  signalized  by  a  re- 
markable contest  with  Louis  XIV.  of  France  in  relation 
to  the  rfgale  and  the  privileges  or  exemptions  of  foreign 
ambassadors  at  Rome.  The  pope  wished  to  abolish  the 
usage  which  rendered  the  ambassador's  palace,  with  the 
adjacent  premises,  an  asylum  for  malefactors,  etc.,  inac- 
cessible to  the  officers  of  justice.  Louis  XIV.  in  1687 
sent  his  ambassador  Lavardin  with  orders  to  maintain 
his  rights,  and  with  an  armed  retinue  of  eight  hundred 
men.  The  pope  persisted,  and  excommunicated  Lavar- 
din, who  returned  without  effecting  his  object ;  and  the 
quarrel  was  not  ended  until  after  the  death  of  Innocent, 
which  occurred  in  1689.  It  seems  that  his  enmity  to  Louis 
induced  this  pontiff  to  favour  the  English  in  resistance 
to  James  II. ;  and  some  one  remarked  that  the  peace  of 
Europe  would  be  promoted  if  James  would  become  a 
Protestant,  and  the  pope  a  Catholic. 

See  UGHELLI,  "Italia  sacra,"  10  vols.,  1717-22;  RANKE,  "His- 
tory of  the  Popes:"  SISMONDI,  "Histoire  des  Francais;"  F. 
BUONAMICI,  "De  Vita  et  Rebus  gestis  Innocentii  XI.,"  1776. 

Innocent  'XTT  (ANTONIO  Fignatelli — pen-ya-tel'- 
lee,)  born  in  Naples  in  1615,  became  Cardinal  and  Arch- 
bishop of  Naples  during  the  pontificate  of  Innocent  XL, 
and  succeeded  Alexander  VIII.  as  pope  in  July,  1692. 
He  proposed  to  take  Innocent  XI.  as  his  model,  and 
appears  to  deserve  credit  for  his  economy,  regular  habits, 
liberality,  and  works  of  utility.  In  his  pontificate  a  re- 
conciliation was  effected  with  the  French  court  by  mutual 
concession.  Quietism  also  received  its  quietus,  in  1699, 
by  a  papal  brief  condemning  Fenelon's  "  Maximes  des 
Saints."  He  died  in  1700,  and  was  succeeded  by  Clem- 
ent XI. 

Innocent  XIII.,  (MICHELANGELO  Conti — kon'tee,) 
born  in  Rome  in  1655,  was  the  son  of  the  Duke  of 
Poli,  and  attained  the  dignity  of  cardinal  in  1706.  He 
succeeded  Clement  XI.  as  pope  in  1721,  and  exercised 
his  power  so  prudently  that  his  subjects  regretted  the 
brevity  of  its  duration.  He  died  in  1724,  and  his  place 
was  supplied  by  Benedict  XIII. 

See  BRUYS,  "  Histoire  des  Papes,"  1735 ;  "  Leben  Pabst  Innocent 
XIII. ,"  Cologne,  1724. 

InnocentiuB.    See  INNOCENT. 

Innocenz.     See  INNOCENT. 

Innocenzo.    See  INNOCENT. 

I'no,  [Gr.  "Ivii,]  a  daughter  of  Cadmus  and  Harmonia, 
was  the  wife  of  Athamas,  King  of  Thebes.  According 
to  tradition,  she  incurred  the  enmity  of  Juno,  who  de- 
prived Athamas  of  his  reason.  In  a  fit  of  insanity  he 
killed  a  son  of  Ino,  who  threw  herself  into  the  sea  and 
was  changed  into  a  sea-goddess,  named  Leucothea.  Her 
story  was  dramatized  by  several  Greek  poets. 

Inocencio.     See  INNOCENT. 

Inouye,  (KAORU,)  COUNT,  a  Japanese  statesman, 
horn  in  1839.  Making  a  secret  journey  in  Europe  with 
Count  Ito,  he  became  a  strong  advocate  of  Western 
civilization.  He  was  in  office  from  1868  onward,  was 
minister  of  public  works  in  1878,  afterwards  in  the 
foreign  office,  retired  in  1887,  and  was  recalled  as 
minister  of  the  interior  in  1892. 

In'skip,  (JOHN  S.,)  a  Methodist  preacher,  born  at 
Huntingdon,  England,  August  10,  1816,  was  brought  to 
the  United  States  when  five  years  old,  began  a  religious 
life  in  1832,  and  in  1835  commenced  to  preach.  He 
acquired  great  note  as  a  conductor  of  camp-meetings, 
and  became  editor  of  the  "Christian  Standard."  Died 
•t  Ocean  Grove,  New  Jersey,  March  7,  1884. 

Interiano  de  Ayala,  en-ta-re-a'no  da  I-a'15,  (JUAN,) 
a  Spanish  author  and  monk,  born  in  1656,  became 
preacher  to  the  king.  He  published,  besides  other  works, 
(mostly  in  Spanish,)  "Pictor  Christianus  Eruditus," 
(1730,)  in  which  he  exposes  the  prevalent  errors  of 
painters  who  treat  of  religious  subjects.  His  style  is 
pure  and  elegant  Died  in  1730. 

Inthiema,  in-te-a'mi,  (HERO,)  a  Dutch  poet  and  jurist, 
born  in  1576;  died  in  1623. 

Intieri,  en-te-a'ree,  (  BARTOLOMMEO,  )  an  Italian 
economist  and  mechanician,  born  at  Pistoia  about  1674. 
He  founded  a  chair  of  political  economy  at  Naples,  and 
wrote  "On  the  Conservation  of  Grain."  Died  in  1757. 

Inveges,  en-va'jes,  (AUGUSTIN,)  a  Sicilian  historian 

and  ecclesiastic,  born  at  Sciacca  in  1595,  published  a 
"History  of  Palermo,"  (3  vols.,  1649-51,)  which  was 
much  esteemed.  Died  in  1677. 

In'wood,  (CHARLES  FREDERICK,)  son  of  William 
Inwood,  noticed  below,  was  born  in  1798.  He  co-operated 
with  his  father  as  architect  of  Westminster  Hospital  and 
other  edifices.  Died  in  1840. 

In-wood,  (HENRY  WILLIAM,)  an  English  architect,  a 
brother  of  the  preceding,  was  born  in  1794.  He  was 
associated  in  his  profession  with  his  father,  and  pub- 
lished "  Studies  of  the  Architect  from  Nature,"  and  an 
illustrated  work  on  Athenian  architecture,  called  "The 
Erechtheion  at  Athens,"  (1827.)  He  perished  by  ship- 
wreck in  1843,  while  making  a  voyage  to  Spain. 

Inwood,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  architect,  born  about 
1770,  was  employed  on  many  buildings  in  London,  and 
also  followed  the  profession  of  surveyor.  He  was  assisted 
in  his  architectural  labours  by  his  two  sons,  noticed 
above.  Saint  Pancras  Church,  London,  finished  in  1822, 
was  erected  by  him  and  his  son  Henry.  He  published 
"Tables  for  Purchasing  Estates,"  etc.  Died  in  1843. 

I'o,  [Gr.  'Iu,]  a  fabulous  personage,  whom  the  Greek 
poets  represent  as  a  daughter  of  Inachus  and  a  priestess 
of  Juno.  It  was  said  that,  having  been  transformed  by 
Jupiter  into  a  white  cow,  she  was  tormented  by  a  gadfly, 
(sent  by  Juno,)  to  escape  from  which  she  swam  across 
the  Ionian  Sea  and  wandered  through  various  parts  of 
the  world.  Her  story  is  related  by  ^ischylus  in  his 

I-o-la'ua  [Gr.  'lo/aocl  or  I'p-las,  [Gr.  'loAoc,]  a  per- 

sonage of  classic  mythology,  was  a  relative  and  faithful 
companion  of  Hercules,  whom  he  aided  in  his  contest 
against  the  Lernean  Hydra. 

I'o-le,  [Gr.  'Io?J7,]  the  daughter  of  Eurytus,  King  of 
CEchalia,  who  promised  her  in  marriage  to  Hercules. 
But,  Eurytus  having  afterwards  refused  to  perform  his 
•L-ment,  lole  was  forcibly  carried  off  by  her  lover. 
On  the  death  of  the  latter,  caused  by  Dejanira's  jealousy, 
(see  DEJANIRA,)  lole  was  married  to  Hyllus,  the  son  of 

I'on,  [Gr.  'luv,]  the  mythical  ancestor  of  the  lonians, 
was  supposed  to  be  the  son  of  Apollo  and  Creusa.  His 
story  was  dramatized  by  Euripides. 

Ion,  ["luv,]  a  Greek  tragic  poet,  who  was  born  at 
Chios,  (Scio,)  and  flourished  about  450  B.C.  He  lived 
at  Athens,  where  he  became  a  friend  of  ^schylus  and 
gained  a  prize  for  one  of  his  tragedies.  He  composed, 
besides  tragedies,  elegies,  lyric  poems,  and  some  prose 
works,  all  of  which  are  lost  He  was  included  in  the 
canon  of  the  five  Athenian  tragic  poets  by  the  Alexan- 
drian critics. 

See  FABRICIUS,  "  Bibliotheca  Grzca  ;"  KAYSER,  "  Historia  cn- 
lica  Tragicorum  Gnecorum,"  1845  :  KARL  NIEBERDING,  "  De  lonit 
Chii  Vita,  Moribus  et  Studiis,"  1836. 

I'o-phon,  [Gr.  'lo^uv,]  an  Athenian  tragic  poet,  a  soi. 
of  Sophocles  the  poet,  lived  about  420  B.C.  He  gained 
the  second  prize  in  429,  when  Euripides  received  the 
first  prize.  Among  the  titles  of  his  plays  are  "  Achilles," 
"  Actaeon,"  and  "  Pentheus."  His  works  are  not  extant 
Died  after  405  B.C. 

See  KAVSER,  "  Historia  critica  Tragicorum  Gntcorum,"  1845. 

louzef  or  louzaf.    See  YOOSUF. 

Iphicrate.     See  IPHICRATES. 

I-phic'ra-tes,  [Gr.  'I^ocpan/c  ;  Fr.  IPHICRATE,  e'le 
kRJtt',]  a  skilful  Athenian  general,  who  rose  from  a 
humble  rank  in  society  and  obtained  the  chief  command 
of  the  Athenian  army.  About  392  B.C.  he  defeated  the 
Spartans  near  Corinth,  and  afterwards  gained  applause 
by  his  defence  of  Corcyra  against  the  Spartans  and  Syra- 
cusans.  He  made  important  changes  in  the  armour  anci 
tactics  of  his  troops,  by  exchanging  the  heavy  buckler 
for  a  light  target  and  increasing  the  length  of  the  speai 
and  the  sword.  He  was  associated  with  Timotheus  and 
Chares  in  the  command  of  an  expedition  against  Byzan- 
tium about  357  B.C. 

See  GROTB,  "  History  of  Greece  :"  CORNBLIUS  NEPOS,  "  Iphi- 
crates  :"  DIODORUS  SICULUS,  books  xiv.,  rv.,  and  xvi.  ;  XENOPHOM. 
"  Hellenica,"  books  iv.  and  vi.  ;  REHDANTZ,  "Vita:  Iphicratis,  Cha- 
briae  et  Timothei,"  Berlin,  1845. 

Iph-I-£e-nI'a  or  Iph-I-ge-nei'a,  [Gr.  'tytytvoa;  Fr. 
IPHIGENIE,  e'fe'zha'ne',]  a  daughter  of  Agamemnon  and 

a,  e,  J,  o,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  I,  o,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fat;  met;  not;  good;  moon; 



Clytemnestra.  The  ancient  poets  relate  that  Diana 
detained  the  Greek  fleet  at  Aulis  by  a  calm,  because 
Agamemnon  had  offended  her,  and  that  the  soothsayer 
Calchas  declared  Diana  could  be  appeased  only  by  the 
sacrifice  of  Iphigenia.  When  she  was  on  the  point  of 
being  immolated,  she  was  rescued,  it  is  said,  by  Dinna, 
who  carried  her  to  Tauris,  where  she  became  a  prie?tess 
In  the  temple  of  the  goddess.  Her  story  is  the  subject 
of  two  of  the  dramas  of  Euripides. 

Iphigenie.     See  IPHIGENIA. 

Iphl-tus,  [Gr.  'tyiTOf,.]  a  king  of  Elis,  who  revived 
the  Olympic  games  about  884  B.C.,  four  hundred  and 
seventy  years  after  their  first  institution.  They  were 
celebrated  every  fifth  year,  at  Olympia,  on  the  banks 
of  the  Alpheus.  Lycurgus,  the  Spartan  lawgiver,  was 
associated  with  Iphitus  in  this  affair. 

Ipparco,  the  Italian  of  HIPPARCHUS,  which  see. 

Ippocrate.     See  HIPPOCRATES. 

Ippolito.    See  HIPPOLYTUS. 

Irailh,  e'rjl',  (AucusTiN  SIMON,)  a  French  historical 
writer,  born  at  Puy-en-Velay  in  1719,  became  canon 
of  Monistrol.  He  wrote  an  interesting  work  entitled 
"Literary  Quarrels,  or  Memoirs  of  the  Revolutions  in 
the  Republic  of  Letters  from  the  Time  of  Homer  to 
the  Present,"  (4  vols.,  1761,)  also  a  "History  of  the 
Reunion  of  Bretagne  with  France,"  (2  vols.,  1764.)  Died 
in  1794. 

Ir'by,  (CHARLES  LEONARD,)  an  English  officer  in  the 
royal  navy,  was  born  October  9,  1789.  In  conjunction 
with  James  Mangles,  he  wrote  a  valuable  work  entitled 
"  Travels  in  Egypt,  Nubia,  Syria,  and  the  Holy  Land," 
(1823.)  Died  December  3,  1845.  (See  MANGLES, 

Ire'dell,  ir'del,  (JAMES,)  a  distinguished  jurist, 
born  in  England  in  1751,  settled  in  North  Carolina  in 
1768.  He  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1770,  and  from 
1777  to  1779  was  judge  of  the  supreme  court  of  North 
Carolina.  He  was  one  of  the  ablest  members  of  the 
constitutional  convention  of  1787,  and  from  1790  till 
his  death,  in  1799,  was  judge  of  the  supreme  court  of 
the  United  States.  He  published  the  "  Laws  of  North 
Carolina,  1715-1790." 

Iredell,  (JAMES,)  a  lawyer,  a  son  of  the  preceding, 
was  born  at  Edenton,  North  Carolina,  in  1788.  He  was 
Governor  of  North  Carolina  in  1827,  and  was  a  Senator 
of  the  United  States  from  1828  to  1831.  He  was  sub- 
sequently reporter  to  the  supreme  court  of  his  native 
State,  and  published  thirteen  volumes  of  law  and  eight 
of  equity  reports.  Died  in  1853. 

Ire'land,  (JOHN,)  D.D.,  an  English  writer,  born  at 
Ashburton  in  1761,  became  prebendary  of  Westminster 
in  1802,  and  Dean  of  Westminster  and  rector  of  Islip  in 
1816.  He  founded  a  professorship  at  Oxford,  and  several 
scholarships.  He  was  a  contributor  to  the  "  London 
Quarterly  Review,"  and  the  author  of  several  approved 
works  of  divinity,  among  which  is  "  Paganism  and  Chris- 
tianity Compared."  Died  in  1842. 

Ireland,  (JOHN,)  an  English  writer,  born  in  Shrop- 
shire, removed  to  London,  where  he  became  a  con- 
noisseur of  art  and  a  dealer  in  pictures.  He  compiled 
"Memoirs  of  Henderson"  the  actor,  and  published 
"  Hogarth  Illustrated,"  which  was  favourably  received. 
Died  in  1808. 

Ireland,  (JOHN,)  an  American  ecclesiastic,  born 
in  Ireland  in  1838.  He  was  brought  to  the  United 
States  as  a  boy,  studied  theology  in  France,  was  or- 
dained priest  in  the  Roman  Catholic  Church  in  1861, 
became  bishop,  and  in  1888  archbishop  of  St.  Paul, 
Minnesota.  He  became  well  known  as  a  lecturer  on 
temperance  and  a  writer  and  speaker  for  the  Repub- 
lican party,  and  published  "The  Church  and  Modern 

Ireland,  (SAMUEL,)  born  in  London,  was  a  weaver 
of  Spitalfields  in  his  youth.  He  became  subsequently  a 
dealer  in  rare  prints,  curiosities,  etc.  Having  acquired 
some  skill  in  drawing  and  engraving,  he  employed  it 
in  illustrating  various  countries,  of  which  he  published 
"  Picturesque  Tours."  He  was  the  author  of  "  Graphic 
Illustrations  of  Hogarth,"  and  the  publisher  of  the  Shak- 
speare  Papers  forged  by  his  son.  (See  below.)  Died 
in  1800. 

Ireland,  (WILLIAM  HENRY,)  a  son  of  the  preceding, 
was  born  in  London  in  1777.  He  acquired  notoriety 
in  1795  by  forging  legal  documents  under  the  seal  of 
Shakspeare,  and  by  practising  on  the  public  credulity  in 
relation  to  dramas  which  he  pretended  to  have  found  at 
Stratford.  One  of  these,  called  "  Vortigern,"  was  pur- 
chased by  Sheridan,  and  performed  at  Drury  Lane  before 
the  imposture  was  detected.  The  audience  were  ex- 
tremely disgusted  at  the  quality  of  the  play,  and  Ireland, 
being  required  to  explain  how  he  had  obtained  it,  con- 
fessed the  forgery  to  his  father,  and  afterwards  published 
a  written  confession,  which  displays  more  vanity  than 
penitence.  Died  in  1835. 

Ireuaeus,  e-ra-na'us,  (FALKOVSKI,)  a  learned  Russian 
prelate  and  writer  on  theology,  born  in  1762;  died  in 

IrenaEus,  (KLEMENTIEVSKI,)  a  Russian  theologian, 
born  in  1753,  became  Archbishop  of  Pskof.  He  wrote 
commentaries  on  Scripture,  and  translated  from  the 
Greek  some  works  of  the  Fathers.  Died  in  1818. 

Iren^us, ?r-e-nee'us,  [Gr.  E/pizvoiof;  Fr.  IRENEE,  e'ri'- 
na';  It.  IRENEO,  e-ri-na'o,]  SAINT,  a  Christian  martyr, 
born  about  130  or  140  A.D.,  was  a  Greek  by  birth,  and 
was  probably  a  native  of  Asia  Minor,  as  he  was  a  pupil 
of  the  eminent  Bishop  Polycarp  of  Smyrna.  About  177 
he  became  Bishop  of  Lyons,  (Lugdunum,)  in  France,  in 
place  of  Pothinus,  who  was  the  first  that  occupied  that 
see.  He  ministered  to  his  churches  with  wisdom  and 
general  acceptance.  To  counteract  the  errors  of  the 
Gnostics  and  others,  he  wrote  a  treatise  against  Heresies, 
which  is  still  extant,  (in  a  Latin  translation.)  He  also 
wrote  several  Letters,  and  other  works,  which  are  lost, 
except  some  fragments.  It  is  generally  supposed  that 
he  suffered  martyrdom  under  Septimus  Severus  ;  but 
the  learned  are  not  agreed  whether  it  occurred  in  2OJ 
or  208.  He  was  well  versed  in  ancient  philosophy,  as 
well  as  in  evangelical  doctrine.  His  book  on  Heresies 
is  highly  appreciated  as  a  historical  monument  and  a 
vindication  of  the  primitive  faith.  He  was  a  believer  in 
the  Millennium,  and  entertained  opinions  on  that  subject 
which  some  consider  extravagant. 

See  SAINT  JEROME,  "  De  Viria  illustrious ;"  EUSBBIUS,  "  Historic 
Ecclesiastical"  HENRY  DODWELL,  "  Dissertationes  in  Irenseum," 
1689;  GERVAISE,  "Vie  de  S.  Ire'ne'e,  second  Evgque  de  Lyon,"  1723; 
J.  M.  PRAT,  "Histoire  de  Saint-Ire'ne'e,"  1843;  JAMES  BRAVEW, 
"  Account  of  the  Life  and  Writings  of  Saint  Iren;eus." 

I-re'ae,  [Gr.  Zlpijvn ;  Fr.  iRiNE,  e'rjn',]  Empress  of 
Constantinople,  was  born  at  Athens  about  752,  of  very 
obscure  parentage,  and  in  769  A.D.  became  the  wife  of 
Leo  IV.,  Emperor  of  the  East.  At  his  death,  in  780,  he 
left  a  son  of  ten  years,  named  Constantine,  during  whose 
minority  Irene  acted  as  regent.  She  was  remarkable  for 
her  beauty,  energy,  and  talents.  In  order  to  decide  the 
quarrel  between  the  Iconoclasts  and  their  opponents,  to 
whom  she  was  partial,  she  assembled  a  council  in  787, 
which  formally  sanctioned  the  worship  of  images.  When 
her  son  attained  his  majority,  her  ambition  so  far  pre- 
vailed over  natural  affection  that  she  dethroned  him  and 
deprived  him  of  sight.  In  802  she  was  deposed  by  a 
conspiracy  of  her  subjects,  and  Nicephorus  was  chosen 
emperor.  She  died  in  exile  in  803. 

See  LB  BEAU,  "Histoire  du  Bas- Empire;"  VINCENT  MIGNOT, 
"  Histoire  de  I' I mpeVatrice  Irene,"  176:1 ;  GIBBON,  "  History  of  the 
Decline  and  Fall  of  the  Roman  Empire." 

Irenee.     See  IREN^US. 

Ireneo.    See  IREN^US. 

Ireton,  Ir'tpn,  (HENRY,)  an  eminent  English  repub- 
lican, born  in  1610.  He  was  a  student  of  law  when  the 
civil  war  began,  in  which  he  became  an  ardent  leader 
of  the  popular  cause.  Entering  the  army  as  captain  of 
cavalry,  he  was  rapidly  promoted,  and  became  highly 
distinguished  for  his  courage  and  capacity  both  in  the 
battle-field  and  the  council-chamber.  At  the  battle  of 
Naseby,  (1645,)  with  the  rank  of  commissary-general,  he 
commanded  the  left  wing,  and  was  wounded  and  taken 
prisoner  ;  but,  his  friends  having  gained  the  victory,  he 
recovered  his  liberty  the  same  day.  In  1646  he  married 
Bridget,  daughter  of  Oliver  Cromwell.  The  latter,  as 
Hume  remarks,  "had  great  deference  for  the  counsels 
of  Ireton ;"  and  the  republicans  generally  reposed  the 
highest  confidence  in  him,  as  a  statesman  of  incorruptible 
honour.  About  1646  he  was  elected  to  Parliament,  where 

c  as  k;  9  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as  /;  G,  H,  K, guttural ';  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     lJ[^=See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 



he  projected  various  wise  legal  and  constitutional  re 
forms  and  was  eminent  for  his  skill  in  drafting  ordi- 
nances. While  Charles  I.  was  a  prisoner  at  Hampton 
Court,  he  had  conferences  with  Cromwell  and  Ireton, 
who,  it  is  said,  were  inclined  to  reinstate  him  in  a  limited 
royalty,  until  they  intercepted  one  of  his  letters  which 
convinced  them  of  his  insincerity.  Ireton  was  a  member 
of  the  court  which  tried  the  king ;  and  he  signed  the 
warrant  for  his  execution,  January,  1649.  In  reference 
to  this  affair,  Burnet  says,  "  Ireton  was  the  person  that 
drove  it  on ;  for  Cromwell  was  all  the  while  in  some 
suspense  about  it."  In  July,  1649,  he  went  to  Ireland 
as  second  in  command  under  Cromwell,  who,  returning 
after  the  lapse  of  a  few  months,  left  to  Ireton  the  chief 
command,  with  the  title  of  lord  deputy.  After  gaining 
several  victories  and  taking  Limerick,  he  died  there  of 
the  plague  in  1651.  Hume,  who  was  not  partial  to  his 
cause,  denominates  him  "a  memorable  personage,  much 
celebrated  for  his  vigilance,  industry,  capacity  even  for 
the  strict  execution  of  justice  in  that  unlimited  command 
which  he  possessed  in  Ireland.  It  was  believed  by  many 
that  he  was  animated  by  a  sincere  and  passionate  love 
of  liberty."  ("  History  of  England.") 

See,  also,  "  Biographia  Britannica ;"  GUIZOT,  "  Histoire  de  la 
Revolution  d'Angleterre." 

Iriarte  or  Yriarte,  e-re-an'ta,  (BERNARDO,)  nephew 
of  Don  Juan  de  Iriarte,  noticed  below,  was  born  in  Tene- 
riffe  about  1734.  He  became  a  member  of  the  council 
of  state,  and  held  other  important  offices  under  the 
Spanish  government  Died  in  1814. 

Iriarte,  (DOMINGO,)  brother  of  the  preceding,  born 
in  Teneriffe  in  1746,  was  sent  as  minister  plenipotentiary 
of  Spain  to  Poland,  and  employed  in  other  embassies. 
Died  in  1795. 

Iriarte,  (FRANCISCO  DIEGO  DE  Ainsay — In-sl',)  a 
Spanish  writer,  born  at  Huesca,  published  an  account 
of  his  native  city,  entitled  "Fundacion,  Eccelencias, 
Grandezas,  etc.  de  la  antiquisima  Ciudad  de  Huesca," 

Iriarte,  (IGNACIO,)  a  celebrated  Spanish  landscape- 
painter,  born  in  Guipuscoa  in  1620,  was  a  pupil  of  the 
elder  Herrera.  He  worked  in  Seville,  and  became  a 
friend  of  Murillo,  who  painted  the  figures  for  some  of  his 
landscapes.  He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Academy 
of  Seville.  Iriarte  was  regarded  as  the  best  landscape- 
painter  of  his  country  and  his  time.  Connoisseurs  admire 
in  his  works  the  lightness  of  the  foliage,  the  transparency 
of  the  sky,  the  limpidity  of  the  water,  and  the  mastery 
of  chiaroscuro.  Died  in  1685. 

See  RAPHAEL  MHNGS,  "  Las  Obras,"  etc.,  1780 ;  QUILLIBT,  "  Dic- 
tionuaire  des  Peintres  Espagnols." 

Iriarte,  de,  da  e-re-aR'ti,  (Don  JUAN,)  an  eminent 
linguist  and  scholar,  born  in  the  island  of  Teneriffe  in 
1702.  He  studied  in  Paris  at  the  College  of  Louis  le 
Grand,  and  subsequently  visited  London  and  Madrid, 
where  he  was  appointed  in  1732  one  of  the  librarians 
in  the  Royal  Library.  He  became  official  translator  to 
the  principal  secretary  of  state  in  1740,  and  in  1743  was 
elected  a  member  of  the  Royal  Academy.  Among  his 
works  may  be  named  a  "  History  of  the  Canary  Islands," 
(in  manuscript,)  a  collection  of  Spanish  proverbs  in 
Latin  verse,  and  translations  from  Martial.  Iriarle  is 
said  to  have  added  two  thousand  manuscripts  and  more 
than  ten  thousand  printed  volumes  to  the  Royal  Library 
during  the  thirty-nine  years  in  which  he  officiated  as 
librarian.  Died  in  1771. 

Iriarte,  de,  (ToMAS,)  youngest  brother  of  Bernardo, 
noticed  above,  was  born  in  Teneriffe  about  1750.  He  be- 
came a  proficient  in  the  ancient  and  modern  languages 
under  the  tuition  of  his  uncle,  and  subsequently  became 
archivist  to  the  principal  secretary  of  state,  and  editor 
of  the  "  Madrid  Mercury."  He  was  author  of  a  poem 
entitled  "La  Musica,"  (1779,)  which  was  received  with 
great  favour  and  translated  into  the  principal  European 
languages,  and  "  Literary  Fables,"  ("  Fabulas  literarias.") 
The  latter  are  written  in  various  metres,  and  are  re- 
markable for  their  graceful  versification.  They  enjoyed 
great  popularity  at  the  time,  and  are  still  ranked  among 
the  classics  of  the  language.  An  English  version  of 
.hese  fables,  by  George  H.  Devereux,  appeared  in  1855. 
Iriarte  also  published  a  comedy  entitled  "The  Spoiled 

Child,"  ("El  Sefiorito  mimado,")  a  number  of  sonnets 
and  critical  essays,  and  a  metrical  translation  of  Horace's 
"Art  of  Poetry."  Died  about  1790. 

See  LONGFELLOW,  "Poets  and  Poetry  of  Europe;"  IOLY,  no- 
tice of  the  Life  of  Tomas  de  Iriarte,  in  the  "  Repertoire  de  Litte'ra- 
ture. " 

Irico,  e-ree'ko,  (GIOVANNI  ANDREA,)  an  Italian  priest 
and  savant,  born  at  Trino  in  1704.  He  wrote  se/eral 
religious  and  antiquarian  works.  Died  in  1782. 

I'ria,  [Gr.  'Ip'f.J  in  Greek  mythology,  the  goddess  of 
the  rainbow,  said  to  be  a  daughter  of  Thaumas,  and 
sometimes  called  Thaumantias.  Homer  represents  her 
as  the  messenger  of  the  gods,  employed  to  carry  mes- 
sages from  Ida  to  Olympus  and  from  gods  to  men.  She 
was  the  attendant  of  the  goddess  Hera,  or  Juno. 

Irland,  CR'ION',  (BONAVENTURE,)  a  French  jurist,  of 
Scottish  dsscent,  born  at  Poitiers  in  1551 ;  died  in  1612. 

Irnerius,  eR-na're-us,  sometimes  written  Warnerius, 
a  celebrated  Italian  jurisconsult,  born  at  Bologna  in  the 
eleventh  century.  He  became  the  renovator  or  restorer 
of  the  Roman  law,  which  had  been  neglected,  and  on 
which  he  wrote  commentaries,  called  "  Glossae."  He 
obtained  the  office  of  judge,  and  was  sent  by  the  emperor 
to  Rome  in  1118  to  expedite  the  election  of  a  pope. 

See  B.  NIHUSIUS,  "Irnerius,"  Cologne,  1642;  FANTUZZI,  "  Serif 
tori  Bolognesi." 

Iron  Mask.    See  MASQUE  DE  FER. 

I'rgns,  (WILLIAM  JOSIAH,)  D.D.,  an  English  author, 
born  at  Hoddesdon,  Herts,  September  12,  1812.  He 
graduated  at  Queen's  College,  Oxford,  in  1833,  became 
a  prebendary  of  Saint  Paul's  in  1860,  and  in  1870  rural 
dean,  rector  of  Wadingham,  and  Bampton  Lecturer. 
He  published  various  theological  and  philosophical 
works,  and  made  a  noted  translation  of  the  "  Dies  Irae." 
Died  June  18,  1883. 

Ir'vlne,  (WILLIAM,)  a  general,  born  near  Enniskillen, 
Ireland,  about  1742,  emigrated  to  Pennsylvania  in  1763. 
He  became  a  colonel  in  1776,  and  a  brigadier-general 
in  1779.  From  1781  to  1783  he  commanded  the  troops 
stationed  at  Fort  Pitt  for  the  defence  of  the  western 
frontier.  He  was  chosen  a  member  of  Congress  in  1787, 
and  again  in  1793.  Died  in  1804. 

Ir'ving,  (DAVID,)  LL.D.,  a  Scottish  biographer  and 
writer  on  law.  He  published  "  Lives  of  Scottish  Poets," 
(1804,)  "  Lives  of  the  Scottish  Writers,"  (1839,)  and  "The 
Table-Talk  of  John  Selden,"  (1854.)  He  was  born  at 
Langholm,  December  5,  1778;  died  at  Edinburgh,  March 
10,  1860. 

Irving,  (EDWARD,)  a  celebrated  and  eloquent  Scottish 
pulpit  orator,  born  at  Annan  in  1792,  was  a  graduate  of 
the  University  of  Edinburgh.  Having  been  employed 
as  rector  of  an  academy  at  Kirkaldy  about  seven  years, 
he  was  ordained  a  Presbyterian  minister.  From  1819  to 
1822  he  was  engaged  as  assistant  in  the  pulpit  of  Dr. 
Chalmers,  Glasgow,  where  he  acquired  a  good  reputation. 
He  accepted  a  call  from  the  Scottish  Church,  Cross 
Street,  London,  in  1822,  and  soon  became  an  admired 
and  fashionable  preacher.  His  original  genius  and  his 
extraordinary  eloquence  attracted  crowded  audiences, 
among  whom  were  found  the  most  eminent  authors  and 
statesmen,  and  nobles  of  the  highest  rank.  In  1823  he 
published  a  series  of  discourses  entitled  "For  the  Ora- 
cles of  God,  Four  Orations,"  etc  In  1829  he  removed 
into  a  larger  church  built  for  him  in  Regent  Square.  A 
charge  of  heresy  having  been  preferred  against  him  in 
the  presbytery  of  London  in  1830,  he  was  condemned 
by  that  body,  and  ejected  from  the  church,  in  1832. 
After  this  event  he  obtained  another  place,  and  attracted 
crowds  by  his  exhibition  of  the  gift  of  unknown  tongues, 
which  he  ascribed  to  divine  inspiration.  He  published 
"  Babylon  and  Infidelity  Foredoomed  of  God,"  and  other 
theological  treatises.  Died  at  Glasgow  in  December, 
1834.  "  He  was  unquestionably,"  says  De  Quincey,  "by 
many  degrees  the  greatest  orator  of  our  times."  It  is 
probable  that  his  devotion  was  sincere,  but  not  guided 
by  discretion,  and  that  in  the  latter  part  of  his  career 
his  mind  was  affected  with  insanity.  Carlyle,  who  was 
his  friend,  thinks  that  "bodily  and  spiritually,  perhaps, 
there  was  not  (in  that  November,  1822)  a  man  more  full 
of  genial,  energetic  life  in  these  islands."  He  left  three 
children.  The  collected  writings  of  Edward  Irving  have 

a,  e,  I,  o,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  Q,  obscure;  far,  fall,  fat;  mjt;  nit;  good;  moon; 





been  published  under  the  editorship  of  his  nephew,  the 
Rev.  G.  Carlyle,  London,  1864-65. 

See  "Life  of  Irving,"  by  MRS.  OLIPHANT,  1862 ;  DR  QUINCHY, 
'Literary  Reminiscences,"  vol.  ii.  ;  "Edinburgh  Review"  For  Octo- 
ber, 1862:  "Edward  Irving,  an  Ecclesiastical  and  Literary  Biogra- 
phy," by  W.  WILKS  ;  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Emi- 
nent Scotsmen,"  (Supplement;)  MICHAEL  HOHL,  "  Bruchstucke  aus 
dem  Leben  und  den  Schriften  E.  Irving's,"  1839 ;  LEHMAMN,  "  Ueber 
die  Irvingianer,"  1853;  "Westminster  Review"  for  January,  1824; 
"  Biackwood's  Magazine"  for  November,  1858,  and  June,  1862; 
"  Fraser's  Magazine"  for  January,  1835;  "North  British  Review" 
for  August,  1862. 

Irving,  (Sir  HENRY  BRODRIBB,)  an  English  actor, 
whose  family  name  is  Brodribb,  was  born  at  Keinton, 
in  Somersetshire,  February  6,  1838.  He  first  appeared 
on  the  stage  in  1856,  and  rapidly  attained  distinction  as 
a  first-rate  comedian.  His  "  Hamlet,"  first  played  in 
1874,  greatly  divided  public  opinion,  but  at  present  his 
high  rank  as  a  tragedian  is  very  generally  conceded. 
Since  1883  he  has  frequently  visited  the  United  States. 

Ir'ving,  (JOHN  TREAT,)  an  American  judge  and  writer, 
brother  of  Washington  Irving,  was  born  in  1778.  He 
was  a  popular  contributor,  (political,)  both  in  prose  and 
verse,  to  the  "  Morning  Chronicle,"  and  from  1821  til! 
his  death,  in  1838,  was  presiding  judge  of  the  court 
of  coma  /n  pleas  in  New  York. 

Irving,  (JoHN  TREAT,)  an  American  lawyer  and  writer, 
son  of  the  preceding,  and  a  resident  of  New  York,  is  au- 
thor of  a  volume  of  "  Indian  Sketches,"  (1835,)  and  two 
novels,  entitled  "  The  Attorney,"  and  "  Harry  Harson  ; 
or,  The  Benevolent  Bachelor,"  which  originally  appeared 
in  the  "  Knickerbocker  Magazine." 

Irving,  (JOSEPH,)  a  Scottish  author,  born  at  Dumfries 
in  1830.  He  wrote  a  "  Book  of  Dumbartonshire,"  (3 
vols.,  1879,)  "Annals  of  Our  Time,"  "Dictionary  of 
Scotsmen,"  (1880,)  etc.  Died  in  1891. 

Irving,  (PETER,)  an  American  journalist,  born  in  1771. 
He  became  in  1802  the  editor  and  proprietor  cf  the 
"  Morning  Chronicle,"  a  Democratic  journal  of  New 
York.  In  conjunction  with  his  brother  Washington,  he 
projected  "  Knickerbocker's  Histoty  of  New  York."  He 
wrote  "Giovanni  Sbogarro,  a  Venetian  Tale,"  (1820.) 
Died  in  1838. 

Irving,  (THEODORE,)  LL.D.,  an  American  author, 
and  minister  in  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church,  was 
born  in  New  York  in  1809.  He  spent  some  time  in 
Europe  with  his  uncle,  Washington  Irving,  was  professor 
of  history  and  belles-lettres  in  Geneva  College,  New 
York,  from  1836  to  1849,  and  afterwards  filled  for  several 
years  the  chair  of  belles-lettres  in  the  New  York  Free 
Academy.  He  entered  the  ministry  in  1854.  He  wrote 
"  The  Conquest  of  Florida  by  Hernando  de  Soto,"  in  2 
vols.,  (Philadelphia  and  London,  1835,)  and  "The  Foun- 
tain of  Living  Waters,"  (1854.)  Died  December  20,  1880. 

Irving,  (WASHINGTON,)  a  distinguished  American 
author  and  humourist,  born  in  the  city  of  New  York, 
April  3,  1783,  was  a  son  of  William  Irving,  a  native  of 
Scotland.  About  iSco  he  left  school  and  commenced 
the  study  of  the  law.  For  the  benefit  of  his  health,  he 
performed  in  1804  a  voyage  to  Europe,  visited  France, 
Italy,  Switzerland,  and  England,  and  returned  in  1806. 
Soon  after  his  return  he  was  admitted  to  the  bar;  but 
he  preferred  to  devote  himself  to  literary  pursuits,  and 
never  practised  law.  In  conjunction  with  his  brother 
William  and  with  James  K.  Paulding,  he  issued  in  1807 
a  humorous  and  satirical  magazine,  entitled  "Salma- 
gundi, or  the  Whim-Whams  and  Opinions  of  Launcelot 
Langstaff,  Esq.,  and  others."  Of  this  amusing  and  popular 
work  only  twenty  numbers  were  issued.  He  published 
in  1809  another  humorous  work,  "The  History  of  New 
York,  by  Diedrich  Knickerbocker,"  in  which  he  was 
assisted  by  his  brother  Peter.  It  was  very  favourably 
received.  "  I  have  never,"  says  Sir  Walter  Scott,  "  read 
anything  so  closely  resembling  the  style  of  Dean  Swift 
as  the  Annals  of  biedrich  Knickerbocker."  (Letter  to 
Henry  Brevoort,  April  23,  1813.) 

In  1810  he  became  a  silent  partner  with  his  brothers 
in  an  extensive  commercial  house  in  New  York.  He 
sailed  in  1815  to  Europe,  where  he  remained  many 
years,  and  in  1817  visited  Sir  Walter  Scott  at  Abbots- 
ford,  who  became  his  constant  friend.  He  was  reduced 
to  poverty  by  the  failure  of  the  firm  of  which  he  was  a 
member,  in  1817.  His  next  important  work  was  "The 

Sketch-Book,"  (1818,)  by  Geoffrey  Crayon,  which  was 
written  in  England.  It  enjoyed  great  popularity,  and 
raised  Irving  to  the  highest  rank  of  American  authors. 
Lord  Jeffrey,  in  the  "  Edinburgh  Review"  for  August; 
1820,  commended  "The  Sketch-Book"  as  "written 
throughout  with  the  greatest  care  and  accuracy,  and 
worked  up  to  great  purity  and  beauty  of  diction  on  the 
model  of  the  most  elegant  and  polished  of  our  native 
writers."  He  published  in  London,  in  1822,  "Brace- 
bridge  Hall,  or  the  Humourists,"  which  was  received 
with  great  favour  both  in  England  and  America.  Com- 
menting on  this  work,  Lord  Jeffrey  says,  "  We  happen 
to  be  very  intense  and  sensitive  admirers  of  those  soft 
harmonies  of  studied  speech  in  which  this  author  is  apt 
to  indulge  himself,  and  have  caught  ourselves  oftener 
than  we  shall  confess,  neglecting  his  excellent  matter  to 
lap  ourselves  in  the  liquid  music  of  his  periods."  ("Edin- 
burgh Review"  for  November,  1822.)  For  his  "Tales 
of  a  Traveller,"  (1824,)  Murray,  the  London  publisher, 
gave  him  .£1500  before  he  saw  the  manuscript. 

Mr.  Irving  afterwards  spent  some  years  in  France  and 
Spain,  where  he  composed  his  "  History  of  the  Life 
and  Voyages  of  Christopher  Columbus,"  (4  vols.,  1828,) 
which  was  very  successful.  "  This  is  one  of  those  works," 
says  Alexander  II.  Everett,  "which  are  at  the  same  time 
the  delight  of  readers  and  the  despair  of  critics.  It  is 
as  nearly  perfect  as  any  work  well  can  be."  ("North 
American  Review"  for  January,  1829.)  In  1829  he  pro- 
duced an  imaginative  and  romantic  work  entitled  "The 
Chronicle  of  the  Conquest  of  Granada,  from  the  Manu- 
scripts of  Fray  Antonio  Agapida."  He  was  appointed 
secretary  of  legation  to  the  American  embassy  at  London 
in  1829,  and  returned  to  the  United  States  in  1832.  Among 
his  later  works  are  "The  Alhambra,"(i832;)  a  "Tour  on 
the  Prairies,"  (1835;)  "Astoria,"  (3  vols.,  1836;)  "The 
Adventures  of  Captain  Bonneville,"  (2  vols.,  1837;) 
"Oliver  Goldsmith,  a  Biography,"  (1849;)  "Mahomet 
and  his  Successors,"  (1850;)  and  "The  Life  of  George 
Washington,"  (5  vols.,  1855-59.)  He  was  minister  to 
Spain  from  1842  to  1846.  He  passed  the  latter  part  of 
his  life  at  Sunnyside,  on  the  Hudson  River,  where  he 
died,  November  28,  1859.  He  was  never  married. 

For  an  easy  elegance  of  style,  Irving  has  no  superior, 
perhaps  no  equal,  among  the  prose  writers  of  America. 
If  Hawthorne  excels  him  in  variety,  in  earnestness,  and  in 
force,  he  is  perhaps  inferior  to  Irving  in  facility  and  grace  ; 
while  he  can  make  no  claim  to  that  genial,  lambent 
humour  which  beams  in  almost  every  page  of  "  Geoffrey 


.835,  and  January,  1837,  (both  by  EDWARD  EVERETT,)  and  April, 
1858  ;  "  Blackwood's  Magazine"  for  July,  1820  ;  "  Fraser's  Magazine1' 
for  October,  1835;  "Westminster  Review"  for  January,  1837  ;  ALLI 
BONE,  "Dictionary  of  Authors:"  CLEVELAND,  "Compendium  of 
American  Literature  ;"  "  Atlantic  Monthly"  for  November,  1860,  and 
June,  1864. 

Irving,  (WILLIAM,)  a  brother  of  the  preceding,  was 
born  in  New  York  in  1766.  He  married  a  sister  of 
James  K.  Paulding  in  1793,  became  a  merchant  in  New 
York,  and  was  a  member  of  Congress  during  three 
terms,  (1813-19.)  He  aided  his  brother  and  Mr.  Pauld' 
ing  in  the  "  Salmagundi,"  of  which  he  wrote  the  poetical 
parts.  Died  in  1821. 

Ir'win,  (EYLES,)  a  poet,  born  in  Calcutta,  of  Irish 
parents,  in  1748,  was  employed  in  the  civil  service  of 
the  East  India  Company.  He  wrote  several  odes  and 
eclogues,  and  "Adventures  during  a  Voyage  up  the  Red 
Sea,"  (1780.)  Died  in  1817. 

Irwin,  VISCOUNTESS.     See  HOWARD,  (ANNE.) 

Isa,  ee'sa,  written  also  153  and  Isha,  one  of  the  names 
of  SIVA,  which  see. 

Isaac,  I'zak,  ["  or  pn»' ;  It.  ISACCO,  e-sik'- 
ko;  Arabian,  ISHAK,  is'hlk',]  a  Hebrew  patriarch,  the 
son  of  Abraham  and  Sarah,  was  born  about  1990  B.C.  He 
married  Rebecca,  and  became  the  father  of  Esau  and 
Jacob.  "  Of  all  the  patriarchs,"  says  Bishop  Hall,  "  none 
made  so  little  noise  in  the  world  as  Isaac."  He  removed 
to  Gerar.  in  the  land  of  the  Philistines,  and  acquired 

;  jasj;  'ghard;  gas/;G,  H,K,  guttural;  N,  nasal;  ^trilled;  sasz;  th  as  in  Afaf.     (2®=See  Explanations,  p.  23. 

IS  A  A  C 



riches  as  a  planter.  He  died  at  the  age  of  one  hundred 
and  eighty. 

Isaac  L,  or  Isaac  Com-ne'nus,  [Gr.  loaiuaot  6 
Ko^wTvof,]  Emperor  of  Constantinople,  was  chosen  by 
the  army  as  successor  of  Michael  VI.  in  1057.  Two 
years  later,  in  consequence  of  a  malady  which  he  sup- 
posed mortal,  he  resigned  the  throne  to  Constantine 
Ducas,  and  entered  a  convent  Died  in  1061. 

Isaac  H,  or  Isaac  An'ge-lus,  [Gr.  'laaaiaof  6  'Ayye- 
*oc,l  Emperor  of  Constantinople,  was  proclaimed  in 
1185  as  successor  to  Androni'cus,  who  was  dethroned 
by  a  popular  revolt  He  rendered  himself  very  un- 
popular by  his  vices  and  misgovernment  In  1195  his 
brother  Alexis  usurped  the  throne  and  imprisoned  Isaac, 
who  was  liberated  and  restored  in  1203  by  an  army  of 
crusaders.  In  1204  he  was  again  supplanted  by  Alexius 
Ducas,  and  died  or  was  killed  the  same  year.  Constan- 
tinople was  speedily  taken  by  the  crusaders,  who  elected 
Baldwin  emperor. 

Isaac,  ee'zak,  (HEINRICH,)  a  German  musician,  whorr 
the  Italians  called  ARRIGO  TEDESCO,  («>.  the  "  German 
Henry,")  was  born  about  1440.  He  removed  to  Italj 
about  1475,  and  was  patronized  by  Lorenzo  de'  Media 
He  composed  sacred  music. 

Isaacson,  T'zak-son,  (HENRY,)  born  in  London  ir 
1581,  wrote  a  work  on  Chronology.  Died  in  1654. 

Isabel,  the  Spanish  of  ELIZABETH,  which  see. 

Isabel  L    See  ISABELLA  OF  CASTILE. 

Is'a-bel  [Sp.  pron.  e-si-bel']  HZ,  (or,  more  fully, 
Maria  Isabel  Luisa,)  Queen  of  Spain,  born  at  Madnd 
in  October,  1830,  is  a  daughter  of  Ferdinand  VIL  and 
Maria  Christina.  She  succeeded  her  father  on  the  29th 
of  September,  1833,  when  her  mother  became  regent. 
Her  claim  was  disputed  by  her  uncle,  Don  Carlos,  in  a 
civil  war,  which  ended  in  the  defeat  of  the  Carlists  in 
1840.  The  queen-regent  having  been  driven  from  power 
by  a  popular  revolt  in  October,  1840,  Espartero  became 
regent  Isabel  was  declared  of  age  in  November,  1843, 
and  in  October,  1846,  was  married  to  her  cousin,  Fran- 
cisco de  Assis,  a  son  of  Francisco  de  Paula,  who  was  a 
brother  of  Ferdinand  VII.  Her  reign  was  agitated  by 
many  revolutions,  coups  d'ltat,  and  changes  of  constitu- 
tion. In  September,  1868,  she  was  deposed  by  her 
revolted  subjects  almost  without  a  struggle.  Her  son, 
Alfonso  XII.,  became  king  in  1875. 

Isabella.    See  ELIZABETH. 

Is-a-bel'la  OF  AUSTRIA,  (CLARA  EUGENIA,)  the 
daughter  of  Philip  II.  of  Spain  and  Elizabeth  of  France, 
was  born  in  1566.  As  the  niece  of  Henry  III.  of  France, 
she  claimed  the  French  crown  at  his  death,  but  was 
excluded  by  the  Salic  law,  though  she  was  favoured  by 
the  chiefs  of  the  League.  In  1597  she  became  the  wife 
of  Archduke  Albert,  son  of  the  Emperor  of  Germany. 
Died  in  1633. 

Isabella  OF  BAVARIA,  daughter  of  Stephen,  second 
Duke  of  Bavaria,  born  in  1371,  became  Queen  of  France 
in  1385  by  marriage  with  Charles  VI.  She  was  remark- 
able for  beauty  and  for  her  voluptuous  and  dissolute 
character.  When  her  imbecile  consort  became  incapable 
of  ruling,  she  aspired  to  royal  power,  and  made  a  coali- 
tion with  the  English  against  the  dauphin,  her  son.  Died 

ln  '435- 

Isabella  [Span.  ISABEL,  e-si-bf  1';  Fr.  ISABELLE,  e'zf- 
bel']  OF  CASTILE,  daughter  of  John  II.,  King  of  Cas- 
tile, was  born  at  Madrigal  in  1451.  The  malcontent 
subjects  of  her  brother,  Henry  IV.,  forced  him  to  ac- 
knowledge her  as  his  heir,  after  which  her  hand  was 
solicited  by  several  princes  of  Europe,  and  she  became 
the  wife  of  Ferdinand  of  Aragon  in  1469.  In  1474  she 
was  proclaimed  Queen  of  Castile  and  Leon,  the  sove- 
reignty of  which  she  did  not  resign  to  her  husband,  but 
kept  in  her  own  hands.  Historians  agree  in  applauding 
her  beauty,  virtue,  magnanimity,  piety,  learning,  and 
political  wisdom.  It  was  under  her  auspices  that  Co- 
lumbus discovered  America,  after  his  project  had  been 
treated  with  neglect  by  Ferdinand.  Died  in  1504.  (See 
FERDINAND  V.)  Isabella  had  blue  eyes  and  auburn  hair, 
and  possessed  gieat  beauty  of  features,  sweetness  of 
expression,  and  dignity  of  presence. 

See  PRESCOTT,  "  History  of  Ferdinand  and  Isabella;"  Tr,*?:  .  _ 
MOLINA,  "  Sumariu  de  la  Vida  y  Hechos  de  los  cat61icos  Reves  D. 

Fernando  y  Dona  Isabel,"  1587  ;  FERNANDEZ  DE  PULGAR,  "  Rerum 
a  Ferdinando  et  Elisabe  Hispaniarum  Repibus  Gestarum  Decades 
II.,"  1545;  D.  CLEMENCIN,  "Elogio  de  la  Reina  catolica  Dona 
Isabel,"  1821 ;  GEORGE  ANITA,  "  Memoirs  of  Queen  Isabella  of 
Castile,"  London,  1850. 

Isabelle.     See  ISABELLA. 

Isabelle  OF  FRANCE.     See  ELIZABETH  OF  FRANCE. 

Isabelle  (e'zt'bSl')  OF  FRANCE,  Queen  of  England 
daughter  of  Philip  the  Fair,  King  of  France,  was  born 
in  1292,  and  was  married  to  Edward  II.  in  1308.  The 
issue  of  this  union  was  a  son,  who  became  Edward  III. 
About  1324  she  went  to  Paris  to  negotiate  between  her 
consort  and  the  French  king,  where  she  formed  a  con- 
spiracy with  malcontent  nobles,  and  returned  to  England 
with  the  avowed  intention  to  remove  from  power  the 
king's  unworthy  favourite,  Spencer.  Entering  London 
without  resistance,  in  1326,  the  partisans  of  the  queen  de- 
posed Edward  II.  and  proclaimed  his  son  king.  Isabelle 
and  her  favourite,  Mortimer,  exercised  the  royal  power 
a  few  years  during  the  minority  of  her  son ;  and  there 
seems  no  reason  to  doubt  that  they  contrived  the  murder 
of  Edward  II.  She  was  imprisoned  for  nearly  twenty 
years,  and  died  in  prison  in  1358.  She  was  surnamed, 
on  account  of  her  cruelty,  "the  she-wolf  of  France." 

Isabelle  OF  FRANCE,  Queen  of  England,  born  in 
1389,  was  a  daughter  of  Charles  VI.  She  was  married 
to  Richard  II.  of  England  in  1396.  Died  in  1409. 

Isabelle,  e'zf'bel',  (CHARLES  EDOUARD,)  a  French 
architect,  born  at  Havre  in  1800,  wrote  "The  Circular 
Edifices  and  Domes  Classed,"  etc.,  Died  May  I,  1880. 

Isabelle  d'Angouleme,  e'zf'bel'  d6N'goo'l8m',  a 
French  princess,  was  a  daughter  of  Aymar,  Count  of 
Angouleme.  She  was  married  to  John,  King  of  Eng- 
land, in  1201.  Died  in  1245. 

Isabey,  e'zfbS',  (EUGENE  Louis  GABRIEL,)  an  emi- 
nent painter  of  marine  views,  born  in  Paris  in  1804.  He 
obtained  a  first-class  medal  in  1824,  and  produced 
11  The  Coast  of  Honfleur"  and  a  "  Tempest  near  Dieppe" 
in  1827,  the  "Battle  of  the  Texel,"  (1839,)  "The  De- 
parture of  Queen  Victoria,"  (1845,)  and  the  "  Embarka- 
:ion  of  De  Ruyter,"  (1851.)  He  received  a  first-class 
medal  at  the  Exposition  of  1855.  Died  in  1886. 

Isabey,  (JEAN  BAPTISTS,)  a  celebrated  French  minia- 
ture-painter, born  at  Nancy  in  1767,  was  a  pupil  of 
David,  and  father  of  the  preceding.  About  1802  he 
became  the  most  fashionable  artist  of  Paris  in  his  depart- 
ment of  the  art  He  was  liberally  patronized  by  the 
emperor  Napoleon,  who  had  been  his  friend  when  both 
were  obscure  citizens.  He  executed  many  admired 
portraits  of  the  Bonaparte  family  and  of  the  generals 
of  the  empire.  It  is  said  that  most  of  the  sovereigns  of 
Europe  have  been  the  subjects  of  his  pencil.  Among 
his  works  are  the  "Table  des  Marechaux,"  a  picture  on 
porcelain  of  Napoleon  and  his  marshals,  and  "  Th; 
Congress  of  Vienna,"  (1817.)  Died  in  1855. 

Isacs,  ee'zaks,  (PlETER,)  a  skilful  Dutch  portrait- 
painter,  born  at  Helzevor  in  1569;  died  about  1620. 

Isaeus,  I-see'us,  [Gr.  'laoioc/  Fr.  IsfiE,  e'za',]  a  famous 
Greek  orator,  who  flourished  about  400  B.C.,  was  a 
native  of  Chalcis,  or,  according  to  some  authorities,  of 
Athens.  Having  been  a  pupil  of  Isocrates,  he  opened 
a  celebrated  school  in  Athens,  and  had  the  honour  of 
being  the  preceptor  of  Demosthenes.  Isxus  is  one  of 
the  ten  Athenian  orators  of  the  Alexandrian  canon.  His 
style  is  at  once  elegant  and  vehement,  but  is  less  natural 
than  that  of  Lysias.  He  had  great  skill  in  dialectics 
and  in  the  distribution  of  his  arguments.  Only  eleven 
of  his  orations  are  now  extant ;  and  these  are  all  forensic. 
He  is  said  to  have  survived  the  accession  of  King  Philip 
of  Macedon,  348  B.C. 

See  J.  A.  LIEBMANN,  "  De  Iszi  VitaetScriptis,"  1831  ;  E.  JENIKE. 
"  Observationes  in  Iszum,"  1838. 

Isaeus,  a  Greek  sophist  and  orator,  born  in  Assyria, 
lived  in  the  first  century  after  Christ  His  eloquence 
is  extolled  by  Pliny. 

Isaiah,  I-za'yah" or  e-zi'a,  [Heb.  m'yVT  ;  Gr.  llaaiaf  ; 
Lat  ESAI'AS;  Fr.  ISA'I'E,  e'zt'e',  or  fisAiE,  i'zi'e';  It 
ISAIA,  e-sa-ee'S;  Sp.  ISAIAS,  e-si-ee'as,]  the  first  of  the 
great  Hebrew  prophets,  was  a  contemporary  of  Hosea, 
Joel,  Amos,  and  Micah.  He  prophesied  during  a  period 
of  about  fifty  years,  beginning  about  760  B.C.  He  lived 
at  Jerusalem,  and  exerted  great  influence  in  public  affairs. 

i,  e,  I,  o,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  <J,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fit;  met;  not;  good;  moon; 




Little  is  known  of  his  personal  history,  except  that  he 
had  a  wife,  who  is  called  a  prophetess,  and  two  sons. 
There  is  a  doubtful  tradition  that  Isaiah  suffered  death 
by  being  sawn  asunder,  at  the  command  of  King  Ma- 
nasseh.  As  a  writer  he  is  remarkable  for  versatility  of 
genius,  and  merits  the  first  rank  among  the  prophets  by 
the  majestic  simplicity  and  sublimity  of  his  compositions. 
He  declared  more  amply  and  clearly  than  any  other 
prophet  the  eternal  divinity,  vicarious  sufferings,  and 
glorious  kingdom  of  the  Messiah,  and  hence  is  often 
called  the  evangelical  prophet.  No  other  prophet  is  so 
often  quoted  by  Christ  and  his  apostles.  (See  Matt.  i. 
22,  iii.  3,  viii.  17,  xii.  18-20,  xiii.  14  ;  Luke  iv.  17;  Acts 
xxviii.  25  ;  Rom.  ix.  27,  and  x.  16;  Phil.  ii.  10.)  In  our 
translation  of  the  New  Testament  he  is  always  called 
ESAIAS.  He  has  been  pronounced  by  some  critics  not 
inferior  to  Homer  in  poetical  genius ;  and  all  agree  that 
his  book  is  a  master-piece  of  beauty  and  sublimity  both 
in  thought  and  style. 

Among  the  commentators  on  Isaiah  are  Saint  Jerome, 
Vitringa,  Lowth,  Calmct,  Eichhorn,  Doderlein,  Gesenius, 
Gataker,  Hitzig,  Rosenmiiller,  and  Henderson  ;  and,  in  the 
United  States,  Dr.  Alexander  and  Mr.  Albert  Barnes. 

See,  also,  KIMCHI,  "Lexicon  Rabbinicum;"  EWALD,  "Die  Pro- 
pheten  des  alien  Bundes,"  and  "Geschichte  des  Volkes  Israel  bil 
Christus;"  KNOBEL,  "Prophetisme  des  H^breux." 

Isaie.     See  ISAIAH. 

Isambert,  e'z6N/baiR',  (EMILE,)  a  French  physician 
and  biographer,  a  son  of  Fran9ois  Andre,  noticed  below, 
was  born  at  Auteuil  in  1828.  Died  October  27,  1876. 

Isambert,  (FRANCOIS  ANDRE,)  a  French  jurist  and 
Protestant,  born  at  Aunay  (Eure-et-Loire)  in  1792.  He 
distinguished  himself  about  1825  as  the  defender  of  the 
rights  of  the  free  people  of  colour  in  Martinique,  and 
"  performed  in  France,"  says  Taillandier,  "a  service  like 
that  which  Clarkson  and  Wilberforce  rendered  in  Eng- 
land." In  1830  he  was  appointed  a  judge  (conseiller)  of 
the  court  of  cassation.  He  was  a  Liberal  member  of  the 
Chamber  of  Deputies  from  1830  to  1848,  and  supported 
Cavaignac  and  the  cause  of  order  in  the  Assembly  of 
1848.  He  was  secretary  of  the  French  Society  for  the 
Abolition  of  Slavery,  of  which  he  is  said  to  have  been 
the  founder.  Among  his  works  are  a  "  Manual  for  the 
Publicist  and  Statesman,"  (4vols.,  1826,)  and  a  "History 
of  Justinian,"  (1856.)  He  wrote  many  able  articles  for 
the  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Generale."  Died  in  1857. 

See  TAILLANDIER,  article  in  the  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Isarn,  e'zlRn',  (SAMUEL,)  a  French  poet,  born  at  Cas- 
tres  in  1637,  wrote  "The  Speaking  Pistole,"  ("  La  Pistole 
parlante,"  1660,)  which  had  great  success.  Died  in  1673. 

Isauricus.     See  LEO  III. 

Is-ca'nl-us  or  Is-ca'nus,  (JOSEPH,)  surnamed  also 
DEVO'NIUS,  an  English  poet,  born  at  Exeter,  derived  his 
name  from  Isca,  the  place  of  his  education.  He  accom- 
panied Richard  I.  en  a  crusade  to  Palestine,  and  wrote 
a  Latin  poem  "  On  the  Trojan  War,"  and  another  en 
titled  "  Antiocheis."  Died  about  1224. 

Isee.     See  IS^EUS. 

Iselin,  ez'laN',  (ISAAC,)  a  Swiss  writer,  born  at  Bale 
in  1728.  He  was  assistant  secretary  of  state  from  1756 
to  his  death.  He  became  the  enlightened  advocate  of 
reform  in  morals,  education,  and  legislation,  on  which 
he  wrote  articles  for  the  journals.  His  chief  work  is 
entitled  "  On  the  History  of  Mankind,"  ("  Ueber  die 
Geschichte  der  Menschheit."  1764.)  Died  in  1782. 

See  J.  G.  SCHLOSSER,  "Rede  auf  Iselin,"  1783;  S.  HIRZEL, 
"Denkmal  I.  Iselin  gewidmet,"  1782. 

Iselin,  [Lat.  ISELI'NUS,]  (JACQUES  CHRISTOPHE,)  an 
eminent  Swiss  philologist  and  divine,  born  at  Bale  in 
1681.  He  spoke  Greek  with  facility,  and  excelled  in 
Oriental  languages.  He  became  professor  of  history  at 
Bale  in  1707,  and  was  promoted  to  the  chair  of  divinity 

ricis  Latinis  Melioris  ./Evi,"  1697,)  a  treatise  "On  the 
Domination  of  the  Magi  in  Persia,"  (1707,)  and  other 
minor  works.  Died  in  1737. 

See  BECK,  "Vita  Iselini,"  in  the  3d  vol.  of  "Tempe  Helvetica;1 
J.  R.  ISELIN,  "  Laudatio  funebris  consecrandas  Memorise  Viri  incom 
parabiHs  J.  C.  Iselini,"  1739. 

Iselin,  (JEAN  RODOLPHE,)  a  Swiss  jurist,  born  at 
3ale  in  1705,  wrote  "On  Eminent  Domain,"  ("De  Do- 
minio  Eminente,"  1726,)  and  other  works.  Died  in  1779. 
Isembert  (e'zfiN'baiR')  OF  XAINTES,  a  French  archi- 
ect,  lived  about  1200,  and  is  supposed  :o  have  built  the 
old  London  Bridge. 

Isenburg,  ee'zen-booRG',  [Fr.'  ISEMBOURG,  C'ZON'- 
JOOR',]  one  of  the  great  German  families  of  Protestant 
>rinces  and  counts.  It  included  the  branches  of  Isenburg- 
Birstein,  Isenburg-Philippseich,  Isenburg-Iiiidingen,  and 

Isendoorn,  van,  vSn  ee'zen-doRn',  or  Ysendoorn, 
GIJSBERT,)  a  Dutch  philosopher,  born  in  Gelderland  in 
:6oi,  published  "EfTata  Philosophica,"  (1633,)  "Ethica 
?eripatetica,"  (1659,)  and  other  works.  Died  in  1657. 

Isfendiyar,  is-fen'dee-ytR',  or  Asfandiyar,  as-fan'- 
dee-ylR',  one  of  the  most  celebrated  heroes  in  Persian 
listory,  lived  between  the  fifth  and  sixth  centuries  B.C., 
and  is  said  to  have  been  the  first  convert  to  the  religion 
of  Zoroaster,  in  which  he  was  followed  by  his  father 
ushtasp  (Darius  Hystaspis)  and  the  whole  Persian 
empire.  This  change  of  religion  led  to  the  invasion  of 
Persia  by  Arjasp,  King  of  Turan,  in  which  Isfendiyar, 
uy  his  bravery  and  heroism,  not  only  saved  his  father's 
.ingdom,  but  conquered  India,  Arabia,  and  the  West, 
He  was  killed  in  battle  by  the  celebrated  Roostum. 

See  MALCOLM,  "History  of  Persia;"  J.  ATKINSON,  "Abridg- 
ment of  the  Shah  Nameh  of  Firdousi. " 

Ish'mael,  [Heb.  ^Nl'DK"  ;  Arabic,  ISMAEEL  or  ISMAIL, 
is-mS-eel';  Fr.  ISMAEL,  es'mf  el',]  the  son  of  Abraham 
and  Hagar,  born  about  1900  B.C.,  was  the  ancestor  of 
the  Ishmaelites  or  Arabians.  (See  Genesis  xvi.,  xxi.) 

Ishwara.    See  ISWARA. 

Isi,  ee'see,  written  also  19!  and  Ishi,  (the  consort  of 
Isa  or  Siva,)  one  of  the  many  names  of  PARVATt,  which 
see.  She  is  identified  by  some  writers,  including  Sir  W. 
Jones,  with  the  Isis  of  the  Egyptians.  (See  Isis.) 

Isiaslaf.     See  IZIASLAF. 

Isl-dore  [Gr.  'Ial6apof;  Lat.  ISIDO'RUS  ;  Fr.  ISIDORE, 
e'ze'doR';  It.  ISIDORO,  e-se-do'ro]  OF  CHARAX,  a  Per- 
sian, who  is  supposed  to  have  lived  in  the  first  century 
of  our  era,  wrote  a  work  called  "  Parthian  Itinerary," 

hich  contains  a  list  of  the  eighteen  provinces  of  Parthia 
and  of  the  chief  towns,  with  the  distances  of  the  towns 
from  each  other. 

Isidore  OF  Moscow,  a  Russian  prelate,  was  chosen 
Primate  of  Russia  in  1437.  He  favoured  the  reunion  of 
the  Greek  and  Latin  Churches  at  the  Council  of  Florence, 
(1437.)  Died  at  Rome  in  1463. 

Isidore,  SAINT,  an  eminent  Spanish  scholar  and 
bishop,  born  at  Carthagena  about  570  A.D.,  was  a  brother 
of  Leander,  Archbishop  of  Seville.  He  understood 
Greek,  Hebrew,  and  Latin,  and  was  very  influential  in 
the  Spanish  Church.  About  600  he  was  appointed 
Bishop  of  Seville.  The  Council  of  Toledo,  held  in  650, 
denominated  him  "the  glory  of  the  Catholic  Church, 
and  the  most  learned  man  of  his  age."  Among  his  most 
important  works  are,  in  Latin,  "A  Chronicle  from  the 
Origin  of  the  World  to  626  A.D.,"  and  "Twenty  Books 
of  Etymologies,"  which,  says  Dr.  Hoefer,  "  is  one  of  the 
most  precious  monuments  for  the  history  of  human 
knowledge."  Died  in  636  A.D. 

See  SAINT  ILDEFONSO,  "De  Viris  illustribus  ;"  TRITHEIM,  "  De 
Scriptoribus  Ecclesiasticis ;"  ROESLER,  "  Dissertatio ;  Isidori  His- 
toria  Gothorum,  Vandalonim,"  etc.,  1803. 

Isidore,  SAINT,  OF  ALEXANDRIA,  born  in  Egypt  about 
318  A.D.,  was  a  friend  of  Athanasius,  by  whom  he  was 
ordained  a  priest.  Died  in  404. 

Isidore,  SAINT,  OF  PELUSIUM,  is  supposed  to  have 
been  born  between  360  and  390  A.D.  He  lived  as  a 
hermit  in  Egypt,  and  had  a  high  reputation  for  piety  and 
wisdom.  He  wrote,  in  Greek,  a  great  number  of  short 
letters,  of  which  more  than  two  thousand  are  now  ex 
tant.  They  are  said  to  contain  sound  doctrine  and  good 
instruction  in  morals.  Died  about  450  A.D. 

See  HERMANN,  "Dissertatio  de  Isidore  Pelusiota,"  1737 :  NIE- 
MEVER.  "Dissertatio  de  Isidoro  Pelusiota,"  1825. 

Isl-dore  Mer-ca'tor  or  Fec-ca'tor,  the  supposed 
name  of  a  person  who  in  the  eighth  or  ninth  century 
fabricated  a  famous  code  of  canon  law  or  collection  of 
decretals,  often  called  the  "  Collection  of  the  Pseudo-Isi- 

«  as  k ;  9  as  s;  g  hard;  g  asy;  G,  H,  ^guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     (J^^See  Explanations,  p.  23  '- 




dore.  Some  popes  availed  themselves  of  this  means 
to  extend  their  temporal  power. 

Isidorus.     See  ISIDORE. 

Is-I-do'rus  OF  MILETUS,  a  Greek  architect  of  the 
sixth  century,  who  was  employed  by  the  emperor  Jus- 
tinian to  build  the  magnificent  church  of  Saint  Sophia 
in  Constantinople,  which  is  now  used  as  a  mosque. 

I'ais,  [Gr.  'loif,]  one  of  the  chief  deities  of  the  ancient 
Egyptians,  was  called  the  wife  of  Osiris  and  mother  of 
Horus.  She  was  worshipped  as  the  goddess  of  fecun- 
dity, and  appears  to  have  represented  nature  or  the  earth. 
The  cow  was  sacred  to  Isis.  She  had  many  worshippers 
in  Greece  and  Rome.  There  were  famous  temples  of 
Isis  at  Memphis  and  Denderah.  She  has  been  identified 
with  the  Hindoo  Isi,  (which  see.) 

Isla,  es'li,  (JosE  FRANCISCO,)  a  witty  and  popular 
Spanish  author,  born  at  Segovia  in  1703.  He  became  a 
Jesuit  and  an  eminent  preacher.  He  effected  a  reform 
m  the  vicious  style  and  bad  taste  that  prevailed  among 
the  Spanish  priests,  which  he  ridiculed  in  his  famous 
satirical  romance  "The  Life  of  the  Popular  Preacher 
Fray  Gerundio  de  Campazas,"  (3  vols.,  1758,)  which 
is  called  the  best  picture  of  Spanish  manners  of  the 
eighteenth  century.  This  work  was  condemned  by  the 
Inquisition.  He  made  a  Spanish  version  of  "  Gil  Bias," 
under  this  title  :  "  Adventures  of  Gil  Bias,  stolen  from 
Spain,  adopted  in  France  by  Le  Sage,  and  restored  to 
his  Native  Country  and  Language,"  (6  vols.,  1787.)  The 
Jesuits  having  been  expelled  from  Spain  in  17671  he 
retired  to  Bologna,  where  he  died  in  1781. 

See  J.  I.  DE  SALAS,  "  Vida  de  Juan  de  Isla,"  1803;  TICKNOR. 
"  History  of  Spanish  Literature  ;"  EVERETT,  "  Critical  and  Miscella- 
neous Essays." 

Isleif,  is'llf,  an  Icelandic  historian,  was  ordained  a 
priest  in  Rome  about  1056,  and  returned  home.  He 
wrote  "Annals  of  Iceland  and  of  Norway."  Died  about 

Ismaeei  or  Ismail,  is-mS-eel',  a  Moslem  priest,  was 
Imam  of  the  Sheeites  in  the  second  century  of  the  Hejrah. 
At  his  death  a  division  occurred  among  the  Sheeites  in 
respect  to  the  succession.  Those  who  adhered  to  the 
son  of  Ismaeei  were  called  Ismaeelites  or  Ismaeelians, 
wid  became  a  powerful  sect  in  Egypt  and  Persia. 

Ismaeei,  Ismail,  or  Ismail  Shah,  is-mi-eel'  shlh, 
founder  of  the  dynasty  of  Sofees  of  Persia,  was  born  in 
1487,  and  assumed  royal  power  about  the  age  of  four- 
teen. He  acquired  several  provinces  of  Persia  by  con- 
quest, and  died  in  1524,  leaving  the  throne  to  his  son, 
Aboo-Modhaffer.  Ismaeel  is  venerated  by  the  Persians, 
who  call  him  King  of  the  Sheeites,  (a  religious  sect.) 

See  MALCOLM,  "  History  of  Persia  ;"  VON  HAMMER-PURGSTALL, 
44  Geschichte  des  Osmanischen  Reichs." 

Ismaeei  (Ismail)  II.,  King  of  Persia,  the  son  of  Aboo- 
Modhaffer,  began  to  reign  in  1576,  and  made  himself  de- 
tested by  his  sanguinary  temper.  After  executing  many 
innocent  persons,  he  died  in  1577,  and  was  succeeded  by 
his  brother,  Mohammed  Meerza,  (Mirza.) 

See  MALCOLM,  4t  History  of  Persia." 

Ismael,  the  French  for  ISHMAEL,  which  see. 

Ismail  Pasha,  is-mJ-eel'  pa'sha,  former  Khedive  of 
Egypt,  was  born  in  Cairo  in  1830.  His  uncle  Said,  the 
viceroy,  in  1862  made  him  commandant  of  the  army, 
and  in  1863  he  succeeded  as  viceroy.  His  lavish  ex 
penditures  not  only  greatly  encumbered  his  private  es 
tales,  but  embarrassed  all  the  people  of  Egypt.  In  1867 
he  acquired  from  the  Porte  the  title  of  Khedive.  He 
carried  on  extensive  wars  of  conquest  in  the  Soudan. 
In  1869  the  Suez  Canal  was  opened.  In  1879  the  press- 
ure of  the  foreign  creditors  became  so  great  that  the 
Sultan,  urged  by  the  representatives  of  the  European 
powers,  directed  Ismail  to  abdicate.  The  abdication 
took  effect  June  26,  1879 ;  his  son  TEWFIK  succeeded 
as  khedive.  Died  at  Constantinople,  March  2,  1895. 

Isnard,  is'niR',  (ACHILLE  NICOLAS,)  a  French  politi- 
cal economist  and  writer,  born  in  Paris ;  died  about  1803. 

Isnard,  (MAXIMIN,)  a  French  Girondist,  republican, 
and  orator,  born  at  Grasse,  in  Provence,  in  1751,  was 
chosen  a  member  of  the  Legislative  Assembly  in  1701. 
He  was  one  of  the  most  able  and  enthusiastic  partisans 
of  the  Revolution,  to  which  he  often  gave  a  new  impulse 
by  his  brilliant,  impetuous,  and  inflammatory  eloquence. 

He  was  one  of  the  first  members  of  the  committee  of 
public  safety,  the  formation  of  which  he  first  proposed 
and  was  president  of  the  Convention  a  few  days  in  May, 
1793,  during  the  struggle  between  his  party  and  the  Ja- 
cobins. He  was  involved  in  the  fatal  proscription  of  the 
Girondists,  but  escaped  death  by  concealment.  In  1795 
he  was  chosen  a  member  of  the  Council  of  Five  Hun- 
dred. He  retired  from  political  life  when  Napoleon  be- 
came consul,  and  published  an  essay  on  the  "  Immortality 
of  the  Soul,"  (1801,)  in  which  he  professes  himself  aeon- 
vert  to  revealed  religion.  He  maintained  a  fair  reputation 
for  honour  and  probity,  and  died  about  1830.  Lamartine, 
who  calls  him  the  Danton  of  the  Gironde,  says,  "  His 
speeches  were  magnificent  odes,  which  exalted  discussion 
into  lyric  enthusiasm."  ("  History  of  the  Girondists.") 
"  Isnard  was  the  man  of  the  Girondist  party,"  says 
Charles  Nodier,  "  who  possessed  in  the  highest  degree 
the  gift  of  those  vehement  inspirations  which  burst  like 

thunder  in  sudden  and  terrible  explosions." 

See  "  Nouvelle  I 
French  Revolution. 

See  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale 

;"  TH 

IERS,  "History  of  tho 

Isnardi,  es-naR'dee,  (GiAMBATTlSTA,)  an  Italian  sa- 
vant, born  near  Nice  in  1749,  wrote  a  "Memoir  on  the 
Monuments  of  India  and  Egypt"  Died  in  1830. 

Isocrate.     See  ISOCRATES. 

I-soc'ra-tes,  [Gr.  'loo/ipanyr  ;  Fr.  ISOCRATE,  e'zo'- 
kRtt';  It  ISOCRATE,  e-sok'ri-ti,]  one  of  the  ten  great 
Athenian  orators,  bom  at  Athens  in  436  B.C.,  received 
lessons  from  Gorgias,  Prodicus,  and  Theramcnes,  and 
was  an  intimate  friend  of  Plato.  He  soon  surpassed 
these  masters  in  the  rhetorical  art ;  but  his  insuperable 
constitutional  timidity  defeated  his  political  aspirations, 
and  disqualified  him  for  a  public  debater  or  an  oracle 
of  the  "  fierce  democracy."  He  opened  a  school  of  elo- 
quence, which  numbered  among  its  pupils  many  eminent 
men,  such  as  Isaeus,  Timotheus,  Xenophon,  and  Hyperi- 
des.  Cicero  compared  his  school  to  the  wooden  horse 
of  Troy,  from  which  issued  the  principal  Grecian  chiefs. 
He  composed  orations  and  forensic  arguments  for  clients 
or  others,  and  discourses  on  moral  and  political  questions. 
His  style  is  extremely  polished  and  harmonious,  but 
perhaps  too  artificial  and  diffuse.  His  character  was 
honourable,  his  political  principles  were  moderate  and 
sincerely  patriotic.  He  was  one  of  the  few  who  had  the 
courage  to  appear  in  mourning  for  the  death  of  Socra- 
tes. It  is  said  that  the  disastrous  battle  of  Chaeronea 
affected  him  so  deeply  that  he  refused  to  eat  afterwards, 
and  died  at  the  age  of  ninety-eight.  Twenty-one  of  his 
orations  are  extant. 

See  PLUTARCH,  "Viue  Decem  Oratorum ;"  BILMARK.  "De 
Isocrate  Oratore  Grzco,"  1798:  PFUND,  "De  Isocratis  Vita  et 
Scripris,"  1833:  LICHTENAUER,  " De  Isocrate,"  1843;  O.  MI'LLHR, 
"  History  of  the  Literature  of  Ancient  Greece ;"  P.  EKHRMAN,  "  Iso- 
crates  Patre  loquentiie,"  1743. 

Isolani,  e-so-11'nee,  (IsiDORO,)  an  Italian  theologian, 
born  at  Milan,  lived  between  1480  and  1550,  and  wrote 
many  works  against  the  doctrines  of  Luther. 

Is'olani,  e-zo-la'nee,  UOHANN  LUDWIG  HECTOR,) 
COUNT,  an  Austrian  general,  born  in  1586,  served  in 
the  Thirty  Years'  war.  For  the  part  he  took  in  the 
betrayal  of  Wallenstein  he  received  the  title  of  count. 
Died  in  1640. 

Isore,  e'zo'ra',  (JACQUES,)  a  French  politician,  born 
at  Cauvigny  in  1758,  was  a  member  of  the  Convention 
in  1792,  and  voted  for  the  death  of  Louis  XVI.  Died 
in  1839. 

Isouard,  6-soo-aRd',  or  laoard,  J-so-aRd',  (NlCOLO,) 
a  Maltese  musician  and  composer,  born  in  1775.  He 
is  usually  known  by  the  name  of  NICOLO,  under  which 
he  gave  his  compositions  to  the  world.  The  best-known 
of  these  are  his  comic  operas  of  "Joconde,"  (1813,)  and 
"Jeannot  and  Colin,"  (1814;)  but  he  produced  with  ex- 
traordinary facility,  and  was  the  author  of  a  large  number 
of  other  operas,  comic  and  serious,  of  masses,  cantatas, 
psalms,  etc. 

Isourd,  d',  de'zooR',  (  JOACHIM  JEAN  XAVIER,)  i 
French  ecclesiastic,  born  at  Aix  in  1766.  He  became  a 
cardinal  in  1827,  and  in  1829  was  made  a  peer  of  France, 
with  the  title  of  duke.  After  refusing  several  archbishop- 
rics, he  accepted  that  of  Lyons  in  1839  ;  but  he  died 
before  the  end  of,  that  year. 

a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y, long;  4,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fit;  m?t;  ndt;  good;  moon. 




Is'rael,  [Heb.  ^Nll?';  Gr.  'lapa^A,]  a  name  often  given 
by  the  inspired  writers  to  the  patriarch  Jacob,  whose 
descendants  are  called  Israelites.     (See  JACOB.) 
Israeli    See  DISRAELI. 

Is'raels,  (JosEF,)  a  Dutch  genre  painter  of  eminence, 
born  at  Groningen  in  1824.  His  brother,  LEHMAN 
ISRAELS,  born  in  Groningen  in  1833,  became  a  journalist 
of  New  York,  and  was  for  some  years  one  of  the  editors 
of  the  New  York  "  World." 

Is'selt,  van,  (MICHAEL,)  a  Dutch  historian  and  Cath- 
olic priest,  born  at  Dokkum,  adhered  to  the  Spanish 
party  in  the  civil  war.  He  wrote  "  Historia  Belli  Colo- 
niensis,"  (1584,)  and  other  works.  Died  in  1597. 

Is'ter,  [Gr.  'lorpof,]  a  Greek  historian  and  poet,  livec! 
about  250  B.C.,  and  was  a  friend  or  pupil  of  Callimachus. 
He  wrote  a  history  entitled  Arroca,  and  other  works, 
none  of  which  are  extant. 

Isthvanfi,  Isht'vin-fee,  [Lat.  ISTHVAN'FIUS,]  (NICHO- 
LAS,) a  Hungarian  noble,  born  about  1535,  was  rewarded 
for  his  services  by  the  office  of  Vice-Palatine  of  Hungary. 
He  wrote,  in  Latin,  a  "  History  of  Hungary  from  1490  to 
>6o6,"  (1622.)     Died  in  1615. 
Istria,  DUKE  OF.-   See  BESSIERES. 
laturiz,  de,  dits-too-reth',  (Don  FRANCISCO  XAVIER,) 
a  Spanish  politician,  born  at  Cadiz  in  1790.     He  pro- 
moted the  revolution  of  January,  1820,  was  elected  to 
the  Cortes  in  1822,  and  became  a  leader  of  the  Liberal 
or  democratic  party.     He  was  minister  of  foreign  affairs 
for  a  few  months  m  1836,  and  was  driven  into  exile  by 
an  hnevtf.     Having  returned  in  1837,  he  was  chosen 
president  of  the   Cortes   in  1839.     He  negotiated  the 
marriage  of  the  queen  Isabel,  (1846,)  was  sent  as  minister 
to  England  in  1850,  and  to  Russia  in  1857.     He  became 
president  of  the  council  in  February,  1862.     Died  1871. 
Iswara,  ees'wa-ra,  or  Ishwara,  eesh'wa-ra,  written 
also  Igwara,  one  of  the  thousand  names  of  Siva,  though 
sometimes  applied  to  other  Hindoo  deities.     He  is  by 
some  writers  identified  with  the  Osiris  of  the  Egyptians. 
It'a-lus,   [Gr.  'IroAoc;  Fr.  ITALE,  e'tfl',]  an  ancient 
king  of  Italy,  from  whom  that  country  is  supposed  to  have 
derived  its  name.      He  married  Electra,  a  daughter  of 
Latinus.  He  is  considered  as  fabulous  by  some  authors. 
Itard,  e'tiR',  (JEAN  MARIE  GASPARD,)  a  French  phy- 
sician, born  at  Oraison  in  1775,  removed  to  Paris  about 
1796,  and  practised  with  success.     In  1799  he  was  ap- 
pointed physician  to  the  Institution  for  Deaf-Mutes,  which 
position  he  filled  for  many  years.    He  wrote  a  "Treatise 
on  Diseases  of  the  Ear,"  (2  vols.,  1821.)     Died  in  1838. 
Ito,   (HiROBUMi,)  COUNT,  a  Japanese  statesman, 
born  in  the  province  of  Choshu  in  1840.     He  visited, 
\\liile  young,  Europe  and  the  United  States,  became 
active  in  efforts  to  modernize  Japan,  and  held  various 
offices  in  the  Japanese  cabinet,  becoming  premier  in 
1886.     His  sweeping  reforms  leading  to  a  reaction, 
he  retired  in   1888,  but   was  premier  again  1892-95. 
He  was  the  father  of  the  Japanese  constitution  promul- 
gated  in    1889.     In  1894  he   took  command  of    the 
Japanese  naval  forces  in  the  war  with  China,  and  gained 
an  important  victory  over  the  Chinese   fleet  on  Sep- 
tember 7.     He  subsequently  aided  in  the  capture  of 
Port  Arthur,  and  in  January,  1895,  Wei-hai-wei  and 
the  Chinese  fleet  were  surrendered  to  him.     In  Octo- 
ber, 1900,  he  again  accepted  the  premiership. 

Ittenbach,  it'ten-baK'.  (FRANZ,)  a  German  painter, 
born  at  Konigswinter  in  1813.  He  was  one  of  the  best 
of  the  Dusseldorf  school,  and  was  chiefly  known  for  his 
religious  pictures.  Died  December  I,  1879. 

Ittig,  it'tic,  [Lat.  ITTIG'IUS,]  (THOMAS,)  a  German 
theologian,  born  in  1643  at  Leipsic,  where  he  became 
professor  of  divinity.  He  wrote  numerous  works,  among 
which  are  one  "  On  the  Heresiarchs  of  the  Apostolic 
Age,"  (1690,)  and  "Bibliotheca  Patrum  Apostolicorum 
Grzco-Latina,"  (2  vols.,  1699.)  Died  in  1710. 

Iturbide,  e-tooR'be-Di,  (Don  AUGUSTIN,)  Emperor 
of  Mexico,  born  at  Valladolid  (Mexico)  in  1784,  (one  ac- 
count says  1790.)  He  fought  against  the  insurgents  in  the 
war  of  independence  which  began  in  1810,  and  rose  to 
the  rank  of  general.  About  the  end  of  1821  he  became 
the  master-spirit  of  a  successful  plot  for  the  liberation 
of  Mexico  from  the  Spanish  rule.  He  was  proclaimed 

-mperor  in  May,  1822  ;  but  his  power  was  resisted  by  a 
large  party  in  the  Congress  and  by  many  generals,  who 
preferred  a  republic.  Finding  his  position  untenable, 
ic  abdicated,  and  was  banished  in  May,  1823.  In  Julv, 
1824,  he  returned  almost  alone,  and,  just  after  he  landed, 
was  arrested  and  shot  as  a  traitor. 

See  M.  J.  QUIN,  "Memoirs  of  Iturbide,"  and  French  version  of 
the  same,  by  J.  T.  PARISOT,  1824. 

lule.    See  IULUS. 

I-u'lus,  [Gr.  'lou/loc;  Fr.  IULE,  e'u'l',]  a  son  of  ^Eneas. 

Ivan  or  Iwan  (e-van')  I.,  a  Russian  prince,  who  began 
to  reign  in  Moscow  at  the  death  of  his  brother  George, 
in  1328,  and  was  tributary  to  the  Tartars.  His  dominions 
consisted  of  Vladimir,  Moscow,  and  Novogorod.  His 
reign  was  peaceful,  and  lasted  twenty-two  years. 

His  grandson,  Ivan  H.,  son  of  Simeon,  born  in  1325, 
was  recognized  by  the  Tartars  as  heir  to  the  throne  in 
1353.  The  events  of  his  short  reign  were  unimportant. 
In  his  last  illness  he  took,  according  to  usage,  the  mon- 
astic vows,  and  died  in  1358. 

See  KARAMZIN.  "  Histoire  de  Russie." 

Ivan  III.,  (Vasilievitch,)  son  cf  Basil  IV.,  ascended 
the  Russian  throne  in  1462,  and  is  sometimes  styled 
IVAN  I.,  CZAR  OF  MUSCOVY.  He  liberated  his  realm 
from  the  tribute  which  the  Tartars  had  exacted  by  right 
of  conquest  from  his  predecessors,  and  is  regarded  as 
the  founder  of  the  empire.  About  1475  ne  defeated,  in 
several  actions,  the  Tartar  chief  Ahmed,  (or  Akhmet,) 
and  extended  his  dominions  by  the  conquest  of  various 
princes.  He  embellished  Moscow,  the  capital,  with  fine 
edifices,  and  patronized  the  industrial  arts.  In  1486  he 
assumed  the  title  of  "Sovereign  of  all  the  Russias."  He 
died  in  1505,  aged  sixty-six,  and  was  succeeded  by  his 
son  Basil. 

See  HKBBRSTBIN,  "  Rerum  Moscovitfcarum  Corumentarii,"  1549. 

Ivan  IV.,  or  Ivan  Vasilievitch  H.,  surnamed  THE 
TERRIBLE,  grandson  of  the  preceding,  inherited  the 
throne  at  the  death  of  Basil,  his  father,  in  1533,  when 
he  was  four  years  of  age.  He  assumed  the  titles  of  Czar 
and  Autocrat  about  the  age  of  fifteen.  He  conquered 
Kazan  and  Astrachan  from  the  Tartars,  and  waged  wai 
against  Sweden  and  Poland  without  decisive  results. 
Siberia  was  discovered  and  partially  subdued  in  his 
reign.  About  1582  the  first  printing-press  was  estab- 
lished by  him  in  Russia.  He  displayed  energy  and 
ability  in  promoting  civilization,  but  is  charged  with 
excessive  cruelty  in  the  exercise  of  his  unrestrained 
power.  Died  in  1584. 

See  ODERBORN,  "  Joannis  Basilidis  Vita,"  i6co;  HEIDENSTEIN, 
"De  Bello  Moscovitico,"  1600;  S.  CIAMPI,  "  Esame  critico  con 
Document!  inediti  della  Storia  di  Iran  Wasiliewitsch,"  1827. 

Ivan  V.,  (Alexievitch,)  born  in  1666,  was  the  heir 
of  the  Russian  crown  at  the  death  of  his  brother  Feodor 
III.  in  1682  ;  but  on  account  of  his  imbecility  his  younger 
brother  Peter  (the  Great)  was  proclaimed  in  his  stead. 
Ivan  was  permitted  to  retain  the  title  of  Czar,  but  had 
no  ambition  to  rule.  Died  in  1696. 

Ivan  VI,  sometimes  styled  IVAN  III.,  born  in  1740, 
was  the  son  of  Anthony  Ulric  of  Brunswick  and  Anne  of 
Russia,  (niece  of  the  empress  Anne.)  The  latter,  at  her 
death  in  1740,  appointed  the  infant  Ivan  her  successor; 
but  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Peter  the  Great,  obtained 
the  imperial  power.  Ivan  was  confined  in  prison,  where, 
it  is  said,  he  was  killed  in  1764,  when  Mirovitch  made 
a  rash  attempt  to  raise  him  to  the  throne. 

See  E.  MAUVILLON,  "  Histoire  de  la  Vie  et  du  Regne  d'Iwan_VI," 
1766:  "  Geschichte  von  dem  Leben  und  Regierung  Ivans  III.,  Kaiser 
von  Russland,"  1766;  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Generale." 

Ivanot  e-va'nof,  [written  in  German,  IWANOW,] 
(FEODOR,)  a  Russian  dramatist,  born  in  1777,  served  in 
the  army,  and  wrote,  besides  several  successful  comedies, 
a  tragedy  called  "Martha."  Died  in  1816. 

Ivara.    See  JUVARA. 

Ivernois,  d',  de'veR'nwa',  (FRANgois,)  a  Swiss  politi- 
cal writer,  born  at  Geneva  in  1757,  represented  his  native 
city  at  the  Congress  of  Vienna  in  1814.  He  wrote  a 
"  History  of  the  Revolutions  of  Geneva  in  the  Eighteenth 
Century,"  (3  vols.,  1791,)  and  other  works.  Died  in  1843. 

See  "NouvelJe  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

€  as  k;  5  as  t;  g  hard;  g  as>;  G,  H,  ^guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  t;  th  as  in  this. 

Explanations,  p.  23.) 




Iversen,  ee'ver-sen,  (CHRISTIAN,)  a  Danish  writer, 
born  at  Copenhagen  in  1748,  published,  among  other 
works,  the  "  Literary  Progress  of  Denmark,"  (4  vols., 
1781-89.)  Died  in  1827. 

I'ver-spn,  (ALFRED,)  a  Democratic  politician,  born 
in  Burke  county,  Georgia,  in  1798,  was  elected  to  Con- 
gress in  1847,  succeeded  \V.  C.  Dawson  as  United  States 
Senator  from  Georgia  in  1855,  and  was  a  prominent 
advocate  of  disunion.  He  became  a  Confederate  briga- 
dier in  1862.  Died  March  4,  1873. 

Ives,  Ivz,  (EDWARD,)  an  English  surgeon,  who  went 
with  Admiral  Watson  to  the  East  Indies  in  1754,  and 
published  a  valuable  account  of  his  voyage  and  of  the 
operations  of  the  English  army  in  1755,  1756,  and  1757. 
Died  about  1780. 

Ives,  Ivz,  (ELI,)  an  American  physician,  born  at  New 
Haven,  Connecticut,  in  1779.  He  was  professor  of  medi- 
cine at  Yale  College  about  twenty  years.  Died  in  1861. 
Ives,  (JOHN,)  F.R.S.,  an  English  antiquary,  born  at 
Yarmouth  in  1751,  was  educated  at  Cambridge.  He 
published  "  Remarks  on  the  Garianonum  of  the  Romans," 
and  other  antiquarian  treatises.  Died  in  1776. 

Ives,  (LEVi  SILLIMAN,)  a  theologian,  born  in  Meriden, 
Connecticut,  in  1797.     He  became  an  Episcopal  clergy- 
man about  1824,  and  Bishop  of  North  Carolina  in  1831. 
In  1852  he  joined  the  Roman  Catholic  Church.     He 
wrote,  besides  other  works,  "The  Trials  of  a  Mind  in 
its  Progress  to  Catholicism,"  (1854.)   Died  Oct.  13, 1867. 
Ivea  or  Yves,  [modern  Fr.  pron.  ev,]  written  also 
I'vo,  (SAINT,)  a  French  theologian,  born  in  1035,  became 
Bishop  of  Chartres.     Died  in  1115. 
Iveteaux.     See  DBS  YVETEAUX. 
Iv'i-mey,  (JOSEPH,)  an  English  Baptist  minister,  born 
at  Ringwood,  Hants,  May  22,  1773.     He  was  ordained 
in    1805.      He  published  a  "Life  of  Bunyan,"  and   a 
valued  "  History  of  the  English  Baptists."     Died  Feb- 
ruary 8,  1834. 
Ivo.    See  IVES,  SAINT. 

I'vo-ry,  (JAMES,)  F.R.S.,  an  eminent  British  mathe 
matician,  born  at  Dundee  in  1765.  After  he  left  college, 
he  engaged  in  teaching  and  other  pursuits.  In  1804  he 
obtained  the  chair  of  mathematics  in  the  Royal  Military 
College,  Marlow,  which  he  retained  about  fifteen  years. 
He  contributed  numerous  able  papers  on  physical  as- 
tronomy and  mathematics  to  the  "  Transactions"  of  the 
Royal  Society.  He  was  a  corresponding  member  of  the 
Institute  of  France  and  of  other  foreign  Academies.  In 
1831  he  received  the  Guelphic  order  of  knighthood  and 
a  pension  of  ^300.  Died  in  1842. 

S«  CHAMBERS,  "Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scots- 
men," (Supplement.) 

Iwakura,  (TOMOMI.)     See  TOMOMI  IWAKURA. 

Iwan.    See  IVAN. 

Ix-I'on,  [Gr.  'I^uv,]  a  fabulous  king  of  the  Lapithae 
The  poets  feigned  that  after  he  had  committed  a  murder 
Jupiter  purified  him  and  invited  him  to  his  table.  Ixior 
attempted  to  seduce  Juno,  but  embraced  a  cloud  insteac 
of  that  goddess.  To  punish  him  for  this  crime,  he  was 
chained  to  a  fiery  wheel  which  revolved  perpetually 
He  was  the  father  of  the  Centaurs. 

See  VIRGIL,  "GeorpicV  book  iv.  484. 

Ixtlilxoohitl,  ikst-lel-iio-cheetl', .'  (FERNANDO  DE 
ALVA,)  a  Mexican  historian,  born  at  Tezcuco  about  1568 

was  a  descendant  of  the  royal  family  of  Tezcuro.  He 
wrote  "Historia  Chichimeca,"  and  other  chronicles  on 
Mexican  history.  The  first-named  work  has  been  trans- 
ated  into  French  by  Ternaux-Compans.  Died  about 

See  PRESCOTT,  "  History  of  the  Conquest  of  Mexico,"  ToL  i. 
iook  i. 

Izaacke,  I'zak,  ?  (RICHARD,)  an  English  antiquary, 
)orn  at  Exeter  in  1624;  died  in  1700. 

Iz'ard,  (GEORGE,)  a  general,  born  in  South  Carolina 
n  1777.  He  became  a  colonel  in  1812,  served  in  the 
war  that  ensued,  and  was  raised  to  the  rank  of  major- 
'eneral.  Died  in  1828. 

Izard,  (RALPH,)  a  Senator,  born  in  South  Carolina  in 
1742,  settled  in  London  in  1771.  Having  returned  to  the 
United  States  in  1780,  he  was  chosen  a  member  of  Con- 

tion.     Died  in  1804. 

See  his  "  Life  and  Correspondence,"  by  his  daughter,  1844. 

Izdubar,  iz-doo-bar',  a  half-mythical,  or  perhaps  en- 
tirely mythical,  king  of  Babylonia,  the  hero  of  the 
"Twelve  Legends  of  Izdubar,"  translated  in  1872  by 
Mr.  George  Smith  from  the  cuneiform  records.  Mr. 
Smith  believed  Izdubar  to  be  a  historical  personage; 
others  think  him  purely  mythical.  He  appears  in  the 
egends  as  a  giant,  a  mighty  hunter,  and  a  great  con- 
queror. In  later  records  he  is  treated  as  one  of  the 
;ods  of  the  country. 

Iziaslaf  or  Isiaslav  (e-ze-as-UP)  I,  written  also 
Isiaslaw,  (DMITRI  or  DEMETRIUS,)  Grand  Duke  of 
Russia,  succeeded  his  father,  Yaroslaf,  in  1054.  His 
reign  was  disturbed  by  wars  with  his  brothers  and  other 
princes,  among  whom  Russia  was  divided.  He  was  killed 
in  battle  in  1078,  and  left  the  throne  to  his  son. 

Iziaslaf  or  Isiaslav  H,  Grand  Prince  of  Russia,  was 
the  son  of  Mstislaf.  He  began  to  reign  in  1 146,  as  suc- 
cessor to  Igor  II.,  whom  he  defeated  in  battle.  He  was 
thrice  driven  from  his  throne,  but  as  often  recovered  it. 
He  died  in  1154. 

Iziaslaf  or  Isiaslav  TTT,  surnamed  DAVIDOVITCH, 
son  of  David,  became  Grand  Prince  of  Russia  in  1157. 
He  was  killed  in  battle  about  1161. 

Iziocalt,  e-se-o-kalt',  King  of  the  Mexicans,  ascended 
the  throne  in  1433,  and  is  called  the  founder  of  the 
Mexican  empire.  He  formed  a  code  of  laws,  which  was 
adopted  by  several  adjacent  nations.  Died  in  1445. 

Izmaflof,  is-ma'e-lof,  (ALEXANDER,)  a  Russian  fabu- 
list, born  at  Moscow  in  1779.  He  became  a  resident  of 
Saint  Petersburg,  and  edited  several  reviews  or  journals. 
He  published  a  volume  of  fables,  (1804,)  which  are  highly 
commended.  Died  in  1831. 

See  GRETCH,  "  History  of  Russian  Literature,"  1819-22. 

Izmaflof,  (VLADIMIR  VASILIEVITCH,)  a  Russian  writer, 
born  at  Moscow  in  1773.  He  wrote  "Travels  in 
Southern  Russia,"  (1802,)  and  translated  some  works  of 
Rousseau  and  Chateaubriand. 

Izquierdo  de  Ribera,  eth-ke-eVdo  da  re-Ba'ra,  (Don 
EUGENIO,)  a  Spanish  diplomatist,  born  at  Saragossa, 
He  was  sent  to  Paris  as  plenipotentiary  in  1806,  and 
negotiated  a  treaty  for  the  partition  of  Portugal.  Died 
in  1813. 


Jaafar,  Jafar,  Djafar,  or  Giafar,  jl'a-far  or  jl'far 
surnamed  SADIK,  an  eminent  Mussulman  doctor  of 
Medina;  died  in  764  A.D. 

Jaafar,  Jafar,  Jafer,  Djafar,  or  Giafar,  a  Barmecide, 
who  became  the  favourite  of  Haroun-al-Raschid,  and 
to  whom,  it  is  said,  the  Caliph  gave  his  own  sister  Ab- 
basa  in  marriage,  on  condition  that  the  intercourse  of  the 
married  pair  should  be  strictly  Platonic.  Abbasa  having 
borne  a  son  to  Jaafar,  Haroun,  in  his  rage,  mercilessly 
destroyed  both  father  and  son.  (See  BARMECIDES.) 

Jaafar-Ibn-Tofail     See  ABOO-BEKR-IBN-TOFAIL. 

Jabet,  zht'b&',  (GEORGE,)  an  English  solicitor,  ol  Bir- 
mingham. He  wrote  under  the  name  of  EDEN  WAR- 
WICK. He  published  "The  Poet's  Pleasaunce,"  (1847,' 
"  Nosology,"  (1848,)  etc.  Died  July  13,  1873. 

Jablochkoff,  (PAUL,)  a  Russian  electrician,  who 
first  solved  the  problem  of  producing  a  practical  arc 
light.  Died  in  1894. 

Jablonowski,  (STANISLAUS,)  a  Polish  general, 
born  in  1631,  commanded  the  right  wing  of  the  army 
of  Sobieski  when  he  defeated  the  Turks  at  Vienna  in 

a,  e,  I,  o,  u,  y,  long ;  i,  4,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 5,  u,  jf,  short;  a,  ?,  j,  Q,  obscure;  fir,  fil  I,  fat;  met;  n8t;  good;  moon. 




1683.  He  afterwards  had  the  chief  command  during 
the  illness  of  the  king.  Died  in  1702. 

Jablonowski,  von,  fon  ya-blo-nov'skee,  (JOSEPH 
ALEXANDER,)  a  Polish  or  German  prince,  born  in  1711, 
was  a  patron  of  science.  He  founded  at  Leipsic  a  sci- 
entific association  which  bears  his  name,  and  wrote, 
besides  other  works,  "Museum  Polonicum,"  (1752.) 
Died  in  1777. 

Jablonski,  yj-blon'skee,  (DANIEL  ERNST,)  an  emi- 
nent German  Protestant  theologian,  born  at  Dantzic  in 
1660.  He  became  pastor  at  Konigsberg  in  1690,  and 
preacher  or  chaplain  to  the  king  at  Berlin  in  1693.  He 
published  a  Hebrew  Bible,  with  notes  and  a  preface, 
(1699,)  and  wrote  several  works  on  theology.  He  la- 
boured to  effect  a  union  of  various  Protestant  sects. 
Ditd  in  Berlin  in  1741. 

Jablonski  or  Jablonsky,  (JOHANN  THEODOR,)  a 
brother  of  Daniel  Ernst,  noticed  above,  was  born  at 
Dantzic  about  1654.  He  published  a  "French-German 
and  German-French  Dictionary,"  (1711.)  Died  in  1731. 

Jablonski,  (PAUL  ERNST,)  an  eminent  Prussian 
scholar  and  divine,  a  son  of  Daniel  Ernst,  noticed  above, 
was  born  in  Berlin  in  1693.  He  devoted  himself  par- 
ticularly to  the  study  of  the  Coptic  and  other  Oriental 
languages.  Among  his  numerous  works  are  "  Pantheon 
Egypriorum,"  (3  vols.,  1750-52,)  a  work  relating  to  the 
religion  of  the  Egyptians,  and  "  Of  the  Memnon  of  the 
Greeks  and  Egyptians."  Died  in  1757. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBER,  "  Allgemeine  Encyklopaedie." 

Jablonsky,  ya-blon'skee,  (KARL  GUSTAV,)  a  Prus- 
sian entomologist,  born  in  1756,  published  a  "System 
of  all  the  Known  Insects,  arranged  according  to  the 
Method  of  Linnaeus."  Died  in  1787. 

Jacetius.    See  CATTANI  DA  DIACCETO. 

Jachaeus.     See  JACK. 

Jack,  [Lat.  JACH^E'US,]  (GILBERT,)  a  Scottish  meta- 
physician, born  at  Aberdeen  about  1578.  He  became 
professor  of  philosophy  at  Leyden  in  early  life.  He 
published  severa.  works,  among  which  is  "  Institutiones 
Physics,"  (1612.)  Died  in  1628. 

See  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen." 

Jack,  (THOMAS,)  a  Scottish  minister  of  Eastwood, 
wrote  "Onomasticon  Poeticum,"  (1592.)  Died  in  1596. 

Jack,  (WILLIAM,)  LL.D.,  a  Scottish  mathematician, 
born  at  Stewarton  in  1834.  He  was  educated  at  the 
Universities  of  Glasgow  and  Cambridge,  was  professor 
of  natural  philosophy  in  Owens  College,  Manchester, 
1866—70,  and  in  1879  became  professor  of  mathematics 
in  the  University  of  Glasgow. 

Jack'son,  (ANDREW,)  a  celebrated  American  general 
and  statesman,  born  in  the  Waxhaw  settlement,  North 
or  South  Carolina,  on  the  151(1  of  March,  1767.  Parton 
states  that  he  was  born  in  Union  county,  North  Caro- 
lina, but  adds  that  "  General  Jackson  always  supposed 
himself  to  be  a  native  of  South  Carolina,"  for  in  his 
proclamation  to  the  nullifiers  of  South  Carolina  he  thus 
addresses  them  :  "  Fellow-citizens  of  my  native  State." 
He  was  a  son  of  Andrew  Jackson,  an  Irishman,  who 
emigrated  to  America  in  1765  and  died  poor  in  1767. 
The  name  of  his  mother  was  Elizabeth  Hutchinson.  We 
have  little  definite  information  about  the  schools  that  he 
attended.  According  to  Parton,  "  he  learned  to  read,  to 
write,  and  cast  accounts ; — little  more.  .  .  .  He  was  never 
a  well-informed  man."  Having  taken  arms  against  the 
British  in  1781,  he  was  captured,  and  afterwards  wounded 
by  an  officer  because  he  refused  to  clean  his  boots. 
About  1785  he  began  to  study  law  at  Salisbury,  North 
Carolina.  He  was  addicted  in  his  youth  to  gambling, 
horse-racing,  and  other  sports.  He  was  an  excellent 
horseman,  "  a  capital  shot,"  was  very  dignified  in  man- 
ner, and  was  distinguished  for  his  courage  and  activity. 
His  stature  was  six  feet  and  one  inch  high. 

In  1788  he  removed  to  Nashville,  Tennessee,  where 
he  began  to  practise  law.  He  speedily  obtained  a  large 
practice,  of  which  disputed  land-claims  formed  the  prin- 
cipal subject.  About  1792  he  married  Rachel  Robards, 
originally  Rachel  Donelson,  whose  first  husband  was 
living  and  had  taken  preliminary  measures  to  obtain 
a  divorce,  which  was  legally  completed  in  1793.  The 
marriage  ceremony  was  again  performed  in  1794.  Jack- 

son, following  a  custom  then  extremely  common  in  the 
South  and  West,  fought  a  number  of  duels  in  the  early 
part  of  his  life.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Convention 
which  framed  the  Constitution  of  Tennessee  in  0796,  and 
in  the  autumn  of  that  year  was  elected  representative  to 
Congress  by  the  people  of  Tennessee,  which  was  then 
entitled  to  only  one  member.  He  supported  Thomas 
Jefferson  in  the  Presidential  election  of  1796.  In  1797 
he  became  a  Senator  of  the  United  States  for  Tennessee. 
He  resigned  his  seat  in  the  Senate  in  1798,  "partly  be- 
cause he  felt  himself  out  of  place  in  so  slow  and  digni- 
fied a  body,  but  chiefly  for  pecuniary  reasons."  He  was 
a  judge  of  the  supreme  court  of  Tennessee  from  1798  to 
1804.  In  1806  he  challenged  and  killed  Charles  Dick- 
inson in  a  duel  with  pistols,  receiving  himself  a  severe 
wound.  This  affair  impaired  for  many  years  his  popu- 
larity in  Tennessee  and  other  parts  of  the  United  States. 

In  1807,  while  the  trial  of  Aaron  Burr  was  still  unde- 
termined, Jackson  "harangued  the  crowd, [at  Richmond,] 
defending  Burr,  and  angrily  denouncing  Jefferson  as  a 
persecutor."  (Parton's  "  Life.")  After  war  had  been 
declared  against  Great  Britain,  General  Jackson  (who 
several  years  before  had  been  appointed  major-general 
of  militia)  offered  his  services,  and  those  of  2500  volun- 
teers, in  June,  1812.  He  was  ordered  to  New  Orleans, 
and  led  a  body  of  2070  men  in  that  direction ;  but  at 
Natchez  he  received  an  order  dated  February  6,  1813,  by 
which  his  troops  were  dismissed  from  public  service.  In 
September,  1813,  he  had  an  affray  with  Colonel  Thomas 
H.  Benton  at  Nashville,  and  was  severely  wounded  by  his 
brother,  Jesse  Benton.  In  October  next  he  took  the  field 
against  the  Creek  Indians,  whom  he  defeated  at  Talla- 
dega  in  November.  By  his  services  in  this  Creek  war, 
which  ended  in  1814,  he  acquired  great  popularity,  and 
in  May,  1814,  he  was  appointed  a  major-general  in  the 
regular  army.  He  was  soon  after  ordered  to  the  Gulf 
of  Mexico,  to  oppose  an  expected  invasion  of  the  British. 
In  November  he  seized  Pensacola,  which  belonged  to 
Spain  but  was  used  by  the  British  as  a  base  of  operations. 
About  the  1st  of  December  he  moved  his  army  to  New 
Orleans,  which  was  then  ill  prepared  for  defence.  The 
British  fleet,  conveying  an  army  of  veterans  who  had 
fought  under  Wellington,  entered  Lake  Borgne  Decem- 
ber 13,  and  captured  several  gunboats.  General  Jackson 
proclaimed  martial  law  in  the  city  on  the  i6th.  On  the 
23d  the  enemy  advanced  to  a  point  about  nine  miles  be- 
low the  city,  and  were  attacked  in  the  night  by  General 
Jackson,  who  had  about  2100  men.  The  result  of  this 
action  was  favourable  to  the  defenders  of  the  city,  who 
gained  time  to  fortify  their  position.  On  the  25th  of 
December  Sir  Edward  Pakenham  arrived  and  took  com- 
mand of  the  invaders,  whose  number  was  about  12,000. 
Jackson,  who  had  a  much  smaller  army,  composed  partly 
of  the  unerring  marksmen  of  Tennessee  and  Kentucky, 
repulsed  an  attack  on  the  1st  of  January,  1815.  On  the 
8th  of  January  the  British  made  a  general  assault  on  the 
American  lines,  but  were  defeated  with  great  loss  by 
the  deadly  fire  of  the  riflemen  and  artillery.  Generals 
Pakenham  and  Gibbs  were  killed.  "  Seven  hundred 
killed,"  says  Parton,  "  fourteen  hundred  wounded,  and 
five  hundred  prisoners,  were  the  dread  result  of  that 
twenty-five  minutes'  work.  Jackson's  loss  was  eight 
killed  and  thirteen  wounded."  The  victory  of  New 
Orleans,  which  was  one  of  the  most  brilliant  and  de- 
cisive ever  gained  by  an  American  army,  raised  Jackson's 
reputation  as  a  general  to  the  highest  point,  and  made 
him  the  idol  of  a  large  portion  of  the  American  people. 
This  was  the  last  battle  of  the  war,  a  treaty  of  peace 
having  been  signed  in  Europe  in  December,  1814. 

In  March,  1815,  while  that  city  was  still  under  mar- 
tial law,  Judge  Hall,  of  New  Orleans,  granted  a  writ  of 
habeas  corpus  for  the  release  of  Mr.  Louaillier,  who  had 
been  arrested  by  order  of  Jackson,  for  exciting  discontent 
among  the  troops.  The  latter,  instead  of  obeying  the 
writ,  had  the  judge  arrested  and  kept  in  custody.  Peace 
having  been  formally  proclaimed,  Hall  was  set  at  liberty. 
General  Jackson  was  then  summoned  to  answer  for  con- 
tempt of  court.  He  was  found  guilty,  and  sentenced  to 
pay  a  fine  of  one  thousand  dollars.  He  immediately 
paid  the  fine ;  but  it  was  afterwards  refunded  with  the 
interest  by  an  act  of  Congress  passed  in  February,  1844. 

eas  k:  9  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as/;  G,  H,  K, guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     (J^T'See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




In  1817-18  he  waged  a  successful  war  against  the 
Seminoles  in  Florida,  seized  Pensacola,  and  executed 
Arbuthnot  and  Ambrister,  two  British  subjects,  accused 
of  inciting  the  savages  to  hostile  acts  against  the  Ameri- 
cans. He  was  appointed  Governor  of  Florida  in  1821. 
Before  this  date  he  had  built,  near  Nashville,  a  mansion 
called  the  "  Hermitage,"  in  which  he  resided  many  years. 
In  1823  he  was  elected  a  Senator  of  the  United  States, 
and  nominated  as  candidate  for  the  Presidency  by  the 
legislature  of  Tennessee.  His  competitors  were  John 
Quincy  Adams,  Henry  Clay,  and  William  H.  Crawford. 
Jackson  received  ninety-nine  electoral  votes,  Adams 
eighty-four,  Crawford  forty-one,  and  Clay  thirty-seven. 
As  no  candidate  had  a  majority,  the  election  devolved 
on  the  House  of  Representatives,  voting  by  States,  each 
State  having  one  vote.  Through  the  influence  of  Mr. 
Clay,  John  Quincy  Adams  was  elected,  by  the  vote  of 
thirteen  States.  General  Jackson,  who  received  the 
vote  of  seven  States,  became  the  implacable  enemy  of 
Mr.  Clay,  whom  he  stigmatized  as  "  this  Judas  of  the 
West."  He  habitually  attributed  the  conduct  of  his 
political  opponents  to  mean  or  improper  motives,  and, 
accordingly,  hated  Crawford,  Clay,  Adams,  and  Calhoun, 

In  1828  he  was  elected  President,  receiving  one  hun- 
dred and  seventy-eight  electoral  votes,  while  Mr.  Adams 
received  eighty-three.  Calhoun  became  Vice-PresidenL, 
Martin  Van  Buren  was  appointed  secretary  of  state. 
Jackson  was  the  first  President  who  proscribed  public 
servants  for  political  opinions.  He  made  more  removals 
in  one  year  than  all  the  other  Presidents  in  forty  years 
before.  At  a  banquet  in  April,  1830,  the  President  gave 
thij  famous  toast:  "Our  Federal  Union:  it  must  be 
preserved."  In  April,  1831,  he  reorganized  his  cabinet, 
appointing  Edward  Livingston  secretary  of  state,  Louis 
McLane  secretary  of  the  treasury,  Lewis  Cass  secretary 
of  war,  Levi  Woodbury  secretary  of  the  navy,  and  Roger 
B.  Taney  attorney-general. 

Among  the  principal  events  of  his  first  term  was  his 
veto  of  the  bill  which  granted  anew  charter  to  the  Bank 
of  the  United  States,  (July,  1832.)  This  subject  became 
the  chief  issue  between  the  partisans  of  Jackson  and  his 
opponents,  who  supported  Henry  Clay  in  the  Presiden- 
tial election  of  1832.  General  Jackson  was  re-elected, 
receiving  two  hundred  and  nineteen  electoral  votes  out 
of  two  hundred  and  eighty-eight,  which  was  the  whole 
number,  and  Martin  Van  Buren  succeeded  Calhoun  in 
the  Vice-Presidency.  In  November,  1832,  a  Convention 
in  South  Carolina  adopted  an  ordinance  of  nullification, 
by  which  they  ordained  that  the  tariff-law  of  1828  "  is 
null  and  void."  The  President  electrified  the  country 
by  his  memorable  proclamation  against  the  nullifiers, 
December  II,  1832,  in  which  he  announced  his  resolu- 
tion to  crush  any  disunion  movement  with  the  strong 
hand.  He  was  censured  by  the  Senate  for  removing 
the  public  deposits  from  the  Bank  of  the  United  States, 
September,  1833. 

He  used  his  influence  to  procure  the  election  of  Mar- 
tin Van  Buren  to  the  Presidency  in  1836,  and  retired 
finally  from  public  life  March  4,  1837.  He  afterwards 
joined  the  Presbyterian  Church.  In  his  last  illness  Dr. 
Edgar  asked  "what  he  would  have  done  with  Calhoun 
and  the  other  nullifiers  if  they  had  kept  on."  "  Hung 
them,  sir,  as  high  as  Haman,"  was  his  reply.  He 
died,  without  issue,  at  the  Hermitage,  on  the  8th  of 
June,  1845. 

See  EATON,  "  Life  of  Jackson,"  1824;  WILLIAM  COBBHTT,  "Life 
of  Andrew  Jackson,"  1834;  J.  S.  JENKINS,  "Life  of  General  An- 
drew Jackson,"  1850;  J.  T.  HEADLBY,  "Life  of  Andrew  Jackson," 
1852;  AMOS  KRNDALL,"Lifeof  Andrew  Jackson,"  1844;  ALEXANDER 
WALKER,  "Jackson  and  NewOrleans,"  1856;  JAMES  PARTON,  "  Life 
of  Andrew  Jackson,"  3  vols.,  1860,  (by  far  the  most  complete  life  of 
the  Hero  of  New  Orleans  that  has  been  published  ;)  "  National  Por- 
trait-Gallery of  Distinguished  Americans,"  vol.  i. ;  "New  American 
Cyclopaedia  ;"  W.  G.  SU.MNER,  "  Life  of  Jackson." 

Jack'son,  (ARTHUR,)  an  English  Puritan  minister, 
born  in  Suffolk  in  1593,  preached  at  Saint  Faith's,  Lon- 
don, until  1662,  when  he  was  ejected;  He  wrote  "An- 
notations on  the  Old  Testament,"  (1643-58.)  Died  in 

Jackson,  (CHARLES,)  LL.D.,  an  American  jurist, 
was  born  in  Newburyport,  Massachusetts,  in  1775.  He 
graduated  at  Harvard  with  the  highest  honours  of  his 
class  in  1793,  studied  law  with  Theophilus  Parsons,  and 

obtained  an  extensive  practice  in  his  native  town.  In 
1803  he  removed  to  Boston,  where  he  practised  law  for 
many  years.  In  1813  he  was  made  judge  of  the  supreme 
court  of  Massachusetts,  the  duties  of  which  he  discharged 
for  ten  years.  He  was  placed  at  the  head  of  the  com- 
missioners appointed  by  the  State  in  1832  to  revise  her 
legislative  enactments.  Died  in  Boston  in  1855.  He 
published  a  "Treatise  on  the  Pleadings  and  Practice  in 
Real  Actions,  with  Precedents,"  etc.,  (1828.) 

Jackson,  (CHARLES  THOMAS,)  M.D.,  an  American 
chemist  and  geologist,  born  at  Plymouth.  Massachusetts, 
in  June,  iScj.  He  took  the  degree  of  M.D.  at  Harvard 
in  1829,  after  which  he  continued  his  studies  in  Palis, 
and  passed  several  years  in  visits  to  various  countries 
of  Europe.  In  conjunction  with  Francis  Alger,  he  pub- 
lished a  work  called  "  Mineralogy  and  Geology  of  Nova 
Scotia,"  (1832.)  He  became  a  resident  of  Boston  about 
1833,  was  appointed  State  geologist  of  Maine  in  1836, 
and  produced  a  "  Report  on  the  Geology  of  the  State 
of  Maine,"  (1837.)  His  second  and  third  Reports  on 
the  same  subject  appeared  in  1838  and  1839.  He  was 
appointed  geologist  of  the  State  of  New  Hampshire  in 
1 8/0.  He  claimed  to  be  the  original  discoverer  of  anaes- 
thetics, and  was  involved  in  a  long  controversy  on  this 
subject  Died  August  29,  1880. 

Jackson,  (CYRIL,)  DR.,  a  noted  English  divine,  bom 
at  Stamford  in  1742.  He  was  offered  the  primacy  of 
Ireland  and  an  English  bishopric,  both  of  which  he  de- 
clined. He  was  tutor  to  the  Prince  of  Wales,  (George 
IV.)  Died  in  1819. 

Jackson,  (FREDERICK  GEORGE,)  an  English 
Arctic  explorer,  born  at  Leamington  in  1860,  and  edu- 
cated at  Edinburgh  University.  His  first  field  of 
travel  was  in  the  Australian  desert,  when  he  made  a 
midwinter  journey  across  the  Great  Tundra.  He  led 
the  lackson-Harmsworth  expedition  to  Franz-Josef 
Land,  and  remained  there  engaged  in  investigation  for 
three  years.  He  had  the  good  fortune  to  rescue  the 
famous  explorer  Nansen  (</.£'•)  He  returned  in  the 
summer  of  1897. 

Jackson,  (HELEN  HUNT,)  an  American  poet  and 
author  of  much  merit,  was  born  in  Amherst,  Massachu- 
Setts,  in  1831.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Professor  N.  W. 
Fiske.  Her  first  husband  was  Mr.  Hunt,  an  officer  of 
the  United  States  engineers,  who  died  in  1863.  In  1875 
she  married  a  Mr.  Jackson.  Her  works  include  "  Verses 
by  H.  H.,"  (1871.)  "Bits  of  Travel,"  (1872,)  "Bits  of 
Talk,"  "  A  Century  of  Dishonour,"  and  several  volumes 
of  tales  for  children.  Died  August  12,  1885. 

Jackson,  (HENRY  R.,)  was  born  in  Georgia  in  1820. 
He  served  as  a  colonel  in  the  Mexican  war,  and  was 
minister  to  Austria  from  1853  to  1858.  He  published  in 
1851  "Tallulah,  and  other  Poems."  He  was  a  general 
in  the  Confederate  service,  1861-65,  ?"d  won  distinction 
as  a  lawyer.  He  was  appointed  United  States  minister 
to  Mexico  in  1885.  He  was  a  trustee  of  the  Peabody 
Education  Fund  1875-88.  Died  in  1898. 

Jackson,  QAMES,)  a  lawyer,  born  in  Devonshire, 
England,  in  1757,  emigrated  to  America  in  1772.  He 
fought  with  distinction  against  the  British  in  Georgia 
in  1776-82,  was  elected  to  Congress  in  1789,  and  was  a 
United  States  Senator  for  Georgia  from  1792  to  1795. 
In  1798  he  became  Governor  of  Georgia,  and  in  1801 
was  again  elected  a  Senator  of  the  United  States.  Died 
in  Washington,  March  19,  1806. 

Jackson,  (JOHN, )  a  clergyman  of  the  Anglican 
Church,  born  in  Yorkshire,  England,  in  1686.  He  was  a 
zealous  advocate  of  the  Arian  doctrines,  which  prevented 
his  advancement  in  the  church.  Died  in  1763.  He  wrote 
a  valuable  work  entitled  "Chronological  Antiquities," 
(3  vols.,  1752,)  and  numerous  controversial  treatises. 

Jackson,  (JoHN,)  an  able  English  engraver  on  wood, 
flourished  about  1725-45. 

Jackson,  (JOHN,)  an  eminent  English  portrait-painter, 
born  at  Lastingham,  Yorkshire,  in  1778,  became  a  resi- 
dent of  London  about  1797,  and  was  elected  a  member 
of  the  Royal  Academy  in  1817.  Among  his  best  works 
are  portraits  of  Canova  and  Flaxman.  Died  in  1831. 
See  CUNNINGHAM,  "Lives  of  British  Paiuters." 

See  CUNNINGHAM,  "Lives  of  British  Paiuters." 
>,  short;  a,  e,  i,  o,  obscure;  fir,  fill,  fit;  met;  nSt;  good;  moon: 

a,  e,  I,  o,  u,  y,  long;  i,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  i,  o,  u, 




Jackson,  (JOHN  ADAMS,)  an  American  sculptor,  born 
at  Bath,  Maine,  November  5,  1825.  He  learned  the  trade 
of  a  machinist.  He  afterwards  studied  portrait-painting 
and  crayon-work  with  success  under  D.  C.  Johnson,  in 
Boston,  and  then  practised  sculpture  in  France  and  Italy. 
His  portrait-busts  and  medallions  are  often  excellent. 
Among  his  other  works  are  "  Eve  lifting  the  Dead  Abel," 
(1862,)  "Peasant-Boy  and  Goat,"  "Culprit  Fay,"  "Read- 
ing-Girl," the  soldiers'  monument  at  Lynn,  Massachu- 
setts, and  "  Hylas,"  (1879.)  Died  at  Pracchia,  in  Tuscany, 
August  30,  1879. 

Jackson,  (PATRICK  TRACY,)  a  merchant  and  manu- 
facturer, born  at  Newburyport,  Massachusetts,  in  1780. 
He  organized  in  1821  the  Merrimac  Manufacturing 
Company,  and  founded  Lowell.  Died  in  1847. 

Jackson,  (ROBERT,)  an  English  physician,  born  in 
1751.  He  served  as  surgeon  in  the  army,  and  wrote, 
besides  other  works,  a  "Treatise  on  the  Fevers  of 
Jamaica,"  (1791.)  Died  in  1827. 

Jackson,  (SAMUEL,)  a  distinguished  physician  and 
physiologist,  born  in  Philadelphia  March  22,  1787.  He 
was  elected  in  1835  to  the  chair  of  the  institutes  of  medi- 
cine in  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  which  he  filled 
with  great  credit  to  himself  and  the  institution  for 
twenty-eight  years.  He  resigned  in  1863.  He  wrote, 
besides  other  works,  "Principles  of  Medicine,"  (1832,) 
and  an  "  Introduction  to  Lehman's  Chemical  Physi- 
ology," (1856.)  Died  April  5,  1872. 

Jackson,  (THOMAS,)  a  learned  English  divine,  born 
in  Durham  in  1579.  He  was  the  author  of  a  "Com- 
mentary on  the  Apostles'  Creed,"  and  of  several  devo- 
tional treatises.  He  became  Dean  of  Peterborough  in 
1638.  His  works  are  highly  praised  by  Southey.  Died 
in  1640. 

See  E.  VAUOHAN,  "  Life  of  Thomas  Jackson,"  1673. 

Jackson,  (THOMAS,)  an  eminent  English  Methodist 
preacher,  born  at  Sancton,  Yorkshire,  December  12, 
1783.  He  was  the  author  of  a  large  number  of  religious 
and  biographical  works.  Died  at  Richmond  in  1873. 

Jackson,  (THOMAS  GRAHAM,)  an  English  archi- 
tect and  author,  born  at  Hampstead  in  1835.  He 
published  "Modern  Gothic,"  (1873,)  "Dalraatia," 
(1887,)  "W.-idham  College,"  (1893,)  "St.  Mary's, 
Oxford,"  (1897,)  etc.  He  was  elected  to  the  Royal 
Academy  in  1896. 

Jackaon,  (THOMAS  JONATHAN,)  commonly  known  bj 
the  name  of  STONEWALL  JACKSON,  a  distinguished  Amer- 
ican general,  born  in  Lewis  county,  Virginia,  January  21, 
1824,  graduated  at  West  Point  in  1846,  standing  seven- 
teenth in  a  class  of  fifty-nine.  He  was  considered  at 
West  Point  to  be  rather  a  dull  and  slow  student.  In  the 
Mexican  war  (1846-47)  he  served  as  first  lieutenant  with 
distinction.  Having  resigned  his  commission  in  1852, 
he  became  a  professor  in  the  Military  Institute  at  Lex- 
ington, Virginia.  About  1853  he  married  Miss  Junkin, 
a  daughter  of  Dr.  Junkin,  of  Lexington.  He  was  ap- 
pointed a  colonel  of  the  Virginian  troops  in  April,  1861, 
and  commanded  the  force  that  was  attacked  by  the  Union 
army  at  Martinsburg,  July  2.  He  served  as  brigadier- 
general  at  the  battle  of  Bull  Run,  July  21,  1861,  and  was 
promoted  to  the  rank  of  major-general  in  the  following 
September.  It  has  been  currently  stated  that  he  received 
his  surname  from  the  fact  that  he  and  his  men  "  stood  like 
a  stone  wall"  at  the  battle  of  Bull  Run  ;  but,  according  to 
one  of  his  biographers,  the  name  "  Stonewall"  was  first 
applied  to  his  brigade  because  it  was  recruited  in  a  stone- 
wall country, — the  counties  of  Jefferson,  Page,  Frederick, 
etc.  He  was  defeated  by  General  Shields  near  Win- 
chester, March  23,  1862,  and  retreated  up  the  valley  to 
Harrisonburg,  pursued  by  General  Banks.  Having  been 
reinforced,  he  resumed  the  offensive  with  about  twenty 
thousand  men,  attacked  General  Banks  near  Strasburg, 
May  23,  and  drove  him  back  to  the  Potomac.  On  the 
approach  of  General  Fremont  from  the  west,  General 
Jackson  moved  hastily  up  the  valley  to  Harrisonburg. 
His  army  was  overtaken  by  General  Fremont  at  Cross 
Keys,  where  an  indecisive  battle  was  fought  on  the  8th 
of  June.  Before  the  end  of  June  he  moved  his  army 
to  Richmond  and  joined  that  of  General  Lee.  He 
commanded  a  corps  at  the  battle  of  Gaines's  Mill,  June 

'\  27,  and  at  that  of  Malvern  Hill,  July  i,  1862.  On  the 
1  9th  of  August  he  defeated  a  small  army  under  General 
Banks  at  Cedar  Mountain,  Virginia.  He  captured 
Harper's  Ferry,  with  eleven  thousand  Union  prisoners, 
on  the  I5th  of  September,  and  joined  General  Lee  in 
time  to  take  part  in  the  battle  of  Antietam,  September 
17.  He  contributed  to  the  victory  at  Fredericksburg, 
December  13,  1862,  for  which  service  he  was  promoted 
to  the  rank  of  lieutenant-general.  He  remained  inactive 
for  several  months,  (January-April,  1863,)  employed 
partly  in  preparing  official  reports.  On  the  1st  of  May 
he  was  ordered  by  General  Lee  to  execute  a  flank  move- 
ment on  the  right  wing  of  General  Hooker's  army.  He 
surprised  and  routed  the  eleventh  corps,  near  Cnancel- 
lorsville,  on  the  evening  of  the  2d  of  May.  As  he  was 
riding  with  his  staff  from  the  front  towards  the  rear 
during  that  battle,  he  received  a  volley  from  his  own 
men,  who  in  the  darkness  mistook  the  staff  for  a  party 
of  Federal  cavalry.  General  Jackson  received  three 
wounds,  of  which  he  died  at  Guinea's  Station  on  the 
loth  of  May,  1863.  "  His  loss,"  says  Mr.  Greeley,  "  was 
the  greatest  yet  sustained  by  either  party  in  the  fall  of  a 
single  man ;  though  Sidney  Johnston  had  probably  mili- 
tary talents  of  a  higher  order.  But  Jackson's  power  over 
his  men  was  unequalled ;  and  it  was  justified  by  the 
soundness  of  his  judgment,  as  well  as  the  intrepidity  of 
his  character.  Contrary  to  the  vulgar  notion,  his  attacks 
were  all  well  considered,  and  based  on  a  careful  cal- 
culation of  forces ;  and  he  showed  as  high  qualities  in 
refusing  to  squander  his  men  at  Antietam,  and  again  at 
Fredericksburg,  as  he  did  in  his  most  brilliant  charges. 
...  It  is  doubtful  if  all  the  advantages,  including  pres- 
tige, which  the  rebels  gained  around  Chancellorsville, 
were  not  dearly  purchased  by  the  loss  of  Thomas  J. 
Jackson."  ("American  Conflict,"  vol.  ii.  pp.  359-60.) 
Stonewall  Jackson  was  a  man  of  deep  and  earnest  re- 
ligious convictions  ;  and  in  his  general  character,  as  well 
as  in  his  serene,  indomitable  courage  and  the  extraoi- 
dinary  influence  which  he  exerted  over  the  minds  of  his 
soldiers,  he  reminds  us  of  the  great  Puritan  leaders  who 
fought  under  Cromwell. 

See  DABNHY,  "  Life  of  General  T.  J.  Jackson,"  and  a  "  Life  ot 
General  T.  J.  Jackson,"  in  "  Southern  Generals,"  1865. 

Jackson,  (THOMAS  K.,)  born  in  South  Carolina  about 
1829,  was  made  a  brigadier-general  in  the  Confederate 
army  in  1861. 

Jackson,  (WILLIAM,)  a  clergyman  of  the  Anglican 
Church,  born  in  Ireland  about  1737.  In  1794  he  was 
detected  in  a  treasonable  correspondence  with  France, 
in  which  he  recommended  the  invasion  of  Ireland.  He 
was  tried  and  found  guilty  of  high  treason,  but  died 
from  the  effects  of  poison,  before  sentence  was  passed 
upon  him,  in  1795. 

Jackson,  (WILLIAM,)  an  eminent  English  musician 
and  landscape-painter,  was  born  at  Exeter  in  1730. 
Among  his  musical  compositions  are  "  Twelve  Popular 
Songs,"  "  Six  Sonatas  for  the  Harpsichord,"  and  "  Twelve 
Canzonets  for  Two  Voices."  He  published  "Thirty 
Letters  upon  Various  Subjects,"  (1782,)  and  "The  Four 
Ages,"  (1798.)  Died  in  1803. 

Jackson,  (WILLIAM,)  known  as  JACKSON  OF  MASHAM, 
from  his  native  place,  an  English  musician  and  composer, 
born  January  9,  1816.  He  composed  oratorios,  cantatas, 
anthems,  glees,  etc.  Died  April  15,  1866. 

Jackson,  (Dr.  WILLIAM,)  Bishop  of  Oxford,  and 
brother  to  Dr.  Cyril  Jackson,  noticed  above,  was  born 
at  Stamford  in  1750.  He  published  several  sermons. 
Died  in  1815. 

Jacme,  or  En  Jacme,  King  of  Aragon.     See  JAMES  I. 

Ja'cpb,  [Heb.  3p>'";  Gr.  'laxufi,]  a  celebrated  Hebrew 
patriarch,  a  son  of  Isaac,  and  the  great  progenitor  of  the 
Israelitish  nation.  He  was  also  called  ISRAEL. 

See  Genesis  xxv.,  xxvii.,  xxviii.,  xxix..  TTT 

Ja'cob,  a  Hungarian  adventurer,  and  chief  of  the 
Pastoureaux.  About  1250  he  incited  the  common  people 
to  enlist  in  a  crusade  for  the  liberation  of  Saint  Louis, 
who  was  then  a  captive.  He  mustered  a  vast  multitude 
of  French  peasants,  who  massacred  priests  and  com- 
mitted other  outrages  in  France.  Jacob  was  killed,  and 
his  dupes  were  dispersed. 

€as  k;  5  as  s;  g  hard;  g  as/',-  G,  H,  K, guttural ';  N,  nasal;  R,  trilltd;  §  as  z;  th  as  in  this. 


Explanations,  p.  23.) 




Ja'cob,  (EDWARD,)  a  topographical  and  antiquarian 
writer  of  Kent,  England.  Died  in  1788. 

Jacob,  (GiLES,)  an  English  author,  born  in  Hamp- 
shire in  1686.  Among  his  works  are  "The  Poetical 
Register,"  (1723,)  composed  of  memoirs  of  the  English 
dramatic  poets,  and  a  "Law  Dictionary,"  (1729,)  which 
has  passed  through  many  editions.  Died  in  1744. 

Jacob,  (HENRY,)  an  English  Puritan  and  Independ- 
ent minister,  born  in  Kent  about  1562.  He  founded  in 
London  the  first  Independent  Congregational  church 
that  existed  in  England,  and  published  several  works. 
In  1624  he  removed  to  Virginia,  where  he  died  about 

Jacob,  (HENRY,)  a  philologist  and  Orientalist,  born 
in  1606  or  1607,  was  a  son  of  the  preceding.  He  became 
a  Fellow  of  Merton  College,  Oxford,  and  published 
"Graeca  et  Latina  Poemata."  Died  in  1652. 

Ja'cpb,  (JEHODAH  LEON,)  a  Jew  of  the  seventeenth 
century,  born  in  Spain,  resided  in  Holland.  He  wrote 
a  "  Description  of  the  Temple  of  Solomon,"  also  a 
description  of  the  Tabernacle,  and  an  "Exposition  of 
the  Psalms." 

Jacob,  (JOHN,)  a  British  general,  born  in  1812  or 
1813.  He  distinguished  himself  in  India  in  1843  as 
commander  of  the  Sinde  Horse.  Died  in  India  in  1858. 

Jacob,  (JOHN,)  an  Armenian  carpenter,  lived  about 
1650.  He  is  distinguished  for  having  introduced  the  art 
of  printing  into  Persia. 

Jacob  OF  EDESSA.     See  BARAD^EUS. 

Jacob  or  James  [Gr.  'laxuSof ;  Lat  JACO'BUS]  OP 
NISIBIS,  surnamed  THE  GREAT,  a  Christian  bishop,  who 
was  regarded  as  a  prophet  and  was  distinguished  for  his 
ascetic  life.  He  became  Bishop  of  Nisibis,  and  attended, 
in  325  A.D.,  the  Council  of  Nice,  where  he  advocated  the 
orthodox  creed.  He  is  said  to  have  delivered  Nisibis 
from  the  besieging  Persians  by  his  prayers.  His  death 
is  variously  dated  from  about  340  to  350  A.D. 

See  SAINT  JEROME,  "De  Viris  illustribm ;"  FABRICIUS,  "  Bibli- 
•theca  Grajca;"  CAVK.  "  Historia  Literaria." 

Jacob  (or  James)  OF  VITRY,  a  French  priest,  who 
in  1217  became  Bishop  of  Acre  in  Syria,  where  he  con- 
yerted  many  Saracens.  In  1229  he  was  made  Bishop  of 
Tusculum  and  a  cardinal.  He  left  a  valuable  "  History 
of  Jerusalem,"  or  "  Historia  Orientals, "  as  well  as  "  His- 
toria Occidentalis,"  and  many  letters.  Died  at  Rome  in 

Ja'cpb  Ben  Ash'er,  a  learned  Jew,  born  in  Ger- 
many, wrote  a  work  called  "Arba  Thourim."  Died  at 
Toledo  about  1340. 

Ja'cpb  Ben  Haj'im  or  Chajim,  a  Jewish  rabbi 
of  the  sixteenth  century,  distinguished  for  his  learning, 
was  born  at  Tunis.  He  edited  the  Masora  and  Hebrew 
Bible,  with  commentaries,  and  a  Chaldean  paraphrase, 
"  Biblia  Rabbinica  Bombergiana,"  (4  vols.,  1525.) 

Ja'cob  Ben  Naph'ta-U,  a  learned  Jewish  rabbi  of 
the  fifth  century,  educated  at  Tiberias.  To  him  is  chiefly 
attributed  the  invention  of  the  Masoretic  points  used  in 
distinguishing  the  Hebrew  vowels. 

Jacob  de  Saint-Charles,  zhiTcob'  deh  sin  shin], 
(Louis,)  a  French  author  and  bibliographer,  born  at 
Chalons-sur-Sa6ne  in  1608.  He  became  a  monk  of  the 
order  of  Carmelites.  Among  his  works  are  a  "Treatise 
upon  the  Finest  Libraries  of  the  World,"  (1644,)  "The 
Parisian  Library,"  and  "The  French  Universal  Library," 
(1646.)  Died  in  1670. 

Jacob-Kolb,  zhjfkob'  kolb,  (G4RARD,)  a  French 
antiquary,  born  at  Rheims  in  1775.  He  made  valuable 
collections  of  Greek  and  Roman  medals,  autographs, 
and  books.  He  wrote  "  Historical  Researches  on  the 
Crusades  and  the  Templars."  Died  in  1830. 

Jacob  le  Bibliophile.    See  LACROIX,  (PAUL.) 

Jacobaa  or  Jacobaea.    See  JACQUELINE. 

Jacobaeus,  ya-ko-ba'us,  or  Jacobi,  yl-ko'bee,  (OLI- 
OER,)  a  distinguished  physician  and  philosopher,  born 
at  Aarhuus,  in  Jutland,  in  1650,  became  professor  of 
medicine  and  natural  philosophy  in  the  University  of 
Copenhagen.  He  wrote  several  works  on  natural 
history,  and  elegant  Latin  poems.  Died  in  1701. 

See  NICERON,  "Mimoires;"  KRAFT  og  NVKRUP,  "  Litteratur- 

Jacobazzi,   yi-ko-bit'see,    (DOMENICO,)   an   Italian 

cardinal,  born  at  Rome  about  1443,  wrote  a  "  Treatise 
on  Councils,"  (1538.)  Died  in  1527. 

Jacob!    See  JACOBAEUS. 

Ja-co'bi,  [Ger.  prpn.  ya-ko'bee,]  (ABRAHAM,)  M.D., 
a  distinguished  physician,  born,  of  a  Hebrew  family,  at 
Hartum,  in  Westphalia,  May  6,  1830.  He  studied  at 
Greifswalde  and  Gottingen,  and  graduated  at  Bonn  in 
1851.  In  1853  he  removed  to  New  York,  where  he 
ga%-e  attention  chiefly  to  gynaecology  and  diseases  of 
children,  and  held  several  professorships.  His  principal 
works  are  "  Dentition  and  its  Derangements"  (1862) 
and  a  "  Treatise  on  Diphtheria,"  (1880.) 

Jacobi,  ya-ko'bee,  (HEINRICH  FRIEDRICH,)  an  emi- 
nent German  writer  and  thinker,  born  at  Dusseldorf  in 
1743.  His  father  was  a  merchant,  and  young  Jacobi 
was  destined  to  the  same  calling,  although  his  tastes  led 
him  to  other  pursuits.  At  the  age  of  sixteen  he  was 
sent  to  school  at  Frankfort.  He  afterwards  went  to 
Geneva,  where  he  remained  three  years,  applying  him- 
self to  literary  studies.  During  this  period  he  acquired 
such  a  mastery  of  the  French  language  as  has  rarely 
been  equalled  by  any  of  his  countrymen.  On  returning 
to  Dusseldorf,  he  conducted  his  father's  business  for 
several  years,  without,  however,  abandoning  his  favourite 
pursuits.  Afterwards,  through  the  influence  of  his  friend 
and  patron  the  Count  of  Goltstein,  he  received  an  ap- 
pointment under  the  government,  and  was  thus  enabled 
to  devote  his  principal  attention  to  philosophy  and  lite- 
rature. About  this  time  he  married  Betty  von  Clermont, 
of  Aix-la-Chapelle,  a  lady  of  considerable  wealth  as  well 
as  of  great  accomplishments  and  personal  attractions. 
In  1779  Jacobi  was  invited  to  Munich,  where  he  became 
privy  councillor.  But,  having  exposed  the  abuses  of  the 
Bavarian  system  of  customs,  he  fell  into  disfavour  with 
the  government,  and  withdrew  to  his  estate  near  Dus- 
seldorf. In  1804  he  was  again  called  to  Munich,  to  aid 
in  the  establishment  of  the  new  Academy  of  Sciences 
in  that  city,  of  which  institution  he  became  president 
in  1807.  He  resigned  this  position  in  1813,  and  died 
in  1819. 

Among  the  works  of  Jacobi  may  be  named  "  Edward 
Allwill's  Correspondence,"  ("Eduard  Allwill's  Brief- 
sammlung,"  1781,)  "  On  the  Doctrine  of  Spinoza," 
("  Ueber  die  Lehre  des  Spinoza,"  1785,)  in  a  series  of 
letters  to  Mendelssohn,  "  David  Hume  on  Faith,  or 
Idealism  and  Realism,"  ("  David  Hume  iiber  den  Glau- 
ben,  oder  Idealismus  und  Realismus,"  1787,)  "Wolde- 
mar,"  (2  vols.,  J799,)  and  "Of  Divine  Things  and  their 
Revelation,"  ("  Von  gottlichen  Dingen  und  ihrer  Offen- 
barung,"  1811.) 

"As  a  writer  of  fiction,"  observes  Mrs.  Austin,  "Ja- 
cobi is  distinguished  for  vigorous  painting,  admirable 
delineation  of  nature  and  the  human  heart,  warmth  and 
depth  of  feeling,  and  a'  lively,  bold,  yet  correct  turn  of 
expression.  As  a  philosopher,  he  is  admired  for  his 
rare  depth  of  thought,  for  the  fervour  of  his  religious 
feelings,  and  for  the  originality  and  beauty  of  his  style." 
Again  she  says,  "  His  character  is  rich  in  all  that  can 
attract  the  wise  and  good."  "Jacobi  is  ranked,  and 
justly,"  says  Dr.  Hedge,  "  among  the  philosophers  of 
modern  Germany,  although  his  philosophy,  far  from 
shaping  itself  into  a  system,  denies, — and  that  denial 
may  be  regarded  as  one  of  its  leading  characteristics,— 
on  philosophical  grounds,  the  possibility  of  a  system, 
and  maintains  that  any  system  of  philosophy,  carried  to 
Its  legitimate  results,  must  lead  to  fanaticism.  He  vin- 
dicated the  '  affective'  part  of  man's  nature,  which  the 
Kantian  exaltation  of  pure  reason  had  seemed  to  dis- 
parage, at  least  to  neglect,  and  gave  to  feeling  its  due 
place  and  authority  as  a  medium  and  interpreter  of  truth. 
.  . .  He  differed  from  contemporary  philosophers  in  being 
a  devout  believer  in  revelation, — in  the  Christian  revela- 
tion. The  gospel  was  to  him  the  test  and  criterion  of  all 
truth.  For  the  rest,  he  was  an  eclectic,  and  welcomed  light 
from  whatever  quarter  it  came.  In  philosophical  insight 
he  is  surpassed  by  none  ;  and,  though  his  fixed  idea  of 
the  impossibility  of  a  systematic  philosophy  may  have 
somewhat  vitiated  his  view  of  existing  philosophies,  his 
criticisms  on  some  of  them  are  among  the  best  that 
have  been  essayed." 

See  J.  KUHN,  "Jacobi  und  die  Philosophic  seiner  Zeit,"  1834: 

a,  e,  i,  5,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  I.  o.  u.  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obscure;  fir,  fill,  fit;  mf  t;  n6t;  good;  moon; 





Jacob!,  (JoHANN  GEORG,)  brother  of  the  preceding, 
was  born  at  Dusseldorf  in  1740.  He  became  professor 
of  philosophy  and  eloquence  at  Halle,  and  in  1784 
professor  of  belles-lettres  at  Freiburg.  He  published 
a  collection  of  poems.  Died  in  1814. 

See  ROTTECK,  "  Gedachtnissrede  auf  Jacobi,"  1814;  ERSCH  und 
GRUBER,  "AUgemeine  Encyklopaedie." 

Jacobi,  (KARL  GUSTAV  JAKOB,)  an  eminent  German 
n»athematician,  born  at  Potsdam  in  1804,  became  in  1829 
professor  of  mathematics  at  Konigsberg.  He  wrote 
"  Foundations  of  the  New  Theory  of  Elliptical  Func- 
ti  .ns,"  (1829,)  and  "Canon  Arithmeticus,"  and  contrib- 
uted a  number  of  able  treatises  to  the  Academy  of 
Sciences,  of  which  he  was  a  member.  Died  in  Berlin 
in  1851. 

Jacobi,  (MARY  PUTNAM,)  an  American  physician,  a 
daughter  of  G.  P.  Putnam,  of  New  York,  was  born  in 
London,  England,  in  1842.  She  was  educated  in  the 
Philadelphia  Woman's  Medical  College,  in  the  New 
York  College  of  Pharmacy,  and  in  the  Ecole  de  Mede- 
cine,  Paris,  where  she  graduated  in  1871.  In  1873  she 
married  Dr.  A.  Jacobi.  She  became  professor  of  ma- 
teria  medica  in  a  woman's  medical  college  in  New  York, 
and  published  many  professional  papers  of  high  value. 

Jacobi,  (MAXIMILIAN,)  a  German  alienist,  a  son  of  H. 
F.  Jacobi,  already  noticed,  was  born  at  Dusseldorf,  April 
10,  1775.  He  studied  at  Jena,  Edinburgh,  Gb'ttingen. 
Erfurt,  and  London,  taking  the  degree  of  M.D.  in  1807. 
He  afterwards  had  charge  of  insane  asylums  at  Salzburg 
and  at  Siegburg.  His  writings  on  insanity  are  of  high 
importance.  Died  at  Siegburg,  May  18,  1858. 

jacobi,  (MORITZ  HERMANN,)  brother  of  K.  G.  J.  Jaco- 
bi, was  born  in  1801.  He  was  the  inventor  of  Galvano- 
plastic,  (1840,)  on  which  he  published  a  treatise,  and  of 
the  application  of  electro-magnetism  to  the  moving  of 
machinery.  Died  at  St.  Petersburg,  March  10,  1874. 

Jacobini,  ya-ko-bee'nee,  (LuDOVico,)  an  Italian  car- 
dinal, born  at  Genzano,  January  6,  1830.  He  became  a 
domestic  prelate  of  the  pope  in  1862,  and  held  various 
offices,  chiefly  connected  with  the  Propaganda.  In  1874 
he  was  made  Archbishop  of  Thessalonica  and  nuncio  at 
Vienna.  In  1879  he  was  created  a  cardinal-priest,  and  in 
1880  was  appointed  papal  secretary  of  state,  administrator 
of  the  property  of  the  Holy  See,  and  prefect  of  the 
Lauretan  congregation.  Died  Feb.  28,  1887.  His  rela- 
tive, ANGELO  JACOBINI,  born  in  Genzano,  April  25, 1825, 
was  in  1882  created  a  cardinal-deacon,  and  died  in  1886. 
Ja'cpbs,  [Ger.  pron.  ya'kops,]  (FRIEDRICH  CHRISTIAN 
WILHELM,)  an  eminent  German  scholar  and  writer,  born 
at  Gotha  in  1764.  He  studied  at  Gottingen  under  Heyne 
in  1784,  and  in  1807  became  a  teacher  of  ancient  literature 
in  the  Lyceum  at  Munich,  and  member  of  the  Academy 
of  Sciences  of  that  city.  In  1810  he  was  appointed 
chief  librarian  and  director  of  the  cabinet  of  coins  at 
Gotha.  Among  his  numerous  critical  writings,  which 
are  distinguished  for  profound  learning  and  elegance  of 
style,  are  "  Animadversions  on  Euripides,"  ("  Animad- 
versiones  in  Euripidem,"  1790,)  "Critical  Emendations 
on  Ancient  Writers,"  ("  Emendationes  criticae  in  Scrip- 
tores  veteres,"  1796,)  and  "Emendations  on  Greek 
Anthology,"  ("Emendationes  in  Anthologiam  Graecam.") 
He  also  prepared  editions  of  Achilles  Tatius,  Bion  and 
Moschus,  and  other  classics.  He  made  translations  from 
the  Orations  of  Demosthenes,  the  Greek  Anthology,  and 
Velleius,  and  contributed  a  number  of  excellent  treatises 
to  Wieland's  "  Attic  Museum"  and  to  the  "  Library  of 
Ancient  Literature  and  Art"  He  also  wrote  "Glean- 
ings from  the  Journal  of  the  Pastor  of  Mainau,"  (1823. 
Died  in  1847. 

Jacobs,  (JACOBS,)  a  Belgian  painter,  whose  true 
was  born  at  Antwerp  in  1812,  and  was  noted  for  his 
landscapes,  sea-views,  and  town-pictures.  Died  in 

Jacobs,  (JOSEPH,)  a  British  folk-lorist,  born  at 
Sydney,  Xew  South  Wales,  in  1854.  He  is  an 

authority  in  England  on  fairy  tales,  of  which  he  has 
>ublished  numerous  collections,  also  works  on  the 
listory  of  the  Jews  and  other  subjects. 

Jacobs,  ya'kops,   (JURIEN,)    a   distinguished    Swiss 
jainter  of  animals  and  hunting-scenes,  born  in  1610 ;  died 
n  1664. 
Jacobs,  (LUCAS.)     See  LUCAS  VAN  LEYDF.N. 

Jacobs,  ya'kops,  (SlMON,)  a  Dutch  painter,  born  ai 
Gouda,  was  killed  at  the  siege  of  Haarlem  in  1572. 

Jacobsen,  ya'kop-sen,  (LEVIN,)  a  Danish  surgeon, 
Dorn  at  Copenhagen  in  1783.  He  invented  an  instru- 
ment called  the  "lithoclaste,"  and  wrote  several  works. 
Died  in  1843. 

See  H.  C.  OERSTED,  "Tale  ved  Jacobsens  Liigfard." 

Jacobsen  or  Jacopsen,  ya'kop-sen,  (MICHAEL,)  a 
naval  commander,  born  at  Dunkirk.  He  served  in  the 
famous  Spanish  Armada  sent  against  England  in"  1 588, 
and,  by  his  skilful  management,  saved  several  vessels. 
Died  in  1633. 

Jacobson,  ya'kop-son,  (JOHANN  KARL  GOTTFRIED,) 
a  Prussian  technologist,  born  at  Elbingen  in  1726,  pub- 
lished a  "Technological  Dictionary  of  Useful  Trades, 
Arts,"  etc.  Died  in  1789. 

Ja-co'bus,  (MELANCTHON  WILLIAMS,)  D.D.,  LL.D., 
an  American  Presbyterian  clergyman,  born  at  Newark, 
Mew  Jersey,  September  19,  1816.  He  graduated  at 
Princeton  College  in  1834,  and  at  the  theological  school 
n  Princeton  in  1838.  In  1851  he  became  professor  of 
Oriental  and  Biblical  literature  in  a  theological  seminary 
at  Allegheny  City,  Pennsylvania.  He  published  "  Notes  ' 
on  the  Gospels,  Acts,  and  Genesis,  in  six  volumes,  (1848 
-65.)  Died  October  28,  1876. 

Jacoby,  ya-ko'bee,  JOHANN,)  a  German  democrat, 
born  at  Konigsberg,  May  I,  1805.  He  was  a  physician, 
when  in  1841  a  political  pamphlet  ascribed  to  him  caused 
his  imprisonment.  In  1848  he  was  a  republican  leader 
and  a  member  of  the  Frankfort  Parliament  and  of  the 
National  Assembly.  He  was  later  tried  for  high  treason, 
but  got  clear  after  a  seven  weeks'  examination.  He  was 
in  later  years  often  imprisoned  as  a  socialist  agitator, 
Died  March  6,  1877. 

Jacometti,  ya-ko-met'tee,  (PIETRO  PAULO,)  a  sculp- 
tor, founder,  and  painter  of  the  Roman  school,  born  at 
Ricanati  in  1580;  died  in  1655. 

Jacomb,  jak'om,  ?  (THOMAS,)  an  English  dissentirg 
minister,  born  in  Leicestershire  in  1622.  He  wrote  a 
"Commentary  on  the  Eighth  Chapter  of  Romans,"  a 
"  Treatise  of  Holy  Dedication,"  and  other  works.  Died 
in  1687. 

Jacopo  di  Pietro,  ya'ko-po  de  pe-a'tKO,  an  Italian 
sculptor,  born  in  Tuscany,  was  a  pupil  of  Andrea  Or- 
cagna.  He  died  after  1368. 

Jacopo  Tedesco,  (architect.)     See  LAPO. 

Jacopone  da  Todi,  ya-ko-po'na  da  to'dee,  or  Ja- 
copo, ya'ko-po,  sometimes  called  Benedetto,  an  Italian 
monk  and  poet,  born  at  Todi.  He  wrote  poems  which 
were  approved  by  the  Academy  della  Crusca.  The 
"  Stabat  Mater  Dolorosa"  is  ascribed  to  him  by  some 
writers.  Died  in  1306. 

See  G.  Mopio,  "Vita  di  Jacopone,"  1558;  GINGOKN*,  "Histoire 
litte'raire  d'ltalie." 

Jacopsen.     See  JACOBSEN. 

Jacotin,  zhi'ko'taN',  (PIERRE,)  a  French  officer  of 
engineers,  bom  near  Langres  in  1765,  was  distinguished 
for  his  knowledge  of  topography.  He  drew  a  map  of 
Egypt  and  Syria  which  was  taken  from  actual  survey. 
Died  in  1827. 

Jacotot,  zhfko'to',  (JOSEPH,)  a  French  teacher,  born 
at  Dijon  in  1770.  Under  Napoleon  I.  he  was  a  member 
of  the  Chamber  during  the  Hundred  Days.  He  gained 
distinction  by  his  earnest  efforts  in  the  cause  of  national 
education,  for  which  he  advocated  a  new  and  improved 
system  and  on  which  subject  he  wrote  several  works. 
Died  in  1840. 

See  A.  GUYARD,  "Jacotot  et  sa  Me'thode,"  1840;  C.  F.  WURW, 
"  Hamilton  und  Jacotot,"  1831 ;  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Jacquand,  zhrkdN',  (CLAUDIUS,)  a  French  historical 
painter,  born  at  Lyons  in  1805,  settled  in  Paris  in  1833, 
and  obtained  a  medal  of  the  first  class.  Died  in  1878. 

Jacquard,  zhS'kSR',  (JOSEPH  MARIE,)  a  Frenchman, 
celebrated  for  his  inventions  in  the  art  of  weaving,  was 

€  as  k;  5  as  s;  g  hard;  g  asj;  G,  H,  n,guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  §  as  i;  th  as  in  this. 

Explanations,  p.  23.) 



born  in  Lyons,  July  7,  1752.  At  an  early  age,  being 
employed  as  a  type-founder,  and  afterwards  as  a  cutler, 
he  exhibited  an  uncommon  mechanical  genius.  In  1793 
he  assisted  in  the  defence  of  his  native  city  against  the 
army  of  the  Convention.  He  subsequently  served  for  a 
short  period  in  the  army  of  the  Rhine.  In  1801  he  com- 
pleted his  great  invention  for  weaving  the  finest  and 
richest  kinds  of  figured  doth.  This  apparatus,  which 
bears  his  name, — the  Jacquard  loom, — though  at  first 
strongly  opposed  by  the  weavers  of  France,  has  been 
brought  into  general  use  both  in  Europe  and  in  America, 
and,  instead  of  destroying  the  occupation  of  labourers,  it 
has  greatly  increased  the  number  of  operatives  employed 
in  the  manufacture  of  figured  stuffs.  Jacquard  also  in- 
vented a  machine  for  wearing  nets.  For  this  invention 
he  received  a  gold  medal  in  1804  from  the  inspectors  of 
Paris.'  While  in  that  city,  he  was  introduced  to  Napo- 
leon I.  Died  in  1834.  In  1840  a  public  statue  was 
raised  to  his  memory  by  the  citizens  of  Lyons. 

See  DE  FORTIS,  "E~loge  historique  de  Jacquard,"  1838;  "Nou- 
velle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale  ;"  LAMAKTINK,  ''Memoirs  of  Celebrated 
Characters,  1856. 

Jacquelin,  zhJk'laN',  (JACQUES  ANDRE,)  a  French 
dramatist,  born  in  Paris  in  1776;  died  in  1827. 

Jacqueline,  zhtk'len',  Jac-o-bae'a  or  Jac-o-ba'a, 
[Ger.  pron.  ya-ko-ba'a,]  of  Bavaria,  Countess  of  Holland, 
and  heiress  of  William  VI.  of  Bavaria,  was  born  in  1400. 
She  was  married  successively  to  John  the  Dauphin  of 
France  and  son  of  Charles  VI.,  to  her  cousin  John  of 
Brabant,  and  to  Humphrey  Duke  of  Gloucester  and 
brother  of  Henry  V.  After  a  long  contest  with  her 
cousin  Philip  the  Good  of  Burgundy,  she  was  compelled 
to  give  up  to  him  her  possessions.  Died  in  1436. 

See  PETIT,  "Chronique  ancienne  et  modeme  de  la  Holiande;" 
A.  VAN  OVERSTRATKN,  "  Jacoba  van  Beijeren,  in  V.  Boeken,"  1790; 
MORBRI,  "  Dictionnaire  Historique." 

Jacquelot  or  Jaquelot,  zhSklo',  (ISAAC,)  a  learned 
Protestant  theologian,  born  in  Champagne,  France,  in 
1647.  He  wrote  "On  the  Existence  of  God,"  (1697,) 
a  "Dissertation  on  the  Messiah,"  (1699,)  and  on  "The 
Inspiration  of  the  Old  and  New  Testaments,"  (1715.) 
Died  in  Berlin  in  1708. 

See  DAVID  DURAND,  "La  Vie  de  Jaquelot,"  1785;  NirfzoN, 
"  Memoires." 

Jacquemard,  zhtk'mf  R',  (fixiENNE,)  a  grammarian, 
born  in  Paris  in  1772,  wrote  a  valuable  "Elements  of 
French  Grammar."  Died  in  1830. 

Jacquemart,  zhik'mSR',  (ALBERT,)  a  French  author, 
born  in  Paris  in  1808.  His  most  important  works  are 
those  devoted  to  the  history  and  description  of  the  ceramic 
art.  Died  in  Paris,  October  14,  1875.  His  son,  JULES 
FERDINAND  JACQUEMART,  born  at  Paris  in  1837,  won  a 
reputation  as  an  engineer,  and  also  as  a  designer,  but 
especially  as  an  engraver  and  etcher.  Died  in  1880. 

Jacquemont,  zhlk'moN',  (VICTOR,)  a  distinguished 
naturalist,  born  in  Paris  in  1801.  After  making  scientific 
excursions  through  France  and  Switzerland,  he  sailed 
in  1826  for  America,  and  visited  Canada,  the  United 
States,  and  Hayti.  He  returned  to  France  in  1827,  with 
a  choice  collection  of  plants  and  minerals.  In  1828  he 
went  to  the  East  Indies,  and  explored  the  greater  part  of 
Hindpstan  and  Thibet.  He  was  author  of  a  "  Geological 
Treatise  on  the  Alps,"  "  Correspondence  of  Victor  Jacque- 
mont with  his  Family  and  many  of  his  Friends  during  his 
Journey  in  India,"  and  "Travels  in  India  from  the  Year 
1828  to  the  Year  1832."  Died  at  Bombay  in  1832. 

See  E"DOUARD  DB  WARREN,  "  La  Vie  et  les  CEuvres  de  Jacque- 
mont," 1852;  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale :"  "Foreign  Quar- 
terly Review"  for  February,  1834. 

Jacques,  zhik,  (AM^DEE,)  bom  in  Paris  in  1813, 
wrote  several  works  on  philosophy,  and  edited  the 
works  of  Leibnitz.  Died  in  Buenos  Ayres  in  1865. 

Jacques,  FRERE.     See  BAULOT. 

Jacques,  (MATHIEU  JOSEPH,)  a  French  ecclesiastic, 
and  professor  of  theology  at  Lyons,  was  born  in  1736. 
He  wrote  "  Convincing  Proofs  of  the  Christian  Religion," 
and  other  theological  works.  Died  in  1821. 

Jacques,  (NICOLAS,)  a  French  miniature-painter,  born 
near  Nancy  in  1780 ;  died  in  1844. 

Jacques  de  Chison,  zhik  deh  she'zoN',  a  French 
poet,  who  lived  about  1250,  was  highly  esteemed  by  his 

Jacquet,  zhjPk^',  (EUGENE  VINCENT  STANISLAS,)  a 
distinguished  Orientalist,  born  at  Brussels  in  1811,  was 
particularly  skilled  in  the  Sanscrit.  In  1829  he  was 
admitted  a  member  of  the  Asiatic  Society  of  Paris,  and 
soon  became  known  by  his  writings.  Died  in  1838. 

See  FELIX  NEVE,  "Me'nvnre  sui  la  Vied'Eugeae  Jacquet,"  1856; 
"  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne.-ale." 

Jacquet,  (Louis,)  a  French  ecclesiastic,  born  at  Lyons 
in  1 732,  wrote  a  "  Parallel  between  the  Greek  and  French 
Tragic  Writers,"  and  a  prize  essay  upon  the  Discovery 
of  America.  Died  in  1794. 

Jacquier,  zhj'ke-i',  (  FRANC.OIS,  )  a  distinguished 
French  mathematician',  born  at  Vitry-le-Fran9ais  in  171 1, 
was  appointed  professor  of  philosophy  at  the  Roman 
College  by  Pope  Benedict  XIV.  He  edited  the  "  Prin- 
cipia"  of  Newton,  and  wrote,  with  Le  Sueur,  a  "  Treatise 
on  Algebra,"  and  other  scientific  works.  Died  in  1788. 

Jacquin,  zhi'kiN',  (ARMAND  PIERRE,)  a  French 
writer,  bom  at  Amiens  in  1721  ;  died  about  1780. 

Jacquin,  zhi'kaN',?( JOSEPH  FRANZ,)  a  German  bota- 
nist and  chemist,  son  of  Nikolaas  Joseph,  noticed  below, 
was  born  about  1766.  He  was  professor  in  the  University 
of  Vienna,  and  wrote  on  natural  history.  Died  in  1839. 

Jacquin,  (NIKOLAAS  JOSEPH,)  a  celebrated  botanist, 
born  at  Leyden  in  1727.  Having  removed  to  Vienna, 
he  was  sent  by  Francis  I.  to  the  West  Indies,  whence  he 
returned  at  the  end  of  six  years,  with  a  choice  collection 
of  plants.  He  was  subsequently  appointed  professor 
of  chemistry  and  botany  in  the  University  of  Vienna, 
and  created  baron  and  councillor  of  mines  and  coinage. 
He  wrote  numerous  works  on  botany,  among  which  may 
be  mentioned  his  magnificent "  Florae  Austriacje,"  whicn 
contained  five  hundred  coloured  engravings,  (1773-77.) 
Died  in  Vienna  in  1817. 

See  ERSCH  und  GRUBER,  "Allgememe  Encyklopaedie  ;"  MEUSEL, 
"Gelehrtes  Deutschland ;"  "Nouvelle  Biographic  G^nerale;"  KAI- 
MANN,  "Rede  zur  Gedachtnissfeier  des  N.  J.  Jacquin,"  1818. 

Jacquinot,  zhfke'no',  (CHARLES  CLAUDE,)  a  French 
general,  born  at  Melun  in  1 772,  commanded  two  divisions 
of  cavalry  at  Waterloo.  Died  in  1848. 

Jacquinot  -  Pampelune,  zhi'ke'no'  poMp'lnn', 
(CLAUDE  FRANC.OIS  JOSEPH,)  a  French  advocate  and 
politician,  born  at  Dijon  in  1771  ;  died  in  1835. 

Jacquot,  zhi'ko',  (GEORGES,)  a  French  statuary,  bom 
at  Nancy  in  1794,  gained  the  grand  prize  in  1820,  and 
went  to  Rome  with  a  pension.  Died  Nov.  23,  1874. 

Jadassohn,  ya'di-son,  (SALOMON,)  a  German  (Jew- 
ish) musical  composer,  born  at  Breslau,  August  13,  i8jl. 
He  acquired  distinction  as  a  pianist,  composer,  and  in- 
structor, and  especially  by  his  "  Science  of  Pure  Compo- 
sition," ("Lehre  vom  reinen  Satze,"  3  vols.,  1883.) 

Jadelot,  zhid'lo',  (NICOLAS,)  a  learned  French  phy- 
sician, born  at  Pont-a-Mousson  in  1738,  became  professor 
of  anatomy  and  physiology  at  Nancy.  He  wrote  nume- 
rous professional  works,  among  which  are  a  "  Treatise 
upon  the  Causes  of  the  Pulsation  of  the  Arteries,"  and 
a  "Complete  Course  of  Anatomy."  Died  in  1793. 

Jadin,  zhi'daN',  (Louis  EMMANUEL,)  a  French  com- 
poser of  dramatic  music,  born  at  Versailles  in  1768 ;  died 
in  1853. 

Jadin,  (Louis  GODEFROY,)  a  French  landscape-painter, 
son  of  the  preceding,  born  in  Paris  in  1805  ;  died  in  1882. 

Jadwiga.     See  HEDWIG. 

Jaeger.    See  JAGER. 

Jaerta,  QOHAN  or  HANS.)     See  JARTA. 

Jaffe,  yif-fa',  (PHILIPP,)  a  German  (Jewish)  historian, 
born  near  Posen,  February  II,  1819.  He  was  educated 
at  Berlin.  His  "  History  of  Germany  under  Lothair  the 
Saxon,"  (1843,)  and  "  History  of  Germany  under  Conrad 
III.,"  (1845,)  were  followed  by  the  important  "  Regesta 
Pontificum  Romanorum,"  (1851,)  a  standard  work.  He 
then  studied  medicine,  but  in  1862  he  was  appointed  a 
professor  of  history  in  the  University  of  Berlin.  His 
"Bibliotheca  Rerum  Germanicarum"  (6  vols.,  1864-73) 
is  highly  esteemed.  Died  by  suicide,  April  3,  1870. 

Jagellon,  ya-gellon,  Duke  of  Lithuania,  born  about 
1354.  He  embraced  Christianity,  and  married  Hedwig, 
Queen  of  Poland,  thus  uniting  the  two  territories  under 
one  government  He  also  caused  Christianity  to  be 
established  in  Lithuania.  Died  in  1434. 

a,  e,  i,  5,  u,  y,  long;  i,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  J?,  short;  a,  e,  j,  o,  obscure;  fir,  fill,  fat;  met;  nflt;  good;  moon; 




Jagemann,  ya'geh-man',  (CHRISTIAN  JOSEPH,)  a  Ger- 
man littlratntr,  born  at  Dingelstadt  in  1735,  spent  many 
years  in  Italy.  He  translated  several  Italian  works  into 
German.  Died  in  1804. 

JSger  or  Jaeger,  ya'ger,  (GusTAV,)  a  German  histor- 
ical painter,  born  at  Leipsic  in  1808,  painted  some  frescos 
in  the  royal  palace  of  Munich,  and  various  oil-paintings, 
which  are  highly  commended.  Died  April  29,  1871. 

JSger  or  Jaeger,  (JOHANN  WOLFGANG,)  a  German 
Lutheran  divine  and  theological  writer,  born  at  Stuttgart 
in  1647  ;  died  in  1720. 

Jag'gar,  (THOMAS  AUGUSTUS,)  D.D.,  an  American 
bishop,  born  in  the  city  of  New  York,  June  2,  1839.  He 
took  orders  in  the  Episcopal  Church,  held  rectorships  in 
New  York  and  Philadelphia,  and  in  1875  was  consecrated 
Bishop  of  Southern  Ohio. 

Jagic,  ya'gitch,  (VATROSLAV,  also  written  in  Latin 
IGNATIUS,  and  in  Russian  IGNATIE  VIKENTIEVITCH,)  an 
eminent  Croatian  philologist,  born  at  Warasdin,  July  6, 
1838.  He  was  educated  at  Agram  and  Vienna.  In  1871 
he  was  called  to  the  University  of  Odessa  as  professor 
of  comparative  philology.  In  1874  he  was  made  pro- 
fessor of  Slavic  languages  at  Berlin,  and  in  1880  took  a 
similar  position  at  Saint  Petersburg.  Among  his  works 
are  a  "  History  of  Croatian  and  Servian  Literature," 
(vol.  i.,  1867,)  "Critical  and  Palxographical  Essays," 
(1884,)  etc.  He  has  edited  many  Old  Croatian,  Glago- 
litic,  and  Old  Slovenian  writings. 

Ja'go,  (RICHARD,)  an  English  clergyman  and  poet, 
born  in  Warwickshire  in  1715.  Among  his  poems  may 
be  mentioned  an  "  Elegy  on  the  Death  of  a  Blackbird," 
"Edgehill,"  and  "Labour  and  Genius."  Died  in  1781. 

Jalian-Geer  or  Jahanguire.    See  JEHAN-GEER. 

Jalin,  ySn,  (FERDINAND  HENDRIK,)  a  Danish  histo- 
rian, born  at  Neumiinster  in  1789.  He  wrote  on  Danish 
history.  Died  in  1828. 

Jalin,  ySn,  (FRIEDRICH,)  a  German  medical  writer, 
born  at  Meiningen  in  1766;  died  in  1813. 

Jahn,  (FRIEDRICH  LUDWIG,)  a  German  writer,  born 
at  Lanz  in  1778,  published  several  treatises  on  gym- 
nastics, an  essay  "On  German  Nationality,"  (1810,)  and 
other  works.  Died  in  1852. 

Jahn,  (JoHANN,)  a  German  Orientalist  and  Roman 
Catholic  priest,  born  in  Moravia  in  1750.  He  was 
professor  of  Oriental  languages  at  Vienna  from  1789  to 
1806.  He  wrote,  besides  other  works,  an  "  Introduction 
to  the  Old  Testament,"  (1793,)  and  "  Biblical  Antiquities," 
(1805,)  both  of  which  were  censured  as  unsound  and  put 
in  the  "  Index"  by  the  court  of  Rome.  Died  in  1816. 

Jahn,  (OTTO,)  a  German  archaeologist,  born  at  Kiel 
in  1813.  He  became  professor  of  philology  at  Leipsic 
in  1847,  and  published  a  "Life  of  Mozart,"  (1856,)  and 
other  works.  Died  September  9,  1869. 

Jahns,  yans,  (FREDERICK  WILHELM,)  a  Prussian 
musician,  writer,  and  composer,  born  at  Berlin  in  1809. 
In  1871  he  published  an  excellent  "Catalogue  of  Weber's 
Works."  Died  August  8,  iSSS. 

Jahr,  y3R,  (GEORG  HEINRICH  GOTTLIEB,)  a  distin- 
guished homceopathist,  born  at  Gotha,  in  Germany, 
January  30,  1801.  He  studied  under  Hahnemann,  grad- 
uated as  doctor  of  philosophy  in  Germany,  and  as  doctor 
of  medicine  in  Paris,  (1840,)  in  which  city  he  thenceforth 
lived.  Most  of  his  numerous  books  (in  German  and 
French)  have  been  translated  into  English.  Died  at 
Brussels  in  July,  1875. 

Jaillot,  zhfyo',  (CHARLES  HUBERT,)  a  French  geog- 
rapher and  engraver,  published  some  accurate  maps  of 
France.  Died  in  1712. 

Jaillot,  (JEAN  BAPTISTE  RENOU,)  a  French  geogra 
pher,  published  "  Researches  in  the  City  of  Paris,"  (5 
vols.,  1772.)  Died  in  1780. 

Jaime.     See  JAMES  I.  OF  ARAGON. 

Jaina  and  Jains.     See  JINA. 

Jakob,  von,  fon  yJ'kop,  (LuowiG  HEINRICH,)  a 
learned  German  writer,  born  at  Wettin  in  1759,  became 
professor  of  political  economy  at  Halle  in  1816.  He 
published  a  "Manual  of  National  Economy,"  (1805,) 
and  other  esteemed  works.  Died  in  1827. 

See  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Jal,  zhil,  (AUGUSTE,)  a  French  littfrateur  and  archae- 
ologist, was  born  at  Lyons  about  1795.  He  published, 

besides  criticisms  on  art,  "  De  Paris  i  Naples ;  Etudes 
de  Mceurs,  de  Marine  et  d'Art,"  (2  vols.,  1835,)  and 
"  Arche'ologie  navale,"  (2  vols.,  1839.)  His  chief  work 
is  the  valuable  "  Dictionnaire  critique  de  Biographic," 
often  reprinted.  Died  April  5,  1873. 

See  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Jalabert.zhi'lS'baiR',  (CHARLES  FRANC.OIS,)  a  French 
historical  painter,  born  at  Nimes  about  1815,  obtained  a 
iredal  of  the  first  class  in  1855. 

Jalal-ed-Deen,  (or  -eddin.)    See  JELAL-ED-DEEN. 

Jaley,  zhS'li',  (JEAN  Louis  NICOLAS,)  a  skilful  French 
statuary,  born  in  Paris  in  1802.  Among  his  works  are 
statues  of  "  La  Pudeur"  and  "  La  Priere."  Died  1866. 

Jallabert,  zhS'U'baiR',  (£TIENNE,)  a  French  natural 
philosopher  and  writer,  born  in  1658  ;  died  in  1724, 

Jallabert,  (JEAN,)  a  son  of  the  preceding,  born  in 
Geneva  in  1712,  filled  the  office  of  syndic  of  the  repub- 
lic. He  wrote  "  Experiments  upon  Electricity,"  (1748,) 
and  several  other  scientific  works.  Died  in  1768. 

See  DESGENETTES,  notice  in  the  "  Biographic  Me"dicale ;"  "  Nou- 
velle Biographic  Ge"ne"raJe." 

Jam'bll-ehus,  a  native  of  Syria,  who  was  enslaved 
by  the  Romans  under  Trajan,  flourished  in  the  second 
century.  He  subsequently  obtained  his  liberty,  and 
wrote  a  romance,  in  Greek,  entitled  "Babylonics,  or 
the  Loves  of  Sinonis  and  Rhodanes." 

Jamblichus  or  Jamblicus,  a  Platonic  philosopher, 
and  native  of  Syria.  He  flourished  under  the  reign  of  the 
emperor  Julian,  who  dedicated  numerous  epistles  to  him. 

Jam'bll-ehus  or  I-amTjlI-chus  -ehal-ci-de'nus, 
[Gr.  'la^Xifof  /  Fr.  JAMBLIQUE,  zhoNTMek',]  an  eminent 
heathen  philosopher,  born  at  Chalcis,  in  Syria,  flourished 
in  the  reign  of  Constantino  the  Great,  (306-37  A.D.)  He 
was  a  pupil  of  Porphyry,  and  was  attached  to  the  Neo- 
Platonic  school.  Many  of  the  Neo-Platonists  encouraged 
a  life  of  ascetic  meditation  and  a  belief  in  magic  and 
divination.  Their  system  was  built  on  the  doctrine 
of  emanation, — that  the  souls  of  all  beings,  after  the 
requisite  purification,  return  to  the  Source  from  which 
they  emanated.  Jamblichus  wrote  a  "  Life  of  Pythago- 
ras," a  treatise  on  the  "  Mysteries  cf  the  Egyptians," 
and  several  other  works.  To  his  influence  is  ascribed 
the  prevalence  of  magic,  sacrifices,  and  superstition  in 
the  Neo- Platonic  philosophy. 

See  EUNAPIUS,  "  Vitae  Sophistarum  ;"  RITTER,  "  History  of  Phi- 
losophy;" FABRICIUS,  "  Bibliotheca  Grseca;"  HEBKNSTRHIT,  "  Dis- 
sertatio  de  Jamblichi  Doctrina,"  1764. 

Jamblicus.     See  JAMBLICHUS. 

Jamblique.    See  JAMBLICHUS. 

Jamee,  JamJ,  or  Djami,  ji'mee,  (Moolla-Nooi 
ed-Deen-  (Nour-ed-Din-)  Abd-er-Rahman,  mool'l  J 
nooR-ed-deen'  Jbd  eR-raH'man,)  written  also  Djamy 
and  Dschami,  a  celebrated  Persian  poet,  born  at  Jam,  (or 
Djam,)  in  Khorassan,  in  1414,  lived  at  Herat,  where  he 
enjoyed  the  bounty  of  the  Sultan  Aboo-Saeed,  (Abou- 
Said.)  Among  his  principal  works  are  "The  Chain 
of  Gold,"  (Sil'silet-zah'ab  or  -zeh'eb,)  a  collection  of 
satires,  and  "  The  Loves  of  Joseph  and  Zuleika,  and  Mej- 
noon  and  Leila."  He  also  wrote  "  Beharistan,"  ("  Abode 
of  Spring,")  a  treatise  on  morality,  in  prose  and  verse, 
which  is  admired  for  its  graceful  style  as  well  as  for  its 
sentiments.  Jamee  has  sometimes  been  called  "  the  Per- 
sian Petrarch."  He  was  devoted  to  the  doctrine  of  the 
Soofees ;  and  many  of  his  poems  are  characterized  by 
the  spiritual  or  mystical  ideas  of  that  sect  Died  in  1492. 

See  "  Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale,"  article  "  Djami ;"  OUSRLEY, 
"  Biographical  Notices  of  Persian  Poets ;"  "  Eraser's  Magazh.e"  for 
November,  1856. 

Jameray-DuvaL    See  DUVAL. 

James  [Sp.  JAIME,  Hi'mi]  I,  King  of  Aragon,  sur- 
named  THE  CONQUEROR,  succeeded  to  the  throne  in 
1213.  He  quelled  an  insurrection  formed  against  him 
by  his  nobles,  and  checked  the  encroachments  of  papal 
power.  Died  in  1276.  He  was  succeeded  by  his  son, 
Pedro  III. 

See  T.  DE  SOTO,  "  Vida  del  Rey  Don  Jaime  I.  de  Aragon,"  i6sz. 

James  IX,  King  of  Aragon,  surnamed  THE  JUST, 
son  of  Peter  III.,  was  born  in  1261.  He  ascended  the 
throne  in  1291.  He  annexed  Catalonia  and  Valencia  to 
his  territory,  and  carried  on  long  wars  against  Navarre 
and  the  Moors.  He  was  a  brave,  magnanimous,  and 
benevolent  prince.  Died  in  1327. 

c  as  k;  9  as  s;  g  harJ;  g  as/;  G,  H,  K.,guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     ( 

ee  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




James  1  of  England  and  VI.  of  Scotland  was  born  in 
the  Castle  of  Edinburgh  in  June,  1566.   He  was  the  only 
child  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  and  her  husband  Henry 
Lord  Darnley,  (called,  after  his  marriage,  King  Henry.) 
Both  Queen  Mary  and  Lord  Darnley  were  grandchildren 
of  Margaret  Tudor,  sister  of  Henry  VIII.  of  England. 
It  was  through  this  princess  that  James  claimed   the 
throne  of  England.     In  1567  Lord  Darnley  was  mur- 
dered, James  was  placed  under  the  care  of  the  Earl  of 
Mar,  and  Queen  Mary  married  Bothwell,  and  was  soon 
after  made  prisoner  by  the  insurgent  lords.     Mary  was 
forced  to  abdicate  in  favour  of  her  son,  who  was  crowned, 
as  James  VI.,  on  the  2gth  of  July,  1567.     During  his 
minority   Scotland   was    fearfully   rent    by   contending 
factions  and  the  violent  disputes  of  the  Protestants  and 
Catholics.    The  regent  Morton  having  rendered  himself 
odious  by  his  tyrannical  acts,  a  successful  conspiracy 
was  formed  against  him  by  a  majority  of  the  Scottish 
nobles.     Morton,  however,  on  account  of  his  Protestant 
proclivities,  soon  regained  his  former  influence.     James 
from  the  commencement  of  his  reign  exhibited  a  weak 
and  frivolous  passion  for  favourites.     His  cousin  Esme 
Stuart,  Lord  D'Aubigny,  a  native  of  France,  obtained 
the  principal  ascendency  over  his     onthful  mind.     Cap- 
tain James  Stuart  held  the  second  place  in  the  king's 
esteem.   Lord  D'Aubigny  was  created  Duke  of  Lennox, 
and  Captain  Stuart  Earl  of  Arran.   Both  eagerly  plotted 
the  destruction  of  Morton,  who  was  put   to   death  in 
1581.     In  1582  a  company  of  nobles  seized  King  James, 
confined  him  in  the  castle  of  Ruthven,  in  Perthshire,  im- 
prisoned Arran,  and  forced  Lennox  to  retire  to  France. 
This  revolt  is  known  in  history  as  the  Raid  of  Ruthven. 
At  the  expiration  of  ten  months,  James  recovered  his 
liberty  and  reinstated  Arran  in  his  former  power.     In 
1585  a  treaty  was  concluded  between  the  English  and 
Scottish  sovereigns.     Elizabeth  conferred  upon  James 
an  annual  pension  of  five  thousand  pounds,  and  through 
her  influence  deprived  the  Earl  of  Arran  of  all  emolu- 
ments.   In  1586  James  formed  another  treaty  with  Eng- 
land, offensive  and  defensive,  for  the  protection  of  the 
Protestant  religion.     In  1587  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  was 
executed.  James  at  first  appeared  insulted  and  enraged  ; 
he  threatened  to   invade  the  dominions  of  Elizabeth; 
but,  feeling  more   interested  for  the  inheritance  of  the 
crown  of  England  than  for  his  honour  or  for  filial  duty, 
he  was  soon  pacified.    In  1589  he  married  Anne,  daugh- 
ter of  the   King  of  Denmark.     In   1594  he   quelled   a 
rebellion  of  the  Catholic  lords.     Bothwell  also,  having 
taken  part  in  this  revolt,  was  obliged  to  fly  from  the 
country,  to  which  he   never  returned.    James  was  an 
earnest  advocate  of  Episcopacy,   and  made  strenuous 
efforts  to  establish  it  in  his  dominions,  in  opposition  to 
the  wishes  of  the  people.     On  this  account  a  tumult 
was  raised  in  Edinburgh   in  1596,  from  which  his  life 
appeared  to  be  in  imminent  danger.     But  James,  ex- 
hibiting for  him  an  unusual  share  of  spirit  and  energy, 
dexterously  turned  this  to  his  own  advantage.     In  1600 
he  was  decoyed  to  the  castle  of  the  Earl  of  Cowrie, 
where  Ruthven,  brother  of  the  earl,  made  an  attempt 
on  the  king's  life,  on  which  occasion  both  the  noblemen 
were  slain.     The  Gowrie  Conspiracy  has  always  been 
veiled  in  mystery, — no  historian  having  yet  unravelled  it. 
On  the  death  of  Elizabeth,  in  1603,  James  became 
King  of  England.     He  displeased  his  new  subjects  by 
the  prodigality  of  his  gifts  to  his  Scottish  favourites.  He 
continued  the  foreign  policy  of  Elizabeth  by  concluding 
a  treaty  with  Henry  IV.  of  France  for  assisting  Holland 
against  Spain.     In  1605,  chiefly  through  King  James's 
penetration,  the  Gunpowder  Plot  was  discovered.     (See 
FAWKES,  GUY.)    The  year  1612  was  marked  by  the  death 
of  Henry,  Prince  of  Wales,  who  by  his  manly  and  noble 
qualities  had  been  far  more  successful  than  his  father  in 
winning  the  affections  of  the  English  people.     In  1613, 
James's  daughter,  the  princess  Elizabeth,  was  married 
to  Frederick,  the  Elector-Palatine.     Among  the  king's 
favourites  were  successively  Sir  George  Hume,  Philip 
Herbert,   Earl   of  Montgomery,   and   Robert   Carr   or 
Ker,  a  young  Scotchman  who  by  his  handsome  person 
monopolized  the  royal  favour.     He  was   created   Earl 
of  Somerset     In  1615  Carr  was   ried  and  convicted  on 
a  charge  of  poisoning  his  friend  Sir  Thomas  Overbury. 

This  made  room  for  a  new  favourite,  named  Villiers,  who 
was  created  Duke  of  Buckingham,  and  who  retained 
his  influence  over  the  king  during  the  remainder  of  the 
reign.  In  1617  James  visited  Scotland,  where  he  was 
very  zealous  in  introducing  episcopal  forms  into  the 
Established  Church.  In  1618  Sir  Walter  Raleigh  was 
executed  on  the  pretended  charge  of  conspiracy,  but  in 
act  to  conciliate  the  court  of  Spain.  The  public  con- 
empt  which  this  excited  against  James  was  increased 
>y  his  behaviour  towards  the  Elector-Palatine,  whom 
the  Bohemians  had  chosen  as  their  king,  and  who  was 
attacked  by  the  united  forces  of  Austria  and  Spain, 
[ames  pusillanimously  refused  to  give  his  son-in-law 
any  assistance  or  encouragement  Frederick  had  been 
he  Protestant  champion  of  Europe,  and  the  people  of 
Britain  hesitated  not  to  express  their  grief  and  rage. 
During  a  long  period  James  had  wished  to  form  a  Span- 
sh  alliance  for  Prince  Charles ;  and  he  now  hastened 
the  negotiations.  This  alliance  was,  however,  broken 
off  through  the  rashness  and  insolence  of  Buckingham. 
Finally,  in  1624,  war  was  declared  against  Spain,  and 
an  army  was  fitted  out  to  assist  the  Elector.  Owing  to 
jestilence  and  mismanagement,  this  army  never  entered 
:he  Palatinate,  which  remained  in  the  possession  of  th» 
Duke  of  Bavaria.  James  died  in  March,  1625,  after  a 
reign  of  nearly  fifty-eight  years,  during  twenty-two  of 
which  he  sat  on  the  throne  of  England.  He  had  seven 
children  by  his  queen,  Anne  of  Denmark,  of  whom  only 
Prince  Charles  and  the  Princess  Elizabeth  survived  him. 
" No  prince,"  says  Hume,  "so  little  enterprising  and 
so  inoffensive,  was  ever  so  much  exposed  to  the  opposite 
extremes  of  calumny  and  flattery,  of  satire  and  panegyric. 
.  .  .  Many  virtues,  it  must  be  owned,  he  was  possessed 
of;  but  scarce  any  of  them  pure  or  free  from  the  conta- 
gion of  the  neighbouring  vices.  His  generosity  bordered 
on  profusion,  his  learning  on  pedantry,  his  pacific  dis- 
position on  pusillanimity,  his  wisdom  on  cunning,  hi* 
friendship  on  light  fancy  and  boyish  fondness."  (Hume's 
"  History  of  England,"  chapter  xlix.  Respecting  the 
character  of  James,  see,  also,  Gardiner's  "  History," 
referred  to  below,  vol.  i.  chap.  ii.  pp.  55-57.)  James  was 
the  author  of  numerous  works,  which  displayed  con- 
siderable  learning  and  no  little  pedantry  ;  but  the  most 
important  of  his  labours  was  the  supervision  of  the 
present  translation  of  the  Bible,  which  will  remain  as  a 
lasting  monument  of  his  industry  and  munificence.  The 
translation  was  not  only  made  under  his  immediate 
superintendence,  but  the  excellent  rules  by  which  the 
translators  were  governed  were  drawn  up  by  James  him- 
self. Among  his  works  we  may  cite  "Basilicon  Doron, 
or  his  Majesties  Instructions  to  his  Dearest  Son,  Henry 
the  Prince,"  "The  Essays  of  a  Prentice  in  the  Divine 
Art  of  Poesy,"  "  The  True  Law  of  Free  Monarchies," 
"  Daemonology,"  and  "A  Counterblast  to  Tobacco." 

WKLDON,  and  Sin  E.  PEYTON,  with  notes  by  SIR  WALTER  SCOTT,  a 
vols.,iSn;  GARDINER,  "  History  of  England  from  the  Accession  of 
James  I.  to  the  Disgrace  of  Chief- Justice  Coke,"  London,  1863. 

James  LL  of  England  and  VTL  of  Scotland,  son  of 
Charles  I.,  and  younger  brother  of  Charles  II.,  was  born 
at  Saint  James  s,  London,  in  1633,  and  soon  after  was 
created  Duke  of  York.  He  was  taken  prisoner  by  the 
Parliamentarians  in  1646.  In  1648  he  escaped  to  Hol- 
land, and  went  to  Paris,  where  he  remained  nearly  four 
years.  Having  received  a  commission  in  the  French 
army,  he  served  under  Marshal  Turenne  until  the  peace 
concluded  between  Cromwell  and  the  French  obliged 
him  to  leave  the  kingdom.  At  the  restoration,  in  1660, 
James  accompanied  his  brother  to  England,  where  he 
received  the  appointments  of  lord  high  admiral  and  lord 
warden  of  the  Cinque  Ports.  The  same  year  he  married 
Anne,  daughter  of*Chancellor  Hyde.  In  1664  the  Duke 
of  York  was  an  earnest  advocate  of  the  war  with  Hol- 
land. He  took  command  of  the  fleet,  and  in  June,  1665, 
gained  an  important  victory  over  the  Dutch.  In  1671 
the  Duchess  of  York  died,  and  James  avowed  himself  a 
Roman  Catholic.  In  1672  war  was  renewed  against  Hol- 
land, and  James,  as  lord  admiral,  assumed  the  command 
of  the  navy.  In  1673  the  Test  Act  was  passed  against 
Catholics  and  dissenters.  By  it  the  Duke  of  York  was 

a,  e,  1, 5,  u,  y,  lonr;  i.  e.  A  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e, 1, 8,  u,  y\  short;  a,  e,  i,  o,  obscure;  far,  fall,  fat;  met;  n6t;  good;  moon; 

JAMES  13 

compelled  to  resign  the  command  of  the  navy,  and  all 
other  offices  which  he  held  under  government.  The  same 
year  he  married  Maria  Beatrice  Eleonora,  daughter  of 
the  Duke  of  M6dena.  In  1677,  greatly  to  the  satisfaction 
of  the  English  nation,  Mary,  daughter  of  the  Duke  of 
York,  was  married  to  her  cousin  William,  Prince  of 
Orange,  who  was  a  Protestant. 

In  1679,  during  the  commotions  of  the  Gates  Popish 
Plot,  James  retired  to  the  continent.  In  his  absence 
a  bill  for  excluding  him  from  the  throne  was  brought 
before  the  Parliament.  It  was  passed  by  the  Commons, 
but  was  rejected  by  the  Lords.  Upon  the  death  of  King 
Charles,  in  1685,  James  ascended  the  throne  unopposed, 
and  promised  to  maintain  and  defend  the  Established 
Church.  He  summoned  a  Parliament,  which  voted  him 
all  the  revenues  his  brother  had  enjoyed.  Having  de- 
clared his  intention  of  continuing  the  alliance  formed 
by  Charles  with  France,  he  received  from  Louis  XIV. 
500,000  livres.  Strong  suspicions  were  soon  excited 
against  the  king  by  his  arbitrary  measures.  It  became  too 
manifest  that  he  only  intended  to  keep  his  promises  until 
he  could  break  them  with  safety.  He  sent  an  agent  to 
Rome  to  promote  the  restoration  of  Roman  Catholicism 
in  England  ;  he  publicly  attended  the  illegal  celebration 
of  the  mass,  and  laboured  earnestly  for  the  repeal  of 
the  Test  Act.  The  blindness  of  his  zeal  was  so  apparent 
that  even  the  pope  advised  him  to  exercise  more  caution. 
In  June,  1685,  England  was  invaded  by  the  Duke  of 
Monmouth,  a  natural  son  of  Charles  II.  Monmouth 
was  totally  defeated  at  Sedgemoor  on  the  5th  of  July, 
was  captured  two  days  after,  and  executed.  James  now 
exhibited  his  true  character.  Colonel  Kirke  and  the  in- 
famous Judge  Jeffreys  were  sent  to  the  western  counties, 
which  had  been  the  principal  scene  of  Monmouth's  insur- 
rection, and,  by  the  king's  express  authority,  perpetrated 
a  series  of  butcheries.  Men  were  shot  and  hung  with- 
out the  form  of  trial,  and  women  were  burned  at  the 
stake  for  sheltering  fugitives.  In  opposition  to  law,  he 
admitted  Catholics  to  the  highest  rank  in  the  army  and 
the  navy.  Protestants  holding  high  offices  of  state  were 
discharged,  and  a  court  resembling  that  of  the  high  com- 
mission under  Charles  I.  was  established.  Episcopal 
dioceses  were  given  to  professed  Catholics,  and  the  Prot- 
estant clergy  were  driven  from  the  colleges  of  Oxford  and 
Cambridge  to  make  room  for  foreign  priests.  In  June, 
1688,  the  queen  gave  birth  to  a  son,  who  was  suspected 
to  be  spurious.  Previous  to  this  period,  Mary,  Princess 
of  Orange,  had  been  regarded  as  the  heir-apparent  to 
the  crown,  and  the  English  people  had  hoped  that  at 
length  they  would  again  be  governed  by  a  Protestant 
sovereign.  These  hopes  being  now  blighted,  they  ap- 
plied to  the  Prince  of  Orange  for  assistance  in  an  effort 
to  depose  the  king.  He  was  prepared  to  accept  the  in- 
vitation which  they  sent  him ;  and  in  November,  1688, 
he  landed  in  Devonshire,  with  about  fourteen  thousand 
men.  The  king,  deserted  by  the  nobility,  the  gentry, 
the  army,  his  friends,  and  his  servants,  quitted  the  island 
in  December,  and  fled  to  France,  where  he  was  kindly 
received  by  Louis  XIV.  Soon  after,  the  Prince  and 
Princess  of  Orange  were  crowned,  as  King  William  III. 
and  Queen  Mary.  In  1689  James  landed  in  Ireland  with 
a  small  force  given  him  by  Louis.  He  besieged  London- 
derry, which  he  was  unable  to  take.  On  the  1st  of  July, 
1690,  King  William,  who  commanded  in  person,  totally 
defeated  James's  army  at  the  battle  of  the  Boyne,  and 
firmly  established  his  own  power.  James  soon  returned 
to  France,  and  resided  at  Saint  Germain's  until  his  death, 
which  occurred  in  September,  1701.  As  a  king,  he  was 
brave,  determined,  energetic.  He  did  much  for  the  im- 
provement of  the  British  navy ;  he  was  industrious,  and 
frugal  of  the  public  money.  But  he  was  implacable  in 
revenge,  and  his  blind  bigotry  cost  him  three  kingdoms. 
James  had  by  his  first  wife,  Anne  Hyde,  eight  children, 
of  whom  only  Queen  Mary  and  the  Princess  Anne  sur- 
vived him.  By  his  second  wife,  Mary  of  Modena,  he 
had  six  children,  two  of  whom  outlived  him.  He  also 
had  four  children  by  Arabella  Churchill,  a  sister  of  the 
Duke  of  Marlborough,  and  one  by  Catherine  Sedley. 

See  DAVID  JONBS,  "Life  of  James  II.,"  1702;  J.  S.  CLARKB, 
"Life  of  James  II.,  King  of  England,"  a  vols.,  1816;  BURNET,  "His- 
tory of  his  Own  Times;"  MACAULAY,  •  History  of  England;"  C 
J.  Fox,  "  History  of  the  Early  Part  of  the  Reign  of  James  II.,'  1808 


James  I.,  King  of  Scotland,  of  the  house  of  Stuart, 
and  son  of  Robert  III.,  was  born  about  1394.  In  I4OJ 
his  father  sent  him  to  France,  in  order  that  he  might 
escape  the  intrigues  of  the  Duke  of  Albany ;  but  he  was 
seized  by  a  British  fleet,  carried  as  prisoner  to  Lon- 
don, and  thrown  into  the  Tower,  whence,  after  remaining 
there  more  than  two  years,  he  was  taken  to  Windsor. 
In  141 7,  when  King  Henry  V.  invaded  France,  James  was 
obliged  to  accompany  him.  In  1424,  after  a  captivity  of 
nineteen  years,  he  was  released  and  restored  to  his  king- 
dom. While  the  young  king  was  in  England,  Henry  V. 
had  given  him  a  good  education  ;  and,  upon  his  acces- 
sion to  power,  James  commenced  with  energy  and  firm- 
ness to  reform  the  laws  and  customs  of  Scotland.  During 
his  captivity  Scotland  had  been  governed  successively  by 
the  two  Dukes  of  Albany  as  regents,  who  had  increased 
their  own  power  and  that  of  the  feudal  lords,  to  the 
detriment  of  the  royal  authority.  On  the  recovery  of  his 
kingdom  he  resolved  to  check  with  a  strong  hand  the 
arrogance  and  lawlessness  of  the  nobles.  He  seized  his 
cousin  Murdo,  Duke  of  Albany,  his  sons,  the  Earls  of 
Douglas,  Lennox,  Angus,  and  many  other  peers  and 
barons.  All  were  reconciled  to  the  king  except  the  Duke 
of  Albany,  his  sons,  and  the  Earl  of  Lennox,  who  were 
tried  and  executed.  This  blow  struck  terror  into  the  order 
of  nobles.  The  king  continued  to  conduct  his  reforms 
with  ability  and  prudence.  One  part  of  his  policy  was 
to  raise  the  ecclesiastical  power  in  order  to  balance  that 
of  the  barons.  James  had  married  Joanna  Beaufort,  a 
lady  of  the  blood-royal  of  England.  Although  the  earls 
at  first  received  the  innovations  of  the  king  in  a  spirit 
of  submission,  they  at  length,  perceiving  the  rapid  decline 
of  their  authority,  formed  a  conspiracy  against  him,  and 
assassinated  him  in  1437.  James  had  the  reputation  of 
being  one  of  the  most  accomplished  princes  of  his  day. 
He  produced  several  poetical  pieces  and  songs,  which 
were  greatly  admired,  and  in  which  much  literary  taste 
was  displayed.  There  yet  remains  his  "  Kings  Quhair." 
Robertson  justly  remarks  that  "  it  was  the  misfortune  of 
James  that  his  maxims  and  manners  were  too  refined  for 
the  age  in  which  he  lived.  Happy  had  he  reigned  in  a 
kingdom  more  civilized.  His  love  of  peace,  of  justice, 
and  of  elegance  would  have  rendered  his  schemes  suc- 
cessful ;  and,  instead  of  perishing  because  he  attempted 
too  much,  a  grateful  people  would  have  applauded  and 
seconded  his  efforts  to  reform  and  improve  them." 

See  BUCHANAN,  " Rerum  Scoticarum  Historia;"  BURTON,  "His- 
tory of  Scotland,"  vol.  iii.  chap.  xxviL ;  ROBERTSON,  "  History  of 

James  II,  son  and  successor  of  the  preceding,  was 
born  in  1430.  He  had  for  his  adviser  an  able  man, 
named  Crichton,  who  during  his  minority  obtained  chief 
control  of  the  government  Crichton  impressed  on  the 
mind  of  the  young  monarch  the  necessity  of  further  hum- 
bling the  nobility.  But  what  James  I.  had  attempted 
to  do  slowly  and  by  legal  means,  his  son  and  Crichton 
pursued  with  an  impetuosity  as  unscrupulous  as  it  was 
unwise.  William,  sixth  Earl  of  Douglas,  having  defied 
the  royal  authority,  was  decoyed  by  Crichton  to  an  in- 
terview in  the  Castle  of  Edinburgh,  where  both  he  and 
his  brother  were  murdered.  James  stabbed  with  his 
own  hand  William,  eighth  Earl  of  Douglas.  This  led 
to  a  revolt,  and  the  house  of  Stuart  appeared  to  be  in 
imminent  peril.  The  Earl  of  Douglas  commanded  the 
greater  number  and  more  warlike  followers  ;  but,  owing 
to  his  want  of  energy,  nearly  all  his  retainers  deserted 
him  before  a  battle  was  fought,  and  he  was  obliged  to 
fly  to  England.  James  would  in  all  probability  have 
succeeded  in  his  plans,  had  he  not  been  killed  in  1460 
by  the  bursting  of  a  cannon. 

See  BURTON,  "History  of  Scotland,"  vol.  iii.  chap.  xxviiL 
ROBERTSON,  "  History  of  Scotland." 

James  HL,  the  son  and  successor  of  James  II.,  was 
born  in  1453.  During  his  minority  the  kingdom  was 
governed  successively  by  Bishop  Kennedy  and  Lord 
Boyd.  James  married  Margaret  of  Denmark  about 
1470.  He  had  respectable  abilities,  and  was  a  lover  of 
the  fine  arts  and  literature.  The  nobles  were  offended 
because  he  neglected  them  and  chose  for  his  associates 
artists,  musicians,  and  other  persons  of  inferior  rank. 
The  king's  brothers,  the  Duke  of  Albany,  and  the  Earl 

«  as  k;  5  as  s;  %  hard;  g  as  /;  G,  H,  K, guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  s  as  z;  th  as  in  this.     (2^=See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




of  Mar,  conspired  with  the  malcontent  nobles  against 
James,  who  was  defeated  by  them  in  battle  near  Ban- 
nockburn  in  1488,  and  was  murdered  as  he  fled  from 
the  field. 

James  IV.,  King  of  Scotland,  succeeded  his  father, 
James  III.,  in  1488,  at  the  age  of  fifteen.  He  was  gen- 
erous and  brave,  loved  magnificence,  delighted  in  war, 
and  was  eager  to  obtain  fame.  During  his  reign  the 
ancient  and  hereditary  enmity  between  the  king  and  the 
nobles  appears  almost  entirely  to  have  ceased.  During 
the  revolt  which  had  cost  James  III.  his  life,  his  son 
had  been  compelled  or  persuaded  to  set  himself  at  the 
head  of  it,  and  was  openly  declared  king.  He  was  sub- 
sequently troubled  by  remorse  for  this  deed,  and,  not 
being  free  from  superstition,  he  received  from  the  pope, 
as  penance,  an  iron  belt  to  be  worn  without  cessation  for 
the  remainder  of  his  life.  He  also  performed  several  pil- 
grimages on  foot.  James  founded  (1497)  the  University 
of  Aberdeen,  and  he  also  created  the  order  of  Knights 
of  the  Thistle,  (or  of  Saint  Andrew.)  In  1513,  in  oppo- 
sition to  the  advice  of  his  sagest  counsellors,  he  rashly 
invaded  England  with  one  of  the  most  loyal  and  gallant 
armies  that  ever  a  Scottish  king  had  commanded,  and 
was  defeated  at  the  famous  battle  of  Flodden,  where 
the  flower  of  the  Scottish  chivalry  perished.  The  king, 
with  twelve  earls,  thirteen  lords,  and  a  great  number  of 
barons,  died  upon  the  field,  in  September,  1513. 

James  V.,  a  son  of  James  IV.,  was  born  in  1512,  and 
succeeded  his  father  in  1513.  The  regency  was  conferred 
upon  his  cousin,  the  Duke  of  Albany,  a  man  of  enter- 
prise and  ability,  who  was  desirous  to  extend  the  royal 
authority;  but,  in  spite  of  all  his  exertions,  the  aris- 
tocracy retained  their  power,  and  the  duke  resigned  his 
authority  about  1525.  The  king  was  then  in  his  thir- 
teenth year,  and  the  nobles  agreed  that  he  should  assume 
the  government.  The  Earl  of  Angus,  however,  by  hii 
intrigues,  obtained  the  chief  control  of  affairs,  and  kept 
the  young  king  as  a  prisoner  in  his  own  palace.  James, 
after  suffering  this  for  some  time,  escaped,  and  Angus  was 
obliged  to  fly  from  the  country.  Firmly  seated  upon  the 
throne,  James  continued  the  policy  of  his  predecessors  | 
in  humbling  the  nobility.  Commencing  very  cautiously, 
he  found  loyal  supporters  among  the  clergy,  the  prin- 
cipal of  whom  was  Cardinal  Beaton.  The  nobles  had 
received  too  severe  a  blow  at  Flodden  to  resist,  and 
James  pushed  forward  his  plans  in  an  unscrupulous 
and  arbitrary  manner.  He  married  Mary  of  Guise  in 
1538.  Henry  VIII.  of  England  declared  war  against 
turn  in  1542,  and  he  was  obliged  to  seek  the  assistance 
of  those  nobles  whom  he  had  oppressed.  They  took 
up  arms  at  his  command,  were  led  by  him  against  the 
English,  and  were  at  first  successful ;  but,  owing  to  the 
lateness  of  the  season,  and  to  other  causes  of  discontent, 
they  refused  to  follow  up  their  good  fortune.  A  second 
expedition  across  the  border  was  still  less  successful : 
nearly  ten  thousand  Scots  were  taken  prisoners,  or,  as 
some  say,  went  deliberately  over  to  the  English.  This 
proved  too  great  a  blow  to  the  proud  and  ambitious 
monarch,  who  died  of  a  broken  heart  in  December, 
1542,  in  the  thirty-first  year  of  his  age,  leaving  the 
crown  to  his  only  legitimate  child,  the  unfortunate  Mary 
Queen  of  Scots.  He  had  several  natural  children,  one 
of  whom  was  the  famous  Regent  Murray. 


James  VL  OF  SCOTLAND.  See  JAMES  I.  OF  ENG- 

James,  [Gr.  'laxuSof ;  Lat.  JACO'BUS  ;  Ger.  JAKOB, 
yl'kob;  Fr.  JACQUES,  zhtk;  Sp.  SANTIAGO,  sin-te-d'go; 
It  GIACOMO,  ja'ko-mo,]  one  of  the  twelve  apostles, 
commonly  called  SAINT  JAMES,  son  of  Zebeclee,  and 
brother  of  Saint  John.  He  was  one  of  the  three  apostles 
who  appeared  to  be  the  most  intimately  associated  with 
our  Saviour.  He  suffered  martyrdom  about  44  A. D.,  by 
the  order  of  Herod  Agrippa. 

James,  called  THE  LESS,  was  one  of  the  twelve  apos- 
tles, and  is  generally  supposed  to  have  been  the  brother 
jf  our  Saviour,  and  the  author  of  the  Epistle  bearing 
that  name.  Josephus  states  that  he  was  put  to  death 
by  the  high-priest  Ananias  about  62  or  63  A.D. 

James,  (CHARLES  T.  C.,)  an  English  novelist  and 
dramatist,  born  at  London  in  1858.  He  wrote  "The 
New  Faith,"  (1890,)  "One  Virtue,"  (1893,) 
"Where  Thames  is  Wide,"  (1896,)  etc. 

James,  (CONSTANTIN,)  a  French  medical  writer, 
born  at  Bayeux  in  1813.  He  edited  Magendie's 
"  Lectures  on  Physiology,"  (1837-39.)  Died  in  1888. 

James,  (EDWIN  JANES,)  an  American  educator, 
born  at  Jacksonville,  Illinois,  in  1855.  He  was  edu- 
cated at  Harvard,  held  professorships  in  the  University 
of  Pennsylvania  1883-95,  and  became  connected  with 
the  University  of  Chicago  in  1895.  He  became  presi- 
dent of  the  American  Academy  of  Political  and 
Social  Science  in  1889,  and  was  president  of  the 
University  Extension  Society  1891-96.  He  published 
several  works  and  numerous  papers  on  economics. 

James,  (FLORENCE,)  pen-name  of  Florence  War- 
den, a  British  novelist,  born  at  Hanworth  in  1857. 
She  was  a  governess  1875-80,  and  an  actress  1880-85. 
Her  novels  are  numerous,  some  of  the  later  being 
"A  Lady  in  Black,"  (1897,)  "Joan,  the  Curate," 
(1898,)  etc. 

James,  (GEORGE  PAYNE  RAINSFORD,)  a  very  volu- 
minous novelist  and  historian,  born  in  London  in  1801. 
Before  attaining  the  age  of  seventeen  he  had  written  a 
series  of  Eastern  tales,  entitled  "The  String  of  Pearls." 
In  1825  he  published  "Richelieu,"  which  had  previously 
received  the  commendation  of  Sir  Walter  Scott  and 
Washington  Irving.  This  is  thought  to  be  his  best  pro- 
duction. In  1852  Mr.  James  was  chosen  British  consul 
at  Norfolk,  in  Virginia,  and  in  1858  received  the  same 
appointment  for  Venice.  His  very  numerous  works 
are  mainly  novels,  but  include  biographies  and  poems. 
Died  in  1860. 

James,  (Sir  HENRY,)  an  English  general,  born  near 
Saint  Agnes,  Cornwall,  in  1803.  He  was  educated  at 
Woolwich,  and  in  1825  entered  the  royal  engineers.  He 
invented  photozincography,  and  executed  valuable  fac- 
simile plates  by  that  process.  He  published  accounts 
of  the  ordnance  surveys  of  the  three  kingdoms,  besides 
other  works  of  permanent  value.  Died  June  14,  1877. 

James,  (HENRY,)  an  able  and  original  writer  on  the- 
ology, born  at  Albany  in  1811.  About  1843  he  became 
acquainted  with  the  writings  of  Swedenborg,  whose 
leading  doctrines  he  appears  to  have  fully  embraced, 
without,  however,  joining  himself  to  the  ecclesiastical 
organization  of  Swedenborgians.  He  published,  be- 
sides other  works,  "Moralism  and  Christianity,"  (1852,) 
"Christianity  the  Logic  of  Creation,"  (1857,)  "  Substance 
and  Shadow,  etc.,"  (1863,)  and  "The  Secret  of  Sweden- 
borg, being  an  Elucidation  of  his  Doctrine  of  the  Divine 
Natural  Humanity,"  (1869.)  Died  December  18,  1882. 

James,  (HENRY,)  LORD,  an  English  lawyer,  bom 
at  Hereford,  October  30,  1828.  He  studied  at  Chel- 
tenham College  and  at  the  Middle  Temple,  was  called 
to  the  bar  in  1852,  was  made  a  Queen's  counsel  in 
1869,  and  a  bencher  in  1870.  He  entered  Parliament 
in  1869,  became  solicitor-general  in  1873,  and  attor- 
ney-general in  the  same  year.  In  1895  [he  became 
chancellor  of  the  Duchy  of  Lancaster,  and  was  raised 
to  the  peerage  as  Lord  James  of  Hereford. 

James,  (HENRY,)  an  American  novelist  and  critic, 
ason  of  Henry  James,  (1811-1882,)  was  born  at  New 
York  city,  April  15,  1843.     He  was  educated  in  Paris, 
Geneva,   and   Bonn,   and   early  became  known   as  a 
contributor  to  American  journals.     Among  his  works 
are  "Roderick  Hudson,"   (1875,)   "The  Portrrr 
a  Lady,"   (iSSi,)  "Tales  of  Three  Cities,"  (iS> 
"The  Tragic  Muse,"  (1890,)  "  The  Other  House," 
(1896,)  etc.,  with  works  of  travel,  criticism,  etc. 

James,  (JOHN  ANGEI.L,)  an  eloquent  English 
dissenting  minister  and  popular  writer,  born  at 
Blandford,  Dorset,  in  1785.  He  was  for  many  years 
an  Independent  minister  of  Birmingham,  and  acquired 
great  influence  by  his  oral  ministry  and  his  numerous 
writings,  which  have  had  an  immense  circulation. 
Died  in  1859. 

a,  e,  I,  o,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 6,  u,  y,  short;  a,  e,  i,  9,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fit;  met;  ndt;  good;  moon; 




James,  (JOHN  THOMAS,)  Bishop  of  Calcutta,  born  at 
Rugby  in  1786.  Upon  the  death  of  Bishop  Heber  he 
was  appointed  to  the  diocese  of  Calcutta,  and  sailed  for 
India  in  1827.  He  was  the  author  of  a  "Tour  through 
Germany,  Sweden,  Russia,  and  Poland,"  (1816,)  "  Treat- 
ise on  the  Italian,  French,  Dutch,  and  German  Schools 
of  Painting,"  (1822,)  and  "The  Semi-Sceptic,  or  the 
Common  Sense  of  Religion  considered."  Died  in  1828. 

James,  (PAUL  MOON,)  an  English  poet,  born  in  1780. 
His  short  lyric  "  The  Beacon,"  often  attributed  to  Moore, 
is  all  that  rescues  him  from  oblivion.  He  was  a  banker 
in  Birmingham,  where  he  died  in  1854. 

James,  (RICHARD,)  an  English  divine,  linguist,  and 
traveller,  and  nephew  of  Thomas  James,  (1571-1629,) 
was  born  at  Newport,  in  the  Isle  of  Wight,  in  1592. 
Among  his  works  are  manuscripts  upon  Russia,  and  a 
"  Poem  upon  the  Death  of  Sir  Robert  Cotton."  Died 
in  1638. 

James,  (ROBERT,)  an  English  physician,  born  in  Staf- 
fordshire in  1703.  He  was  the  inventor  of  a  celebrated 
fever-powder  which  bore  his  name,  and  the  author  of  a 
"Medicinal  Dictionary,"  (1743-45,)  (in  which  he  was 
assisted  by  Dr.  Samuel  Johnson,)  treatises  on  the  "Prac- 
tice of  Physic"  and  "  On  Canine  Madness,"  and  a  "Dis- 
sertation on  Fevers,"  (1778.)  Died  in  1776. 

James,  (THOMAS,)  a  learned  divine,  born  at  Newport, 
in  the  Isle  of  Wight,  in  1571.  He  was  distinguished  as 
an  able  and  industrious  writer  against  the  Catholics. 
Among  the  most  important  of  his  works  are  "  A  Treat- 
ise of  the  Corruptions  of  the  Scriptures,  Councils,  and 
Fathers  by  the  Church  of  Rome,"  (1612,)  and  "The 
Jesuits'  Downfall."  Died  in  1629. 

See  WOOD.  "Athenae  Oxonienses." 

James,  (THOMAS,)  an  English  navigator,  who  sailed 
in  1631  in  search  of  a  northwest  passage.  He  made 
some  discoveries  on  the  shores  of  Hudson's  Bay,  and  to 
the  country  lying  west  of  it  he  gave  the  name  of  New 
Wales.  On  his  return  to  England  he  published  "The 
Strange  and  Dangerous  Voyage  of  Captain  Thomas 
James  for  the  Discovery  of  a  Northwest  Passage  tc  the 
South  Sea." 

James,  (THOMAS  C.,)  M.D.,  an  American  physician 
and  scholar,  born  in  Philadelphia  in  1766.  He  graduated 
at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  in  1788,  and  followed 
his  profession  with  eminent  success  in  his  native  city. 
In  :8li  he  was  appointed  professor  of  midwifery  in  the 
above  institution.  Died  in  Philadelphia  in  1835.  He 
is  said  to  have  been  versed  in  the  Greek,  Latin,  French, 
and  German  languages,  and  to  have  possessed  some 
acquaintance  with  the  Hebrew.  He  contributed  several 
short  but  beautiful  poems  to  Dennie's  "Portfolio." 

James,  (THOMAS  LEMUEL,)  LL.D.,  an  American 
statesman,  born  in  Utica,  New  York,  March  29,  1831. 
He  learned  the  trade  of  a  printer,  was  engaged  in  jour- 
nalism, 1851-60,  held  positions  in  the  New  York  custom- 
house, 1860-73,  was  postmaster  of  New  York,  1873-81, 
postmaster-general  of  the  United  States,  1881-82,  and 
afterwards  was  a  bank-president  in  New  York  city. 

James,  (WILLIAM,)  an  English  land-agent  and  sur- 
veyor, born  in  Warwickshire  in  1771.  He  was  the  first 
to  project  the  Manchester  and  Liverpool  Railway,  and  is 
generally  regarded  as  "the  father"  of  the  railway-system 
in  England.  Died  in  1837. 

James,  (WILLIAM,)  an  Englishman,  known  as  the 
author  of  "The  Naval  History  of  Great  Britain  from 
the  Declaration  of  War  by  France  in  1793  to  the  Ac- 
cession of  George  IV.  in  1820,"  (5  vols.,  1822,)  a  work 
evincing  great  research.  Died  in  1827. 

James,  (Sir  WILLIAM,)  an  English  naval  officer  of 
high  rank,  born  at  Milford  Haven  about  1721.  He  dis- 
tinguished himself  in  the  East  India  service  and  in  the 
American  war.  Died  in  1785. 

James,  (WILLIAM,)  an  American  psychologist, 
bora  at  New  York  in  1842.  He  was  educated  at 
Lawrence  Scientific  School,  and  became  professor  of 
philosophy  at  Harvard  in  1872.  He  has  published 
"Principles  of  Psychology,"  "The  Will  to  Believe, 
and  Other  Essays,"  etc.  Was  appointed  Gifford 
lecturer  on  natural  religion,  University  of  Edinburgh, 

James  (or  Jacques,  zhtk)  de  Vitri,  (deh  ve'tRe',)  a 
distinguished  cardinal  and  historical  writer,  born  at  Vitri, 
near  Paris,  in  the  twelfth  century.  He  preached  against 
the  Albigenses,  and  about  1218  joined  the  crusade  against 
the  Saracens.  He  wrote,  besides  other  works,  a  "  His- 
tory of  the  East  and  West."  Died  in  1240. 

James  (or  Giacomo,  ji'ko-mo)  de  Voragine,  (dl 
vo-ra'je-ni,)  a  Romish  prelate,  born  at  Voraggio,  near 
Genoa,  about  1230.  In  1292  he  was  ordained  Archbishop 
of  Genoa.  Died  in  1298.  He  wrote  various  ecclesias- 
tical works,  and  a  famous  collection  of  the  lives  of  the 
saints,  entitled  the  "  Golden  Legend." 

James  Francis  Ed-ward,  called  the  first  Pretender, 
and  Chevalier  de  Saint  George,  born  in  1688,  was  the 
son  and  heir  of  James  II.  of  England.  He  was  educated 
in  France,  and  was  a  Roman  Catholic.  At  the  death 
of  his  father  he  was  recognized  as  King  of  England  by 
Louis  XIV.  He  entered  the  French  army,  and  charged 
at  the  head  of  the  cavalry  at  Malplaquet  in  1709.  Lord 
Bolingbroke  formed  a  design  to  secure  for  him  the  suc- 
cession to  the  throne,  but  was  defeated  by  the  death  of 
Queen  Anne.  In  1715  the  Scottish  Jacobites  took  arms 
to  assert  the  title  of  the  Pretender,  and,  under  the  com- 
mand of  the  Earl  of  Mar,  were  defeated  at  Sheriffmuir. 
Another  army  of  his  partisans  surrendered  at  Preston. 
James  Francis  Edward  landed  in  Scotland  in  December, 
1715;  but,  finding  his  cause  in  a  desperate  state,  ho 
returned  to  France  the  next  month.  Died  in  1 758  or  1 765. 

See  JESSE,  "Memoirs  of  the  Pretenders  and  their  Adherents," 

Ja'me-spn,  (ANNA,)  a  celebrated  writer,  born  in 
Dublin  in  1797,  was  the  daughter  of  Mr.  Murphy,  a 
painter.  She  married  in  1824  a  barrister  named  Jame- 
son, with  whom  she  went  to  live  in  Canada ;  but,  various 
circumstances  causing  a  separation,  Mrs.  Jameson  re- 
turned to  England,  to  employ  herself  in  literature  and 
the  fine  arts.  She  was  an  earnest  labourer  for  the  fuller 
development  of  the  usefulness  and  mental  culture  of  the 
women  of  England.  Her  productions  evince  great  dis- 
crimination, learning,  and  refinement.  Among  the  most 
important  of  these  we  may  mention  "The  Diary  of  an 
Ennuyee,"  (1826,)  "  Memoirs  of  Celebrated  Female 
Sovereigns,"  (2  vols.,  1831,)  "The  Beauties  of  the 
Court  of  Charles  II.,"  "  Lives  of  the  Early  Italian 
Painters,"  (2  vols.,  1845,)  and  "  The  Poetry  of  Sacred 
and  Legendary  Art,"  (2  vols.,  1848.)  Died  in  1860. 

Ja'me-son,  (LEANDER  STARR,)  a  British  colonist, 
was  born  at  Edinburgh  in  1853.  He  studied  medi- 
cine, went  to  Cape  Colony,  and  became  a  physician  at 
Kimberley  in  1878.  He  became  connected  there  with 
Cecil  Rhodes,  was  made  in  1891  administrator  of  the 
South  Africa  Company  at  Fort  Salisbury,  and  in  1895 
set  out  with  five  hundred  troops  to  aid  the  Uitlanders 
in  their  contemplated  revolt  against  the  Boer  govern- 
ment. He  and  his  force  were  defeated  and  obliged  to 
surrender  January  2,  1896.  He  was  handed  over  to 
the  British  authorities,  tried  in  London,  and  con- 
demned to  fifteen  months'  imprisonment,  but  was 
released  after  a  few  months  on  account  of  illness. 

Ja'me-son,  (ROBERT,)  an  eminent  Scottish  naturalist, 
born  at  Leith  in  1774  or  1773.  He  published  "  Mineral- 
ogy of  the  Scottish  Isles,"  (2  vols.,  1800,)  "  A  System  of 
Mineralogy,"  (3  vols.,  1804-08,)  and  other  works.  He 
was  professor  of  natural  history  in  the  University  of 
Edinburgh  from  1804  until  1854.  In  1819  Professor 
Jameson  and  Sir  David  Brewster  founded  the  "Edin- 
burgh Philosophical  Journal,"  which  the  former  edited 
many  years.  He  also  contributed  to  the  "  Encyclopaedia 
Britannica."  He  had  a  high  reputation  as  a  professor 
Died  in  1854. 

See  "Edinburgh  Review"  for  October,  1804,  and  April,  1805; 
"  Annual  Register"  for  1854. 

Ja'me-sone,  (GEORGE,)  an  eminent  painter,  called 
"  the  Van  Dyck  of  Scotland,"  was  born  at  Aberdeen  in 
1586.  About  1616  he  went  to  Antwerp,  where,  with  Van 
Dyck,  he  studied  under  Rubens.  "  His  excellence,"  says 
Walpole,  "consisted  in  delicacy  and  softness,  with  a 
clear  and  beautiful  colouring."  It  is  said  that,  in  1633, 
when  Charles  I.  visited  Edinburgh,  the  magistrates  of 

eas/i;  easj;  %kard;  gas/;o,  U.K.,  guttural;  N, nasal;  R, trilled;  sasz;  thasmtAis.     (JEjp"See  Explanations, p. 23.) 



that  city  employed  Jamesone  to  paint  the  portraits  of 
some  of  the  Scottish  monarchs.  Charles  was  so  much 
pleased  with  the  result  that  he  sat  for  his  own  portrait, 
and  presented  the  artist  vrith  a  diamond  ring  from  his 
finger.  Jameson  was  also  a  painter  of  historical  and 
landscape  scenes.  Died  in  1644. 

See  ALLAN  CUNNINGHAM,  *'  Lives  of  the  Most  Eminent  British 
Painters,"  etc. ;  WALPOLE,  "Anecdotes  of  Painting :"  CHAMBERS, 
"  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen." 

Jamet,  zhS'ml',  (PIERRE  CHARLES,)  a  French  writer, 
born  near  Sens  in  1701.  Among  his  works  are  "Meta- 
physical Essays,"  (1732,)  "Letters  on  Taste  and  the  Doc- 
trine of  Bayle,"  (1740,)  and  "The  Mongol  Philosopher 
Dane-Che-Men-Kan,"  (1740.)  Died  about  1770. 

Jami.     See  JAMEE. 

Ja'mie-son,  (JOHN,)  D.D.,  a  learned  divine,  born  in 
Glasgow  in  1759,  became  in  1797  pastor  of  a  church  in 
Edinburgh,  where  he  remained  until  his  death.  The 
degree  of  doctor  of  divinity  was  conferred  upon  him  by 
the  College  of  New  Jersey.  He  published,  besides  other 
works,  "Socinianism  Unmasked,"  (1788,)  "The Sorrows 
of  Slavery,"  a  poem,  "  The  Use  of  Sacred  History,"  (2 
vols.,  1802,)  an  "  Etymological  Dictionary  of  the  Scottish 
Language,"  (2  vols.,  1809,)  which  is  highly  esteemed, 
and  "  An  Historical  Account  of  the  Ancient  Culdees  of 
lona,"  (1811.)  Died  in  1838. 

See  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen ;" 
"Edinburgh  Review"  for  April,  1809,  and  May,  1828:  "Monthly 
Review"  for  September,  1810. 

Jamieson,  (ROBERT,)  a  Scottish  scholar,  born  in 
Morayshire  in  1780.  For  many  years  he  was  in  the  civil 
service  in  Edinburgh.  Among  his  works  are  "  Popular 
Ballads  and  Songs,"  (1806,)  partly  original.  Died  in 
London,  September  2>,  1844. 

Jamin,  zht'maN',  (JEAN  BAPTISTE,  )  VICOMTE,  a 
French  general,  born  in  1772;  died  in  1848. 

Jamin,  (JULES  CELESTIN,)  a  French  natural  philoso- 
pher, born  in  1818.  He  became  professor  of  physics  in 
the  Polytechnic  School  at  Paris.  He  commenced  in  1858 
the  publication  of  an  important  work,  entitled  "  Cours 
de  Physique."  Died  in  1886. 

Jamin  de  Bermuy,  zht'maN'  deh  beVmii-e',  (JEAN 
BAPTISTE  AUGUSTE  MARIE,)  one  of  the  best  French 
cavalry  officers  of  his  time,  was  born  in  Bretagne  in 
1773.  He  became  colonel  of  the  royal  guards  of  light 
cavalry  about  1807,  and  went  to  Spain,  where  he  dis- 
tinguished himself  at  the  battle  of  Ocana  in  1809.  As 
general  of  brigade,  he  won  additional  honours  at  the 
battle  of  Vitoria,  in  1813.  For  his  various  services  he 
was  created  baron  of  the  empire  and  Marquis  de  Ber- 
muy. He  fell  at  the  battle  of  Waterloo,  1815. 

Jamsheed.     See  JEMSHEED. 

Jamshid.    See  JEMSHEED. 

Jamyn,  zhS'maN',  (AMADIS,)  a  French  poet,  born 
in  Champagne  about  1540.  His  productions  attracted 
the  attention  of  Ronsard,  who  became  a  warm  friend  and 
liberal  patron  of  Jamyn  and  procured  for  him  the  situa- 
tion of  secretary  and  reader  to  Charles  IX.  He  wrote 
poems  on  various  subjects,  and  made  translations  of  the 
last  three  books  of  the  "  Iliad"  and  the  first  three  of  the 
"Odyssey."  Died  in  1585. 

Janachen,  yln-a'ken,  (i.e.  Jan  (or  John)  Achen.) 
See  ACHEN. 

Jauauachek,  ya'now-sheV,  (FRANCESCA  MADELINA 
ROMANCE,  called  FANNY,)  a  tragic  actress  of  rare  talents, 
born  in  Prague,  Bohemia,  July  20,  1830.  She  appears 
in  both  English  and  German  plays,  but  her  principal 
successes  have  been  won  in  Germany. 

Jane  OF  NAVARRE.  See  JOAN. 
Jane,  (FREDERICK  T.,)  a  British  artist  and  author, 
born  at  Honiton,  Devon,  in  1865.  He  served  as  artist 
on  several  illustrated  papers,  and  wrote  "  Blake  of  the 
Rattlesnake,"  (1895,)  "To  Venus  in  Five  Seconds," 
(1897,)  "All  the  World's  Fighting  Ships,"  (1899,) 

Janet,  zhS'ni',  or  Janet-Lange,  zhi"n&'  loNzh, 
(ANGE  Louis,)  a  French  painter,  born  in  Paris,  Novem 
ber  19,  1818.  A  pupil  of  Ingres,  Collin,  and  Vernet,  he 
became  noted  for  his  military  pieces,  and  not  less  so  for 

those  on  religious  subjects.     Died  at  Paris,  November 
25,  1872. 

Janet,  (PAUL,)  an  eminent  French  philosopher,  born 
at  Paris,  April  30,  1823.  He  held  professorships  of 
philosophy  at  Bourges  and  Strasburg,  and  later  at  the 
Sorbonne.  His  position  is  that  of  an  acceptor  of  science 
who  at  the  same  time  rejects  materialism  and  defends 
the  old  philosophy.  Among  his  numerous  works  are 
"  Elements  de  Morale,"  (1869,)  "  La  Philosophie  fran- 
caise  contemporaine,"  (1879,)  "  Lamennais,"  (1890,) 
"Fenelon,"  (1892,)  etc. 

Jane'way,  (JAMES,)  an  English  nonconformist  divine, 
born  in  Hertfordshire  in  1636.  He  was  a  preacher  of 
great  power,  and  was  very  actively  employed  at  the  time 
of  the  plague  both  in  the  pulpit  and  in  visiting  the  sick. 
He  wrote  a  "  Life  of  John  Janeway,"  his  brother,  and 
"The  Saint's  Encouragement  to  Diligence,"  (1675.) 
Died  in  1674. 

Jani,  ya'nee,  (CHRISTIAN  DAVID,)  a  German  phi- 
lologist, born  near  Halle  in  1743.  He  published  a  good 
edition  of  Horace,- (2  vols.,  1778-82,)  and  other  works. 
Died  in  1790. 

Jani?on,  zhi'ne'siN',  (FRANC.OIS  MICHEL,)  a  noted 
journalist,  born  in  Paris  in  1674.  Being  an  avowed 
Protestant,  he  went  to  receive  his  education  in  Holland, 
which  became  his  adopted  country.  In  early  life  he 
entered  the  army,  but  finally  devoted  himself  to  litera- 
ture. Among  his  works  are  "  Present  State  of  the 
Republic  of  the  United  Provinces  and  their  Dependen- 
cies," (1729,)  a  production  of  great  merit,  and  "Serious 
and  Satirical  Letters  upon  the  Works  of  the  Savants," 
(12  vols.,  1740  et  sef.)  Died  in  1730. 

See  MORERI,  "  Dictionnaire  Historique ;"  NICBRON,  "  M^moires." 

Jauin,  zhfnaN',  (JULES  GABRIEL^  a  celebrated  French 
critic  and  litterateur,  born  at  Saint-Etienne  in  1804.  He 
contributed  successively  to  the  "  Figaro"  and  the  "  Quo- 
tidienne,"  and  about  1830  became  one  of  the  editors 
of  the  "Journal  des  Debats,"  for  which  he  furnished  a 
number  of  brilliant  and  original  articles  on  politics  and 
literature.  He  was  for  a  long  time  the  dramatic  critic 
of  that  journal.  He  also  wrote  for  the  "  Revue  des  Deux 
Mondes,"  etc.  Among  his  other  productions  are  the 
romances  of"  Barnave,  (1831,)  "New  Literary  Tales," 
"Journey  in  Italy,"  (1839,)  and  "  The  Nun  of  Toulouse," 
(1850.)  He  also  wrote  an  abridgment  of  "  Clarissa  Har- 
lowe,"  and  a  "History  of  Dramatic  Literature,"  (4 
vols.,  1851-56.)  His  critiques  consist  mostly  of  literary 
gossip,  written  in  a  sparkling  and  polished  style.  He 
was  admitted  to  the  French  Academy  in  1870.  Died 
June  20,  1874. 

Janitius,  ya-nlt'se-us,  or  Janicki,  ya-n!t'skee,  (CLE- 
MENT,) a  learned  Polish  writer,  born  in  1516.  At  fifteen 
he  wrote  elegant  Latin  poetry.  Among  his  works  is 
"  Lives  of  the  Kings  of  Poland."  Died  in  1543. 

Jannabee  or  Jannabt,  Al,  al-jan-na'bee,  [Lat.  AL- 
JANNA'BIUS,  or  simply  JANNA'BIUS,]  (Aboo-Moham- 
med-Mustafa — moos'ta-fa,)  written  also  Djaunaby 
and  Dschannabi,  an  Arabian  historian,  of  whose  life 
scarcely  anything  is  known.  He  wrote  an  abridgment 
of  universal  history,  entitled  "Bahar-al-Zokkar,"  from 
the  creation  of  the  world  down  to  his  own  time.  Died 
in  1581. 

Jannabi    See  JANNABEE. 

Jannabius.     See  JANNABEE. 

Jannaris,  (ANTHONY,)  a  Greek  philologist,  born 
at  Lakkoi,  Crete,  in  1852,  nephew  of  the  famous  Cretan 
chief  Michel  Jannaris.  He  was  lecturer  in  Greek  lit- 
erature at  Athens  University  in  1889,  a  leader  in  the 
Cretan  insurrection  of  1889-90,  and  subsequently 
wnrked  six  years  in  the  British  Museum,  investigating 
the  history  of  the  Greek  language.  He  published 
"Historical  Greek  Grammar,"  (1897,)  and  various 
works  on  Greek  philology. 

Jannequin.zhin'kaN',  (CLAUDE,)  Sieurde  Rochefort, 
a  French  traveller,  sailed  for  Africa  in  1637,  and,  after 
his  return,  published  a  "  Voyage  to  Libya,  to  the  King- 
dom of  Senegal,  and  the  Banks  of  the  Niger,"  etc.,  (1643.) 

Jannequin,  (CLEMENT.)     See  CLEMENT,  (JACQUES.) 

Jan'ney,  (SAMUEL  M.,)  an  American  writer,  born  in 

a,  e,  1, 5,  u,  y,  long;  i,  t,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  I,  o,  u,  J, short;  a,  e,  i,  o,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fit;  mgt;  not;  good;  moon; 



Loudon  county,  Virginia,  January  n,  1801.  Both  his 
parents  were  members  of  the  Society  of  Friends,  or 
Quakers  ;  and  his  mind  appears  to  have  been  at  an  early 
age  deeply  impressed  with  the  truth  and  high  importance 
of  the  religious  principles  in  which  he  was  educated. 
Besides  some  smaller  works,  he  wrote  "  Conversations 
on  Religious  Subjects,"  (1835;)  "A  Teacher's  Gift, 
consisting  of  Essays  in  Prose  and  Verse,"  (1840;)  "An 
Historical  Sketch  of  the  Christian  Church  during  the 
Middle  Ages,"  (1847,)  and  two  valuable  biographies,  viz., 
a  "Life  of  William  Penn,"  (1852,)  and  a  "Life  of  George 
Fox,"  (1855.)  His  last  and  most  important  publication 
is  a  "  History  of  the  Religious  Society  of  Friends  from 
its  Rise  to  the  Year  1828,"  (4  vols.,  1867.)  This  work 
treats,  among  other  subjects,  of  the  causes  and  events  of 
the  separation  which  occurred  in  the  Society  in  1827-28. 
The  writer  belonged  to  the  anti-orthodox  division  of  the 
Quakers ;  and,  though  not  professing  strict  impartiality, 
he  evinced,  in  his  treatment  of  this  delicate  and  difficult 
subject,  great  moderation,  a  scrupulous  regard  for  the 
facts  of  the  case,  and,  on  the  whole,  a  liberal  and  kindly 
spirit.  He  was  a  highly-esteemed  minister  of  the  So- 
ciety of  which  he  was  a  member.  Early  in  1869  he  was 
appointed  by  President  Grant  superintendent  of  Indian 
affairs  in  the  Northern  Superintendency.  Died  April  30, 

Jannicke,  yen'nik-keh,  QOHANN  FRIEDRICH,)  a  Ger- 
man author,  born  at  Frankfort-on-the-Main,  January  7, 
1831.  He  became  a  prominent  railway  official.  He 
published  "  Hand-Book  of  Aquarelle-Painting,"  "  Hand- 
Book  of  Oil-Painting,"  "  Principles  of  Ceramic  Art," 
"  Summary  of  the  Literature  of  Ceramics,"  and  other 
works,  partly  on  entomology. 

Janozki,  ya-nozh'kee,  or  Janotzkt  yj-nots'kee, 
sometimes  written  Janisck,  (JOHN  DANIEL,)  a  Polish 
or  Russian  author,  born  at  Viborg  in  1720.  He  was 
appointed  superintendent  of  the  Zaluski  Library  at 
Warsaw.  Among  his  works,  which  principally  relate 
to  the  literature  of  Poland,  are  "  Letters  on  Criticism," 
"A  Dictionary  of  the  Living  Authors  of  Poland,"  and 
"Polish  Literature  of  our  Time."  Died  in  1786. 

J.uisemiu.     See  JASMIN. 

Jansen,  jan'sen  or  yan'sen,  or  Jan-se'nl-us,  [Dutch 
pron.  yan-sa'ne-us,]  (CoRNELiS,)  Bishop  of  Ypres,  cele- 
brated as  the  founder  of  the  sect  of  Jansenists,  born  near 
Leerdam,  in  Holland,  in  October,  1585.  He  pursued  his 
studies  at  Paris,  and  in  1617  was  chosen  professor  of  di- 
vinity in  the  University  of  Louvain.  About  1634  he  bitterly 
attacked  the  French  government,  in  his  "  Mars  Gallicus," 
for  having  formed  a  treaty  of  alliance  with  the  Dutch  Prot- 
estants. This  provoked  the  enmity  of  Cardinal  Richelieu, 
but  obtained  the  favour  of  the  King  of  Spain,  who  raised 
Jansenius  to  the  see  of  Ypres  in  1635.  His  principal 
production  was  entitled  "  Augustinus,"  (Louvain,  1640,) 
m  which  he  advocated  the  doctrines  of  Saint  Augustine 
in  regard  to  the  atonement,  divine  grace,  free  will,  and 
predestination.  This  work  was  finished  a  short  time 
previous  to  his  death,  in  1638,  and  by  his  will  he  referred 
it  to  the  judgment  of  the  Holy  See ;  but  his  executors 
published  the  book,  and  suppressed  that  part  of  the  will 
which  related  to  it.  The  opinions  which  he  advocated 
were  directly  opposed  to  those  advanced  by  the  Jesuits, 
who  made  great  efforts  to  obtain  a  decision  against  them 
by  the  pope.  Finally  the  bishops  of  France  reduced  the 
doctrines  of  Jansenius  to  five  propositions  for  condemna- 
tion,— viz. :  I.  That  there  are  divine  precepts  which  good 
men  are  unable  to  obey  for  want  of  God's  grace,  although 
desirous  to  do  so.  2.  That  no  person  can  resist  the  in- 
fluence of  divine  grace  when  bestowed.  3.  That  for 
human  actions  to  be  meritorious,  it  is  not  requisite  that 
they  should  be  exempt  from  necessity,  but  only  from 
constraint  4.  That  the  Semi-Pelagians  err  grievously  in 
maintaining  that  the  human  will  is  endowed  with  power 
of  either  receiving  or  resisting  the  aids  and  influences 
of  preventive  grace.  5.  That  whoever  maintains  that 
Jesus  Christ  made  expiation  by  his  sufferings  and  death 
for  the  sins  of  all  mankind  is  a  Semi-Pelagian.  Innocent 
X.  condemned  the  first  four  of  these  propositions  as 
simply  heretical,  but  the  last  as  rash,  impious,  and  in- 
jurious to  the  Supreme  Being.  Many  bulls  were  also 
issued  by  the  succeeding  popes,  by  which  the  Jansenists, 

several  of  whom  were  among  the  most  learned  and  emi- 
nent ecclesiastics  of  France,  were  deprived  of  office  and 
declared  to  be  heretics.  Louis  XIV.,  at  the  instigation 
of  his  Jesuit  confessor,  ordered  them  to  be  persecuted 
and  their  monastery  at  Port-Royal  to  be  suppressed. 
Notwithstanding  these  attempts  to  crush  them,  the  Jan- 
senists continued  to  increase,  comprising  among  their 
champions  Pascal,  Arnauld,  Nicole,  and  many  other 
celebrated  men. 

See  LKYDHCKHR,  "Historia  Jansenismi,"  1695;  BAYLB,  "His- 
torical and  Critical  Dictionary;"  SAINTH-BKUVB,  "Port- Royal," 
tomes  i.,  ii. ;  HEESBR,  "  Histonsch  Verhaal  van  de  Geboorte,  Leven, 
etc  van  C.  Jansenius,"  1727:  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge"n&ale." 

Janseu,  yan'sen,  (HENDRIK,)  a  noted  writer  and  trans- 
lator, born  at  the  Plague  in  1741.  He  fixed  his  residence 
in  Paris  about  1770,  where  he  became  librarian  to  Tal- 
leyrand. His  works  were  chiefly  of  a  historical  and 
philosophical  character.  Died  in  1812. 

Jansenius.     See  JANSEN. 

Jansenius,  yan-sa'ne-us,  (CORNELIS,)  a  learned  Flem- 
ish ecclesiastic,  born  at  Hulst  in  1510.  In  1568  he  was 
ordained  first  Bishop  of  Ghent.  Of  his  works  we  may 
mention  "  Concord  of  the  Evangelists,"  and  a  "  Para- 
phrase on  the  Psalms."  Died  in  1576. 

Jansenius,  (JAKOB,)  a  Dutch  scholar,  born  at  Am- 
sterdam in  1547,  became  in  1595  regius  professor  of  the- 
Sacred  Scriptures  at  Louvain.  Among  his  works  are 
Expositions  of  the  Prophet  Job,  of  the  Psalms  of  David, 
and  of  the  Gospel  of  John.  Died  in  1625. 

Janson,  yan'son,  (KRISTOFFER  NAGEL,)  a  Norwegian 
poet,  born  at  Bergen,  May  5,  1841.  He  published  sev- 
eral volumes  of  poetry  and  novels,  including  "  Torgrim," 
(1862,)  "Fraa  Bygdom,"  (1865,)  "Han  og  ho,"  (1868,) 
and  "  Norske  Digt,"  ( 1 867.)  He  wrote  "  Fra  Dansketidi," 
(1875,)  a  novel,  and  other  works,  including  the  strongly 
effective  drama  "A  Woman's  Fate,"  (1879.)  In  1882 
he  became  a  Unitarian  preacher,  removed  to  the  United 
States  in  1884,  and  returned  to  Norway  in  1893. 

Janson  or  Jenson,  zh8N's6N',  (NICOLAS,)  a  French 
engraver,  printer,  and  type-founder,  settled  in  Venice 
about  1470.  He  produced  there  a  number  of  celebrated 
editions  between  1470  and  1480.  He  is  called  the  in- 
ventor of  the  Roman  type  now  generally  used.  Died 
about  1481. 

Janssen,  ylns'sen,  or  John'son,  (CORNELIS,)  a  noted 
artist,  born  in  Amsterdam  in  1590.  In  1618  he  visited 
England,  where  he  was  employed  by  James  I.  to  paint 
the  portraits  of  the  royal  family.  He  was  also  patronized 
by  the  nobility.  He  possessed  neither  the  freedom  nor  the 
grace  of  Van  Dyck,  but  in  other  respects  was  regarded  as 
his  equal,  and  m  finishing  was  considered  even  superior 
to  him.  His  carnations  have  been  particularly  admired ; 
and  his  pictures  yet  retain  their  original  lustre,  in  conse- 
quence perhaps  of  the  ultramarine  which  he  used.  Died 
in  1665. 

Janssen,  ylns'sen,  (JOHANNES,)  MONSIGNOR,  a  Ger- 
man priest  and  historian,  born  at  Xanten,  April  10,  1829. 
He  was  educated  at  Louvain,  Bonn,  and  Berlin,  and  in 
1880  was  made  a  prothonotary  to  the  pope.  Among  his 
numerous  works  is  a  "  History  of  the  German  People," 
(1876;  3d  vol.,  1884,)  written  from  the  ultramontane 
stand-point.  Died  December  23,  1891. 

Janssen,  (PETER,)  a  German  historical  and  por- 
trait-painter, born  in  1844.  He  became  director  of 
the  Academy  at  Diisseldorf  in  1895. 

Janssen,  (PIERRE  JULES  CESAR,)  a  French  as- 
tronomer and  physicist,  born  at  Paris,  February  22, 
1824.  He  held  professorships  in  the  Lycee  Charle- 
magne and  the  Ecole  speciale  d'Architecture,  and  in 
1875  was  appointed  director  of  the  observatory  at 
Meudon.  In  1892  he  founded  a  meteorological  ob- 
servatory at  the  top  of  Mont  Blanc. 

Janssens,  ylns'sens,(ABRAHAM,)  a  celebrated  painter, 
born  at  Antwerp  in  1569.  His  designs  were  elegant  and 
spirited.  He  was  a  good  colorist,  and  a  rival  of  Rubens. 
He  excelled  in  painting  subjects  illuminated  by  torches, 
where  the  brilliant  light  and  deepest  shade  were  placed 
in  a  striking  contrast.  His  most  important  works  are 
the  "  Resurrection  of  Lazarus,"  and  a  "  Descent  from  the 
Cross."  Died  at  Antwerp  in  1631. 

«as/&;  gass;  ghard;  gas/;  G,  H,  ^giMural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  sasz;  th  as  in  this.     (JE^="See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




Jans'sens,  (Dutch  pron.  yans'sens,)  (FRANCIS,)  D.D., 
a  Roman  Catholic  bishop,  born  at  Tilburg,  Netherlands, 
October  17,  1843.  He  was  educated  at  the  American 
College,  Louvain,  was  ordained  a  Catholic  priest  in  1867, 
and  came  to  America  in  1868.  He  was  appointed  Vicar- 
General  of  Richmond,  Va.,  in  1872,  Bishop  of  Natchezin 
iSSi.and  Archbishop  of  Louisiana  in  iSSS.  Died  in  1897. 

Janssena,  (JAN  WILLEM,)  a  distinguished  Dutch 
general,  born  at  Nymwegen  in  1762.  In  1802  ha  was 
appointed  governor  and  general-in-chief  of  the  colony  of 
the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  where  he  was  defeated  by  the 
English,  who  took  possession  of  that  country  in  1806. 
After  the  abdication  of  Louis  Bonaparte,  under  whom 
he  had  held  the  office  of  minister  of  war,  Napoleon  made 
him  Governor-General  of  Holland  and  the  East  Indies. 
In  this  capacity  he  bravely  defended  Batavia  against  the 
Englishjn  iSn,  but  was  finally  obliged  to  surrender. 
Died  in  1835. 

Janssens,  (VICTOR  HONORIUS,)  a  noted  Flemish 
painter,  born  at  Brussels  in  1664.  He  studied  in  Rome 
the  works  of  Raphael,  selected  Albano  for  his  model, 
and  excelled  all  his  contemporaries  in  that  style.  At 
the  expiration  of  eleven  years  he  returned  to  Brussels, 
where  he  painted  numerous  large  pictures  for  palaces 
and  churches.  Died  in  1739. 

Janazopn.    See  KOSTER. 

Januario.    See  JANUARIUS. 

Jan-u-a'rI-us,  [Fr.  JANVIER,  zhdN've-4';  It.  JANUA- 
RIO, ya-noo-a're-o,]  SAINT,  Bishop  of  l^enevento,  was 
beheaded  during  the  persecution  of  Diocletian,  about 
305.  A  cathedral  was  erected  over  his  grave  at  Naples, 
where  it  is  believed  that  his  blood  exerts  great  power  in 
checking  the  eruptions  of  Vesuvius. 

Ja'nus,  an  ancient  Latin  deity,  represented  with  two 
faces.  He  was  regarded  as  the  opener  of  the  day  and 
as  having  charge  of  the  gates  of  heaven.  He  seems  to 
have  presided  over  the  commencement  of  enterprises. 
The  word  Janua  ("  gate")  is  said  by  some  to  have  been 
derived  from  him ;  also  the  name  of  the  month  January. 
The  temple  of  Janus  Quirinus  at  Rome  was  kept  open 
in  time  of  war  and  closed  during  peace.  It  has  been 
conjectured  by  some  scholars  that  the  name  and  attri- 
butes of  Janus  may  be  traced  to  Ganesa,  (or  Ganesha,) 
the  Hindoo  deity  of  prudence  and  circumspection,  who, 
among  his  other  offices,  had  those  of  presiding  over  the 
commencement  of  undertakings,  guarding  gates  and 
doors,  etc. 

See  GUJGNIAUT,  "  Religions  de  1'Antiquite1,"  Paris,  1825-29,  vol. 
ii.  book  v.  sect  2,  chap.  iii. ;  KEIGHTLBY,  "  Mythology." 

Janvier.    See  JANUARIUS. 

Janvier,  zhoN've-4',  (ANTIDE,)  an  ingenious  and  cele- 
brated horologist,  was  born  at  Saint-Claude,  in  France, 
in  1751.  He  invented  numerous  improvements  for 
watches  and  for  different  kinds  of  astronomical  appa- 
ratus. In  1784  he  became  watchmaker  to  the  king. 
Died  in  1835. 

Janvier,  (Dom  RENE  AMBROISE,)  a  learned  French 
monk,  born  in  1614.  He  made  a  Latin  translation  of 
the  "  Rabbi  David  Kimchi's  Hebrew  Commentary  on 
the  Psalms."  Died  in  1682. 

Janvier,  (THOMAS  ALLIBONE,)  an  American 
author,  born  at  Philadelphia  in  1849.  He  has  pub- 
lished "Stories  of  Old  New  Spain,"  "The  Aztec 
Treasure  House,"  "The  Uncle  of  an  Angel,"  etc. 

His  sister,  MARGARET  THOMSON  JANVIER  (pen- 
name  Margaret  Vandergrift,)  has  published  a  num- 
ber of  juvenile  stories  and  "  A  Dead  Doll  and  Other 

Japet    See  IAPETUS. 

Japetus.    See  IAPETUS. 

Ja'pheth,  [Heb.  n3\]  a  patriarch,  one  of  the  three 
sons  of  Noah,  and  the  supposed  ancestor  of  the  Cauca- 
sian race.  (See  IAPETUS.) 

See  Genesis  vi,  vii.,  be. 

Japix,  Japicx,  or  Japiks,  yj'piks,  (GvsBERT,)  a 
celebrated  Frisian  poet,  born  at  Bolsward  in  1603.  But 
few  incidents  in  his  early  life  are  known.  Japix  was  the 
first,  and  in  fact  the  only,  writer  in  Frisian  of  any  note  of 
that  period,  or  as  late  as  1763,  as  we  are  told  by  Bos- 
well.  Died  in  1776. 

Japp,  jSp,  (ALEXANDER  HAY,)  LL.D.,  a  Scottish 
author,  known  by  the  pseudonym  of  H.  A.  PAGE.  He 
was  born  at  Dun,  near  Montrose,  in  1839,  and  graduated 
at  the  University  of  Edinburgh.  He  was  editor  of  the 
"  Sunday  Magazine."  His  works  include  "  Lives"  of 
Hawthorne,  (1870,)  De  Quincey,  (1877,)  and  Thoreau, 
(1878,)  " Golden  Lives,"(i87i.)  "  Noble  Workers,"(i873,) 
"German  Life  and  Literature,"  "De  Quincey  Me- 
morials," (1891,)  "  Hours inMyGarden, "(1893, )etc. 

Jaquelot     See  JACQUELOT. 

Jaquotpt,  zht'ko'to',  (MARIE  VICTOIRE,)  a  skilful 
French  painter  on  porcelain,  born  in  Paris  in  1778.  She 
copied  several  works  of  Raphael  on  porcelain,  and 
painted  the  dessert-service  presented  by  Napoleon  I.  to 
the  Czar  of  Russia  after  the  peace  of  Tilsit.  Died  in  1855. 

Jarchi,  zhaVshe',  (SOLOMON  BEN  ISAAC,)  sometimes 
called  Raschi,  a  distinguished  Jewish  writer,  born  at 
Troyes,  in  France,  about  1040.  After  finishing  his  edu- 
cation at  the  Jewish  Academy  in  that  city,  he  travelled 
through  Egypt,  Western  Asia,  Greece,  Russia,  and  Ger- 
many. On  his  return  to  France  he  wrote  Annotations 
on  the  Five  Books  of  Moses,  the  Mishna,  and  the  Gemara, 
These  works  obtained  a  high  reputation,  and  procured 
for  the  author  the  title  of  "  Prince  of  Commentators." 
Died  in  1105. 

Jardin  or  Jardyn.    See  Du  JARDIN. 

Jar' dine,  (GEORGE,)  born  in  Lanarkshire,  Scotland, 
in  1742,  was  professor  of  logic  in  the  University  of  Glas- 
gow from  1774  to  1824,  and  made  improvements  in  tha 
mode  of  teaching.  He  published  "Outlines  of  Philo- 
sophical Education,"  (18:8.)  Died  in  1827. 

See  CHAMBERS,  "  Biographical  Dictionary  of  Eminent  Scotsmen  ;" 
"Monthly  Review"  for  July,  1819. 

Jardine,  (Sir  WILLIAM,)  a  Scottish  naturalist,  born 
in  Edinburgh  about  1800.  He  studied  botany,  orni- 
thology, etc.  He  published,  besides  other  works,  "  Illus- 
trations of  Ornithology,"  (3  vols.,  1829-45.)  He  was 
one  of  the  authors  of  the  "Naturalist's  Library,"  (40 
vols.,  1833-43,)  and  joint  editor  of  the  "Edinburgh  Phi- 
losophical Journal."  Died  November  21,  1874. 

Jardinier,  zhtR'de'ne-i',  (CLAUDE  DONAT,)  a  French 
engraver,  born  in  Paris  in~f  726.  Among  his  works  is  the 
"  Virgin  and  the  Infant  Jesus,"  from  C.  Maratta.  Died 

in  1774- 

Jardins,  des,  da  zhtR'daN',  (MARIE  CATHERINE,) 
MADAME  DE  VILLEDIEU,  a  talented  and  profligate  French 
authoress,  was  born  in  1640.  She  removed  to  Paris, 
where  she  supported  herself  by  writing  romances  and 
dramas.  Her  works  were  quite  successful,  and,  not- 
withstanding her  very  exceptionable  conduct,  she  was 
much  courted  by  persons  of  distinction.  Her  active 
and  vivid  imagination  produced  a  new  era  in  French 
romances,  changing  their  old  and  tedious  style  into  that 
of  the  modern  novel.  Died  in  1683. 

Jard-Fanvillier,  zhiR'pfiN've'ye-i',  (Louis  ALEX- 
ANDRE,)  a  French  politician,  born  near  Niort  in  1757. 
In  1792  he  was  elected  to  the  National  Convention, 
where  he  distinguished  himself  by  his  bold  defence  of 
the  king.  Napoleon  created  him  baron  of  the  empire 
and  president  of  the  court  of  exchequer.  Died  in  1822. 

Jardyn  or  Jardin,  (KAREL  DE.)     See  DUJARDIN. 

Jarnac,  de,  dehzhjR'ntk',  (Gui  CHABOT,)  SEIGNEUR, 
a  French  soldier,  who  in  1547  killed  La  Chateigneraye 
in  a  duel  which  was  fought  in  the  presence  of  King  Henry 
II.  Died  about  1560. 

See TAVANNES,  "  Me'moires ;"  BRANTOME,  "Me'moires,"  tomeiii. 

Jainowich,  yaR'no-vik',  or  Giornovichi,  joR-no- 
veeTcee,  (GIOVANNI  MARIA,)  a  celebrated  and  eccentric 
violinist,  born  at  Palermo,  Sicily,  in  1745.  He  spent 
several  years  in  France,  Prussia,  and  England.  He  sub- 
sequently visited  Saint  Petersburg,  where  he  died  in  1804. 

Jaroslaf.    See  YAROSLAF. 

Jar'rett,  (THOMAS,)  an  English  philologist  and  cler- 
gyman, born  in  I  So;,  graduated  at  Cambridge  in  1827. 
He  published  "  A  New  Hebrew  Lexicon,"  "  A  Sketch 
of  Sanscrit  Grammar,"  (1875,)  etc-  Died  March  7,  1882. 

Jarrige,  zhi'rezh',  (PIERRE,)  a  French  Jesuit,  born  at 
Tulle  in  1605.  He  embraced  Protestantism,  and  wrote 
a  work  against  the  society  of  which  he  had  been  a  mem- 
ber, entitled  "The  Jesuits  upon  the  Scaffold ;"  but  sub- 

a,  e.  I,  o,  u,  y,  long;  a,  e,  6,  same,  less  prolonged;  a,  e,  1, 5,  u,  jf,  short;  a,  e,  j,  9,  obscure;  far,  fill,  fat;  m?t;  not;  good;  moon; 




sequently  he  was  reconciled  to  them,  and  published  a 
refutation  of  his  previous  work.  Died  in  1660. 

Jarry,  zhi're',  (NICOLAS,)  a  French  calligraphist,  born 
in  Paris  about  1620,  was  famous  for  the  beauty  of  his 

Jarry,  du,  dii  zht're',  (LAURENT  JuUhard— zhii-e'- 
yaV,)  a  celebrated  ecclesiastic,  poet,  and  orator,  born 
near  Saintes,  in  France,  about  1658.  He  went  to  Paris, 
where  he  was  patronized  by  Bossuet  and  the  Due  de 
Montausier.  In  1714  he  gained  a  poetical  prize  at  the 
French  Academy  over  Voltaire  and  other  competitors. 
He  wrote  "The  Evangelical  Ministry,  or  Reflections 
upon  the  Eloquence  of  the  Pulpit,"  (1726,)  "Poems, 
Christian,  Heroic,  and  Moral,"  and  several  other  works. 
Died  in  1730. 

See  MoKiRi,  "  Dictionnaire  Historique." 

Jars,  zhiR,  (GABRIEL,)  a  distinguished  mineralogist, 
and  member  of  the  French  Academy  of  Sciences,  born 

same  purpose.  He  died  in  1 769,  leaving  manuscripts  from 
which  his  brother  compiled  "Observations  upon  a  Great 
Number  of  Gold  and  Silver  Mines,"  (3  vols.,  1774-81.) 
See  QUBRARD,  "La  France  Litte'raire." 

Jars,  de,  deh  zhtR,  (FRANgois  DE  Rochechouart— 
rosh'shoo-f  R',)  CHEVALIER,  a  French  officer  and  cour- 
tier. He  was  arrested  by  Cardinal  Richelieu  in  1632, 
because  he  refused  to  give  evidence  in  the  prosecution 
of  his  friend  Chateauneuf,  keeper  of  the  seals.  After 
an  imprisonment  of  eleven  months  in  the  Bastille,  and 
twenty-four  examinations,  during  which  nothing  could 
be  extorted  from  him  that  would  criminate  Chateauneuf, 
he  was  convicted  on  false  evidence  and  sentenced  to 
death.  A  reprieve,  however,  arrived  from  the  king  after 
Jars  had  placed  his  head  upon  the  block.  He  obtained 
his  liberty  after  a  long  imprisonment  Died  in  1670. 

See  RICHELIEU,  "Memoires." 

Jar'ves,  (JAMES  JACKSON,)  a  writer  and  traveller,  born 
in  Boston,  Massachusetts,  in  1818.  He  produced,  besides 
other  works,  a  "  History  of  the  Hawaiian  or  Sandwich 
Islands,"  (1843,)  "Scenes  and  Scenery  in  the  Sandwich 
Islands, "(1844,)  "Art  Hints,"  (1855,)  afterwards  enlarged 
and  republished  as  "  Art  Studies,"  "  The  Art  Idea,  Sculp- 
ture, Painting,  and  Architecture  in  America,"  (1865,) 
"  Art  Thoughts,"  (1869,)  and  "  Italian  Rambles,"  (1883.) 
Died  in  Switzerland  in  1888. 

Jar'vis,  (ABRAHAM,)  D.D.,  Bishop  of  the  Protestant 
Episcopal  Church,  was  born  at  Norwalk,  in  Connecticut, 
m  !739-  He  graduated  at  Yale  in  1761,  and  became 
Bishop  of  Connecticut  in  1797.  Died  in  1813. 

Jarvis,  (EDWARD,)  M.D.,  an  American  statistician, 
born  at  Concord,  Massachusetts,  January  9,  1803.  He 
graduated  at  Harvard  College  in  1826,  and  took  his  pro- 
fessional degree  at  the  Massachusetts  Medical  School  in 
1830.  Among  his  works  are  "  Practical  Physiology," 
(1848,)  "Primary  Physiology,"  (1849,)  and  other  school- 
books  on  physiology  and  health,  besides  a  large  number 
of  reports,  memorials,  tables,  and  other  papers  regarding 
public  health,  mortality-rates,  education,  longevity,  in- 
crement of  population,  insanity,  and  other  matters  per- 
taining to  state  medicine.  Died  October  31,  1884. 

Jar'vis,  (JOHN,)  an  artist,  born  in  Dublin  about  1749, 
had  a  great  reputation  for  his  paintings  on  glass  and  his 
exquisite  manner  of  finishing  single  subjects.  Among 
his  principal  works  is  the  west  window  of  New  College 
Chapel,  Oxford,  from  a  design  of  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds. 
Died  in  1804. 

Jarvis,  (JOHN  WESLEY,)  a  distinguished  artist,  born 
in  the  north  of  England  in  1780,  came  at  an  early  age  to 
New  York,  where  he  gained  a  high  reputation  by  his 
portraits.  He  was  also  noted  for  his  eccentricities  and 
genial  humour.  Died  January  12,  1840. 

See  DUNLAF,  "Rise  and  Progress  of  the  Arts  of  Design  in 
America;"  TUCKBRMAN,  "  Book  of  the  Artists. M 

Jarvis,  (SAMUEL  FARMER,)  D.D.,  LL.D.,  an  Ameri- 
can clergyman  and  author,  son  of  Bishop  Jarvis,  was 
born  in  Middletown,  Connecticut,  in  1786.  He  graduated 
at  Yale  in  1805,  and  was  for  some  time  professor  of 
Oriental  literature  in  Washington  (now  Trinity)  College 

at  Hartford,  and  from  1837  to  1842  was  rector  of  Christ 
Church  in  his  native  town.  He  wrote  "  A  Chronological 
Introduction  to  the  History  of  the  Church,"  etc.,  (1845,) 
and  "  The  Church  of  the  Redeemed ;  or,  The  History 
of  the  Mediatorial  Kingdom,"  (1850.)  Died  in  1851. 

Jasikov  or  Ja2Jkov.    See  YAZIKOF. 

Jasmin,  zhis'maN',  or  Jansemin,  zhSNSs'maN', 
(JACQUES  or  JAQUOU,)  the  "Barber  Poet  of  Agen,"  born 
at  that  town  in  1798.  His  poems,  which  are  written 
in  the  Proven9al  patois,  enjoy  the  highest  popularity  in 
France,  and  display  great  powers  of  humour  and  pathos, 
with  a  charming  simplicity  of  diction.  Among  the  most 
admired  are  "The  Curl-Papers,"  ("Los  Papillotos,") 
and  "The  Blind  Girl  of  Castel-Cnillc*,"  ("L'Abuglo  de 
Castel-Cuille'.")  The  latter  has  been  translated  into 
English  by  Longfellow.  Died  in  1864. 

See  SAINTE-BEUVE,  "Causeries  du  Lundi;"  "  Nouvelle  Biogra- 
phic Generate ;"  "  Foreign  Quarterly  Review"  for  October,  1849. 

Ja'son,  [Gr.  'laowv,]  a  semi-fabulous  Greek  hero,  cele- 
brated as  the  leader  of  the  Argonautic  expedition,  which 
was  supposed  to  have  occurred  before  the  siege  of  Troy. 
The  Argonauts  went  to  Colchis  to  fetch  a  golden  fleece 
which  was  guarded  by  a  dragon.  Jason  succeeded  in 
this  enterprise  by  the  aid  of  Medea,  a  sorceress,  whom 
he  married.  (See  MEDEA.) 

Jason,  tyrant  of  Pheras,  and  chief  magistrate  of  Thes- 
saly,  was  ambitious  and  enterprising.  He  obtained 
control  of  Thessaly  in  374  B.C.,  and  aspired  to  be  master 
of  all  Greece.  He  was  assassinated  in  369  B.C. 

Jas'per,  (\\'ILLIAM,)  (known  in  history  as  SERGEANT 
JASPER,)  a  brave  soldier  of  the  American  Revolution, 
born  in  South  Carolina  about  1750.  When  the  American 
flag  was  shot  away  in  the  attack  on  Fort  Moultrie,  June 
28,  1776,  he  leaped  outside  the  walls  of  the  fort,  amidst 
a  perfect  storm  of  cannon-shot,  replaced  the  flag,  and 
returned  to  his  post  without  injury.  For  this  gallant 
service  Governor  Rutledge  presented  to  him  his  own 
sword.  He  afterwards  served  with  distinction  under 
Marion,  and  was  killed  at  Savannah  in  October,  1779- 

Jastrow,  yis'trov,  (MARCUS  MORDECAI,)  Ph.D.,  a 
Jewish  scholar,  born  at  Rogasen,  Prussian  Poland,  June 
5,  1829.  He  studied  at  Posen,  Berlin,  and  Halle,  grad- 
uating at  the  latter  university  in  1856,  was  preacher  at 
Warsaw,  1858-62,  and  rabbi  at  Mannheim,  Warsaw,  and 
Worms,  1862-66,  in  which  year  he  removed  to  the  United 
States  and  became  a  rabbi  in  Philadelphia.  His  prin- 
cipal works  are  "  Lectures,"  in  Polish,  (1862,)  "Jewish 
Laws,"  in  Polish,  (1859,)  "Four  Hundred  Years  of  Jew- 
ish History,"  (1865,)  "  Episodes  of  Jewish  History,"  and 
a  "Complete  Talmudic  Dictionary,"  a  colossal  work. 
not  yet  finished, 

Jaszay,  ya'si,  (PAUL,  or  PAL,)  a  Hungarian  historian, 
born  at  Szant6  in  1809.  He  became  a  secretary  to  the 
Batthyanyi  ministry,  and  died  in  1852.  He  wrote  two 
valuable  histories, — "The  History  of  the  Hungarian 
People  after  the  Battle  of  Mohacs,"  (1846,  incomplete,) 
and  "  History  of  the  Hungarian  People  from  the  Oldest 
Times  to  the  Publication  of  the  Golden  Bull,"  (1855.) 

Jaubert,  zhoTjaiR',  (FRANC.OIS,)  COMTE,  a  French 
lawyer,  born  at  Condom  in  1758.  In  1804  he  became 
president  of  the  Tribunate.  In  1806  he  was  appointed 
councillor  of  state.  Died  in  1822. 

Jaubert,  (HIPPOLYTE  FRANC.OIS,)  a  French  minister 
of  state,  and  naturalist,  a  nephew  of  the  preceding,  was 
born  in  Paris  in  1798.  He  became  minister  of  public 
works  in  1840.  He  published  "  Illustrationes  Plantarum 
Orientalium,"  (2  vols.,  1842-46.)  Died  Dec.  5,  1874. 

See  "  NouveUe  Biographic  Ge'ne'rale." 

Jaubert,  (PIERRE  AMEDEE  EMILIEN  PROBE,)  a  French 
Orientalist,  born  in  Provence  in  1779,  accompanied  Na- 
poleon to  Egypt  as  first  secretary-interpreter  in  1799. 
He  was  appointed,  after  his  return,  professor  of  Persian 
in  the  College  of  France,  was  elected  to  the  Academy 
of  Inscriptions  in  1830,  and  made  a  peer  of  France  in 
1841.  He  contributed  to  the  "Journal  Asiatique,"  and 
wrote  a  number  of  learned  works.  Died  in  1847. 

See  E.  BIOT,  "Notice  biographique  sur  M.  Jaubert ;" QUBRARD, 
"La  France  Litteraire." 

Jaucourt,  de,  deh  zho'kooR',  (ARNAIL  FRANCOIS,) 
MARQUIS,  a  French  politician,  born  in  Paris  in  1757, 
was  a  moderate  member  of  the  Legislative  Assembly 

t;  9  as*;  ghard;  gas/;G,  H,  K.,  guttural;  N,  nasal;  R,  trilled;  sasz;  th  as  in  this.     (JEg^See  Explanations,  p.  23.) 




in  1791.  In  Jane,  1814,  he  acted  as  minister  of  foreign 
affairs  in  the  absence  of  Talleyrand.  He  founded  the 
Protestant  Bible  Society  of  Paris.  Died  in  1852. 

Jauoourt,  de,  (Louis,)  CHEVALIER,  an  accomplished 
French  writer  and  scholar,  born  in  Paris  in  1704.  He 
studied  at  Geneva,  Cambridge,  and  Leyden,  and  was  a 
pupil  of  Boerhaave  in  medicine.  He  published  in  1734 
a  "  History  of  the  Life  and  Works  of  Leibnitz,"  which 
is  much  admired.  He  wrote  many  articles  on  natural 
philosophy,  natural  history,  literature,  etc.  for  the  great 
French  Encyclopaedia  of  Diderot  His  principles  were 
more  consistent  with  the  Christian  religion  than  those 
of  the  other  Encyclopaedists.  He  wrote  a  voluminous 
Medical  Lexicon,  but  lost  the  manuscript  at  sea,  and 
contributed  largely  to  the  "  Bibliotheque  raisonne'e  des 
Ouvrages  des  Savants  de  1'Europe,"  (1728-40.)  Died 
at  Compiegne  in  1779. 

See  "Nouvelle  Biographic  Ge'nerale;"  MM.  HAAG,  "La  France 

JaufEret,  zho'fi4',  (GASPARD  JEAN  ANDRE  JOSEPH,) 
a  French  writer  on  theology,  born  in  Provence  in  1759, 
became  chaplain  to  Napoleon  about  1804,  Bishop  of  Metz 
in  1806,  and  Archbishop  of  Aix  in  1811.  Died  in  1823. 

Jauflret,  (Louis  FRANCOIS,)  a  brother  of  the  pre- 
ceding, was  born  in  Paris  in  1770.  He  was  secretary  of 
the  Academy  of  Marseilles,  and  wrote  several  valuable 
juvenile  books.  Died  about  1850. 

Jaugeon,  zho'zh6N',  (N.,)  an  able  French  mechani- 
cian, who  wrote  several  works  on  natural  history  and 
physiology.  Died  in  1725. 

Jault,  zho,  (AUGUSTIN  FRANCOIS,)  a  physician  and 
Orientalist,  born  in  Franche-Comte^  in  1700,  became 
professor  of  Greek  and  Syriac  in  the  Royal  College  at 
Paris.  He  translated  Ockley's  "  History  of  the  Sara- 
cens" (1748)  from  the  English,  and  several  medical  works 
from  the  Latin.  Died  in  1757. 

Jauregui  y  Aguilar,  de,  di  How-ra'gee  e  1-ge-laR', 
(JUAN,)  Chevalier  de  Calatrava,  a  Spanish  poet  and 
painter,  born  at  Toledo  about  1570.  In  1607  he  visited 
Rome,  where  he  studied  Italian  and  improved  himself 
in  the  art  of  painting.  He  translated  into  his  native 
tongue  the  "Pharsalia"  of  Lucan  and  the  "Aminta"  of 